ROSEBCTtd KEWS-REVTFW, THTOBBAt, OCTOBER 8, 1021. There has never been a sale iu Roseburg like this one entire stock at discount ONLY A FEW DAYS Money Raising I, 15 PER CENT OFF ON EVERY ARTICLE IN STOCK mm MORE Stock Reducing 25 PER CENT OFF ON COATS AND SUITS in It libber Footwear Minn I-. This sale has been an opportunity for us to raise needed cash quickly. It has been equally as great an opportuuity for you to lay in your winter supply in Clothing, Underwear, Shoes, Coats. Dresses, Dry Goods, Men's Fumif lu'rgs SPECIAL Munsing Underwear for the entire family, women's, men's and children's every garment 15 off for this sale all styles of underwear 15 off. Special MEN'S OVERCOATS All wool, Oregon weave and Oregon make we are exclusive agents these fine stylish overcoats. Special sale price (23.00 SPECIAL-SHOES One special lot of women's btgh grade dreBS oxfords, specially suited to winter wear a full run o'f sizes regular price $8.60 and worth it. Secinl sale price 3.7U Hoys' Shoes Our Specialty Girls' Shorn. Men's Shirts Now on Sale. CAMP SITES DONATED J. H. Booth today donated to the State Hlfhway commls- sion, the tract of land conslst- ing of twenty acres, lying along the Pacific highway from the Van Dyne bridge near the Booth ranch to a point approximately one mile south. This land which borders the river bank, Is an Ideal park and camp site and improved by the com- mission. Two other donatlctis were made, according to teJe- graph dispatches, eight acres ! at Romena Doll on the Coluin- bla highway being given by Mark A. Mejers and a large tract at Rogue River Falls, by ! Henry Walther of the Callfor- nla and Oreson Power company. YOUNG I'HOPMS'S RALLY A Young People's Rally will be held at the Baptist church beginning next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 and running through Sunday. Delogates of young people from a dozen Bap tist churches In the associa tion are expected to attend. Dr. Young and Dr. Austin, both of Port land, will be among the capable speakers on the program. A big chicken dinner will be provided for the young people on Saturday even ing. The local Baptist young people, TODAY LIBERTY THEATRE Prices 10c & 15c MATINKK KVKItV 1)V Allene Ray and Harry McLaughlin in "Honeymoon Ranch" If you loved your husband anil your father luid vowed to Klioot Mm at Night ami j,)u knew your IiiisInuiiI would not slile. ! danger what would you hi? Kit what Allene Itny In "Honeymoon Kami.." Aim comply. In (ho Air," n Mini! rhnrtw Lue F. Vernon who "Plays the Pictures" at the Piano are making extensive plans for the occasion. Do not overlook this special clean up sale Saturday if you need a hat. Bell Millinery. o xa mjimii.ioaj.m6 Turn over a new leaf and settle the question by having real portraits made for your Xinas gifts. We make them. No war prices at tire ROSEBUrtO STUDIO, 137 Jackson. Bell Sisters' Bldg. Make your appointment now. Phone 4 62. ItOlllN HOOD IS CLASSIC The Ameiicnn comic onorn. "Rnh- In Hood," Is the Joint work of Regi nald DeKovan and Harry B. Smith. A work may not probably become a classic during the life time of Its authors, and thlH seems to be the case of "Robin Hood." There Is no doubt that Robin Hood will alwavs re sung, it has the elements of a classic musical drama, enlnlne rec ognltlon as a classic through the out standing portions of that score. The nonemlan Girl" is made Immortal by three songs "Lucia dl Lammer moor" by the sextette; Lohengrin bv "The Wedding March:" "Rlgoletto" by a trip and tenor, "Alila" and so on through the list. Unquestionably "O Promise Me," the "Armourer's ong' and "Urown October Ale" from "Robin Hood" will hold the work permanently In the regard of the American theatre-goers and mus ic lovers. The Ralph Dunbar presentation, whic h will appear here at the Antlers theatre on November 4. has been ac claimed by the press and public as a worthy. If not superior successor to the original - nostonlans who made this opera famous. The principals of the company are composed of an exceptional n'mrtctte of operatic art lists who have Just completed a sum mer's run at the Illinois theatre In Chicago. Fullerton P. T. Give Pie Social Says Apple Price Will be Better Coals on sale Saturday. Ilnery. Bell Mil New DRESSES Arriving almost every day Charming Models ready for you in all the favorite materials ALSO Palmer Coats Modart Corsets Perrin Gloves Burchard'i on Friday evening at 7:30 the