Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 29, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    tuxKKmo rRWK-RBVtBW THfRfenAf. sfptemrer an, mat
Hfll 1'MU
Veterans Get
Bad Treatment
EZ Si X TRADE-IN FKlt-b on this
jpWfS ffflHiitf Prest-O-Lite Battery
f $245 for Yours!
YES, Sir; only $2485
for a brand-new,
fost-quality Vvtst-O-Jjte
Battery, full of zip
and zing, and born to
livelong. Prest-O-Lite's
second reduction in less
than a year! And the
battery is better, too.
Here's a dandy bat
tery for Fords, Chevro
lets, Overlands, certain
models of Buick, and 27
other cars and trucks.
Come get yours. It
means $13.60 saving
over Prest-O-Lite's 1920
price! Drive around.
Pull up where
you ie this sign.
Other Prelt-O-lilts
in correct
,Ue for trery
mate of can
Roselmrg Battery &Electric Station
312 N. Jackson St. Phone 489
START Right with PnjeU-Q-JiX&l
Best for canning. Morgan's Gro
tnr. 149 Sheridan St, Phone 103.
Maternity cases taken. Guaranteed
good care by practical nurse. Call
232 South Flint St., RoseDiirg.
JEW i. J
ll1 ' II I
W M It A
v u
Paint Your Home
& w. P.
Inside and Out
The best finish for every surface. SWP
gives long service and it is so durable
that it gives the least expensive paint
service you can buy. It covers so much
greater area that it is the cheapest. Itp
faster working qualities reduce the
painters time and lessen labor expense.
Flan to paint your home and let us help
select the colors.
Four Passenger
0R those who prefer more slender and
distinctive'.line (n an open car, this very
popular model will instantly appeal.
Sit On
.rrT,r" njdii., in . MUotwtii
Washington, seut. 29 "ir
difference hnnlurtn.. ....
ligence characterized treatment of
service men of the world war who
flOCked tO Torrlnirtnn c..
torn bo r 2 to settle on newly opened
iana, the American Le
gion's national luPlalnHv.
declares hero following Its study and
.imi 01 ino iana drawing scheme
rur every man who received a
farm. 200 were turned sway empty-
u uisappointea the report
Joints out. Almost 4000 formor sol
diers, sailors anri m,.tn.. j
' ...... .... a, wuuilUUU
and disabled men among them, came
rum jt states of the Union to try
for the 20fi InvornmMii f..m.
order to got their names in the draw
ing pot, tne young men put up half
a million rinllm-H In onah
The majority of the half-million went
uuck into tne pockets of the 3.787
who were not lucky enough to get a
Governor Carey of Wyoming drew
the first card. The winner was a
soldier from Pennsylvania wnnnrleri
"With 200,000 veterans of the
WnrM Wni lanm,(n,r tnm n K n
go on the land and work," the Le
sion a suiienient reads, "tnis govern
ment has yet to turn Its hand to give
them fhnt Olrf tvlllnh anrA nmn,nn
sense, If not gratitude and gener
osity, would prompt. After all the
nroirmna ttr.r. In vhlnh 4h(o jn,,n
try has been engaged, there has been
suvt?j ututjiii juim m aiiiiuuuce ior
Oil tthn ttfinhaft nlnnaa- nn I.
Only the land hungry veterans of
1 1. . ... 1 . ... . r
iitrr oim wtw aeeiu lu ue uui ui
For these two days only will give
you choice of fifty trimmed and
tailored hats that are priced at $5
to $7 regularly, for $3.95. All this
fall s styles and made of silk velvets,
embroidered velvets, dovetyn and
combinations of dovetyn and tinsel
brocade. Come early for first choice.
Watch for our weekly special an
nouncements. Can save you money
on high grade pattern hats, sport
hats, sailors and tains. Mrs. Gray's
Millinery, at the Bellows Store.
