REVIEW SEBURG NEWS There ia no substitute for circulation The News-Review has over 20,000 readers. I. r ft Y.Oi, 'to. 'O if In Which it Included The Evening Newt a ad The Roteburg Review jOV. So. 208. OF BOSE-'v J XVIEW. roseuviu, oreoon, thirsday. November io. 1921. voi x. No. sea, of the evemnq news. f CRAM FRIDAY MARKS THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF THE ARMISTICE i-Service Men to Stage Big Celebration Which Promises to Be One of the Best Ever Held In This County Full Day of Events Arranged by Committee. -hree years ago today, the nation Zed. worn and anxious, listened S for the news that peace had Z declared after long months ot Af struggle. Humor, of com .peace were rampant and a na 1 yearning for that peace and the of Its bravo defenders, was 1 wUh emotion as little by little If! over the slender cable span ScThe mighty ocean, the news of , wading armistice, "nomestic affair, were forgotten. -.Mtfes were practically re was one topic of conversation, "d one only. Vervent prayer, went . to heaven from mothers whoBe L and carriage spoke of the con wlng worry which burdened their ,,,, their sons faced upon the battle fWd of Flanders the ITwIiose word was but a .crap of tLr Grave father, haunted the St. that they might earlier catch Swt of information which won d m. that the sons they loved would longer be called upon to face Ihe readed danger, of war. The day was one ui irkness fell but si 111 no word of as wmce. The night wore on and "dually one by one. the watchers ft the streets and reluctantly turn 1 home without the tidings o eag ,ly awaited by the brave women at tt fireside. Midnight came and a miness. accentuated apparently by detraction, was shattered by a risking siren proclaiming to .the hmberllng city that the welcome md had come; that the war was . What happened? The next morn it long before daybreak the entire snntryslde was aroused and rattling Irrera. horses spirited with an extra sndful of oats, and aprlngless racks filled the roads leading to the Ity, each carrying a load ot rejo'c ig and enthusiastic Americans with aarta so mil of happiness that they inst find expression or burst from leer Joy. Business in the city stopped. Down u streets plowed automobiles hear ts behind them chains of rattling ... .mi nia-nlfted merchants irew their hats In the air and yell- 1 like school boys. Orators cnmo I to positions of advantage and niirofl fnnh words which were an ispiration because of the throbbing ly which produced them. Im romptu It was, yet no planned cele ration can ever hope to bring forth u utter forgetfullnes. In expression t present then. Who cared ow they acted? What matter If the dim rltiiens of the city In their (irit of exuberance turned hand (riots like a a-lddv youth? The war a over and the boys were coming ick: the armistice was signed. Tomorrow will mark the annlver- iry of that celebration. The pon loeity which marked the first occa lon may not be present tomorrow, ot in Its place will be a deeper hap Ineas, that at last peace ha. really me, the boys are home, and the rtod of adjustment i. practically er. Truly the nation ha. much to thankful for ha. much to cele rate. I Indications are that as before hun reds of people are coming to Rose- rg for the day. and rain or .nine. they are not going to be disappointed in the entertainment ottered them. The ex-service men are behind the celebration. Tbey have given out but little of their plana, but there will be plenty to keep everyone in a. good humor throughout the day. Starting off with a jazs celebra tion, the - middle name of which is "pep." the program Includes a long parade which promise, to be one of the best to be seen In this city for years. Then come, a patriotic pro gram at the armory, and in the after noon band concert, community sings machine gun demonstrations., foot ball