I I HATS j M 0 i 'yX BARRY XWA tVl X J CTTER 0 4SH0ES sv i I ijiiiis WO GUILTY !jry Returns Verdict of First Degr-'e Murder and Rec om.Ti2nds Life Im-priscn.nent. JRESIVAS MURDERED FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1021. TELEGRAPH OPERA TOR TAKES STAND miss Florence Courrie of Lake Louise Last Witness Testify Yesterday. ARGUMEMT IS STARTED Jury Itetlre While Attorney Bat He Over l.egnl Questions as to the AdmUaaMllty of Mlaw Currie'a Testimony. At the close of the court session yesterday afternoon a throng of peo ple gathered along the walk at the weBt end og the courthouse to see the march of Dr. Richard M. Brum fleld from the trial room to the Jail. Scores of children who, by order of the juvenile officer are barred from the courtroom, were Intermingled In the crowd to see the passing of the person who Is apparently the most interesting man in Koseburg. Stnriner Again Called. ' Sheriff Stunner was again called on the witness stand late yesterday afternoon and Identified the ring, the the gray hair, and I.fcatsnd Uln-ii Hansom mihimi i) M ueriuMo Cuthollc Tree, playwright of Sacxemento. He admitted he bad never seen her, but he gave out lilu correspondence with her. He had soon her picture, taken her as bis Ideal of womanhood and carried on with hi-r a MrmnnnHin Which startled IhA vabI tullh hla nl.ll Ichnrrari ehrua josophy, lis power and Itn sparkling' many other articles as those found uuiiior. Peggy True called to see htm but he would not seo her. Site still must remain the "Dream Glrll" and "in spiration" for this most remarkable of alleged criminals. Friends came to Hlghtower's as sistance and now the dreamer, Idealist, philosopher. Itinerant baker! whose wanderings carried him tnroughout the southwest and final ly to San Francisco and a jail cell will flKht to the last ditch the charge that he called a priest from his sanc tuary on an errand of mercy and tiiuraemi nim to collect a ransom of oniy B,&oo. Killed Priest Hurled II im In t'ave rpnft'.-.OD CITY, Cal., Oct. 13 , .m i Hhrliiower. accused of the .". at Father Moulin, Catholic Is.. v wLiiJ iullly this after- by jury, which recommended (imprisonment. ftiher Heslin was kidnapped by a mifner." who called one foggy Ldn it Hhe parish house In Colma iiduM him to "minister to a uy- k friend." Ho was last seen alive Evwi away In tlio mist In an auto Mle dimmed lights. . Tro weeks later, when hopes ol trtaf Win had all but vanished iffiowar came (o a newnspaper oi-i-ni offered to lead a party to the I mtlns place of Father Heslin. Vnpaper men and police follow- V Hebtower to the cliffs of Calad til, on the roast 30 miles from luFruciaco. Tliere they opened a itfrave in a leile on the side of -txlJs nd draped out the crump- r. body of Ihe loved padre. H body was still dressed In Its fial ro' of tilack; and on it was ni In i velvet ease, the bread and fof tie last sacrament; a sliver st Irarine the linages of Christ pi He Blessed Virgin. How did you know where this p't wm located." Hightowcr lm- Miuy was asked. Hb reply was a story comparable i"-lrdnes8 to the crime with which chanted. A drunken Greek, he said, had H upon i woman of the night life "oilr Mason showed her a enn ft told her: sun has killed a man and he W. Hut he isn't alone A N ihwvs fnin- flapjacks sits N his grave." , n looked tin and thnra -not ffwtswav was the sign familiar "'bout the wct the picture of ' I miner frying flapjacks over a ' Ire. F'WWs to believe Itn Itn.o l ''Polly Maon" could not be -M. That I. tt 1.1 i "t -t coum ntii una f Wit Dolly Mason. For on Mas- 'Tr and ih ,. . PPriiKlsco', primrose way "nol- TaLv nanlp Popular as , 7' ,n the telephone dlrcc nitn tower wa arrested In lew !4 hnnro ,ti ..... h wt'ira st on os. TfOV(v r . n