Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 04, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    - PAOR ttVR
Umpaua Post of th Amtrlcau
Legion will meet at the armory
Tuwsday evaninc, October 4th,
at I o'clock.
Viz & Dunn's Shoes
Holeproof Hosiery
Butterick Patterns
; from page D
"irSSibUiol .kll were
hfhii'ccldt. reported to the
e slaughter hoi
.. .j it. fit rm f
husband always wor.
. .n il o'clock In
:. it wut ."..h.-r house,
l?m(Wd informs th. of-
tbL. but the wok. found on
T,h d ad man were
-'n u'Vrwear and Mr.
,,J n'ld T " bU3l"lud
'T.ooS'-o Brn.n.W wa.
nn ln ". !.,..
l"?u,7on liillard resident, on
Or'n, .ong tl' highway near the
, along , notlced
"ll of blood at the edge of
ur,epool of B 1)lach
T?Lm someone had kill-
... ne -
am and ina
("' nfficer. and tney
"' . . ...i nn reDort. Tnat
h. heard ol thewreot
The hat, shreda
until eu
"hair and hits of skull were
."' L' .L.rf The hat bore
k, initial. ' .
dl The hat hail oeeu . j- ,
:e band In from.
blow from some blunt instru-
"Llff Slimier, convinced that a
Sr had been commuted and
.rtiiu murderer. Issued
.-mat f.r the anest of Dr. Hruin
!l!?i offered a reward of 200
w I H apprehension,
f rcolar: v.cro sent to Canada and
fciin r'v.pT iu...f-
a A the cVntiit.
...I.. 1 'Ik
..! rf circumstantial evidence
'!:ht and tighter around Dr.
frupfi il '"e lllrJ""- ,, '
mcA IJC.oofl life and accident.
to i vei-ea anu gi.e.. ua ...
lot th ' Clime Kinaeii s nsrwr f.
uJut,' - hair on si-atp piece, and
aVi'iliU tl.eni at that of the her
fit Ban'.ra Informed officers that
Bra.ilield had borrowed 1000 In
oil) r-m two local banks several
an '- "UrR,,l crime.
j. T. Russell positively Identified
jyii morgue as that of his broth
I Deonli Ruasell.
July ldtli.
Dn. Stewart and Houck at a post
lorten exainlnatlon of the headleas
'Ml located two bullet holes In the
!4lr. One puncl ured the back about
loot inches below the edge of the
Wder blade and another bullet
M penetrated the chest cavity.
Kn. Brumfield still claimed body
morgue as that of husband.
July 17th.
Sktriff Starmer visited several
m!oiu In the btllard section In a
wreb lor the jawbone of the mur
dml mn, belli-ved to have been re
wed by the murderer when the
(if u Hopped on the Weaver road.
Discovered that Brumfield secur-
4 tmpty box from Iturchard store
'ad ihlpped it to Seattle from Myrtle
Cltrkon day of alleged murder. Be
aing that the doctor would attempt
oman i disguise the officers sent
rod croabcast to be on the lookout
to that disguise.
. F. Waldorf, manager of the
I City garage in Portland, report
s' awing a man resembling Brum
Stld'i photo In a car at his garage
tha day following the crime. A
au la soldier uniform was with
July I Hill.
Un. Brumfield still claimed dead
auiai her husband and urged the
Uwrs to offer a reward for the
"Mire of Dennis Russell.
iJjter rDor,a finding pool of
'w4 near where mysterious car
"Pd on hi road on nisht of July
July 1 fit la. .
- - ........... u.t-i uc.B..aLru
T In morgiiH start.. Story of
giren. Mrs. lirumfield .wears
Identified body as that of Pr.
mtWd. Attorneys Rice and Or
"Present her at hearing.
July 2)Mh.
InftneUt entltinna rni .
""M on the d.'ud body were Identi
r a beina; the same bought a few
tZ hy '""inla Russell from
' Wlf, a Myrtlt Treek merchant.
el"ed at 5 o'clock and
ill, b"",ed onp ho"r- returning
"MM stating that the body in the
i,7,?.W; nf T)nnla Russell
that he met his death by mur
k ii,. ""rderer was not named
' verdict.
July 2Mb
II I n . "
tW.w """emaker and Milton
frr. ,1'al mpn' r"urning
!",t0 'in the Klamath
"try, report to iho .h,tff .ho.
