Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 26, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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Over 20,000 People Read
the KewvReTlew. It'
ptkt advertising me
dium. gats-
In Which is Included The Evening Newt and The Roteburg Review
ius, OK BOSEBIBG KE "v.-
vol 'V. so-
Claims That Neither Railroad' Nor Unions Required to Accept
Rulings of United States Labor Board; Claims That
Rules Are Not Legally at Issue.
(By Vnlted Press).
CHICAGO. Oct. 26. The railroad
iveVand union chiefs met with
f CnUed8 Su.ea railroad labor
tne tun trv. nrOVPnl
Wrt ".day ma ""nebe, : 'VA
he strlKes
a h
j ha.ila attended
2rmSISrMr general chairmen
. thA union side
were inscn 1 .
e ma. - i,.
hich caused Bonie -
Knmst explain why the October
m strike call was not a violat Ion
f thp
".. 12 ner cent
Both the
roids and the unions must state
their grievances and settle their dlf
gcultles. I,ee on Stand.
W. 0. Lee, trainmen chief, told
He labor board when placed on the
Bind, that the brotherhood decided
a trike solely because of the
July 1 twelve per cent wage cut. Lee
itated flatly that he does not belieue
that either the railroads or brother
hoods need obey the board's order
unless they desired. "That is a mat
ter the courts will decide." Chair
man Barton of the labor board re
plied. Others Ululate Act.
(Bv Asocta.ea PrM
CHICAGO. Oct. 26. President
Ue declared that the striko ballot
of the four organizations vlolnted his
Idea of what the transportation act
provided. He said that he with
drew from the joint meeting when
the other unions prepared a state
ment to accompany the ballot In
'which tkey referred to the proposed
ware cuts and rules revisions not yet
decided by the board as among the
questions at Issue. Lee told the
board that he understood that tho
July wage cut was the only question
on which the strike could be legally
CnnM Not Halt Strike.
CHICAGO. Oct. 26. In the after-
Boon session Lee continued to ques
tion the authority of the railroad
board. When asked regarding the
Teias itrlke ho said that his author
ity did not permit him to call It off.
Urgi-s Consolidation.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. Sena
tor Cummins told tne senate Inter
state commerce committee that the
consolidation of the railroads into a
group system of a smaller number
than at the present time. Is the only
solution to the railroad problem.
This would Insure the public good
service, according to Senator Cum
mins. Guards Arc Ordered.
Forty-six guards will be employed
to protect the Southern Pacific prop
erty in the event of a strike, accord
ing to an announcement made this
morning by A. Stewart, local .special
tent. who today received authority
Faculty Play
Proves Successful
An immense and anoreclatlve au
dience greeted the high school facul
ty last evening, when they presented
their play at the auditorium. The
faculty entertainment which Is some
thing new, was well received and
waa most successful In every way.
The play was taken from Shake-
peare'a Midsummer Night's Dream,
nd staged as Shakespeare staged his
own plays. It was most entertaining.
nd the cast proved themselves tal
ented stars. The faculty was as
ilated In their program with a vocal
o'o by Miss Prances Parslow, violin
jnlo, Ernest Arundel, vocal solo,
Mr. Charles Brand, unit nlann
"a by Miss Gene Maddox, all of
w"icn proved very entertaining.
, mlnil the playlet, a skit, en
",lpd "A Photographers Studio In
Knaehurg," wa, rven hy mombers of
the tearMn. j
""nth laughter from the audience.
t'ro''e,''" of the entertainment
wnich amounted to over $100. will
t'acher'a rest room.
rmpqua Post of the American Le-
on win stare a big celebration In
noteburg on November 11, Armistice
. "J- A monster naraA will v.. koM
In th.
morning, the afternoon
twr.1"1 football game be-
' H. S. and the Crania Pa..
and In the evening a military
"1 take place at the armory.
" Wionairres are Inviting all
ahuL ...,h oration, and rain or
to take such steps aa may be deemed
necessary to protect the company's
Ten of these guards will be sta
tioned lu Roseburg, according to the
present, plans, and the remainder
will be placed at Intervals between
Ashland and Cottage (Wove, the lim
its of Mr. Stewart's district.
To Guard Tunnels.
