Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 14, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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OVW (MX)0 PsopleJ
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great advertising
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In Which is Included Th Evening Newt and The Roseburg Review
71 f .'1 J I W I 111 -W II II
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VfULIi uniinuinii i uliul
Bromfield Pales as Letter Purported to be "Confession" Is Read
to Jury Chambermaid Faces Defendant and Identifies
Him State's Evidence Is Most Convincing.
The I""". lirmli tctl
n. ui Chas. S. McKll.lnny.
Oregon Life Insurance ninn, al
lied to show a motive '
berime. alleged to be commit
ted by Dr. Bruiuflcld. This Im
portant testimony Intro
duced over the objection of the
defense. It was the contention
of the Kate that llrun.llcld suu
rtltuted the bod) of IK-nnls Itutt
tell In the auto wreck for his
own, thus nmkliiK it possible for
the defendant's wife to collect
the -iaree sum of l.iHunuice
which BruniOeltl carried.
The (talent feature in tho
auue's battering ram f testi
mony against tho Mrunilleltl de
fense UKlay were very numer
ous. '
Solar plexus blow were
landed in rapid succession when
the testimony of the coticludinK
tale witnesses was Riven.
The burden of proof shifted
to the defense late this after
noon when they started the ex
amination of witnesses in be
half of the accused man. They
are not required to prove Rrum
flnld innocent of the crime
charged, but they are required
to show the man Insane or suf
fering from fits of insanity.
This they hle to do by the In
troduction of relatives of
nrumlli-ld, who will undoubted
ly testify that the man Is tho
victim of hereditary insanity.
The state's case, is very con
vincing. It remain to bo seen
what showing- the defense will
nuke. Apparently the prosecu
tion attorneys have brought out
each and every allegation In the
Indictment and strong evidence
to prove theses allegation baa
been placed In tne records.
peared to be very serious. ' Brum'
fluid looked at the letter from the
side of his eyea. but did not move.
His cheeks paled slightly and his
Inward feelings were revealed by his
facial expression.
There was only a small group out
side the jail this morning to see Dr.
R. M. Brumfleld's march into the
courtroom. When he appeared at
the door of the jail he was freshly
shaven and wore the same immacu
late white co'lar, dark suit, and
white sox..
Telegraph Operator Testifies.
The objections raised Just before
the adjournment of -court last even
ing were overruled by the Judge this
morning, and Mlssr-iorence uurrie.
the telegraph operator at Chateau
Lake Louise, was returned to the
witness stand.
She stated that one morning in
July. "Norman M. Whitney" came
and told her that he was going away
for a few days. Ho told her that he
expected a wire frojn his wife, Mrs.
Norman M. Whitney. In Seattle, ass
Ing for money. "He asked me," the
witness continued, "If I would take
one hundred dollars and if this wire
came to send it to his wife. The
wire did not come, and when he "re
turned about two days later, I re
turned the money to Norman M
To this defendant, tucnara m
Brumfleld ?"
"Vea. air.
TTnon cross-examination she stated
that the man wore a mustache at the
iliu he called at the telegraph
She stated that she did not see the
man come and get the money, as she
was off duty at that time, out mat
she found the receipt there the next
Hardware Man Takes Htana.
Richard Melvln Brumfleld in the ' known Brumfleld
role of a "Canadian farmer rol- . , , veara was handed
lowing his flight from Roseburg on burnt Rnd gtatAd tvat he
the night of the allaced murder of I od a Bmiar to this one to
Dennis Russell. was described In de- .h... .., .0. He
Uil this morning by two Canadian I 1(J thgt the gun had a gjght gml.
ponce onicers, Bergeani vuiiru v- . ,ho nnn . nlaced on tne gun
I at the request of Brumfleld. He
was then showed some 30 automatic
the Northwest Mounted Police, and
Icipector Ulchardson of the Calgary
Polloe. loading shells found at the wrreck.
