Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 15, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    mow two
Issued Uaily
' R. W. Rates
U Wlroberly
Daily, per yr. by ""'
Dally, ill months, by mall. . . .
Dally, thr-e months, by mall
Pally, single month, by mall
Dally, by carrier, per mouth
Weekly News-neview, 07 uin. '
Luwreu a. sconJ.claai waiter May
burg. Oregon, under the Act of
r a ..n.Ac r iU r!n lipptln in forests cause greater loss than
rvuvugco m- -
forest fires. This is shown in a report from J. t. Kimball, secre
tary of Klamath-Lake Counties Forest Fire association of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, to the American Forestry association. Facts
and figures as to this form of forest devastation were placed to
day before Senator McNary and Representative Sinnott of Ore
gon who are urged to put forth every effort for the passage of re
lief measures now in congress.
The report from Secretary Kimball shows that on an area of
less than 80,000 acres there has been an annual loss of $300,000
for ten years. The loss by fire was 10,000,000 feet of pine while
the loss caused by the beetle reached 1000 million feet. In as
much as private timberland owners would be spending money
uselessly if the United States government does not co-operate in
fighting this pest on public lands adjoining private holdings, the
American Forestry association is asked to direct the campaign for
getting action through federal legislation.
: Now is the time to start the warfare against the beetle, the
association points out. From now until next March is the time to
locate the infected trees. The limbs and main trunks can be cut
down and burned. If 75 per cent of the infected areas can be
treated,' the remaining timber can be protected for several years.
Investigation shows the beetle can be attracted to girdled and
felled trees. As a rule two or three "trap" trees to the acre are
enough to get results.
The pest is a borer and is particularly destructive to the tim
ber in the mountains of California, northward into Washington
and Oregon, and eastward into Montana. The bugs dig winding
egg galleries in the bark and the result is a stripped and dead tree.
' Railroad officials and chambers of commerce throughout the
infected section are urging action on the McNary-Sinnott measure.
There's a mistake in advertising terms that causes some mis
understanding. It was made years ago, before business men
knew as much about the subject as they do now.
They named printed matter addressed personally to the pros
pect "direct advertising." . Advertisements published in news
papers and magazines were called "indirect."
They thought an ad was "direct" if it was directed to the
home address.
They forgot that it wasn't even advertising if it didn't reach
the reader's interested attention.
Today those definitions are exactly reversed. Newspaper
' advertising is direct, because it reaches the reader in the form in
which he's ready to receive it.
The other kind may be "direct" for the waste basket, but it
isn't necessarily direct to the reader's mind.
It may hit him right. And then again it may not.
Almost every kind of advertising, each in its way, may be
good when it is adapted to the work it has to do.
The mailman carries some mighty effective advertising on his
daily rounds for certain folks and certain circumstances.
' But for all sorts of folks and all sorts of business enterprises,
there is today only one kind that is entitled to the name of "di
rect." Only newspaper advertising meets every test of blanketing its
field with trade-pulling publicity direct to the personal attention
of every render.
Perhaps the name doesn't matter much. Rut it is well not to
misjudge advertising values because of adjectives that were ap
plied in a former generation of advertising history.
A woman truant ollicer who had boon looking up young ab
sentees found that many wore staying away from school for lack
of proper clothing. Their garments were so shabby or so gro
tesque that the children ran away from school rather than face
their school follows. It shows the pride which is one of the strong
est characteristics of childhood, yet is often laughed down or ig
nored. There is false pride, bred in false standards, but children
seldom suffer from that. Their pride is an honest thing which
bids thorn stand fair with their
ability and which makes them miserable when they can not. This
sort of pride is a good thing. It
and should be fostered as carefully as more vanity should be re
pressed. The child must be clothed, anyway. In most cases onl
a little extra time or money is needed to clothe him so that he nia
be set free from torturing self -consciousness. Every child is en
titled to the outward requirements
the inward urge.
The American Forestry association reports that the planting
of memorial trees this fall is going to break all records. The sea
son has just opened. The first big planting has boon at South
Rend, Ind., where the women of the county sot out trees for all
their soldier dead along the Lincoln highway. It is a noble cause.