lullerton I'arent-Teacher association will hold Hs annual pie social at the E.'liool house, at the corner of Mill tary street and Umpqua avenue. An excellent program has been nrrungui as follows: Masquerade contest by school cntmren. Piano solo Miss Irma Shields. Vocal Solo Mrs. Spear. Reading Foster Butner. Violin solo Ernest Arundel. Vocal duet Mrs. DeLapp and Mr Parkhurst. Cornet solo Jack Shields. Vocal solo C. II. Arundel. Lantern slides Victor Arundel. Following this there will be a spe cial program tor the children in an other room. During the social hour plo and cider will be served. Part of the proceeds will go as cash prizes to the boys' and girls' Industrial clubs. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all interested in school work. KXTKKTA INS Fill EX lS Mrs. Woodley Stephenson has planned a Halloween party for this evening at which time she will on fertaln a number of her girl friends. Music, sewing and games will be en ioyed. and the evening will no doubt prove most entertaining. Sport felt hats for $2.00. regular $4.75: hats in blue, green, and tan. Bill Millinery. Saturday clean-up. o AROUND TJIK TOWN Bell the lm- The last call for hats at the Millinery sale Saturday. Ed. Renfro. of Tiller, spent day In this city attending to I'ornim ousiness matters. The prlco not considered on hats Patnrdnv. A complete clean nn. Mill Millinery. New hats haw been added tn tn line all going at an extra snoelnl aaiurany. lien Millinery. Thomas Laughead. a nromlnent cttiien or Myrtle Creek, snent the nay here attending to Important business matters. J. N. Post, of Drain, is spending a tew aays In this city attending to business matters. Mr. Post Is regis tered at the Grand Hotel. .miss .Nettle Spencer returned to ner nome In Yoncalla this morning, after spending the past few dnvs In this city attending to business 'mat ters. Delbert Oorsllne. of Drain, was brought to this city last evening by Dr. II. A. Canfleld of that cltv. Ho entered the Mercy hospital at once to receive medical treatment. A large photograph of Miss Fern Reymers of this city appeared In this morning s Portland Telegram. It was laiicn at the recent football game in this city, at which time Miss Rey mers was yell leader. . "People as constantly asking how the apple market looks, says C. A Brand of Overland Orchards. "The last reports I remember seeing In the Roseburg were quite rosy and would lead the growers to ex pect prices hanging around $2.00 to $2.23 for extra fancy Spitzenburgs. I am a grower and not a marketing expert and do not want to be disap pointed, consequently! put my ex pectations low. Personally I do not believe that prices are going to run high this year, at least not till later when storage charges will have pli ed up to some extent to add to costs. conditions are not what we thought they were going to be early In the season when the long crop here and the short crop In the east were all that most growers could see. Another feature which has to be reckoned with Is the amount of money that the public has to spend for apples. It Is true that there is a short crop In the east, but In that connection note the following letter from a correspondent In Iowa, and he represents the conditions In more states than one. He says: We feel that territory in Iowa and neighboring states Is probably at a lower range of buying. power than a great many other states be cause we are largely agricultural In ejir pursuits In Iowa, and the farm er has been hit terrifically in prce reductions on his products. Oats are selling at from II cents to l.r cents per bushel, and corn around 30 cents to 3." cents per bushel, and von can Imagine when a farmer has to bring In about 40 bushels of oats to buv one box of extra fancy ap Pies; or 15 bushels of corn, that It Is "ertalnly going to go aeainst bis dis position very vlsrorouslv. There inlte n speculation In the minds of our Jobbers here as to how great an extent our farmers Tn Iowa are i Ine to stand for this wide dlspnritv between the value of the commodities 'hev .produce and the value of the commodities produced In your or chard districts.' "In the long run the market value 's all the grower will get for his an n'es and no one organization or fruit district can fix the price. We are not sMnnlng at all at present and ire storins dozens of cars In our warehouse here. One can sell now ' he wants to take the market m-lce which is low. Our