Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 15, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    aoranma mn.nm HATtftfiAT, octobew t,
Sunset Orchestra
Friday evening the Fullerton Par
ent Teachers Association mut at the
The new president, Mrs. Foster
TiittfiA rlMllirhrw1 the members with
a pleasing address. Her plan is to
Dave a new program commmra iui
each meeting and a different re
freshment committee for each social
Committee for the pie social, Oc
tober 28Ui, were appointed. ,The
program of the November meeting
will be In charge of the teachers,
and the December meeting will be In
charge of the parents.
Mr. Hirsr.h dollghted his audience
with a violin solo. His wife accom
panied him.
Miss Hazel James pleasingly ren
dered a vocal solo. Miss Robinson
was her accompanist.
A genuine treat was a talk by
Miss Orinstead, librarian, on the
Douglas county library. TMb very
Interesting talk covered the work be
ing done by -the library and em
phasizing Its relation to school work.
Mrs. C. H. Arundol,
Press Com.
Mrs. Jennie P. IWtser of Salt Luke
City la the first woman to be named
by President Harding as a colleotor
of customs. She will have cdargs of
the Utah district
Chippewa Logsors at the Uootorla
0. 8. Wen trier ifurvaa, torsi ntTir
AoettbursT. Orvajun, 24 bours tiding t
a. m.:
lVr4nat1fn tm Urhs an4 Hna4rrd(H
MlKitMt ti'tnppi ftturo yi'Hi.Tdny . , 12
lxwt'At tt' litHt ntKlit .. f
l'rCHlpltRttoll 1 11 il 1!4 IliMIIM ...... .ID
Total prmip. ntnro flint of month .11
Normal prtx-lp. fnr thin niutith.... 2.61
Total preclp. fruin HJL l.( 19-1,
to drttw t Rt
AvrKA prolp. from 8it. 1. 177 2.
Total rtt)ltn.-y from S. pt. 1. 1'J'JI .7
loaioni. (Hftpl. to May, Inc.) . . .S1.I.S
Koret-ast to I p, m, for southwestern
Toiilifht nnd flumUy r:ln.
WILLIAM 11KLL, Obsorr-
Price- IQc A Iftc
that great Sea story
"Nobody's Giri"
hoe the flight In the iiliphinc.
Hc (lie flulit nn the beach. A
pin lire Mil of thrill An. I a
good conn .), "1 1 1 la i clio
"The Wonderful
mm Mm mar, unit an nlltar nl
of novi li jrn. AImi M-knltk
Ukerty Prices. 10c, 15a
Show starts 7:13 and 9
Authoress, Planning African Trip, Cer
tainly Is Overoloking Nothing
That Can BeMde Useful.
Using the by-products Is the most
characteristic feature of distinctly
modern Industry. How thoroughly
this principle hus been applied to lit
uiuture conies out in an Interview with
a charming nnd uhle Chicago uovellst
wlio Is taking her five-year-old daugh
ter Into Africa gorilla hunting with
Carl Akeley's party.
The nullior In question will make the
trip to collect local color, the basic
material In the fiction industry. The
first proiluct will be a novel, with a
movie to follow. Hut not all the local
color which an African trip Is bound tn
yield can he used In a novel, so the
uutlior plans to work over the wnste III
a travel hook, which will find a ready
kale to that small hut choice public
r,lli has wearied of Action. The third
nnd rather special product will be the
story of her small daughter's reaction
to the adventure, which is expected to
make another Interesting book,
Kncli of the three books Is a sep
arate product of the basic local color;
each will satisfy a certain special
need and reach a public of Its own.
Between the fiction readers, the arm
chair travelers and the students of tho
chlM-nilinl,, this author pretty well
covers the ok -buying classes. Con
sidering how little daughter will prob
ably react uncn she sights her first
gorilla, the "child reactions" book may
fairly be called "utilizing the squeal."
'lilcngo News.
Man's Many Friends Have Furnished
Him Just the Particular Dop,
and the Rest Is Eaiy.
"I have the accurate dote now on
Just when to go fishing at the lakes,"
said a infill who expects to take a
vucatiun soon.
"I talked to a man Inst week nnd
he sahl If ! wished to do any good, to
fish from 12 midnight to six In ths
morning. He used frogs and spatted
for bass and caught lots of bass and
also hlucgills at Hint time, liesides
It Isn't hot then.
"Talked to a man Monday and he
told me Just when to catch them. I
learned from him that the time to fish
was between k town ami 12 mid
night. He cnught lots of bass and
Itluegllls and (Tnpples at that time.
