Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 01, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    At 1 1 v 1 1 ut& w ROSEBURG
. .
WTur B W. Bale. the pupils
. fo present at each we end.
1 about happenings n
'n hulUlngs. We piaa to
f 'r free from biassed criti
"'fnr0; n oa. to the end that all
aa na " , h. K-i-iiraislv in-
rf our ftotla
'.nd thereby hava greater inter-
eUil welfare of our
"Tliri, th citizens oi
A will this page bring the
3. tte public but It will also
valuable naming in news
iiioa The high school Junior
25emH corse provides at the
JSSl',TB U-i ih charge
If M Bessie Lewis, who receives
.11 blh school copy and chooses the
i The news from
S trade schools comes through the
itt of the principals.
1 to not to be expected that these
,M nCOpe Will Jlici.v
The write-ups will be edited
.rlr as possible as originally
" Md so that each slndent may
hlTf IBe pieaaui " "
ta print The news is not gathered
fcT few. but each student in turn
mie his contribution.
Ttie Ural few Issues will be experi
tt If vou enjoy reading this
the contributors. Criticism
of this page or of anything else per
Ulninr to the schools will be gladly
mrived by me nnuersiBiieu.
run taueht 1T1
Total enrollment for the year. .1193
Somber of days absence -. 684 7
Somber of tardinesses 1421
Vumber of pupils neither an
ient nor lardy . . . 65
Number of truancy cases report
ed 15
iTsrare number of puplto be-
Ima-iiir 101
awraze dally attendance 1001
fVr cent of attendance 95.15
ftr cent of attendance and
punctuality 97.87
Xatnber of pupils taking eighth
trade examination 78
Kumber of library books on
band : . .3498
dumber of visits made by par
esis 330
Number of visits made by school
directors 29
Snmber of p'iblic meetings held
i school buildings 41
Tie most significant feature of the
report Is the number of tardiness for
tie year. More than three-fourths
f these were by high school stu
nts. Several young people have
lltrta regard for promptness In
rhoo! attendance. It may be inter
tinr to note that at Astoria last
year where the schools were in ses
sion 183 days and 2738 punlls -were
enrolled, there were only 290 cases
tardiness. The school principals
and teachers are trying to eliminate
tardiness this year and they most
earnestly petition the patrons to co
operate with them In seeing that the
Kraor, people report on time.
Tie regular tweeting' of the school
Vrd was held at the high school
Monday evening.
Superintendent M. S Hamm pre
ssed the annual school report to
tb board for the school year 1920
21. and also similar data for the past
lie years.
Frederick Royce and Odine Mafh
" were given the contract of put
nas the wood in the high school
Maement during the school year.
A committee of five local free
ar,Pln(ed to aid the
"JM m compiling the 1921-22
csool budget.
Through the earnest efforts of Mr.
Hamm. city school superintendent,
toe co-operation of the News-
ol IZ' ",?e 8 et lt a Pas or part
one wil he rtv.xi .;i
" schools
to v.P,0rPT f ,hi" camPaI t
arhoi. . wu'nisiiy to our city
tt. v ' ,Vnat,,n ,he subscribers of
Z hV"h,R")F o know more of
Z, 001 ,"'lv"i'-9. and to have a
iM .?I1""''1 l"","'," Roseburg
TV ?LT?U and hBlr P"ents
ewao, T'aaT h,Sh
rV V" "hOUld ' do
t tb. v ,1,n "PPonuntty offered
th. . rKrvipw' we ,ire ani
to cho1 D(,,'e ""d aetlvltles
"Ms more publicity.
Z hiiT rt;r,"'" f English V
J1, ll lj"vmMl)"r for ma-
'ribuiinn. - pl r.r voluntary
Two members chosen
r in .... 1
1 wk, vrr,7" for tenn of
Enni.K v 1,wl- '""factor
'w'bfirn . ' appointed
Jaas. k,r7n" composition
m4 V-' "-m""- W hsT
. the N-R-riew.
taw r" o. o
ow i-XThallstlc .bllltf.
a I
The first meetist f the Parent
leiKimrs aseodiatloa of the Ro
scnooi wu n14 on to aeooad Tuw
day of the month. This meeting
was devotd. entirely to business.