Prsery Stock
. "paragus 10
Jnia, ttw, on pfA(.h or Myro
WbH. 1 or 2 year.
-.Peaches, and
" th- best lo be n,d.
U'fOT buying, It will
they passed a car on the new road to
Crater lake driven by a man whom
they could positively Identify a. be
ing Dr. Brumfield. They described
the man and said that when they
passed Dim, his car was stopped and
that he glared at them through a
large pair of goggles The sheriff at
once notified the Klamath sheriff
and a search was started ln that sec
tion. July iifUlt.
Brumfield reported as having
passed through Alturas, California.
Officers believed he was headed to
ward Reno.
July 27th.
Sheriff Starmer left for the Klam
ath country and northern California
to take charge of the search,
July 80th.
Brumfield reported In Bend coun
try. Fake letter received by officers
and declared a hoax.
August Oth.
Man said to be Dr. Brumfield hold,
up party of Portland Mazamas en
route to Crater lake.
August 8th.
Deputy Hopkins ln Bend country
reports that Mazama robbers were
captured, neither of the men being
August Oth.
' Charles Potts, former Roseburg
man, in an Interview In Lakevlew
states that he talked with Denni.
Russell several days ago and that
both Brumfield and Russell are
August 10th.
Box of women', wearing apparel
shipped to Seattle by Brumfield re
turned to Sheriff Starmer.
August 13th.
Dr. Brumfield. the fugitive. Is cap
tured In, Alberta, Canada, while
working on a ranch four miles south
of Mldnapore. When taken Into cus
tody by the Royal Northwest Mount
d Police.. Brumfield waa la a field
plowing. He, told the officers hi.
name was Norman Whitney, but
soon admitted his real Identity.
August l;ltli.
In a statement to the Associated
Press, Dr. Brumfield told of his es
cape from Roseburg on- the fatal
night. Tells officers Tie Is ready to
come hack "and tell George Neuner
everything." Sent word to his wife
and Mrs. Brumfield wires message of
cheer to him. Sheriff Starmer and
Deputy Webb started north to bring
back prisoner.
August 1.1th. .
Brumfield addresses Douglas offi
cial as "Bill" when the sheriff ar
rived at the Calgary Jail. City Health
Officer Mnhood of Calgary examined
Brumfield and said the prisoner was
temporarily out of his mind.
Haggard ln appearance and refus
ing to get out of bed, Brumfield pre
sented the appearance of an Insane
man. He refused to eat.
August lflth.
Chained securely to the deputy
sheriff, the alleged murderer start,
on journey home. Letters were
found In Brunifleld's baggage from
a chambermaid named Grace Klllian,
who worked in a hotel at Lake
Louise. Brumfield admitted staying
In Lake Louise- several days before
he was captured. On trip to Portland
Brumfield called - himself "Bill
August 17th.
Brumfield arrived in Portland and
was placed in Jail. District Attorney
Neuner met prisoner there. Brum
field recognized everyone. Told offi
cers his mind was a blank from the
Sunday preceding the day of the
crlme Examined by alienist.
-August 19lh.
Prisoner lodged In county jail af
ter being taken from train at Eden-
bower and brought to city in auto.
Showed no indication of insanity.
August 201 h.
Arraigned on charge of murder.
Attorneys Klo & Orcutt represented
nrinnnpr Waived preliminary ex
amination and he was ordered held
without bail for the grand Jury.
August 22nd.
News-Review representative Inter
views prisoner and asks questions
concerning the alleged murder
Brumfield goes Into rage ana
fist at reporter.
Aiurast 2Rnl.
Brumfield maintains sphinx-like
silence in cell.
August 2tlth.
M. Van Averv. cellmate of Brum
field. In Interview declares man Is
normal in Jail and talks like ordin
ary person. Speaks of memory
August 20lh.
Grand Jurv Investigation starts.
August 81st.
Grand lurv returns Indictment
charging Dr. Brumfield with murder
In first degree for the killing of Den
nis Russell.
September 1st.
Dr. Brumfield. appearing before
Jndre Hamilton In the circuit court,
entered a plea of not guilty to the
Indictment. Attorney Rice an
nounced he would file a motion for
change of venue.
September 4 th.