Strict instructions will be given
the guards to keep careful watch
over tunnels, water tanks and tres
tles, where the greatest damage
could be done and the longest delays
"We expect no trouble," Mr. Stew
art stated today, "and do not believe
that so far as the danger of damage
is concerned that there is any need
for these guards. The company,
however, must prepare itself for any
eventuality and must proceed on the
assumption that there will be vio
lence offered to Its property.
No Trouble Looked For.
"So far as the railroad men caus
ing any trouble Is concerned we do
not expect any show of violence from
them. I have been In railroad work
for many years, and I know person
ally most of the boys on my division
and they are every one of them gen
tlemen, and although they will fight
and fight to the limit, they are not
going to destroy anyone's property
or threaten anyone's life. They are
going to fight clean and In the open.
1 "There Is, however, a class of men
in this district who are not associ
ated with the railroad but who are
radicals at heart. They will not
hesitate to damage the company's
property If they get a chance,- and
then the strikers will get the blame.
There are some men who will be
ready to do any amount of damnge
if they think they can get away with
It, and consequently we must protect
the vital points."
Mr. Stewart says that he has not
arranged definite plans for the sta
tioning of the guards but will work
out that feature if It becomes neees
sary to put the men on duty.
Strike Xot Expected.
He believes that the strike will be
settled without an actual walkout,
and that the guards will not be
necessary, but he is following out his
Instructions and Is preparing for any
eventualities. The company's prop
erty will be kept under close guard,
day and night, he states, and every
possible precaution will be taken.
M. Coturrl, chief special agent for
the Portland division, was in the city
today conferring with Mr. Stewart
and with the local officers. Sheriff
Starmer states that his office will co
operate with the railroad officers In
the protection of property. The rail
road company Is a heavy taxpayer
and the sheriff's office will assist in
protecting Its property and enforcing
the law covering any emergency
which may arise.
OLYMPIA, Wn., Oct. 26. Acting
Governor Covle today granted a full
and unconditional pardon for George
SUgg. former Tacoman convicted a
year ago or kidnapping his child and
sentenced to a term In the Walla
Walla penitentiary.
The embrvo wind atorm of last
night caused slight damage in the
business district where several signs
and old awnings were torn down.
In this favored spot of the world,
wind storms do not occur often and
the little breeze of last night left
its earmarks In several places.
Pihert rtede. nresident of the Ore
gon State Editorial association pass
ed through Roseburg today enroute
i. home In Cottage Grove. Mr.
Bede has Just competed a tour of
the state. He visited every news
paper editor in ino iiu-i-i u. 1..
editorial association. Editor Bede
paused in Roseburg long enougn 10
a few shekels with a
w.i .,in n.nalr shoo, having con
nected with some rather bad roads
in the south end or the state.
Tka nnhuri high school football
team goes to Cottage Grove where
they will meet the nun scnooi .-an.
of that city . The Cottage t.rove aa
...! riwentlv defeated the R. H
S. team In this city by only a small and the orange and blac
. . I.J la ann no
warriors are .n..- .. ; '
the score. A large crowa 01
will accompany the team.
O ..
" . . , .
the 1
BERLIN. Oct. 26. Chancellor,
Irth accepted President Kbert'a
manuate and is forming a new Ger
man cabinet.
BUDAPEST Oct 26 - Former ! " reported, although he ta He is charged with using objection
Emperor Kari and EmprTss Tlw i ''J1'" ' P Indi- rrda"SUli88
were to be Interned I." UenedlcVint ,,8tion- ' . 8" lnfed reCord'
Abbey. Lake Platen, today oendina
the ambassadors' council's decision
as to their place of permanent In
ternment. Switzerland lndlgnaiitlv
refused to have more to do with
Prank B. Adams, clerk and guard,
was shot and killed bv a masked
bandit at the ferry post office early
toaay. ine robber escaped with a
suck of registered mail.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. A con
ference of representatives of "prog
ressive farm organizations from the
west and northwest" will be held in
Portland. Oregon. November 14th
and 15th. the farmers' national coun
cil announced today. It will be in
the nature of a "council of war'on'
securing legislation and measures
needed by agriculture.
TWIN FALLS. Idaho. Oct. 26.