Football Season
Starts Saturday
Football will crowd baseball on
western sport calendars next Satur
day, October , when games will be
played on nearly every college grid
iron on the Pacific Coast and In the
Rocky Mountain, district.
For most of teams, next Satur
day's contests will be the first games
of the season.
Saturday's schedule follows:
University of Oregon vs. Willam
ette University at Salem, Ore.
Oregon Agricultural College
Chemawa Indian School at Corvallls,
University of California vs. Olym
pic Club of San Francieco, at Berk
ley, Cal.
Stanford University vs. Mara Is
land Marine team at Stanford.
University of Nevada vs. Pacific
Fleet team at Reno. Nev.
University of Denver vs. Kansas
Normal School at Denver.
Colorado Agricultural College vs.
University at Fort Collins.
Utah Agricultural College vs. Og-
deir Agricultural College at Logan,
Pacific University vs. Mount Angel
College at Forest Grove, Ore.
Sherman Indlnn School vs. Whit
tler College at Whlttier, California.
Whitman College vs. Multnomah
Athletic Club of Portland at Port
land. Montana School of Mines vs.
Mount St. Charles College at Helena,
University of Washington vs.
Camp Lewis at Seattle.
Goodrich Tire Serrrce.
V. Lockwood Motor Co.
Sea Ol. C.
Veterans Direct
U.of 0. Team
EUGENE, ORE., Sept. 28. Three
University of Oregon graduates
"Shy"- Huntington, "Brlgh" Mitchell
and Bart Spellman, are directing the
football training at the alma mater
here. Ah three played on Oregon
teams together in 1815 and 1918..
Huntington Is head coach, with
Mitchell and Spellman as assistants,
inn ti.t'warri veteran Oregon train
er, is again at his task of condition
ing the mn.
Goodrich Tire Bemce. Boa u. C
A. Lockwood Motor Co
NP.W YORK. Sent. 29. Here Is a
man we can sympathize with. Either
he spends his leisure hours in an
anarMnent where all the other peo-
Fur Infant!
St bmlida
'pun onngna
"Pood Drink" 'of All Aget.
. - ruKM am!
QaKH iuncn nuiuo,v"i -Foontmint.
rrAroid Imitation. Sabrifatea
This is a Studebaker Y
For the first eight months of 1 92 1 ,
Our sales of Studebaker Cars were:
41 MORE than for the same period of 1 920.
101 MORE than for the same period of 1 91 9.
But our sales of Repair Parts were:
13 LESS than for the same period of 1920.
3 LESS than for the same period of 1919.
While the total numbers of Studebaker Cars
sold were:
326,000 up to September 1 st, 1 9 1 9.
375,000 up to September 1 st, 1 920.
442,000 up to September 1st, 1921.
Summing up 116,000 more Studebaker Cars were maintained
in operation with 3 less parts business than two years ago,
which conclusively proves that
Studebaker Cars are standing up in service and
staying out of repair shops, to a degree unex
celled, we believe, by any cars of whatever
The Studebaker Corporation of America.
A, R. ERSKINE, Preitdtnt
. o. 6. lactone, 90mctiv9 September 8th, 1921
Touring Cart and Roadttcrt:
Light-Six 3-Paas. Rodt.r.
Light-Six Touring Car
Special-Six 2-Pau. Roadster
Spcial-Stx Touring Car
Special-Six 4-PasM. Roadster... ...
Big-Six Touring Car
Coupee and Sedantt
Light-Six 2-pass. Coup-Roadstr.
Light-Six 5-pass. Sedan ,
Sp:ial-Six 4-pau. ri.ip
Special-Six 5-pass.
