Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    ni Kowwrrmoji rww-KrvTK w.mTttvw, ocTonrn , 1021.
nam nrnn
man school im. wixs essay
ire very proud of the fact that
n.i.a Wymno dlsllnguiabed the
high school by winning the
S prize in an essay conteat.
S were three prises given to the
.1 who could write the beat essay
..rrf. on the aubject. Ore-
ill Origin and Significance." Wynian won the aecond prize
. fifty aonars. "u k- -
Jrea by he Oregon Historical So
".... a v had to be in by
. " t . 1091 Kn net-son over 18
lori under five cou:d take part in the
HOT uuu ... j hv the
contest oy int iu,- ,
Oregon Historical Society.
Whitewash, crude oil, skidding
ind motorcycles and chief of
olice ail bad a part in the little
treat cleaning drama enacted at the
high achool. on the corner of Rose
Ud Washington streets last Wednes
day morning.
The whole thing came about as
the result of the efforts of some of
the enterprising members of the
Junior class. It seems that last Tues
day night, after painting their num
eral on Nebo, the escapading mem
bers had some material left over and
It came to them to decorate the
pavement with their number. This
was all very well, but the affair did
not end here. Seeing the Sophomore
number on the street they decided to
cover It with crude oil. Wednesday
morning motorists who had skidded
on the besmeared pavement com
plained to Chief of Police Sham
brook and he In turn to Mr. Taylor.
A boys' meeting was called, with the
result that the Juniors were advised
in clean ud. which advice they Im
mediately followed. A fire hose was
borrowed, and tire whitewash was
sot long in disappearing. Sand,
ttmtirht In hnvea from tho river, was
spread over the oil to prevent any
further possimuiy or saiaaing.
It Is not thought that similar oc
currences will be especially frequent
considering the fact that It Is no
easy Job to undo.
A meeting was called for the boys
of the high school Friday afternoon,
September 13. The main Idea of the
meeting waa to talk over football.
Hr. Hamm gave a short but up-to-the-point
talk on the lack of support
which the football team is receiving
from the rest of the achool. He told
of the Eugene team and how they
are given support, and how that two
or three times as many boys come
out to practice there as here. He
expressed a strong desire to see more
boys take an interest and turn out
for practice. He also gave some good
reasons why the team is so small.
Maurice Newland. student body
president, gave a short talk on the
standing of the different classes In
the S. B. A. ticket sale as to stand
ings of percentage. He also gave
students a chance to sign up for
tickets In order that they might
make their respective classes a one
hundred per cent class before 4
Athletic Coach "Dad" King gave a
talk on football, and mentioned the
fact that the Roseburg team Is do
ing good work but lacks the support
of the rest of the school. He also
ssld that the team must have sup
Port or he could not make a team
for Roseburg. Although Rnselmrg
has a green team, he wishes and ex
pects to win some of the season's
The Junior class entertained them
selves Friday evening, September 30,
by roasting wieners and toasting
bans around a large bon fire on the
premises of Mr. Titus, near the bank
of the river.
After the fire was built the stu
dents engaged themselves In fun
making before .preparing the refresh
ments. Owing to the fact that the
students were to meet at the high
bool at 8 o'clock, most of the
class came wlthont dinner, thus mak
ing the refreshments all the more
The students of the class of '23
nade their way down th e railroad
rack, although It was very dark, and
managed to arrive safely at home
without letting a train run over
Jnera. However, two trains did pass
"em, exciting some of the girls
very amen.
Tltu- no,,cln! the light from
'ns firs and at Intervals a blaze
booting vp over the hill back of his
. became very excited and
bed down to find the cause. When
wing s happy throng of funmakers
" greatly relieved and consent
ed to Join the party.
, t ,,u,Pn, "ere chaperoned by
Junior class advisor. Miss Mar
'. aud Miss E. Ueland.
Tw?r!r " ,he Seniors turned out
wUy evening for one of the most
vrin f,SM meetings of this
The subject under eonsldera
Tsi. i ,he '"eePtion to the Frosh.
J" an annual custom for the
vZ?r ' to give the Incoming
r reception. Th Seniors wish
m some grand affair." so the
will have it in mind and re
"lrtrJt.M ihm their
Jai V00' clll. Many were
C! 8ome of the
Ws ,h1 ' out certain
lt.Mle "When were just as
an LPr noher plan. But Seniors
seniors the world over to the
hit upon a plan to which they all at
last agreed.
