ROrTBTJrtrt InrWH-RBVTBW, TrTBDAT, kovembek , 1881. PACM Kit 'TamTsee OUR NEW MODELS NOW! J I GOOD SHOES ! 5 WE HAVE THKM 4 IN ALL GRADES All Styles in Felt & Satin Slippers Dainty Designs for House Wear New Styles in Patent PUMPS Fresh from Eastern Fashion Shows BOYS SCHOOL SHOES AT THE PRICE $3.95 Our boys' shoe dept, has Just been reorganized with all grades now com plete. Anything you want at any price high cuts or low cuts dress or heavy wear. See our high cuts for Our growing girls' line is positively without comparison in the city Just as complete a stock as we have for boys. All grades and all prices see our girls' shoes for 9 I Girls BEST IX SHOES f 7 oMm $2.95 BEST IX SHOES SHOE BEIT. IX BASEMENT STATE PRESS COMMENT WATSON'S CHARGES. Senator Tom Watson of Georgia lias mado In the senate a turbulent in tuc k upon the administration of the nrmy in France declaring that American soldiers were hanged with out trial or court-martial aud shot down like dogs by officers. He has refused to submit evidence to prove his charges to a senate committee and declares that he will make his case in the open senate, and to this end lias in tire senate numerous Utters containing accusations based upon goMlp and hearsay. Ono of the Watson charges Is to the effect that twenty-one American soldiers were "hanged like dogs" on a single gallows at Gelvres, France. Army officers, in charge at Gelvres. doclaro that but one man was hanged there, and ho was trlwd and convicted of a brutal and "premedilated mur der. Concerning the charges, General Pershing declares them "the most outrageous and untrue accusations that could possibly lie mado and ab solutely without foundation." When Senator Watson's character an'l personality are considered, the charges should surprise no ono. Dur ing the war he wiv- a rabid pro-German and openly fought tho draft. He owes his politics.) success to appeals tn sn-tnl. rnclal ; nd religious prejti dices. lie is tin advocate of lyneh lmt, Is a nngto-huter, a Juw baiter and tintl-C'atbolIc, and his support comes from the worst elements of bo clely. Altogether he Is tiro- best ex nmplo of tho unl "'nnced demagogue In the senate and his presence there Is evidence of its decadence. Salem Journal. YOl It HOME PAI'F.n. "Xnlfonni snhscrllie-to-your-own-town-pnper-wet'k" begins tomorrow. The town Is Judged by Its home paper. Miii li of the effect of a hand some town hall or pretentious school building Is lost If the (own paper is 'in poverty. The effect of both Is heightened nnrl the general tone of the community Is advanced If the homo paper is sprightly, alert nnd TODAY LIBERTY THEATRE Prices 10c & 15c MATIXEE EVKIIY HAY Of Course, He Hadn't Done It I'As'n Kirk wood know her hut- liaml had not klllod tho man found In tlioir nllar with nhnd of Ktikwood'a coat and ft ct'aitMlo Htuh nearby . , May ALLISON IN The LAST CARD dors more than lmpersonaio Klsie Kirkwood: sho makes one live turotieh the young wife's desperate struggle to clear. with only the frail eapon of woman's Intuition, the name of tho limn she loved. "The Last Curd" Is nee. prosperous. The town paper will very largely be what the town wills It to be. Gen erally speaking, the editor Is the hardest working man In the com ni ii n 1 1 y. He Is Invariably doing his part to make his paper barometer the town as thrifty, wide awake and on the map. If the townspeople do a fraction of what they should In the way of support, he will make his pa per an Intelligent anl hlghlyj-espect-able representative of the Commun ity. If they do only a little of their part, the paper will do more than any one thing to ptve ( ,e town standing at home aud abroad. As every newspaper uiau knows, ono o( tne tirst tuiug done by Muse lu uistuut stales who is looking lor a new location is to send lor tire lown puper. tjucu applications come in numbers tne years through to every town newspaper. The appear ance of the paper, lis signs of thrift poverty, largely determine whether the applicant will ever see your town. No agency does s-j muc tor the community aud gels so little back as a well conducted town news paper. Much Is asked of It, and lit ilo bestowed. The uiun who wauls tree publicity and gives nothing back in advertising beseiges all newspapers, especially the home! pa per. Tho mall overwhelms the town paper with all kinds of copy with the request that it be Inserted free and marked copies sent. Stock shows, horse shows, county fairs, churc fairs, school fairs, world