Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 27, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    m . nownrrnq mnr-iumBW TCKanAr. BKwomnt 87, mat. ,
r-rs rx . . - . - "" -ii
vEZl u W exploited foK profi
N .
lenuino whea
-.-TIT . '
y J g) Perspiration
,3 will carry you along
l.irfher th.a.rt,---vi
VS If Inspiration,. .-. . , T ,
JbiTway come d fasKions may go,
)1 but tailors' MI.J run, on -forever.
fflfearlessness trt inspiration of Loth, the
fteaiuj and the -tool.
y)Hel yawns -for the vWi-
drauAf.t rJe
opened wicte
whea he
mm f in ' r
7Z V-cl
pi When- a mut corcfesiss that ha knows
iiiirJ.yw caa fcet a hundred to one that
ha knows wiicH.. v a
A rick f.irlfc money talto?
hersM can ver hope moop" m
Oregon's Tested
Cows Show Gain
1 sain of 4.96 pounds of butter
litud 130.9 pounds of milk was
imged by the 2715 Oregon cows
l cow-testing associations In Aug-
1 S J I over the average yield of
KIWI) tested herds. The average
(ill cows as shown In the official
ajorl of E. B. Flits, in charge of
u:in association work for the
!nl department of agriculture
ui the 0. A. C. extension service,
m ;;j.2 pounds of milk and 32.4
Wds of fat.
"Tali bis sain is a remarkable
ior," says I he report, "especlal
krtmtlie unfavorable dry weather
i pew feed rnnditions aro con
dxi. It shows careful, system
ic work in herd improvement, a bis
fctor in lowering production costs.
"Association cows are In all stages
the lactation period and the avcr
w tatter fat yield or morn than
pound daily is more than -double
fct of the average Oregon cows,
w ! cow-tesiln associations.
"It Tillamook association, which
U hn in operation longest of all
-itont 10 years leads all others
ti rate with 11 36 rows averag
pounds of milk with 35.14
Ssnds of fat."
JJ( hiBhest yield from an entire
jl s r,3.S.-, pounds of butler fat
hy the Jersey herd owned by
Kinneman of the Tillamook
iion. which has the honor cow
month. This Is a Jersey own-
Hy Hediger. Her record was 88.-
Ponnds of fat almut five times
"erase yield for the state.
H:0,7.7B TtI.;.sK I HE
C'Kll'TS fJJ,',lr" of 8 sori''" of sectional
C ,"! of x""kts of the
p-y company
N mi an'1 17lh' O" a l"n-
Mnasers were ln attendance.
" "i iniinw nr tst.
I'aul o'n September 23ri and 24th,
Port land on September Slltb and Oc
tober 1st, and Salt Lake City on Oc
tober 7th and Sth.
Prevailing conditions as they are
generally undorstood to exist, are
noe reflected In mo financial report
of this nation-wide institution which
shows that for the first eight months
of this year, the (cross receipts were
$1,700,735.70 In excess of the fi
gures for the corresponding period of
last year.
President E. C. Sams attributes
this Increase largely to the fact that
the imblic nowadays is shopping
around and buying merchandise of
quality at 'the lowest possible price.
The purchasing power of such a tre
mendous organization ns tbe J. C.
Penney company naturally makes
possible the buying of selected mer
chandise of high quality so as to re
tail It at low prices.
Workers Band to
Hold Meeting
The members of tfie Christian
Workers Hand are looking forward to
a large meeting this evening, to be
held at the North Methodist church.
This body of Christian Young Peo
ple, organized nearly a year ago, and
has bad a regular enrollment of close
to a hundred members.
A meeting nas been held every
Tuesday evening since It organized
and they have been conducted under
a set of by-laws and a constitution.
An election of officers is to be held
this evening, and all the young peo
ple are extended a cordial invlta
tion to attend.
Owlntr to my being so badly
crippled with rheumallsm, I am com
pelled to go to some springs In n dif
ferent climate for my health. I am
offering mv tire and vulcanizing
shop for sale; I will teach you the
business. It will pay you to Investi
gate. U. H. GREKN
hhhiw nr tst.