- r'
Miss Calklna called an orchestra
meeting Tuesday afternoon to select
the students who are to play this
year. There being so many saxa
puonw players ahe has decided to
have special music for them. The
first rehearsal will be held next week
and the personel will then be decid
ed definitely. Miss Calkins la look
ing forward to success with the or
chestra this year as there are some
good musicians la the (roup.
The teachers of the high school
are encouraging the pupils to be
more careful of the stage, to try to
keep It looking better, and not look
like a hole in the wall, with no pur
pose at all. A table has been plaoed
on the stage. If a few flowers could
be kept on the table the appearance
would be still better. Suggestions
have been made that each class take
turn about earing for the stags
month at a time.
Everything from a tack to a jew
eled ring has collected In the found
articles that have conglomerated In
Mr. Taylor's off'ce. Among the wide
ly different articles that have roamed
from the persona who have a legal
and rightful title to them are belts,
Jewelry, caps, tacks, keys, fountain
pens, spectacles, paint brushes, the
letter "R" which some gallant ath
lete won during a season at some
athletic contest. It Is easy to see
how a person can lose fountain pens
or keys, but when he loses his belt
or cap or spectacles, or a girl loses
her ring, It is time to start using
padlocks. We advise some people to
carry memorandums telling where
they leave their personal belongings,
It might be added that the writer
of this article found a fonntaln pen
that he had lost two years ago,
among the above mentioned articles.
The Seniors and Sophomores held
a fistic battle Monday night on Mt.
Nebo. Five Seniors went up Mt
Nebo with whitewash to change the
number on the hill and had just let
two of the band down over the cliff
when up came five Sophs. Before
hand the Seniors had put down most
of the whitewash In one can, which
the Sophs deliberately poshed over
the cliff. Then followed a fight for
supremacy, whlc'i was annonneed the
next morning by a "J2." with the
last "2" shorter and less brilliant
than was planned because most of
the whitewash was spread out down
the cliff.
Most people think unless their
children take aubjects which will di
rectly fit them for aome occupation
that that subject is doing the pupil
no good. This Is not true, tor the
student can take no subject which
will not be a benefit to him. It has
been said by many that history Is of
no material benefit and therefore
should not be taken or studied ny
the average high achool student.
They say, "Let It go. It's already
haDDened: of what use Is It to us:
They forget that history repeats it
self. Another mtaaused subject is
Vnrliah often are the remarks
heard against the present system of
teaching English, one or me main
faults of some people is, "Why don't
the teachers teach us to speak cor
rectly and write correctly, ana let
all the rest go." "I don't see any
sense In teaching all about litera
ture and all the rest the high school
pupil has to take in English." These
people seem to forget that the
world's best literature only Is
studied. IThls literature has raised
the Ideals of our ancestors. Are we
so far below them that we In turn
cannot raise our Ideals oy a nign
standard of literature? Many other
subjects which are elective and com
pulsory in the high school are at
tacked In like manner Latin, other
foreign languages, algeora. geom
etry for example. Most people are
agreed that mathematics are neces
sary In everyday life. Yet they can
see no special benefit from algebra
and geometry. It Is tint that many
students will never directly have use
for the rules and problems which
they have learned. Still, think of the
will power the average student has
attained in his study of geometry.
While he Is studying there comes the
temptation to quit Then honor
comes and demands that he stick to
it. Surely this 1 worm wnne. m
still some people say at me stu
dents should be devoting their time
to studies which shall fit them for
some occupation In life. Will power
Is the first essential of success OS
the ladder of euoeesa.
The first fire drill this year '
held at the high school Thursday af
ternoon. The stodenta vacated the
building In three minutes, ahowlng
the advantage that systematle train
ing would brine la ease of fire.
These drills will be held mora fre
quently than before, for they vir
tually Insure the life of the student
who eonsclentously doea his part In
each drill held.
WItn the iJTSO which waa re
ceived from the library fond, a com
mittee under the direction of Miss
Parrott has chosen the following
temporary list of magailnas for the
high achool library;
Ths Morning Oregoolan, Kewa-
Revlaw. Atlantic Monthly, Century,
Bookman, Outlook, Scientific Ameri
can, the Ellm. the National School
Digest, Industrial Arts, Saturday
ensuing rosi, tns youths' Com
panion, Colliers,' English Journal,
Scribners, Literary Digeat, the Sur
A aale of note book covers has
been conducted at the high achool
for the paat few days. These note
books were left by students last
year and hare been unclaimed. Each
cover was sold for the small aum of
twenty-five cents. Three dollars was
realized, and will be donated to
some high achool activity.