Resuming the stand In her own de
fense, Mrs. Lydla Southard categor
ically decided all accusations made
by the witnesses covering a period of
six years, relative to her conversa
tions and actions, allegedly Implying
her familiarity with Edward Meyer's
Illness. She met the cross-examination
statements with a flat denial
and a spirited insistence in her In
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized Saturday evening at the
Methodist ' parsonage when Miss
Edyth Howard became the bride of
Vincent Applegate. Both parties are
well known in the vicinity of Yon-
calla. Rev. W. S. Gordon officiated
at tire service, using the ring cere
mony. Mr. Applegate belongs to the
old pioneer family at toncalla, and
Mrs. Applegate is a well known Oak
land girl. They have Ihe best wishes
of their many friends for future
A pretty wedding was solemnized
'ast Tuesday evening at the Metho
11st parsonage when Miss Lona An-
'auf became the bride of D. A. Mc-
lartnn, with Rev. W. S. Gordon offi
lating. using the ring ceremony.
Doth parties are well known in Myr
tle Creek and have many friends who
wish them much happiness.
PORTLAND. Oct. 26. W. C. Pow
ers, pool hall proprietor, Bhot Sun
day night, died today. .Joe Hill, ar
rested following tne ngnt. is now
charged with first dogree murder.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 26. Bold
daylight robbers stole an automobile
today containing JG000 worth of as
sorted jewelry.
ORLANDA, Florida, Oct. 26.
Three .deaths were reported in a
tropical storm which swept the Flor-
da coast in the past two aays.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. While
he total foreign trade of the United
tnt,n shows a shrinkage, trade with
Germany and Japan Is increasing the
foreign trade bureau or tne com.
merce department announced.
Prentiss Puckett, lost hunter today
returned. He was trailing a bear, ne
PORTLAND, Oct. 26. Cattle
steady, hogs steady, prime ngni ii
and $10. "0: sheep slow; crss aou
butter steady.
PORTLAND. Oct. 2 Blood
transfusion ws todnv resorted to in
an effort to save Bruce Galloway.
Mayor Maker's stepson, who was
wounded accidentally yesterday by a
rifle. His condition is critical.
8 N FRANCISCO,' Oct. 26 Storm
warnings were sent out again today
on the Pacific coast.
n,- Duni.tin merchants repirt nn
., b Wee
ek in spne 01 ui?
7.. The teacher. In-
..,. nro-lded a Urge amount of
.(.a a a a iiainiMfl wn at 1 mtt mi 1 aai-
a r, ' . v. . " 1 aa.lOT.
' ih trade snd business was also sum-
Brumfield Reported
Better Today
Brunifteld'e condition was
i considerably improved todv it
T ound re healing rapidly and
the Infection has been controll-
ed. Sheriff Starmer stales that
lie will be given no further op-
portunity to Injure himself.
Two guards, F. W. Dillard and
C. H. Daugherty, are kept la the
cell during the day time, and
Israel Ketch and Clinton Hel-
big are guards at night. If
Brumfield la sentenced Monday
morning ne will be taken to
Salem on train number 14.
Monday afternoon, Sheriff Starm-
er says.
Urges Teachers to Give Mere
Time to Fundamentals of
Education; Less to Frills.
Wherever Geographical Conditlous
Will Penult Connolldnttun is to
the Advantage of Schools,
Teachers Arc Told.
Very often too much time Is
given to the faucy frills of education
and not enough attention paid to the
I'undamental subjects. State Superin
tendent of Public Instruction J. A.
Churchill told the teachera at the
Douglas county Institute today. The
Fundamental studies are the most
.mportant, Mr. Churchill stated In
discussing the sublet of "Oregou's
Objectives In Education." Too of
ten, however, the order Is reversed
and It Is the fancy methods and side
Issues that are given the greatest at
tention at the expense of the more
vital studies. The state superinten
dent urged the teachers to give more
attention to "readln," wriiln' and
'rlthmetic" and not to put the v
essentluls before them.
He also urged the consolidation of
rural schools wherever geographical
conditions will permit. New methods
of transportation, belter facllltiei
and good raids are making consoli
dation possible in many districts, he
stated. Wherever possible, consoli
dation should be given a trial but
only after consulting wilh the county
school officials who are belter able
to Judge whether or not such consoli
dation would be advantageous for
Ike communities effected. He urged
that In consolidating schools that the
advantages of the'rural school over
ihe city Bchool be not eliminated.
