Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 10, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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twined Dully Except Sunday.
St Sn Sate
I, WUnberlf
II. V. lute
Pally, per year, by mill
Dally, six months, by mall
Dally, three montln. by mall
Daily, alugle munlh, by mail
Dally, by carrier, per month
Weekly News-ltevlew, by mall, per year
I ten U. Hate
,4. U
. 2.00
. 1.00
. .do
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. 1.00
tutored u second-class matter May 15, 1S20, at the post oiilre at Rose
burg. Oregon, under tbe Act uf March 2, 1879.
IIOHh'lll ItU. ORE JO., OcTOHKIt IO, tfKlt.
Organization begins with the lowest formation of nature.
The iiifiuitisimnl mite which builds the coral rei-f no doubt has
its leaders, its managers and its directors. The honey bee takes
its orders from its queen, and builds ita hive for the garnered har
vest. The ant has its commanders, its warriors and its laborers,
and without tools and without books and without traditions they
are organized upon some grand scheme of nature which tells them
to get together and produce, remarks a magazine writer.
If the.'.e ignoble things can raise their structures and put to
phame some of our own unorganized efforts, what can we of
nobler clay accomplish if we get together, stick together and work
together for a common
There are rules and laws of business so old, so immutable
that they will always stand unchallenged, and of these fairness,
fairness with ourselves, fairness to others, is the note which issues
loudest from the roar of the onrushing tide of human events.
In organization, then, let us distribute the load of labor with
an eye to fairness and forget the prefix that often times destroys
and brutalizes the character of an individual whose rare business
ability has pushed him forward.
Organization is a human instinct, born in the savage breast
for mutual protection, and handed down to all of us as a birth
right. What we would like to see developed in all business is a for
getfulness of self and thoughtfulncss of others. We ask no man
to carry another's burden, but if there comes n time that a help
ing hand can be offered, we want to see that hand extended, not
necessarily in a personal way, but with the feeling that you have
done something for the best interest of your company.
Organization is then after all but unselfishness, fairness and
unified purpose striving for a single cause when equal honors are
shared from the highest to lowest servant in your employ.
Organization in itseslf is the assembly of things animate and
inanimate, exactly in such proportions and relations to values and
affects as will produce predetermined results. It requires all the
patience, skill, knowledge and experiment of a chemist, but its re
sults are as certain and trustworthy as within the scope of human
" With its 300,000 employes the postal establishment handles
1,700,000 letters an hour. It sells one stamp daily to every two
million of the over one hundred million people, a tloal of 1 1,000,
000,000 stamps sold annually. Besides these the por.t office sells
9,000,0(10 slumped envelopes daily. The annual turnover of the
postal establishment is $:5,000,000,)00, with expenses of nearlj
$('.00,000,000. It satisfies debls to the amount of $1,500,000,000
through the sale of 150,000,000 money orders annually. Over
2,500,000,000 parcels are handled annually by the parcel post.
The earth could be wrapped around thirty times with the twine we
use in tying mail in bundles annually; 800,000 miles of twine is
thus used. How would you like lo find $55,000 without any claim
ant? The dead letter office does that every year. The careless
public either puts no address on the envelope or only partially
addresses it. The dead letter office handles 19,000,000 undelivered
letters annually. The New York post ollice alone handles over
250,000 misdirected letters daily, re-addressing them from city
directories before they can be delivered. It costs the taxpayers
millions of dollars to correct their own carelessness, says the Na
tion's Buc'tiess.
A gentleman visiting from a distance told a News-Ueview
representative today that he attended church in this city yester
day. "I am not a regular attendant at Sunday church services,"
he remarked "but being absent from my home folks, decided to
seek out one of your churches and listen to the word of God. 1
must confess that I never heard a more forceful or inspiring ser
mon than that delivered by one of your local pastors. It was
brim full of good thoughts and wholesome teachings, giving in
spiration to the better things in life and awakening a new spirit
in my heart." Koseburg ministers, like the great majority of
IH'Ople living in this ideal and progressive community, are a fine
"bunch" of fellows and the nearer you get to them the better you
like tlu m, but it takes a stranger to tell f their good virtues in a
most convincing manner.
Of course we will not have any particular uses for a city v.v
or children's playground during the winter months, but it is i ,1
a bit too early to take the matter up for discussion and get m.'.
ters shaped for early realization. Let's gel busy and put a fi ,v
uungs over in the old town.
