Mews-Review A Newspaper j with a Circula tion and Friends U If" Z, rax. tu s Drawing New Venire Will Delay Completion of Jury Until Next Week Brumfield Better. Dr. Richard Brumfield Is not t..inr u roanv have suggested Kill Co the report of his illness of luurday. On the contrary be is aafthening and it la freely pre Utiwl by those in close touch with it cue that he will be able to stand if under the entire ordeal. He feels net better today and nearly all Hvm of his stomach trouble have lift him. The fact thai the prison ar did not partake of lilo breakfast Taterdiy morning is of no iniport uct He very often goes without nkfut and saves the meal to eat ii.-tur rle noon hour. It is the cus m of the jailer to serve the prlson n viii two meals per day. one In 1 sorting and the other oho about to o'clock in the af'ernoon. Na- twilly the doctor decided that he mid need the meal at noon more tu ht would in the morning. His 4t illness of ye3terdav was not mm by fear or anything else con wad with the murder trial. Appeared Hotter Today. Iromfield was the same calm com !Md and unexclted dentist today rin ht was lead from his cell Into w courtroom. His face was not initi to a noticeable degree but u imposition was more cheerfuLI udi united more during the morn-1 if KMIon of court today than he uiitiny time since the trial start- id. Xn Brumfield was wearing the mi brown tailored suit when she twred in court this moraine. "on the moment she entered the "her eyes were pinned upon her uibud nd the minute he noticed It Jumped to his feet and nd- n a chair for her. She smiled jjwdi him in a motherly way and sraorned the greeting graciously. iKf talked In low tones until the nt convened. One Pfiniinnnt jnin. Eleten tentative jurors were seat 's! soon and the examination for ' twelfth waa In progress. The tute and defense had exer J elsht peremptory challenges MTtlI ten. This InHiat.J thB nnA on the temporary Jury epi as permanent Two Iieft At Noon. At noo ony two nampg remained UT Panel box to be drawn Si, Z Mrta,n that a new venire ordered drawn In order that Jnrr mav u !..... wki. Mltate further delay in the "WlnM and the jury will not be Wete4 until ute Monday. Dur tti.7ln,0rnln ession of Jury ex o! ,he dofen,e exorcised two "Peremptory challenaes. exeus g J Hamilton, of Oakland, and iaJ.01?; 0f Mml,, c"k- wl"" aiivTu. i0,lrnm,'nt " . 01 T. r ,he '""atlve Juror to Walter ft rv.( . njM n , - - ui unaia was ex ai,. ," Aw' certificate (ht i UaraV, . fr E' TeagUe ot Dral 1 nr. k. " was itn. owl"K t" his inability to .c.l,er,9bln' E"-" !iortrT a "epted as )Ur hy DO,h the defense U , . J?n,r,t" his examination " ith .he w" "nuainted m M Ue V ."miiii. nil "liiino-...' .uo ,ro "Pectea Eii..v ''"''eases In the case an'l ' cln Wend of torn. - ",m,y ana stayed at '"U Ciik! pon '"'"al occasions.-In,-,, ?0"n was emnlnverf .t ih. hom- mnr and stayed ,h lm of the of fir .i w,s insured In talir? !'.,1l 'r 0Ver tnou n Mr. Meredith h a rela- Xoi . ' """ner ny marriage. IB !1 1M Death Pe...i k UkMh?ro?IK,c"v Jurors have tu.- " the st. k.i... -- J!?0?.'1 ,0 infliction was calied tint .. ""y as a punishment (n th nid n.nal an .if aw ay BD fill M JURY PANEL WAS; EXHAUSTED IN BRUMFIELD CASE THIS AFTERNOON . nr.'. k.. w TLi. V! .:. t One rennaneni juror. tbs ocmcu mj iiuouiuc ivcvcuj i tion indicates that the state intends to ask for capital punishment or ac quittal. Mr. Brlabln stated that he was not opposed to the penalty as prescribed by the Oregon laws. Teafro Is Excused. Robert E. Teague of Leona was excused from jury by reason of being prejudiced to application of the death penalty. He was first challenged by the defense for actual bias, having resided at one time in the vicinity of the Russell cabin. The state resisted the challenge but when they learned that the juror was Opposed to capi tal punishment they also challenged him and the judge sustained It Kdds Passes as Juror. George Edds. Yoncalla rancheh, was summoned and the defease challenged - htm for actual bias, stating that Mr. Edds had formed an opinion from newspaper articles ap pearing In the News-Review. The state resisted the challenge and the judge overruled it Fifth Peremptory Csed. The defense used their fifth per emptory this morning and excused C. L. Hamilton ot Oakland. This left them seven peremptory phal lenges. , Smith De Muth. of Sutherlln. was called. He stated that he had not ! renit A ffrant float mnMrnlnf the a lit and had no opinion In the matter. He stated that he was not biased against an Insanity defense. Both the state and defense passed the Jur or. With the seating of Mr. De Muth as temporary juryman, six nanes were left in the panel box. Jones is Challenged. 'The defense exercised their sixth peremptory challenge and excused H. W. Jones, of Myrtle Creek. H. M. Knapp, Wilbur fruitgrower, was called. He expressed some opin ion but qualified as a Juror and was accepted by the defense. The. state questioned htm concerning his opin ion on the death penalty and laaued a challenge. The judge sustained it and the man was excused. Earl Olllvant, Olalla farmer, was next called, challenged for actual bias and excused. Roy Bond, Glide farmer, was coll ed, thus leaving Just three names In the panel box. Mr. Bond was ac cepted by the defense but challenged by the state for being prejudiced against capital punishment and the court sustained the challenge. Cnrtis Being KxamiiVd, Edenbower, had beep called and' the and afternoon sessions, defense had completed their examln- Yesterday Afternoon's eslon. atlon of him. He was challenged for All yesterday afternoon Mrs. actual bias. He was to be examined Brumfield sat holding her husband's at the start of the afternoon session hand and would occasionally squeese by the state, the challenge affectionately. Dr. Brumfield, been resisted by them. however, did not return the display Stote Examine Curtis. of affection snd maintained his usual District Attorney Neuner examln-1 indifference towards her. She smiled ed Mr. Cnrtis prior to resisting the , at him frequently but in return re challenge and states that In theicelved only a cold stare Thls-dld slates opinion the Juror was quail- fled . serve Judri Binrham cues- fled to serve. Judge Bingham ques tioned Mr. Curtis st some length and finally overruled the challenge. , The state examined him and he testified that he favored the death penalty. He was passed as a Juror. TlrlsMn Excused. The state exercised Its third per emptory challenge and excused S. R. Brisbln of Edenbower. 1 J. A. Gllllspke, ot Sutherlln, waa railed. He was examined by the de fense and stated that he had read of the alleged crime In the Portland papers. He said he had discussed the crime with people in his locality. As a result of the reading and discuss ions. Mr. Olllisple stated he had fixed opinion which would require evidence to remove. The bias he maintained would make it Impossible for him to serve he ssld. He waa ex cused without challenge. Oakland Mas Called. J. F. McCIanahan, of Oakland, This) was tas last nam WITM .. - I . " - r .... . . a 'uer. This ques- Mr. McCIanahan stated thai ne oau b Which it Included i WAR TALK NONSENSE. (By Associated Preai.) a TOKIO. Oct. 8. Talk of trouble between the United States and Japan waa depreci- elated by Leonard Wood, gov- ernor general of the Philippine islands, in an address before the American-Japan society. "There is a great deal of loose and foolish talk about trouble between America and Japan, but all that is nonsemfe." he said. 4 EVAN'S TO HANG DEO, 8. THE DALLES. Oct . Abe Evans, of Bend, was today sen- tenced to be hanged on Decern- her 2 for the murder of James Do ran. who was killed here on September 10. - read of the case in the News-Review snd discussed it with one of his neighbors. He said he had a slight opinion in the case but would be able (o lay 1t aside, disregard It and try the ease exclusively upon the testi mony which appeared in the court. The defense passed