Affidavit of nreludlce filed bv de
fense attorneys removing Judge
September 5th.
Jndre O. O. Bingham of Marlon
county appointed to trv case.
September flth.
It imi m Acid's attorneys make mo
tion for change of venue. Argument.
for and against heard.
Hentemher 7th.
Judge Bingham denies change of
venue and sets trial date for October
September 13th.
On previous night Chief Balllet
nUr,rnA terror In Ttrtlmfield'S Cell
makes attempt to break down cell
door and Mean. Admits attempted
break and said Brumfield had noth
ing to do with It.
Hentosnhr tUnt.
TVnntv Stieriff Hopkins entered
Dram field's cell lo get meal basket.
Good News for the Thrifty Shopper.
Two Big Savings Days:
Thursday and Friday, October 6-7
Our Biggest and Best Money Saving Sale.
Cotton Sheet Blankets. Single, $1.00,
Big full size cotton blankets, tans and grays, just the blanket to
use for sheets. Each
Children's "Carlsbad ' Sleepers.
Made of the best grade of outing, neatly trimmed in dainty pink
and blue stripes. Special
Ladies White Lisle Hose. 3 Pair $1.00
A real snap for the wearer who appreciates a real hose. Best
grade sea island cotton,-bought to sell at 75c per pair, special for
Thursday, 3 pair for
Ladies' White Fibre Silk Hose. 3 Pr.$1.00
For Thursday we olfer a limited stock of pure fibre silk, garter
top hose, sold regularly at from 75c to $1.00 per pair, at the very
special price of 3 pair for.:
Comfort Size Bats-
For Thursday and Friday we offer these big full size quilted pure
white bats, regular $1.39 values, at special price
3&inch White Outing Flannel. 5 yds. $1.00
Right in the face of a big cotton advance, we offer you for this sale flj
our regular 30c value for 5 yards for tjj A
Dollar Day Special New Fall Suits.
For Thursday morning we have selected twenty models from our stock of new Fall Suits. These
suits are of the highest grade Tricotine, serges a velours. Some are fur trimmed, others plain
tailored. Suits that retail at from $32.50 to $37.50 at the special price of $21.98
27-inch Fancy Outing. 8 yds. $1.00
Here is a real snap for the thrifty buyer, a good heavy grade of
outing, just the weight and texture for gowns and kimonas; plaids
and checks, pinks, blues, and tans; special, 8 yards for
Sateen Petticoats at $1.00
Made of good grade heavy sateen, cut big and full, skirts sold reg-(l
ular at $1.50 to $1.75; special for dollar day A
Ladies' Outing Gowns, at $1.00
From our regular stock we offer all our $1.19 and $1.25 values in
white and colored, all daintily trimmed in high or low neck, at
the very special price
Bath Towels, 3 for $1.00
Our regular 50c full size extra heavy towel, a rare bargain, we
offer for Thursday, dollar day, 3 for
Fancy Flannellette, 4 yards for $1.00
17Aw Irlmnnoo onA rlrocoirKT irnwnQ vnn will find thin Hip mnst HpSl!
able material obtainable; colors of blue, pink and tans, full 27 in.
. . i - j i i t i,.
wide, regular aoc yara vaiues; special, yams jui
Dollar Day in Shoe Department
To introduce our famous "UTZ & DUNN" line of ladies' fine
shoes, we offer for Thursdny and Friday our entire line of both
high boots and oxfords, blacks or tans, at $1.00 less.
Special Reductions for Dollar
Day Millinery Department
, 1
Corsets at $1.00. Broken Lots
Royal Worcester. Corsets.
Special Thursday, - - - $1.00
nrumfleld picked up chair and
hurled It at him. Deputy pulls gun
Sid prisoner quiets down. Brum-
fluid apparently ni"r ----
oi crtlmalei ifl Ms father. Dente.
having wife or ciniaren.
September sfi-un.
Anrf rofuflf to eat. Com-
plained of pains in his head.
..!.. DrnmnAM hkACame
Nlgnt pre... u. r.
l.-7.nd drive. Oat
through bars, cnppiug '
porter', nose.
HeDlenilMT sua,
n-nvered from laps of memory.
Ilerognlies everyone.
Trial starts vciouer ....
