nrwmnn ntwn-Krymr t Estuv. September st, leai. fAaa nnn BLOW 3 inch. . 35 inch . 4 inch .. 4 inch 5 inch .. 5 irh. 24V Million Dollars Invested by Employe's of Swift & Company More than 21,000 employes of Swift & Company own or are pay ing for shares in the business. These men and women have attested their faith in the integrity and good will of the company by investing their savings in the business. Their holdings represent a total qf nearly 250,000 shares, the par value ($100 a share), of which is more than $24,500,000. These 21,000 represent more than one-third of our average number of employes I One man out of every three, in plant, o.'ace, and branch house, from the handworker on the floor to tbi Drain worker at the desk; working with us as well as for us, devoting himself to his own busi ness while devoting himself to ours; promoting his own interests in every motion or moment saved, in every product improved or main tained at perfection, in every service rendered through pf dmpt.thorough. effective distribution of products. This interested, eager group of fellow partners working with us for the good of Swift & Company and the public whicb. we serve, consti- -tutes one-half of the ownership of Swift & Company in point of num bers, and nearly one-sixth in point of shares outstanding. It represents practical and suc cessful progress toward the end at which enlightened modern industry is aiming for the solution of indus trial problems toward cooperation, mutuality, brotherhood in busi ness, for the good of all. Swift & Company, U. S. A. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE w OUT BOOTS IRE WOVE .. 40 .. 50 .. 65 .. 75 ... 90 $1.10 INNER LINERS ALL SIZES 30x3J - $1.50 3lx3J ...2.25 31x4.. 2.50 32x4 2.75 33x4.. 3.00 34x4 3.50 WESTINGHOUSE BATTERIES ' For a Short Time until the present stock is reduced, we will Sell Pure Lard at the following prices:' 10 lb Pail, $1.50 5 lb Pail, - .75 3 1b Pail, .50 Louis Kohlhagen one 19 The Cass Street Market Daylight Saving Bad For Rabbits Also For Humans (By United Pre.s.) rnlUADKLPHIA. Si-ut 57 That daylight saving is Injurious to the neaitn and nervous system of tau mans Is the ontentlon of Dr. Wil liam Franklin Baker, nroslilent nf me r-hllaclelpiri County Homeopath ic Medical Society. He gives proof ui tutr contention. The proof is contained in experi ments which Dr. liaker carried on with two rabbits. Rabbits are at tested In much the same way aa hu mans would be under certain condi tions, the doctor said, ami that la why they ar used extensively in medical and scientific experiments. . ine two rabbits with which nr. Uaker' experimented were (he same weight and from the same litter when he started, he said. They were living then under normal conditions. Now, after a few months llvlue bv daylight-saving time, one of the rab bits Is ten ounces lighter and Is ner vous and twltchy, while the other, kept under regular tfondltlons, ,1s perfectly normal In every way. ine "dayllght-savini!" rabbit was kept awake for one hour every night na awakened an hour earlier in the morning, slmplating, according to Dr. Baker, the results of dayliKbt- saving on the human race. What Is true of rabbits is true of human beings, particularly of the oung, said Mr. Baker. "There is definite rhythm or cycle of the day. It Is a well-known fact that man reaches his lowest ebb of energy between 2 and 4 o clock In the morn ing. Under daylight-saving he does not recover as thoroughly from his ebb. Often It is noon before he reaches anything like efficiency." $100 per acre buys a river bot tom ranch, stock, crop and equip ment, near Kogeoe, Oregon. Part cash, balance easy terms. L. R Hobbs. 960 Willamette St., Eugene Oregon. RIVER BOTTOM llA.VCH. Money to loan on Improved farms. Long time or short time loans. Government and muni cipal bonds bought and sold. RICE RICE. . CITY NEWS 0 Arundel, piano tune, fbone 189-L Goodyear Tire Berrlee. Ford Oarage. SOLID TRUCK TIRES pressed oa. also OOOOTEAR solids In stock at The Koseburg Oarage. Ff:uEKAL aud GOODYEAR tires and tubes, In all slies, at The Rose- burg Garage. For sale, cut flowers, Asters and dahlias. Ruiiyan's Dahlia Garden, 1385 Umpqua Ave. TIM KEN and HYATT roller bear ings for ears and trucks at The Hoseburg Oarage. HOW ROTATION 1IKIJS CHOI'S An increase from no profits per acre to an average of $21.50 for six years by Irrigation, rotation and fer tilization, is shown In a recent O. A. C. experiment station report by W. 1.. Powers, chief of soils. lthout water, beans yielded 9.99 bushels, per acre when cropped to bean every year. The value of the crop was $13.69, with no profit. Rotated with water the average yield was 12.2. bushels, valued at $20.43. $6.84 profits. Manured and rotated without wat er the yield was 12.95 bushels worth $20.97 with $7.28 