"Talked to another man anil he told
me the best time to fish was from
sunup until about 10 o'clock, and from
4 p. in. until dark.
"There was nhother neighbor of
mine who gave me good advice. He
never fishes after dark, but says he
never paid any attention to the beat
and that he always caught as many
fish in the middle of the day as he
did early In the morning or In the
cool of the evening.
"So you see, I know Just when, to
do my fishing.'
Norman O. Walker was the only
Amtrlcan mlmbir of ths craw of tht
ZR.2 who escaped death In th dlt.
asttr that befell the great airship.
New wool hos for men and wo
men at Ilia Dooterie.
Relatives Testify
Thai Prisoner is
Mentally Deficient
(Contlnu.a from ptc 1)
by a board throws by bit broth
er. He m knocked unconscious by
thia accident.
"When he was eleven years of age
be was engaged In a ball game and
a bat slipped from the hand of a
batter and struck him In tho right
temple. He was unconscious one hour
as the result of this blow.
Had Severe Headaches.
"Since these accidents, Richard
Drum field has been subject to very
severe headaches. He always com
tPlalnod of the headaches starting in
the buck portion of- bis bead and
ranging frontwards towards his eyes.
These headache appeared ' at fre
quent intervals but were not con
stant. At the ages of 12 or 13 years
these headaches were more severe.
Was a Sleep-Walker.
"My brother suffered from somna-
bluism. He often got out of bed
when a boy and walked around the
room. My mother once caught him
Just In time to keep him from Jump
ing out of a window. When awak
ened he would never remember these
"He always had a tendency to be
come delirious upon the si Urn test
provocation and this delirium wae
often caused by Indigestion which
he suffered.
"In his early life he was not
strong. He did not gain weight or
appear better until he was about 15
or 16 years old. Since then he has
always been extremely nervous,
lathered With Tiad Eyes.
"Hla eyes have always bothered
him. In early boyhood be complain
ed of this weakness and at the age
of 16 years was forced to wear
glasses. He baa worn them contin
ually since hat time.
"His headache attacks were near
ly always accompanied by dizziness
and blindness. During the time he
spent in my dental office at the time
he had his college vacation, be suf
fered these headaches. He always
explained them to me as attacks of
Of Htndloas Nature.
"He was always of a studious dis
position," said Dr. John Brumfleld in
concluding his djrent testimony.
He started to testify that his fath
er was afflicted with sleep-walking
but the state objected to the testi
mony on the grounds that it had not
been shown that the defendant was
suffering from hereditary Insanity.
Crowds not daunted.
The alleged masterlmurderer was
lead from the court room by the
guards during the noon recess and
marched to his cell. The rain was
heating down In torrents but the
downpour did not effect the number
of spectators who were lined on the
sldnllnea to get a gllmps of this al
leged killer de luxe.
ltrother Continues Testimony
When court convened this after
noon, John Ilrumfleld, brother of the
prisoner, again took the stand. When
asked regarding the Insanity of other
members of tils family, he stated that
a brother of his grandfather bad
two children who were Insane; that
his father had a brother who was
insane, and tJiat his own and the
prisoner's brother was Insane.
His older brother'a spell of In
sanity lasted about a week, he said,
during which time the afflicted per
son declared hia father and mother
to be Insane. Upon cross-examination,
the witness stated that this
case of Insanity was due to over
study snd over-work.
He said that the youngest brother
of his father was effected, and would
disappear at times without cause,
and remain away for from several
days to several months, and upon his
return was never able to account for
his whereabouts.
The witness stated that he visited
his brother in Hoseburg from June
to October in tine year 1911. but
could not recall any of the severe at
tacks of headaches during his visit.
Parents Never Insane.
When cross-examined by the state,
the witness stated that neither his
father nor his mother were ever In
sane, nor showed any symptoms of
Wbpn questioned by the attorney,
he admitted that a doctor was not
called to attend hia brother at either
of the times he was Injured In his
In regard to the education of the
denllwt, the witness said ttiBt he en
tered school at 7 years of age, en
tored college at 19, went to college
4 years, and then attended dental
rollnge. His college career was nev
er interrupted by any severe Illness,
the witness said.
I'nclo Had Memory lapse.
The witness said that his uncle, a
school teacher, began to have dis
appearing spells at about the age of
25 or 30 years. He stated that the
uncle would wander away many
time. The family at first tried to
locate him upon each disappearance
hut after he had done this strange
thing for several times they simply
awaited his return. I'pon his return
each time tbe witness said the man
appeared to be perfectly normal and
was rational both before and after
these flpeDa. At first the family-
could not account for trie strange ac
tions but thev were later attributed
to a deranged mind.
nruniricld Walked In Hleep.