In fact, it is two noble causes in one. Every soldier who laid down
his life for his country deserves some living memorial, which lit
erally keeps his memory green. And every tree is more than a
monument, befitting the living while it honors the dead. Trees
pre usually set out in the spring. The fall is a bolter time, for the
roots become firmly established during the winter and growth
starts earlier in the spring,
i. . . o
There is only one source -of pleasure that never grows stale
and it is the help you give to others.
. . . o
You can teach a parrot to talk, but not to think. All gossips
are the aame way. . , . . . .
Except Sunday.
Bert O. Bate
.14 00
. 1 00
. 1.00
. .60
. .to
' -
il. 1920. at the poatSIllce at K
March I. 1ST.
associates in appearance and
is based on innate self-respect
of self-respect. God gives him
ft xn Sales
I The pessimist Isn't as nnroerotu
aa be seeins. Three frogs croaking
In pond make more noise than the
water that turns the mill wheel.
' The period of normalcy wi'l never
be reached until the town cut-ups
I quit cracking Jokes about Gardner
aiu! Arbut-Me.
The Eugene Register In an edi
torial asks this: "What will Kose
burg do for diversion when Uie
Hruintlold trial Is disposed of'."' The
taxpayers will have plenty 61 diver
sion for some months to coin in
paying for the trial.
IjONGH fob a lark.
"1 don't love birds,"
Bald Bill Hollow,
"But I'd like to
Get a swallow."
"The people may not forgive yon
but the l-ord will," is the cheerful
news contained In a letter to ye ed,
of Prune Piekin'i today.
Peeping Toms don't have to bang
around the windows any more.
Breathes there a man with soul so
Who even to himself lias said
This youngsters' nonsense must be
These high school rallies must be
I 1 ui.h lhiN Iw. trn mnt-lr lilm Wf.ll.
He is not fit to ever dwell
With human beings who can see
1 The young folks happy and carefree.
Give thoui the Joy thai tttxl Intends
, For happy young things. Iet them
I And yell and have their little -filet?.
On with the noise, let joy be uncon
lined. Don't make the It. H. 8. a steady
grind ;
Be young, you sore heads, and you
soon will see
Just pleasure In the high school
Judge Qulne savs Ills Idea of wast
ed effort Is a girl In a short skirt
powdering her nose.
"Willie, If you cat any more you'll
"Alright, mother, give me another
piece of pin and get out of the way."
The road to hell Is iiaved with good
I ........ t l . . A I l:. .... I.
street hasn't even that kind of pave
Ye ed. of Prune Plrkln's noticed
a reiKirt of the llrumfleld trial prlnt-
I ed In a weekly paper and Judging
from the report the trial Is causing
, no more furore here than a dog
fight. All we aay Is- we've never
seen men, women and children line
up for hours to get to a dog fight,
ft ft ft
When a shrewd attorney gets hold
of a $100 per day witness he can
make him look like 80 cents.
I ft ft ft
' The worst of It is, when your sins
Hud you out you are usually all In.
I ft ft ft
Ilidja ever go Into a restaurant
and order hot cakes and then cut In
to one of 'em and watch the butter
, mil out?
ft ft ft
Who remembers when Bill Cat-dwell
lister sit and whittle on a pine
sllrk during a trial?
ft ft ft
We'll bet there's many a dirty
dish In the sink these days.
ft ft ft
Just after you get the Ice bill for
the summer settled up, the fuel man
Is knocking at the front door,
ft ft ft
Better order that Prnne firkin's
Winter Annual right now. The mail
ing list Is gettln' pretty long and
you'd better send In your name If you
want a giggle volume of Prune
Plckln's. Oliey that Impulse.
ft ft ft
"I don't know which is the worst
Iielu' on a Jury or hcln' In Jail."
Save on your children shoes at
the Booterle.
ORKEN. the tire man, halt soles
rubber boots.
f -fVlcOC Mirf via ume ccuee
GvcnuG ore Be cut. voub. j
OeiW PtEMtD vjweu Nooa
euoen stops, Fwrwf me
&3 J
is tu Iran
4 99
Cwe th y Sr aii ,
Y7hVkno;kmg'' some man get
u make tKem -famooj and rich.
ho An
Tear seiaomi
do them,
ffiiAU fashion comeback.
The greatest crime ia the world is war,
even, if it sometimes seems a Heismg,
(5) If yoo have never made a
Serious mistake, the crtances
are yoo have
much or anyiama.