Making Record
Auto Trip
3. F. Heaeock and wife of Port
land, had a narrow escape at Can
yonvllla yesterday, while on their
war home alter a trip through Cal
ifornia. They were endeavoring to
aet a record for speed and made the
distance from Oakland. Cal.. to Can
yonville In 17 hours. As they start
ed out of Canyonvllle they were tra
velling. state, at a speed
of about Si miles an hour when the
Iront aael gave way. The car trsv
lied about 100 feet befora It was
. ... r...i..n.lav far lha oe-
Bioppea am .... . , . - - j
rupaata It remained la the road ana (
did not tura over. Mr. Heok t
Music Club Opens
Fall Season
The RnxiliurK Music Club opens
Its fall season tonight with a big
program, featuring the Douglas
County Concert Band.
Membership In the club his been
increased until there are ovor 200
. . i i.i.. irhn rp.ularlv at-
KllllV uivi." -
la.. a th. n.aMtincr. .nn ..mjk forward
to tl.esa gatherings with a good deal
or interest. i iif imwri..
lined by the band Include, some or
their best numbers ana e.rcuni.
'hat have not been played before.
As no lyceiim or concert numbers
have been scheduled to come to Kose
burg this winter, the question or
whether the Music Club cares to fos
ter some of tnese proposition, wm
be brought up for consideration. The
amount of dues which shall be charg
ed during the coming year will also
be discussed by the members.
in. luitu"iuR w...- .
and will preside at the meeting this
evening. Mrs. nun... i.-n.
dent: J. W. Hmiis. secretary: Mrs.
I M Irwin, recording secretary; and
Mrs Warren Hurt, treasurer.
Tb meeting hour Is g o clock
promptly at the Helnline Music Stu
dio. Members desiring to bring a
guest to this and any other meeting
of the club are privileged to do so
upon the payment of a smnll fee of
25 cents. The club will no doubt
enjoy an increased membership the
coming year.
stated that he will have the machine
repaired and ri pec's to reswn mn
laad la tevaa hoar, tanning tlma.
STATEMENT of the ownership,
management, circulation, etc., n
qulred by the act of Congress of Aug
ust 24, 1912, of Hosoburg News
Knvlew. published dally at ltoseburg.
Oregon, for October, 1921. State of
Oregon, County of Douglas, ss. lie
fore me, a Notary Public In and for
the state and county aforesaid, per
sonally appeared D. W. Hales, who
having been duly sworn according to
law, deposes and says that he Is the
Editor of the Itoiwhurg Ncws-lte-vlew.
That the publishers are II. W.
limes. 1.. Wlmberly and Hert O.
Hates, of ttoseliurg. Ore. That the
stockholder are: 11. W. Ilules. I..
WlmMerly. and Hert O. Hates. Thst
the known bondholders, mortgagees,
snd other security holders owning or
holding 1 per cent or more of total
amount of bonds, mortgages, or
nthnr securities are: None. That the
average number of copies of esch
Issue of this publication sold or dis
tributed, through the malls or other
wise, to paid subscribers during the
six months preceding the date
shown shove Is (Signed I B.
W. BATES. Editor, flworn to and
miWrlbed hnfore trie this lrd day of
October. 12I. (Seal). 1. a
I Houiwt. (My commission expire
'Nor. 10.
Mental Culture
Club Holds Meeting
The Mental Culture Club held IU
Hist meeting of the year at the Par
iKh house this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
A fine attendance was enjoyed anil
the business session proved most In
teresting. lteports were given by the dele
gates who attended the Stale Con
vention, heid at Pendleton early last
June. A further report was given
by Mrs. Win. Hell, telling In detail
of the work as outlined hy .Mrs. Ida
H Callahan, state president of the
Oregon Women. Federated Clubs,
which waa given nt a recent luncheon
held in Pol tlund.
Following the regular himlnoK
Region Hie ladies enjoyed rcf rudi
ments served by the cuiiitnllteo In
1 o
New glove silk hosiery fur women
at the Hooterln.
Not Jaxz Just wonderful liar
ninny that's the Seattle Broken
Melody orchestra. Hear 'em at tho
armory dance Friday night.
until the present stock Is reduced, ws will
at the following prices:
lit lb. Pall
n Hi. Pall
.'! Il. Pall
. .il.fW
. . ,7ft
. . .50
intostS) IV. The Caws. Mire Market. 107 Weatt Caw. ht.