There are many advanlages which
the country school has over the ci'y
school, he stated. One of these is
the close contact of the teacher and
pupil, another Is in the fact that the
vounger pupils have an opportunity
of hearing and seeing the older
children study and recilo and are
able to pattern after those who have
had more experience and have been
longer In sehool.
He also urged the better prepara
tion of teachers, especially along the
line of the reading circle work. Pro
fessional growth is necessary If edu
cation is to Improve. Ho also en-do-sed
the county unit plan and ex
plained It in detail.
The address of the state superin
tendent followed a very plenslng
opening ai-sembly led by Miss Mange
Calkins. At 10 ociock tne oepan
niont conferences were held, this be
ing followed bv a short address on
club work bv J. E. Callvan. field
worker of the state educational de
partment. While this address was
in tirogrers. Mr. Churchill met the
high sehool teachers In another room
md held a conference on high school
The concluding program of the In
finite was held this afternoon and
eonsisted largelv of a Imslnevs ses
lnn The Institute committee re
ported, after which reports were re-
eaivnd and conferences held.
A hnslness meeting of the Douglas
enuntv division of the Oregon State
Teachers' association was acnenuica
for late this afternoon.
LYW. M . Oct. 26 The Lynn
Shoe Manurncttirers association to
day proposed to the unions s twenty
ner cent wage cut of 11.000 shoe
workers In the affiliated factories.
The local n. P O Elks are nlnn
nin to stare a big mnst-nl comedy
nroduetlnn here snme time In Decem
Ser. C. J McNnu'Mnn. nrnfesslnna!
,in nrodncer will stare the per
rnrmanre nn i i ''"''' '
formance lth local talent The l.jme
K 0 T p 1 e
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. Repre
sentative Blanton of Texas la expect-
i ed to fight the ouster proceedings
which Representative Mouuell
brought. There is hope of a split
over Blanton 'a proposed expulsion.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-Lloyd
Burlingham. American consul at
Saliiia Cruze Mexico waa stabbed
twice in the left arm by an unknown
assailant lu the consulate Monday
night, the state department was ad
vised today.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. A. E.
Hester, former miners union confi
dential agent, told the senate com
mittee that the miners used the re
lief funds to purchase arms In the
late industrial war in Mlnge county.
Hester said he knows of 700 guns
which ihe "miners purchased with
rtrikr. funds. Heater la a witness for
the coal operator's attorneys.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. The
weather bureau announced three se
vere storms, one In the south, one In
Nebraska, and one In the north Pa
cific states. The Florida storm was
severe and caused considerable dam
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Oct. 26
Newspaper sporting pages attract
more of the young women students
at Radcllffe college than the wo
man s pages. Ninety-six per cent of
the 600 students have been found
by a census to be regular readers of
ihe newspapers, hut only four claim
ed the woman's pages as their favor
ite department.
Twenty-five per cent expressed a
preference for the editorial pages.
3.1 per cent said the general news In
"i then most and 38 per cent
said they usually were satisfied with
the headlines.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The re
peal of the excess profits tax on De
cember 31st was ngreed upon by the
senate today without a record vote.
LEAD, South Dakota, Oct. 26.
Father A. B. Belknap, parish prleat.
was lured from his borne early today
and ahot to death.
PORTLAND. Oct. 26. The high
way commission today awarded con
tracts for 67 mlles of road work and
$100,000 worth of bridge work. Two
Washington firms got the contracts.
TAMPA, Fla.. Oct. 26. Two were
killed and a million dollnrs damage
done In a storm yesterdny. Four
hundred houses were washed Into
the bay at Palmetto Beach.
The new building of the Douglas
Countv Croamery Is progressing nice
ly. When completed It will bo one
of the finest store buildings In Rose
hurg and will be an Improvement to
the business section of North Jack
son street.
According to present Indications no
Jury will be needed for the Novem
ber term of Circuit Court. The dock-
el was read this morning but none
nf Ihe cases were for trial, .ludge
Hamilton set the lime for hearing
several motions, demurrers, etc., hot
none nf Ihe attorneys had cases ready
for trial. Unless there are some new
developments in some of the pend
ing rases, no Jury will he needed for
the coming term which starts No
vember 1 4.
