Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 20, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    mmnmitq nwm-fxvvxm Tuesday, September so, ioai.
k at
(T)(giviization 5ecm5 to be
costing more than it is worth.'
njift.-woman likes
rtotbinft bettery
vthan a rooq crv.
tt-t 5
AlflTThis Kibh rost of
and wearing more than is necessary ftr
pfain comfort.
There js but one way to grow, end that
is by associating, with other people
who a know ibin&s that you don't.
l sTs i in 'tog
When, love
rvnS into a demand
for cash
it runs out.
Apt is one of the laws or me trace
thc many must ko down in' order .
thot a few way
Somehow or
other whiskers
;eem to
,n p always
fejj&B6st microbes
1 Wlr Column of Questions Mid Answers Conducted by Womu
.- Who Knows. Address joar ueuen to am. zuisoury
Cere Roseburg News-lleTlew.
Dnr Mrs. Ellsbury: I am going
c am with a boy that I have
Ltrkmllh before. He is not
,jiited with any of my family,
.'. s nlher a stranger In town.
IJ1 1 meet him at the door all
ulj lo go, or shall I ask him In?
ill I uk him In when we come
:t md not before we go? I have
r been puzzled like this before,
tie boyi I have gone with have
lap been friends of the family
id ilwtyB came in If they wanted
SYLVIA, Roseburg.
Am. Do not have your coat or
Hi hra hp comes, and ask lilin
m just a moment. Introduce
ilo your family and let lilm tiilk
4n while you net ready to go.
f kp h a stranger mill no doubt
bf a little embarrassed, do not
tt too rklt nut. If you ure going
wow and 111 be homo eativ.
flynar family are together in tlie
J moin, ak him in for a half
or so to get arinnintcd,
wliro. Ellabuiy : I am a puzzled
"f man. and have com for vonr
' have Just received an an-
fueement of the birth of a baby
' i buddy of mine. We were
u tofether hut have not seen
other for two years, and have
1 vrltten about twice. Does the
MUBCfment nerd an answer or a
u , what shall I send?
RALPH. Hoseburg.
. The correct thing for you
WOUld he til nrlfn ..
"WWoatlim to ie fntlier and
rm of mme kind. A padded
orriaee would be . nice
l rlnr. n,ll ... .ii.
run " baby's name on It.
Pknvl J. ui you leu
rw ! en obtain a ropy of "The
WZJ? G4rcla-" written by El
rHbb.rd. One that is not too
r'Swre? Cavvv m....,-
J"" "The Hnyrroflers."
Kiuit Aurora. Erl. TOUutr. New
v..rlt. Ask for the niessuge in
piuiihlet form. It will not cost you
nioro tlian tweuty-flve cents.
Painless extraction of teeth at
room , Masonic tempi. Dr. Nerbas.
With All His Hard Work on "Fllvvsr,"
All He Could Do Was Mako
the Horn Squawk.
Mr. Jinks has been the proud pos
sessor of a brnnd-new flivver for nearly
three weeks, nnd his precious treasure
Is never fur from his thoughts. Every
momeut lie can spare Is devoted to pol
ishing its glossy emit or tinkering wltii
Its vltnls In the effort to discover the
cause of Its occasional spells of mulish
bnlklness. -
The other night about two o'clock
Mrs. Jinks was awakened by terrlflc
yowls emitted' by the family cat Now
the cat wns a peaceful pussy and not
at all given to nocturnal vocal demon
strations. Imagine Mrs, Jinks' aston
ishment when she arose and discov
ered her husbund sitting on the edge
of the bed, vigorously twisting the rat's
tall round and round.
"John," she protested, rescuing her
pet with some dllliculty, "what on
earth are you doing?"
Mr, Jinks was evidently In a som
nambulistic state, for he scratched bis
head and responded sleepily:
"Sir won't go, honey; sh' simply
won't go. I've cranked an' cranked an'
th' horn squawks, un' Uiash all. Guesb
'11 have f sen' 'cr up fer repairs. Some
thin' mush be matter wiszer magneto.
'Sdnrn shame, an" ain't paid fer yet,
even I" From Nuggets.
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr-
" iTuwaaoe o. 74a of the City
of Roseburg, Oregon, passed by the
Commou Council- and approved by
the Mayor August IS. 1H21. Hno.
cUl Election baa been called and will
be held In the City of itoseburg, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 1st day of No-
VHLiber,. for the uurooie of
voting upon the acceptance or rejec
tion of the following pioposed
amendment to the existing munici
pal Chr ter of said City of float-bur ir
Oregon, to-wit:
. 1'rouueed Charter Aiiiendmeut.