him as Juror. The prosecution examined him next. Mr. McCIanahan stated that he had no cooscienteous scruples sgainst capital punishment The state. pass ed him ss Juror. Ctartis Examined. ' . The defense excused F. M. Curtis on their seventh peremptory chal lenge. This ended the second panel and a new panel of 25 was ordered drawn. The court adjourned until It o'clock Monday morning. At that time the new panel will be started. The Jurors were excused and allowed to go to their homes until that time. . The following was the new panel drawn: W. O. Orubble, Elkton; J. R. Throne. Anchor; Frank Prlngle, Elk head: Jacob Fisher, Olendale; N. L. Conn, Melrose: Robert Harvey, Oak land; J. P. Christy, Gardiner: Geo. Albro, Canyonvllle: S. C. Miller, DUlard; Lyle Marsters, Roseburg; Harrv Winston, Roseburg: John Lynch, Drain: Orval French, 8r., Sutherlln; Henry Croucher, Olalla: Wm. Burchard, Scottsburg; J. W. Benefield. Drain: B. B. Harris, Glide, Geo C. Sewell, Myrt'e Creek; W. W, tudca, Elkton: Wm. Pemberton, Itosrburg; Elmer E. Totten. Glen- dale; Geo. W. Kruse, Roseburg: Wat- luce Freyer, Elkton; F. L. Clawson, Drain; W. E. Cllngenpeel, Looking Qlasa. Only three names were left In the general panel box. Three Permanent Jurors. When the court adjourned this af ternoon three permanent jurors had been secured. The defense hsd used seven peremptory challenges and the state three. With the presense of the new ve nire of twenty-five the examination Monday Is expected to proceed rapid ly and by Monday evening or Tues day noon it is expected that the jury will he In the box ready for the open ing gun of the trial. The wliirtrocrm was crowded to " ""'"V"-. "J. " "V: tinued to pat the hand of the pris oner, and once wnen ne witnorew his hsnd an "expression of disappoint ment crossed her face, but she waited for him to lay his hand-on the arm of his chair and then closed her fingers over It. Mrs. Brumfield paya closer atten tion to the questions of the attorneys to prospective Jurors than dees her husband, and smiles ss though amused when some witty answer Is mute. Brumfield can see no wit in the court proceeding. Evidently he i. hmnlnr to consider the serious ness of the charge which he faces and which, should twelve men agree i eertaln wir. will menn "hsng- 1ns hv the neck until dead-dead- dead." Eleven Tentative Jurors. When the adjournment was taken yesterday afternoon following s hard ri.v of iurv examination, challenges. legal debate and what-not. eleven temporary jurors were ifireo. defense had exercised four of their (Continued on page six. The Evening New and The BOSEBFRO, OREGON. 8ATIRDAY, OCTOBER 8, J0SI1. GDD GAME CALLED OI F. The fourth game of Uie worlds baseball series was culled off today on account of rain In New York, where tlte context is being held. In the event of a game tomorrow the Ncws-ltevieYV Has made arranBjt- mrnts for a complete rt-xii-t by wire and will bulletin returns liming; by inninic. The first three games of tbe series havo been fully rovcrvd anil considerable interest has Ikhmi shown. The games start at 3 o'clock eastern time, which start returns here at about 11 o'clock In the morning. The result of the day's contest is usually announced at about 2 o'clock. RAINING HARD. NEW YORK, Oct. a Rain cuused the postponement of the fourth game of the world series today. It was raining hard at 8 o'clock when ISO,- OOO fans were on. hand to see the game. Hundny's game will be played on the Yankees' home club grounds. T I SHOWS UP WELL Inexperienced Players Sue : ceed In Holding Veteran . Eleven to 1 Touchdown. HAVE FIGHTING SPIRIT Local High School Team Shows Won derful Fighting Ability and Hold Heavier Opponents Vntil Worn Down By Heavier Team. In the first football game of the season played at Bellows field yes terday the Roseburg high school team lost to Cottage Grove by a scor.; of ( to 0. This la considered a very favorable score for the local In view of the fact that this is the first time the