FTTH IF YOUWANT A 14-INCH SULKY PLOW For 25 OR A 12-16 DISK HARROW For 3B SO NATIONAL FARM LOANS EXPLAINED LEGION ATTENTION. All Legion members are re- uuosted to bo nt the armory at 7:30 Tuesday eve, Nov. 1. Tba W omen's Auxiliary will be on- tertalned following the bust- nest meeting. Secretary of Local Organiz ation Tells of Plan Upon Which Money is Loaned. CCwHT on OALUmET Come and machinery let us show you how to buy your at a saving. See us first. We can save you money. Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange 643 WINCHESTER ST. SECURITY IS DEMANDED (iovcrninent la Now ltecetvlug Great Number of Krqueata (or Loans Wliile Funds Are Limited Kent Security Taken. "As long as there are people there will be Indebtedness, and while this Indebtedness la of every description I 0f the amount applied for nnn INDULGING THE TASTE Having had success, gome men are apt to Increase their personal ex penses by Indulging their tastes. But this Is not wise. Look ahead and you will see how much more import ant it la to have a reserve fund. Open an account with the Roseburg National Bank. M Interest Paid on Savings Accounts TheRosebur National Bank Roseburg, Ore. Investigate Killing I Of Elk Herds i PORT ANT.Rl.KS, Wash., Nov. 1. II'. P.) J. W. Kinney, state sup ervisor of game and game fish Is ex- f-cted to reach here this week with literal (lame Warden Steele, of J jrtlind. Ore., to look into the cir tiniitances surrounding the slaught er of a considerable number of elk Is the Olympo and adjacent forests, j Carcasses of elk have been found ' several points on the peninsula, lie only portion made use of was li e teeth. They had been removed, ("tensibljr for ornaments, local ward ens declared. 4 Federal Warden Steele Is said to live planned an extensive survey of Ik herds on the Peninsula, particu 1 rly In the Hon country. It is be li'ved that the wanton slaughter of t:e protected animals has preclpltat- 1 an Investigation which was sched- lei to have awaited the coming of ring. KKI,UKJ MARKS PLF.A j Foil THK PAPER MAKF.R i CHICAOO, 111., Nov. 1 (United Tress.) "American publishers will 'ilfer In the long run from the pres et condition In the paper Import 'nation, for American mills can not ke paper to meet present Europ ean prices, and Europe cannot supply PAULA aYRES AS ALAN-A-DAItE With Ralph Dunbar's Metropolitan Production, "Robin Hood," complete New York Park Theater cast and snnerh orchestra. At the Antlers theater for one night on Friday, November 4. One Scaffold Only is Needed SALEM, Nov. 1. John L. Rathle and Elvle D. Klrby, alias James Owen, will swing to their death on December 2 next from the same scaf fold which a year ago November D, claimed the life of Nell Hart, their 'ompauion In the ill-fated tail break if July, 1919, which resulted In the laying of Sheriff Til Taylor of Unit ilia county, the crime for which the Ives of nil three men have been de clared forfeit ,.nd on one of which he forfeit has been claimed. Unless present plans are changed he one scaffold will serve for the wo hangings, according to Warden '.. E. Cotupton. who denies that there s any occasion for a second scaffold Having exhausted their every leg al resource In their fight for life and with Governor Olcott committed to a iKtllcy of non-interference in their be half, the two doomed men have he roine entirely reconciled to their fate according to officials and guards at the prison. Rathle and Owen are confined li the same cells In which they havi been held ever since their arrival a the penitentiary a year ago. Each man occupies a separate cell, and guard Is unstantly on duty since the attempt of Abe Evans also sentenc ed to hang on December 2 to tak els own life two weeks ago. Thes cells are In one of the main wings o thi building and are in no sense Iso-l lated except that they are located at the end of the wing which Is natural ly less froquentel than the front of the wing. Neither Rati!; or Owen are or ever have been in solitary confine ment in the term In which "soli tary" Is used In prison parlance. They spend the day In reading and smoking and In conversation back and forth between the cells, four of which hold men sentenced to die the other two being Ceorge Howard from Malheur county and Abe Evans from Wasco county. Every day for 30 minutes they are released from the confinement of tho cell and per mitted to stretch their limbs in a walk up and down the corridor under close guard while their cells are cleaned out. Th: 2 Is their only exercise. Being reconciled to their fate they 1n not discuss it but appear to be content to let the future take care of Itself. Many Cures of Goitre in Detroit One Party writes: "Will yen pleniie r "0 m Koni. r.f vim,. ..I.iilu ... rn KiV. tl.m.i ... ....... .1.. .. ''"hied with ('...lire, ah niv riaiiKh- " naa l.een cured of hem and n.,I"I". to wl"lnl 1 have recom "MM It to ;,nU have UK. ft It have CTiT"1 - I will trv to let "I i l can';W ab'" " and help thcm ,,"",h:' v retrolt, Mich., ' lady "ave recommended vour inn . '" rat mnnv friends o K. ;i"''r" " f"r I believe It v the lum remedy of Its kind." AM sne.th..r write,: "Your fam- "Intn","t ha Proved A,- four oniKKlst. Famous Ooltre t. .T?