"An Act to amend sub-dlvlslons 44
to 61, bulb Inclusive, uf Heellnn 11
of the existing municipal charter of
"ie city or Koseburg, Oregon, so as
to authorize the City of Rosebura- to
acquire a water end light system.
providing for the Issuance of bonds
of said city in the sum of Five Hund
red Thousand It SUO.OOO) Dollars to
provide the funds therefor, providing
tax for paying said bonds and the
interest thereon- and Drovldlnr a
sinking fund to pay said bonds, and
authorizing the Council to provide
for the management, operation and
maintenance of said water and light
Be it Enacted by the People of the
my oi Koseburg, Oregon:
That sub-divlBions 44. 46. 4 47
48, 49, 60 and 61 of Section XX nf
the exiBtlng municipal charter of ihe
City of Roseburg, Oregon, as enacted
by the legislative assembly of the
State of Oregon, by "An Act to in
corporate the City of Roseburg, and
to repeal ail acts and parts of acts
In conflict therewith, to-wlt: An act
entitled 'An Act to incorporate the
city of Roaeburg,' approved October
1872; and an act entitled 'An Act
to amend an act emitted an act to
incorporate the City of Rosebure.'
approved October 19, 1880; and "An
act to amend an act entitled An act
to incorporate the City of Roseburg.'
approved February 23, 1889; also an
act amendatory of said act. filed in
tne on ice of the Secretary of State
February 19, 1891; and also an act
to incorporate the City of Rosebure.
and to define the powers thereof, ap
proved February 25. 1895: and to
repeal all acts amendatory thereof
and In conflict therewith," (which
act was filed In the office of the Sec
retary of State on February 22.
19051, and as amended bv vote of
the people of Bald city at an election
neld May 6, 1907, and as amended
by vote of the people of Bald city at
the general election held therein on
the 5th day of October, 1914, and as
amended by vote of the people of
said city at an election held therein
on the 3rd day of June, 1915. and as
amended by vote of the people of
said city at an election' held therein
on the 22nd day of May. 1916, and
as amended by vote of the people of
saia city at an election held therein
on the 21st day of May, 1920, shall
be and the same are heiebv amend
ed so as to read as follows, to-wlt:
44. To borrow money on the
faith and credit of the city; and to
that end may provide for the lssu
ance and sale of negotiable bonds of
the city for any specific purpose and
to designate the manner and time of
payment thereof, and the Interest
thereon; provided, that the amount
of the principal of said bonds so is
sued for any and all purposes shall
never, except the bonds heretofore
Issued by the city and now outstand
ing, and except as may hereinafter
be provided by law, exceed in the ag
gregate the amount hereinafter In
this section authorized. It shall be
lawful and the council Is hereby
given the power, under the restric
tions herein expressed, to Issue and
sell negotiable bonds of the city, the
principal of which shall not exceed
SAND DOLLARS, for the purpose or
acquiring, constructing and main
taining a system of water, works or
electric light works, or either or
both thereof, for the purpose of sup
plying water and electricity, or
either thereof, for any and all pur
poses for which the same may be
used, to said city of Roseburg, and
the Inhabitants thereof and the vi
cinity thereof. The bonds hereby
authorized may be In such form and
of such denominations as the council
may determine. The principal of
said -bonds shall become due thirty
years from the date thereof, but any
part or all of them may be paid by
the city at the expiration of ten
years from their date, or at any In
terest ' payment period thereafter
prior to maturity. They shall bear
Interest at a rate not to exceed six
ner cent per annum, payable semi
annually, and shall be sold for not
less than their par value, 'iney naii
be Issued and sold at such times as
the Council may direct, but not so as
to exceed In the aggregate the sum
of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.
They shall be signed by the Mayor
and Recorder with their respective
names of office, and shall bear the
seal of said city. All bonds issued
hereunder shall be deemed concur
rent and shall be without priority as
to each other. In addition to being
a general obligation of the city, they
shall be a first and exclusive lien on
all of the water and light system ac
quired with the funds obtained by
the city from their sale.