profits. Beans cropped continuously with Irrigation went 10.21 bushels worth $17.10. no profit. Rotated and irrigated the yield WS8 15.49 bushels worth $28.82. with $11.72 profit. Rotated, irrigated, and manured the yield was 18.25 bushels worth $38. BO per acre for a profit net of $21. it. r ' Chinook Jagon Is Still Heard (By Associated Pres. TACOMA. WASH., Sept. 27. The Chinoon jargon, the prevalent means of communication In pioneer days be tween traders of all nations and the Indians, is still heard In the North west when old settlers meet in re union or at pioneer picnics. Thf Jargon is said to date back to thi early part of the 18th century when bngllBh and Spanish navlgatirs. adopted certain vowels and conson ants to convey their nveaning to the Indians. The dialect grew in the course of the years, until finally words were evolved to express al most every Idea that might occnr. It was the universal language dur ing the early trading period, and was known by Indians, English, French Spaniards, and Americans alike. One of the first things a settler did wnen coming to the northwest was to learn Chinook so that he could converse with the Indians. Each tribe had a language of Its, but all knew Chinook. Some of the most common Chi nook expressions and their meanings ere as follows: klahowya, good morning; kahtah mika, what alls you; kumtux mika Boston wawa, do vou understand English; kah mika klijp okoke opalo, where did you catch that trout; kahta mika, how are your chahco yahkwa. come here friend: abba, very well: Boston man American: chil chll. stars; chuck water: kl-nootl. tobacco; cultus worthless: moo-lok. elk; tll-i-kul friends: tin-tin, musical instrument si-wash, Indian: skookum,' strong and suk-wal-al. gum. Umn of these woVds have be come fairly current In this section In ordinary sneeek a man often re fers to a dear friend as his "tillcum n person who Is of little account Is often called "cultus." and "skook um" la often annlled to a man of great Btrength or physical vigor. Small Damage Done to Prunes 107 West Cass S rt . . t-w r.- a..., rr in Small damage to this year's prun? i i. .nili-Inalpil find unless the rains of the past few days increase In precipitation and frequency, ac cording to county fruit inspectors who have been through the orchards and drying establishments of Marlon t, ,1 I ana Aclinthn.. Miifh damage to prunes on the a n r m an H lual wmtk when gruuuu won .,.-,.--.. . .- ------ growers were so anxious to harvest their crop oetore rams auuuiu ..- v. .ii-bor. fur niitatrlnnod Hitmen iitnfc mm - - - - -- pickers, leaving quantities of the fruit on tha grouna. mucn ui mm w. Fruit .till nn the trees. pm Wf--lt. - particularly where protection Is af forded by heavy lounge, nan uu.-ic. QUI num. Drying operations are oeing punneu a recurrence of year's difficulties when, with the harvest dolaved, much of the fruit was ruined during the course of dry- i ..nn.inr. rainfall. Growers ins uj "-- - ----- anticipate no sucn iun . culty this year. AGKMTS HAMH.E KKOHIS nnn fnuntv asents will again take charge of the records of entries and other clerical work connected with awarding the prises at the Faci ei. i.i..n.iii,nil Livestock exposition to be held is Portland. November 6-12. This technical branch of the service will b. In charge of Psul V Maris, sx tens Ion director at O. A. C. MGetsIt" Tickles Corns to Death Pint Stops All Fain-Then Feeli the Corn Off ivit try to fos trot on oo rn tortured seat. Get rid ot your corns. II you have inj.wu!!Tiiiit!,!iM:i"iw It took VEARSyEARS to develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing blending experi menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. There's nothing else like' Camel QUALITY. And there's nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. "We put the utmost quality into THIS ONE BRAND. Hi me L J. METNOLDS T0IACC0 CO.. WkuUe-lUea. a. C "lOIIIIW J mm Pennsylvania Tire Service, Ask us. Ford Caragd. NOTH'K TO COXTltACTOHS. Fennsylvacla Tire us. Ford Garage. Goodyear Tire Service. Garage. Service, Ask Ford SPIRELLA CORSETS Made to measure. Belle Case. Phone SSI U f-aliilee aztraoooa ot tee Us - at room . Masonlo temple. Dr. Nerhaa. Mika Vow FMt H.ppyt Remove Tboea Caen. With "Gats." never seen a corn untied to death. Inrt pplT a lew dropt ot "OeU-It" to yours. TOeD WAICD n dm llir iwrmnj It It had gone to leep. Boon It H notlilns but a loose pleoe of dead skin thai jroa can lift rlsht on with your nnseri. Get after them now. Your dramas ba "Gets-It." OoU but a trlfle-or SothlnV at all It It (alls. Mid. by B. Lawrence A Oo, Chicane. FOR SALE HIGH CLASS Nursery Stock Everything from asparagus to walnuts. Prune trees on peach or Myro Filberts, lor 2 year. Apples, peaches, pears and cherries all the best to be had. See me before buying, It will pay you. R. L. ELLIS Here's a Business Kill ROSE BURG .