6 QMm hT The Advantage of Using f Jj Revere Tubes jj rvj III TUBES do not always make the tire. But 1 iW a poor tube will often help ruin a good tire. Jl i'l 1 I Revere Red Tubes are built of layer upon u J I layer of tough, elastic, quality rubber. w I Already they have brought more motor- ists to a true appreciation of the meaning of .,v tire economy than any other tubes that were Nlj!,,-; J . ever created. , M I S. F. CROUCH OKEtiON WHEAT WI.VS That hard federation wheat, broil by tho colli'RO experiment and grown by Herbert Egbert, Wasco county farmer, from seer supplied by the branch station at Aloro, won the grand sweepstakes prize at the Western Ciruln and Hay show, lVn dleton, has been reported by I'liul V. Maria, extension director. Tho col lego bred wheat wan showed In com petition with 300 picked varieties from five weatorn states. In addi tion it won five highest prizes In common whlto wheat classes. It was Irod by I). K. Hlnpliena from an Aus tralian wheat Imported some years ago, and selected with a view to meet dry farm conditions in the northwest. Competition at the show which was a conspicuous feature of the hi "Hound-Up," was very keen. Many Pencils Made In United States WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Where do all tho lead pencils come from and where do they (to? Although almost everybody has ono, many folks never buy one. hut oven so. and tho victory for the station wheat more than 750,000.000 are manufao- Is paid to be decisive. V 4..- .:."'' Mr tf - . . ' ft , ' A, WW i' 'If" . ' " WV; O rm W In field tliere is a leader The uniform hih quality of Red Crown pnsoline, and the unfailing satisfaction long expe rit'iiced through its use, have made "Red Crown" the favorite motor fuel, relied upon by the majority of motorists. With the leadership of "Red Crown" has Rrown n system of service. At Standard Oil Service Stations you are assured of quick, courteous nnd efficient service. Garages, nnd other dealers, too, sell Red Crown gasoline. Lwk for the Rod Crown sign before you fill, the sign that signals "Power and Mileage." STANDARD OIL COMPANY f California) lured for use in the United Slates every year, using up many thousands or corns or wood But woods suitable for lead pencils are becoming scarcer anr many manufacturers are turnlne to nnner. Red cedar and red Juniper, says the American Forestry association, are the woods chiefly used In ranking lean pencils. A hunt Is on for other kinds of wood that will take the place of these. In Kast Africa a kind of cedar has been found with which experiments are being ninde. The production In the United Stales Is snout SO. 000 cases of pencil slats per ear. j rom encn caso 100 gross of pencils Is made. This results In about oim billion pencils of American grown cedar. Since one-fourth of this number Is sent to foreign coun tries, that leaves 750.000.000 pencils for tho home market, which means an average of seven pencils per per son, figuring on th last census. As far hack as history goes man has tried to make things to mark and to set down his thoughts. The Aztecs and the Pharaoahs had crude marking devices. As early as 17.10 Kalm. a Swedish naturalist, made experiments with American cedar. In 11 2 William Monroe ninde 500 pen cils at Concord and sold thvm In Rnston. but Vie war stopped his plans. In 1861 Kberhard Paher be gan making pencils on a larrcr scale in inis country. me graphite which makes the mam is of course the Important part ui inn manurnrture or the nenelt Ceylon has furnished much of the eraphlro used In this rnnnirv Graphite Is also fnnnd In Madagascar and In Mexico. Ciecho-Slovakla con tains deposits of both the amphorous and- crystnllngrnpblte. In the Knit. ed States the deposits are In Ala bama. New York and P. 