WW-HV Ul'W TTT9PAT, OOTOBEK IS. 109T, u i j ' . r . 'nrgi CONFIDENCE CO OPERATION SATISFACTION Ad account with the Roseburg Na tional Bank establishes confidence anhures co-operation and result in satisfaction. M Interest Paid on Savings Accounts The Rosebuig National Bank Roseburg, Ore TEACHERS TO MEET 00,25,26 Annual Douglas County In- smuie to be Held at High School This Month. PROGRAM IS ARRANGED Imposing Array f Inductor. Be- CWI1 Annual Institute. State School Supelntendeut WW be 1-ewnt. KNOX Xk I AND M y.Vj I HARDEMAN Jr Ct Zfl Jaj HATS f FtVB The OlilTTAKY. Krt. Marie Chattln waB lorn in London, Canada. January 12, 1S63. IJd departed this lire Oc tober 11. i2l She was married to C. P. fhntins, In the year 18S8 nt Union, Oreson. The first of this union, kfii, Vrs. Maude Johnstone, of this till Mrs. Chattln was converted to rte religion of the Lord, 15 years ,io ind united with the Presbvter Unchurch In C'iii.rcli fellowship and ii.. an extmDlary life. During her Christian life h r homo went by the name of me urinous nume found a ready welcome in her hos pitable home. She was a kind wife every one and a helping hand for the helpless, therefore proving the words of the Master. The funeral and had a great heart of love for in tho city undertakers parlors. Hev. was well attended which wag held It. II. Dollarhide officiating. Don't pay your eipensot to Port land to get your fail wall paper. I have a full line here, three of the largest houses to select from, and a discount that will knock your hat off and your head. Paint and Wall Paoer maty orphan and hnmelesfi children Store. 403 West Cnss St. EASTERN SHELLED CORN By the Ton or Half Ton $33.00 Douglas County Flour Mill Wl AUCTION SALE I will sell at Public Sale to the highest bidder, on Saturday, Oct. 22, 1921, sale commencing at lr30 o'clock sharp, the following' prop-' erty, at 9:30 N. Jackson. 1 Piano. Cifers & Bros. make. 1 Dining room table, 10 feet, new. , J Bedroom sets, fine ones. 1 Dresner, new. 1 Full leather morris rocker. 1 Leather Beated chair. J Large rockers. 1 Library table. 1 Cane seated child's rocker. Dining room chairs. i full Iron bedsteads and springs. J H Iron bedstead and springs. 1 Wooden bedstead and aprine.. 3 Mattresses, good ones. 1 Mange cook stove, good as new. 1 Heater stove in good shape. 1 3-Burner oil stove with oven. 1 Ice chest, new. 1 Singer sewing machine. 1 Wheeler & Wilson machine. 1 Overland touring car in fine condition. 3 Good large rugs. 1 Carpet. KOMK KITCHKS ITKNS1US And other articles too numor out to mention. SALE COMMENCES AT 1:30 Terms of Sale Cash JAMES GATES, Owner. M. C. Radabaugh, Auctioneer annual nmi. ... teanhBr.' i.,7...- .---" vouiuy thi. . "V . lu UB ne,a in 25 and i '11.?..?' .c,2b 2' . , . " K.-11001 suDerln for ,j ' C' Brown- ha r"ged --. .. OI speakers and ln- , '"'",r" or mis institute which is to be one of the best ever held in the county. Conferences have been arranged for all departments and seperate rooms will be provided for these conferences. Room am m accommodate the primary confer ence, the Grammar school conference will be held in room 204, the rural school conference in the auditorium and tho high school' conference - in room 311. Mrs. Stella N. Ingle, of La Grande, who was to have been' in charge of the primary instruction, has tele graphed the county superintendent that she will be unable