THURSDAY, BErTEMHEn 29, 1P21 ROSEBVUa HTTWB-RKVIEW nan m 2 SEASONABLES REASONABLE MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Men's fancy balbriggan unions $1.00 Men's " ribbed medium weight unions $1.50 to 1.75 Bradford's wool unions, good weight 3.50 Men's guaranteed, all wool... 3.1)5 to 4.9j MEN'S SUITS. Dorfman Bros. & Styleplus, regulars and stouts. If you need a suit look them over 19-50 to $3o.00 WOOL SHIRTS Men's heavy wool shirts, assorted colors 2.50 to 2.95 Men's all wool army shirts--$G.50 seller 4.00 SHOES Men's Goodyear welt, black & brown 3J5 to 4.95 Men's army shoes 4.95 Men's loggers, hand made Chippewa 12.50 THY US on InfiintK' shoos, boys' and girls' and grown girls' shoes. Sample shoes for ull members or the family. kigii r run i:s Aitt; out sitcicss M. CLYDE KELLY Under a bill Introduced In the house by Congressman M. fciyas rveny hi Pennsylvania, member of the Presl Jent's cabinet would be entitled to oe- udv seate on the floor of the senate tnd home with the right of taking part in debate on matters pertaining o their respective departments. C. J. BREIER & CO. t L1X.IO.V WILL MKKT, a, a, I'mnaiia Vost of the American Tjegion will "leet at me armory NOTICE. UUYINCi roWKK ADVANCES. CHICAGO, Sept. 28. nuyliiB power of the people of the United Stales will advance, and may reach a CT;.fi:fi?i; on of"Ku- Tuday evening. October 4tb. lOene Meyer, Jr., of the war finance at 8 o clock. r..ra,inn ir Mever conferred with representatives of eight states called today by the iarm bureau fed eration. Ho Is returning to Wash ington from a trip extending to the l'aclflc and In which bo has inwt tho business men of practically every stats of the middle west, the coast, and a part of the Bouth. His statement came after a two hour session In which Air. Meyer presented tire financial conditions of the country to his auditors, the pos sibility of Increasing credit where needed, and tho lines, which If fol lowed, might result In tho largest In dustrial advance. AM Aid A QLAllANTINK IT PORTLAND. QUE., Sept 28: An order authorizing the sale of the as sets of the defunc,t bond house of Morris Hrothers. Inc., was Issued in federal court today by Koferee A. M Cannon. Under Its terms. Trustee Karl G. Uronaugh may dispose ol tne assets at nrivate Bale for a minimum of approximately 1,000,000. The or rfer wu obtained so that an organi zation formed by the creditors and known as the Morris Hrothers cor poration, could take over the oia comnanv a affairs. John L. Etherldge, former presi dent of Morris brothers. Inc., who was arrested following the bond house crash last December on charges still pending with the reorganization committee. BALKM. OHK., Sept. 1!8. Charles Park, president of tho state hoard of horticulture, announced today that It will be necessary to quarantine Malheur county on account of weevil found In alfnira In that county, and that action will be taken at once to prevent the shipment of alfalfa Inio other counties. A proclamation in line with Mr. Park's suggestion prob ably will be Issued by Governor t)l cott. On a recent trip lo eastern Ore gon Mr. Park said he found the ap ple prospoct especially good. In tho prune districts of eastern Oregon he also found prosperity from tho fact that all prunes aro being sold green and at satisfactory prices. The refreshment committee of the Menial Culture Club wishes all members who expect to bring guests next Tuesday to please nouiy mm, A. C. Murslers. o 1 1 i.i.i:ino I'.