46. Said water and light system
may be acquired either by original
construction, condemnation or pur
chase, or sny or all of said methods,
as the Council may deem tit and
proper, and said water and light sys
tem or water or light system, and
any property condemned, purchased,
or otherwise acquired therefor, may
be situated within or without the
boundaries of the Cliy of Roseburg.
46. The Council of the City of
noaehurg. under the limitations ' In
this charter set out, shall at all
times have power and authority to
provide for the acquisition, either by
original construction, condemnation
or purchase. Including the condem
nation of sny existing system or sys
tems, and for the ownership, con
tnictliin and maintenance of a sys
tem of water works and electric
either -thereof, shall be disposed of
In the following order and manner:
ta).- la. the payment of the reas
onable costs and expense of operat
ing said system, including needed
repairs thereon, and collecting Its
(b). in tne payment of the in
terest accruing on the outstanding
bonds Issued to secure such plant.
(c). In making extensions to and
improvements upon said system..
(d). In the accumulation of a
slukiDg fund for the payment of the
outstanding bonds Issued to secure
such system.
(e). In the payment of the bonds
Issued to secure said system.
48. The Council may provide by
ordinance a system for the manage
ment, operation and maintenance of
all such public utilities as may be
acquired by the city under the pro
visions of this charter, not Inconsist
ent with the provisions of this
49. The Council la hereby au
thorized and directed to levy a tax
annually, In addition to the taxes au
thorized by sub-dlvlslons 1 to 5, in
clusive, and aub-dlvislon 3ft of sec
tion 33 of this charter, and In addi
tion to all other taxes authorized to
be levied and collected by this char
ter or any of the amendments there
to, sufficient to pay the Interest ac
cruing or he bonds authorized by
sub-division 44 of this section, and
after ten years from the date of the
Issuance of said bonds, such further
levy as may be necessary to provide
sinking fund sunicient In amount
to pay said bonds at maturity, or to
pay said bonds or any part thereof
at any option period hereinbefore
provided; and the Council may cause
said sinking fund to be loaned at in
terest upon approved security or in
vested in approved Interest bearing
securities in the name of the city
pending 'be application thereof In
payment of said bonds
60. The Indebtedness authorized
by this amendment to the municipal
charter of the City of Roseburg is In
addition to all Indebtedness hereto
fore authorized and Incurred by said
city and Is not to be considered as
affected by any limits of indebted
ness In said charter or elsewhere.
61. All parts of the charter of
the City of Roseburg and all ordin
ances and parts of ordinances of said
cny In conflict with the provlslns of
this charter amendment aro hereby
amended, modified or repealed as the
cace may require In order Uat thle
amendment may be In effect
The form In which said proposed
amendment shall appear on the offi
cial ballots at said election bhall bi
as follows, to-wlt:
"Proposed by the Council
Shall the amendment of sub
divisions 44. 45, 46, 47, 48, 4'J, ilO
and 61 or Section 33 of th-i charter
of the City or Roseburg, to author
ize the acquisition or a water and
light plant tor said city, by original
construction, condemnation or pur
chase, authorizing the Issuance
sale or bonds or the city In a sum
not to exceed $500,000.00 hearing
interest at six per cent per annum, to
be sold at not less than par, provid
ing for the levy of taxes to pay said
londs and the Interest thereou and
to provide a sinking fund to pay the
principal thereof, and authcrrzim.
the Council to provide for the man
agement, operation and maintenance
of said system, as proposed by
Ordinance No. 745, be adopted.
Votes "Yes" or "No."
500. Yes.
J01. No."
The Judges and clerks appointed
to conduct said election, and the vol
Ing place In each ward for holding
the same, are as follows:
Ward 1. Polling place, court
house; judges, F. W. Dlllard, Mrs.
Walter Good, Anna Bryan; clerks,
Mrs. Floyd Wilson, Clayte Black.
Ward 2. Polling place. Douglas
Abstract Office; judges, Mrs. B. S.
Nichols. W. E. Marnier. Mrs. W. S.
McElhinny; clerks, Mrs. Ed. Single
ton. E. D. Lewis.
Ward 3. Polling place, Roseburg
Hotel; judges, Mrs. J. L. Chambers,
Emma Olmsted, C. H. Hilton; clerks,
Ella Stewart. Mildred Cook.
Ward 4. Polling place, city hall;
Judges, C. C. Alley. Chas. Hadley,
Leon McCllntock; clerks, Mrs. Ana
Cordon, Mrs. Paul Nygren.
