3 A V? V? m7V7?a IS USE W Millions of Housewives by more Chefs by more Railroads by more Restaurants and by more Hotels than any other Brand CALL FOR CALUMET Irs moderate in price and never fails A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it Movie Closeups "Honeymoon Ranch," the screen adaptation of x O'Reilly's adven ture story of the same name. Is the feature at the Liberty theatre to night, with Allene Ray and Harry ' McLaughlin In the leading roles. It deals with the life of the open plains of west Texas and the settling of a . fued between the lawless element, of the "old" west and superseding crowd of "fence-builders." Hob Townley has cleverly directed this exceedingly dramatic five-reel west ern picture and has put the climax over with a punrh. Allene Ray makes a very dainty and unusual . heroine and Harry McLaughlin, the intrepid aviator-cowboy goes through many exciting adventures to win her. 'Honeymoon Ranch" Is a picture which should delight young and old alike. It is a breath of the west itself and is far above the usual run of pictures. The work of I.ue F. Vernon, who has commenced his duties as pianist at the Liberty theatre is worthy of special comment. Mr. Vernon is a pianist who has made a specialty of CLASSIFIED COLUMN 4U, SBW CLASSIFIED AD VEHTISEI-KST WILL BB FOUND OaT LAST flQB UNDER HEADING -NEW TODAY"." WANTED. WANTED Turner .large or Plion 14-K-14. Boy erBroe. WAOTKO TO KENT piano. W. K. War net. KoBoburg Cafeteria. CAN.NKKV HELP WANTED Apply at auingryMlll 8t. Frank J. Morton. Wanted Wood choppers, will fur nish house, w. A. Jenklna, 2 miles Iuthofuixonvllle. Phono 14-F41. Wa.'TK1 Hy two young men, work In the evening- from 7 till la. Any thing. Addrese "Work," Newa- KeVlt-w. Viantkd ;ood 12 I ncli ouk wood, "ate price and quantity ava'lable. Ad.lres. !) at oni.e caro Hevm- Vi ANTEl By niarrlt-a couple with one small child. housekeeping rooms, state price an4 location. Ad rt? ',Jmsiew-lteWow VANThtfl-ny married couple with I "nail children, housekeeping room. Ktnte prce nnd locatlon.Ad oress A. P., cure Kewa-Heview. wanted oood, "careful, quick apple J.-."' w,th Porfeot eyeslKht. 30 "its an hour, at the Brand Packing foot of n.lt street. -. MISCELLANEOUS. kKRIN,'i nd aressmaklng of all atnaj,, a Mala. Mrs. Uuthrldgo. V.miT. TO L'AN-FIrat mortgagee." I-rli . ?n re1 Wit. 10 year rural lan-- and S year straight loans. see M, j,-. nice, of Wee A BboiiV. "rre you buy or sell your ?-, ""'nlclpal bonds and r. - " . r . nice, oc nice We h-inAl. ... BOS 1 18. vnly lnB nign graae nor.M "ovemment, municipal, cor . t'k u" "hout our easy J-Vr?. ft"- Douglas Abstract List . ,jOST av POtTWTf. lV.7. J,0 I'.rown eanvaa trurk cover. . :-- - ' -1 low niiir hv.UTKv'r;har' pencil. Owner may Fr.i-v,, -- ""ee. Krwam .aiIn'V''- OWnTr-ran ""have 'hlTad? l..crll,rg .nd paying for A' ". ' " n-l!e.l, .not In f7j;5,i5?inl!Me2rose Oregon. 'irani'."1!."' rf"'' ,r"m B-oaiburg to' inin .","n "ample ease con ahl , "mn'ea ami catalogs. Pult w:,:;;; "no-r. Notify M W. F.,. 'P. - Monadnock Bldg.. Fan Vim RK!TT. ?..!T,lrJ,'"'r awit -a national Bask. IrODCiK FOR HALE. Fine buy in 1918 Dodge tour- ing car, $700. Service Garage. accompanying the silent drama for a number of years. His ability in tnis line is unusual and judging from the many compliments and remarks he is pleasing the patrons with his improvisations and interpretations of the pictures. Mr. Vernon catni here Ironi Salt Lake City. o HOOVER IS "OOOVKU" IX KUSSIA PETROORAD, Oct. 3. Herbert Hoover, the American secretary of comme rce, is "Goover" to all Rus sian newspapers and newspaper readers. The