These two nwn were kept on the anJ u thwy woui,i fit the gun. Up
wltnem stand for a great length of examination of the shells he said
um sno oescriDea ine rainuio thov hnd evidently been expioaea o
Brumfleld on the Vadcr farm near hpat . He algo identified the charred
Lake Ii'ilse Maid Testifies.
Mrs. Clara Kllllan, Lake Louiie
him post
gun Btocfc and forearm as parts of
D.min.imi sn auto-loaning rme.
whn eross-examlned. he took the
chambermaid, also testlrted for thelghells over near a desk lamp and ex-
nit thi mnrninir She told Ot I hem earefullV. Wnereupnn
meeting the defendant in Lake he stated positively that part of
Louise and nf his actions there. If I ham were exploded from heat while
the defendant recognlied this worn- in the magaiine of a gun. One shell
n. he r.ivo nn nutuard slm of It I eviHentlv fired out of the barrel
this itinrnln I . he anlii. He WSS then
The InrcR rrnmA nf stiertators I tianAaA the shell founn near tne
stirred in their seats as ths chamber-1 Booth ranch, and identified It as a
maid sdvanrod tr.wnrfla the witness I Damlnvtnn 3(1 aulO-lOaaing Bneii
stand. Mrs. nrnniflelri watched the I fired from a rifle
WOm&n rlnoelv with Ittat Am atlirht- I r!hnmhermajtl TCStlfie.
jst trace of a smllo hovering around A wave of excitement surged over
lips. . i the crowded courtroom wnen mo -
Testimony Very Stnmit. Itornev for the state rose ano rai "
The atte'. .., hi. mnrn-ltr.. ri... Kllllsn to the stand. Mrs.
w very strong and convincing, Brumfleld eyed her closely and the
sno they no douM scored heavily flicker of a smile crosseu iter
with ear h wttnc nitorf TV.,, v.. ck. .t.iMt fhat she resided at ne
wt doubt left in the mind that the Uttle. Washington, ano tnai uun.i
State's attnrnov. wore nl.vln. everv I (he mnnlh of July She WSS Bt
In their hand In an effort to I Chateau tke Louise, employed as
ond the accused man to the gallowe maid. Her duties, she said, were
a tne hangman's noose gapped I dusting, straightening up iwn,-.
" Just a little wider this morn- nd making beds. When questioned
tfter many of the Important I by the state she said:
ltnesse Ueserlbed the fugitive's ae-1 "I have seen the defendant, vt
"oui m Canada, both before and af
tsr he was captured.
Tllchard M. Brumfleld. before, at
Lake Ioulse. I met mm "
the 19th of July. 1921. He occu
pied room number tnree at int. ..,
teau. I saw n ame on
Mnnnaii M. Whitney. A
Jse In Csnada and found beneath I waiter fold me that bis name was
J ""a mattress at that place was Norman Melvln Whitney
m to the Jury. The letter was s "And did he tell you where ""
crime but from or what his business wa. .
from thelgttomey asked. . .
r, i.l ..... ..m he horn snd raised
r""- lutead of the alleged mur-lm the state of Indiana. He said ne
I was a farmer by proxy.
"Tien th. utter was pasted over "To my knowledge he was at ths
the df.n. ... . . .k two weeks. He left
. Mrs Brumfleld leaned over snd I on the secend of Angust.
- una did not smils, but p- Tb witness tnen siawa iu
Itrtr r.-l.l Tiira. T.l
The color left the cheeks of the
srndnt this morning when the
enter written h him at the farm
to t,e Jury. The lettei
woplete confession of cr(
written as to appear fr
J"1 of ln murder victim.
received a letter from
marked at Calgary.
"He said he intended to go to 'Aus
tralia and begin life anew," the wit
ness went on. "He said the boat h
would like to sail on left September
She testified that the defendant
wore a mustache at the time she
knew him as Norman M. Whitney.