Roseburg high school has been represented In football for many years. Although inexperienced in the game and never before matched against a team of experienced foot ball players. Roseburg displayed a brilliant defense, while its attacking ability would have been a credit to team of veterans. I ne liosenurg team displayed a fishting quality of which the Roseburg people should be proud. Matched against a team,(he H(ip s,n(f t()n(. far,1K ,ne nBces of superior weight and experience in, R(v of na,iating a triple blood football, the "green' team went Into, pOI.tanrt's Chinatown today tbe contest with a fight that time ,,.., ,h ,(.h,)Ms outbreak In and again almost resulted hi victory. The heavy Cottage Urove teain,;mvn ilave fnii,,n before the guns of found Itself completely (innble to the Suey Sing highbinder. Serious make yardage against the local play- outbreaks are expetcid hourly.., era who frequently fought the ball j o out of their own territory from un- der the shadow of their own goal posts. It was not until after ine inexperienced team had been worn down by the superior weight of the opposing team that the visitors wore able to score. Hawn and Dickson were the stel lar performers for the Roseburg team. They displayed an uncanny ability to be In the middle of every play and exhibited a superior quality of tackling and defense work. Dick- son proved to be a good ground gain- er In carrying the ball. Ho played the majority of the game with a fractured rib. The fine showing made by the Roseburg team at yesterday's game speaks well for the future work of the eleven. With a little more ex P"rnnce and a b"tter knowledge of the game they will doubtless develop IlllO n infilling UHiilunn tJi eAwjjLiuii- ai anility. Following the game. Coach "Dad" King commended the boys very hlg'i- Iv on their fine work. The team Is not discouraged by Its defeat as the' Cottage Grove aggregation Is con sidered one of the best high school 1 teams of the slate and the Itosiburg boys had expected to be badly beaten. Some ragged playing was displac ed and with the knowledge gained In their first actual contest the leanj will proceed to patch up Its weak spots and will hope for a victory In the next battle. v Mrs. H. A. Miller, or Cottage Orore, Is spending the week end In Roseburg with her daughter, Mrs. Howard Hess. Roteburg Review KM mm KITH OI T OK GAME. v NEW YORK. Oct. 8. Babe Ruth is carrying his arm in a sling bectuse of an abscessed olbow. resulting from an injury sustnlned when he slid into third base during the second game of the worlds series. A ITER t).L PROFITEERS. fllv T'nttirt Tress). s WASHINGTON. Oct. 8. Senator Konyon introduced a bill providing drastic Aires of from one hundred to ten thou- sand dollars for coal profiteers. Profiteering Is defined as "charplng ;excossive or unreas- onnbln priors. t Irish Delegates Go to London (By United Press.) DUBLIN. Oct. 8. The Sinn Fein delegates left today for London to open the peace conference with Lloyd George. Michael Collins, comman der of the Irlnh republican army, will go to the conference later. J u go-Slavs Are Being Mobilized f rty Associated Press.l VIENNA. Oct. 8. All Jugo-Slavs of military age have been ordered by newspaper advertisements to report immediately to the consulate. It Is believed here that this means the' mobilization of the Jugo-Slavs. Physicians Deny . Treating Gardner (rty ttnltfia rress.) NEWPORT. Wash., Oct. 8. New port practicing physicians denied knowledge of Roy Gardner, the ban dit, who was said by newspaper re ports to have been cared for here. It was claimed that his woundsr were dressed by a local physician. Portland Chinatown War is Eminent env tinned !Virs.i PORTLAND. Oct. 8. With six l..lln,l nh.ilir.H w(lh mllrd,.rnK Wong (l.-e. an aged ,,,,... v.-ut-rdBV afternoon, and (R ,,,,)ry. Three Hop Sing . tong 0 yjCMUfaCtlirerS tilOC Formed In Senate IHv Vnltrd rVii.