5 The pleasure of drinking llV''!
Ul HILLS BROS. ' Ffe&5
fct CAN"COFEEE fctfl
jRreater than could be Pr?1
Ui lu"fHby many cups fwf
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of Ordinance No. 745 ot the City
of iioseburg, Oregou, passed by the
Common Council and approved by
the Mayor August 1J, l2l. a Spe
cial Election has been called and will
be held In the City of Koseburg, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 1st day of No
vember, 1921. for the purpose of
voting upon the acceptance or rejec
tion of the following proposed
amendment to the existing munici
pal C.V-r of said City of lloseburg.
Oregon, to-wlt:
Proposed Charter Amendment.
"An Act to amend sub-dlvlslons 44
to 61, both Inclusive, of Section 33
of the existing municipal charter of
(he City of Koseburg, Oregun, so as
to authorize the City of lloseburg to
acquire a water fnd light system,
providing for tbe issuance of bonds
of said city In the sum of Five Hund
red Thousand 0500,000) Dollars to
provide the funds therefor, providing
a tax for paying said bonds and the
interest thereon and provldiug a
sinking fund to pay said bonds, and
authorizing the Council to provide
for the management, operation and
maintenance of said water and light
Be It Enacted by the People ot the
City of Roseburg, Oregon:
That sub-divisions 44. 45. 46, 47,
48, 49. 60 and 61 of Section 33 of
the existing municipal charter "of the
City of Koseburg, Oregon, as enacted
by the legislative assembly of the
State of Oregon, by "An Act to in
corporate the City of Koseburg, and
to repeal all acts and parts of acts
in conflict therewith, to-wit: An act
entitled 'An Act to incorporate the
city of Roseburg.' approved October
3, 1872; and an act entitled 'An Act
to amend an act en tit ted an act to
incorporate the City of Roseburg.
approved October 19, 1880: and 'An
act to amend an act entitled An ac
to incorpo.-ate the City of Koseburg
approved February 23, 1889; also an
act amendatory of said act, filed In
the office of the Secretary of State
February 19, 1891; and klso an ac
to Incorporate the City of Koseburg,
and to define the powers thereof, ap
proved February 25, 1895; and to
repeal all acts amendatory thereof
and in conflict therewith," (which
act was filed in the office of the Sec
retary of State on February 22
1905), and as amended by vote of
the people of said city at an election
held May 6, 1907, and as amended
by vote of the people of said city at
the general election held therein on
the 6th day of October, 1914, and as
amended by voto of the people of
said city at an election held therein
on the 3rd day of June, 1915, and as
amended by vote of the people of
said city at an election held therein
on the 22nd day of May. 1916. and
as amended by vote of the people of
said city at an election held therein
on the 21st day of May, 1920, shall
be and the same are hereby amend
3d so as to read as follows, to-wlt:
4 4. To borrow money on the
faith and credit of the clCy; and to
that end may provide for the issu
ance nnd sale, of negotiable bonds of
the city for nny specific purpose and
to designate the manner and time of
payment thereof, and the interest
thereon; provided, that the amount
of the principal of said bonds so Is
iud for any and all purposes shall
never, except the bonds heretofore
issued by the city and now outstand
Ingi and except as may hereinafter
be provided by law, exceed In the ag
gregate the amount hereinafter in
this section authorized. It shall be
lawful and the council Is hereby
given the power, under the restric
tions herein expressed, to issue and
sell negotiable bonds of the city, the
principal of which shall not exceed
SAND DOLLARS, for the purpose of
acquiring, constructing and main
taining a system of water works or
electric light works, or either or
both thereof, for the purpose of sup-
plvlng water and electricity, or
either thereof, for any and all pur
poses for which the same may be
used, to said city of Rose burg. and
the inhabitants thereof and the vi
cinity thereof. The bonds hereby
authorized may be ln such form and
of such denominations as the council
may determine. The principal of
said bonds shall become due thirty
years from the date thereof, but any
part or all of them may be paid by
the city at the expiration of ten
years from their date, or at any in
rerest payment period thereafter
prior to maturity. They shall bear
interest at a rate not to exceed six
per cent per annum, payable semi
annually, and shall be sold for not
less than their par value. They liall
be Issued and sold at such tlms as
the Council may direct, but not so as
to exceed In the aggregate the sum
of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.