ti. JUST IS. Fresh clams, crabs and oysters at uampocii Craig's Fish Market, 107 sneriaan St. See the hat special Millinery Saturday. at the Bill BCIDAT AT Tin? CHURCHES. Snlnt GeorRp'g Episcopal, corner uasn ana Main streets. The Venerable Archdeacon Cham bers' will conduct the morning ser vice. Holy Communion at 7:30. Morning prayer with sermon at 11 o clock. Sunday school with yiss Bess Lewis in charge, at 9:45. Everybody welcome. Members -hould feel It their duty to attend, o OH' ltOH XOTICB ' I will speak next Sunday morning tnd eveninw at the First Methodist church In Roseuurg. .This will he my last chance to tent your endur ance, so, I'll be glad to see all who feed friendly toward me or the church at this service. Mr. Gordorr, the new eastor, will reach the city next week, ind will occupy '.Ihe pulpit a week rrom Sunday. Mr. Gordon Is a suc cessful men. and will do the city good, while he Is here. . My new field Is nerhaps double the size of this city, as to population, and the church Is considerably larger. Sellwood Is a rare opportunity In every way. Iiut the memory ef the good people of Rnseburg, who have lieen kind to nyself and family, will not he for gotten. I would like to meet and ake the hand of every man, whether ;n the chur?h or out of It, who has touched my life during the past year lit the lionds of friendship. I have never worked with a more consider ite people and am leaving Rnseburg with the kindest possible sentiments toward the old town and her folks. 1 wish I might have done more for the city, but I trust the months may not have all been wasted. The fel lowship which has been mine has iiecn sweet indeed. I wish to thank "specially the editors of the News Review for their manly hely and con ilderntlon. They have modelt possi ble to do much more than I could otherwise. Here's a great big hand Innp for nil the liovs of whatever faith or order. Good luck, and God lve you sunlight on the trail. Guy Fitch r-helps. . riell Mlllinerr. extraordinary val ues given Saturday on all millinery. ; The Sign of HnATic2 a Service and other Dealer ffiftyj' t the scene of the wreck on the Melrose road. The pink silk skirt, and the box together with the con tents were identified by him and of fered by the state as evidence. Produces Strychnine. Upon the request of the state's at torney, the witness drew from his pocket a small vial containing a white substance, which he said was taken from Brumfleld by the sheriff in Calgary. This is In all probability the strychnine mentioned by the state's attorney In the presentation of his arguments on the first day of the trial. The witness slated further that he found Brumfleld In - Calgary In charge of Inspector Richardson, and that he brought the defendant back, arriving In Ropeburg on the 19th of August. Kxpress Clerk Takes Stand. , H. H. Judkin, a clerk In the office of the American Railway Express company in Seattle, next took the stand. He examined the package and identified it as one that was re ceived In the Seattle office on July 16. He stated thnt at the request lot the superintendent of his com pany in Portland, he opened tne package and made an Inventory of the contents. This inventory was read before the Jury. He testified to receiving a letter from the consignee on or about Aug ust 6. signed by Mrs. Norman M Whitney, asking that the package be hehld at the office until called for. He was handed a letter hearlr.g a Canadian stamp and identified It as the one received, when It was Bana- ed- to the defense attornevs for ex amination. Mrs. Brumfleld leaned over Mr. Orcutt's Bhoulder and read It. Sent Sailing Information. Mr. O. R. O. Bagnall. nn official of the Canadian-Australasian Steam ship company, took the stand and