A committee is 8-it
u fhe thin.6
Returned Here
8. J. Jones arrived home yester
day frrsu tJlleiKlido where he has
Deen attenuuig to Dusiness matters.
Oier from Oukland
Belle Bridges and Alice Easely,
of Oakland, apt-tit. Thursday In town
shopping and visiting with friends.
Arrives from Glcnttnlc
Mrs. Roy .Kenny arrived on yes
terday afternoon' train from Glen
dale to visit with friends.
Over from Kutherlln
Mr. Van AusMn of Sutlierlin sicnt
Thursday In this city attending to
buelnesa matters.
Here from Wilbur
Mrs. J. G. ltussell of Wilbur spent
Thursday In this city attending to
buslnaas mutters.
Here from Ounas Valley
Meade lirown or Camas Valley
spi nt Thurailay In town shoipiug and
visiting wilh friends.
Over t.otii Winchester
Mr. and Mrs. Woody of Winches
ter spent Thursday In town shopping
and attending to business matters.
Here from Onkhuiil
W. W. Morse, of Oakland, spent
Thursday in town attending to busi
ness matters.
Over from Onkhind-
W. O. HrtdKiw spent Thursday
town from Oakland attending
business matters.
Here from Glcndnlc
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dwlght of
GlemUite nvnitt Thursday In town at
tending to business.
IIImiiInmnI from Hospital
Mrs. II. Horn w ho has been In the
Mercy hospital left yesterday for h
home In Glcndale.
Here from Myrtle (Yeek
11. A. Adams of Mrytle Creek
spent Kliday in town attending to
lieavea for Oiiklund
Mrs. U H. SmUk loft for Oakland
alerlay afternoin to visit with Mrs.
Gruhbe of Uiat city.
Over from Winchester
J. R. Wheeler of Winchester spent
the day In town attending to busi
ness matters.
Here from (ili.h
V. A. lhKanl of nilde sient the
day In town attending to business
Here fretn Mslem
V. I,. Urn kit of Salem Is a bnal
ness rtattor In this city for a few
Relumed From Mcdfonl
Chief of Police Dave Shamhrook
returned Thursday nlsht from Mer
ford. wbere he has been attending to
business matters.
0 ' -Get
your rubber footwear at the
Wateria ftood a -i
th.rti irt -4 if
plays hob tn- M N-l'C-ix 1
rJe styles are dg
never Cans
is ddlaved..
, ,
Ijctivet for (VMrallis
Roy Bailey of Oils city left yes-
t rday afternoon for Corvallis where
he has accepted a position.
I.ctivcs for Her Home
',. Jees Patrick, who has been
visiilnn in California for some time
ift yesterdoy morning for her home
in Detroit.
Here From Portlnnd
Tom w. Gerlier or the Arcady Co.
In Portland, who has been attending
to business in this city loft for
hunt on the north Umpqua for a
week or ten days.
Wet weather
shoes at the Bool'
Mrs. Brand Meets
Singer In Portland
Many Roseburg people have been
interested in the announcement thai
Marie Sundelius, soprano, and Nl
cola Zerola. tenor, both of the Me
tropolitan Opera Company, are to
Kive the opening concert of the El-
wyn Artist Serlcw at the public au
ditorium at Portland tonlKhl be
cause of the Informal program given
oy Madam Sundelius at the home
of Mrs. Charles A. lirand at the Ov
erland Orchards eonie time ago. Dur
ing the ifk spent In Knseburg the
sinner ninne. a great many friends.
Mrs. Brand and Marie Sundelius
have been life-long friends having
bosun their music work together as
seiiooi girls In IVoston. They arang
ed to me.4 at Portland Thursday
evening and visit together nntil Sun
day afternoon. In commenting on
the coming of the slncer to Port
land the Portland Telegram says:
"Marie Sundelius, prima donna
foprnno of the Metropolitan Opera
i ompnny Is held up to the world by
Antonio Seotu as the only prima
donna that displays neither the tra
ditional temper nor temperament.
"Tho first experience of her era-
rlousness was in the hegining of the
lour of the United states when a
minor song bird In the company de-
vt-mpcil a severe case of tempera
ment because a compartment had
not been provided for her. Miss Sun
delius. hearing tho disturbance,
smoothed out the situation by giv
ing up her compartment to the Iras
cible singer.