to be present. Mrs. Ingle has taken 111 quite sud denly and Is now at the hot springs for recu Deration. Her health la nh yj I that she will be unable to attend the institute. However, the committee tns been very fortunate In securing the services of Mrs. Ruby Shearer Brennan, of Portland. Mrs. Bren nan has been In the primary instruc tion work for years and is one of, the leading Institute Instructors of the stato. She was a lecturer at the Institute two years ago and was ex ceptionally well liked. Douglas county teachers who were here at that time will he glad to learn that she Is returning. Other instructors are: J. A. Churchill, State Superinten dent of Public Instruction Salem. Prof. C. A. Gregory, University of Oregon Eugene. Prof. J. S. Landers, President Ore gon Normal Monmouth. Prof. E. D. Ressler. Dean or In dustrial Education, O. A. C. Cor vallls. J. E. Callvan. Field Worker State Educational Department Salem. H. C RpTmour, Leader Boys' and Girls' Club Work Corvnllls. Dr. Fry Clark, President Pacific Pnivrslty Forest Grove. 'Mrs. Ruby Shearer Brennan Port land. , Elizabeth M. Hopper, Modern Health Crusade Director Portland. The program for the three days fol lows: Mondny Morning, Octolier 24 9:00 Opening. 9:15 Assembly Address, "Why Have Teachers' OrrjanlzatlonB?" Prof. E. D. Ressler, O. A. C. Election of Temporary Officers for County Division OSTA. Report of Constitution Committee, Supt. M. 8. Hamm. 10:15 Departments: Primary and Rural, "Reading and Phonics Based Upon the Oregon Course of Study", Mrs. Ruby Shearer Brennan. Grammar, "A Standard Test in Geography', Prof. Gregory. U. of O. High School. "Teaching How to Study". Prof. E. D. Ressler. 11:00 Recess. 11.15 Assembly Address. "The "Modem Health Crusade", Eliza beth M. Hopper. "Health Work In the Schools". Miss Caroline Wallace, Public Health Nurse. 12:00 Lunchnion by the Teach ers or Roseburg Public Schools. All visiting teachers Invited. Monday Afternoon. 1 : 1 5 Opening. 1:25 Assembly Address, Fundamental Problems in Discipline", Prof. Gregory. 2:15 Departments: Primary and Grammar, "Some School "Some Kew Ideas in Teaching Reading", Mrs. Brennan. HUh School. (Selected), J. 3. Ln der.t Urvfou Normal. . Ruii. "problems In Discipline". Prof. Reuler. , ' 3 : 00 Recess. 8:15 Assembly Address, "The Prevailing Mental I'nrest. Its Cause nd Its Cure", J. S. Lander. Tuesday Morning, October 23' 9:00 Opening. 9:16 Assembly Address, "Pro gress ft Leadership . Dr. Fry Clark President Pacific University. 10:00 Departments. Primary. "Correlated Subjects in Language", Mrs. Brennan. Grammar and Rural "Changing Conceptions In Arlthmethlcs", Greg ory. High School, "The Part of the High School In Vocational Selec tion', J. E. O'Neal. 11:00 Recess. 11:16 Assembly Address, "Fifty Tears of Material Progress and their educational Significance , Gregory. Tuesday Afternoon. 1:15 Opening. i:zt Assembly Address "Tho aiory nour-, Mrs. iirennau. 2:00 Departments: ;. Primary. "The Value of nrnm-Vi" zatlon", Mrs. Brennan. (Grammar. "Grade School Athle tics", J. M. Miller. High School. fSubieet fwti i Dr. Clark. Rural. "Primary Seat Work snrf Busy Work", Miss Elizabeth Parrott . 3:00 Recess. 3:15 Assembly Address, "The Measurement of Intelligence and its Educational Significance", Gregory. 8:00 Program In Hlrh School Auditorium by High School Faculty. Wednesday Morning, ct. 20: 9:00 Opening. 