John Brumfleld testified that the
defendant walked In his sleep at
about the agea of IS or 16. He said
the attacks would only last a few
The witness also testified that his
brother was Insane at one time for
a period of a week due to over-study
snd overwork. He died at the age
of It years following the Insanity
attack. He aald the brother'a In
sanity was only of temporary na
Tb Jury la the Brumfiuld
case triad at Xudford yaswrduy.
was still out at 3 o'clock this
e afternoon, according to Infor-
matlon niceled by Sheriff Sam
e Starmer over long distance tele-
phone. This is the case In
which C. A. Brumfleld and John
I son are charged with consplr-
acy against the government in
connection with the still loca'iJ
at Cleveland. The case went to
the Jury at 10:30 this morning
and no report was received up
to 3 o'clock.
ture and did not state that death
was caused by It.
Hud Wild Kipresslon.
The witness said his brother came
In the house at Uie time of tbe In
sanity attack with a wild expression
on bis face and told bis brother to
go get the neighbors, that his moth
er and father were Insane. He said
hla brother was confined to bed a
part of the time but was never vio
lent. When asked by the state if he
considered wearing glasses an indica
tion of Insanity the witness answer
ed "If I did, I would take off my
Chosen Wrong Profession.
John Brumfleld testified that his
brother, the prisoner, told him dur
ing a visit here In 1911 that he
thought the had chosen the wrong pro
fession on account of his weak eyes.
e The defense late this after- 4
noon sprung a surprise witness 4
In the person of J. P. Tooley,
factory and boiler inspector for
the Long Brothers bonding
house of Portland. Mr. Tooley e
e testified that he was making an e
Inspection of the boiler In the 4
e Perkins building on a morning e
between the dates of July 2 and
July 6. Me was not positive of
the date.
4 "I had an ulcerated tooth,"
he said, "and went upstairs to
4 find a dentist to relieve the
4 pain. I found the door of Dr.
Brumfield's office open and
4 walked in. I stood In the wait- e
Ing room a few minutes and
then walked into the dntal
room. I saw Dr. Brumfleld e
4 standing with his face only a
few Inches from the wall star-
Ing Intently at a blank space be-
4 fore him. . I spoke to him sesv-
4 eral times and he did not seem
to hear. me. I thought he must 4
be hard of hearing and I )
walked, up closer and spoke to
him agiln. 'Are you the doctor 4
here?' I asked.
"He sprang back quickly,
whirling around, and then
Jumped over behind his dental e
chair. Ha, crouched down and
peered at me over the top of
the chair.
"I thought that the man was
crazy, and that it was no place e
for me, so I left. He looked to
me like a man who had han too e
much moonshine. I never saw
such eyes on a human being be-
He said nothing was said at the time
that would lead him to believe that
Dr. Brumfleld was suffering from in
Father was Hlcep-Wtilkcr.
Upon re-direct examination the
witness testified that his father had
been a sleoip-'walker but that tho
spells had not been frequent He said
bis father possessed a high temper.
Another llrolhcr Testifies.
William V. Brumfleld, another
brother of the defendant, was called
to the stand to testify. This brothor
formerly resided in Rosvburg but at
the present time is employed in Min
nesota. He said that his brother,
who is on trial for his life, was a
weakling until until he was ten or
twelve years of age. He stared that
he was very nervous and easily ex
cited and often delirious at times of
excitement or during periods of
stomach trouble.
He corroborated the statement of
John Ilrumfleld that the defendant
was a sleep-walker. He said the man
would often getup and pull the cov
ers off the bed and would also often
talk in his sleep. One tinre he said
Brumfleld walked as far as the barn
and said that something was chas
ing him. The next morning he could
recollect nothing of the affair.
He also restated the occurrence of
his brother being hit with a hoard
and at another time with a ball bat,
and of him being knocked senseless
at both times. -
The severe headaches of the de
fendant were described by the wit
ness. H said that during hla stay
In Hoseburg In 1911 he remembered
one time when the man was suffer
ing from a bad headache.
The witness merely repealed the
testimony of John Brumfleld in re
gard to the Insanity of his brother.
In regard to his uncle's ease he said
that he did not know whether he
was Insane or not and that the uncle
never did tell where he went and
that he did not know whether It was
because the uncle did not know or
did not want to tell where he had
Hitter Taken Stand.
