Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 26, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    """ .-na
so OK KOSKBlKa It'ftv'
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In Which is Included The Evening News and The Roseburg Review
A Newspaper
tion and Friends
i 4"i..n. V Anna tsvinaV
i((0piizes no unci ivccps vujiuh w v ..o
His Sister Mamie; Doesn't Know Uwn Name and
Thinks He is in Princeton, Ind.
. . . Tl-xmflAlft
Dr Rlcnara .nei.iu
,w .......huil tliA IIIMA Or M.
kit nigm v"-...-, - t
(..Review repreuiow.i.
Hit ii something me uuuior u
. ,A Hn Avor since his
MA longt"S "w . . ...
-arceration in uie i
UeK Ust niKQi mo
Ht wins l " 7
M of memory interfere wun me
rtompllsbnient or nis aesire.
Hid it not been for the rnct mat
. V. .. .1 .. . n tl 1
ll reporter was rmuui v
dodging game, a lew uiuya
sight nave oeen ajiiueu u mo
cement floor or me ju. ui nuni
Bnmfield snot his arm oeiween we
bin, wun nis list ciutnru ,
vm-Reoorter man nacK-sieppeu
bit enough to lose me iurce ui
Haded blow anrt tne KnucKies oi
tieuiegea inururrei jubi
ink of tne pencu-pusner a oune.
Scene Was Exciting
The little scene was enacted last
light In tbe presence or sneritf bam
iuraer and that orticiai was not
tow in 'calling tne aoctor tor nis
rtloos. When the snerur nssuea
aim for Brumfield to "calm down
take a licking," the prisoner
new that tne officer was not "kld-
(lit and immediately regained his
too pm ure.
vuiei iituuei iiau uccii aci'v hi
tit Brumfleld cell all dav yesterday
ui the sheriff was lust getting
ready to take him to an upstairs cell
lor the nlaht. As the sheriff was
niuinc the keys in the cell door.
Millet noticed the N'ews-Revlew man
Mind the sheriff and mistaking him
lot Deiter Rice, the prisoner's attor-
T, Be turned to lirunmeld and
Hid: "There's Mr. Hire tn nee von."
Brumfleld ,lunned un from his
nllr and walked nver in thn cell
uor and Deered throneh at thn rft.
Porter. He shook his head and walk-
bark towards Balliet and said:
No. Chief vnu'ro mlatnkAn ht'R
lo Rice.
Knows Attorney Rice
nllllet was tnken frnm thn p!1
ail lodaed
hrooth the cell door to Rmmfiolri
Ud ISk him if h vUhaH tn aa tifa
ittorney. This was done and nrum-
lltld answered- "Rnra IM IIIta tn
aim." Then the sheriff, to as
wtain if the man had his right
, aald: "Why, doc. that was
tow attorney Just in here with me."
Brumfield shouted back, "That's a
1. That wasn't Ilice."
"Sure It waa Rice," answered the
JJJ. "why didnt you speak to
"l he still out there?" Inquired
he's outside." said the sheriff.
rou want to see him?"
Tea, bring him In," requested
l prlnoner.
Ikiean't l4n,.. ii
The sheriff admitted the reporter
i " '""w corridors of the Jail.'
Jithout any hesitation the reporter
wv. v , e conversation, saying,
"JT hello, doctor. I've come down
a little chat with you."
bo are you?" said llrumfleld
m 1, k.....j . . .
y i, .? lne r'" door and peer
" the face of the News-Uevlew
atreT hU ,ac l,n
fLiw ,y" w"r ullttering and
l" t!?!"" '"ched. Suddenly
tel. ,LZ, Dark ''veral feet and
yrm "I - 1 "now you
1 not my attorney, you're
tif.!!,rft,'d """"tion startt
Hm wk , r "omwht but be re-
"Tow feve?"
snnifLiT"- . ." shouted
-v. " ""wed oath after
fried i. , . Smith. You
m' Mamie. I know
"""llh.r.'. '"nT YOU
in U runnlni hi. v.... ... t
hU i .haklr lik. , Mf ,n .
or. In his little scene be was gradu
ally reaching the climax and the
sheriff and reporter stood by await
ing his next move. The watt was
not a long one, for in a moment he
dashed to a dark corner of the cell
and picking up a large bottle he
raised It above his bead as If to dash
It against the bars in the direction of
his visitors.