"Was there anything about the
defendant's action or conduct that
differed from the actions and con
duct of the other guests at the ho
tel?" asked the cross-examining at
None whatever, the witness re
Mrs. Kllllan Is rather short and
very attractive. She wore a small
hat and a traveling suit. On the
stand Bhe appeared to be very re
served and her testimony was given
In a low tone.
Mounted Police Testify. .
Samuel Waugh, detective sergeant
of the Royal Northwest Mounted Po
lice with headuuarters in Calgary
Canada, was the next witness to take
the stand for the state.
Sarseant Waujsh stated that he
had been In the police service since
1906 and made a specialty or crime
He testified that he first saw tne
defendant. Richard M. Brumfleld. at
noon. Aueust 12th. on the farm or
Charles Vader, sixteen miles out of
Set. Waugh In company wttn in
spector Richardson and Detective
Donaldson of the Calgary ponce,
visited the farm shortly before noon
that dar. He stated that they ask
ed Mr. Vader as to the whereabouts
of Brumfield or the man giving nis
name of Norman M. Whitney ana
the farm owner pointed the fugitive
out to them. At that time he was
at work In the fields plowing ana
driving a four-horse team, the wit-
nee testified
We did not eo out In the field
after him then, but bid in the barn
bnnwlnr that he would soon be
coming Into the farm house for his
dinner " said Set. Waugh. "we
waited only a short time, when
rtrnmfleld drove towards the barn
Detectlre Donaldson walked alowij
to the front end of the barn and in
spector Richardson walked casuaio
to the head of tne four norse learn
i walked nn to the man ana saia
Hello Doc' He turned very paie
and tried to sneak. I started to
aim the handcuffs on him and be
said. There must ne some mnn.".'
I am Norman Whitney. j bihmh?u
iho handcuffs on him and said. 'Yon
are Doctor Brumfield and we want
von nn a murder charge. ne re-
niieit 'I have no statement to make,
Then' I showed him the poster bear
ing his photograph ana ne repeal
ed. I nnve no x.ui-'i "
StrrcJinine i rouno.
"We took him over to our car
and asked him where his clothes
were. He pointed towards the farm
house and said that he slept upstairs
and that his bed was the first one
to the rleht at the head of the stairs.
We left him In the ear with Donald
son and then Richardson and myself
went to his sleeping quarters. Vie
found a blue suit of clothes, a Nor
folk suit r.nd in a suitcase we found
a cap, some linen and other under
clothing. I picked up the pillow on
hi. hed and under It found a small
" .. . .... ...!.. .Lnme white
a email oom cuma""s
District Attorney Neuner handed
the witness a small glass mi -talnlne
a white substance and he
Identified It as the same bottle
found under the pllloy. The state
allege that the vlaJ contain etrjeh-
" "'-After we had packed the
clothes," continued Sgt. Waugh. "we
turned the mattress ano nm. .....-
ing hack and rouna a ii
tslning several sheets of paper with
t....rltlnir nn It. we reuu u "'J
It purported to be history of this
' j... .... The letti-r wns lying
I- the label. I mnrked the
letter for Identification and look It
Wl!.h?' entii.iv everrihlng necked
un we went back to the car and made
ready to start.
Lit. for False Teeth
..ii turned to me 111 the
car and asked me to go hack to the
. ,,,. and tret his raise ireiu
which he had left In a glass In the
kltrhen. I went bark to the house
snd found the false te.;tn.
"Brumfleld then called the farm
m the ear and asked hln
for his time. They consulted for a
hort time snd the farmer paid him.
... n. tarelrp dollars.
"We took the prisoner to Calgary
,d he was locked up. The man n
"arge of the Jail ssked Brumfleld
for his name ana no i,.-.....
tsted slighily snd said
viniTnr-j. .