'nnsvlvnniii AVTHUR JSfte VMlii) and Dramatic Story df4?rfinia fairax't Ambithl VlHULVU'!i .MoTlltlt Virginia Fairfax, relx limu djiugli- ter of tine of the Hist families of ir- Kiiila, U'lU her rliuin, XaiHiil Sander, on, of her lnteiiso feelim;s sialhsl tlie rltild alxtventh ctMiliiry couven tlons of tlielr little town and (lie tyranny of her ernnilfutlier. who adopted lu-r when licr ouix-iit ilieil. tlrKliila confide to .Naomi that she Intndtt Ui run away from home to ecaie tlie tyrannieul rule of her grandfather. Aunt VirginLi tells her niece how the grancliatlirr's whims and Ideas ruined Iter lite. She urged lirjciuia to go auny N fore her lite. loo, was bluntwd. I will niver know why I determin ed at that moment to be a moving picture actress unless perhaps It was that at that moment we were passing the one moving picture theatre of tno town, a place I had seldom vis ited because my tvudfa'.her disapproved. Out in front of this theatre was a stand of pictures showing a beauti ful girl pursued by a villian through rough country. Hoth were on horses and both were wearing wild western clothes. Up to that time I had had no Idea of what line of work I was going to choose. My de sires had not reached that far. I only knew that I must get away. When I confided to Aunt Virginia that I Intended to become a moving picture actress I nearly frightened her to death. "Your grandfather will never for give you. He considers actors, whether speaking or silent, a trap sot by the devil to lure mortals within the portals of hell." Hut. Aunt Virginia. I want to do something. I must make a choice before I go away." In my romantic ignorance. I thought I had only to choose. Per haps had I known what was before me I would have elected to stay at home and marry Eddie Montforth. It la a splendid provision of N'a- nre that has endowed youth with that fine courage that comes from lack of experience," observed Aunt Virginia rather sadly. "Perause youth knows nothing of failure It seems as far away from the realities as denth itself. If youth thinks about death at all, its Inevltableness has a tragic dignity, whleh mav In trigue yonfh for the moment, while failure failure from Its very futil ity Is ridiculous. Look at me!" Some one has said that ho one 'links of death as coming to him un il after forty. Life looked rosv and the way to my desires looked bright that dav. notwithstanding mv nitv for Aunt Virginia. Kven when I looked up Into my aunfa face to find the tears rolling down her cheeks my courage did not fall me. "Strange," she said. . "how every thing repeats Itself. Your grand father will never forgive you," she said again, soberly, and I knew she mother I never knew. "Grandfath er, she continued, "insists that the only disgrace that was ever visited upon tho first fnmllles of Virginia came through one of his name." 'What did my mother do that made my grandfather so ansrv?'' She married your father, mv child." Girls do get married" orcaslnn- Uy. Aunt Virginia." I sugtrested hoping to ..nrn more. 'They do not marry without the consent of their nnrents often m Kast In Virginia. Besides, my dear, your father was an actor. ' How perfectly splendid! If he still on the stage? Did I ever bear of him?" "I expect not. He left the stage at the time you were born and your mother died. He was a leading man, however, both In England and in this country. Every one of the old er theatre goers, on both continents, has heard of Italph Winston." I was struck with s sui'den thought. It had never occured to me that my name was not Fairfax. -Virginia Winston!" I exclaimed rapturously. "Do von vnnw. Aunt Virginia, I like that name better than I do Virginia Fairfax. I think I shall use it In the future." "Don't, Virginia. The name of Winston is taboo in this house." "Tell me the whole story, Aunt Virginia," I pleaded. Aunt Virginia looked doubtful and troubled for some moments. Finally she said: "My dear child, I believe you should know the story of your parents, al though In telling you I am going directly contrary to your grandfath er's wishes for the