-T. meeting. Frlduv evening at 7:30 o'clock the Fullerton I'.-T. association will meet in the school house. Following tho ,.i..,.iii,n nf officers there will be short program and reception to the i,.,ietier I, i!hl reiresnmenis win ho m.rved. A large attendance Is ex pecied. i j, mum ATTENDANCE itifoitu lo Itlll.Mv i IT lint who inn pulnt like nature? Tun IliiiiKliiHtlnii bnust Amlil Its Rsy creation. Iiups like herst Or run U lit them with that mutch less Kklll Ami lesn thm In each other, as ap peals In every bud that blows. Thompson. SWEETS AND SALADS. J. E. MeCllntork, who Is serving as cashier at the Slate l'alr, writes lo friends In this rity that tho at tendance this year Is excelling nil former years nnd that a record Is he-' lug set. A total of t .000 season lick els have been sold this year ai against 1.100 bought last yenr. Simple Desserts ho tiny, during A jitney daueci will be sponsored by the Hauglilors of Isabella at the Miiccahco hall Monday evening, Oc tober 3rd. RAM III II 1M sentenced rKri.KTON, ohk., Ppt. ?i R 0. Nlrltnls. a rtnntllU rutin ty fnrmT ltvlni? nnr lli-rtnlnton, wiim rrntfiirod lo tn In tho :itt ponitontiurv today nftcr ho hn-l ploarttvi utility In tho ctrrnlt conr to fi chftrK f RttHi k nn U yenr-nU Clnilyn Miller, a llortnUtnn k 1 rl Uttnlly hint tlto Im-ph ontiMod when a suit in vhfrh It. I. Millor. Iho ptlr.'a fatlmr, r.kf.! for il.oi' d i m ori'S from Nichols, wnt fUrd Ith tho court. Vhyl'-al In nriw And iiiintn1 distress to tho ivtl are VKTi:it.!4 iwss in iii:vti:v 1N'TT AWPOMS, Sopt. ?.- Thr chnt rn woro nflll rnuimc in ho rur f hunilrtMld of mm 1 in ! hroi's of th Clvit war tonUht. Shorttv h--foro mimlown tho renr r.-mVi of titr (Jmnd Arniv of tho ttf?Hi''l!r pno.' th rovlnwinc (tnn! if '"tnnuinil"i In Chl.'f W. A. Kotcltom. rlotln th nnnnl pnrudo of tho fifty -fifth on rampmont Throiiah trootj pn' Vo.l w It'i flar-wnvln. nhoutlm rli It'Mi. thr irrand army puradod. Tnnluht thr vtrran nought tho rot pt.i'oi pro vldod thronirhoiit tho dnnn'own dl frlrt. but toiliir thoy mnr-'hrd In'int 1ty. tramptnit In ptrn with th ninlc at war drtinm nnd fffo. Trorodlna tho pnrado, tho ( Tt rtotoitntoa pa.ard n rmotntl-'R "in donintn? tho Kn Klut Klnn T'u 8on of Vptorsn paod a 'ri'Mr rnolutlon. "Whatovor nny to i" parnod." nald tho O A. T?. roln tlon, "w bolloro tn method nrt nn-Amorirsn and that lt xNtanpp la a atandtitK nirna. to rontitnto l rownmcnt and to tho opon and Im partial admtnlatratlon of the law. nro tho nrdor of tlio heated term, Nerve fresh fruit lit least twit week, nnd olhr diiya aomettiliitc ea-y of preiuiru- 11. .m. Fruit Bra a Sponge. Arnina enU's of brent) In n howl and our over them enough hot fruit Jiileo to ho well uhsorhed. Let Vtand In a cool phuv for several hourM, then unniold und aevve with tu'ar and ereuin. Grapa Sago. Wash a cupful of and let It nok oer niuli t. Next liioniliii: cool until Iranwiretit, mid Int; a cupful of Kiapo Julte. Win u tutu Into n K'asH tlih and one with aweioiuHl cream. Any j;ood ttnxoretl Julio may ho used Instead of tho tern in1, uddhiir miliar If uuaweet viii'd. Herring and Potato Salad. Cook Milt henint; In hollhiK water l." min ute. tMalu, e.M-1 uud llnko. Add an etpial ipiaiitlty ef rubes of cooked h tn 1. 