The election will commence at 9
o'clock a. m. on snid 1st day of No
vember, 1921. and will continue un
til o'clock p. m. of said day. pro
vided that the judges may in their
discretion adjourn said election for
one hour at noon, due proclamation
being made of such adjournment.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, Sep
tember 20, 1921.
City Recorder of the City of Rose
burg, Oregon.
Highway Const nut Ion, Douglas
County, Oregon.
Sealed bids will be received by the
County Court of Douglas County,
Oregon, at the courthouse In Rose
burg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on
the 8th day of Octolier, 1921, for
construction work on a section of
road between Roseburg and Coles
Valley, known as the Long Hill and
Nachter Hill Sections. The work In
volves approximately 1H miles of
graveling, tho limits being more
particularly described as from the
east end or Nachter Hill to the west
end of Long Hill, where designated
by the county roadmaster.
No bid will be considered unless
accompanied by cash, bidder's bond
or certified che :k for an amount
equal to at least five (6) per cent or
the total amount of the bid.
A sufficient bond will be required
for the faithful performance of the
contract In a sum equal to one-half
the total amount of the bid.
Plans, specifications, forms of con
tract, proposal blanks, and full In
formation for bidders may be ob
tained at the office of the county
clerk or the county roadmaster.
courthouse. Roseburg. Oregon, upon
the deposit of five dollars.
The right Is reserveu to reject any
Stuck-up Elephants
" Make Herd Carry
Trunks Just So
Kas and l o and Floto and Mama
are performing elephants, and they
have constituted themselves a board
of censorship over all the other ele
phants with the Sells-Kioto circus,
gouilng Friday, September 23. to
Itoseburtr, Because or their super
ior education they are ftery "up
stage" with the pachyderm actors
less clever than they, and, as for the
elephants which can not perform
well, one should see Kas and com
pany slip them, the scornful razz.
Kas. It was, who found a name for
the quarter. Being a well traveled
elephant, he has picked up a fad of
reading signs on box cars. "We
shall be -The Big 4,' " he whispered
behnd his trunk to Mo. and Mo pass-
ea tne word to Kioto and Mama
mat led to other things. Soon, "The
uig 4 ' began to tell the other "bulls"
how to carry their trunks In parade
The patient, kindly members of the
rive Sells-Kioto herds have allowed
themselves to be Imposed upon to
:he extent that now they yield the
centers of the three rings to Kas and
nis pals In the performances and
?opy their table manners. So. If In
the big menagerie tent of the cir-
us, you find meek elephants that
are slow to reach -out for peanuts,
1o not pass them by, but offer the
goobers to them twice. You won't
have to wait long, for Kas and Mo
have a tough time restraining their
humble understudies' eagerness for
neanuta. Of course. It Is hard for
he trainers to put "The Big Four"
n their places, for they reallv are
Mever actors. Most circus men con-l
ede that Floto and Mama are the
leverest pachyderms that ever ner
formed. They are all of them great
'overs of the children, and It ta al
most Impossible to be harsh with
dephanls that care for children as
lo the Sells-Floto herds..
In the opening : spectacle, "The
lirth of the Rainbow," Mama, Floto
ind twelve other elephants carry
Vaypoles. and ballet girls dance at
he ends of dozens of rainbow
streamers which radiate from the
All of the Sells-Floto performing
herds are presented In the rings and
m the tracks by girl trainers
nianche Wells, Stella Rowland, Eth-
! Hamilton, Idah Delno and Marcia
J. .1.1119 U1U3.
deserves careful
making. Properly
made you will have
a"Winnintf Cup."
' sw -v X 1
r.. s .
G0LSD 7;
v If5 lit
-1 It s
mim n ry;3 J 'j
Melrose to Have
School Building
At a meeting of the legal voters of
iHhool district "1 at the Melrose
Orange hall last night. It was voted
unanimously to create an Indebted
ness of $4600 for the purpose of ac
quiring a school site and building
and equipping a modern two room
jchool. Thomas Scott has liberally
donated one acre of ground and the
majority of those present last night
voted to have not less than three
acres for the school site. The board
has chosen as the location a plot
south of the roud on Mr. Scott's lund
about opposite the southwest cor
ner or the Howard Wilson place.