first time In my life. Your grandfather did not want your mother to go away to school. He said that too much education was ant to spoil a woman, hut she was determined to go and finally, when I added my entreaties to hers, she was allowed to enter the Northery Seminary. While she was there a company, In which your father was leading man, played a summer en gagement In the city. He was asked to address the pupils of the school on the drama. "I think it was a case of love at first sight for before he left the town two months afterward, your father and mother were married. "I shall never forget the day that your grandfather received the let ter telling him of1 the news. I thought he was going to have apo plexy. When he was able to speak he said, as he handed me the letter: 'Never mention your sister's name to me again. She is dead.' Then he went into his study and I did not see him until the'next day." "Did he not know that my father was a great actor and that the whole Play-going world admired and re spected him? Who was grandfath er to Judge by his little narrow standard?" "Your grandfather, my dear, thinks that his Judgements are In fallible. I do not know whether he knew anything about your father ex pect that he was an actor, but I wrote Immediately to your mother and all through the year we kept up- a secret correspondence." i "Was my mother happy?" "Just before you came, she wrote me: 'This year with Ralph means so muoh to me that If any thing should happen, Virginia, you tmiet remember that I would give, nil the life that I might have had in the old house with father for It. It has been perfect. Ralph is al ways the lover as well as the hus band. God has been very good to me, Virginia.' "Only three days afterward the letter came from your father saying that you were horn and that your mother was dead. "Father said: 'It Is the punish ment of God." " 'What shall I do?" I asked him." "And what did grandfather Bay to that. Aunt Virginia?" Tomorrow Virginia's Father JXJR A QVICK DEAL. . 85 acre farm, 3 tulles out on a good road; 10 acres of rich land In cultivation; more could be easily cleared up; 7-room house and barn; water piped to house and barn; family or- chard; enough wood to pay for the place. At a bargain, or will exchange for a residence In Roseburg. See . N. RICE of RICE ft RICE. W.R. BROWN Electric Service Delco,Remy and Connecticut j Always insist on the genuine. Remember, Imitation parts are Inferior. The guarantee of your elec trical system Is broken when you use imitation parts. Auto Electric Station Phones 136 and 138-R. - Corner Pine and Oak Sts. kaoauVi i.i. , rtlt - ...... U Sk Roseburg, Myrtle Point, CoquiUe and Marshfield Stage WBgerCadillat-gCirj daSr-Nn.Ti,, to Myrtle Point, t4i Fare to Coqoille. irVi Fare to Marshfield, u'tt. COAST AUTO LINES MOORE MUSIC STUDIO Kindergarten Classes . IBUNNIKO) High School Credit Classes Teachers Normal Ttaining. PHONE 502 - Bell Sisters Building PRUNES Wanter for Canning FItAXK J. NOKTOJJ ROSEBURQ, OREGON. . Seo A. J. fieldes HKAKI) OX THE STItEliT. WllX DKI.IVKK LVMHEn. Maynard and Jrnita or nteniit will deliver rough or anmA ik., for 120 per 10(10. SAVING T1IK mifKKXS UIMil.W. SASK.. Sent. ? . campaign for a law tn prnhlMt il muing or pralrte ch cken In sn. kat.hewan for five years has been " ' " me larmers or the um. vince. They declare the Mrrf. ortn their weight In rold trovers of rrashonner and nih Insent pests. The present law tht protects pralrte chickens provides an open season of twl weeks. Purine this brief nerlod. suns of sportsmen are crarklng all over the prairies every day and the destructlln Is enor mous. iiik;k sli t . Klne buy In 1911 Dodge tour- lug car. 1700. Service (!rae 4 'Say, Tom. what do von think of hat Automatic Klectrlc Brake that armor and .Marsh have up here?" en, sir, it la the best thing I ever saw." Well, sir. I have been told fhnf before; where can I bur nme ock?" "Why, go