1. onefouiih tho uuaiitlty of hard rool.ed v-H i-hopptd OMirwly. Mar- liniie wiih a Kntuh dresint: anil mtip with the fulhmlinc oul.tfl ilress ln. I '-eat oiu'fourth of a cupful of cream until MlfT. add two tiiHepooii futs of eaiuied nd pepper, put through a fie e, then on euiutl uuaiitlty of hoi led dtvixlm;. Sen e on let t net. R.upberry Mint. To one quart of jiood Iruionado add ono cupful of rasp berry Juho and a dorn hruiwd mint tiil nnd leave. Lot the mi ft tun chill for two hours then remove the mint, till (he htse4 and tarnish each p'uss with a fresh sprin of mint. Mtiiittippl Chicken. l'ut through the meat chopper one fourth of a pen tut each t veal and fre-di pork, two nthvs of ha on mid a chicken ll er, half a K'rvcn pi.prr and two !rii.s of parsley, a teapo.nfu! of s-rap'il otiiitii and a tahirspontiful of V on o-irsli!ri' auv. half a teaspmHi fut of vitt. puptika to taste; mix well nr. -I stuIT the chicken. Haste often uii'i e.N k two hours; a'n with sweet I 'iitm s or rliv. (j.VI,K OF ASSCTS OIU)KKED GOVERN ISLAND LIKE VESSEL In Cuam the Usual Rouims " 6hip Is Obstrvtd w.m Serupulousitu, Th. r,.tit,. f a naval establishment gives tin unusual amount of. life to The plana of Atfann. Outun. Every inoru- at 8 o'clock the run u""" ' hies before the wili- and the iiaija.ui of the two flute aiaffs are uu.nne.1 by marines. J-romptly at the tirM sir., elBht bells," the banU lni Star Spaiit,'lJ Banner," aua tne i tlotial IhiK untl the bnlou Jata a hauled up, while everyone In and hearlnR stumbi at attention. All the chil.livli of the primary (,'ia.les have previously a-w inUcd in foruutiou the parade ground n-'i " "" thev to tlilouun cniii" - exercises while the baud plays suit able music. Ou Sunday mornings the men or Agaua are exercised in iiiiih'j " which Is roiiuiulKurv for all the able- bodied uieu withiu certain age limits. While they have a smmhird or uni form dress, this Is worn ouly on spe cial occasions. Vet dress parade Is a truly dlgulUed affair, for the youths maintain that erect and self-rcliau: carriuge which Is so characteristic 01 native races. Occasionally a most interesting drill is witnessed of the "carabao cavuirj, as it Is culled, although the mounts lire not water buffalo but domesuc cuttle. All through the day tne i.ens tell the time us on shlphoam aim bugles souud the culls that direct the military life of the station. Again at 7 o'clock In the evening the musi cians assemble ut the himilsiiinil and pJny classical und oilier selection for au hour, while the officers and their families stroll about In the cool of the eveulni!. KfcLIEF FOR HEAT SUFFERERS MILLS IX ACTION. Tho lumber Industry at Reedsport is allowing; more activity now than at any time during the past year, ac- oidiiiK to residents of that city Kugene yesterday. The planing mill which was destroyed by fire 1b being rebuilt and orders held by the for mer company will be taken over and ire sulficient to keep the plant busy for a year. The Winchester Bay Lumber com pany, which was closed for a long time, recently started operations again and Is operating two barges, ach of which carries 800.000 feet of lumber, to transport the product of the mill to San t ranctsco. C. McC- Johnson's mill Is busy cut ting spruce lumbar for the Crown- Wlllametto Taper company and mining with a full crew of men The lumber Is shipped to Oregon City by rail. Several small mills and camps north of Iteedsport have started op- rations. I nder present conditions ltedsp(irt promises to havo a bigger payroll In the lumber Industry dur ing the coming winter than it had At any time during the past year. 1I.IXCK. At the Klks' hall Kiiday night September lit). (liven by the Uose burg high rchool orchestra. Every body welcome. MISS LUCY PAGE GASTON mi.. Lucv Pace Gaston has resigned from the Anti-Cigarette League of America, which she organized and of which she has been active head for more than twenty year. Mies Gaston, according to a statement Issued by the board of directors, was too revolution ary In her fight against "tne weso, Insisting upon "promoting prohibitory measures" which did not meet with the board's approval. 