hunch Is that the mnrke u going to be better, and vlth railroad conditions as thev are ro are satisfied to hold evervthln Here Of course only time can tell whether or not we have guessed right." I'liiVrvoes Operation - .manna, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Knight, underwent an operation for the nose and throat this morning at the Mercy hospital M. C., AUCTIONEER He is the man that eets vou the value for your property. See him and nrranire sale dnttv 530 N Pine FOR ANY AND EVERY PURj s HOES SHOES SHOE Of Every Description for Every Member of the Family Sacrifice Shoe Sale Values, the Greatest Ever Offered to the Buvinir Public. You'll have to Come and see for yourself. Entire Stock on Sale; Nothing Reserved W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES ON SALE. WHITMAN & KIETH SHOES ON SALE, CHIPPEWA IXMiUEItS ON SALE. McELWAIN SHOES OS SALE. 1 FASHION PLATE SHOES ON SALT OHO HIGH-CUTS EXTRA SPECIALS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Roseburg Booterie PERKINS BLDG. IKVM BKUNN. OASS ST.. IIOSEBIRC, ORE SHOES THAT SATISFY AND KIT VOIR FEET WANTS SEVERE PENALTY. (By United Press.) NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Postmaster General Hays may ask congress to provide life Imprisonment and even death In extreme cases for bandits convicted of robbing tire malls. It was announced today. Hays is In vestigating the New York mail rob bery which netted the thief nearly a million and a halt dollars. o W(H)l) FOK SALE Dry seasoned cord or stove wood. Delivered. Reasonable. Call 88-L after six o'clock. Attorney O. S. Brown of Glendale spent the day here attending to busi ness matters. Miss Leona Swift, a resident of South Deer Creek, spent the morning in this city shopping and visiting with friends. NEW TODAY. l-'oit ItKNT Small unfurnished bouse, l"e In. Address 1). Waltu Uixon-ville. SAI.bZJ ZaT. HerrliiKtun & hunlM revolver, price K.U0. Ad drisB 11., News-Heylow. l'Ult 8AI.K "CIIBAP Kord light deliv ery Kued tup, liody and windshield: t nlvrsiiljire nilersMeryice Uarago. '''.'S77".iold wrist "watch on "braceleT Initials A. U L. K'nder return to Ni wa-Hevlew office. Reward. WAX TKI By two" young"inYh, work In the evenin from 7 till 12. Anv !". Address "Work," New's- IteVli-w. WAXTKIl SJlile .rl AdilreMM IteVleW. .ood 12 I ni h ouk wood, e and quantity ava'lnble. '! at once, care Xews- I.IIST l!l the to;,, I frm ll... .T rants Pass, one sample case con tiilnlng samples and catnle. Suit able reward to flnder. Xotifv M W JJ uesthog, S23 Monadnoek Uldg.San 2 CHK1STV (X)MfeJ)Y AM I'HKSTMl Ol 11 To"ht kiklMM vm 15c J$mMM A Can yon bluff the world nil PARAMOUNT " " '1? SPECIAL Can "ou iw nerve? APPEAR A lVf A,"i ii plncss anil lonj xll i UZlllilllJjk) "ow shall tho heart i them?" WITH T--v j w-k Come and you'll see! In tbl David Powell ze. "nuna 01 rm PARAMOUNT MA4.AZINE AND SCREEN SXAPSHOIS, Tomorrow: Buck Jones In "Straight From the Shoulder." " 1 Ho -TODAY 4M,Y 8n IK YOU WANT TO LA Kill, THEN JH.VT MISS TOM MOORE IN "Hold Your Horses' Adapted from the famous Satu nlny Evening Post story, "CsnHU.1 iiy Knpert Hughe. M 3Z BELLOWS' GREAT SACRIFICE SALE! EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED IN PRICE n.n.T wratitfr nrroirr. oj.hur, Orocon, 14 bourt nlm Hiffht'flt t.'mpTtiir rrntcrHitv 1wft tenipiTAtiir" In-it night .. U PrwfnttAiinn )! i ci T4tnl nrfcln tn. i t .r mnnik no Normal prrlp f.r tMi month . j m mini rv-foip. from 1 i n?t to dnt '954 i f r;mt ItriM'ht f rum S. tit 1 HT? xrc from HM 1. ' ?i ""n. (frt tn May, 1nr....ll8 r I Tonlfht unrl Mnr fn'r WILLIAM BKT.L. Obsorror. JUST DAYS Left to SAVE 25 to 50 on your Summer and Winter Underwear Buy Now and SAVE ; You Can Buy(j COATS Now for !$19.95 FOR Women's Fall and Winter SUITS Opportunity to SAVE on Your Every Need BIG COTTON BATTS1 A A Lnouffh for Comfort... l.UU Pure WhiteCotton batts 00 Regular 50c grade uC Think of it. KAYSER in SILK GLOVES, pair.l.lOC Finest of Wool Blankets made in Oregon by the Pendleton Woolen Mills Robes-11.98 "Blankets Marked Regular $15.00 , CLOSING OUT of ATHENA BRAND of UNDERWEAR Women's Fine. Quality t SIT V IIACM.' Ji ribbed Top worm yz.ow a pan :$i.59 For Fine Wool Heather Sport Hose in desirable colors; worth more than small price asked. THE HOME OF ECONOMY-Buy at BELLOWS Sweaters Corsets Coots Dresses Ribbons Laces Notions Hosiery All are Reduced 251. off the Regular Selling rrtct FOR Friday and Saturday