identified a letter signed by Dr. Rich ard M. Brumfleld requesting sailing dates, necessity of a passport, ana rules governing citizenship in Australia. The letter was handed to iirum- fleld'a attorneys for examination, and they In turn handed it to Mrs. urum fleld, who examined It carefully. Special Agent Testmes. . Maurice Cotnrrl. a special agent of the Southern Pacific railway, took the stand and Identified the letter as the one handed him by the agent of the steamship company. Telegraph Operator lams. A ripule of excitement followed by a hnak rolled over the crowdea courtroom as Miss Florence Currie. the dainty little Lake Louise tele graph operator, left the crowd of witnesses and walked sedately up to the witness chair. In her quaint Canadian voice she answered the questions of the attorney for the state. - She was first asked u sne was ac quainted with the defendant, vr. Richard M. urumneia. I was acquainted witn me oe- fendant when he was known as nor- man M. Whitney," She repnea. And you say you recognixe me defendant as the person who gave you his name as wurmau m. rt un- ney? she was assea. I do." Did yotf have any business trans actions with the derenuant unaer that name?" "Yea." Jury Asked to Retire. The attorneys for the defense here put up a bitter ngnt, oojecung iu nearlv every question put to the witness as Incompetent and Irrele vant, stating that It was already ad mitted that the derenaant at one time used the assumed name of Nor man M. Whitney. The state's attorneys on the other hand maintained that It was ery Important to show the Jury the steps taken by the alleged murderer to cover up his tracks. Thereupon the Judga requested the Jury to retire from the courtroom while the state outlined the things It wished to prove. "We wish to show," the attorney began after the Jury left, "that the defendant during the latter part of July. 1921. In the town of Lake Ixiulsc. Alberta. Canada, came to the office of the Canadian Pacific Tele graph company and left one hundred dollars to be telegraphed to his wlfs, Mrs. Norman M. Whitney, at Seattle. Washington, with Instructions to wire that amount to his wife when a wire was received by the wltneaa from Mrs. Norman U. Whitney; that the day following, or the daj follow- LEGION MEN, ATTENTION. Regular meeting Tuesday, October 18th. lng that, that the defendant returned again to the office of the Canadian Pacific Telegraph company at Lake Louise, was notified that the money had not been called for, and the money was returned to the defend ant upon the return of the receipt wnicn tne witness naa given blm. "The evidence In this esse showeA that the day of the crime the defend ant drove to Myrtle Creek and un der the assumed name addressed the package to Mrs. Norman M. Whitney at Seattle, Washington. The pack age has been Identified and admitted as evidence. We wish to show that later, in a foreign land, under the same name that be gave at the time he shipped the package, he told the witness, who was In charge of the telegraph office at Lake Louise, that he was required to go away from Lake Louise for a day or two, and for the witness to forward one hund red dollars upon the receipt of a telegram from his wife at Seattle. Washington; that upon his return to Lake Louise he was Informed that the message had not been received by the witness In charge of the office, whereupon he withdrew the money and surrendered the receipt that had been given him therefor." It being time for adjournment, an agreement was reached wherebv the witness ccild be dismissed until this morning, the court and the lawyers in the meantime to look up canes pertaining to the relevancy of the evinence. Just before court adjourned the state announced that their testimonv