( u run $6,000 TO $12,000 YEARLY! Two railroad men put an Else- trlk-Mlcl lluki- Shop l"1'','"t In a rn..ll f'n In UI.con.ln-To.Ih- tn.y nnKlnn r.-al money, without havlna known a afcout the l.akory liu.lnes.! tier, are, It In other rite. Vou l.av. the Than.. NKht here. A ra,h , bu.l ,,,.; n eharae.: iw dellerlea 0..r prntll. In the till eve ry nlalit. Kveryona who '" inulpment and f-ill Information. Write or Wire Today for full .rtlenlnr on El'Ef'- tkik-maIi. i'akk wrt Ajt now to ..Main etrlu.lva terri tory for Iti.nehura. Electrik-Maid Bake Shops 31 I BOA T. ST. rAlL, Mlae. HiKhuny Constrtii'tlon, Douglas Cotuity, on-gon. Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, at the courthouse In ItoBe burg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 8th day of October, liizi, lor construction work on a section of road between Hoseburg and Coles Valley, known as the Long Hill and Nachter Hill Sections. The work In volves approximately 1 M miles of graveling, the limits being more particularly described as Horn tne east end of Nachter Hill to the west end of Long Hill, where designated by the county roadmaster. No bid will be considered unless accompanied b, cash, bidder's bond or certified check for an amount equal to at least five (5) per cent of the total amount or tne bid. A sufficient bond will be requlrod for the faithful performance of the contract In a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of con tract, proposal blanks, and full in formation for bidders may be ob tained at the office of the county clerk or the county roadmaster, courthousa. Hoseburg. Oregon, upon the deposit ot Ave dollars. The right is reserved to rvjoct any or all proposals, or to acoept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for the county. IRA B. niDDT.E. County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon. o Mvriric to ten s trron. IIIUIMVAY C.TItriTI, IIOIU I.AS CtH'MTV IIBKIIIH. Sealed hid. will lie received by lh( ... v rmirt nf llntltfln. County. Ore ran. at Court House, Ko.hiK. Bt 1 p. m. on the filh riny of Oi-tnher. 1 1-1 fnr ennlril,-t l.n Work Oh a ..M-tlOn OI helwe-en Myrtle Creek and Hurk Fork, known the Alclrkh Culvert Section, near the Alitrlih re.ld'-nro. approx. 2 mllaa K. of Myrtle Creek. The work Involves the construction. Trading nd gravwIInK of tha Aldrlth l'nlvi--f Mai'Ilon. II.. fur ennaf ruction WfirV Oil a ..C tlri of road between IHxonvllle and p..i know the ltuckhorn Crei-k Section. Tha work Involve, approxi mately mile, or rrnvellna. the limit. helns more pnriicuinrty H.-..-1 i.Fwn n. from KiiKra. Ml a. 0-:-00 to Knsrra. Sta. im.l-fU.I In Pec. 1, T. 7 H . It 4 W., W. M.. and He,.. J1, ai. It, T. IIS H., It 2 and 4 V W. M. .i.a mn.tnirl nn work nn a !' t!on of road between F.lkton and Iteedm.ort. known a. I'arndi.e Hecllon No 2 The work Involve, apprnxlmnt I. 1.11 & feet nf aradlna and ar.vel Ing tha limit. heln more parlh ulnrly dncrlhed as from Knur. Hla. --nn t' Knar.. Hi.. 4 I-JI 5 In 8os. 4 and . T. 22 .. It W W. M. Peparata bid. will t received ot each of the ahova .eitlon.. No hid will he considered unle.. a c..m..uni l.v ca.h. bl'l'ler. bond oi eertlfled h k for an .mount enual to at len.t ft per cent of the total amount of the hid ...... , , A .efficient bond will na required for the falthrul perform. nee or ine contract In a aum equal to one-half the tntnl amount of tha hid. Dana epectfl' Sl en, form, of con fact propo..l hl.nk.. and full Infor mation .r hlddera may ha ol.talned at the offl. e of the county clerk or the ciuntv Court llou.e Tto.elotra?. Oregon, upon tha d' of five AnVnrm. The rlaht t. re.erved to relect any or all prnpn-nl. or to accept the pro pn..l or proposals demd bat for the COU",r' IRA wr.iL. Coontr asrk ef Dausla C.uaty, Or, gan. Paint Your Home WITH S.W.P. Inside and Out The best finish for every surface. SWP gives long service and it is so durable that it gives the least expensive paint service you can buy. It covers so much greater area that it is the cheapest. Its faster working qualities reduce the painters time and lessen labor expense. Plan to paint your home and let us help select the colors. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. 20 Reduction! Have Just received a line of woolens from the largest woolen mills In tire East. I am new In a position to offer a range of 600 patterns from $22. SO to $48 00 for suit or oversoaL Fit and work manship absolutely guaranteed. J. F. DILLARD ROSEBURG CLEANERS Service First. - Four Passenger "Special" FOR those who prefer more Blend. - and distinctive line in an opn car, this very popular motlel will instantly appeal. S2 MITCHELL r-to Uw .1 R lURKER CO 7 ROSEBURO. OREOON. No One Kver Tires Rldlnf la a Mitchell MITCH KM, Oakland