1! YOUR PRECIOUS POSSESSIONS Tour heirlooms, etc., which money cannot replace, should have safety at all times. In our Safe Deposit Vault they are protected every minute. A 'Box here rents for as little as $2.00 and up per year. iX Interest faid on Savings Accounts TheRoseburg National Bank Rosebur,Ore. English 8avant Who Probably Knowa Offers Some Advice on the Proo lem of Keeping Cool. The obvious exdient of avoiding exposure to the sun, "snmiininnx foods and drinks, uud the use of dark aud beat-retaining garments is not always sufficient to keep the human body cool. In splto of these precau tions, many persons suffer from bent lunguor ("therinnl debility"), to the detriment of their health and elll-clency. It Is nearly one hundred years since the Slh-sluu peasant l'rlesaulu rein- ' ' ' WAIVES EXAMINATION ' I!. H. Adams, accused of at- tacking F. F. Smltn, deputy sheriff of Olendalo appeared before Justice of the Peace George Jones this afternoon. 4 Ho wns represented Dy Auor- t ney Coshow and when arraign- ol' nn a Mmree nf assault with a dangerous weapon, waiveu w preliminary examination. no n-na nlneed under SijOU DOnOS to appear before the grand jury and at a late hour this af- ternoon was arranging to fur- nish the bond demanded. J AROUND TUB TOWS Here from Glendale F. S. SmitVof Glendale, Bpcnt yes terday in this city attending to busi ness matters. Rosuinea Position J Miss Beulah Jewett, resumed her position at the News-Review office today after enjoying a vacation. Here From Elkton Wm. H. Levins, of Elkton, was a business visitor in Itoseburg for sev eral hours today. Ito returned to Drain this afternoon and will go back to his hbtne in the morning. Return from Grants Puss- Mrs. Roy F. McGee and Miss Olive Courtney returned from Grants Pass this morning after spending tne past two days visiting with friends and relatives. LllSEKTV BONUS NEAR PAR NEW YORK. Sept. 28. Trading In liberty bonds and particularly in Victory notes, again dominated the bond market todny. Dealings ap proximated $12,000,000, or almost three quarters of the day's total op erations on the stock exchange. traduced the curative use of cold. One I nPaVy transactions at private sale also were reported. Most of the lihertlf closed al Iriflinc losses hut victory 4 S-4's re pented tholr recent maximum of 99.- .r0 on sales aggregating Xj.suo.ouu par value. Included were individual lots rancine from small amounts to 200.noo. jr00.000, and one block of $1,100,000 which sold at 99.48. O : TKEATY API'KOVEI). REIM.IN. Sept. 29. The foreign affairs eommltree of the Reichstag today approved the ratification of iho pace treaty with the United States. CROWDING THE SEA SERPENT IN lt KKN'l - Kounis. :;ti KU.-riihin St A.l'l-;i 'lo Hl-:.l' iohii.i. w. It. War IH'l'. KkKi-IiUIK I. .lfell 1.1. ll'lt ItKNI'-ti room huitst-, i.iiil (ui liMMt-n. iioiuit u .u i-;.im i.nie M. I t'll .SA1.K-1 .'oi-, toiiiliiK tar. i h,-; til good gondii iuii. I'Iioiim 31.S-K. Hift HA LK -Shetland pony' wllii- lle uutl loulle. 