Probably the most important mat
ter discussed at this meeting was
the Idea of cementing the girl's
uoseoieai. too president anDolniori
a committee to- investigate as to the
cosi or cementing etc., and be ready
to report at toe next meeting. The
money now Jn the treasury will
prooaoiy oe usea lor this purpose.
W I 1 .
e priua uurveireg oa Having a
larger attendance than an mw
scaooi la this city. Our enrollment
now is 370. On Friday many of the
ttose scaooi pupils enjoyed the cir
cus, but 84 per cent of them were
present. The following teachers have
had no tardiness for this week: Miss
Henderson, Miss Ford, Miss Halne
way, Miss Scott, Jlias Olson. Mrs.
Keenan and Miss Parrott. The
hava been four tardy la the whale
school this week.
The boys of the Hose School will
soon organize a football team. They
nave aeciaea to nave Orvilie McCul
lotich as caiitain, but are undecided
as to the position of the other boys.
One of the most recent discoveries
at the Rose school was made by one
or the 8-B boys when he proclaimed
that the way to become a eitijeen of
the u. S. was to become "civilized,
Girls, girls, forget your looks.
Keep your mind upon your books:
Boys, boys, Us now study hall:
You spend too much time on foot
Forget your looks and forget your
You'll have a better average in all.
One of the boys of tbe eighth
grade started the day by being tardy
and finished It by saying I don't
know" to all questions asked. He
did not even know if he had banded
in his own test paper, so we decided
he must have had at "lapse of mem
ory." The whole class wished to
ostracize hint.
BE.vsojf ftwroor,
A meeting of the Benson Parent-
Teacbers' association was held at the
school building at four p. m., Sep
tember 29.
Some of the regular and special
business was acted on after which
the deferred election was held.
Mrs. B. W. Maddox was chosen
president, and Miss Frances Potter,
Mrs. Bemis, the retiring president
made a short tat etpresslng her
thanks for the hearty cooperation
nf the parents with the Parent-
Teachers' association. She also ex
pressed a regret that she was leav
ing the association, bttt was obliged
to because of her numerous duties
elsewhere. She epcU to devote
considerable time to perfecting a
high school Parent-Teachers' associa
Up to the present time we have
been well blessed with visits by par
ents. Over twenty have already been
The enrollment of the Benson
school has steadily Increased since
the beginning of school. In fact the
number enrolled the first day was
269 and it at present 306.
Tho following la a very Interest
ing letter that the seventh grade re
ceived from a seventh grader of the
Ttandon schools and also a Tery fit
ting reply by Ralph Church.
isanaon. Oregon,
Sept 20. 1921.
Pupils of the Seventh Grade;
Dear Friends:
We wish to learn more about your
city and surrounding country. Our
ity has a population of about two
thousand. Most of our business
streets are made of plank on piling.
Most of the business houses are made
of wood.
Our manufactures consist of a
condensery. a large saw mill, a cedar
mill, a veneer plant, a planing mill
and an Ice plant.
we have three merchandise stores.
two clothing stores, one shoe shop.
one jewelry shop, one dry goons
store, eight grocery stores, three
drtig stores, three meat markets, one
confectionery, four pool halls, two
hotels, three restaurants, two banks.
wo hospitals, two dental parlors.
nd we have three resident doctors.
Onr besch la considered the most
beautiful in America.
Please let at hear from yoa soon.
Tours truly.
Seventh Grade Popllt,
Bandon, Oregon.
Benson School,
Roseburg, Oregon.
To the Pupils of the Seventh Grade.
iiandon. Oregon.
Dear friends: . "
The letter you sent was read by
our trammer teacher, atlas potter.
We were very glad to bear about
nandon, and I shall now tell you
what 1 can about Roaehurg.
We have do wooden block streets.
Our streets are concrete and asphalt
The river run through
Roehur and tha f moon Valley
making the land very fertile.
Oor chief Industry Is fruit rais
ing. While your heat Is world fam
ous so Is our fruit It It apple and
prune picking time now. Both are
sent to most Darts of tha world. We
also rats paara, peach, obarriM.
Tour town tt a harbor Pat baa Bo
i lallroad.