would close at noon today or shortly tnereatter. The court was adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning. I 0 , . Every hat on sale Saturday. Come and get your choice while the line is complete. Bell Millinery. rtfir ftvb GJ. RILE PS SOLDIERS Hi E W. C. T. U. Annual Convention on OREGON CITY. Oct. 14. (Spec ial to the News-Review.) The 38th annual convention of the Oregon W. u. t. u. Is now in session in the 1st Baptist Church of Oregon City. About 300 ladles were present at the afternoon session and much en thusiasm was shown, -Mary L. Wal lace, state prensldent, presiding. The consecration meeting was iu charge of Mrs.. W. E. Petti bone, of Oregon City, and was of much Interest with scripture reading, prayers and de lightful mustcal numbers. The matter of most Importance In the afternoon session was the dis cussion of the children's farm home of which A. C. Schmitt Is president. It la teamed from statistics given at ihe meeting that there are now 29, 555 oruhan children who are In great need of heme care and training. It Is to supply this need that the W. C. T. U. have appointed Mrs. Ada Wal lace Unruth to take charge of this work, and raise sufficlnet funds to carry this matter over successfully. Tdie members of the W. C. T. U. report a gain In membership In the slate of 1479. Fourteen unions doubled their membership, Roseburg being one of this number. Change In Commandant to be Made on the First of November. S. W. TAYLOR RESIGNS Desires to Return to Farm Near xw berg Is Given Vote of Appre ciation by the Htate ll.vurd of Control. 'Because of ilealre In lnii ... us mis larni near Nvwberg and leave the resDonsihlliiv nt ihi ... ugeniHiit of the Oregon State Sold- tioine. uoi. a. w. Taylor, com mandant of the state institution bus tendered hia reaiirnallnn u.hl..h i.ua ueen accepted and George W. Rid die of Riddle will become his sue cessor on November 1. In accept ing tile raalirnntlnn r It. t.i.u. ouuru oi control expresses apprecia tion ot His excHtlvut services and thanks him for'tlie efficient way in wnicn no nog mim niut..i-u.i i.A r fairs of the institution. Col. Tavlor haj aivviut ffif tin. years as head nf IhA &ii,iiara nnl..A ana during mat time has been Instru mental in making many Improve ments to the Institution, the best be ing the securing of the new central heating plant which boa just been computed at an expenditure of $2r. 000. Mr. Taylor Is largely responsible 1 1 HON. G. W. RIDDLE, New OniunifliMuuit of Soldiers Ilinne. 1 ; disappointments Millions of housewives use Calumet Baking Powder because of its de pendabilitybecause when they place their baking in the oven, they know it will "turn out" all right They are confident of results because they know that no matter what they bake pies, cakes, bis cuits, muffins the results will be the same light, perfectly raised, wholesome foods. CAWRNET BAKING POWDER never disappoints. Don't prepare bakings with expensive ingredients and then have them spoiled because of an inferior leavener. Have the same assurance that the majority of other housewives have. A pound csn of Calumet contains full 16 ounces, Some bsking powders come in 12 ounce Instesd of 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it "SiSBfSLS Former Roseburg Man is Dead BROWNSVILLE, Ore.. Oct. 12. William Lent i, former Roseburg young man died at tho home of bis mother, Mrs. a John Loomls here. early this morning as a result of poisoning resulting from an aggra vated cone of tonsilitis. Until com ing to Brownsville last spring the dweased hail rewliletl In Roseburg for 11 years and was educated In the Public schools there. Funeral ser vices will be hold at the Presltvter. j lan ahurch hereJ Thursday, inter ment in tne .Masoui.c cemetery. o SIIOWKU I1AT1IS. Shower bath room now ready In the annex of the Tucples Supply store, Keller's barber shop. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Pattern and hand made hats, ex tremely new. on sale Saturday. Bell Millinery. CLASSIFIED COLUMN JA Haw CLASSIFIBD ADVBBTISBMBHTa WILL BB FOUND o Lin PAOB UHDBM. BKAUINU NW TUUiTi" Henry Lander was a business vis itor In town today from Wlnstons. o WORKED BENEATH THE-EARTH Discevsry In Jerusalem Solves Much of Mystery Connected With Kino Solomon's Temple. now often great discoveries spring from trifling Incidents I The trite re flection comes to mind naturally-on hearing hot the quarries of King Sol omon were found. Dr. Allen Moore, for 17 yuurs resident of Palestine, tells the curious tale. For many many years, says Doctor Moore, travelers and archeologtsts were puszled to know where the enor mous blocks of stone still standing In the ruins of Solomon's temple at Jeru salem were quarried. One duy a lit tle dog canned a lizard down a hole among the debris. The next Instant the dog also dlsupiieared. His master, coming to the opening, peered riuwn In vain. He called, and to his amazement his voice came back as from great depths. He summoned assistance, and a passage was opened Into Immense subterranean quarries. There were found huge masses of stone almost ready to be hoisted above ground. "And don't yon remember," asks Doctor Moore, "that we are told In our Bibles that the temple wss built without sound of saw or of hammer) The fact that the quarryninn worked underground partly explains that." Upon some of the stones were found Inscriptions that iwrplexed the explor ers nnttl one scholar pronounced them Phoenician. The stones were wrought by some of that army of workmen sent by King Hiram of Tyre to aid King Solomon In his tssk. Youth's Companion. Wye Island Home. The orlgh.a! borne of the Para fam ily on Wye Islsnd, Queen Anne county, passed at a recent sale of the estate of William B. I'ecs. the Isnt male de scendsnt of Oovemor Wllllnm Part, to en owner not connected with the family, for tlie first time since Ions before the Ilevolutlimsry wor. The Wye Hall farm of .KI7 acres, with the Para mansion, brought PASO an acre, the purchsser being John Klnnnmon. Governor Psc, one of the signers of the Heclarslloo of Independence, and later a federal judge, la burled near tbe farm. OntrevIPe Observer. for the securing of this plant as he gave his undivided time and attention for several months In creating a sen timent which Influenced the legis lature to make the much needed ap propriation. He has a fine service record, hav ing enlisted at the age of 15 years in Company II, lath Penn. Cavalry. He served for two years, receiving appointments as corporal and ser geant whoa only 16 years old. He Is now the owner of a fine, hlehly Improved farm located one mile from Newberg and he desires to make his home there In the future. He has found the strain of the man agement of the Institution too great for his health and-desiiya -to retire from active, pultilte Mfe. He has served as Past (4rand Commander of the O. A. It. and also served 8 years as county clerk of Ijine county. i George W. Itlddlo. during the 70 ! vfars he has resided in Douglas coun ty has been placed In many posi tions of trust and honor. He came to the county with his parents In the vear 18.M, crossing the plains with his irarents. Who came to the Cow Creok Valley from llllndis. Thoy ere the first settlers In the Cow Creek district, the future Judge get ting his education in the public schools and at the Wilbur Academy In tho year 1855 he participated In the Indian wars, although only sixteen years of aro. He served two jears as a momlMr of Captain Ed-1 ward Sheffield's