He was tnen issen
Dr. C. S. Hahood, City physl-
clan of Calsrary. arrived In
Roseburg last night to testify
at tiie Brumfleld murder trial
for 'the defense. Dr. Mahood
was at first thought unable to
t attend the trial on account of
a criminal case in progress In
Calgary at which he was requlr-
ed to testify, but a continuance
of the cast) was asked and
granted. Dr. Mahood left at
once for tab is city.
The dofense must nay him
$100 per day and all expenses
during hl Attendance at the 4
trial. They consldor his test!-
mony that valuaWe as he will
probably testify that the defend-
ant was Insane at the time of
hi confinement in the Calgary
Jail. ... .
I made a bed of hay In some bushes
by a creek and stayed there all day.
( had Jumped when the car hurt my
head awful when car turned
over, and I washed It a good many
times that day In the creek. Once
a dog came and looked at me. It
looked like my dog and 1 was awful
glad. But when 1 called It ran away.
1 wished then I could go home. I
walked to Oakland that night and
got on a train. A man set almost
across the isle from me. A woman
with some children was In front of
him. They were talking. She said
his name was Barrows and he
worked for doc. She said her aunts
ilra. Cloke and Mrs. Davis, lived
across ths river from the place
where the car was turned over but
they didn't hear the racket. The
man looked at me and I was scared
he would know docs ovurhalla and
cap. He got of at Kgene. I knowed
from what he said my plan nan
worked, but I was sorry by that
time. Doc past my house that day
about 2:30. I was settln In front
Complete Tieup of Nation's Industries Loom as .Union Head
and Railroad Presidents Deadlock Over Wages and Shop -Rulings
Both Determined to to Limit.
, 0f my shack. He stopped to gas
tie naa Deen 10 mjruo
ins real niuiin. no .u, . mm a. , - ... " i,i., n,i
well tell you. I am Richard M. Brum- mm .
with me.
Creek to find a Wlxon gin wno owea
field. I am a married man, have
three boys, seven, nine and eleven
years of age. I am a demist In
her. I asked him how much he
(Tty United Press. Ing the big railroad unions which
CHICAGO. Oct. 14. The Indus- j,,v8 vote tor a strike on October
tries of tho United States face a com- 30th uiloa demands for negotiations
plele tie-up today as the menace of 8r0 njet,
a nation-wide strike of railroad em- o,,,, , xtn railroad union,
uloyeos hangs over the country. The'n6t me hote, whe oyer huu.
railroad executives are Preparing to dred nnrMd presidents met at an-
cut thn wiilthm of over two mill ton ... . .
would sell his aulomallc rifle for. He I rallroad employees the plan calling S"' bt TeJenlwnrat hta let
said 40.00 it was at the office and 1 ror a.mroxin.atoly a ten ner cent re-, J."1??!; L J!'
,.. u. a - !. ,,. ., , ,h, .venine'.. . ,....... .'ki.ij wuu.u g.tvu cuimmtrauus buiu um
Roseburg, have a rancn west or."" " -, - ---- - ,;. w reouoat for a conference decided, by
that town. 1 waa born in Indiana.' hK"r. Mai T considering thl,' wutivos ,
i . ... - - in me luce tn iui iiiiiinuiuiii 1.1 mo
We shot the gun 3 limes out behind ! ,1Iltoll ioadr that the employees
my house. I paid Doc $20.00 down .i gtrlk(, on October SOth unless
on It. He showed me t'" he had nenotlation are re-ononed. Both
.hi- nf nolle and ssked to
v.. n.a He was first In
formed of bis rights. He firs, V.
hia name s 'Norman M. VShltney
Jnd U fb chief asked him for
"When shown the letter found
under the matrees at the farm house
the prisoner admitted that he wrote
It and intended to send It to George
Neuner, the district attorney.
Refers to Murder.
"In talking with the chief. Brum
fleld always referred to the mur
der as the feuto accident.
"He said he walked nearly to
Oakland on the night of the wreck
and then caugbt a train to Seattle.