down to Jarvls' store, he agent for the company. If he la ot there, he will have a man there no win get some stock for you." (Adv.). o K'XI'KIUKN'liKD JIKMNTITCIIKll 1 Ten cents per yard.' Mall nriivn' promptly filled. Kllte Ueauty 1'ar- rs. Rooms 9-10-11. Roaebiirr No tional Bank Uldg. I'hone 212-J. I TRESPASS KOT1C1I All persons are neretiy warned not to hunt or otherwise trespass on my ranches at Happy Valley and at Green. Any person violating this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. S. 0. MILLER. - a WESTING HOUSE Batteries for all cars, also battery repairing and recharging at The Roseburg Garage. ! CLEAN UP SALE i AH kinds of sheet metal work, , t- n warm air furnaces, both pipe ud . 6 ON . Plpeless. US Oak Street. : "JJJJI CARS F1""'e m' Ro8el"'rt' r : H AUTO TOPS ; 1918 Oakland tour. $750 J utholsterixq : 1918 Dodge touring 700 i : - L ,ovfes 708 N- ,c- Phone 338. ; 1917 " " 700 I ; 195Studebaker-4 500 j : 1920 Maxwell - 400 11 Jj . a CASE TRACTORS i Service Garage 1 Threshi8 Wacfa Glenn H. Taylor ij ' r'8' Wl" "'" fa" : nosEoran. oi.Eoox Stearns & Chcnoweth Oakland mat Toocalla. I'ICTl'RK AHEAD, KODAK YOU GO AS then. If you want to make good re sults certain, bring your films to the professional kodak finishers. CLARK'S TIIOTO STUDIO Roseburg National jank Building. the In- NliTU R OF 8AI R ol'' OOVKRNMKNT TIMHKH O-n.rat lAnd urflei nnahlllKton. IX C AliruM 11. lDi'l .Ntlt la tirby iclvwn that subject to ln t'omlltlona anil llmltntiona el the Act of Juna . lull 3 stint.. IS. ana ina tnatriK-tlona of tha Savretary of the Interior of tfrpttnihrr u. m; p l l. th timber on tha foMowtng lands will bs aold (let. 1, lUi'l, t !i o'clock A. 11.. al public auction at tha United ??tatea land office at Rnaahupir n... n. to Ilia hiKhest btitiler at not lem innn ma appramrd value w aliown by iib nonce, aaie 10 De aubjoct to approval of the Heerelarw .,r Ul terior. Tha purchaaa price, with atlfltlonal atim of one-firth of one ieni mereor. bin vommiaalona al lowed ingat ba deposited" at time of' le. money to be returned If aale l i not approved, otherwise patnt will i Issue for the timber which must be re moved within ten years. Ittda will be! .-..i.ru irom cmni r tne I nltd .Hlataa. aseoclatlona of auch ctthria nd rorporatlona oiga-Hi.'d under lha lawa of the I'mt-J etatra' or any Ptnte, Terrttorv or Pia- I Irlct thereof ontv. t'pon application of! ft qualified purchaser, the ttmb.r on ; anv lecal aubdtvlalon wilt be offered! separately before being Included In any I "fter of a larger unit. T II H, It 5 W , 8e,-. i. u,t 1, Br USD M, cedar pil 1 M . tiemlwk It M., HWtt KKSi. Br .-5 I M . SKI, NKt. Br 5 il , MliU SM4 Jr too it Nne of the nr to be sold i Trie laaaiaB Ihlfe al "A k. m . t ln Ceil Mr n hakinl.wk 1 . .1 a . - OfllCtft, Tooth Troubles by H.R.NERBAS.D.D.S The cause of all tooth troubles Is the fermentation that takes place in the mouth. The microbes that secrete the powerful solvents that eat through your tooth ttrnitare can not be successfully oom batted unless you seek the ad vice of a dentist. , I CSE PAIN-LESS MKT HODS . ItLtJVI.ATK TEETH ' REPLACE TEETH SAME DAY I CVHK PYORRHEA, Kto. Etc Ton have the benefit of mi DR. NERBAS THE DENTIST MASON IO BLTLDLvT HE1NL1NE reaserratery ( Maale aad Art. Claases In Art, Volca. Violin, Piano, Harmony, Kindergarten and Dun ning". ,ra.P"-'nt that all children of tha Kindergarten and DunnlnK pj r ready to begin with olaas Monday, September 12th. NEW CATALOG UPON REQUEST Phone . Kohlhngen nidaj. ROYAL GLUB . RESTAURANT MR. W. R, 1IOWJUV, Prop. FREMH EAHTE1t OTSTERS CXXtKKO ANV 8TV1.E lrge rlnln Room for Indies, counter for the men. Boat Steaks. NK, Sheridan- St. Opposite IVpot. Opvn Iay nd Nluht. Ilc-t of Wervlco. Telephone Itoil. DYEING Now is the time to have jour summer clothes dyed for winter wear, Wesolicit orders for dyeing. Oar Aato WUJ CtJL -WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co.