Prof, and Mrs. Starrett or Roseburg
have been engaged as teachers and
everything points to a good school
year. School will begin Octolier 3
nd will be held In the grange hall
until the new building Is ready.
ed. Tho enrollment In the vnrtnti
(trades on tho oDouln&r ilnv w a
follows; First Krat!. n : aucond
;rade. 4: third Trade. 6: fourth
grade. 3;- fifgi grade, 2; Bxth grade,
4;... seventh grada, 1; and eighth
grade, 1.
hen. If you want to make good re
(uits certain, bring your films to the
Professional kodak finishers,
National Bank Building.
MEDFORD, 8ept. 20 Sherff Tor-
ill reports the discovery of a still
'ast Friday that for crudity of con
itruction and deadllness of contents
Is a record. It was found in a heavl
ly wooded gulch In the (deleted by
elisor district, and was sought by
Prohibition Enforcement Officer
Sandifer and aides on their visit here
t month ago. A warrant is out for
'he owner who disappeared during
tne recent raids.
According to the sheriff, the still
consisted of a number of coal oil
aim, with a bole punched In them
ind coils attached. Three washtubs
"ull of prunes and corn meal were
llao found. In a high state of de
Remember, Lee Puncture Proof
Tires smile at mires. O. K. Garage,
under new management, H. C. Og
den. Prop. 620 Winchester St.
also GOODYEAR solids In stock at
The Roseburg Oarage.
Greens School
Opened Monday
The Green school opened yester
day with 28 pupils In attendance
This school 1b backed by a strong
Parent-Teacher Association and has
an exceptionally good building for
Its work. Fred A. (ioff has been em
ployed as principal, and Mrs. W
Alice Goff hus charge of the primary
department. The school maintains
the full 8 grades and Is well equipp
ed for the work of the year. Many
more pupils are to enter as soon at
prune picking Is over and the en
rollrnent will be materially Increns-
Many Enjoy
Evening Party
A delightful surprise nartv aa
given last evening In honor of the
birthdays of Mrs. L. O. Kvuns and
.vi is. u. l. Hayes, at the homo of
Mrs. Evans. The guests of honor
were recipients of many beautiful
gifts. The evening was spent with
music after which delicious refresh
ments were served. Two delicious
cakes wore presented by Mrs. E. T.
Compton. Those being present to
enjoy the occasion were: Mrs. C. L.
Hays. Mrs. U O. Evans. Mrs. E. T.
Compton, Mrs. Ben Dowell, Mrs. 0.
.Stoddard, Mrs. R. A. Rankin Mrs,
Pauline Howard, Mrs. Ted Hard
man, Mrs. .Florence llampson, Mrs.
Llbby Robo, Mrs. Roy Itallcy, Mrs.
Ralph Lnne, Mrs. Coru Singleton,
Mrs. R. W. Gilvln, Mrs. Nellie Parks,
Mrs. W. W. Bonebrake, Mrs. George
llapp, Mrs. Win. Wnrte, Mrs. Charles
Snoddy, Mrs. Hen McMullen, Mrs. T.
Troxel, Mrs. - Herbert Ogden, Mrs.
Mcide Hopkins. . Miss Margaret
Trader of Creswell, Oregon.
o . .
Goodrich Tire Service. ; Bee us. O.
. Lockwood Motor Co,
Fresh halibut and anlmrn at the
Roseburg FiBh Market.- Fresh every
WESTING HOUSE Batteries . for
ill cars, also battery repairing and
rechnrging at The Roseburg Garage.
Safe Milk for infants & ihveids
m I
Per In faint. Invalid and OrnwlnrChlldn
t he OnCi:ua Foed-Dimlt Fur All Agca
The Original
ad Substitute.
Rtrft Milk, Matte drain F -tract In Powder
nr all nrnnosala. or to aeoept the pro-
light woTk. or "iiher or both there- j port or propoaal. deemed best for
. . . .k. I.....MMA at DMini , n. flfHiniV.
ri ; or. ana ior hw -
Ki therefor derived from County Clerk
flBjjj said water and light system, or Oregon.
of Douglas County,
Second Hand Cars and
We have some unusual Bargains in Second
Hand Cars and Trucks to offer for quick dispo
sal. Here is a partial list and each one is a gen
uine bargain:
One VA Ton Federal Truck, 1920
Model, practically new
One half ton Dodge Bros, business
car, model 1921, good as new, price
One practically new, light Chevrolet
Delivery Truck, Price
One Dodge Bros. Touring Car
J. O. Newland & Son
Cass and Stephens Sts