He then went to Lake Louise., ne
said and later to Calgary where the
capture was effected.
Huhinits to "Indignity."
Sgt Waugh then testified that
Brumfleld was taken to the Identi
fication room of the Jail and his
Rertillon measurements taken.
"When he was posing for bIb
photographs,' said the sergeant, ne
turned to me and said, 'Do I have
to suhml to this IndlgnltyT' I told
him that he did. -
"He then sat down and wrote his
name six times as Richard M. ururn
Comnaliu of Sickness.
Sgt. Waugu men testified that
the prisoner complained of Indiges
tion and asked that a doctor be sum
moned. -I tnld him I would get the prls-
nn nhvsiclan." said Waugn. "He
said. -That'll take a long time woh'i
"Then he asked me to got a lit
tie bottle of Sal Hepatlca which he
haa in hla effects. I asked him If
he wanted the bottle I found under
his pillow and he said, 'Yea that's
the one.'
"I put him off and said I would
call the doctor. He kept asking for
the battle and said Just one dose of
i. ..niH alii his indigestion. He said
he had been suffering a great deal
from indigestion. 'Won't you gel
the bottle for me,', he begged, but I
got the doctor.
Wanted to Tell All.
"Armr he was apprised of his
rights he said he wanted to go back
to Rosebnrg and tell Neuner every
thing. He said he could explain
i-.tfer u-fiii if, .,..
The letter found under Brumfleld's
bed at the Vader farm house was
read to the ury Dy iveuner. in tone sounded as though It
had been written by Russell and was
evidently written ny iirumiiem iu.
the purpose or placing i" oiu.--. y-
k. .runt irsca.
At the inn of the letter two rows
of the alphabet, tap ana i.iwnr ..t,
. v.niAn in a eramDcn nam..
nf the letters was In Hrumnem a ....
fc.nitwrttlnr. wnne ium uiii".
a disguised hand snd had only I'jen
partially compleii-Q.
leu in ie-n ..
n. letter read SB follows
Vn dnn t need to be seared of
... man being caught for murder.
for he died In the wreck of hi car
about the mionst 01 juir-
..u hi... anil I WB hU.'t loo
nun 1,". - ... j, j ...
wouldn't have flone wnai 1 um .-
he was killed If I h.aJ not drunk the
whiskey I did. w nen 1 ...u.iu
head was gone, I fixed him to look
Uk. I was the on. killed. Some folks
had seen us togetner i ,
So I put my does on him and Bhot
him In ht shoulders two times to
make It look II mura-r. ...
was torn Slid moony bo iu. .... -
hii.e nverslls of does I found
In the bark seat snd docs cap. I was
looking with a match under the car
for dors hesa '
(Int. C.s must hsve been leaking
out. I had run like bell 10 g away.
1 .,.i,i his does ny tne car
took bis money snd went
Executives Ask: (Tuts.
Tiie nuiroad officials are expected
to ask the railroad labor board for
In his pocket. He said Ifu was to ..,,. .,, hn1dl.. ,iia'ni' war ! further wage reductions promising to
nsv u 10 a itnwourK uaiia ui ,mBrfected by the railroad board s
When we went back to bis car ho ,lw.toi0II puttin)r 0u Bhon work on a
had a bottle of whiskey he said a me baala Thlg u not,;re(a,r1()d
railroad man gave him and he was
taking home. I took a big drink.