fairs, June festivals, health committees, charit committees, development commit tecs, promotion committees, public ily committees, general welfare com mittees and every other kind of fair show, exposition and committee, shower the editor with requests for free space, for editorials, alway holding out as remuneration tho as surance that it is for the good of th community, never realizing that white paper has to be paid for 1 money. Hint printers must be paid and that newspapers cannot subs! on hot air. In no other nctlvity In the world Is there so much endeavor to gel something for nothing as Is carried on with the newspapers. No activity in tho world gives so much to th public gratis and gets so few thank hack. The thing has gone so far that much of the public holds It be the duty of a newspaper to su port every and any public propositlo that seems in seine remote way promise some putillc benefit, carry ing their view almost to a sort of public ownership of the policy an puint ot tne paper. For all the boosting of the coi miiulty. for nil the constructive agi tallon, for all the struggle for rt- toim. lor all the appeals in behalf of public movements, for all the free notices, free Insertions and free ex ploitation, many In the town expect in return to lay a few flowers In the defunct editors grave and let It at that. No servitor Is more faithful and devoted, no citizen more sincere and hut few figures lu the community so generous as Is the average town newspaper man. - Portland Journal. ANOTHER BIG ROBBERY (Br Associated Proas). MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 8 robbers today drove the officials and patron of the Republic State bank Into th vault and escaped with $15,000 In cash. Livestock Judg ing Continues (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND. Nov. 8. Judging of alrr and beef cattle, sheep, swine and goats continues today at the Pa cflc International Livestock exposi tion. Ex-Governcr Lowden of 1111- nios, Governor Hart of Washington and Governor Olcott of Oregon speak this afternoon. c Women Endorsing Irvine tor Governor The movement, which was started In Portland by the Democratic Wo men's club popularizing ii. F. Irvine, editor of the Oregon Journal, as a candidate for Governor of Oregon, is being given a decided Impetus by heir method of procedure In tne campaign. Petitions simply worded to the effect that the citizens of Ore gon desire B. F. Irvine to allow his name to be placed on the primary ballot are being ctrculated among the voters ot Oregon, a petition nav- ng been received by Mrs. William Doll of this city. The club feels they have a candi date with a peculiar distinction of appealing to all classes and feels no hesitancy in presenting these peti tions for the slgnlture of all voters regardless of party affiliation. Mr. Irvine- has a wide reputation for straightforwardness, honesty of purpose and championship for the In terest of the people. Many promi nent women are assisting In securing signers on the petition In and about Portland. Petitions are going for ward to all parts of the state to be placed In the hands of leading demo cratic women who will solicit the names of representative citizens. It Is expected tbey will have no dlffl cully In securing in a short time a sufficient number of names to prop erly Influence Mr. Irvine to become candidate. All barber shops will keep open nntil 9 p. m. Thursday and will be closed all day on Armistice Day. NEW TODAY. FOR 8AX.E Second hand washing ma chine. Call 1135 Corey Ave. JITNEY 348 1ias resumed busi ness. Two new Chevrolet cars. prompt service. Special trips to couatry. Give US a call, scnencs: & Torrey, props. A Lovers' Quarrel. They stood beneath the stars, the silence of the night being only broken by the intensified sound ot two hearts beating as one. For a moment he withdrew his gaze from the dazzling depths of her eyes to Uie dlumond-studded shirt front ot the sky. "Is that MnrsT" he whispered, as he slipped his arm around her small. slim waist, anil gazed upon a glitter ing orh In the heavenly dome. "No, It Isn't," she exclaimed an grily, Jerking herself free of his em brace. "It's mine, and If you can't tell the illiTerence between my waist and mother's nfter you've been court ing me for eight years, well, you' Her voice broke, and her head fell forward upon her arm "We had better parti" It Is pleasing to report that the mat ter was amicably adjusted before any thing ' more serious