Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 27, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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laaara Dallv KnrrH Uumimr. 1
b . Bala I, W llrlr lln II. B.'W
Dally. Pf year. y mall -....$00
lally, an anontha. by mall J.o;
By Carrlar. per month ' 60 t
The Aaaoolaud Preis la eclualval
ntitltd 4o .tha aae Cor republication of
all newa lilapateliea - crailllad to It or
not dlharwlaa credllacl Ui tale papar
and alao the iotal newe puMlahed liera- I
In. All rltcnta of republlcatiuu or. apa
rial diamiarhea herein are alao reaerved
fcjntred aa aecond-claaa matter May
17, 1K2U, at the poat oltlce at Kuaeburg.
Oregon, under the Act of March I. I.S7S
IC.wclmrg, Oregon, October 27, IViti.
Many of the Smaller Details
of the Motor Laws Are
Not Observed.
Overloaded and H,ecdlng Trucks
Will It Carefully Watched, Mtale
Tralfic Officer States Will
Arrest Offender.
There are a great many of the
luwa and rules pelntive to motor ve
hicles that are dally vlulated by a
large uuuiber of people, J. J. Mc
Muhon, slate traffic officer, atatea.
Many of these violaliona are caused
by a lack of knowledge concerning
Ihe law and the atate does not desire
to deal harshly with offenders until
they have had an opportunity to
learn the law In respect lo their vio
lations. For their own protection he
advises persona driving motor ve
hicles to procure copies of lite atate
vehicle law and sluuy Ihem care
fully. These may be procured from
any peace officer or by writing to the
secretary of state.
One frequent violation la In the
driving of horse-drawn vehicles. All
such vehicles muBt carry lights at
night, Mr. McMuhon says, and the
driver Is liable to arrest and flue If
a light Is nut displayed In compliance
with the law.
It Is also provided that approach
Ing automobiles must dim their
lights. The stale recognizes no pat
ent lens and even If such lens are in
use dimming must be observed.
Another rule which Is little known
and seldom observed governs pedes
trians along public roads and high
ways. It Is commonly thought that
pedestrians should keep to the right
and in following the highway should
go In the snme direction as Ihe traf
fic. Thin, however, l:i not correct.
Mr MeMahm nta'e:t. Veil." -.It Inns
Three Inseparables
One for mildness.VIRGINlA
One (or mellowness. BURLEY
One for aroma. TURKISH
The finest tobaccos perfectly
aged and blended
1 1 P1VTH AVE.
Jll MM !
should take the left side of the higb
Iwuy and thua face tire traffic. This
'prevents accidents, the officer statea.
'us otherwise approaching vehicles
cnnie mi unseen while if the pedes
trian is on the left side the vehicle
is coming toward him.
Another section of Ihe law applies
to rates of speed iu the vicinity of
school houses. This applies uot only
to ciiy schools but also to rural
schools. When cars are passing rural
(schools they must not travel faster
than 12 miles per hour, according to
the law. Th other speed limits are
30 miles per hour on the highways.
20 miles per hour In cities and
towns where there are no limits ap
plied by the city governments, and
12 miles per hour on intersections.
Overloaded trucks are also fre
quently driven over the highways.
Mr. McMahon states, and In the fu
ture this luw will be rigidly enforced
as well as Ihe law regarding the
speed of loaded trucks. The traffli
officer has been using a loadometer
and has been checking up on loaded
trucks along the highway. Three
arrests have been made, I. J. Goff.
.1 A. Brown and C. W. Lundeen each
paying fines of $15 for driving over
muiicti trucks. This law Is being en
forced strictly for the protection ul
Ihe highway, Mr. McMahon says,
Fullorton pie social, Friday, Oct
2Rth. flood program.
THE UN I Vt R S A lC AR ; ,
'pilH FORD CAR is so simple in
construction, so dependable in
its action, so easy to operate and
handle that almost anybody and
everybody can safely drive it.
THE FORD COUPE, permanently
enclosed with sliding glass win
dows, is cozy, and roomy mo
dest and refined a car that you,
your wife or daughter will be proud
to own and drive.
And of course it has all the Ford
economies of operation and main
tenance. Call and look over the Ford Coupe.
Reasonably prompt delivery can
be made if you order at orre.
C. A. L0CKW00D
Buying Power of Dollar How
ever Has Dwindled Dur
ing Same Time.
Big Different- 1m Noted He! ween in
come lux KeturiiM and the rliiu-
iutf of NmIIoiu. liureuu of
Economic Itwrch.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. (United
Prewa.) The total national Income
of the United State in 1918 was 61
billicu dollar, a compared with
Si sen o sates
UOOO hi KM Mi l-OI.Rs
Tlil i is the time of year when you
discover the leaks iu your celliuga.
Once there was a farmer who
didn't think li could move to town
and run a grocery store and get rich.