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 8. A manu facturers' "bloc" has been formed in the senate to fight Increases In sur tax and estuto tax rates and the re- ...(.. , llw, .,nitl tM-lr tnv tit. ...... ,,, i-n,i-.i ...mnm. . . y,,,..n,, ,pnatr. form fh hnck,0,, of ,he manufac- turers' bloc. Big Quantities of Arsenic Found fltv t'nltort frotis.) TWIN FALLS, Oct. 8 Dr. KoilcntiaiiKh, Idaho stale rheni- 1st. instilled he had found a grain of arsenic, enough to kill two men, in the body or Edward Moyvr. whom Mrs. I.ydla Southnrd, on trial here. Is ac- rns"d of poisoning Dr. Harms, Ctnh slate chemist, testified he hnd found arwnlc In every part of Meyers' body, even In ths hnlr snd under the flngernslls. The Ivtiial or killing dose of ar- senlc consists of ono-half grain. Mrs. Southard Is accused of ob- talnlng the arsenic, with which she is slb red to have poisoned her huslisnd, by soaking pols- onous flypaper. VOL. X. THREE CALGARY EXPECTED TO CIVE STRONG TESTIMONY AGAINST DENTIST Telegraph Operator to Tell of Cash Deposit Left by Brumfield to be Forwarded to "Mrs. Norman Whitney" at Seattle Police Officers Coming. 1 The state Is preparing to spring some sensational testimony in the Brumfield murder case when the time comes for hearing the wit nesses against the former Roseburg duntist accused of the murder of W. Dennis Russell. Three witnesses from Calgary, Canada, are prepared to give damaging testimony against the accused whenever they are called to the stand. The witnesses are Miss Florence Curry, who arrived Inst night, and D. Richardson, chief In spector of the Calgary police, and Sergeant Waugh, of the Royal Northweat Mounted Police, the two men who arrested Brumfield upon telegraphic Information from; Doug las county. The witnesses are to be kept hidden by the state until their time-comes to appear in court and the exact natnre ot their testimony has not been announced. It has been Intimated, however, that their testi mony will be among the strongest against tha Alleged murderer of any the state will Introduce during the trial of Dr. Brumfield. . . Miss Florence Curry la employed as telephone operator at Calgary, Canada. She will probably testify that Dr. Brumfield, under the alius of "Norman Whitney," the name as sumed by him upon leaving Rose- burg, called at the telegraph office In Calgary shortly afrer he reached that place and before going to the ranch near Mldnapore where he was arrested, and left with her $100 In caBh, stntlng that his wife, "Mrs. Norman Whitnoy," would wire for it from Seattle. It Is not known whether or not the slatw will attempt to prove that Brumfiold waa planning on being met by another woman In Calcary. at- though his movements. It Is believed. to go back and face It all. I will tell show such a plan. It la thought , Attorney Neuner everything." that Miss Curry will state that she Latnr It Is alleged that he became was told by Brumfield that a mes-jm an, waa Btti,i by the medical offi snge would be sent from Seattle c,.r 0f health of the city of Calgary signed by Mrs. Norman Whitney and to be Insnne. The defense Is rely thut upon th receipt of this message lrlK pnn this condition to establish the $100 deposited with the Calgary the clnlm of insanity, while the state operator was to bo forwarded nt wm doubtless endeavor to show by once. The money. It IS stated, was (he tnstlmnny of the two police offl never claimed, the message from Se-,cnr, that Brumfield was sane when atlle never being received. ! arrested nnd that his condition in Inspector Richardson and Sergeant the (' ilcary Jail, and his second al Wauglt are expected to arrlvo to- leged attack In the Roseburg jail, night. They are the two men who were both faked, arrested Ilruuifleld nnd have previ-, These witnesses will doubtless ously stated tls? circumstances sur- give strong testimony In fnvor of the sounding the rapture.. Brumfield slate whose attorneys are putting was arrested, they have stated, on a much reliance In the testimony . of ranch about four miles from Mldna- the throe Canadian