Kngllsh Initial "II" has no exact equivalent in the Russian lan; guage. So they have made the American secretary of commerce Goover" and 1.000,000 little Rus sians who vat the American meals will thank Mr. "Goover" for their daily bread. Fullerton pie social, Friday, Oct. 28th. Good program. FOU RENT Small unfurnished house, close in. Addreaa L). Watte liixon vllle. t)H BALK. FOR SALE Kir cord wood. Boyer Bros. Phone 14-F14. FOR HALK 1 Uharple Phone 37-FU. FOR SALE Wood, good wood. See me quick. J. M. Judd. FOR SALE 2nd hand lumber, and tanks. Hast Estate. FOR 8ALB Bulba of all Winds, beat on the market, al The Fern. FOR SALfi V. Minorca cockelers, April hatch. Phone 133-R. FOR SALE Horse and cow hay. Buy from tile producer. R. 1. Boa 162. FOR SALE 100 tier old growth fir block wood on good road. Llndblom, Illxonville. FOR SAIl Cull Delicious apples at tho orchard 600 per box. N. 1. ilewUt. Brockway. FOK SALE Modern l-room house with cement basement. Terms. Inquire 420 So. Stephana St! FOR SALE Young brown mare, tine condition. Price $!10, Llndblom, rilxoavllle. FOR SALE fr-rooin house, close In. Terma. Inquire 641 Kwwler St., Rose- burg. Oregon, Folt SALE J! cal. Ilerrlngton Rlcbarls revolver, price fS.UO. Ad- d res s B.. Newa-Revl ew. FOR SALE lint Ford bug. fenders and top. A-l condition In every way- See It at Service oarage. FOR SALE One Jersey, giving milk; good fa-nlly cow. O. L Weber, Rob- ertaOreeek. Phone 42-F13. KOR SALK CHEAP Ford light dellv. ery, good top, body and windshield; I'nlversal tire flllera. ServUe Oaraaiv FOR SALE Private touring car, HI' model. In first class condition. An .weryM.ewa-Il evlew. FOR BALK 1SI4 Kurd. completely overhauled Fir quick aale. IIS0 Inquire IMS Harvard Ave.. West Itosetturg. FOR SALIC Oood. gentle saddle horse, safe for children, wt. 100. Inquire at the H J. Wilson place. 14 mile west of K'leshower store. FOR SALE Fir cord and 1 In. Mo. k wood. Will deliver In your city. Write for prices. I. J. Ooff. Suther- lln FOR SALE OH EXf'HANOB passen ger f-cvllnder Hudson rnr In A-l condition, or will exchsnge for good team of horses and wagon, or ex change for hep Address H. A. VoolmanPuthernn.Oregon: fiTrTftEST BfT IN "TOWN fil y l"ta on East Iin. "tr-t. Paving and sewer. Priced at IS50 00 and up Small payment down, and h nce eaav terms at per cent. Build a home close In. Select vour lot now. O W. Toung on. Phona 417. UI.IMl tl J1ILKS OK l-'KA.NCU ARE LN WAST. PARIS. Oct. 2?.Vnlted Press. ) Krauca couuia among bet war hero'.- 130U vetvrana who will never e the light of day aiatu, iby are totally ouud. The French army wag not equipped at the outlet of the war with tht protective devices known to the American aruiy when It took the field, aud her aoldrer paid valiantly the price' of a bitter experience. The majority of the blind were victims of gas attacks at the time when the gas mask had not yet come Into being. Of the 2300 blind, scarcely 100 have enough to live on. They have received government training in vari ous trades, but practice has proveu the fallacy of the theory current dur ing the war that the blind would be able to earn their living. The French pension law only allots 3000 francs a year to those blinded in the war. They are not classed as "severely wounded," the latter drawing 600b francs a year. Both these sums are Insufficient to care for those who havw sacrificed the best of their life, and a movement Is now on foot In the senate to revise war pensions. CILUYSAXTHKMl'MS FOlt SALE. Come and see them at the home of H. B. Church, 318 East Commer cial avenne. Phone 267-L. ASKKD TO All) JOISLKSH