111. (line A. A. llc-1 IUWS, .M II II A ry M. U A.NTKli u "rifle."in.r?5 itituKe 4111 MholKon- Alll.t he In K"oU MliU) -i- '-l rtfi M I nolle HI. I O t"tHll inert Jux.l'-j. rn-xll. Ki-KU io ice ji...e. run l.uv lor jn 'n a w. ti.-u.i. riiouo ai- IO KXl'llAMli;--Tenant III lno.l,. n house ,',,H,. In, .l.-mr.-H lo e rlniiiK( with l.-ii.iol In l,i, tiN. flirt I l r out. Alilt.-H Teniinl. Nt-wji lii-vli w. I HAVI-: a r,-v kooiI vnhi.H In a,'r"fiit"oT liu-liotlnir itttu-k fiuniM. fruit fKinis or lioin,-sl,-ail!. lr llit,.,..Hl,sl nu C'lia-H. K,.. il'.i . rim st. I on s W.I-:-"-Mol,-rn oUimVi . ,1 houne. t ll"K- I o. Koo.l IMillliloiiK. loo untl i"l.t wal.r: it, .0.1 r.uiae k wnh ih. I'lii.-e. t' $:';oio. Teiius. lii.iuiro t J .1 N' 1'liie si. I 1- ItullKUTSl SKU-CAll liT tl.MNS 1'! I or.l :.ol 1:1H l-'onl I'll; font )''. rnii 1 "i.i !. ll'ls fh,'rol.-t $:::, l''l l'oi,l li.ok .::.. l''IS ll.i'llitli.l l.,.-.n S.'i,Tiil olh."n K.iiv temm. r:i v. f.iss st m:i i'.iii iiai;,;ains ll.',.'. 011 H!i a Kiolrantee: l'Ml Hoi. k four. In .,-if.. l riinoln otil.-r. so".! tiii": t'sr h in hfi-n . "in- 'l.'l,.'i ov.-iiirtiil .1; 6'' ,ti I.r HH:ln( Hliy ilife'tle i with IM , .ir. Tim nri. e of his procedures was to linmere the hack of his head In a shallow vessel of cold water. We know now that external cold Is a powerful stimulant to the nerve cen ters nt the base of the brain, which govern the heart and breathing ami regulation of body heat. In hot sum mers heat Is Insidiously plied up in the tissues, nnd sometimes thermal debility passes on to thermal fever or "heat stroke." Anybody may prove for himself the refreshing coolness produced by bath ing the nape of the neck and the spine and the Inner side of the ttrms wllh Ice-cold water. As regards the pre vention and cure of heat-stroke, the experience of the troops In hot cli mates has shown the snme ettleacy of cold when applied on a more exten sive scale. From a Letter In the Lon don TlrepQ saved by His Cum. "There's superstition personified." said the tailor, as he nodded In the direction of nn elderly man who w-ns being fitted for a suit. "He's so super stitious that lie wears cuffs on the 1 trousers of Ms dress suit." 'What has his wearing cuffs on the I trousers or his dress suit got 10 uo with superstition!" the tailor was asked. "That man claims that cuffs on his trousers have saved bliu hundreds nf dollars during his life nnd he refuses to go without them now, even In eve ning clothes," the tnllor retorted. "Once he snld he droiuied n diamond ring somewhere and thought he had i '"eh a mysterious way Its wonders to lost It until he got home that night , perform. If this Is so, we arc certnln and discovered It In the cuff of his that for every view of the sea ser- Another time he lost a scarf- 1 I"''" ll'H " recorded on the part of ..1,1.1, I, inter found In the cre'tiMe witnesses mere win no m O'd Friend of the Ocean 8ummer Resorts Makes Way for Pirate Ship From Russia. We believe but one sea serpent has been sighted so fur this season. Per haps It Is still a little early, but the weather tins been hot enough to bring our old friend to the surface, and no doubt the frightened nnd delighted visitors nt shore resorts and those who go nut to sen In boats for a short distance will soon he rewarded with a s'ght of his ugly head or fascl nnted by the water churned up by Ihe swishing of his angry tall, llow ever, It Is possible, that the sight more calculated to thrill will he the pirate ship from Russia that Is moving In In Shopping Mrs. A. B. NIchen and danpn- Looking Glass, spent the day lo nit Mtw altnnillns ... 