The past is supposed to be dead, but there are a lot of noonle
in the world whose chief happiness comes from digging it up like
a dog digs up a buried bone.
A careful man thinks of his "gas" lefore he starts to drive.
Also lie considers his "gas before he starts to talk.
Some men seem born to give away good advice that they find
impossible to use tion themselves.
It took the Giants a little time to get limbered up but they
are sure playing ball at this writing.
o .
The attorneys in the local murder trial will soon be down to
businoss then watch the fur fly.
o .
It's hard to keep your tongue from wagging about the present
delightful weather.
o .
"What man has done, man can do" and women can undo.
What's Itie use of grovtllii'
Anil kirkin' nil Uie time.
Even If ou're broke
And without tingle dime.
The world Mr you a iivlii,'
'I here's no doubt of (lint, nee!
liut let's not riilu tins cnlyuiu
With a fob of bum poeurea,
liy incutta of electricity a Shu
Francisco physician has discovered a
liny lo produce the effect lit alcohol
uhmi the hunmn ImhIv without, of
coiti-sts the usuul nrior on the breath.
Jut my lurk -our liouae la on a
meter. ,
What nuike a unman want to
Jimgio the furniture amuinl the
liousc ever' no often? It la certainly
aiinoyiutf to sneuk in late and try to
go to bed on the ehitfonier.
Xeu'rtjper "ciilyuiiis" aa a rule,
iH-nr 75 H'r rent resemblance to a
bible's iveddhig ring something
old, something; new, something bor
rowed but nothing "blue."
The slogHii of a tight poker play
er: ''Don't give up tbe chili.'
Two It.ischiirg men In talking
about the Kn lilux Klan carried on
the following conversation:
"I rnln't Join that otitlil, Valine I
culn't ride a horse."
"Well von ran net In the Infantry,
can't you?"
Lunatic (cnterim; a)lum with at
tendant): Is that clock rlht?
Attendant : Ye, ttulle ritlt.
liiiuittir: Then what on earth la It
doing here?
Ibiucmtrer that hammers can be
used to pull as well aa knock.
''I treated h mini once who was so
cross-eyed the tenra rail down his
hark," said Doc Seely today.
"What did you treat lilin for?"
asked ye ed. of Prune Plrkln'a.
"Bacteria," aaid the doc with a
One store ml7ertlse that bathing
suits will be higher next year. Finis
liilliird, the circuit cotut bailitr, anys
that if they are much higher the
girls will be wearing bilM.
t'biy Darby tays: "What has be
come of the old fashioned drug store
that iiscHd to have orange and green
lights in Its windows?"
ti tt
"Don't you wislit you ivuz a bird,
Jlnmi, and could fly way up In the
sky?" niiiscsd little Jean.
"Nay," scorned Jimmy, "I'd
Hither he un elephant anail iMpilrt
water throii;ti my nose.'
llio,h hcIiimiI students, we are told,
are "freh and eager." We don't
Know. alNilit the eager mrt hut
lliey are certainly "fresh" enough.
.liiili Ititiuhum yesterday enter
tnliicd several of his friends at an
Inlormal watermelon 'iMilKiiiet served
on an empty keg In the rear of Chits,
lorry's apnle joint. The jude Is
(piite handy ata alirini; melons and
stall's that he secured his first court
eYM'iicnre ns the result of raiding a
watermelon pnlch when a youngster.
Much tins hiM'n said about the free
dom of the pre, IIoch this mean
that one ran make his own rider. In
quired Freil llcnncr, the printer fi-
pie grower.
It always provokes a heart v laugh
among a bunch of men to watch
woman try to toss a rock but did
you ever see the antics of a he-ninn
Ir.ilng to hold a voting infant?
What Is so rare ns a day In June
uhv. a hunch of Jurors without
The bird who sent ye ed. of Prune
I'irkin's Mime nibbed Hietry last
week and signed It "Amm" had la't
ter keep on sending bis stuff througii
the uiiill. Our shotgun Is all cleaned
mill ready for action should "Anon
ever get courage together to apiswr
In iH'rson.
And now Myrtle Creek leaps Into
the llmellglil with a little Nhooiln'
scr:iie. Someone took a crack at
som le else who was rohhln' some
one else's lse tree. Such In life.
Iiouglas county has a inoitosdy on
the wild mid woolly west, we opine.
o -
Judging from the mtm'icr of girls
who are chewing gum in the court
room these days, the seats are going
to lie well plastered with It bv I he
lime the Jury returns their verdict.
f 4
t.U'E I'l'ltKIN" SKZ:
"Never argue eats In court the
Judge or the cos mav lie hungry.1
In from CfcnyomlUe
O. W. Carter, of Canyonville, a
a week end vialtor In tiila city.