I'd like to throttle
Tlio far from few
Who show their learning
liy saying, "Ueaucoup."
luve Hhambrook would ienru to
do the fox trot?
"I don't like your heart action,"
said lr. Wade, upplyuig his stethos
cope to a local ex-service man.
"You've had some trouble with an
gine iecloris, haven't you?"
'Vou're partly right, dic," an
swered the young niati sheepishly,
"only that ain't her name.".
In awarding the velvet-handled
cream-puff opener or the best Joke
of the week, we feel constrained to
select the following as our choice,
with due credit to the Washington
Star from whence it came:
"Unemployment Is a great problem."
"It Is," replied the radical agi
tator. "Unemployment by itself Is
easy enough to learn. The hard part
of the nroltion Is to make it pay,
"Money makes the mare go," was
the old proverb, but It's the city
council that keeps the mayor going.
At any rate. Hint's what Walt In
formed ye ed. of I'rune l'i kin's.
A woman may defend tier no-
acrount husband before her friends,
but she surely does not miss any
word In telling her husband what
she thinks of having to do It.
Ye ed. is beginning to think I'rune
Firkin's Items In regard to the Mouth
Stephens street mudhole have been
in vain.
Once a year we print a fall clas
sic. Here It Is:
Our Puhii Itearh suit lias got the
Our straw luit'a got the ager;
There's frost upon Miraudy's frills.
And Icy thoughts enrage her.
We'll have to work that camouflage,
And thus appease her mighty rage.
Or else give up our summer's wage
And with new duds assauge her.
(rover Cleveland Uergdoll, our
eminent and widely susM-cted draft
evader, is writing a hook, (ieltlng
under the cover again, eh timver?
One time I here was a fair young
thing with bobbed hair ami plucked
eyebrows and everything, who had
two gentlemen friends Oaddles, as
they rail 'em now. One of them was
an easy sender, loose as ashes. He
drew pay Sat unlay evening ami had
It all spent on the girl by Sunday
evening the usiuil thing you know:
flowers, motor ride, theaters, randy,
all suih. The oilier fellow never
gnve the girl anything but the light
of his rnunlcnaiiro. He was tighter
than 17 bootleggers, but he was
reputed to have saved enough to pay I
i ne national ilelit or I'nlagonia.
When the time came for Lizzie (yen,
her inline was Llxzlc ) to make her
great (lisKlon, she figured It I his
wny: "If I get hooked up with this
amateur Santa Clans, I will always
lo hungry Ixvause he will always he
broke. He would willingly spend his
last nlrkle on me, hut a niekle will
be all he will ever have to spend. On
hp other hand. If I marry the other
bird I will npvpr be able to pry ten
rents out of lilni, and will go thru
life w earing rot ton stockings and a
martyred look."
So saying, she got a Job In the
laundry, gave both suitors the air,
mil lived hnpplly ever after.
The head that Is loaded with wis
dom never leaks at the mouth.
1 1
An pdltor wna murdered In A r
'.ansns the other day and the mur
derer was sentenced to ninety-nine
years In prison, while fellow who
killed a lawyer got off with seven
year. Prospective murderers, please
take notice.
Twt probably ran lire as cheaply
as one but the fellow with seven or
right kids knows that two Is the
Semi In Tour name NOW for Prune
Pk-kln's Winter Annual.
"Safety pliai are not safety pins
when swallowed unless they are
34 4 billions In 1913.
But this increase In dollars did
net represent a like Increase In pro
duction. Most of it was due to the
rise iu prices, for the dollar of 19 1
and 1919 was a much less efficient
dollar than that of 1913. The ac
tual total of commodities produced
Increased very little. If at all, and a
large part of those which were pro
duced were war materials, not of a
kind really benefitting consumers.
Consequently, Individual Incomes,
estimated on a per capita basis, ris
ing from $340 in 191" and $354 In
1913, to $586 In 1918. represented
more dollars but little or no real In
crease because the $586 of 1918 is
equivalent to only $372 In terms of
the purchasing power of 1913.
These are the most Important find
ings of the National Bureau of Eco
nomic Research, made public today
In advance of the formal publication
of the results of a year's study of
"Income iu the United Stales." This
study, the most exhaustive ever made
of the Income question In this coun
try, has been conducted by WVslcy
Clair Mitchell, Willford I. KinK.
Frederick R. Macaulay and Oswald
W. Knauth. under the auspices of
a board of nineteen directors, inrlud
lng men prominent in many fields of
business, education, labor, agricul
ture, economics and practical statis
tics, and representing many diver
gent points of view.
Distribution of Income.
The report Bays that only one out
of a hundred (1 per cent) Income re
ceivers In the United States In 1918
had Incomes of $8000 or more, and
that this one per cent had 14 per
cent of the national Income. Five
ner cent, representing incomes above
$3200, had 26 per cent of the total.