' iV ral"'"li "'lon
. writing- crow. So train can tto
"Tki ttw' oar wttnout (topping,
This city is built
uui over water as hsnitnn i
We have a iwnulaii r,t M,,f
fig thousand if the census doesn't
say so wrhave Vhre. , .TV'
and one V
Nearly twelve
tour school. h
atreets. We ZZtoCZgJ? TOOm bwk ltt hlt
"toLVlVL ,. i Thla ,a 8r "- room
rii.r! ty of any c!iy ,D 1118 ls- If b student is in the high
iT. ,S,tales- A twenty-five mile school butldtnir at SO minute, to S.
wind seldom comes to Roseburg. We of 3 0 minutes to 1, be musl go to
have aboni )hirv.i,-
j v. ii.i a w i rain
fall a year.
Our light and water plmt Is five
miles from Roseburg. Near there is
good fishing lor salmon and trout.
(V . " iisnwg near the.onigently and that no one communi-
city. We Save a good camntcround.
b ibck one ising that is
good puhllc library, hut mmtotr
wm raittvu ior U.
Jer thirty eraraeea w Iuum
Dum nere. Most of our bulldines
r oricK, martile and cement. A
few days ago several wnnrien hniu.
ings were condemned and win hv
io ob torn down
Roseburg is the cotiniy seat so we
nava a courthouse. We have a heau-
urui post office and federal building.
Oar school is built of brick.
HoMag to hear from you soon, I
SIncerely'your friend,
Ralph M'. Church.
airs. Arthur Taylor taught tor
Miss La Liberie Tuesday forenoon.
the latter being temporarily out of
commission from the effects of a
had cold.
ihe announcement that scarlet
fever had appeared in the home of
one of oar pup! is .proved to be
false alarm, for which we are all
Misses Nellie Thomas, Haze!
Payne, and Wanda Woodln, of the
high school teachers' training class
are otiservlne the work of the morn
ing classes in the several rooms this
The delaptdated condition of our
school fence and walks Is a disgrace
to trie community and one that pro
vokes comment fai from compli
mentary to the school authorities.
Protruding spike heads and broken
planks are a menace to the safely
of all who are obliged to pass over
Screens on school room doors and
windows would be a blessing this
time of the year. The boose fly
causes much annoyance to teachers
and pupils and is Just as unsanitary
nere as la the home.
Following the pian of last year's til
weekly grading system, the grade;
for the first two weeks of this yeaf
were posted Monday afternoon.
There was the usual excitement and
commotion caused by the appearance
of everyone's grades on the bulletin
Upper classmen are wondering
what shade of green the Freshman
will take for their class colors this
We notice that some of the desks
are receiving "the jack-kntve's carv
ed Initial."
Something We Hpe to Hear
"Right here! Just off the press!
Higb School paper! All about the
big assembly! II. S. wins in foot -
tail!" .
Miss Meek ."James, what Is
James "A cube is a solid
rounded by six eo,tial squares."
Miss Meek "Right La Verne,
what is a cone?"
La Verne "Why a cone Is er
a funnel staffed with ice cream.
, ,..? ... play any musical instrument suitable
Dad W here were you witb ' nT ta KiKrt VJ st or.
the car last night? During the year play, ere put oa by
Ford Singleton. "Oh, a bunch otidifferent class and organisation in
ns fellows rode around." (the high school. It Is necessary to
Dai. "Well, tell them not to I
leave their hairpins in ibe car next
Why is Roseburg high school like
s, hard boiled egg?
ISecanse it can't be beaten.
Sfiss Mek. "Were you copying
his aotes?"
Lois W. "Oh no. Ma'am! I was
only looking io see if be bad mine
Heard at the Bulletin Board Mon
day Lemrse see what 1 got la English
where 1 it? Oh here my con
science! Isn't that awful? Helen
got higher than I did and sbe hadn't
reclied hardly any an' 1 got a higher
grade than she did in that test, too.
Oaeh! Let's get out of here. My
hair net caught on thai Freshman',
coat button and It's just ruined.
In a rather stiff examination given
recently by Mr. Hirhards, lbs claw
was asked to name the eighty ele
ments, and Phil, hard pressed for
time, wrote: "Tbe son and seventy
nine raindrops."
Jim Pickens. "I woke up last
night with the feeling that my gold
watch was gone. The impression
wss o etrong thai I got op to look."
Tblma "Was It gone?"
Jlat, "Mo, but it was going."
lf udnt happen, to get
r later
" "
n D IO bee-iSne
the certain room he has been as
signed to and proceed to improve bis
Knowledge, every rou room has
teacher in charge whose chief duty
(Is to see that every one studies Tery
cates the latest news io their near
est neighbors.