SALEM, Oct. 27. The school children of Oregon were today called upon to give their aid in the solution of tho nation unemployment prob lem. J. A. Churchill, state superin tendent of schools, in. letters ad dressed to the school officials throughout the state, calls attention to the fact that Herbert C. Hoover, chairman of the federal unemploy ment conference, has asked the na tlonal education associations to rally the school forces of the nation back of the movement to find odd Jobi for the three and a halt million un employed. In addition to giving special study to local conditions the schools are asked to give publicity to the propos ed remedies for the present emer gency and to include in courses of study provisions for consideration of unemployment as a permanent prob lem. Emergency measures will in clude a general ' spruce up" cam palen In which all people of the na tion will be asked to find the odd Jobs which can as well be done now as later. The special task of the school children will he to direct attention nf the people generally to the unem ployment situation. NATIONAL APPLE DAY Monday, Ortolier 31st is Hallo we'en day. This is the big day for It is the day which will be observed from Seattle to San Diego, and from Portland to New York as National Apple Day. Last year s observation of the day and the week devoted to giving pub licity to the apple and according to nn official of the International Apple Shippers Association which Is spon sor ting the movement there Is no question but that the wide-spread publicity given to the apple was one of the prime fatcors underlying the continued strong demand for this fruit throughout the year. It assist ed in moving the largest apple crop on record. It Is expected that every cltv and community In the northwest will be nterested In giving the apple the fop place In the day which will be ob served through the entire country. This day was observed by the larg er cities in all sections of the coun try last year and it Is expected that the apple will receive even wider I ubllrlty this year. COLLEGE TAKES VP POLO OORVALLIS. Oct. J8. Polo Is the latest sport to be played at the Ore gon Agricultural College here. Stu dents recently took up the game un der direction of rnlted States army officers quartered here. Heglnners are given practice in he college gymnasium, where there Is a dummy horse. As they progress, the players are given army horses and meet on the college field. Train ed horses cannot be obtained, but some good material is being develop ed from the large number of horses owned by the military department CAMAS VALLEY NEWS. A program and box social will be given at the lower school house Fri day evening, October 28. Plays, ghosts and games typical of Hal lowe'en will make the erenlng enjoy able. Everybody invited. J'roceedB will be used for much needed ath letic equipment. The Varent-Teacrrer association held Its first meeting of the year Fri day. The first lantern slide show ing was given. Officers elected the vear are: Mrs. .1. J. Northrup. presi dent: Mrs. O. F. Rom-brake, vice president: Mrs. II. II. Miller, secretary-treasurer. The second Friday of each month was selected for regu lar meetings. While toachrrs are at th Institute pupils are busy plan ning for the big liox social. Henry Denn was the efficient man ager of a social dance last Saturday night at Stnhle's hall. School Is progressing nicely. Stu dents are working hnrd nt their vo cations. Six weeks exams, are over, so we have mope time to devote to Hallowe'en practice. Our basketball teams are trying to arrange games with other