They shall b? signed by the Mayor
and Recorder with their respective
names of office, and shnll bear the
seal of said city. All bonds lusued
hereunder shall be deemed concur
rent and shall be without priority as
to each other. In addition to being
a general obligation of the city, they
shall be a first and exclusive lien on
all of the water and light system ac
quired with the funds obtained by
the city from their sale.
45. Said water ana ngnt system
mav be acquired either by original
construction, condemnation or pur
chase, or any or all of said methods.
the Council may deem m ana
proper, and satd water and light sys
tem or water or light system, and
any property condemned, purchased,
or otherwise neq'ilred therefor, may
he situated within or without the
niindarles of the City of Kowburg.
48. The Council of the City or
Roseburg, under the limitations In
his charter set out, snail at ail
imc have nower and authority to
nrovlde for the acquisition, either by
original construction, condemnation
or purchase, including ine conucm-
nation of sny existing system or sys
tems, and for the ownersnip. con
struction and maintenance of a sys
tem of water works and electric
light works, or either or both there
of, and for the Issuance of bonds
therefor. .
47 The Income derived rrom
100,000 Men Find J. C. Penney Company's
"Gentry" Clothing the Biggest Value
at Lowest Prices
(Tp 19.75 fTfc 27.75
VS. 22.50 Xk 28.50
J0) 24.50 Jj) 32-50
THE difference between buy
ing a Suit at this store and
elsewhere is the--difference be
tween paying for Quality, Style
and Lasting Satisfaction in good
tailoring, dependable fabrics, and
durability, and paying for a Suit
plus deliveries, plus middlemen's
profits and plus questionable
credit accounts.
The whole problem of buying
boils itself down to Price and
Quality. That is why one hun
dred thousand men are already
sold on J. C. Penney Com
pany clothing. They know
every garment is the best; fine
tailoring, all wool fabrics and
correct styles 1 Materials are the
best the looms turn out fine
worsteds, flannels, cheviots,
tweeds, mixtures, herringbones,
and pencil stripes.
Styles are up-to-the-minute, both
conservative and semi-conservative.
Coats in three and two
button style. Navy; gray and
brown as .well as mixtures pre
vail in the assortment.
Ever? Customer Benefits by the tre
mendous buying power of the J. C.
Penney Company, for it commands
the great markets when selection is
idlest, qualities up to the standard
and prices at the lowest level.
M! Rl I. M -til
( 'Incorporated
In the following order and manner:
fa). In the payment of the reas
onable costs and expends of operat
ing said system, including needed
repairs thereon, and collecting Its
(b). in tne payment of the In
terest accruing on the outstanding
bonds issued to secure such plant.
(c). In making extensions to and
Improvements upon said system.
(dl. In the accumulation of a
sinking fund for the payment of the
outstanding bonds Issued to secure
such system.
(e). In the payment or tne Don us
Issued to secure said system.
4 8. The Council may provide by
ordinance a. system for the manage
ment, operation and maintenance or
all such public utilities as may be
acquired by the city under the pro-
Inluns of thl charter, not inconsisi-
nt with the provisio-s 01 mis
49. The Council Is hereby u-
Ihorlied and directed to levy a lax
annually, in addition to the taxes au
thorized by sub-divisions i to , in
clusive, and sub -division fj or sec
tion 33 of this charter, ana in anni
tion to all other taxes authorized to
he levied and collected by this char
ter or any of the amendments there
in sufficient to pay the Interest ac
cruing on the bonds authorized by
sub division 44 of this section, and
after ten years rrom me ante 01 inn
luanc of said Donas, sucn lunner
said water an light system, or Issuanr of said Donas, sucn lurine
either thereof"'""' " ""pc-cd oflev, mjH nr to provld.