In previous years the whole study
hall was in an uproar until time for
school to start. Now it is as qaiet
ns a mouse. Many students used to
come to school early for ihe purpose
of studying, hut tt would be useless
because of tbe noise. Now tbey tan
study In peace.
On the other band, those who
want to hare a good time before
school starts do not favor ihe roil
room system. But what Is school for,
anyway? School is the place where
one goes to learn. Amusements are
provided out of school, therefore
everyone should come to school with
a view to studying.
' Soon after school started the vari
ous classes met to elect their offi
cers. Tbe Senior class met and elected
the following:
President, Allan Hewitt.
Vice-President, La Verne Hawn.
Secretary, James Pickens.
Treasurer, Lloyd Paiferson.
Sergeant-at-Arms, Hazel Wade.
Class Advisor, Miss Hoiiopeter.
The class dues are to bs twenty
flve cents a month.
The 3unlor class elected the fol
lowing: President, Willis Moffltt
Vioe-Presiient, George Singleton.
Secretary, Mary Reams.
Treasurer, Grace Wickham.
Sergeant-at-Arms. Leo Beckley.
Class Advisor, Miss Martens.
The class dues are to bo thirty
five cents a month.
The Sophomroe class elected tbe
President, Merle Clark.
Vice-President. Paul Trueblood.
Secretary, Esther Eiiroond
Treasurer, Helen Churchill.
Sergeant-at-Arms, Ony Perrin.
Class Advisor, Mr. Richards.
The class dues are io be fifty
cents a semester.
The Freshman class met and
sleeted :
President, Percy Webb.
Secretary, Bertha Kohlhagen.
Treasurer, Hall Seely.
Sorg.-at-Arms, Thomas Nobblett.
Class Advisor, Miss Meek.
Many R. H
S. girls are taking!
advantage of
tbe opportunity tolt.n- mil t,t,! (mimlmil
learn cooking and housekeeping.
v...nni.nAtKM t
Some girls consider tbe science of
cooking as a homely task, but it is,
in trath, one of Ibe finest and most
useful accomplishments a girt may
learn. In Europe all well bred girts.
even daughters of royafiy, must
losrn cooking and housekeeping. No
matter what a woman s station or
railing in life may tie, she will i-
nn 11 10 . ,
(Pla - COOK na ,erve wc" "
meal. -
t'HKSTIU A high school cannot be a success
unless ii has a good ntwl'al organi
zation, such as a band or orchestra.
Roseburg high school la going to
i hare a good orchestra this year,- so
1 it is necessary for vreryone who can
have an orchestra to tarnish music
for these occasions. The orchestra
also can furnish jnnsie t il as
semblages which always q!cken the
spirit of the student. It also afford
eicellpnt training for those students
who sign up for it.
Stadent body membership tickets
were placed on sale at tbe high
school Wednvssday morning. A large
number were bought at the first
rVcnre. The price, this year are
t ? fc girts and J2.S0 for boys. The
Kay cents advance la boys' ticket
was agreed apon last year in the In
terest of football. Prises were
awarded the classes for one hundred
per cent membership. They eonsisi
ed of pennants for th lower class
men and a cash award equal io ihe
price of a pennant for the uppwr
classmen. Vp until Trdy night
approximately half of the tickets had
been disposed o!, and it was expect
ed that the other halt would be off
our hands soon.
By purchasing a student body
ticket a student is entitled to a re
duction in ihe price of ell high
school acttrttles snrb as football,
basketball. bss'bsll. or elaa or high
school plays, fie I also an active
member of the association, that i.
he Is allowed to enter into Inter
class debates, games or track meei,
On the whole, studant, find that by
purchasing a 1, B. A. ticket tbey can
cave themselves money.
The standing of the classes at soon
Friday was follows ;
Par Cant
Senior 81
Junior ... . , ,100
Sophomore . ST
Freshnron ........ . 54
WAITi.VfJ Nr.fcl MBtftJ CO-
The student employment bureau
which was started ibis year in tbe
Roseburg high school, has th names
of a great many student, listed,
waiting for call from the public for
odd Job. Tbere is a large number
of boy who are willing to do such
worfc as splitting kindling and wood.
running omnia, tending furnaces
and various other lobs. 3irl are
willing to do housework, souee
cleanlng, taking care of babies,
eierSing and typing. Most of these
students wish to work after school
and i Saturdays.