Sheriff Starmer and the News-Review
man "ducked" and retreated
to the outer corridors of the Jail.
There they remained for a minute
and then back to the cell they went.
Dr. Brumfleld had laid the bottle
down and was pacing hla cage like
an enraged tiger. He has a certain
path in the celt which be pursues.
He goes from one end of the L-bo ap
ed cage to the other and moves so
rapidly that it is bard for the eye
to follow him. -
The reporter broke the silence by
sayting "Why, doc, 'you wouldn't
harm any one would you? You don't
want to hurt me, do you?"
Brumfield stopped short. He
squared his shoulders, clenched his
fists and shaking with rage said':
"I'd sure like to clean up on you,
Steve Smith."
rare Cell Continually
Again be started his "setting up"
exercises of cell-walking.- Back and
forth, back and forth, never tiring.
Crazy? Doc says he is but it Is
a hard pill to swallow.
"You never killed any one
doc," said the News-Review man.
"No," yelled Brumfleld, "I never
killed any one, but I'd like to beat
you up.'
Threatens Invaders Again
Again he ran .to the dark corner of
his cell and picked up the bottlo.
Again he raUed It above his head
as if to hurl it at the invaders. This
time the sheriff and reporter did
not retreat, but remained to see the
pyrotechnics. Brumfleld made a
motion as if to throw the bottle, but
his targets remained stationary. He
was baffled and somewhat chagrined
to find that bis threat did not get
the desired result. He dropped his
arm and laid the bottle on the flonr
and again started the hike. As he
n cared thn stove, he reached irfto
the coal scuttle and grabbed two
large chunks of coal. He tossed one
of them towards the door and drew
his arm back as if to throw them
at the reporter. A look of astonisn
ment flickered across the Canadian
farmer's face. He wondered why his
areata did not cause the spectators
to retreat. He dropped the chunk of
cnal and once more paced tne noor.
Denkw Havlna; Sona
Each time he passed the cell door
be glared through at those on tbe
"Sav. doc. don t you want to see
your three little boys?" asked Sher
iff Starmer.
Doc gain halted.
"My threo boys?" he questioned.
"I haven't any boys."
"Why sure you have" said the
sheriff. "You've got three fine
llrumrield laughed nearmy.
"Come off of that stuff," said the
Puncho Reporter's novo
Brumfleld dashed against the cell
door. He bounced back and then
clenching his right fist he drove it
between the bars In the direction of
the reporter's nose. The fist Just
grased the target. Brumfleld did
not draw his arm back for a second
thrust. 8herlff Starmer Jumped up
to the cell door and grabbing hold of
the prisoner's arm, forced It back.
tUieriff Ouioia Prisoner
"Ynn'rn my nrlsoner." said the
sheriff in heated tones to nrnmfield.
"and as long as you're In here you'll
cut that stuff out. Now you calm
down or I'll give you something to
calm down about.
Brumfleld slowly backed away
from tha donr and In a whimpering
tona aald: "Why sheriff, you're al
ways laiaaa nicw w wvi -I've
treated yon lust like I'd treat
(By Associated Press). 4
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26. 4
Roy Gardner, who escaped from
McNeils Island, has written an 4
4 account of his escape to George 4
4 L. North, assistant managing 4
editor of the San Francisco 4
4 Bulletin, In which he admitted 4
4 having boen shot twice by the 4
4 prison guards. One of the 4
4 wounds was in the fleshy part 4
4 of til's leg below the hip and the 4
4 other was In the left leg below 4
4 the knee. He hid two days in 4
4 the loft of the prison barn, to 4
4 which he crept back about mid- 4
4 night on the day of his break 4
4 from the prison. He enclosed a 4
4 letter to President Harding 4
4 asking for a pardon. Gardner 4
4 said In his letter that he drank 4
4 some milk that night in the 4
4 prison barn and later swain to 4
4 Fox island. 4
Resignation Tendered In Or
der That He May Accept
Call to Broader Field.
Gets I'naninious Call to Take Posi
tion of Secretary of the Student
Body Y. M. C. A. at Oregon
Agricultural College.
sheriff, "but you cut out that rough
stuff right now."