9:10 Assembly Address, "Ore gon's Objectives In Education", Supt. J. A. Churchill. 10:00 Departments: Primary, "The Teaching of Num bers", Mrs. Brennan. Grammar and Rural. (Selected) Supt. Churchill. High School, (Selected), J. T. Lee. 1 1 : 00 Recess. U:l "Indlustrlal Club Work". J. E. Callvan, Field Worker State Educational Department: H. C. Sey mour, Leader Boys' and Girls' Club Work. O. A. C.: Homer M. Cross. County Leader. Wednesday Afternoon? 1:15 Institute Committee Re port, i 1:30 The OSTA 1921 Investigating Committee Reports: (a) Teachers' Councils, led by Mrs. O. C. Brown, member OSTA Com mittee. (b) Teachers' Appointment Agen cies, led by Supt. M. S. Hamm. (c) Living Accommodations, led by Mrs. Lulu Gorrell. 3:00 Recess. 3:15 Business Meeting of the Douglas County Division OSTA. To Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Srhum of Whitman, Mass., a baby girl, Oc tober 3. Mr. Shrum was a former Roseburg boy. ' Announcements have been reelved here announcing the birth of a baby girl to Mi. ana Mrs. J. U. Illayloek, who were former residents of thlr city. The Roseburg Art Embrolderv Club will hold their regular meeting Wednesday arternoon at 2 o'colck at the home of Mrs. Henry Worth ington on East Lane at. STC UPSET? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doini? now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the r raf cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natutal functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' dive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by thcir olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quit lief. Eat what you like. 15c and 30c I Are you Spending your Money Where it will Buy you the Most? Quality and Quantity We Mill pay Hie freight on your trial order of 4 sacks or more to all S. V. stai ions between Ih-eltt and (fcnyonvlllc. NORTHWESTS" hteat) $2.00 sack, $70 bbl. NOXALLhXaat.end $1.80 sack, $7.00 bbl. SN'OWBALL Sfot $15 sack, $6.00 bbl. 4 2 Try our old fashioned Graham and Whole Wheat Flour, 241b sack 80c, 491b sack $1.50 CREAM MIDDS., 10 pounds, 50c. These product are Oregon made anil are worthy of your snpport. Try a sack and be convinced that tie can save you money on flour. The qnallty of every sark Is alwolutely guaranteed. 4 .. . , SEE US FIRST. We can Save You Money j 643 tViche.ter st. F Rnvcau CoonGrativc Exchange YOU CAN SAVE AT Carr's Ours la a variety store a store where you get a large variety or Items lu a big vari ety of lines and always at prices that are low. We al ways aim to give big value for the price charged. Our con stantly increasing business Is ample proof that we do save our customers money. Come In and see our lines. Our Line of FALL Slippers v now on sale Children's Men's Women's In soft or leather soles, plain or fancy tops. This line la not only tho beat quality, but our prices are low. Very best quality slippers at 95c AND UP We are also now showing a line of small pieces of ENAMEL WARE 1, IVa. and 2 qt. pudding pans, preserve pans, mixing bowls. A special buy enabhes us to offer these at 15c 20c 25c 35c Tinware Aluminum Ware Kitchen Small wares We have a complete stock at popular prices. Children's Hose Wool hose, elastic rib leg and cuff. In mixed greens, browns and blues. Our special price 85c pair Soap, 10c We still have sonra of that double size (hi lb.) cake or ant toilet sonp. for 10c a cake WHITE DISHES Let us save you 20 to 40 nor cent on your dinner ware. Cups and saucers In three styles In white, 20c pair; dinner plates, 20c; oatmeals. 