games, stunts, dances and many other forma of entertainment. The entire program will be Interspersed with humorous events, which will furnieh plenty of fun for everyone. - It', one season of the year when everyone should rejoice. If you have a grouch get rid of it, put on your best grin, come out and have a good time. -If you celebrated then, cele brate now. Let', go. hi. very thought.. In turn with sobs of sorrow and chuckle, of glee. Al Byrne, and Hurry Stanley dance In stellar fashion. Their "spe ciality" In scene 18 perhaps attracted greater response than on any other occasion, although never once could their act by Criticized by even the most hypercritical. Mis. Gertrude Parish, as the "Maid on th Farm" in Act 1 and In the "Auto Show." proved fifer power as a songstress of no mean note. Bee Winsome and Polly Day Tied with her for leading feminine honors. The latter made quite a hit a. the per sonification of love In "Come On and Love Me." Score, of brilliant costume, and like scenery dazzle during the two dozen fantastic scenes. Better chorus work was apparent during the "Aviation Field" scene than on any other attempt. Trained to perfec tion and dressed in somewhat abbre viated but trim and pleasing cos tume, the chorus girls executed a series of intricate maneuver, with perfect co-ordination. Salt Lake Tribune. Mighty Tribute Paid to Unknown County Fruit Inspector Sums Up the Fruit Situation Throughout County. . THE WEATHER IS IDEAL Italian Delegate Is League Expert fBv United PTual WASHINGTON'. Nov. 10 In Carlo Schanzer of the Italian delegation, the Washington disarmament confer ence will have its League of Nations expert. Although the united States has succeeded In keeping Itself aloof from Mr. Wilson's child, some fifty- one other states Including every oth er big nation in the world, except Russia and Germany, have not suc ceeded In doing so. As a matter of fact the Internation al relations of all the leading nations or the world, with the above three exceptions, are now so Involved and so Interwoven with the League of Nations that no single nation Is In a position to enter freely Into other international nrolects without first determining whether these conflicts with It. duties, obligations and inter ests In the League. As a consenuence European visit ors are certain that the League of Nations Is eoing to bob up at the Washington conference. In any event. In whatever form tne .eaeue ouestion bobs up at wasn Insrton. Schanzer la here to put them right on the subject. He is Italy s League expert, lie nas oeen on- ui the Italian delegate, to both of the Trunin's assembles, and with the pos- ihia Bxeentlon of Tlttonl at the first assembly, has played a more active nrt In the league man any ouier Italian His French Is a. fluent and ainonent as his Italian, and his English only a little behind both, w. I. . tvnical example of the Ital tan .elf-made man .elf-made men In 0. A. C. Hopes to Smear Oregon Team i COP.VALLIS. Ore. Not. . Foot- 11 players of the Oregon Agrlcul rat College here have but one outfit In mind these day. and that to "smear Oregon" when they meet Jlr ancient foe. the University of T-Ron, at Eugene. November 1 B the annual state championship me. 1 Tn "Fla-MIni Areloa" nrlelnallr Jre this year to win the Pacific vonrerence title but were prae- "yany eliminated from the race "en Stanford University, In one of aaon s biggest upsets, defeated -n 14 to 7. The Aggie next Saturday meet "nln.ton State college here and If r win they will have two vfctorle na , dfeat, n the race for th northwest Conference title, the loc- t-m having defeated Willamette -'T in the season. 