The English department of the
Roseburg high school, aided br the
other branches of study. Is planning
10 put on a program the 11 rat week
j in. November for the purpose of im
presslng more strongly upon the
students and the general public the
Importance of better speech, both
written and spoken.
Better speech week will be an
nounced by posters, made In the art
department, by slogans which will be
an aid to more perfect speech, and
by slides in the motion picture
houses If possible. It Is also planned
that the public library and different
clubs and organizations of the city
will be asked to help make It a aue-
cess. The students of the high school
who are taking the teachers' train
ing course and who go to the grade
schools to observe, will be asked to
encourage the pupils there to use
better English. It Is thought to give
the students a test at the beginning
of the week and another one at the
end to see how much they have im
proved in their speech and writing In
that length of time. At the end of
the week the English claases may
put on a play for the purpose of em
phasizing the importance of good
This has not been definitely de
cided, however, as the plan la just
being formulated now. We may be
sure that Better Speech Week will
be a snccess whatever the plans for
K. H. S. means to stand behind it.
The election of yell leader was
held Wednesday, October S. Of the
two candidates nominated Donald
Dicksop received 83 votes and Bur
ton Hutton received IT votes. AH
members of the Student Body Asso
ciation were allowed to vote before
and after school and between periods
during achool hours. The Australian
ballot system of voting waa used.
Twice as many girls as boys are
studying Virgil this year. Twenty
years ago, as you may know, only
boys attempted the study of Latin.
Now girls hare found it to be an In
teresting study, and In R. H. S. they
get the highest grades.
I wonder if equal suffrage has any
thing to do with It?
As the try-outs are over and a
large part of the mualc haa arrived,
the Glee Clubs are now In full swing.
The Girls' Glee Club, which consists
of twenty-five girls, meets on Mon
day and Wednesday. The Boys' Glee
Club or twenty-one members meets
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and
both clubs met on Fridays. A girls'
quartet, a boys' quartet, and a mixed
quartet will be organized soon for
special work. The two Glee Clubs
combined will appear In public be
fore the end of this semester, and
next term will give an operetta.
which Is now being selected. Plans
sre being made to make the Glee
Clubs a big thing this year.
Mrs. Church has reserved a cor
ner of the blackboard In her room
for "Mend Your Speech Corner."
Each week the worda that are mis
pronounced by the pupils In her
teachers training class, and otber
words which are commonly mispro
nounced are written on the board
with the markings for the correct
As these students are to oe ruinre
teacher. Mrs. Church thinks It Is a
good plan for thera to acquire the
habit of speaking correctly while
they are students. She Is using
Abernetby s book on "Correct Pro
nunciation as her basis.
The Bureau of Education at Wash
ington, D. C, recommend this plan
and it Is being tried out In many of
the schools of the United States.
By th time this article Is In print
tho vh-tory or the Cottage Orove
game will be decided. As we look
forward to the game, however, there
are certain things which Impress .
All the students are behind the team
and will root for It until the last.
When the ticket sale started Thurs
day morning In the roll rooms, th
continual jingling of coins gav vt
the Impression that msny ticket
were sold. The "big rsllv" th same
day at S:30 put more fighting spirit
in the boys because they knew thv
had something behind thtn. But
even with such rallies we need all the
no the students hav a th boys
III bsv a heavier team against
them. Cottag orove haa had a root
hall team for at least th last two
vaara and thy know th gam. They
are also planning on bringing many
rooter to help their team.
U "Dad' King layi lbs mts cm i
expect to win every game because'
they are light and unexperienced but
they can do some bard clean fight
ing. If the boys do win the victory It
wtll be a big thing for Roseburg III.
It they don't win they will hav thd
satisfaction of knowing the students
are still behind them and will help
mora to piay Better in the near fu
The Junior class play committee
met Tuesday with Miss Parrott to
decide on the claaa ptay. wnlch la one
oi tne main events of the school year.
It Is expected that tryouts will be
held next week, and work will begin
soon. A Christmas play was decided
upon, ana will be given shortly be
fore the Christmas vacation. Miss
Parrott will direct both the Senior
and Junior plays this year, as well
as (he Dramatic club.