15c; sauce dishes, 10c each. Only our quantity buying enables us to offer these goods at prices so much below the regular. Can's 231 N.Jackson St We are now making altera tions In our store to makn room for our bigger toy de partment. You will find a stork at Carr's this year that will give you unlimited choice. Then, too, we will have our usual complete display of gift goods. 1 WOMEN'S Al'MI.I.VHV TO MEET fThu XV:nen'a Auxiliary to the Amerlran Legion will hold a busi ness meeting at the Parish House at 8 o'clock, rians will be laid at this time for a membership cam paign. Other Important matters will be discussed and all members are requested to lie present Ix'ft for Hnn I'YiuicIhco Mrs. T. T. Brown of this city left this morning for San Francisco, where Bhe will attend the National Missionary Training School in that city and in connection with that she will also go to the State 'Normal school. Mrs. Ilrown will be absent for nbout seven months Safe JltUIt for INFANTS & INVALIDS " ASK FOR ' IHorlick's ine ungual Avoid Imitation ' and Substitutes. ForInf.nt,lnvnHd.ndOrow1nBChl14rn I Rich iMIIfc.MdOr.ln .'"Powder AMERICAN TAILORS For Ladies and Gents BAVK MONKY ON YOIR CLOTHKH and still be well tailored. Let us make that Fall and Winter suit or ovurcoat to order for you. Our workmanship, ma terials and perfect fit -will plenso you and save you dol lars. A flno line of fabrics to select from. Call today and see our offerings before deciding. Q J AMKItlCA.N TAII.OHS For Ladfea and (ients. 10G Cnss Street. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL HHW CLASJUFIED ADVKRTISICHIfiNT WILL, KU FOUND OI iAVt FAOB VNDB BKAOINU -XMW TODAY." WANTED. WANT K 1 S n Hi 1 1 furiiUhrd houo. No Hi.Mitli.Iio UI. . . WANTKL -TurKy ,ilK " "mil. I'liuittt M-F-14. Boyur Broa. WA'NTklJ TO UKNT plum. W. 1L Wiif- liur, Itusirblll ic CtirtiltM l. WANTKli-'luwilirtKa i Nt-wB-Kovl.-w offlie. Will pay 6c pr lb. CANNKItV Mi:T-I' WANTi:i Apply at cunnui y. Mill m. f. ra nn J W AN T K I - 1 I it I n m-WlnK. M". W. ti. Unwind, 7lfi Kant lim. J14"tw:t'J'.J; iTM M W ANT K I -1 ty yuuim man. Muhi be flow; 1 ii. ). T , 'H l N'W - v -w. MI.N VANTKI 6 opplv l kt rn. l Co,, "raL11: WANTLI) WimmI i-iil'lrin. 1iik J'b, 2 iiiHhk from town. Apply H. V.'. Tuylor, 207 N. JitrkMoii. VVASTKh IIlKt ' liol Krl t work for mom and board, I wo In fitnilly. Iniutr lifter . m. at i'tU Mill HI. WANTKD Wug'l Hiopprn. Will fnr niwh boiinf. W. A. J.iiklhn, 2 iiiHib joiilh oflliconvill. rhon M-l- 14. WANT K f ill I or woiiuin Tor kviitii1 htiiiH-wotk. out- bo 'iin tuk rtiititf o' bimut. rhoiitJS6 or t'H- . W AN'l'i:i Hood, fit r i f til, unit k apple sortcra with purftrl ttyrattiht. i ( t nip nn ioir. ut th UrintU 1'u kins MollK. nOt fJ'k BtlttWt. WANTI-;i" Miin and wife lo r-nt well lmpruv.l fitrm. 