The Portland Chamber of Com
merce has adopted resolutions pro
testing the Inclusion of Diamond
Lake In the Crater Lake National
Park, according to a letter received
hv the local Chamber. The resolu
tion urges the Oregon delegation to
ne Its Influence In preventing the
Inko and Its surrounding territory
from being annexed to the park. The
"solution will doubtless have -much
The Brumfield murder ease over
shadowed any previous murder case
on the Pacific coast for the amount
of publicity given It In the news
paper. More words were sent from
Roseburg over the telegraph wires
during the trial than were dts
rmtched frnm thw Montesano I. W.
W. trlnl. Newspapers In every sec
tion of the L S. handled Ihe Hnse-
hurg murder case In big black head
The Hermann home on Mosher
street Is being repainted. This house
Is one of the landmarks of the city
and stnnds In a prominent place
overlooking th city.
Purpose of New Association Wilt be to Establish a Cash Market
For the Broccoli Crop Instead of Permitting Long relays
In Payment For Season's Yield.
Umpqua broccoli growers have re
ceived a charter for an organization
to be known as the Umpqua Valley
Broccoli Exchange, Inc. The first
meeting will be held within the very
near future and permanent officers
elected and the organization placed
cn a finn basis. At the present time
growers have been signed up repre
senting 240 acres and It Is expected
that practically all of tho growers of
the county will Join as soon as the
organization Is placed on a working
'tasls. All of the growers are Invited
la Join and It Is believed that con
siderable benefit will result from the
exchange which proposes to establish
a cash market In Roseburg for the
1922 crop.
During the past few years there
has been a constantly Increasing
sentiment In favor of a cash market
In Roseburg. Heretofore growers
have been required to ship their pro
duet and stand the loss In transit,
and accepting the report of the re
cipient. Several- thousand dollars
were lost by shipment spoilages on
which the local growers had no check
and there has been a constant de
mand that some now method of sell
ing be arranged.
The growers now propose to sell
their crop In Roseburg. The ex
change will take all of the crop
brought to them and will dispose nf
it to the buyers who will pay cash
for tho amount accepted. The sales
will be made In the same manner as
the turkeys, for which the county Is
noted, are handled. Buyers will be
nresont In the city and will buy what
Ihey want, paying cash and shipping
it their own risk.
This will give the growers cash for
their crop within a few days after It
Is delivered to the local exchange.
The exchango will be able to obtain
good prices an all of the crops of Its
members will be marketed through
the association and it will be able to
mnke good offers to the purchasers.
In addition tho association will be
side to get good prioes on crates and
other materials used hy the growers.
Already the exchange has made ar
rangements with the local box fao
'ory for the crates to be used for next
reason's harvest. The local plant
will furnish crates to the limit of Its
capacity and others will be bought
'rom a Pnlom plnnt s good price hav-
A caravan of ex-service men will
'cave the local armory Saturday
night- at six o'clock for a trip to
Drain where a monster mass meeting
for veterans of tho world war will
tie held at 7:30 o'clock. Hundreds
of ex-service men from all parts of
northern Douglas county will attend
ind the Umpqua post officials are at
tempting to secure a large Roseburg
delegation. Autos will be on hand
at tho armory to transport the loc
al men. A letler was received from
Willinm Kletzer today and he statep
that that meeting will be In the form
of a smoker with plenty nf cider and
rackers. The object of the meeting
Is a discussion of the state bonus and
loan plan and application blank
will be on hand for tho meeting. The
r.ost ndjulant, Leon MrCllntock will
isslst the exservlre men In lining
out the applications.
ml., a , I....- -.a Vtn Inle
I lie lllllt'llll Fl.'l i' r, hi ,n
II.OUIS J. rtUOIll. Win. innr.,-.,
Die Merry hospital yesterday, will be
. ,. . . W .. .. 1 1 V I r.
ncm tomorrow m nn- miuriM..,..
priors at 2:30. Rev. Ilollnrhlde
will officiate, and Interment will take
place in the I .O. O. F. cemetery.
IHIIMINCrll AM. Ala.. Oct. 2
The American negro's right to broad
or political and economic advantages
hased on pride of race, but never to
aspiration for sorim equainy. wa"
championed by President Harding In
a plainly worded enimcinnon 01
views on the race problem delivered
at the seml-cenlennlnl celebrstlon of
Ihe founding of Birmingham.