The S. B. A. ticket sale closed Fri
day evening, with the Juniors and
Seniors over the top, tho Juniors
reaching 100 per cent first. The fin
al percenta were as follows: Seniors,
100 percent; rfnnrora, 100 perec-nt:
Sophomores, (3 percent; Freshmon.
6 1 percent
The Student Body council together
with a committee which has been ap
pointed by the Student lloily prasi
dent are making rules and regula
tions for the Interclasa rivalry eon
tests. Last year these contests were
a great success, and th is year all
students will be ready lo do their
part to make them a success again.
Mlldren Starrett had the misfor
tune to cut a deep gash In her hand
last week, while closing a window In
the high school building.
Only the Literary Digest and Sur
vey magazines may be read In the
study hall. All other magazines
must be read in the library.
The Seniors have been looking ov
er aample rings and are trying to
select their class rings for this year.
William Thomas. Arthur .McGlie
hey and Adolph Byers entered high
bchool as Juniors last Monday.
The following students have ror.
tributed material for this pago Car
men Atterbnry, Edna Perrin, Mildred
fCochran, Nova Lough, Roland
Schwartz, Clarence Searing, Mabel
Kronke, Ethel Marks, Estella Wool
folk, Vivian Orcutt, Jennie Ilarker,
Audrey White, Dale Smith, Leo Beck-
Last .Wednesday morning every
gfrl of the Sophomore and Junior
classes were called and not a boy In
classes were called and not o boy In
sight. What had become of the male
population? It was not long, how
ever, until that anxious look melted
away into a smile, for, looking In
tho direction whence came the noise,
they saw about fifteen boys washing
oft the pavement In front of the high
school with the fire hose. About
twice that many were vigorously
scrubbing the pavement with brooms.
We didn't know our boys could work
so hard but. it Is as they say, "Those
who dance must pay the fiddler" and
"those who whitewash must clean It
Don't go up to a football player
and bit him on the back, after a good
hard scrimmage he might resent it.
Sleeping sickness haa come to stay.
I see its victims every day;
In class they utter not a peep,
But sleep and aleep and sleep and
Iris. "He told me you told him.
the secret I told you not to toll him."
Feme. The spiteful boy! I told
him not to tell you I had told hlin."
Iris. "Well. I promised that I
wouldn't tell you he told me you told
him, so don't you tci him I did."
"Dad" King. (to small Fresh
man! "Are you lost, my uttle
Green Fresh. "No, the mom just
Mr. Richards. In Biology!
Mow, class, name some of the lower
animals, starting with Adelbert Ab
raham. Mia Lewis. fin English)
Piease rise when reciting."
Myrtle C. "Oh, I don't know
enough to get up."
Ceasar sic dicat ande cur egreaul
Pupil, translating Ceawir sicked
the cat on the dog and I guess he
Itckel hlin.
As th Freshman sees It.
Twinkle, twinkle tittle star;
How I wonder what you are
I'p above the world so high
Like a diamond In the sky.
As th Senior know It.
Scintillate, scintillas luminous con-
Interrogstlvely and admiringly I
question your constituent elements
In your prodigious attitude abov the
terrestlal sphere.
Similar to a carbonaceous Ismutlc
suspended In th celestial flrma-
At a meeting of the Fullerton Parent-Teachers'
Association held Fri
day evening, September 30, the Ml-;
lowing officers were elected: Prtsi-!
dent, Sirs, roster Dinner; vice presi
dent, Judge J. C. Fullerton' secre
tary, Mrs. J. Xj. Reese; treasurer,
Mrs. II. Campbell.
Supt. Hamm gave a spelling test
this week In all grades above the
Our regular teachers' meetings are
held in the firs and third Mondays
of each school month.
George White of the seventh grade
has recently contributed considerable
time aud labor to the work of re
pairing play-ground apparatus. HI
services are highly appreciated.
beveral expectant boys and girls
In each room are eagerly looking for
ward to the end of the first school'
month In anticipation of tho reward
offered for perfect attendance anil
A general fire drill and lessons In
fire protection were scheduled for
Plan on Spelling to be Tried
A plan on aliening haa been work
ed out by Mr. Miller for composition
work, etc. in a study mado by Dr.
Jones, It was found that from 7,600
themes, there were one hundred
words which were most offer mis
spelled. These, Dr. Jones called the
hundred spelling demons of the Eng
llsh language.
Mr. Miller and his teachers hard
decided to place a copy of these
words In the hands of all children
from the third to eighth grades in
the' Rose school, and make them th
basis of all spelling contests between
the classes, and give a certain per
cent of tho spelling grado for these
words. At the end of the year it it
expected that the pupils will not be
missing any of these demons.