The sheriff then laid down the
law to iiis prisoner in a plain manner
and when he had completed, Uruin
fleld was not nearly so "vicious."
Ready for Another Round
When the storm had blown over,
Brumfleld was Jready for another
round and again he directed some
vile oaths at the reporter. "
you, Steve," he said. "I know
you, you've been around my bouse
lots of times. You tried to marry
my sister." lie was allowed to rave
and receiving no replies to his abus
ive language, he silenced himself
and started his little game of "ring
around the Home" In the cell.
The sheriff and the News-Review
representative withdrew. When the
outer door of the jail was being
locked, the footsteps of Dr. Brum
fleld could still be heard. But just
as soon as the door had been locked
the cell-pacing ceased.
Left alone, the doctor could see
no reason for keeping up the exer
cise, evidently.
Is Acting Queer
Since Saturday Brumfield has
been "off his nut" entirely, or so
he would apparently have people be
lieve. He constantly calls for his
sister Mamie, who has been dead for
15 years, and whenever his wife is
near he calls her Mamie and insists
that she is his sister. He would
evidently have people believe that
he ha suffered another so called
lapse of memory and that his mind
has reverted back to his boyhood
days, when he was in Princeton, In
diana, where he declnres he Is now.
He Is unable to recognize anyone,
even his attorneys or members of his
"Who are you," hn wanted to
know, when Attorney Dexter Rice
visited him late Saturday. "I know
you were here to see me yesterday
and again this afternoon but I don't
remember your name."
The attorney tried to talk to hire
but could get nothing satisfactory
from him. Finally Mr. Rice said:
"Well your wife Is coming, don't you
want to see her."
"So I have a wife, have I?" asked
Brumfleld. "Well that's a Joke on
dad. He always said no one would
have me."
Flnriine further nnesllonlng to be
ii.less the attorney left and return
ed shortly before 6 o'clock Saturday-
evening, aecompaniou ny Aiiomey
Orcutt and Dr. Sether ana iiepuiy
Sheriffs Percy W ebb and rrann Hopkins.
Wants Hi" Sifter
Brumfleld conversed freely with
iha nhvalclan but complained con
stantly of his head hurting him. He
kept calling ror nis sisn-r, .n,n..r,
who he said could stop the pain by
rubbing his head.
Brumfleld Jold the visitors that he
was home in Princeton, Indiana, and
that he had been there for about
three days. However, he was un
able to tell his own name or the
last name of his sister, Mamie.
"Mamie came to me In a dream
i.i niiht " llrumfleld said, "and I
know she is here. Of course she Is
nt in thla room, because I am not
at home. I don't know Just where
i i.nt I am In Princeton alright
and Mamie Is here. 8he always rubs
my head when it hurts like this
"Who are you.--
nalrAfl him.
i n h d d If I know." Brum-
rlnM rpannnded.
Mra Brumfleld was allowed to
enter the cell and as the prisoner
saw her. he leaped to his feet crying
"Here Is Mamie. I told you she was
hf re." The tears streamed down his
Rev. E. W. Warrington, for the
past five years pastor of the local
Presbyterian church, yesterday ten
dered his resignation following tho
appeal of Prof. Roy Hewitt or the
Oregon Agricultural college that the
minister be reheaaed to accept the Y.
M. C. A. student body setretaryshlp
at the college. A meeting of t he
congregation will be held on October
9 to vote on Rev. Warrington's re
lease. The local pastor has been offered
the position of secretary of the stu
dent body Y. M. C. A. at the Agri
cultural college located at Corvallls.
It Is desired to secure a man for this
position who cau assume the Chris
tian leadership of the college, and
before a man of Christian character
there opens up a rvl field for the
accomplishment of much good. The
faculty of the college Is strongly be
hind tho office and there is felt to
be a great need for a man who can
assume the plnce and can efficiently
attend to the many duties which will
devolve upon him.
Rev. Warrington was unanimously
chosen for the secretaryship and a
strong pressure has been brought to
bear upon hlin to secure his agree
ment to accept the position. He has
at last agreed to assume the tnsk be
cause of the field for Christian work
presented. It is a position that only
a man with the strongest Christian
character could accept, and the fact
that he Yian been so unanimously
chosen for the place expresses the
high esteem In which he Is held by
the people of this slate. He will be
called upon to be the spiritual ad
viser and Christian leader of 3000
young men. a task which could cause
the strongest man to quail unions
upheld by a power greater than his
own strength.