Doe said he didn't like It and flinn i
drink any. While we wns talkln I
got awful sick. Doc sold for me to
take a ride with him and I would be
11 right. We went a. little ways
when I leaned out of the car to
throw up and the door came open.
fell out and bust my nose awrui. 1
couldn't get up so doc had to put me
n the car. My noso bled awrui ana
got blood all over him. He was
mad and Beared too. H-e was afraid
somebody would have him pinched
for giving me whiskey, we weni
nearly to Myrtle Creek and turned
around. I was still awful sick when
we reached my house so doc said he
would take mo to Roseburg to a doc-
np. When we got to Roseburg I
was better and ssked Doc to take me
home. He said no my wife don't
know where I am so he would take
mo home with him and bring me
hack earlv tho next morning. Ho was
going awful fast all the time. I
think the lights went out tnai maae
him get out of tho road. I jumped
hut I guess Doc couldn't. You know
the rest. I have Rinea seyerni men
but they were all In tho war and
were all greasers but one. But this
has worried me sick. I am going to
nav that money back to you wnen 1
can. It Is nearly all gone because II
cost me so much to get my head doc
tored. I have a big sear tnai win
be there till I die. No use to hunt
fnr me. I will eo away rrom nere
today to a place I know well that I
enn-t be found. I Hon 1 snow no
to mail this so I am writing It two
times 10 be shiire you get It.'
Hiinu-mi mm I'notoernpn
In telllne about the arrest of Dr.
rtrumfleld st the ranch In Canada,
Sergonnt Watigh said:
I showed him Ills pnoiograpn anu
ti.i1 him to onk at hlinseir. tie
aIH he had no' statement to make. I
told him he was wantwrt on a ensrge
of murder at Roseburg. Oregon.
When anked If he- nan me nniena
ant covered with his revolver, he
. -r hail tnv revolver in my sine
pocket, so If anything started I was
I ttone flrut.
"And did he make any offer of
resistance?" was the next quest inn.
-He didn't have a chanco," Scr-
Waiiah said.
The witness was -then questioned
r. I in it a lettwrhead with the
wi.rrt "Doc's head. Doc's head
iinc'a head." written In varlou
places on It. but said lie did not see
such a paper.
Ue ataierf that he knew there ws
. ..warn offered for flie dttfendiint
but understood that It wss only for
his apprehension snd not lor bis con
vlcf Ir.n
"Hut you have got 10 prove ma.
lie la a miirdeerr before you get th
reward, haven't you?" he was ssked
"I am not worrying sbout the re
word." snspned the witness
Tell of C'aiwure.
Inaneetor Ulchardson of the Cat
gsry detective force took the witness
stand and told or me capuire 01 1..
nrianner on the ranch pear Banff. H
said thst In company with Dfteetlv
uaMmnalri and Sergeant Waugh. h
went to the ranch and waited at th
ham 11 n ill the man who was knowi
ss Norman Whitney drove up with
affecting the general situation
mpk-te Tle-l'p Threatens.
The tie-up of the nation's railroad
systems on October SO looms as a
dire possibility. The rail workers
have hurled their ultimatum at tho
employers by dellnltely deciding to
strike on October SOth unless the
executives nt once agree to opon ne
gotiations for bettor wages and bet
ter working conditions, with the on
ion heads
The railroad executive, however,
official session, defied the most
powerful of the labor organizations
bhe nations by proceeding to vote
for a slash In wages, Ignoring the
strike threat.
Vnlons Make Plans,
The union heads, equally dnter-
ined to carry the fight to a finish
nd to hold the ground they have
alntnlned by years of endeavor are
proctvllng to arrange- their plans
for the lilcrcest sir! lie In the history
of tho nation.
To Call Out Croup,
According to statement made hy
the union officials all nf the rail
road employees will not be railed out
murnneounly, In tho event a strike
decided upon. The nation s trnns-
norlatlon system ha been divided
nto ten group In order that the
t.rike may he handled . efficiently.
One group will he called out on the
dny of the strike, ".lion If the man
agement of tho roads refuse to ne
onate the next croup will bo call
ed out until the rallwnrkers In each
ectlon have quit, Heine up the na
lon's railroads snd until two mll-
on workers now engaged in rail
road Inlmr are Idle.
Stone Ask Conference.
(Hy I'nltrd IT... 1
CHICAGO. Oct. 14. Warren B.