resulted. -Edln- burtth Scotsman. mi M HO CO l"V, Luc F. Vernon who "Plays the Pictures" at the Piano BKWAISE OK IIOItltoWINO. Five thousand, six hundred and sixty vx-servlre men have annlled for loans from the treasury of Ore i gon under' the Ixnius act that gives mem tne prmlcct-. A good many I more than this are eligible to apply , and receive su. h a loan. I llefore yniini; men borrow innnev they should do a good deal of sober thinking. And this fact should be considered, that a limn Is not of the nature of a gift, any more than the contract to rent a bouse Is 'a title deed to tho house. Om niust pay Interest every year on a loan Just as he has to pay rent every month on a house. If the soldier's loan Is Moon, his annual interest will be f 1 20. that sum paid out very year. In twenty years this would amount to more than the original sum he borrowed. while the $3000 would still be wait ing to be paid. An easy loan Is often only an open gateway to Involuntary servl tude. "The borrower is servant to the lemtar,' 'always has been and al ways will be true, even though the lender Is the state a treasury. The history of borrowing tnvarl ably Is that in about 90 per cent of the cases, the borrower wakes u within three or four years to find that there is little or nothing to show for the original loan, nothing at least that brings In an Income which can pay off the note. In such a case the borrower comes to look upon the debt as an unjust burden Imposed upon him, and upon the annual In terest as a galling or at least an an noylng tribute. Few men make close friends of the man who holds mortgage on their homes. The borrower thinks he will pay off the mortgage In three, or In flv years at the most. In most cases the mortgage is renewed for another five years. Not seldom they run 20 years or more. This Is why real es tate mortgages are such good invest ments for savings banks. They stick and stay. A cyclone may blow every building, Pence and tree off a farm and has done so many a time. But never yet has It been known to so much as lift one corner of the reve nue stamp on the mortgage on that rami. The mortgage has first tooth hold on the homo and the furra af ter the tax collector. Nine of the ten men who borrow because borrowing Is easy are unfit to properly administer the proceeds of the loan. The money is general ly frittered away In whose or In part. At tho start such loans serve to stimulate a man and give him the feeling of wealth, much as whiskey does. But It Is the pay day and not the day of borrowing that decides whether the loan was a wise venture or not. "He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing." said Poor Richard; and he spoke a fine lot of condensed wis dom when he said It. There Is such a thing as wise borrowing, but rare wisdom Is necessary It one would avoid the pitfalls that He In the path of the borrower. Portland Tele-1 2 DAYS ONLY The Greatest Sale of Bath Towels is Here! 2 DAYS ONLY You Effect a Real Saving by Buying Now! KO. 01 NO. 470 NO. 1115 NO. 81M NO. 1376 NO. UVi NO. Uvt - WHITE- WHITE DLVE FANCY FANCY FANCY X' BATH BATH BORDER BORDER BATH BATH TOWEL PAXC TOWFI ' TOWEL. BATH BATH TOWEL TOWEL FANCY I7 A TOWEL TOWEL BIO Wll FINE FOR EXTRA PE4.CH LARGE MAKE FINE TW,CE KMimoUlERV "olU HEAVV ok a IZK EXCELLENT tjJL-. THE WORK ?F NAP v.irp VERY KOIt FLUFFY iKICE vxt KVKRy VERY waw HEAVY FANCY NAPPED WOITLD XMA9 Pm"i LARGE iItlc-E Bl Y NOW WORK TOWEL . BE CHEAP PRESENTS jtA 39c 33c 49c 59c 79c 95c $1.19 $ 1 .69 EACH. EACH. ' EACH. ' EACH. EACH. EACH. EACH. t4ca WEDNES.-THURS NOV. 9-10 ELLOWSTOR WEDNES.-THURS. NOV. 9-10 WANTED Position driving auto vo- hide of any kind, zvs m t urn m. LiOST Alrdule terrier, ft-fTWle. Kinder filease notify Germain Co J on, jhuck. es. Or eg". UCGION MEETS TONIGHT Umpqua Post of the Ameri- can Legion will hold a big meet- ing for the members tonight at the Armory for the purpose of completing arrangements for the Armistice Day celebration. AH leglonairres are urged to at- tend tonight's meeting. AROUND THE TOWS Mrs. Stanuer Ill Mrs. Sam Starmer la reported to be quite ill at her home In North Rose burg. Mark Tindalo Here Mark Tisdale and wife, of SutW lin, spent the day in Hone burs at tending to business matters. Here front Hubbard- George Knight of Hubbard, is spending a few days in this vicinity WANTKI) Thlnifn to Bell lit tilt auc tion sale, Saturday, Nov. Z, at. tne lines OX lire. Empire barn. J. M. Judd. FOR SALE: One small .wood