"Rsclal amalgamation there can
not be," the President said. "Part
nershlo of races developing the high
est aim of humanity there must be
If humanity Is to achieve the ends
we have set for It. The black should
seek to he. snd he should be encour
aged to be the best possible black
man and not the best possible Imlta
Hon of a white man."
Mrs. H L. Rlchter left this morn
Ing for Minnesota, where she will
spend seeersl months visiting with
relative. lit
lng been obtained.
No officers have yet been chosen.
!ut a meeting will be held In a few
days and a permanent organization
perfected. Thero will be only a small
capital stock, the only expense being
that of organization. Shares will be
sold at 25 cents each, one share be
ing allowed to each acre represented.
A sales manager will be employed
but he will work only on a basts of
the amount of crop handled and will
receive no stated salary. The ex
change has been offered the choice of
two large warehouses for the ship
ping season and will be In a posi
tion to handle Its crops without de
lay and will have ample facilities
at hand for the loading of the crop.
Already correspondence has been
received from former cash buyer
who are willing to buy next year's
crop on the same basis, and will
have men here next seasons to take
the broccoli as It Is brought In and
pav spot cash for that accepted.
The present outlook Is that the
crop will be the largest ever shipped
from this valley, with apnrovlmste
ly 300 acres planted. It Is anticipated
that there will be at least 200 car
loads shipped from the Umpqua Val
ley. The crop Is In fine condition for
'his season of the year and unless
there are some especially unfavor
able weather conditions during the
winter months the crop will be of an
exceedingly good quality.
The new telling plan, working
with the added advantage of cooper
ative buying should add considerably
to the profit to be made by the
growers and altogether the outlook Is
verv optimistic.
- - The result of next year's eron wilt
have a great bearing on tho future
of the Industry In this county. For
the first time growers are attempt,
ing broccoli raising on a big scale.
Harry Wimron has plaated 90 acres
Into broccoli and Foster Butner has
00 acres planted, while other grow
ers are also setting out much larger
tracts than ever before. This means
that a success will encourage them
to go forward with even bigger at
tempts and will Drove to other grow
ers that broccoli can be grown suc
cessfully on a big scale. The profits
are such that this result will be a
greit forward step for the county and
will create a new major Industry for
this section of the state.
Tho second annnnl convention of
the Royal Order of Ooofs will take
nlnce next Tuesday night In the O. A.
R. Rooms of the armory when the
embers of Umpqua Post American
'glon will entertain the members
f 1he ladles' auxiliary to that or
ganization. The committee appoint
ed to take charge of the entertain
ment on next Tuesday night decided
to stage another Ooof convention.
New members will bo Initiated brand
ed and otherwise mutllnted and
there will undoubtedly he fun galore
ror tho ex-service men and their loy
al helpers, the ladles' auxiliary. The
nyrotechnlcs will stnrt promptly at
:.1fl o'clock, Immediately following
'he legion meeting. Chow, a la army,
will be served at the conclusion of
the entertainment.
HAVRE. Oct. 25 fBy the Asso-
"Isted Press.) America's unknown
tnldler Is cnmlng home.
After resting nearly three years
'n Frnnce. lie begnn bis last home
ward Jntirney on the United States
"ruliwr Olympla today.
The svmhol of the lost American
dead will rest on French soil In the
American national eemeterv at Arl
ington, for the Olympla carries a
'arge box of the fH of ),.
nough to cover the bottom of the
fllmpro sincerity marked the de
parture of the unknown warrior, as
did his selection yesferdar at
Chiilons-snr-Marne. Just before plac
ing a mednl of the Legion of Honor
on the casket. Minister of Pensions
Mnglnot. snenUng for Ihe people of
France, declared:
"American brother, thev are tak
ing you back. We. however, will
olously preserve your memory and
the land of France will never forget
von confided to her your last
The parting ceremony was held on
the pier. Six army pallbearer car
ded the nodv to the rngwsy and
raised It on the pier. Afterward H
American sailors snd six French
"nollus" carried Ihe floral trlhntns
"board as the Amcrlacn band plaved
Chopin's funeral march and th
American national anthem.
"'" osy will be emblaioned as
the big days of the year.
cess matters.