Rev. Warrington Is well fitted for
the work before him. Practically his
entire life has been spent in Chris
tian work. During the war he
served as a Y. M. C. A. secretary
with the d1st ("Wildcat") division
In France and saw active service on
tho Areonne-Metz front. He was
many times under fire and won for
himself nn enviable reputation and
was well liked hv the men of the di
vision. After his division set sail
for the states he was located at
Camp Ponlnnezen for several months
before returning home.
He has served for five years as
pastor of the local congregation.
"It Is with great regret that I
think of leaving Roseburg." Rev.
W'arrlnglon said. "I have learned to
love the city and Its people and mv
associations with the congregation
here and with all of the Christian
neonlo of the rltv have been the most
hapnV of my life. But I feel that It
Is mv duty to go and nothing can
Impel me to sfnv If mv release Is
granted. I could not be convinced
that I should give up nr work here
until I made a trip to Corvallls and
saw the nVld for Christian work and
then I knew that I must go. It, Is
an opportunity to do Christ's work
on a much hrnnder scale than here
and I would be negligent In mv
Christian duty if I failed to accept
the rail."
The conrreciition will meet fol-
' Insr the tiiornlng ervlep on Or
'' fl. niid will vole upon Rev.
Wurrlngtnn's r.-slgnatlon. Although
the niemlxrs of thn church are
nlalnlv loath to release the pastor,
thev doubtless will yield to his
wishes and permit him to go to his
new position H expocts to leave
about November I.
4 4
4 SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26. 4
4 Sensational testimony Is ex- 4
4 pected today when members of 4
4 Fatty Arbuckle's fatal party 4
4 swerve from technical testl- 4
4 mony and start giving an inti- 4
4 mate inside story of the death 4
4 of Miss Virginia Rappe. The 4
4 defense Is expected to have 4
4 cards up their sleeves and will 4
4 probably grill each witness. The 4
4 deren&e Is known to be looking 4
4 up the past life of Mrs. Bam- 4
bina Dolmont, Arbuckle s ac- 4
4 cuser, and that of Miss Rappo 4
4 aa well. 4
4 Bladder Was Broken. 4
4 Dr. Arthur Beardslee, the 4
4 first physician attending Miss 4
4 Rapde, following her injuries, 4
4 said today that her Injuries 4
4 were due to an external force 4
4 and that he is convinced that 4
4 her bladder was burst by out- 4
4 side pressure. 4
Unemployed Will
Get Plenty Work
Says Hardiug
(By United Press.)
WASHINGTON, -Sept. 26. All of
America must commit Itself to solv
ing the unemployment problem,
President Warren Harding told the
delegates to the unemployment con
ference called to meet here today by
Secretary Hoover. Over fifty dele
gates were present. Harding ex
pressed confidence that the United
States would not fail In Its task, but
warned against hoping t solve the
problem by a recourse to tl e meth
ods seeking palliation or torn1! from
the public treasury.
"There should be work In ab ind
ance In tho United States for tLose
willing to work," Harding said.
Normally an unemployment problen.
of a million and one-half races the
country. This year great throngs of
men are without work, with a dan
ger of the problem growing more
serious as winter conies on."
Harding assured the delegates
that with America fundamentally
sliong and constitutionally sound, it
behooved them to seek a proper so
lution Tor alleviating the present suf
fering from lack of work and to pre-
venut any augmented conditions this
winter. Harding said that hf rait
sure that work during the winter
would be so organized that every
man willing to earn money could do
Three main "problems need solu
tion, Harding hinted, before this
slate of affairs can be assured: Re
duce railroad ratos, with the rail
road labor board accepting a wage
cut: speed In building through
settling certain wage difficulties and
reducing prices of building mater
ials; Industrial strife tn the mining
Industry must end, the price of coal
must be reduced, and the miners'
wages in some sections must be cut.
Female Bluebeard
Goes on Trial Today
trty United Prxna.)
TWIN FALLS, S cH. 26. The
trial of Mrs. Lydla Southard, the al
leged feminine Bluebeard, opened
today. She Is specifically charged
Willi tho murder of her fourth hus
band. Kdward Meyer, but the state
alleges that she also poisoned three
of her previous husbands, as well as
a step-child and a brother-in-law.
