1 ROSKBfRQ rntWS-RKVIKW MoVTMY. SOVEMnCT 7. 1t. PHOK TWO ROBEBVRG KEW8 REVIEW luatl Dll piec B W . nun i. Wftorlr it"l Hie HIIBai:iIPTION RATES D.My. pr yesr. by mall Pally. al Bmnlhs. by mall J By Csrrtsr. Tor munlb " h Alaoclaled Prn ielu.lv.lr Milled lo tha uia for republication of all 'nfta illipatchaa credited to It or not Otberwlae credited Ui thla paper aad aleo the local newn published here in. All rlBlita of republication or l fwl rtupaeuhea riereinare alau reeervad Cnli red ae aecond-rljin matter Al:y IT. liD. at the poet office at liuerburx, fwri.n, undei the Act of March K. PIT itimcburg. Ore., Xove ruber 7, IU21. flbruneflbtchtn's Bf Strt tl Sattt t;Mil KVKMNU FOLKS About a month an 1'iune IMi kin's contained an Itt'in tombing on the excellent qualities of a wedge ul huckleberry ile ami about audi elge Ileitis the fli-t word ill chuck. Ye ed. Ihot at the lime pvriuiM some kind reader would lake the liiul ami paaa around Hip pie but this morn ing, when we were most giving up the butt hope, the plume Untiled ami a voice ranie over the wire with the mewgiKe that a Jar of hucklrlierrleit, already for the pie, hail lieen I' ll at our houiie. And now we're happy Kltnln. Thank you. Mm. Iloiuk! lieautoiip thanks! VK were at a movie allow The other night. And Whilst I he picture Didn't particularly interest us There was a little monkey That hail nothing to do with the Plot or the purpose Of the play; Itnl every time The monkey appeared on the Kcreen people laughed. And a younK lady Who sat behlntl us Would remark: "Ain't It too cute?" About twenty fines The young laily said: "Ain't It too cute?" And If we were the young man Who waa with the young lady We would buy her a monkey If It took our hist nlcklc. We hear there la a man employed at the courthouse who does nothing but fill Ink wells. Who haa the job of distributing chewing gum to the typists? ' NOTICE TO READERS. A sixteen year obi member of the high school English class Jusl In formed ye ed. that thla la "tood Speech" week and naked ua to plenae be a "leetle" careful of our grain mer. Now if ye ed. ha.t to conform to the rules of grammnr, rhetoric and algebra to conduct thla colyuin we'd Just aa well discontinue our efforts for the v. eel:, r.tit In rebut l.nl wp rise to ask the high achnol atudent one tpiealiou: "Hill )u please re frain Inun using audi football yells aa: Ooki, wow, wow, oski, wee, wee?" 4 The home team that loaea ofteocat Is mother and father. IT CAN'T BE HELPED. Those abort skirts are emharaatdng. They make my color rise. Whene'er I see a llialil go by I stand with downcast eyes. fl A lioston man broke his neck chasing bis wife. There's a novelty. We've knoun of a man breaking hla neik while chasing a girl befme the wedding, lint this is the first time . we ever heard of one breaking it af terwards. I COl ItTINtJ I I' Tl DATE. "The demure, ahi'lnking tyiv of maiflen used to be able to walk lo the nltar Hh I lie niatrimonuil : haeon," complains Mis l-Ula keete, , "11111 Ibe one who brings home the husband nnivndava seems l lie Ihe one who grain him and bites her Initials in bis cheeks." I I'nder the head of city improve ments we lake great pleasure this evening In presenting to you our Western t'nlon messenger who Just donned a new is-a-grecn iinlfono. All lie needs to make Ibe disguise per fect Is a pair of wings on his heel like Mercury and when we told him alsiiit Mercury Ibis a. m., he disdain fully answered, "The only mercury what 1 knows altout is the doe In the thermometers." I.ady timllva, Ihe flame with the long hair who dashed around some ancient village sans clothing, wouldn't rre-ite much of A Ktir now adays unless she happened to bob her hair. t Dear ed. of Prune Plekln's: When and how Is Ibe best way to dig po tatoes? Ana: If you take our ndvlce, you'll wait mil II the ground freezes and then blast them out with dyna mite. There Is no sorting, as the ex plosion blows Ihe small ones out of sight and no dirt adheres to the big 1 ones. I ! And then If you can't find all of your iMitatoea and you're plum-disgusted with life on this orb why not cheer tip by ordering the Prune I Plekln's Winter Annual and tlie laughing. Cly. Police Khamhrook aiys the holm crop Is shaping up nicely and the production this season will be as hungry as ever. own LAKE PERKINS SEZ: "The most necessary hook for every' college student Is dad's check hook." THIS OREGON MOTtlfR iVAS GREATLY WORRIED ABOUT HER DAUGHTER'S HEALTH "Tanlae must be a wonderful medicine to do what It has for my little six-yeur-old girl," eald Mrs. S. I'. Temple, who resides at 464 East Clay St.. Portland. Oregon, recently. "Maxine had been suffering from loss of appetlre for a year or Dior Nolhlng seemed to agree with her and it's a mystery to me how she lived on the little she would eat. Her kidneys were disordered and weak, too, and sbe was so thin, pale and puny looking that I was uneasy about her all the time. She was dull and languid all the time and never wanted lo get out and play like other