In from (tuiuu Valley .
Fred ltoren of Camas Valley spent
the day here attending to buniueis.
"laltor from GleniLile
L. I). Owen was a bunlnexa visitor
lu tbia city Saturday from Gleodale.
Here from Wilbur
J. J. Kussell, uf Wllliur, af a
visitor In tlila city Saturday.
In from South IKiir Creek
Thni. Hatfield was a vinitor lu this
city .Saturday.
In fro-m Winston
Henry Landers wan a business vis
itor in tbia city Saturday. " ;
In from Winston
Fred Winston was a busiuegs vis
itor in this city today.
In from Cunyonvillc
O. VV. Carter of Canyonville was
in the city on business Saturday.
Here from Oinyon vllle
O. -a. Mctillvary, of Canyonville,
waa a busiuesa visitor iu this city
Spent Ihiy In City
Mr. and Mra. T. O. Dixon and
daughter spent Saturday in the city
attending to business matters.
Attending to Itllsiness
Loren Miller wus a business visit
or In from Dlllurd Saturday.
"I am convinced that Tanlac saved
my life," eald Mil. Kllzubeih Work,
372 Sixth St., Portland. Ore.
"Nobody knows how I suffered
from alomuch trouble for five yeara
I just went through uh awful tor
tures that life was a burden lo in.
Kiery time I veiii'ured to eat a good
mi ni I suffered for bourn afterwards
from Ka bloating uie up and palpi
tut tun of the heart. I was so nervous
I could pel lit'le rest day or night
, - ... n,:uunl,ln am! .liaeitlir-
I Uliu was un un-tia".
aged as one could possibly be.
I "I am more than delighted wllh
I what Tanluc did for me. I am Jual
like a different person now-' eating,
sleeping and teeling better than In
years. Tanlac lias brotight tine lieallh
and happiness and thi-re is nothing
that I can say about it that Is halt
what It deserves."
Tanlac is sold In Roseburg by W.
F. Chapman's Pharmacy and by
leading drngeNta everywhere
was having his prunes dryed at the
time. Tbe luss was covered by in
curative by both men.
Snent Imiv in Citv
Mra. Calbretli of Oakland spent with friends
Saturday in this city al tending tn
Here from .Myrtle Creek
Mrs. Stuart Mitchell and son of
Myrtle Creek arrived In this city Sat
urday afternoon to spend the week
i nd.
Will visit he
Miss Kuth Durgen, of liaker. Ore
son, arrived lu this city Sunday to
visit at the home of her aunt, Mra.
Tom W harton.
Sient Wee Km! He
Merle Hays of Winchester spent
the week end in this city visiting
business matters.
Wednesday. October nth, to Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Snoddy of South Pine o'clock.
street, an 8 pound sun.
Pays Fine -
M. S. James, of Medford, was fin
ed two dollars for leaving his car
parked In the street alter twelve
Here from Flkton
W. W. Bunch of Klklon spent the
day in this city attending to busi
ness. Ki'turiiB from Allwny
Mr. Clarence I. Hill returned Sat
urday from Albany where he has
been attending to business mailers.
Spends Hay in Town
Henry Conn, of Melrose, upent the
dav in town attemling lo business
fiver from Oakland
It. U. Clark and wife spent the
day here shopping and attending to
business matters.
Marring License IsmusI
A ninrrl.ige license wai Is-'iied Sat
urday to Waller Tlsroin of Coquille
and Margaret Darling of this countv.
Here from tilendale
Sarah Arjah of Olendale spent the
dav In town shopping and attending
to business.
Prune Drier Hums
The Prune drier owned bv Fred
Fisher, of tilengary, was destroped
Friday nlKht by fire. C. S. Mathews
To .Mrs. M. Q. Downing, of Van
couver, M'ashlngton, a boy. Mrs
Downing was formerly Hattie Hlos
of tpis city. -
1 2.& ,M?
a i k 1 1 -.--p. p
Ma) ""-17
ready for you in all ,
the favorite materials
Palmer Coats
Modart Corsets
Perrin Gloves
. -
Leaves for Portland
Mr. and Mrs,' H. E. Parkhurst of
Portland, who have been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. D.