1.....: .. ....j,b iv, uuniuess mitten. Returns From Vacation ' D. D. Mathews, of the Motnr iv coaiine, returueu yesterday from his ittwuuii in yuuiis 111 wauiornit. In from IMllard Loren Miller, of Dillard, spent tie afternoon in this city attendinj to vartuug uusiuess matters. Return from Trip ' Weh Penny and Ike Todd, bite Just returned from a motor trip mrougn xetiow clone .National Park. Marriage License Issued A marriage license was Issued to day to Irvlnn Grimm and Cleou Sauvalne, both well known retideati of this city. Visiting at Wharton Home Mrs. E. W. Smith, mother of lift Charles Wharton, is spending t In days in this city visiting. She tr- Fine Is Paid t rived here last evening. J .N. Telford, of Looking Glass, ! , inHm innuniH In the recorder's , Ijeaive ir faieiit court and paid a fine of $5 for a vlo-j Dr. C. B. Wade "and Mr. and lln latlon of the traffic ordinance. Tel ford, it Is charged, was cutting cor ners at a high rate of speed and collided with a tourist car, causing considerable damage to the car and injuring1 an infant child of one of the tourists. Claire K. Allen left in the formw'i I machine this morning for Stlem, where they will enjoy a few din it I the State Fair. Uc4um from Coast- Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brooks, ef this city returned yesterday from t trip to Newport, where they lnvn I boon spending a few weeks vlsitim I Visited Interesting Points i, T. P. Hamster, nf rtORehnrcr. vis ited the Capital Park while touring, with friends. n.lirA.nla HM,nll a n A ntUa nnttltal - nf lnl.MI ,ln. ,! .rmind Sacra-1 TRAIXMKX VOTE TO STRIKK ested in Sutter Fort with its many I CHICAGO Sept. 28 -Ninety Jjr relics of the early mining days, cent of the ba lots cast by the broU whlch was the first home of the "hood of railroad trainmen on if white men In California and center cepting a reduction in wage, hror i of activities in the Gold Rush days of i waisoui, .1 was o '"7" '49. after two days spent in counting fit returns, which will not be complete until tomorrow. Ths cnnntlnir of the ballots of the brotherhood of locomotive engineers, Hand Is Injured Jess Miller, a resident of North uoseourg, sustainea a Dau injury 10 r "V : V , ,...ii,. fli-ram. his hand while taking a milk bottle brotherhood ' lomH0" from . pantry shelf. The bottle fell .order of W dcfc d and was shattered, a piece of glass! bw I chtnen s union of North Amena striking the man on the back of the I " " , 'j" :..r ths rwolU hand and cutting . deep gash. Br. I Xme7. wt. u tad? Hoover hhq nnii onA tt ixnnH of the trainmen S vote necessary to take several stitches to chase the wound. NKitiiinoRs ok woonrn kt t.iiic t'lrele No. 49, meets on 1st and 3rd Friday evenings In Moose hall. V'sit tng neighbors lntlted to nttend. PRtlDIK HITITNCIFR. . N. TTT.T.TW" T 101I.HVIM OlrV Hon of the stand the other orpolo- tlons would take. HEMSTITCHING IKPT. OPKX. The Hemstitching department it the Bellows store is now open, nri F. F. Jones. . - 8 i 1 . I I 4 i.ll! lo N ' M 11 like nrw. r.0,1. em r..r.i 1M7 for.l llrtrt.-i 1 'ui Olson niotorrv.-l $10. SUl.l. t IN K MV TKItM M A T H K. W H M 1 1 11 It X 1 ' 1 1 A Nf. K 1 IT .t. -on St W' AilKS-' hy work f-T .m'-. h. n oitr Ktent iinel nil loit K'i''s von s nn lllll,. ran. li'' It-s. I tl'is two o Ihrr tlm.'s. Slr.-p 01 ,'r It Then eoioi. nn.l tret It. li'1 S'-r. & n. '.- el"rtr.t. or''ls of elilisliK,. .