children. "Well, my dad had been helped so much by Tanlac that we all think it the grandest medicine In the world. I didn't know of course how it would act on my little girl, but I had her take a bottle anyway and it Is simply astonishing how it has brought her out. She eats like a pig, everything agrees with her and she no longer looks or acls like the same child. Her kidneys arc in much better con dition, too, and she Is Just bubbling over with energy. Why, she's "but nt play all the time. I Just can't keep her in the house. I am so thankful to see my little girl so healthy and hearty that I Just can't praise Tan lac enough." T.inlac is sold in RoBeburg by W. F Chapman's Pharmacy and by leading druggists everywhere. Alleged Auto Thieves Arrested II. nryan and Glenn Kline were ar rested Saturday evening charged with the thert of the Ford car be longing to John Kruze of Yoncalla. Tha arrest was made by Deputy Sheriff C. H. Daugherty and Franl Hopkins who chased the alleged auto thieves to Merlin where they captur ed them as they were leaving that place. As soon as the theft was re ported Deputy Sheriff Daugherty and Mr. Kruse started south. At Can yonvllle thoy picked up Frank Hop kins and continued south. The men, who are alleged to have stolen the Ford car, had stopped at Merlin In tending to wait for darkness before continuing their trip. They were Just starting out when the officers caught up with them and brought them back to Rnseburg. They admitted the theft but denied having driven the Eugene car wrecked at Drain. A suitcase containing some of their pos esslons. however, was found In the wrecked machine. Newest Fall and Winter Arrivals in Suits and Overcoats For Men and Young Men Displaying the Most Attractive New Styles and Extraordinary Values at $24.75 $27.50 The Suits For A en an J Young Men wl" appreciate Ihe style and value displayed in these high grade Mulls fur Fall and Winter wear embracing the liewesl. smartest iiiinIcIk, or young men and the more conservative, styles for men In nil walks of .life. An extensive showing now In stock In neat patterns and stylish colors grays, browns, greens, black and mixtures; plains, checks and stripes. Also blue serges. $34.75 $37.50 The Overcoats i For Men and Young Men HEME you will And a most noteworthy as aoriiuent of finely tailored single aud dou ble breasted ots for men of all ages nobby belled ulsleretles with convertible collars for young men and the popular Chesterfield and other neat models for men of conservative and Kcnil-conxcrvatlvc tastes kerseys, mel tons, chinchillas, tweeds; In brown, green, heather, tan anil gray. r.uviNO MOST ,VE BUY FOR LESS Our Unalterable Policy One Price to Everybody r ai'"fj-siV A M.iTins-wme ft " -lncorhorated j 312 DEPARTMENT STORES ROSEBURG, OREGON SELLING MOST WE SELL FOB LESS .THB LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION Ci THE WORLD II i! SIX WEEKS FROM NEXT SUNDAY IS qwrr NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Christmas Toys at Can's SflTr?aairfiTt- M. a In order to pive our customers the advantage of early selection we have now tn Display in our Big New Toy Section our full and complete Line of Toys, Bolls, Books and Games Come in and see our extensive lines see the New Lower Prices See the Better Qualities. When you buy Toys you naturally want the biggest variety to choose from. Ours is a Complete Line. As usual we will lead in Christmas Displays, and also, as usual, we will SAVE YOU MONEY (Carrs Christmas Store Santa Claus' Headquarters Buy Your Christmas Gifts in Roseburg at CARR'S, Where You Save HE Bankers Tell Why The Mark Slumps By CARL D CROAT. (United Press Staff Currenlonunt.) NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Is Germany forcing the mark down artificially wth a view-to dodging her repara tions obligations? This question, propounded In France and America, is answered with an emphatic negative by botli American and. German bankers with whom I have been in contact. They say that the enormous purchases of foreign currency Germany must inako to meet her reparations obliga tions Is the ma'n cause for the big slump in the mark the past few months. They predict this slump will continue so long as the present reparations conditions are main tained. I presented the question lo Di rector Paul Mankiewitst of Ihe Deut sche bank. Berlin, before leaving Berlin. He answered quickly. "One. ought not to consider the German government- foolish. It hasn't the slightest Interest In de pressing the mark. From Churchill's speech and Lloyd George's dealings. It ought to be cle.ir to the whole world that re sponsible quarters In Germany and the entente have gnined the Impres sion that the whole reparations de mands. Including the ultimatum, are built on uncertain ground." lie pointed out that the govern ment must pay vnstfy more for Its railroad and witerways material, for wages and salaries under a failing mark, and that a constant deprecia tion makes it Impossible to present a real budget. Under such circum stance's. h maintained. It could Frarceiy be to the government's ad vantage to try artificial depression. As for playing Into the hnnds of in- SI'IX'IAh NOTICE. Roseburg Merchants' As-iO- elation is cooperating with the American Legion in making Armistice Day, Friday, Novem- bor 11th, a day to Ls ever re- membered. 