Coroner Rltfer was called to the
stand by the defense. He identified
tho while atrawhat Introduced In
evidence as the one found In the doc
tor a office on the morning following
the murder.
Charnrte- Wltneu Introduced.
The defense Introduced Dr. Fred
Haynea as Its first character witness
Dr. Haynea teetifled that during the
many years Dr. Brumfleld resided in
this city that he bore a good reputa
tion throughout the entire communi
ty. At a late hour this aft -noon the
defense was still Introducing char-
wAr, .... . - aa
f -T-T-Jtr.' '- ; .-4
(L. -I i
IfCr (
-SfVH' 'Nsssaw
Or. M. Csrey Thomaa, president of
Bryn Mar college sines 1893, will
relinquish her office at the close of
the term In June, next year. At that
time Doctor Thomas will have reached
the age limit which automatically will
dictate her retirement, as sixty-five
years has been set as the age beyond
which no director of the Institution
may remain active.
actor witnesses. The defense will
probably conclude its testimony early
Nona In Mine
Seriously Injured
(Dy United Frees.)
MARSHKIELD, Oct. 15.' None of
the sixteen men Injured In the Beav
er Hill mine explosion will die, hos
pital attached announced today. Two
of the men are seriously Injured but
will live, while the other fourteen
were injured from burns. The blast
occurred in the deep mine shaft and
was due to an open safety lamp. It
required four hours' work to remove
the in Ju i od.
Will Entertain
This Evening
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Beilows at 617
Short street, will entertain at their
home tonight In honor of Mrs. Bel
lows' father and mother, the occasion
being Mr. Ale Smith's 76th birthday
and their D6th wedding anniversary.
The Invited guests are Mr. and Airs.
John Beckley, Mrs. Uebie Rose, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Bailey and daughter,
Avis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Uine, and
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Bellows and son, Claire.
After a delicious dinner the even
ing will be spent with conversation
and music.
A most delightful birthday party
WaS CiVen nil Werinearlav ni-anlna
at the home of Mrs. M. Gunder in
West Hoaeburg in honor of Mrs. Wm.
Maxwell. The rooms were tasteful
ly decorated with Halloween garland
and harvest colors. The evening be
ing spent In games and music and at
midnight a dainty supper was served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Tabor, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Shrenk, Mr. nnd Mrs.
iv in .naxweil, Mrs. W. Thacker, Miss
Dora LnwRnn. Mtna rtnnrW riB r..i-
Bradford. Miss Helen Johnston, Walt
er Jones. Mr. Anderson, Mr. h. Lady,
ii. ay. i-Teu .eison, John Nel
son. Charlie ThnfUf ml, l.
er, Ashley Tabor. Zearald Lady, Don
i i uuu vruy v ay,
The Women's Auxiliary of the
American Legion will hold a business
meeting next Tuesday evening at the
Parish House. All members are urg
ed to bo present.
'IVoOX iv
WAN'TKD -Dishwasher. Slroni younK
iimn prefen, .L,uelriilp,uaf
foil nnd s Rood Jirsy"
i:i''.n.'.'Ke!r l"B"- ,u'ni' Cunn-
tint SAUK or trade for rattle, team of
'.''.'w'lVV'11., Waltir Mcc'ord. Oregon.
1K SA1.K All" kinds of hounes and
anna. I cm prices nml do the bual-
ncsJMerrn.ii,4 Mill St.
WAN Kli ;lrl or woman for Keneral
,!"i:W"r,ki "n'"o an take
IXltt SAI.K ITui;rslve eV?riu.a7inK
strawberry plants, any quantity: al
so currant bushes St. D. llreon, 11V1
Ki mih Ht.Nrth, Portland. 6r"
W.XTKI .Man unit wife to rent well
ih.Vr-,.,arm' V ' herrtJi
l nut ... acres uraln or corn land; 2U
ft? "o.nhuK. James A
HM enorjnne3 -Fltr njr,
w".h 5 r,,"m house. "reTleS"
I ,,"1 Kre; tenc -d; send
?l T. J 'i,n'l: city water Price
t j..o.n: -,noo oa,h. balance r.
SI per cent. See 13 W V....-- a
I'hone t!7.
I, . , L'1'' Jl"'r"- he"e.
I'.irn. . hieken house, onlv 175a 0D
S mile north r,t Kssv
I'")," . Wo"l! take Rood cheap csr
' , !, t",vm''n'- Wr"- M Wilbur.
M.itnr Ueute A. Kugene. OreK
Al.l. IX INK If IV KMliKE!"V( write en your house, furniture
ihrn';..,h:,' ",",nm",'l, tv,"'t take
the . chsn. , Pl n, ,, ,.
pretexted ,t once. A. T. Lawrence
ir. jievLj;., r,n s,rr.t.