-' '.. rainless and does not "ttf7,i . ' over Ju years --. uenina 11. CASETRACTORS lushing Machines L8e ffov?n Wire Fence fens & Chenoweth Movie Closeups America's permanent needs." This was the way In which the Im portatlon of foreign paper was dis cussed by R. S. Kellogg, secretary of the News Print Service Ilureau, com posed of Canadian and American manufacturers, at the convention of he Salesmen's Association or me -inner Industry, today. "It costs less to ship a ton of news nrlnt naner from Scandinavia to New York ( Uy than to snip a ion ui wb came naner from Niagara Kails to Vow York City." Kellogg sam 'America's naner industry, tneretore fnoea serious eomoetltlon from for eign lands not alone because of the fact that foreign paper Is mane ny rhean labor, under depreciated ex change conditions, but because of the cost of shipments as well. America. Ihough It has the best, fastest ana most modern paper mills in tne world, cannot successfully compete with the prices of European paper made and shipped under these con ditions The normal result would be wide swlnss in prices, which are al ways disadvantageous to producer and purchaser alike. In any commod ity where price extremes are found. ! U hotter" continued KellnKg "for the American user of newsprint in hive n dnnenriahle source of smv- ply at home, at a price which affords a reasonable profit to the manufac turer and1 thus encourage greai'er production, than to have a temporary snpply from abroad, at prices fixed nw ruinous nn fnlr competition, which will vanish when world conditions again approach normal." o FICTION Library. Magazine sub scriptions. Masonic Temple. Q-- Edwlm Weaver, county commis sioner, and F. S. Johnson, are among thoM from Myrtle Creek In the city on basloesa today. There Is a world of humor In "His rajama Girl," starring Blllle Rhodes M..h i. .hnwliia at the Liberty thea tre. This Pricefllm in Its opening scenes looks as though a dark and nvii nlot la helne hatched. And as It speedily unwinds itself Is developes several merry cnucaies unui n " -I..,,.. nrnHnce a rolt of laughter. A strong cast has been supplied In ...nnnrt of Miss Rhodes. It Includes 11-rrv Kattenberg. Harry Edwards, and George French. Eddie Harry, a number of Pajama Girls, and others. In Its early stagei the story has to do with a couple or plotters who are endeavoring to overthrow a certain i i.ilo Tnev are blng finan cially aided by Dolly Dodd's dad. When the secret service operative ap pears on the Job he is ousuy pled in trailing the thieves anr culti vating the acquaintance of Dolly. This doublo task Is made still more dirticult upon one of the plotters for his daughter's hand. However, things are almost nicely arranged when Dolly disappears clad merely in he pajamas. The search and complication that ensue give the picture an unusual turn. As fine a blending of pathos and comedy aa has marked any screen play appearing In many months is to be seen In "Bunty Pulls tbe Strings" Reginard Barker production, re leased byGoldwyn, which Is showing at the Antlers theatre tonignt. Based on an excellent plot the itory that la told "catches on" at the very beginning, and. holds ones at tention without a break to the iinl ft tells of a Scotch girl and her love lffalr with "Weelum, which Bhe was ready to sacrifice for the sake f her stern old father, and her err ing brothers, but which "turn out all -ight In the end." because but to tell the story would spoil the picture 'or those who have the pleasure of teeing It still before them. The character drawing In "Bunty ulls the Strings" la wonderfully lone. The photography and setting f the play also make a deep impres- lon. The Goldwyn firm erected Scotch vllllage In California especial v for the taking of the picture, No one player is starred In the lcture, but all of those who taltc art have established enviable rec rds. and are well known. Leatrlce oy. one of the most attractive girl In pictures, plays "Bunty," and Rus- lell Simpson, who made sucn a ni 'n "Godless Men," plays "Tam," the rather. "One Wild Week," in which Behe Daniels will be seen at the Majesti -heatre tonight, is the story is an orphaned heiress who has lived cheerless life with an ovcrbearin lunt until her eighteenth birthday when she makes a break and goes to the cltv to visit an old friend of her dead mother.. At