witnesses. Sidelights on Brumfield Murder Trial John and Victor Ilrsmrield. broth ers of Dr. H. M. Hrumfleld on trial ior n.s ,i.e m com....,, w ...e h , ,ed , , fl JaU death of W. Dennis Kussl, are ex- peeled to arrive here tonight from , K Brumfield Ignores them com Prlnontnn. Ind., to attend the trial, j rletely and does not even speak to They were expected to arrive this ' those with whom he Is acquainted morning and relatives ot me accuseu IMHIl Wl D UN llltll.l III III" lll' UI, I.Mfc they did not come.. However, It Is thought that they will be in on the evening train as they have announc ed that they wilt be here today. Robert Powell, deputy sherirf from Oakland, was appointed court bail iff today. Mr. Powell takes ths place of Jos. Murphey who has been ex cused from further attendenre bo cause of the necessity of his being In his apple orchard where the har vest Is now on at full blast. Because of the great amount of noise and confusion caused by spec tators constantly opening and clos Ing the doors of the court room as they enter and leave the room where the hearing Is In progress, two no tices have been posted on the doors bv the bailiff requesting that people upon entering be as quiet as poss ible and that all confusion be avoid ed. Whenever the prisoner Is removed from the court room, a large throng of spectators rush down tbe outside No. 2S4, OF THE EVENING NEW nrann n WITNESSES pore, Canada, a small place located near Calgary. Tha two officers, it is ststed, be came convinced that a new employe on a farm near Miduapore was Dr. Brumfield and they wired to Rose burg for further details In regard to him. especially for a complete de scription. With this information at hand they went to the ranch and waited white Brumfield completed ' a Job of plowing In the field. As he drove up to the barn with bis four horse team and plow tbe , officers stepped out and placed him under arrest Brumfield. they have stated, turned deathly whlbe and seemed . about to fall. He gasped weakly and almost staggered out of their grasp, and then began to vigorously deny that he was the dentist. "I am Norman Whitney, of Se attle,"svl alleged- to-have said., and he constantly maintained that this wits his true name, refusing to- admit his real Identity. - The officers state that following his arrest he was pale and trembling and apparently exceedingly nervous. They state that they waited in the barn for him to come in with his team rather than going out in the field after htm, because It was quite a distance to where he was working and thoy would be in plain sight wn9 BI)proach,ng hm. They totni thmt fc ' . . --.ioH .nma weaDoa or wlth whlch he might attempt suicide In the event he saw capture Inevitable. Following his arrest he was shown his photograph and his de scription, which tallied perfectly, and then It is claimed that he admitted his identity. "Yi'B, I am Brumfield, he Is al- leged to have admitted. "I am ready stairs and around to the rear of the bulldlnsr to see the former dentist at apparpn,iy ignoring their presence. Judge Bingham this morning Is sued an order prohibiting all smoking In the court room during the hear ing. Smoking will not even be. al lowed during recess. Those doelr Ing to enjoy a session with "Lady Nicotine" must get outside the court -oom. Judge Fllngham orders. Ths Judgo is very csroful that every hin.t In the court room shall bs so that there shall be no danger to the health of i;ny of the Jurymen, court offlc-ials or spectators. He Is doing everything possible to ellmlnats all of theie dangers, Judge Bingham Is apparently ceatly enjoying his slay In Rose burg In spite of the hard work. The . Iinlre being s great fruit lover Is perfectly satisfied now that he is sit uated in the best fruit district of ths state. The judge frequently calls a short recess snd during the Intervals of rust can be found munching away on a luscious Cmpqua Valley pear or apple, or demolishing a delicious bunch of grapes.