'pearly every O. A. C. tudent 1 ig to Eugene for lh Oregon game Md new bleacher have been erected " ";iyard Field to handle the i.nwq expected. ' Oregon team, which Is not d as strong as Oregon team, of U Dt I... I.,.. . V"'5 lately and Mrerml changes ICE (By Associated Preia). WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Great and small folk moved In an endless procession today through the rotunda of the cap. ital to pay tribute to the im known dead lying In such state as only the martyred presidents have known. Hour by hour the heaping flower, about the c a . k e t. brought by representatives of governments, states and organl- zatlona, grew mountain high and spread about the vast chamber. Flowers that bloomed In France were there and flow- era brought In all of their beau- ty from South ; Africa, nine thousand mile. away. King George of England sent a wreath. No organization of vet- eruns or patriotic people were unrepresented. ing the Alaskan portion ot the drama were staged on the high snow peak. of Mt. Hood. Hack from Portland C. S. Heinllne returned thi morn ing from Portland where be attend ed the convention of Chamber of Commerce secretaries. Mr. Hotnllne states that several plan for chamber of commerce work throughout the slate wore developed and that much good will doubtlesa result from the convention. He viewed the Douglaa county exhibit at the livestock ex position and praised Mr. C. O. Gar rett very highly for the fine showing made. No prizes were awarded for exhibits but Douglas county was giv en a check tor $150 for the display made. o- The Oregon Motor Association Is sending out some fine new road maps UNITED STATES WILL OFFER ONLY PROPOSALS ON LIMITATION NAVIES Nations of World Anxiously Await America's Announcement on Curtailing Naval Expenditures Proposals are Guarded Secret Plans Arranged. JKWKMiY STORK K011HE1I X (Bv United Proas.) PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 10 Three bandits robbed the whole- sale Jewelry house, of Zelger and Nemlrosky of 'i0,000 In diamonds and escaped. MARINES START GUARD. Open Fall Hns (ilven Apple Grower an opportunity to Apply Uio Anthracnofie Spray Or chard In fine Condition. Orchards all over the countv are being put in shape for the winter according to Fruit Inspector E. C. Armstrong. The fine fall weather ha. been ideal for orchard work and the orchard owner, have been able to accomplish a gread deal more work than usual. The apple picking has oeen practically completed, several weeks ahead of the usual time. Many thousands of boxes are yet to be packed, but the weather will have little effect upon this work, as nearly all of the fruit is off the trees. As rapidly a. possible the fruit will be packed and hauled to Roseburg or some other shipping point and then sent directly to the eastern market. The completion of the picking has given the growers an opportunity to start work on their fall or antnrac- nose spray. Spraying for anthrac- nose has been quite general In an parts of the county Mr. Armstrong sav. and the fact that there has been so much good weather, coupled with the fact that the growers nave had more time to apply the spray than formerly, ha. caused many to use this sm-ay who otherwise woum not have done so. The season for the anthracnose spray I. now quite well advanced but the fruit Inspector arivisp. that those who nave noi sprayed should do o In spite of the lateness of the season. The spray, even though applied now will have a very material effect In controlling ioe disease, Mr. Armstrong .ays. In this same connection sir. Arm strong advise, that where there are apple or pear orcnarus u . where .praying with lime aulphur Is -n..ihia durlnr tha winter, that mnnr should be applied now, The lime-sulphur spray I usually put a..-i. h. lata winter or early spring month but a many orchards are on wet land the spray cannot be .nnii.ri then. Mr. Armstrong states, and In such case should be put on at the present time. fw nr ..nttlnc out wh ch has neen 'mrv..