She has pleaded not guilty. Llfo In
sutance Is held by the state of the
motlvo for the alleged crime.
J. E. Nelson of Roseburg. who sup
plies gravel to the Southern Pacific
lines anrt to the slate nignway ae
iiartmeut. motored to the city yes
terday with his wife and put up at
the Oregon. Oregonlan.
SEATTLK. Sept. it. A
tense situation In the Mnhoney
trial developed today when Mrs.
Carrie Hewitt Identified Jewelry
' .a ixihhiAd Incoherently. ' a t.Ainnirinf to her aunt. Mrs. Ma-
After allowing Mrs. Brumfleld a 4 honey. Mshoney was visibly
short time with her husband, the 4 affected. One of the women In
party left the cell. During the night 4 thn Jury box sobbed bysterl-
1 ! U'tiAfl an nfflenr A rallv
. 4
tny A"cti1 Press) 4
CHICAGO. Sept. 26 4
Whether the strike will be 4
called by the six railroad 4
brotherhoods may bn decided 4
Ithln two weeks. The train- 4
If Bill Now In Congress Is Approved Money Will Be Available
For Several Projects Which It Is Planned to Put
Under Way Next Season.
In the event the road legislation come the main section leading Into
now before Congross la approved Diamond Lake District Forester Ce
and passes In its present form, there ell showed a great deal of Interest
win oe a great deal of aotlvity in in the project. It is very possible
road building within the National i Mr. Ramsdell states that the forest
Forest next year, according to For-; service will be willing to cooperate
est Supervisor W. F. Ramsdell, who
returned Saturday from an inspec
tion trip with District Forester Geo.
II. Cecil and Forest Supervisor Ran
kin of the Crater Forest
The various bills which were
brought before Congress regarding
road legislation were attacked a ad
discussed from all angles, Mr. Rams
dell states, and the latest bill, is a
remodeled consolidated bill, embody
ing all of the best features of the
Towsent, Phlpps and Dowell bills.
In Its present form the bill is very
acceptable, particularly to the west
ern land grant states, and Oregon
congressmen should be urged to
work for the passage of the measure,
Mr. Ramsdell says.
The party left Med ford on Thurs
day morning at 6:45. and retiched
Diamond Lake bofore noon, showing
the possibilities of good roads into
that section.
The new road from Union Creek
to Diamond Lake is far from being
a good road, Mr. Ramsdell says. It
has been opened up for travel In
order that the forest service may get
Into tho Diamond Lake district with
equipment, men and supplies for fire
fighting purposes and other work,
without having to go by way of Fort
Klamath. Consequently the road
crew has devoted most of Its energies
to clearing the right of way and
making passable grades, and has giv
en little attention to a smooth sur
face. Next year, the grades are to
be reduced and widened and the
road put In good condition for auto
The men at the road ramp at the
south end of Diamond Lake are en
gaged In building that section of the
Skyline highway between Diamond
Lake and Crater Lake Park bound
ary. This road Is being built on a
permanent grade and location and no
changes will he necessary in tho fu
ture. Thn road Is to follow good
lines and light grades and It being
built so that It ran be hard sur
faced at any time. If desired.
District Forester Cecil was great
ly Interested In the performance of
the 10-ton Holt tractor wirh which
tho forest service has been experi
menting on this protect. Thn forest
to the extent of 25 per cent, which
la very unusual aa the forest service
will spend little money outside of
the boundary of the forests.
At Tiller the officials went over
tbe Tiller cut-off road, which la be
ing built by the Bureau of Publlo
Roads. The Tiller-Drew section has
been completed and Is open to travel.
The old road between Drew and tha
foot of the mountain has been put
In condition for auto travel. Tha
new construction at the foot of tha
mountain is not yet completed but
will be finished this fall If the weath
er will permit. From the foot of
the mountain to the summit, tbe old
road fs being repaired but no new
construction Is under way aa Doug
las county la not Justified In putting
In any more funds in thla section
until the Jackson county section
from the Summit to tha Trait school
house Is put In shape for auto travel.