"In.Zu'i "V" "'""" Vos and some
I H . L,".: ar,n: r".V "d else.
Me h',t.: rl.we In: feneed. Meal
.',;:i',,io!;::',;,ry- rV"t r,"
s.,.i.,n 1 V U'rT.".- '""""llnte pes.
jg:rr,lTS" T""" "
A IIKAI. IU-Y In a hoteTln one of the
comma town, of Klamath fntr:
T - ''" "ed lumber
s. l,,n; sirahorn rallros.l bulldlna to
the town Small .mount of capita"
'u"',,TImS': E U Pent lev. rmp.i ',1
Hot. I. VonJar. rvt. 17. or writ, VS.-
OT,'oi B,nU"- Klrnaih Vails.
11 rwl
II I, HATSjl W ft V5
Corner of Roberta and, Cobb St.,
south part of Roeeburg, one block
ort the Paclflo highway. Services,
at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, sons
service, reading of the scriptures and
breaking of bread. The subject an
nounced for the memory service was
Pure." Webster defines ths word
"Pure" first, separate from all ex
traneous matter or defilement; sec
ond, free from what contaminates
or blemishes, James 1-27: "Purs
religion and undeflled before God
is this. To visit the fatherless and
windows Is their affliction and to
keep himself unspotted from .the
world." Song service and prayer
nieeting service at 7 o'clock. A cor
dial Invitation extended to all to
worship at the Church of Christ.
Corner lof lu&e and Lane Sts.,
H. L. Caldwell, minister. At 9:45
a. m. Church School, O. P. Coshow,
superintendent. It is your duty and
privilege to get your child to day
school five days out of the week. Is
the study of the Word of God less
imiportant than the study of art or
arithmetic? If not, go with your
child to a Sunday school in Rose-
burg next Sunday. 11a. m., morn
ing worship. Message by the pastor
on "Personal Evangelism." 1 Ts your
t hrlstianlty worth propagating? At
1:30 p. m., Young People's Meeting.
Miss Helen Campbell is the leader.
meeting with merit Is assured. If
vou am young, and like the Christ-1
ian fellowship of other young- peo-'
pie you will enjoy the meeting and '
profit from tt. You ' are cordially
7:30 p. m. Evening worship.:
Message by the pastor. Good music. '
Congregational singing of famliar ;
hymns. Non-Christians are especial- 1
y invited. All public meetings of
the Baptist church are especially on-1
en for people who do not belong to
any churcft. Or if your church pre- I
ference is not In Roseburg. make I
yourseir known and at home among
The pastor is In the studv In the
church each day from 9:30 to 12:30
except Mondays. Church phone 385Y.
ftny person, whether a member of
ho church or not, who may wish a
personal conference with the pastor
The story of a boy who had to fight for all lie got! lT
Job then for his mother then for his girl anil thenjer
M l ltlM M s A t'otiiedy, nml t ol-.A- II. lo
Smiilav: "THK ito.Alt '!'( A.MItl I'lo.V" with fonwsy
HI PEUT HI (illl-S' HEAKT-tiHIPPlXl STOHl vr '
Mary Alden 05 Mother,
A picture that preoenU without false mcl.Hlnuiia oirK
mojt beantirtil and the most sacral of all ""'"" "
love. Once seen never to be forgotten.
AI.lll.V. IHI'lTd I'HII.flllb ' 1 1'
is invited to come 1077
n'ake amnn,. t . '
IUKLK ASO(!vri0!t
IntfrnntWanoi nui. -
sanation T, TV"
and Washing. Trt?
Sunday at 3 p. m. Will
The Nature of the 'Iroa si
i.,7 K'om on Earn..',
2.-7. Opportunity given ,n u
iTosa their opiniont and ttk,
Better shoes at lower pricsm
Meeting at Gree
Schoolhouse Enjoy
A very interostlas
enjoyed at the greens school k
last night. The Pareat-Tii
Association, had made arnui,
for some films of an ntimw
ture and these were shows id J
musical and literary projrun
presented. There was j
tendence and much Interest aJ
ine school is being conduct! u4
me leadership of Prof, and Ma
A. Goff. Who have Mia annnArt ,
strong organization of parent!
Plumbing & Heatin;
Now open and ready fs
business. We are thci
cughly experienced pluml
ers and solicit your patro:
Phone 407
Corner Oak and Main Std
A 2-Reel Comedy and Ford M5JSL