- from this county and will soon have tne Information In this regard. Mr. Armstrong exneets to have a great deal of work to do during the winter and spring ns thousands of ew prune trees will lie brought in nd set out during the coming months. It Is surprising, he states, the amount of new orchards being set out and the prospects of the prune Industry In Dnuslas county 111 make enormous strides In the future. YOXCAM.A NEWS The celebrated Passion Piny Is to be given at Yoncnlla Snturdny. even ing. This expensive moving picture nroductlon the "Passion Plnv" which Is prominent In the world's groat performances will be at our door Sat- rdny evening. This representation of the nible, thnt Is stnged in south ern Eurone. only once in every ten years. Is full of sacred beauty. The neasant and th monarch Journev to behold It. One who saw It played Rt Oberchaln, will be present to give some explanations. Tho performance begins at 7:30 p. m. n.w ninnlnc more to acquiring culture at their own expense than to making money. . Ua waa itnrn at Vienna, m w ..... m art KniemiK i,vj . , v.- aa demitr during four differ ent legislatures. Later he became minister of POStS ana ieienriJi.a " .i n- i. vitn'a third cabinet was -....i... tha treasury. He Is pro- XT -Rrtr N-onden' ea several rai' -.p r . , . and Treaties. He i i Marcus Show is Highly Praised Everything In musical comedy. from wit to operating tables, witn . preponderance of fejnlnln. P hr' tude. Including dimpled knees. I In cluded in the combination, woven to- 1 921 which opened at the Salt Lake theater la.t night ror a mr--u., ".'..-- w a. Junlter Flnnegan V.. 1 ( I 111 w".. ----- , . , . Judkln.. appearea in s ""'"'"" the mo.t pleasing scenes .tar.. His versatility I. given ample room for presentation ana u com- "i iald that hi. effort, go far toward making the show the .ucceM It has "VVAbol. '""tier e.n-d him round arter round of applause aJ he hesitated hi way through an operat ing room comedy, an aviation field skit, and numerous other appear ance. Including a court In Reno and the roof cabaret of New York ho tel. Real appreciation though. was manlfe.ted when the bewlgged com edian exacted pon aneou . and - . -rmrnT-l DT dTTton- "rating hi. ma.ur, ; of th. violin ,n . . aa tn IMIffl mat D owners, ana a i '"""" Tnn have allowed their orchards to run . " .11 ... are In a very bad aown ui.... a,.h or snn aii- - , . lh . j tii hn nil now ii cnarun --- . kii . . . ll aralnst i.... In th lOrill UI - ! ----- 1 -. ., - nnar l.nln the Property. Noi...- ..;f.-th(i( "V le.a ib- l" ..rove,nenl ordered are mad- 7":Z.-- I" several sec . ,run" ? ..t .-ire is edvls-d "on": " .7 .hi. time of the year pruning " . (w, pmn- -...n later In th pe -- . mm annum " Eebruary. the ed no Ipspector linuld not v.-ar. P""-" A .in. II miim it , conoui""" - . j i, .ideratlon in p...... ,, the young ire.- - ,,. ,h to cause injury cold weather comM. AU are V.r good. Mr. he,n and are ver. a strong say. , ,nrt al- had a very """-'"U" e mal!er ,, the fruit m V ,nofl. thsn usual, the r'ur" .,,ve ex The prune crop I J- ;m th ,h. ,,ln. .nd it to f ,. tonnage wlll be mu Arm,trong wm fir-"- "?j. ,o nc-r. the JZZ. dauon th. fruit shipment. Weathe Into con to cut bar fBv t'nltefl Press.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Detachments of marines, com- posed of 25 men with a captain commanding, left today to guard the mails in the nation's principal cities. San Francisco and Los Angeles are the only coast cities affected. (Ry Associated Presa. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. The nrnnnaala tn I.A ninrln hv the Ameri- of this vicinity, and the Umpqua hot- can delegation to the conference on el has a number, recently received. , limitation of armament appar ently constitute the only suggestion prepared in advance a. to the ways and mean, of curtailing naval ex penditures without aacrlflce by any power of their national .ecurlty. Great Urltlan I not known to have worked out any formula. Japan is awaiting the American uggetion. France and Italy are more concerned with the land forces than the navlea. Thn American pronoaal remain a ninsnlv cruardod secret, but 11 is Land Settlement Plan For EX- known that a definite formula for tne iimiiHiiim oi n- i,n reached by Secretary Hugnes and his colleagues of the American riMorritlon and that It I. enureij practicable. It doe. not attempt to fix the denominator by whlcn an -,.tn. An. .1.1 ha divided and each l asslunen tne numuer oi L BE OPENED SOLDIERS Service Men Entitled to Bonus Being Fostered. TO DIVIDE BIG TRACTS I'lnn Is Fi.niuyl When-by Riilillcni My Tnko Itoiius and Pny for Ijtnd With Suiritl.iit I-'uihI.h Ift til Make Needed Inipniveiiieiita. Mercy, and the Spirit of Christ, the world'. Redeemer, before Whom all alike are In the uttermost need, and in Whom all alike can And an equally uttermost salvation. The conference called by onr President, to which the nation, are sending their representatives to con sider the limitation ot armaments. I. nnparalleled In Importance In all his tory, and I am aura It ha. been the burden of thought of my people from It. first announcement. We join our prayers In the fervent petitions of teus of thousanda ot Christian heart, all over this country, who, with Im portunity ask of God that through Divine Wisdom the great brain, aa well a. the great heart which are concentrated upon the most stupen dous question that has ever been be fore men, will find some way to over come the mammoth obstacle, that confront them as to the practicabil ity of the disarmament of the na tions, and evolve a plnn which .hall he a .olutlon of the problem so that this conference, momentous In It. re lationship to the progress and bene n. aimnfli the very existence of the human race, shall be a step toward "Land for every Oregon ex-eervlce man who wants It" Is tho keynote of land settlement program which will be put Into operation aa soon as The loans under Ihe Oregon bonus law are available for the ex-soldiers, according to sn announcement by tho Oregon State Chnmner of Com merce today. The Slate Chamber plan contom plates the subdivision of several large tracts of land which are now being operated as a unit, and the placing of ex-service men on these tracts armed with sufficient capital to enahln thnm to make good, ac cording to the announcement. Ah the first payment on the land will be subtracted from the loan Its. If, the ex-soldier who Is without fuids or property nt present will be aole to tnke advantage of the loan In Ihe purchase of land, according to plan built mita it rnuld maintain. The Amerl ... nrnnnsnt will deal with things as they are. Rraily fi Opening;. (R United Preaa.) WTioinVnTdV Kn. III. Wlttt foreign diplomat, thronging tne na-hBt ,)an aay when uoa .nan p tlon'. .capital ready for Saturday' H1, Treaty of Peace over all mon- rmnn mip-nlnff nay. IWO uua- arrtilea ana reoUDHCB: buu nn Hons seemed paramount: and presiaenis ana rumra ...u - hi .1... T...i..rf aia.oa as evidence Inn to algn It. i." . ... , .vi, th. a-ri-nt men-o war. rtKng 5. V errand, of dostruo,,, .all be 'wIlTThe American delegation of- commerce to enrich the world ln- . '. . .. ......... th. plenary I toa,l of death to nnpoverisu n, v ,o ..'