4 The banks and stores will be closed all day and the News- Review will issue no paper on next Friday. Every luerohant and business firm carrying an advertisement in the local press Is urgently re- quested to insert a line in their advertisement ns follows: THIS STORE CLOSED FRIDAY. SPEND ARMISTICE DAY IN ROSEI1URG." By the Secretary, C. S. HEINLINE. dnstry thereby, Manlilewlti observed, "German prices are such that no body can compete with them now; Industry doesn't need any such help from the government." He shares the view of other German bankers that a different method of repara tions payments or periods must be devised. American bankers, familiar with the situation, also tell me that there can be no tajk of an artificial play. Such a thing would be too risky, thoy say, for It would lend to a crash worse than the process of meeting reparations. They agree with Mjn kiewltz that a readjustment In ihe reparalinns matter would strengthen the market and tend to make Ger many a less formidable competitor on lire world market, where now she undersells because of low exchange. Green the Tire Man half-soics rub ber boots. Wilbur P-T Has Fine Meeting There was a large attendance of Wilbur community at a meeting of the parent teacher association In the schoolhouso last Friday evening. Mr. Wilfred Brown, principal, occupied the chair. County Superintendent O. C. Brown made an instructive talk on health education In public schools. He advocated as wise econ om.. , the curing w minor physical de fects that retard mental progress in some cases, to the detriment of the pupil and expense to the taxpayer. School Supervisor Mrs. O. C. Brown spoke" briefly, and promised to give an extended lecture on a future occa sion. The chairman brought before tho association the advisability of se curing the services of a competent instructor In vocal music, to give vo cal instruction in the schools one half day each week. This matter will be considered by the directors. Tae treat of the evening was a real moving picture show, the first ever produced In Wilbur. The films were furnished by the University of Oregon; the lantern by the Douglas County Farm Bureau, and the motor power by the kindness of Mr. Ellis Miller of the Delco Light Company. Three reels were shown, illustrating incidents of U. S. army life, and teaching the moral that the regular and effective use of a tooth-brush keeps a fellow clean and fit for self defense and the service of "Old Glory." Wilbur community was highly pleased with Its first movie show and additional educational films will be screened at future P. T. A. meetings. The meeting closed with refresh ments, generously furnished for this occasion by Mcsdnmes Kinscl, Hume. Ruth Sands, Dlmmick, Stnton," God- ley, Parker, Kay. Moxley and Kw It Good Program hr Homecoming Wttl CORVALI.IS, Nov. 7.-Hot ing week-end is planned tobeoui' the best in the history of the Many functions are under wijra tho biggest feature, the 0. A. C. W.. S. C. football game comldl Friday. A "Beaver Feed" in honor of li varsity "O" men will be ginnilM the game. Many official!. Unit! members and notable alumni Tiilu- tend. Other events scheduled ire lows; Rally and parade Tbanci: night, soccer game Friday mora football game U. of 0. Irosb n. 0 A. C. rooks, Saturday afternoon m the big homecoming dance Sitirdi: night. Open house Is Sumlaj id noon where everyone may set qualnted. FORMER RFSHtK.XTS ItLTI RX TO Bosrarst D. V. Rast and family arrM i rtnschure last night and ul their future home here. Mrm Mrs. Rast spent many yean la city but recently hare been locate! s Texas, where Mr. Rast condtfW' plumbing business. They decided return to Roseburg and Mr. W purchased the Roscbun? PlM anil Heating business formerly m ducted by Mr. C. W. Huahet. il now In California. He opened nirico today and is now reMf business. They had a very pl" ..I- kn,o flllhnllirh they WH lo. nj .n,o-hnt hv the floods IV nod Colorado. They o home directly nflcr the floo i occurred and found the bnS washed out and the roads in tr condition TALK TIMEY! All Turkey Growers who have not yet listed their Turkeys for the Thanksgiving Pool should do so at once. We are better prepared to handle your turkeys than last year, and you know what hap pened then. List your Turkeys Now and get Top Prices. Phone 98 or Write Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange 013 WIM'IIKSTKR 8TKK.ET ROSEBURG, OREGON Special to Farmers Wives Come or Write and let us tell you about a Real Power Washing Machine. IT WORKS. We know it works. The manager's wife uses one. The President's wife uses one, and the C a . ' r . . secretary s wne would use one, too, it he wasn't a bachelor.