Ten per cent. Including Incomes
above $2300. had near 35 per cent
of ths total: the most prosperous 20
per cent. Including Incomes auove
$1750, had about 47 per eent; 80
per cent of the Income receivers had
incomes below $1750. receiving
about 63 per cent of the total In
come. Shares of Lalwr and Capital.
In moBt of the years since 1913.
the bureau finds that In the princi
pal organized Industries, wages and
salaries were about 70 per cent of
the total Income: while capital I In
cluding management) received about
30 per cent, out of whleh were paid
-.,. Intareut anil liroHtS! Illlt tlieKU
proportions varied materially wilhj
relative prosperity and depression. I
In 1916. for example, me snare oi
capital increased to about 35 per
cent, with 65 per cent to labor, while
in 1919 capital's share fell to about
22 per cent, while labor got 78. Of
the total payments to emptovss. In
Ihe highly organized Industries,
about 92 per cent goes to the man
ual workers and clerical "laffs, while
8 per cent goes lo officials.
Share of the Fanner.
The furniers, vho, during the past
decade, hnva made lip about 16 per
rent of the total of the gainfully em
ployed, had from 12 to 13 per cent
of the national Income In the years
between 1910 and 1916 Inclusive:
since 1917 they nave ben receiving
16 lo 17 per eent, or a somewhat
higher proportion, as the following
figures from th report show:
1910 12.9 per cent
1911 11.9 per cent
1912 12.3 per cent
1913 12.6 per cent
1914 12.9 per pent
1915 13.1 per cent
1916 12 8 per cent
1917 16.3 per cent
1918 17.0 per cent
Stop, Look
Have you a set of Weed Chains for ..-
muddy and slippery roads? Better k
UJ v.vjva iCOUliyi ana get a set.
1919 16. G per cent
Source or Production.
' As tor the sources of the natlonul
Income, the bureau finds, taking a
general average since 1910, that the
agriculture contributes about 17
per cent of the total, manufacturing
about 30 per rent, transportation
about 9 per cent, government about
5 per cent, mining a little more than
3 per cent, banking a little over 1
per cent. The many miscellaneous
employments, professional men, re
tailers, Jobuers. merchants, domes
tics, etc., too numerous to list speci
fically, contributed 33 per cent. In
other words, our highly-organized
industries, even If we include all
manufacturing, mining, transporta
tion, banking and government ac
tivities, such as education and road
building, produce only about half of
the national Income. The rest Is
due to the efforts of the small Inde
pendent workers.
Income Tux Discrepancies.
To Mr. and Mrs. E r a.
this city on 0-t..i,.. ., :??""
boy. Holl, nin.l,. ...'. ?
ing nicely. " ""a Mt
.1. .. "'""''".Midaiivi
alterations drne right at ik.
I nill-f P nnna. Til "c
lie renort estimates that the nuni- ami (Laii-a
ber of persons IbTsTTT
Conies nv..r ....." "'a Mia.
Mid that ii.i '. . 6,!ua.
23 biiuou ss:
urns, however...ho.5?.. "
uu persons liaviu. l l
ttielr total reported in
than 14 hini. "" u
crepmncy is due I,, tTk
evasions and strahrhi
holdings, but al ,?5fU. tax-exempt Incom h
bureau estim.i. .-wi
lars U l ..V: " ' Wllioa
the income tax 1. thst i."""
meat received In 19i .l l0,v
bill on dollar. I '.'"WW
inivH lr all r... - i
$2000 had tuTld 'TT. I.Staa
MIUII lm(llil
No other Phonograph
can do it!
k 8m 1. law I y Z -,'t --A
it-1- mi mi JMXSJBteX-A
No other phonograplt even dares the test which '
the New Edison underwent last Monday, before
a large audience at the Presbyterian church.
That fact is something for you to think about.
The test of comparison with living artists is
the only phonograph test which means anything.
It is the only way in which a phonograph can
irrefutably prove its realism. It is the most
drastic of all phonograph tests. To sustain it,
requires absolutely perfect realism, nothing
Last1 Monday eve, the New Edison stood by
Helen Clark's side in the Presbyterian church. If
you were there, you heard the living voice and the
Rc-Created voice brought into direct comparison.
You know that there was no difference between
the two voices.
A similar test was made by Joseph Phillips
with Rc-Creations- of his baritone selections.
Again the same astonishing result there was no
diirerence between Re-Creatcd voice and living'
By this wonderful performance, the New Edi
son has placed itself apart from all other phono
graphs and talking machines. It alone has sus
tained this drastic test. It alone has proved con
cretely and conclusively, that it gives you the
living performances of great artists.
'The Phonograph with a Soul"
Any Official laboratory Model you buy in our
store will positively sustain the test made at the
Presbyterian church. We will give you our guar
antee to that effect.
Come in and hear this instrument in some fur
ther tests of its realism. Ixarn that you can
have an Official Laboratory Model of your own,
on a very small cash outlay. We will make a
gentleman's agreement with any music lover.