least she starts for he cltv home of Mrs. Brewster, liu through a plnuslble combination of Mrcumstances, she really arrives at quite another place. There I J a likeable young man Played by Frank Klngsley. He meets the airl early in the story ana oe comes her champion from that mo ment. It Is typical, however, that when he goes to Ihe reformatory yes, that's where she landed to as sure her that he will get her released she borrows his car and, with three other girls makes her own escape rlaht then. She has more adven tures. however, before che flnally rilsitnsea of Aunt Emma's claim her fortune, and secures It to herself and her prospective husband. the one that appears to be the most vital at this time Is In the form of a financial Indebtedness, rather than a social one. Many people are seek ing to gather all their small obliga- lions under one head and In that way confine their efforts In one aim and thus eventually clear up their debts aa far as money matters are con cerned. To do this they reallte that they must be able to give satisfactory security for the money which tboy owe, and In the majority of cases. especially among the farming popu- carry on any work of this nature and all those who wish to enjoy the advantage of a reasonable loan are also expected to pay their portion of the maintainaiice fees. The feea In connection with these loans consist of an evidence of good faltb fee, amounting to $5 for all sums up to JjuOO. and $10 for $.".000 and all sums over that amount, and also a small fee for the examination of title. These two fees are payable to the Federal Land Bank through which the loan la obtained. The feea of the local association, which la known as the Roseburg National Farm Loan Association, amount to one percent this fee I 4 must cover all local expense In con nectlon therewith and the association has no authority to collect anything. in excess thereof. In no case how ever, can any local loan association guarantee that the amount or mon ey applied for will be forthcoming. The applicant Is supposed to bear In mind the actual valuation of the property upon which he desires a loan and not seek to obtain an ex- horbltant amount In accordance with tbe security he has to offe There are about seventy local rely of real estate," says Mlas Syl- la Brown, Secretary of the Rose burg National Farm Loan assorla- on. The Federal Farm Loan system as created for the special purpose nf nsaiHtlnir the farmers of tbe Unit ed Btates to more conveniently carry I """'i"1 PKorniwiowAii CAitrm OH. I. A. W KI.I.S. lteatlat. 17 Parkin HMR-, Fhonaaia. DID PAW DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? TI.E p!n n1 torture of fheu. matism can be qua. lily relieved by an application of bloans Liniment. It brings warmth, ease aad comfort and IcU you alp soundly. Always have a bottle handy and apply when you feel the first twinge. it ptnetratri without rubbtnf. It's splendid to take tbe pain out ol tired, aching muscles. " .trains, st.9 joints. d lame back.. For forty years iuu your neighbor. ,,.,. fit ail aruggwt "- " " Liniment arcs CUrn'A 4 on. KlliKMi A. sl'K.H, Chiropractic Physician. Booms J2S-M7, Parklna BullMnsr. Mils. y. H. owr nit riowara. Phone 40. 109 Ho. Jackson St. tin. pi.vi.kb Chiropractic Physician. i:z w. nine bi. liii'ia a tiYi.l.ARD. Dentist. ' let stnt. and Bavlnga Bank Bida- Pon 1ST. P-VWWm The Roseburg CAFETERIA AND RESTAURANT has Just started on their fifth year of successful business. Fine Cafeteria dinners from 11 a. m. to 7: JO p. m. Good short J order aervlce at all times. Very 5 reasonable prices. New, sanl- "J lary Vltrollte table tops Just K ar, aii'j latlon. this security must consist rn-1 associations doing business In the stale or Oregon, those in Douglas county, outside of Roseburg being located at Myrrtle Creek. Oakland and Drain, and specific Information concerning any particular loan can be obtained by calling on the sec retary-treasurer of any of these as- thelr Indebtedness and at the same time give them an opportunity to lm prove their farms more rapidly. Loans of this class are made only to farmers who reside upon and culti vate their own land either personally or through hired help, thus giving tbe aotual producer the advantage over the land holder who rents out his property to tenants. Federal farm loans are based on fifty percent of the actual valuation of the land and twenty percent of the valuation of the permanent Improve ments, and are made for the pur pose of purchasing land, paying off indebtedness existing on and or Im- nrovements, purchasing stock or Im plements to thus build ud the earn Ing powers of the land, and for the purpose of adding bul.JIngs and olh er permanent Improvements to the property. "Lonns of this class now run for period