Big-Six 4-paafc Cup
Big-Six 7-pass. Swlan
- 2450
- 250
C. 0. THOMAS, Distributor
pie have gay and lengthy parties
every night, or else he listens to
people talk and typewriters click all
day. Or, maybe both! Anyway, hlB
ad in a local paper reads: "Wanted
Quiet man, middle-aged, wants
quiet room in Quiet family in quiet
neighborhood." His cause 1b hope
less but he has our hearty sym
They are going to try that famous
old first musical comedy, "The Beg
gars' Opera" again in this country,
this time with the orlgial company
which revived it In London two
years ago and has been playing It
ever since althoueh it is only seven
ears short of 200 years old. Some
of the company were In th presen
tation at the Greenwich Village the
ater last season and they and the
rest are coming over to tour the
country. It was first neara in I7bt
and has been revived several times.
When the first company came to this
country 170 years ago, the members,
had to work their passage on and ,
between decks, to say noining oi m
Vincent Cordulo put his hand In
the pocket of Mrs. Sarah Young.
2815 Coney Island avenue, the other
day, and drew forth a package neat-
yl wrapped in paper ana riDDon. jw
tectlve Sergeant Smith happened to
be looking on and placed him under
arrest. When the package was un
wrapped Cordulo found he had
stolen a dried herring which Mrs. was planning to send to a
'rler.d as a Joke. In addition to the
herring, he got sixty days.
The Provlncetown Players, who
started as a small but ambitious
amateur organization, have acquired
the Princess theater and will pro
duce their plays up In the regular
theater district for the nrst time.
They are opening their season with
"The Spring." a psychic play dealing
with several conflicting phenomena
of hypnosis. This was given last
season at their Macdougal street
plsvhouse. where it created decided
Interest but reached a limited audi
ence. ft
Every twenty minutes new busi
ness corporation is formed in New
York City: yes, even now io the
post-war days.
The most luxurious barber shop in
the world has Just been opened in
one of the transt'ornred hotel build
ings in New York. There are 4 5
manicurists in the shop, with de
partments for women as well as for
men. Tea la served free of charge
In the women's rooms In order to
help the customer withstand the
Bhock of her first hair boh. and all
sorts of other attractions have been
added to the routine barber-shop
program. It is said that the decora
tions In the place cost S250.000.
ft ft
The fame of the nohlo Roman ma
tron, Cornelia, who achieved the
fame by pointing to her sons and
saying, "Those are my Jewels," Is
Justified in the New York City
street which bears her name. It Is
doubtful If there are more children
In any one block in the whole city
that this short thoroughfare which
wedges into Sixth avenue at Fourth
street and slops shortly at Bleecher
street. Certainly there is no place
where they rate more to the square
foot. I was certain when I walked
through it for the first time the
other day that It. had been named af
ter Its tendency to large families had
shown itself, but the policemen as
sured me ihat "Cornelia street It has
always been, before anybody lived
there at all.
ft ft
"Kikl." the new Bolaseo play, Is
expected to open at the Itelasco the
ater on or about November 1. on
When the body begins to tiflcn
and movement becomes pain.ul it
la usually an indication that tha
kidneys are out of order. Keen
tbesr organs healthy by taking
JTb. world's sundaid r.m.d, for tridn.y,
Ht, bladdat and uric acid tronbl.
Famous sine. I69S. T.k. ragularty and
SMp in good haltli. to thra. alias, all
druggists. Guar.tit.Ml as r.prMantad.
Imek t Haa aaaaa Old M.a.1 Ml eomrt taaS
that dato, "The Easiest Way" will Return of Poter- Grimm" will ba
conclude its engagement at the Ly- transferred there from the Belasco.
ceum, and Mr. Warneld and "The LUCY JEANNE PRICE.
20 Reduction!
Have Just received a Una of woolens from tha largest woolen
mills in the East. I am new In a position to offer a rang of too
patterns from 121.50 to $48.00 for suit or OTereoaL Fit and work
manship absolutely guaranteed, .
Serrtoa First,
For a Short Time
ufltil the present stock
is reduced, we will
Sell Pure Lard
at the following prices :
10 lb Pail, $1.50
5 lb Pail, .75
3 lb Pail, .50
Louis Kohlhagen
The Cass Street Market
Phone 19 107 West Cass S