heater with pipe. In good condition, fnone 287-R. 43D So. Pine SL M. Clare Barber. Spiritual Ad visor, Advice on Business, and all attending to business matters, Room 3, 327 W. Doug-. In from Myrtle Creek- las St. Phone 88-L. LOST Eye glasses, tortoise shell rims and bows, ilnoer return to this of FOtt SALE Wicker baby buK(?y In good condition. Call at Summei neia a 15c store. FOR HALE Furniture of 6 room house. Cheap. Must be sola at once. 720 So. Pine St. FOR' RENT 6 room house at 720 So. Pine, with or without furniture. Inquire 134 So. Pine. FOR SALE At public auction Satur day, Nov. 12. Many dtnereni tilings. Horse, wagon, machinery, household goods and many other artl e I es. FOR SALE 40 or 60 bushels of nice clean gray oats. 60c per bu. Call on Thomas Hatfield, So. Deer Creek, or Phone 14-F-U. SHETLAND PONT FOR SALE An Ideal Xmas present for boy or girl. Beautiful black and white mare. Four years old. Gentle,, safe. Roy He) lows Pony Farm. DO YOU WANT to buy a home on terms? 1200.00 to $300.00 down end balance in monthly payments. See O. V. Young & Son, 116 Cass Street. Phono 417. FOR KALE Cadillac touring body. In fine - condition; 1 Ford touring; 1 Overland delivery. In good condi tion. Call Dillard Garage, Dlllard. Oregon. NOON MEAL ARMISTICE DAY. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will serve noodles, hot tamales and light lunch, beginning at 10:30 a. m., in the Btore building on Jackson street next to the Roseburg National Bank. The Fish Market has moved from Sheridan St. to 700 Winchester SL DAILY WHAT III :it RKPORT. l.T. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 Itourd ending 6 a. ni. I'reclpltatioa In Inrhe and Huadrrdtha Highest teiiinerature m-mIi'Miu- tin LowetH temperature last night . . Precipitation, last 21 hours Total prelp. since first of montli Normal precip. lor thin montn... Total preOp, from Sept. 1. 1921 to date Average pr-i;)p. from Sept. 1. 1H77 Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1H.I1 Average precipitation for 44 wet e aborts, (ttept. lo May. Inc. 1 JhorecaKt to 8 p. m. for southwestern Oregon: ToniglU and Tuesday fair. n. 1. 1 am ii i.i.i.. observer. 0 .03 .7 r,.6C 4.f& .U2 ni.39 WANT TO TRADE. We have a going ranch to trade. Will accept house and lots In Roseburg to $2500.00. Ranch Is fully equipped. Priced at $;.00t).OO. What have you? G. W. Young A Son. Phone 417. WANTS TO TIE LOOSE A five room cottage In good condition, lot lOOx 100 feet, to be sold for less than the eott of lumber at the mill to build this house. Price fifteen hundred doiiam. half cash, location of t h If property given to those interested See A. T. La w re nc e, Co m m e rc I a 1 Agent. 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. RI'NOAIIW FOR RALE The most beautiful bungalow In Roseburg. now for sale at a real sacrifice. Just fin ished and complete In every way. Cement bawement, furnace .fireplace, white enameled kitchen, two bed chamhers with big outside closets. real den. big living room, beautiful dining room all built In, breakfast ronm, concrete porches and pergolas. This new modern California bunirn low Is to be sold this wk at less than cost to the owner. Mostly easy terms. There's a reason, fivt prices and terms at once. A. T. Lawrence, 125 Cass Street, Phone 219. MICKIE SAYS 1 OOUT VET AM OOT-OF-TOMtt SUCKER. WANE NOWft ORDERS 'Oft. JO VUOftK. VJE 6MJ DO VOUR, VJORK AS WELL AS Mfl VWERE VA MA.K6 tTI DONT BE A GH1NAWUJM 5 to Home Town.- MITH K TO rNTItCTOH!t. HlRhtin)' CoiiNtrurltttii, Oouwln. Coun ty, UreKtm. Sealed bids win be received by the county court of Douttlua County. Ore- Kon. ut the court hou.e In Kun.'burff. OreKon, At 10 o'clock H. nL on the 26ll day of November. l!n!l: for construc tion work on a icctlon nf road between .Myrtle reek and Niigiii-rt. known as the Strode Hill Secrion. The work In volves approximately 1 mile of KrudinK and KravflttiK, the llmita heliitc more particularly di-xi-rlhed an front KnK Sta 0 4- no to Km. Sta 47 4- 12.2, In .Sees. 20. 29. 