company of volun teers, being employed as Interpreter and scout. In 1861 Jie responded to the rnun Iry's call for men and enlisted In Company C. first Oregon Cavalry and was mustered Into service Camp Baker. Jackson county. Ho entered the service as sergeant of his company and served three years He was located mostly at Fort Kla math and during his service there, he, with two other men, accompanied I. P. IltinlJnglon, superintendent of Indian affairs to the Modoc country where a pow-wow was held with the Mtxltos. preliminary to making a ti ent y. He was elected a member of the !ate legislature In 1872 and wa re-elected In 1875, 1885 and 187 In 1890 he was elected county Judge serving for one term, in 187 he wa one of Ihe eomntlssieners ni pointed by Ihe state to go to Wash 'ngtm to Intercede for pensioning Indian war veterans, the state ap propriating 12.000 toward the cause At the present time he Is one of the leading members nf the Douglas County Taxpayers Ambulation. 0 A big saving nn all children's hats Saturday. Hell Millinery. o IIWIXII ( ATA Itltll, BAD IlltKATII It's the simplest thing In the world to use llvomet snd end eslsrrh Breathe the medication through the little Inhaler In every outfit and you will get relief at once. Money back If it fail. W. T. Chapman. . WANTED. WANTED Turyi .large or Phoua 14-K-14. Bo) or Bros. small. WANTED AH kinds of boss. WANTKU TO HliNT planu. W. H. Wur nqr. Itoaebtiric Cufelttritt. WANTK1J CtwjK, pnntiy and sliurt or- ders. App I y I'm u I e r la. WANTU1 I'lttuli rtiicy at the NuWS- Itevtew orrue. Will pay 6c per lb. CANNKIiY 1IKI.P WANTICU Apply at canimiy. Ml II St. l-'ru nk J. Nuriun. WANTKIl Sniuil turiilHlit il liuusv. rurnutnitiit rulitura. AUdrttsa V. U. Hox Hlb. ROB BALR. FOR SAI.K 1 Sharpies separator. 1'hune 17-Fijt OK A L.fci Ouk eiuvu wood. Fbune KOIt HaI.K Kit cord llroe. I'lutnc H-r 14. wood, lloyer I'Olt HAI.K oil TUAKK Will liadtt for wuutl. WANTED Experienced waitress. Short order and cuuny-r work, ltuse- oury i.areicria. WANTKIf KurlilKlietl liout, ftirnlMlieil Bpartnivnt or furnished liotiHttkeep InS room. AtlWit-ne "I'ti ilianclil," care News-ltevlew. WANTED 41ood, curitful, (iiiit'k apple urtere wflh perfect ttniKht. 29 cents nn hour, at tlio llrand i'aikititf House, foot of Oak atruut. Jernuy cow. ilune 4V-U uu feAI.K iliiuia ol all k'uide, bvht on lint market, at The Kern, foil SALE It. kV.IuihI Poland China ,:riJ'"l,l'l" T.'.'vl. Jiunklns, Melrute. i''OH SALE Kir cord wood. Write'for l'"'e. I. J. Uoff, Sutheriln. rXJlt SALE 7(1 ht'iid uf g"Utn. limuire of A. II. Hutlleiu, Itosubura-, R. F, 1. Hox lol. WANTED (llrl to help with llullll- wora. ( an aiit-nti scnoui ir yuti Call III person at 1114 Wln- wlsh. ( hester St WAN T E Mis. II. K. Mclaughlin. To rent euulphed furin to iritw annual sweet clover fur scctl; will produce fou lls. tu acre. I will fiirnlith seed fur planting. X. Wlii nier. Ifith St . (iroK'tn t'ltv. MWCKLliAN KOUB. TAirmiNu and tlresstnnklng of all Jclnde. 628 H. Main. Mis. iuthrlUe. AM UlAlilNd rnr" stock h"K this wettk. liet your tn. I'hone 27! HANI II prupitrtlcs tu cxilianm-. Will takn city properties anil moiiic catch. What have yuu? II. W. Young St Son. phone 417. Knit THA ItK (It.otl team of horitt-fl. wagttn and harness. W III trailu for Kind In good Nhape. Iieiulre of J. N. I'lsypnol, itftir U'lniO "ti IXM4T AND POUND. HOUND Kverttharp pencil. Owner niay have same by calling at this office and paying for adv. jt tsT I't.nklin founTaln pt-n, ladle Ixe. please return to Nt-we-Id-v it w of lh-e: Hewurd. KOI'NI lMafttng citiiipaKS. Owncl may have eanii hy calling at this office anil pay fur ailv Kfii-'vit-j-oiit.ciTti ttV.t.k ct.ntirinlni semes and addressee. Owner may hHve saute tiy taltttta ni thin ulllie and paying fur edvrrtfMcniwtt. lyisT- M'tntlsy. iu.wei-n ICitschiltg and I'lxnnvllle. lady's rt-'l pum, full tallied betwpe 9-t ntid 7. e'att re telitt Itcarlhs neuie Wiivne lli.udiiian Hct'trti to V.'Wa Itt-vt.