The high school Is trying to make
a success of ihia veninre., but it can
not o done clone. What la needed
now is the co-operation of tho public
and It la sincerely to be honed that
two Bureau wiii be ept in mind.
The student employment bareaa
has not been tried before, but it has
been tried in the schools of Seattle
and Ols'mpla and has proved a suc
cess. With tbe eo-operaiion and :
good will of th puhllc. tt will be:
made a Year around proposition and
a success.
The alumni team defeated the
high school eleven in an exciting
football game Saturday, September
24, on the high school field. The
alumni team, having bad rooTO foot
ball experience thaa the high school
team, succeeded in defeating tbem
by a scoreot seven to nothing.
A teasn consisting of former Rofr
ourg alga scaooi men, most of whom
nan Tiayea toot bait Before, wu
picked up to give the high school
team some practice. The two teams
were erenly matched, the alrnnni
team lacking practice and the high
school team lacking experience. Tbe
game was exciting and the high
school team made a good snowing.
though they did lose with the email
aenra of 7 to 0.
Tbe high school field was cut in
sbape Saturday morning for tbe
game, and also for the further prac
tice of tbe team.
About thirty Seniors met at ibe
Rosebnrg high cfcool to enjoy a
good old-faahioned picnic. Tb Sen
iors left tbe high school about S:3f
and motored to "tbe forks." A is
true In most cases, the Seniors en
Joyed the ride considerabiy, for there
is no greater fua than going In a
groop in ears for several miles.
Because of come rolsanderstano-
ing, the "eats" did not arrive until
late. This was well because they
were bolter appreciated by the starr
ing Seniors. Some of ihe boys bad
Inst finished a most thrilling football
- n.h K,tt h n buna nA
' ' ' . - , :
as a picnic iuncb, who woutdo t want
to go again? Whifo ibeae bunjrxy
seniors were making the wafer
melon seeds fly, it began io sprinkle.
This did not bother the seniors, who
after three eniire year, were tieed to
The picnicker sat around the fire
letting stories and spinning yam,
until lime io go home. Thea the
seniors all trooped to the car and
were taken borne, arriving there
about 9 o'clock, declaring lbey bad
bad a roost enjoyable time.
Because the furnishing of maga
zines for the high school library dur
ing ihe year was problem, ii was
decided that ibe student, contribute
whatever amount they wSsweo io ibe
library fund, since they were the
ones who used the library.
Tho following roil rooms con
tributed to the library fund:
Assembly !?.
Room 2oJ
fioom 2o 2(W
Room 305 2 23
fioom JOS S 8
Room 21 S 1 53
nnnm 2flJ 3.99
These amoanis are merely approxi
mate. s thu pledgee heTe not been
fulfilled and there is a small amount
to b turned over from the facnliy.
Football practice ba really start
ed. Every day.rein or hln, find
the boyc and "Dad" King oa tbe
field, tackling, running Interference,
and learning tbe thousand and one
olber thing they must know.
Rlnce jlct Satnrday' defeat at
the band of iha "Outlawc." practice
ha, asf umed a more seriou aspect
Spirit at cbooI Is high. The girl
are backing the team io lb limit
and II doesn't need a flropi-rft to tell
u, that c week from Saturday when
we clay Collage Grove erery high
girl, ce well ea boy, wiii be on tba
field cheering iha team.
The Jnacber, who bare taught
preceding years et high sebooi, gave
a entertainment to welcome tne
new teachers, ct Idlers Teg. fioai
riding waa on of tba mala features
LviT vc were eerved. Everyon
reports e zsotl enjoyable tittle.
Sfartint- this week, the home eco
nomics claeiw, r taking; full labor
atory work. Ciaaaea 1 in domeaiie
art are now doing handwork. They
have made curtain for tbrs room
to the a!ga ccttool and ace now
working on fudge- apron. Tbe ad
vanced; classes of domestic art are
roakisg fail fcata. Classes I in do
mttc science hare eeeo cooking
vegetables and ib advanced riassea
are canning fruit end making Jelly.
Tbo giri, art taxis interest io
thla work, end under the aaoervtaioa
of Miss Emms t'eland, aspect to ac
complish much thla year.