-o,l flle room tioil!. pot. M on front l.srr. , hl.-krn t-oni.,. ir.l othr In-- I'lovrmrnt. llv .Irt'ien t'-toiiiih ili..-e. ntoiot two million f.,.t of Sooil ssw tinito'r: six ni'lt'H from town. Tni w.u.le rlij., ( ,r tw-cli hundred nollam and psrt of th it on tlnii I i.k It strain, whv work for wsfes" Orsh this sni kin yoor rood-vs A T lnSTfti.t. Oom'tir 'l Afent, 11S Case lrt. ri,on II. Pin. same place. After several other slml- lar Instances the old man came to he- j lleve thut cuffs were ginid luck and j now, despite my pleudlngs, he Insists on wearing them." Phones to Suit Patrons. "Svakli'g of service !" exclaimed the traveling man as he stood In front of one of the telephone biH.ihs tu the 1'eniisiliiuilii station, the New York Sun reKirts, "and conshleratloii of the public. You'd never get that anywhere except In New York." "Well." grinned a guard who was standing hy, "we strive t pleee, so when we found that some folks were iH short to reach the teleiiiones If equally credible witnesses who caught a glimpse of the new terror of the deep, long, low nnd dark, cither Just before It submerged or at the moment It ennie to the surface to cast Its eye nliotit for a new ship to capture and sink or to drug away the crew In Irons to r."W,evik Itussln. To the elderly skeptic who Inquired where such a craft seeured lis necessary fuel the less crltienl youtiiat woman answered that It probably niienited by electric Ity. Wtiut could be more probable Hnrtford Courant. Flowtr Worth Small Fortune. Ten thousand dollars Is an extraor. dlnary price for a single plant; yet It was lKi.d bv r.ltjllsh horticulturists they were high, and others had to al- , f,,r nnbid rnlsed In America, the most bend double to talk over them run, s; iins alba. If they were low. we we'd have Thls Vnttclova was flowered In 1010, 'em arranged accordingly. So we have ; Bt exbibltetl nt n on-hld show In the some for the tall guys and some for United States, where It was awarded Ihe little dolls, and a few that both ' n ei,) im.,i:1i. The plant was found In can use as they've got stools before i u-no ,,, f th(r ,pCm(,,t 0f them to sit on If you're lucky enmih Catleleyii gtens. It was only hy chknee to get we." Unit the plant was not sold for a dol- lar or two, The only reason was that Venerable Ministers. , nf;er most of Its companions had been Or. Oliver . Unkctel of New York ! "r on1- lth "ni others Is the nuthorltv for the statement i wvu' '"" ln v,'rJr condition. that there are SO ministers more limn 1 "" f"";ally all the spec! t ,1 iMdmmim 2Sc SSSSAS-SASll SS-SS i I Dorothy Daltonj In a romance sljttted In the haunts of society and showing goes on behind the scenes. ! "Behind Masks ninety years ..f age In active servlie In the Methodist Kplwii"l church. The oldest Is the Rev. Sclh Iteed of Flint, Mich., who Is ninety eight, w hile another Is nearly ninety seven, and three are n'netyslx. lll.'lis uer p.itteiL To Ihe gient surprise of the hortl rulturisu when, next spring, the plant came up It was with pure whits flow, ers. The plant was sold In London for perhaps the highest figure that an AIJIAXY SHRINK ItKUMOX. PAIIAMOV.NT SL(iA7.1XK A.M SXAPSHOTf. Tomorrow: Buck Jones In "TIIE'UKi Pl'M'" 1 So TODAY OXLY A PARAMOUNT 8PKCIAL .... thlnCS H " f. Though no one may know what life- Is come see ,,(, t nuule of! Tlie lop and the bottom, the boij nJti I the anil stlorr. All woven Into a tingling screen p j one of the great est mr-hxlrnnias ever strured.- j CHRISTIE COMEDY AND CHESTEB OirTLXO.