(raves left for their home Saturday
Hetnrns from Fugene
Mrs. Hlanche dough returned
from Kugene Saturday morning.
here she had been attending to bust
ness matters.
Hen1 flsMii Fllgene
Mr. mid Mrs. Ralph Hunsaker of
Kugene spent the week end In th
ellv visiting at the homo of Mr. ami
Mis. Archie Taylor.
ititiline:! Home
' r J. W. Perkins, who has bee
;n Portland for some time past vb
lling with friends and relatives re
turned to her home Sunday,
To Mr. and Mrs. Fred RIchter al
Hie Mercy Hospital. October 4
baby gill. Mr. and Mrs. Rbhter are
residents of the Sunshfne ranch.
Here from Klcndnle
A. W. Ream of t Herniate spent the
week end in this city attending to
imslnesB matters and visiting with
Irish Conference
Starts Tomorrow
ftlv t'nltril Press. I
1.0NDON. Oct. 10. A preliminary
conference niuong llrltlsh and Irish
delegates mar ked the formulntlen ol
I he proKrinu to be considered whe:
the Irish peace conference opens a.
I I o'clock tomorrow. Lloyd tieorge
will open tomorrow's coufVrence
with n sialemeut on the Itritlsh posl while Arthur Griffiths, head of
the Sinn Fein delegates, will reply
lo the prein: r.
MADRID, Oct. 10. Spanish troopn
In Morocco have completely subdued
and captured the rebels In the moiin
tninous Goumugou region, acconlln
lo an official bulletin. This region
has been the principal base of oper
ations for tho reliellloua Morrlsh
(iJljJJo worthy cause I ever harmed ,
-c vy rwu-irtB lu PUier 3lO .
' rflK.... L.: 1L.
V ai vsinH ins
fmt of All indoor s;
Vlep i a -free, yft
(S)Blesed ts tk mea whose percentage of .Tfnsft rum ,,n mtd oa1.
if- rr ii i iv Tut.-T
Medicine is often, iie -mailt. handicp "HaXurc
" o ovi-come in curing trie aick.
vMr wa7 Xo votd a quarrel
is for only out. io get
mad at a
mi rv
Cm) People wko look to lew for justice have their
eyea irv lie pack or tnir flea4S.
'.ocetia' ilt
bathrxim. in. d.
strance house calls
tor diplomacy of
Here from Canyonville
J. . J., Albordlng of Canyonville
spent a few days la this city visit
ing and attending to business mat
ters. '
'n City from Kiigene
Mr.. and Mrs. Cbas. H. Fisher drove
up from Eugene Sunday and remain
ed hero until this afternoon enjoying
a visit with relatives and friends.
Motored Over from Oakland
L. I. Crawford and wife motored
to this city Saturday from Oakland
!n nttend to business and to vUit
with friends.
Leaven for Hie
Mrs. Taylor and mother, Mrs. liar
rington of this city left this morning
for I'.iers where they will spend
ew days attending to business mat
(iocs to F.lkton
Floyd Frear, County Roadniaster
md i crew of men, left this morning
for ;!ie Klltton ilictrl.t, where they
will inspect road work now being
To Add to Home -
A building permit was secured
Saturday evening by A. Dawe who Is
planning to improve his residence
it tho corner of South Stephens and
Rice streets. Mr. Dawe will make an
addition worth about $1,000.
Visit Inn in City-
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and
Mr and Mrs. Roy Corura and two
children and Miss Hazel Smith, all
if Kugene. motored to this city yes
terday and spent the day 'ting at
'he home ot Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Is III at Home
R. L. Stevens of this city Is con
fined to his home from a stroke of
paralysis, which he suffered early
ib Is morning. It has affected his
ipeech. but it Is believed that If he Is
kept quiet for a lew days he will re
Ituildintr fJarage
I Abraham is today tearing down
tlie old In the rear of the I.erry
ipple brokerage and Is preparing to
construct a fireproof individual gar
age there to be used during the win
ter months. He expecta In the near
future to build a large business
house upon (be property.
Hun! Fasscs Through
. J. llurd, assistant state leader
of county agents, passed through this
I'T today on his way to Corvallis,
nfter spending a few days at Grants
eass. attending to official duties. Mr.
llurd expects to be In Roseburg the
latter part of this week on a regular
rip of inspection.