The officials also Inspected a pro
posed Inter-forest trail along tha
ridge In the vicinity of Abbot Butte,
where It Is proposed to open up an
old Indian trail between the boun
daries of the Umpqua and Crater
Overseas Hero
Is Laid to Rest
The military funeral services over
the body of Roy Kruse, world war
hero, who was burled yesterday ar
ternoon at Yoncalla, were very Im
pressive. They were conducted by
Umpqua Post of the American Le
gion and a large number of veterans
from this city attended the funeral.
Over fifty uniformed veterans from
all sections north of this city were
In the line of march. Six palbearers
In overseas uniform marched beside
the hearse drawn by the two horses
which Roy Kruse used tn drive prior
to the war. Rey. Ilutchnsln of Oak
land paid a tribute to the memory of
the hero, and the firing squad fired
a volley over the grave. Taps were
sounded and the casket waa lowered.
Roy Kruse was born In Yoncalla
August 14, 1894. He received bis
education at the Yoncalla and Drain
4 men brotherhood officials today 4
hea-nn counting SO. 000 strike 4
ballots. Next Monday four
more brotherhoods will start a 4
count of thn shop crafts em- 4
ployea. They have already an- 4
nounced a vote to strike. 4
A majority of the 186.000 4
railroad trainmen have voted 4
for a strike. It was announced 4
thla afternoon.
service is endeavoring to peneci . whMlli He .n,,red thn ,rmy (rom
standard equipment for construction . .i, , ln An,n mis
work on the 8kyllne rood and have .,,d from New York July J(h of
been trying out one of the army )h MmB yw He served with the
type of tractors to find whether or famous 91st division at St. Mlhlel
not It was capable or doing tho claBS;,,,,, wai prwnt tho opening of
of work needed. the great struggle In the Argonne
The forestry officials found thelWOO,g September 26, Just three
tractor being used for clearing the,vari ar0 ioaiiy Follr dlly ttteri
right of way. Two heavy cables and before Oesnes. at 4:30 o'clock In thn
a choker, enabled two men to clean aftrnoon he made thn supreme sac
out all of the stumps, the tractor ! rfr. n0y was fifth In line to
pulling them out roots and all w!thi,a,rvn his country. His great-great-apparently
no difficulty. The one grandfather served under General
machine Is doing tho work of ten Washington and his great-grand-men,
with a great saving In time, father waa a worthy pioneer. His
labor and powder. In addition It has grandfather was a civil war hero
been used for grading and other pur-1 and his uncle served In the world
poses and has exceeded all expecta- j war. Ills high courage, perfect
tlona In Its ability tn perform dlffi-. health and sunnv disposition cheered
cult road work. Several of these many a homesick boy In those trvtng
tractors will doubtless tie ordered for days In camp and on thn battlefield,
future work on thn road. The sec- Hn was a faithful member of the
Hon of road between thn two lakes Woodmen of the World,
will be completed this fnll and next I At his death he was 24 years of
year. In the event thn favorable road 1 age. Hn Is survived by his grand
legislation la approved, thn section mother, father, mother, and threw
between Diamond Lake and Crescent brothers, Elmer. Frederick and John
Lake will probably ho started. Thn Homer, and other numerous rela
rirst eight miles of this section will tlvea.
follow thn route of thn Rosehiirg-I n
Diamond Lake road up tho North I Miss Lorlena Conine left for Cor
Umnnun and will form sn Important ', vallls yesterday, where she will en-
llnk In this highway which will even-jter her Freshman year at the Ore
tunlly he h-illt from this city. gon Agriculture College. Miss Con-
Forest Supervisor Ramsdell has len recently won a scholarship to
succeeded In Interesting District O. A. C.
Forester Cecil In another section of j - - 1 1
thla proposed highway from Rose-! .
burg to Diamond and It la very w4w"4w444"44
nrobahln that federal aid will be sn- - nc-m mn-n T
... , . r. ..w n ...... .1 . . .r.CT uiin iiwj r. iv.
section, providing thn present road . NPW TonK 0--. a ttab-
A?,b7:;:bmnnl:ond;nlr'"ln'ro Rmd0..7h,beBr'ta :
rhV'Cqr jriwivxi : z rcMi f.m. to. :
Umpqua and as It will eventually bn 1
Bri"n:i I. a wonderful act
any crlsonar that behaved," said the
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