.rcong'res. ha. asked them i" .. . .w. ,v i.onln.ia invnntion. or me miia- r. ilpralile impetus ia u "" ,,ii e both consideration, by those anx- or.y ac . '"- lou. to .ee me wiii"------- " " "" -, vercome the rar- voranlllea dangers, as wen Ruu.uua - in. that the United State, to MUU lou. enemies or hi ooori In ence. THICK A.M A I 'TO (XH.I.IDE J. I. Sprlngstead of Shady Point was Injitred last nignt wnen tne truck which he was driving collided with the touring car driven by H. Merten. local automobile distributor. Mr. Merton was coming towards Roseburg at about 6:10 and wn. pro ceeding at a moderate rate of .peed which Mr. Sprlngstead attcmptea to turn from his place alongside the blihwav into the road. Mr. Merten was watchln two car. coming oown the hill and failed to notice tne truck approaching the highway, the truck being without llgnts. accorn Ing to the statement made by Mr. Martnn tn local officers and the driv- aa altnmpt Tir tO rroSS to ine ria-tif airfo of t li o road, when his left wheel rnuflit the front end of the touring car. ll'itn nincnines w twisted and rnrrled alinnst lo the edge of the road. Mr. Sprlncstead was thrown to inn pavemeni a.i.i knocked uncnn Ions. Dr. seiner was called after th" man nan Deen re moved to his home nenrby and It s found that ho suaiainen a . . I...- k- .t.-o. , I ' 11. wimn l anil a mi" i " . . ihe body. 1H mjurle. however, are not serious. llrlefly. the plnn as outlined In the State Chamber "News Letter," Is as follows "A tract of land consisting of K00 acres, for Instance, mny bo seleoled a. i .'.A ner acre to be occupied by Iwnnl. anl.llnra .pPii. frt t i nno TiH n elv- rom latnr. r-.,-..,.T ............ - - I - .f.roniin en to thn noldlrr. nnd fenm t!i nonn in "' "" " beT faith in calling th, confer- .d , .o. v. Jh pP;,tr.rg;c.rd.PorT: . . . . i the.l i in tha treatment of gun- The conference is " ' V' " Vi .' . .nd shrapnel wound. Memorial . ". ,,, for irreuug t'. ;h of accident.: when all round th. world the hammer oi .no as It strikes against tne m. ... I. all Continental D. A. R. building. Tha 1,1 1 horseshoe tauie the ready for the d,pl1ptpe. WASHINGTON. Nov. lu-- - ,fe ,nt(ead ot I nalfour. acting n.-.u VI. ' death! delegation to tne armament confer- The Now Death! u iii - . , -in- Then the Anwir-T':.;.;; r,,Cd'.B',r,Mf.rarde,r.o.0.T,o'.r. 1 XuYn. bkVn note, "Peac. on lyd'coimiu'llng. with Ihe exception 9arlh, goodjvlenV OS TKAII. OK WHITE HLA tit i.invd Georgo, wno pr...... ha uriiinn u.-.--..-"- body is now roini..-- ,nus Thf. con. w...., - - ,0 oneyof n.000 twentyper cent wll' d wltn tn -p . , ,h, nai- "" " .kn are Portugese representatives, expected tomorrow. it he nul l the owner or the land anee of payments on an amortization t.lan Identical with the plan emniov ed hv the state under the bonus Inw After twenty per rent is pain on tha land from the 11 000 nonns thara will ha left 12 200. Of thl mnnni 11 BOO Is to he mad In the ...metlon of building and th mnk.M nf the necessary tnck an Imnlamapta. This leave a balance .... . . h . av.aprvlra man or M.u i" - .,"7..--a. i .V. -l. M.h until ne gl a: ."" "T .1 7uV ..ln. .enrd. niamriiiatiii-ui. ui nw sit-nv"-i Salvation Army . Behind Parley Tha fnrcaa nf th. SaKatlsn Army have been placed squarely behind LOS ANGELES, Nov. 10. The po le are making Btrenuous euor.. . round up a gang or wnue leged to have stolen pretty Ruth Conwell. aged 16 year. At ' nn.lgned letter to her parent, .aid the writer had been doubie-cro.-u u, --- r.mher. of the gang, and that : M would double-cro them and release th. flrl for 50U. LYDIA ENTERS CEIX. HOI BE. Not" To" Mr. Ui Southard, eonvlet.d "Biu.oearoe... today entered tne iwiw . v ThirVlrat land to be secured for K to a atatement issued by Com-1 tentlary a prtooner -i.n. .tttement itpder tho anove .,i.n I. a tra-r nf acres In the "...i, trriniilon district In rirernp arcnrdlllg Pcre navte nf the Slnte Chnmher f (his lnnd Is irrirnten ,111 ho snl.I to Ihe ex-servn " , am tn Iftft ner acre ' ' - . . . i- at. The P'i'inw rreen inn'l IS nm. Id SfCreiSrV ..iini: Familiar Scenes In "Golden TraiV ,.hw?,rX 1nn,m.n.Dw.r.a TompUt. data o. have Arm hve herlnntnz. mandar Evanrellne Booth. The tate- meirt sent broadcast proclaiming the attitude of the army I aa roiiowa: Very early In lis history me naive tlon Army became International, lo- day our territories are under every iky. our tltlej ramnie into an isn- Iguages. upon our flag the sun nevei down. Hence, naturally, our sympathies are wtlh every undortak- i. .a have mnn rea.ii i". i in inai irnna ia urma i"" . . i.ii in inih eastern nnrl wpM- tninthnr. and I do not think It If HOrSB VOTEH ACCEPTANCE. . WASHINGTON. Nov. 10.