Returns to County
Fred Assam, who has been assist-.
iint ranger in the Rujada district of
the I'mpqua Forest, has been trana
ferred to the North Uiupoua district,
replacing IT. F. McLotighlin. who has
resigned. Mr. Assam Is making his
home at Ollde. He waa formerly a
resident of Days Creek.
n.loyml lllrthdny Pnrly
A delightful birthday party was
Iven Saturday afternoon in honor of
nis Ann Whipple and Gene MrF.l-
liiuny. The party was held In Hel-
lowa Grove and about twenty-five
anetts were Invited. The children
played games until a late hour when
Ice cream and a birthday cake was
erved. A good time waa had by all.
f K ... , .
...a.ii.iBe oi uuve B. Courtlier
u. uiuvauey, two well-known
uoseuurg young neob e. .u
ntzed at the home of the bri.i..'. ...
... ,,,, , ur,s on Sunday, Octo.
m.r ti .1 . rtA,... .
. ..... ,,,., 18 0Me 0, (.
...... ,o i i oiinset garage of tbia
CIIV RHil I in Kpi.l I j.. .
uiilic uas uuring tQ6
k-- rcl, enipioyeu at Un
. .v u, wwing to the fact
uir Eiuuiiis uioiner Is conllued
in nur rxtii.a no n ... .. ..a
- v " ivauii ui a recent I ha ........ n
'D ""s vuupie win not
no nhennl nn a k. . .
.. w.. a uimrjuiuun iriD It
tins time.
rei. . ..
i lie rooms oi tnc Courtney horns
oiii urcuarn Ave. were tsstefullr
uT....e.i Hi.ii wiuie rose tiuds and
....... .t..,.u., i,.iis. me green and
lino muni was carried out In the
wrvlng of the wedding luncheon.
i lie urine wore a Drown traveling
ami was auenuea Dy sirs. R. F
M-Oee of Roseburg.
i ne groom was attended h u-
R. K. Mcliee of Roseburg.
nirs. K. u. iiraitrord, sistr-r of the
onue, sang -aiy t.ove O' You. ' and
was accompanied by her sister. Mln
Corlyss Courtney, who also played
the wedding nmreh.
Mrs. Vallard Truax presided at tha
luncheon. About thirty-five guesla
were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Devaney will be at
home to their friends in Roseburs
after October 15.
Pennsylvania Tire
la. Ford C,nrati.
Service , Ask
Pendleton Opposes
Change in Roundup
PENDLETON. Oct. 10. Officers
and directors of the Round-Up hare
no power to state whether or not the
big Pendleton annual event might lie
taken to Portland for the 1925 ex
position, even if it were possible, it
the opinion of H. W. Collins, presi
dent of the Northwest Frontier Ex
hibition association, who said last
night that this question lay wholly
in the hands of the stockholders.
When interviewed In Portland 1
spoke as present presiding officer of
the Hound-Up and I believe for the
people of Pendleton when I stated I
thought it would be Impossible."
Directors and officers of the asso
ciation interviewed all take the same
position as the president. They said
that In the evwit of such considera
tion It would be for the people of
Pendleton and the stockholders la
particular to decide. Everyone in
terviewed dismissed the idea of hold
ing the 1825 Round-l p in Portland.
Justice to the exhibition cannoi o
lone in a citv without the wild west
atmosphere; that the limind I'P l
Pendleton's event, that it lakes th
people of Pendleton to put over lh
show: that performers would not ap
pear in Portland as li.-re. particular
ly the Indians, who make the event
here such a success, and that easlern
neople coming to Oregon w ant to
the eastern part of the slate as well
aa the emtropolls.
General onlnlon In Pi -ndleton w"
hnl Ihn nrnnnsitlon wns all Injusllf
to Pendleton, which is working ff
the 1925 exposition. One direcn.r
laid he belfeved that "Pendleton n.
take care of the 1925 attendance anu
make It the big event of the exposi
tion year."
fJoodrlch Tire Semee.
I ockwnnd Motor Co.
Bee oa.
Cheap? I,ook at these: Ford tour
ing. $150; Ford dellverv, 1225; 191
Maxwell, $212.60; 83 Overland,
$500; S5 Overland and a good one,
$375; Chevrolet touring, $400: Mit
chell. $125; i9g Dulc, S60.
1920 Bell. $876. Look 'm over. If
yon don't buy one of these good cars
at thle low price, then yoa are not In
the market. 621 N. Jackaon.
JIUS. V. IL howmav rmp
l-argc liming lts' 'l,r
counter for the men.
IDS .HheH.lan SI. Oplte IM"
tirn Day and Mgbt.
Hi' it Ice.
Telephone 3"-