-w ..ffl-i. ton RENT, ron BUNT fafery sepoett betes ftneehtirg Nations! nana. KOIt ItKN-l--l'tHirtitr"! :o N.'sti'phcns acrrtsa from Pttst Off It e. f.-ntt ItKVtr ItiHihr'wtlh h.iui.l at 311 West I-ane 8t.Mre T. 11. Ino Ptlll ItKNT Hli-eptiir roctm; In apart ment house, close In. phono ?l!-.l. Poit ' ItKNT Two " nicely riirnlehed tMtiiat.keepIng rooms. 7uJ West Mttsher. w r?OK RKNT t.fitlit heiieskeeplne rooms, also a eleeplng room. I.tf etenth Itnse street. FOR It K ST. T 1 1 A 1 1 K flit SU.tfTl stock and sardt.n furm nf ISO S' rea Tnnjitre L. O. Mnxlny, Wilbur. Ore. KflU ItKNT 110 acres, free soil: will divide Into furty. thltflt-e ur lint" f'Ttlee r-ttr leritts atlttreas Itt. I llos 1S7. Itoaetturs. FOR RRNT or sale, or will lake city property as pert pevmant. 7.1 acre' .i lMnn..(.ii i." -tt.tMia ji miles south of faclfir hltrhway on rtrer. I'hone If-VX. - W. rarsec Route I. KOU SALE A fTiv boxes of very Ju'tld '"""' Bl"' '"" Mu'ck. J. M. I'Olt SAI.E -OiiimI k'U'iikh near Itttae . ei hoitl. can hu eaally moved. Intiulre I2 Jiu ka..nSt. 11AHI1AIN S-ruoui liuuee ulr hV l-' .o.uu down, rest llku renL Call 4e Thuititisuii St. p'oit SALE At a b.uaain. Hulck tuur- Ing car In due condition. Call at Alcuve. KOU SALE A thtiihle hriei .,tI, "liuiKiiii. Inqulr at -ila.lt"rfn"1'1' loriiln,. ' Ht H A IK Hpt I zt'ti itrr tf uuti I Id will upplfn, -10 fi'iilM p-r hox. Hrln btXt- iiml pi. k. it. I-:. .VmlilM. I'liunc 3-K4 lt HAIeK l I Ka I I hull, half roaii iMirhnm; 1 M.ny, an, I 1 r-VHiltlt tlUu plow. A.hli.-iB nt. 1. Hox il-A. POM BALK fUt THAU!-: One icood hln- Hu I J, It. I, Hon.-hiirif, in GAHAUKS Hfttily iiiii.le. uiivr rlM. tLii tid up: rIisu rnr rnt. f.u.l nru i.. . SprlnKM.'lt I nKu. vji Pflhr, rrivat touring oar 191l rnodi l. In flrwt elnj rouditlon. An we-r V. M., ISeJWl-Krview. l-(Ht HAIeK full HPi'liM. re ."."ntf. oT- Pojt w. II. Muntly. -irr- r .imI (Ur. ln iillfy. (jiif-liulf mils wl R. Jl. Ilex 30. KOU HA LK (lit TTtAI'K 1.. a. m-. hoi? torn IhmiI, Mirt cl-jirrt jh mllcfi fronf PorilftiMl. on H. p. kii trier. AUdnj K . Nt wn-Hcvlrw. b'OH HAI-I. At n n rlfli . or will tn.i for nliucp. iimk, or what you miy hiiv, a iui7 S-piuia. utu. In ipilre ItltMlf (luriiKr.. F K KA I.K Koi ho'iutl nuint. fro in trnint-d Min k. I'rl. $; lt n pair, or Kite, niikliiml, Ori'tron. I'Olt HAI.K- Hurlcv lavllnn mot(r- yt t outfit, KM, ur nil fitrnn. Nw)y pftliit-l ftiicl In flrHt i'Imm run- -'j'l'KJIL'L'J:; Krt !'; I'huno 3-KI. KOU HA 1 ,K I i'orfraTi.i)fw In nt April" ft !ohlt rtlur, tr lpl? frit tiff plow, Kl In hntturn; I Kor ttuirlntf W. II. "'.'.V'"-- X-"1-' W" on l'tmh riihtuhway. I HI HA lK SK o HAND TlItLH 1 nun and tilhril. i .1.'x.t nn-ii nntl t "I ), At your own pth. Another nf ( hMnn to l 1' im-itir I'roof Tlri. t K. limiKM, Wln htdti-r St. Ml AfltKt. 10 n h.-.irlnie fruit, ' 7U, in b arinir prune, halfiri'-o In nilx-l liuit; Iti a H'n In pHtMiir. httnu nil t ltlHlle: ft room hox hou-. t rllnl anl irfn-t , harn. lelM, prune il -f r . w. lld rtM- fftii rd. Pn $..lon(.A; iinonoo will tut mil t. W. ViniiiK A Son. I'hone 417. Vol "h i II 1 1 k p Tt von Mr It. 6 rontnrt with hath. VUwtn ami hull, -in. I'limf rt'! . full ct nii-nt bai.ninl ; frnriief: f urn : df t uhi; pavlnc nixl nliltwa1k. In fin' lotatlon. oni of the miKl rfnvnlrntlv arrnnnril hminfA In town NVw furlturi. I'rlro wllh f urnlt iir. Il'imrto I1' 7 00. OA wl'l h.mdtf Prlrr fitr hoiiM nlona. ll.'.titl.OO: !m. 00 wilt hannltt. If ' nit wit nt anmothlnff Koorl at rlrht prl4. thia. o. W. Tonnx Hun. bono 417. '4,