schools. Iax Goodman, our genial stage driver, had a full car Monday morn ing. Mrs. Wood went to Row-burr see her nlee" off to Minnesota. Mrs. Atnateln and Hauitht-r Ilernlce left for Klamath Falls Mrs. Klncsld and Mrs. Northcrnft and sen Gene went to Roseburg to have dental work done. Much to the Joy of the students all the teachers ar attending Institute la Roseburg. noBffnmo KOTrMtKvmw. t-'rtnuy, ocronim NORTH DOVULAS EX-tiLRVICtO MEN, ATTLMION. luiuqua Post, American Le- flon. will hold a rousing big rally at Praln on Saturday night. October 29th, at 7:30 o'clock. Autos will leave Rose- 4 burg for Drain Saturday even- ing at S o'clock. Local ex- service men be at the armory at that time and make the trip. A big masque dance will be given In Drain and a hot time is expected. 4 CHRISTMAS CARI9 4V The exclusive Job printing department of the News-Review Is showing a beautiful line ot Christmas and New Year cards, O both engraved and printed. These contain "your Individual name and are a very approprl- ate remembrance for Christmas or New Years, flace your or- ders right now as we will not be able to furnish them at the last moment. All orders must be In promptly In order to as- sure early delivery. LARGEST EKKCTIUr SIGX IX WORLD LONDON, Oct. 28. (United Press.) Operation of what Is believed to be the largest electrical sign In exist ence, has Jusf commenced here. The sign, shaped like a star, measuring a quarter of a mile from point to point, serves as a guide for the cross channel air pilots in landing at night. The lights are sunk In a groove covered with heavy glaRS, level with the ground, so that the planes can axl rieht across them In landing. Tho lighting Is so arranged that i huge "L" may be displayed to lndl cate the direction of the wind. The giant sign is Installed at Croy don, the London air station, and landing there will be further facili tated hy a searchlight so powerful that it can e seen from a distance of 30 miles, and so penetrating that it -an be seen through a heavy cloud bank. Buildings adjacent to the aerodrome will also he outlined In electric lights to avoid collisions In night flying. The station, as now built and with 'he minor Improvements to be made, is believed to be the best equipped for flying in the world. o KOKE1GX MILITARY . MEETS IX l K NEW YORK. Oct. 28. (United Press.) General John J. Pershing, lust returned from France, attended today the reception to the Military Board of Allied Supply. The foreign members of the mili tary board arrived here October 26 nn the T'nlted Slates transport Con tlgny. They are: General Charles lean Marie Payot. quartermaster general of the French army; General A. A. Mcllardy. of the British army; General Commandatore Hlppollto p colli of the Italian army; and Coloned Adolphe Cumont, of the Bel gian army. llriganler-oonerai i; n a r e a u. Dawes, United states army, is me American member, me board was flrat organized to co-ordinate the services of supply and transportation when Marshal Foch took supreme command of the Allied armies In France. Governor Natnan l. .viuier oi ,ic York also attended the reception. PROFtetwnONAIi OARTW OR. I- A. w Kixs, neatiat. J17 Perkins Hltlg. rnoneai. lilt. Kl IIK.Mi A. xi'UAH, Chiropractic Physician, itooina rsonu- Building. Its. V. I. OWF.M trut Flowers. Phone 240 1'ie no. jacKson ni 1)11. M. II. Pl.YI.KM t.niropractic Phvsldan. z-z . ien" "i 6lTl.OITlS A. III.1.AII. Ientl. Urn. s 1st Mtnte ana oavioee Phone !7. MOORE MUSIC . STUDIO , Kindergarten to Advanced Pupils Bell Sistors' Bldg. Phone 602. What Are You Going to Paint? ' House ? Garage ? Barn t