Wiii there be a ft, H. S. football
team? There certainly will, bat we
need more men, say, "Dad" King.
"Dad" 1 working hard to pat Hose
burg on the mao. but B can't do It
sione. Those turning coii for prac
tice ere doing good work, hut there
are not enough on tbe first team yet
end eecoad teeat le seeded. Freeh
men and Sophomores r esoeeiaiisr
asked to came out, ce It wlll be they
wno wiii fiTO to UDhrfid K. H S.
football next yeer.
Mr. Kamm, our superintendent.
Mr. Tayolr, oar principal, anad oar
coach are all encouraging clean cod
tasr sportsmanship. They think lbai
a team is enabled to eley better
foolbaii by piaying a good' clean
game. They lo went every player
oo the team to be. eligible.
The city council ahowed they were
beariiiy behind tbe Roseburg bigb
school In their football activities br
tending them the city road scraper
to scrape tne football Sold. Tbe ttiy
ient this scraper to the bigh school
three years ago and if was badly
damaged. However, they coaseated
lo lend it again. They also loaned
the alga echool come fine hose to
the field. Tbe cbamber of com
merce hee elea expressed Its wla to
belp ihe bigb acboo! in any way it
might in getting football started.
Football is a now sport In tho high
school, and the school la looking to
the business men of Roseburg: or
backing. If they will get behind
as the city council and the chamher
of commerce baa tfopst, we are as
sured of success.
Mr. King, in behalf of tba boys.
wlehee to thank the Ford Garage
and cily engineer for ibeir services
la cleealag ead laying aat the
Mr. Darby, the well knows drug
gist, ba offered a $T.6 fountain pen
to tbe boy showing the most im
provement up to the time of tbe first
game. Mr. Darby is backing H. K
S. football team very etrongly, end
baa done aereral thing already thai
have won the epnrecletios of the
football aonaii. Tbe team feel ibat
the pep. enthusiasm, end encourage
ment given ibero by Mr. Darby will
go a long way toward winning- ell
in gnnre-a tney -wiii play.
Tb following i lb fooibaii
schedule for 1821:
Cottage Grove Oct. 7 at Rosebura
eugeoe Oct. 21 at Roseburg.
Host-burg Cel. SS at CoL Grove.
Roseburg Nor. i at Aabland.
Grants Pass Nov. II at Roseburg.
ttoeebure; Nor. 2 at Ocanis Pass.
There has been a great deal ot
he regular R. II. S. spirit shown
tbi year among tbe different etu-
deatc concerning basket bail. Al
though we have tlw loss of our two
fora-artle, our center, and one guard,
we can't be boibored. There are c
great many girls In R. 11. S. that
we know wiii make good basket ball
pleyere. end with "Dad" JCg a
our coarb, wo'ra Quito ,f to de
velop e epleatttd tau. We are go
ing inio ii wiin lbl motto; "Win or
Bust," end It we don't win, we're
sure it -won't be our fault.
1SW STIW Al cirt
An laduetrtal Club Is being plann
ed by Mr. King of the Manual Train
ing department cad Mr. Baker Ibe
Commercial department
Tbi club te an organization help
ful to all Inferesia lis purpdse will
be fo lake as the various phases of
conventional profession, ft wiii give
tb students an idea of what prepar
ation la peerfwl io enter certain Ha
of work, where this work l loraicd
and the opportunities afforded men;
fnterinj; tt.
Tba Vocation dub met Friday af
ter school for tbe purpose of dis
cussing future work.
3 September H. 1521. the first
meeting at the OirtV CSi was held
in tba assembly room tr the par
t of welcoming tbe Incoming
Freabman girls, who comtrtK-a
well with the dress reguiaiion rule.
Tba Oivi' Club i mede aa of ail tbe
rlrlc of Roseburg high school.
When tbe blushing Freshmen girt
were calm. tfc rriTy Td for
ibeir benefit the peneltte for -viola
tlon of the tires reform raw
adopted by the fllrle" Club for I5J1
22. The preside.! waa given ivr
io appoint a comatltteo of Jbree giri
In draw np a new Constitution e
iha old one wa, loet. A cemroiiiB
of two girls from lb upper clesees
4 one from the Freohmen class
wa appointed for ib purpose of la
vesrtgetlne violation of tbe rate.