"Thereafter she endeared herself
to the whole company by cheerfully
offering to sulwtltute on a moment's
notice If another singer were 111. by
never complaining aliout the Incon
veniences f touring or lamenting
that she did not get suffleient win
dow card and poster advertisement
'Scottl declared that Miss Sundel
ius was one of the hits of the Seoul
tour and said that It was a delight
ful experience lo rind a prlmn donns
who could 'make good and be good
at Uie same time.' "
Shoe repairing that's different at
the Booterle.
OR KEN", the tire
kinds of tire work.
man, does all
Be sure of rerfeel fnting shoes.
Shoes that satisfy and fit your feet
at the Booterla.
:, M
New , H
IJ AniVmS alm0$t I
1 uUY-" ' ready for you in an I
. the favorite materials I
r&f - Palmer Coats I
1 Jjj Modart Corsets I
JuT rj Perrin Gloves I
(j (i Burchards i
Iskliig Here
Archdeuoou Chambers Is In
city visiting at the M. E. Riltw home.
Here from Drain
Mtss Jane Walker of Drain spent
the day In town shopping.
In from Brock way
"Mi. I. 11. N'iehoU; of Brock way.
Bpent the day In town shopping and
attehding to business.
Will Arrive from Portland
Mrs. A. C. Spences of Portland ar
rived in this city today to visit ac
the home of Mrs. Millard Meredith.
Returns from Medford
il. A. Ketton of this city returned
from Medford where he has been at
tending to business matters.
In from Winstoiis
1 1 . .... (IrciA.n an A nttfa nnent the
day in town shopping and attending j
to business matters.
In from Comas Valley
H. Irfmhare of Camas Valley spenl
the day in town attending to busi
ness matters.
Here from Camas Valley
..Mrs. F. F. N-rhr-r of Camas
Valley eoent the day in town shop
ping and visiting with friends.
I Over from Drain
Cordelia Butler of Drain spent the
I day in town shopping and attending'
to business matters.
Ienves for Portland-
Mrs. G. B. Wallace of this city
will leave this evening tor Portland
for a few days to attend to business
Invitation Concert
HELEN GLARK,Contralto,ond
This notable musical event is
primarily an invitation affair. A
few reservations are available
for public distribution. Music
lovers can obtain these tickets
without charge, by applying
immediately to this store.
The popular artists appear at
Presbyterian Church
Monday Eve., Oct. 24th
In addition to sin(?injr several groups
of sonjfs, Miss Clark and Mr. Phillips
have consented to compare their art
with its Re-Creation by Mr. Edison s
new phonograph. Thomas George,
pianist, will assist.
Ott's Music Store
ItOSKBl R1, , ORrXiOX.
Ift for Mr'(le Creek
Mr. and"Mi. 0. M. lilancy of this
city loft last evening fir Mrjtl
Creek to spend a few days visltlM
with friends.
InlStKljga MavbeJle Miller nrrivw1 U
city !nvt evening from Eugene to
ftliend the week end visiting with her
father. Dr. K. L. Miller.
GranteO Divorce
A divorce was granted to Mildred
Hughes from Brian Hushes on th
grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, In the Portland courts. They
were former residents of this My.
Leaves for Home
Mrs. Julia Dudgeon, of Orandeer,
Ohio, who has been visiting at rfa
home of H. B. Church of this city,
left for her hone this morning.
Relirns from Los Angeles
R. II. Grtnstoad of this city tnd
Frof. Lee -of Drain returned Friday
from Los Angeles, where Uiey bavt
been visiting for the past month.
Mr. -Orlmstead and Prof Lee mads
the trip by auto.
Receives Bounty
A $l!i bounty was paid for the
covote hide which was on display la
this city yesterday. The copote wai
caught near Calapoola with the Hall
and Colls hounds. It had beea
killing turkeys for some time in that
Goodyear Tire Service. Ford.
Soft and stiff hats cleaned and re
shaped, any style. Panamas bleached,
using no acids. Jack Carlisle, prac
tical hatter. Koseburg Cleaners, next
Liberty Theater.
Grey Suede strap pumps, 14.95,
nt the Booterle.