Fence? Store Front? Give it the protection of (rood paint the kind that looks well and lasts long ! DUTCH HOY WHITIi-LEAD For all outdoor work we rec ommend Dutch IJ.y white lrj,l mixed with pure linseed oil. Conic in and talk with u we can help you to lave money on your painting. Cordon & Bishop . ROSEBURO. ORF.OON. ua, loai. Persoi Auction tales Dairy mm Beef Cattle A aptendid opportunity to buy foundation atock. Select ad conaignmanufrom leading breeders. West's Mast Brilliant Horso Shew Niakts-3 Matleeee Tbousanda will aee the spectacular Horse Shows by far the mo it brilliant an tainmenta of their kind held In the West. - www Poultry and Rabbit Show (OOO Birda-SOO Rabbits Big diaplay of pedigreed males, trapneated femalua and laying pens. $2500 In premiums. 77ie big thow of th sea son Western Dairy Product Show Big exhibits, milk, cream, butter and cbeeae. Under auapicea Western Dairy In atructora Association. Fare and one-half ;on all railroads Sarm th Doha . PORTLAND Nov. 5-12 Pacific International Livestock Exposition largest livestock Show UtAmericalO acres under one roof AROUND Tllg TOWN 4 Arundel, piano tune, mono 18S-L Ooodyear Tiro Service. Ford Oarage. GooC-lcb Tiro Bemce. Bee at. C. 4. Lockwood Motor Co. Pennsylvania Tiro Service, Ask is. Ford Oarage. Goodyear Tiro 8 -Trias. Fortl Oarage, Don't pay your expenaos to Port land to get your full wall paper. I have a full lino here, three of the largest bousna to select from, and a discount that will knock your hat eft vour head. Paint and Wall Paper Store, 403 West Caas St, Common Sense DR. NERBAS DENTIST All that any one needs in order to take good caro of their teeth Is an application of old common sense and twice a year trip to the treat 1st, You need not vainly long for a good, sound set of teeth. You can become possessed of them. At my office there Is No GI LHI WOHK but ItlJ.IAIlII.irr KKF1CIK.VCY KXTh'NSIVK bXI'KIHK.NCK by A I.KSH PA I.N DK.NTIST II. Ii NERBAS, D.D.S. I'HONh. 48s tVoom 9 UAHONIO BCIUH.-He. ck Lovers! . H.l.tafiWlw,a.-" air" ...... arid. Ponnsylvauia TJ?e Seme. Ask us. Ford Oarage. ! Goodrich Tins Bervace. So OS. 0 A. Lockwood Motor Co. f-aJuleaa exTracuun ot teeth at room . Masonic- temple. Dr. Nor baa. Durn Utah coal and see the differ ence. H. J. Denn. Phono 128. Bellfluer appiea, a good grade, full box only 85c box while they last, at the Peoples Supply Co. Take your rubber boots to Green, the Tire Man, and got tbcin half soled for the wet wwuther. We have a ear of fancy Yakima spuds just arrived. Spuds will be higher. Call and get quantity price on this lot. Peoples Supply Co. I Stop, Look Listen Have you a set of Weed Chains for the muddy and slippery roads? Better 6ee us before you are sorry, and get a set. C.A. LOCRWOOD MOTOR CO l4)4440444- Going Fishing? SEE 3 ERG ER FOR Hip Boots, Shoes, Slicker and Rain Coats, Hosiery, Underwear, Army Blankets, 0. D. Shirts and Pants. Berger's Bargain Store Corner Cass MOB fUKKH teto .... .as...1" .r. atet r fee i i Before you buy wall paper) from mall order houses or peudlera, call at 403 West Cass St. and get prices. Wall paper 20 cents per double roll, trimmed ready for use. The greatest selection of paints, all kinds of varnishes, flat wall fin ish, that you can wash. Made while you wait. Any color you want Root stains, paints, anything you need In th line of auto enamels. All guar anteed, or money back. Come in for particulars at Fisher's Paint Store. 03 Cass, or phons I66-Y. J. H. SINNIGER All kinds of sheet metal rrork, warm air furnaces, both pipe and plpeless. lit Oak Street. Phono 418. Roseburg, Ore. 4 and Pine Streets i