4'1i wrvn lerrl. i ai'out r. ii' i k i a I n r ',m land, i'b mllef N. K "f UoMi'lMiK. JtuitoM A. WillliiHi- rti'-no i" 1-' ''""l"1"4 POR RENT Pafty dnpoilt bozaa. ioieburs Natlopal Bank. KO( ItKNT Konmi, lt N. Htepliens, Hfrottn fiotn Toft Offlfe. I-X)tl 8AI.K 1 Hharples aparator. Ft) It HAIjK Oak tov wood. Fhona Foil HA I .K FI r cnrO wood. urup, i iit'iiD ii-r lioyar Folt KAi.K HuII.b of all kind. bet on Ihir iiuu kH, at Tim li n. FOK SAI.K f0 ChI hHidwootl hnrivia nt O. K. 4iiiriiKi ft i Wi nth enter. Kolt H A I . K lt-Klttrel I'olHtid t'lilna biiur, !i."iuLre Truvla Ilunklnn, Miltoii. FOlt HA1-K Fir cord woodT Writ for prlie. I. Q. doff. Hutlicnln. FOlt HA IK T 0 head of K-mlit. lmiuir of A li. llutneld, Itoaeuura;, H K. L. lioK 101. (Ht HA LK A t H IfjiiKHin Ituhk tuur hiK ear hi lino condition. Cull ut A t oy e. Flt AI,K N nntl K Koud J r-y r d reKiMteii'd pig, llenry t'oniu I'liunn ; I .'l. MIMCKLLANKOLH. TAII0?lIN and flrwuninklnf of all ktnd. 61! H Main. Win. tluthrldK-. TAKKN ri-HlH-k ii.w. r.i off left ir, W. W. ii.i.ierwof.n. u"'. oreat'in. Owner please hII and pay Hiaru-t n. F7lTltAlilCiry"iri.p'rtv f "t antn niiddlc AIk run- h property fr Hty mpity. llelliltt, Heal Kftnt". FTi'll THAIiK--iVhmI twain tif hoinen. wiiKon and Imi im-oh. Will lnt-l T'-t Font In K"od uliitpf. lieMlie of J. N riiivtu.-.l, ft. :ir II MsWBtW ixht and rouwn. frorNI KvfMitiarp peneii. Owner rrvnT t.nva Brtino ly railing at thin of f I w nd tnyliifr for ndv. LjOST"-V'e!lnW .iheptitTd female, mx in.-mh- old. W ill offer ultai-le reward. riume S-FI2. fiHT -'ii "iHllher rifle betw"li -htir and I'eel, l lnder pleao lVr t tliln oirt. in-watl Fot'NO - In aft ln nuniMKn w n-r iinv hnvm name by a Ulna at thl rrri nti1 ay for ndv. f-( ,CM--'otle Hon " nook" roittiiinlna mm- and addr.Mtn.. Owner niv hnv watiie by railing; at Hi I offlee n i d j' 'trying f ir n d v t? i f i for nvm. FOll HP NT or pl or will tak rUy nrnfinrl v nm nnrl ta Vine lit. tl Mem nf wHI ImprovM lnnd pltiiated tH mite anul h of Itonehnrir. I'hnne U-FS. a. W. I-arhr, Houla 1. Knit HAI.I-; ir tiaile for tuttln, leant of inn leu Mud li'ii ik'hm, Walter fcKOord, M k hllid. I H .-Kofi. roit HA LK Oil THAI'r-.-On aood bin- tier for eow, eiHven or Iioieh. Addrvia lini l'l, H. I, KonHimir. lire. Foil HAl.r I'rlvai tourliic car, 1U) niodei. in firm cluas conuitluii. An wrr V'. M : Nawf-Jtcytrw. rJ Kolt HAI.K -VtHi. Alr-. Durham bull talf ntx hiontha old. from purebred dun ami rejcfutercd ulrtt. W. A. Jen ku.ai. I'hoiiu it-Fll. Folt HAI.K Olt TK.lrv--Hliih Krmln r..fni.HiT. a cur von will he proud of, I'rl.c rik'ht. T.-rrtm eaiiy. H. W. T;ivnr, Jn7 N. Jnikmn. Folt SAI,k--He. ontl hand tlr? ' 3 .T :! x :s fa Ken ami tulen, I 144 iiisiK artfl tulifn, O, K . Oa i mi'. fii!0 Win. heater. V ill HA l.li- Km htitind pti, f riii trained tin k 1'rl e $;() a pulr. or pIukIii iimtw f feiuala $:t.0. Krln Hit. Oakland, OteRon. I OK V l.l--l'ron rewnlve evcrht aiTiia: m ra l-i t ry l i ntM, any ipi.i nitty, a I m riirrimt huh-. M, 1 1. ;reen, llyl Ka-t 1tb St Noilti. 1'orOniid, Ora. Fott HAI.K ILtrlev lavldxn niotur ev.-ltt (unfit. Hld-ar and etraU Newlv painted nntl tn flint Hna run- iiliig order. jTli-H fl .f.. rhtinw 3-FI. Folt s A I .li 1 F(rd"on7 liew lt April" a d'oihla dine, trlpln imti plow, 10 tn. I'ottom; Ford touring. W. It. HitteM, 7 in! Ko on lnl-fh highway. ( . K a r(. wi h h room lun. elled? ami paprr-d tara', fen."!; vooit nanl.-n Inn-i: rltv wnter. T'lt' a tu.'.ii iiA: h. mi no rimh. hniam-s fra. nt per rent 8ee tl. W. Youn A H.n. I'tmnn 4 17. I'liKI'AHK Foil rfllUHT.M Art- H.dT ireniilne Indenirmtlbie, hlK'ie! qtml My Oriental I'ear) Ne kln N. Imiwil. irw nrlrcB, Immenvo prof It. Writ at 'xt for Information. Norf im p;ny, 129 O Fnrrclt, Han Franc iac. - S9 -w