Stone, Crand Chief of 'the Brother
hood of Locomotive KnRlneers, todny
nonnested a conference with tho rail
road executives who are In orrtclai
session here. Mr. Slono Is ropresent-
t only
to Rose-
Ma fnur-horse team.
MacDotiald watched the rear
took bis monT ana w.m ... ,w- , ., ,h ,,npa, re,
IVJiXXV ... -. (Contln-sd on p.g, six.)
l-ees all future cuts along to the pub
lic in lower freight and passenger
rates. The labor board today hand
ed down its decision providing for
the restoration of piece work in rail
road shops. This ruling pleased the
railroad presidents, but union load
ers are fearing the effect it will have
on the mon who have voted to strike.
rather than accept further wage re
ductions or rules which they oppose.
Canadian Wants '
Farm. Work Here
During the past few months the
Chamber of Commerce has found
great number of residents of Canada
writing for particulars regarding
Douglas county. The chamber Is in
communication with many of these
people and it appears that several
families will move here in the near
future. Ono loter was received here
today from a farmer at Little
Woody, Saskatchewan. He has had
several year of poor crops and as
he does not Ilka Hie climate he de
sire to move. Because of the per
iod of financial depression the price
of land Is down, however, and he
does not want to sell his place there
nnd so Is unable to buy a farm here.
Ho desires to secure a farm which
he ran rent or wants to do farm
work on a salary or share basis.
providing he ran find a place where
his family can reside,
A new highway map Is being pre
pared by the state hlghwsy commis
sion and Is embodying a nnmber of
suggestions made by the local Cham
ber of Commerce. Former maps did
not contain nufflcilonlt Information
regarding detours but the new map
will glvn all details necessary for
the tourist or auto traveler who Is
a stranger to the road. Advance
corrtn of the mnp hsve been distributed.
Sidelights on Brumfield Murder Trial
Because of tho overcrowded con- in evidence caused considerable con-
lltlon of tho courtroom It become 1 fusion yesterday afternoon. People
nocesnry todny to refuso admittance standing In the back of the room
to many peoplo. Tho court room crowded forward without regard for
was filled long before the hour of Ihnso who were cramped in the lim
ine trial and during tho morning
every available Inch or stnniiiiig
room wns taken, linesuse or tnis
I'M standing room near the rail.
Spectators stood up to get better
Mew nnd Immediately began to talk
ondltlon the court official ordered In cxdled whispers, causing eonsld-
that only a capiu-llv crowd be adintt-j enable noise. The bailiffs had some
ed and consequently many were oar- irouuaio in restoring oraer.
red. A special section was reserve.!
for. witnesses and the bailiffs admit
ted no one but wltness.-s to the
court room.
Several Jurymen became sllghlty
111 y.-sterday during the trial. The
court room bcurue warm and stuffy.
due tn so many people being pres
ent, and the poor ventilation pre
vented the Jurymen from getting a
ood supply of fresh air. This, roti- down hosiery,
pled with tho strain of constant
concentration on the testimony
eaused them to complain of a slleht
lllnes. The order reducing the
site sf the crowd eliminated the
contributing condUInn today, how.
ever, and by keeping all of ths win
dows open lib room was fairly well
leick of sufficient seats snd ben-i-ho
to provide for the crowd does)
iiot prove sny great hlndersnce. Wo
men In flno silk dresses appeared In
the court room yesterday snd today
end not being able to find seat,
tood for swhlls and then tiring sat
down on the floor of the alles with
out regard for their expenslie cloth
ing nor for tho display of rolled
The Introduction of the pink skirl
lit spite of the efforts of the court
officers to keep the court room
heal'hful snd well ventilated, several
women hsve collapsed from the
strain of the trial snd the large
crowd. Crowded In seats or forced
to stand tmtll exhausted several
have become so 111 thst tt.has been
necessary to carry them from the
court room.