--The house today vnrnd acceptance or in senate', amendment on bo extension of the Eordney emergency tariff bill. Thl. was the last step necessary to xtend the temergency m " Ihe permsnent mil can 7u.. ind made effective. " n ,v lha llrpa thn bonus Is nl.l. An error, will if in"'"" place the soldier in um - wnien n- ... , ,Ve "The Idea or inis pm" ,re of soldiers who wish to re. . n 4h. land hut who have no nmn. , , ...I., a rirsr in.-,,' wnicn i" r . .. 1 ' .nd tha , .Ms p'm lietn ine own both the faith and Hie practice the Salvation Army have wielded no small influence toward this end. Nn people's nraver will lie more aarnast. and the confidence or nonr more commanding than those or uir officers and soldiers nf the Salvation A.,v aa thev a lit of God trial ml- There are ultma,n unon of ,n nations of the ... ... ...nlneled soldiers '. ,n. .late ,..n .d aress or innn i" earm in ;tionnns. i ..'. In BIX SEIUOIHI.Y INJURED. MULHALL. Okla., Not. 10. Six yere seriously injm-u f nthers bruised ann cut wrwn Pullmans and a day coacn on son Hi hound Santa re i"i " derailed on an embankment one ran- .outh of ber. early today. TWO TRAINS COLLIDE. j ,1,.,. are ... ... . - . . - ii f t s awalllnr setilemepr. nun - - justice anaii db nm um. 1T, .'idler, entfled to the bonus I disarmament conference, for hath He "The Gold.n Trail." th- feature attraction at the Anile', this even ing Is a thrilling drama nf Hie north. ana Novak, trie beautiful screen ai ... ncrhin. has never had s charac terisation that suited her charming personality more than that provided by "The Golden Trail." Th- drama was . .... 1 if.-nrraph company or Portland. OreEon. and in It are shown .nn.a ... Iha mo- views that hve ever app.-are.. . ...... , of these scenes will be familiarly conne-ted with this vl. Intty The caat of this picture passed through here last year, and at that time were taking scenes for "The Golden TrTb majority of th. cns deplct- who are anxious to bet on the flVlteve that It I. lolc nd ,hi,l. to settle our idle soli enm- lands offlcln's bsv- wlth Oregon rnen . I aa-lnn l.P1,r' ' .J nlan ..rnn-ty endorsed tne prmn-. ,;7,ba detalt. sr- nnd-r cop.Jdera ,,p h" the Iirlnn land comn-lt'ee "Thl. Is precisely the lend set lo--.nMiUVs. th- Arperlean l. .. hsaheen lonVlne ; f or .' -e "ed K J. t beautiful mountain i rivers. Rin'e Adin vnwn funds or property can buy In" ndr I'Z nlnPl '-'I've thai catltase of th -' '''" h. loan rather than the cash undrjhe bonus. MARSHALL, Texas. Not. 10. One a.-inm.n la rennrtea misania; not made of one blood all Ihe nations! ,.,, ( pasaen.ers were .llghtlv ln- of men? . Th. Arniv nas Willies-" th. marvelou. transformation, my" Th. work of listing '":, ot . ...... nt rii.d In all peopn ..... i .h.1. laalnusT. that greed a l..n apnn. I .r.iril''"" other, that fosters division and en- ..nj.,f. .irlfa ren Being tnem vj principles of Justice, the Ive lured In a headon collision early to day of a westbound Texa raemc passenger train ana an rai..u..u frelelit train seven mur. . Longvelw. Th. pasaenger tram ern'led .no ins. ui.nn . . i - . . ImmM smashed ana inr - land al.llalda for settlement nndei .1.1. ..Ian and a nt,f.i le,1 Rt the TOC hoimm nrlce la nlng forwsrd rapid ly aernrdlnv to officials of the State (tianilter. and It Is expected that sev eral thousand acre, will be ready for the soldiers when the bonus is .a..-able. "rl UMKTfM FDOTTIALIj GAME. k . . ... a ..... The News-Hoview win tin th. results of the O. A. C- football game tomorrow afterauon by quarter. - a maas ia u, -ap.