30. T. 29 S.. It. 4 W. Also fur construction work on a pee- tlon of work between Myrtle Creek .ind ltuck Fork, known as the Punni van Section. The work Involves ap proximately H mile of grading and raveling;, the llmita being more par ticularly described as from Eng. Sta. 4 4- 3T, 6 to Knff. Sta. 32 00, In Sec. 13. T. 29 8.. R. 4 W. Also for construction work on a sec tion of road between Myrtle Creek and ltuck Fork, known as the rTiuaser Hill Section. The work Involves approxi mately mile of grading and gravel ing, the limits being more particularly described as from Kng. Sta. 0 4- to to Kng. Sta. 14 4- 00, In the NEH Sec. 4. i . z it. v . Also for construction work on a sec tlon of road between Myrtle Creek and Buck Fork, known as the James Sec tion. The work Involves approximate ly 1-3 mile of grading and graveling, the limits being more particularly de scribed as from Kng. Sta. 0 4- 00 to Kng. sta. n 4- 35.1, in Bees. 7 and I T. 29 S . R. 4 V. Separate bids will be received on each or the above sections. No hid will he considered unless ac compnnled by cash, bidder's bond or certified check for an amount equal to t least live t.r Per cent ot tne total amount or the Mil. A sufficient bond will he required for the f.-tlthful performance of the con tract In a sum equal to one-half the total amount or tne tiia. IMans. specifications, forms nf eon tract, propose! blanks, and full Infor mation for bidders mav he obtained at the office nf the connlv clerk of the county rondinaster. Court House. Rose burg. Oregon, upon the deposit of five nniitrs. The right Is reserved to relect any or all proposals, or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for the county. , m p. mrrT.r. County Clerk of Douglas County. Oregon. Mrs. Francis Wixson, of Myrtle Creek, spent the day In this city at tending to matters ot shopping. Over from Oakland- Mrs. George Stearns, prominent resident of Oakland, spent the morn ing here attending to business mat trs. IJrense Granted A marriage license was granted today to Clifford D. Jones of Glide and Edna H. Patterson of North Deer Creek. In on Iluaineaft M. F. Mlddleberg. Drominent resi dent of Round Prairie, spent the day In this city attending to business mat ters. In from Riddle Mrs. O. V. Logsdon, Mrs. Lewis Grant, and Mrs. Ernest Riddle, were those from Riddle in the city this morning, to spend a few hours with friends and to shop. From WineheoUr J. H. Wheeler, of Winchester, spent the morning In this city at tending to business matters. Mr. Wheeler Is manager of the power plant at Winchester. Dtrorre Granted Bertha Moore was today granted a divorce from her husband. Wash ington Moore. Cruet and Inhuman treatment waa alleged. Attorney O. P. Coshow represented the plaintiff. Annouiion Prayer Meeting The Women s Missionary society of the M. E. church south, will have charge of the mid-week prayer serv ice which will be held tomorrow ev ening at 7:30. This Is the first of the meetings for the prayer service week. The public la cordially Invit ed to attend. GOITRE Sufferers Benefitted Without Tain or Knife at your home. ' No need of your friends or com panions being the wiser, as to th course of treatment if you ne rR IIAYSMKN-H KAMiU'4 IHHTRB OINTMKNT. which has been recom mended bv physicians for over 30 years and Is In greater demand than ever where once used A.k your Druggist for "Tho HISTORY" and full Information, regarding Dr. Mayssen a Famous (lours Preparations. Now carrlad In .t---k by Your Druggist Tiller Vlaitoi H. L. Pennell. of Tni lerday In this city attendiary: ious business matter.. man Camas Valley. B. F. Rlchter. of p... r. spent the day in thU tit, it w uuamraa Uiaiieri. Returns from Port Lino-? H. B. Hudson, ot the Hn. trie store has returned rrm J iimu auer spending i n mo metropolis seiectinr Mi si-goods. SPECIAL MKETIXG AI THE SALVATION AKJfJ ml Rev. Dollarhlde, of tberI- odlst church, will ipeUttia vat ion Army hall tonlrhtitti- This sen-ant of God ku W active minister of the topi many years and la well hum community. He is a convincing ipeabr all who hear him tonight Army hall will lesre tkn feeling glnd they hare it4- YES, ITS FREE. A beautiful doll rim nv Carr's see their wlndof. Si body will get It; whynotjwi SPKCIAI, NOTICE TO NKKiHBOIlSOFWOOtirtl A aneclal meeting of If f- No. 49. s called for Wed. iW t l!l5 o'clock at mook m- the purpose of balloting M dates. Tillle I. jonnsoa, v" USE CHERM (Say CHAIR-ROW) Of these rimes you're ("H . ..... .nd ieenii-1 I lie biui j , . t... M.rv'i wisdom. Of" Had kept this record. oaM CHKIUIO Is hard wheat I" Toalght 15c fliiiF THE GREATEST HVMAN DRAMA LOIS DICED. THE BLOT . m-JItS-H am nvrnwiiEI VM DRAMA OF PRIDE A . n1 STORY BIGGER THAN "HUMORESQLE -A DEPTHS AND HEIGHTS OF LIFE. ma A Paramount Special JOHN Barrymore I "Dr. Jekyll andMr.Hydd The le', Identity "r writ" . ...alf lest Dr Jek)- The gi4 .dint V """ .i.f' lot and ToS OF man 5 CELEBRATED COMEDY Aj,aV grain.