Tbe doty of 1bes sir!, I to fine
thorn violating the rule and ii re
port Jo tbe president if tbe reeeott
-tveo for the act le not satisfactory
J At tbi time- aSso tb slab ciectcj
: Mice acter ec faculty clrtesr,
Tbe wcosd meeting - called by
the srectdiat aa September 1-U5l.
The new constitution -ws read By
tee Secretary tad, soepta. The
rules for tb a St is nat room war
teed, end f trie frost the Senior ciaat
were rhoaea for tba car of it for toe
following two weekc. A committee
of one was chosen io purchase tredi
ctaec for the medlclu closet of ta
rest room. Tbe president introdu-o-d
Mice Geetec, the Faculty aorisor,
to 1b iTi at tbi torn. Mi, Saater
gave e chart te;k And tt wu ja bar
suggestion that tba club adopted; the
ntatte: "Pull Together" for ti& com
ing 7ay, Ifsder tba adrle of the
new advisor the club is tare- to i a
success fbi 7ay,
Tbe bigb school student were dis
missed from scsoo! ai tco-iiiriy Fri
day moraine, September iS. la order
that they migb! see- tba Seiit-FSota
Circus parade. Oa halt of the morn
ing acbedaie a put ihrosxb, n4
at tbe 5c, tbe building wee eooa
cleared and ibe aiudents pos'.wt
theraaelve oa. the ttp-tra street
corsere, where 5 bey gased at tba
passing procession.
dent, have contributed material for
ibi page: Vera ttouscr, Harold
Woodruff, Grace Carroll, Aadrer
W'biia, Earl Palierson, Edna Perrio,
Xovc 1iugh, Gladys Ceratena, Jaew
Caiboun. Liiiia CbristopberaoB, Wil
lie Motflt, Charley Tbaratoa, Le-a
Wrigbt, Xelroa Lyoum.
Poison oak has been bavin- a
"swanky" time playing erouad end.
Visiting most of tbe faculty.
High school students ere looking
;for odd lobs and asyona witb any
itbtajr caitable for ctudentc to Aa
i before or after school or pn Satur
day can ct these ctadeat by letting;
either Mr. Taylor or Mr. C O, akr
of tn Commercial deocrtmcat know
yoar wania.
The teacberc ot the H. 8. are plan
ning to make Improvements In tba
teseaers' rest roost.
James LawTesca from liiiiard o
tored bigb ccbeot cs e Freehmas taat
La Verse fiuthertla oc4 tbe mis
fortune io break bla arm last Sun
day while cranking William Srad
jborn'a car.
l.yle Roadotca h entered high
school a a special student.
Tbe Jntttor clce hare planned a
picnic Saturday nigbt at Alexasder'c
Mis PaTroit entrlatse4 tt Iter
home oa Saturday afternoon, Sep-iembe-r
Jb, tbe lady member t
the Racchurg high, school fatuity,
Tbe first part nf tb afternoon wee
eajoyebly cpeat Is eewlsg and later
rafiesbrowsis wera aervol. There
were about twelve present inciutling:
Ibe boites.
Luclea Coblt and Helens- Wood left
Tuesday morning to attend the State
Fair et Salem. Permission -waa
granted under tba rules ot the school.
A Junior class meeting wa neld
Wednesday, September IS, l2l, to
decide whether the ciaa wanted a
picnic on next Saturday. It wa vot
ed upon and carried in fcavo on.
Tba president gave c ehort talk oa
the sale of Std Body lickat.
JfeiHe and ilae Baker entered feign
school Juniors iasi Monday. Tbey
foimwiy wont to cfcol la CaHfor
ala. A "Good Saeecli" week te fcemg
planned by Mr. Taylor, bigb acbool
principal, and Mis, Parroti who a
charge of the Sfiir Engiiab claseee.
Tbi 1 an Innovation la ear nign
school and wiii undoubtedly be In
teresting a welt a great deal tf
practical raiaa.
Tbo nramatT clah I feeing r-TT-
eanled nnder b direction of Mis
Parrott and plan r being formu
lated for an inifrciina; sssson title
ear. Further aotlce of title activity
will appear wneat.
Over 2.fp people read lb tol-
amn pf tbo Newa-Revlew ecclt day.
K pay, to advertise!
-. ikr wat
wetf ew -wmf-wwr J-