The Rose school football team ha
been doing some diligent practicing
lately and the uoys have several
games In view for the season. The
Hne-up la as follows: Center, George
We!i!er; Fullback, Gene Phelps;
Hairback, Orvllle McCullorh; Half
back, Jos Bliss; Quarterback, Mny
nard Hell; Guard. Kenneth Ciouch:
Guard. Kldred Cobb; End, Leslie
Hagerty; End, Paul De Rosa; Tnekle,
Wayne Coe; Tackle, Ellis Wldby;
Substitutes, Redmond Sharp and
Ralph Smith.
Mona Porter and Thelnia Olm-
rtead under the direction of Miw
Henderson have been selected librar
ians for the Rose school.
Miss Calkins was teaching the
"Baker Song" to one of the primary
grades the other day. They came to
a line in which the baker tells the
children to be very quiet while the
cake is baking.
Miss Calkins asked the question.
"Why are the children quiet wbtU
the cake Is baking?"
One little boy answered, "Cause
If they ain't they'll get a lickin'."
A large percentage of the pupils
of tho Hose school will enjoy a quar
ter holiday Friday afternoon. Any
pupil having 100 per cent In attend
&nre and punctuality for the month
will be given a qnarter holiday. Fif
ty percent of the traplls of the Rose
school will enjoy this privlloge The
following rooms have had no tardles
for the .month and Ihu the entire
room will be excused for a quarter
Miss Scott, 4th grade; Miss Ford.
B class; Miss Henderson, 8-11
The pupils rwho are fortunate
enough to enjoy this quarter holi
day are greatly rejoicing over the
fact that thin will enable them to at
tend the football game.
Supt. Hamm spent Thursday and
Friday In the building giving spell
ing and penmanship tests in the var
ious rooms.
FER TH' fclTE. Of "OV fOvM
wee. vie wow ?
Ilellfluer apples, a good grsd.
full box only De box while thsy last,
at th Peoples Supply Co. .
Back to Our
First Love
Gould Batteries, the battery your
Uncle used to make Bill hunt his
hole; handled them since 1915
and personally guarantee them.
Have had all kinds of experience
with all kinds and makes of bat
teries and in our experience this
is one of the best batteries on the
market for long life and pep.
We have on hand at present the
followingWestinghouse batteries
' for-
Buick, Chevrolet, Olds and Mitchell at
For Ford at $24.00
Motor Shop Garage
Wool Growers
Urge Extension
The Oregon Wool ani Mohair
Growers Cooperative Association has.
through Its manager, R. A, Ward,
aired Congressmen and Senators to
Washington urging tho extension of
the Kmergency Tarrlf, whh'h expires
on November 27th. It Is pointed
out by Mr, Ward that reports from
eastern wool manufactnring centers
aro to the crfect that efforts are to
bo made to have a period of fres
trade In raw wool again exist be
tween tho expiration of tho Emer -
g ncy Tariff and the pasaago of the
permanent Fordney Bill.
The Association feels that there Is
mile likelihood of this occuring, hut
ftels that If It should occur the wool
industry of the United States will
be dealt a staggering blow from
which It may never recover, as dur-
ing tne period uniier wuicri wool
could be bought In free millions of
pounds of foreign wool would again
be rushed Into this country. In fact,
t JJoIcjjraof
4 fM
Cast Iron Ware
Waffle Irons
Hot Cake Griddles
Fry Pans
Information In the hands of the As
sociation Is to the effect that consid
erable wool has been boujht In Aus
tralia and la being held la bond aa-'
.11 the result of th tariff decision
aro known.
In communications to Senator Mo- '
N'nry and Congressman Slnnott Mr.
Ward mentioned Lb 8 fact that the
wool Industry la just beginning to re
cover from the effects of the doluga
of forolgn wool which was brought ,
in by manufacturers while the Emer
gency Tariff w as being debated Is
J Ail parsons are be pray -framed Dot
" to hunt or oi c erwtte trwnua oa my
J ranches at Happy Valley and at
Oroen. Any person violating this
I notice will be prosecuted to the full
, extent of ths law.
& a urujER.
Hair combings rooted
and made
nuilc: 12
into neat switches and
years expertenea. Prices reasonabla.
Laura iiitmui, Box JOt, Myrtle
Creek, Oregon.