a sinking fund sufficient ln amount
to pay said bonds at muturiiy, or lb
fay said bonds or nny part thereof
at any option period hereinbefore
provided; and the Council may cause
said sinking fund to be loaned at in
terest upon approved security or In
vested in approved Interest bearing
securities in the name of the city
pending the application thereof in
payment of said bonds
60. The Indebtedness authorized
by this amendment to :he municipal
charter of the City ot Hoseburs is In
addition to all Indebtedness hereto
fore authorized and incurred by said
city and Is not to be considered ss
affecLed by any limits of indebted
ness In said charter or elsewhere.
51. All parts of the charier of
tbe City of Koseburg and all .irdin
Mice and parts of ordinances of said
ciiy in conflict with th" provlsl ins of
this charter amendment am hereby
amended, modified or repealed as I lie
cat:.? may require In order II at Ill's
amendment nay be in effect
The form In which said proposed
nmmdment shall api"ar on the offi
cial ballots at snld election ihull be
as follows, to-wlt:
"Proposed by the Counril
Khali the amendment of sub
dltlslons 44. 45, 4fl. 47, 48, 4!l. :.0
and 61 of Section 33 of llp charier
of the City of Koseburg, to author
ise the acquisition of a water and
light plant for said city, by original
construction, condemnation or pur
chase, authorizing tbe laauaac
of the city In a sum I
f 500,000.00 bearing
snlu of bonds
li'it to exceed
Interest at six .er cent per annum, to
be sold at not less than par, provid
ing for the levy of tuxes to pay luid
loi.ds and the Interest thereon ptid
to provide s sinking fund to pay ibe
principal thereof, and authorizing
tbe Council to provide fur tbe man
agement, operation and maintenance
or said system, as proposed by
Ordinance No. 745, be adopted.
Velefc "Yes" or "No."
Srtl). Yes.
rill. No."
Tbe Judges nnd clerks appointed
lo conduct said elef ion. nnd tbe vot
ing place In each ward for holding
t!ie siiine, bpr as follows:
Ward 1. - I'oIIinr rlace. court
house; Judges, F. W. Jilllard. Mrs.
Waller Good. Anns Hrvan: clerks,
Mrs. Floyd Wilson, Clnyto Illnrk.
Ward 2 Polling place. Douglas
Abstract Office; Judges, Mrs. H. H
Nichols. W. K. Marsiers, Mrs. W. 8.
McDIblnny; clerks, Mrs. Kd. Single
ton, K. D. Lewis.
Ward 3. Polling place, Roseburg
Hotel; Judges, Mrs. J. L. Chambers.
Fmma Olmsted, C. II., Hilton: crks,
Klla Stewart, Mildred Cook.
Ward 4. Polling place, clly hall;
lodges, C. C. Alley, Clins Hadley,
Ton Mcf'llntnek; clerks. Mrs. Ana
Cordon, Mrs. Paul Nvgren.
The election will commence at 9
o'clock a. m. on suld 1st day of No
vember. 1921, and will continue nn
til ( o'clock p. m. of laid day, pro
vided thnt Die Judgos may In their
discretion adjourn said election for
one hour at noon, duo proclamation
being made of such adjournment.
Dated at lloseburg, Oregon, bop-
tembe.- 20, 1921.
R. L. wiurri.R,
Clly Recorder of the City of Kose
burg, Oregon.
Ooodrlch Tire Hemes.
A. Lockwood Motor Oo.
Bee as. ti
Women 1
Made Young
Bright eyes, a dear skin and a bod
full of youth and health may bo
yours if you will keep your system
In order by regularly taking;
Th world! iUndard fmdy for kMnf,
llvr, bladder and uric acid truuMea, tha
anciniM of Ufa and kmks. In dm ajnea
16oiV AH dniggfcta, three tit.
Vmmk tmt IW mm CUfcl Mll mry U