of thirty-three years and draw Interest at the rate of ( per cent per annivm, payable seml-an nually. These loans, however, can be paid off at the end of the fifth ear or at any Interest paying date thereafter If the borrower bo desires, or small payments may be made, on my Interest paying date, over and ihove the regular payment of prlncl pie and Interest then due, In sneaking of the class of land upon which loans can be made the Roseburg National Farm Loan asso ciation recently received a letter from the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, which reads in part as follows: 'We ire expected to loan only upon com plete farm units, and a farm unit, under our meaning of the term, la a tract of land with suitable buildings thereon, of an acreage sufficient, when put to the uses to which It Is best adapted and under the care of an ordinarily Intelligent farmer, to produce a revenue sufficient to main tain the borrower and his family and In addition to meet the amortlxa tlon Installments upon the loan sounht as they mature.' "Many people seem to have gained Ihe Impression that there Is no ex pense attached to the securing of loana of this class and are greatly disappointed when they learn that there are small fees In connection therewith. There Is, however, a cer tain amount of labor necessary to 'The same precaution Is necessary In making application for a loan of this class as for any other loan, vtx; apply for the least amount possible to cover Immediate needs. Since the federal Land Banks opened for busi ness on January 1st, 1921, the tmount of money available for loans hna been limited and thousands are making kiopl'lcat'ton Ifor the small amount they have on hand. It Is therefore necessary that they take only the most safe and sound risks which are presented to them and wood out those where an exhorbit ant amount Is asked In accordance with the security offered. The solu tion of this problem would be, seek only to borrow that which Is actual ly needed." HAS SEVEN ri'l'II.8. Clerk Alice Blgclow of the Or chard Vulley school, writes that an Item recently appearing In the Can yonvllle newa reports to tho effect TF you want every 1 bake-day to be a success if you want nosirive results at an economical cost use l and depend on CALUMET t BAKING POWDER I Bakings are always ,'7 uniform In the nulions f a4 liAm.fi .i.Vi ar. i f la VI I1UU1 V 111. IV At used. Everything served is just right tender, light, perfectly raised and thoroughly wholesome. Failures are unknown. Guard the purity of your bakings use Calu met It's pure in the can pure in the baking. Contains only such in gredients a9 have been officially approved by the United States Pure Food Authorities. Order Calumet today It rlll pay A Bound can of Ctnm contains full lOoa. Some baking powders come In 13 ol cane Inetead ol 8 o. one. He sure yon aet e pound when you want it. school has only 0110 pupil. Is an .er ror ,as Ihe school has seven pupils and prospects of a greater Increase that the Orchard Valley or Oazloy soon. Installed. Music by Mrs. Hlrsch every Tuesday tk.,... nd Saturday even ings from ( 10 7 o'clock. See d Mr. Hlrsch for Tlolin Instruc- A tlon. A The most pop"'' eating place TA In Douglas County. There'a a j reason. Tours for good eala, 2 W. R. WARNER PILOPIUETO Common Sense by DR. NERBAS DENTIST All that any one needs In order to take good care of their teeth Is an application of old common sense and twice a year trip to the dentist. You need not vainly long for a good, sound set of teeth. You can become possessed of them. At my office there II No Ul'FHM WORK bat nKLIAIULITT KFFICIKNCT EXTKNH1VK KXPEHIK.NCR by A LKiiH PAIN IiKNTIHT H. R. NERBAS, D.D.S. MAMORIO BiraxtUO. ilZZZZZlZZ f$$$k S-" "I mM I jW WE CAN PROVE IT With a Dozen NEW EDISONS We did prove It, absolutely and conclusively, with a single Now Kdlaon. You know wo did, from the results of the test made last week at the Presbyterian church, when Helen Clark and Joseph Phil-' llpa compared their singing with Its BK-CltKATION by the New Kdlaon. Wo can prove It again, wllh any other Official Laboratory Model In our atore. Last week'e marvelous exhibition was not Ihe achievement of a special New Kdlaon. It was simply a regu lar performance fur any Official Lab oratory Model. ZNEW EDISON The Phonograph W illi Soul. Buy one of these Official Laboratory Minima on our easy payment Budget Plan. Then you have the one phono graph that sustains the one vital phonograph test. Then you have inuaic so perfectly It K-CIt K ATKI that you feel that you arc listening to living artists. We guarantee Hint any Official Ijibomlory Model, which you select from our stock, will do everything which was done by the Instrument used In last week's teat. W. E. OTT IWKXKIU'HCt. OHKCIOSL