Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 14, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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P4QWTWO " rohkbpiw mtw.nKvn-w v:nyrr-nAV , i pt. u, ip.i.
lruel IuUy Kcet Sunday.
B. W. Bate. ! Wlrotmrly Bort O. Bates)
DaHy, per year, by mall
Dally, ill months, by mall -Vt
Dally, by carrier, per niuiith
Weekly Newt-Review, by mall, per year
Luwr'ii!' L' socomi-cluas 'iii.ui.-r iluy 1., Jj-'J, at mu pom oilwa at Koe-
burg. Oregon, under the Act or
KOHKIU IMl. OlihM.oX. Ki:i'TK.MIIKB 14, lUlil
"Sap and Salt" to be Daily
Feature in Roscburg News
Review Starting Monday
On Monday next the News-Review will begin printing an
illustrated daily feature called "Sap and Salt," written by Bert
Moses, the famous Now York paragrapher, and illustrated by Bert
Bates of this city. Mr. Moses, whose reputation as a writer of
short epigramamtic paragraphs is national, lias recently estab
lished himself in a log cabin retreat, six miles up the Ashland
canyon. It is here that his "Sap and Salt" is written. It is a mix
ture of humor, wisdom, philosophy f.r.d pretty much everything
else. Moses has the rare ability of being able to take human
nature to pieces and describe each piece in single sentences, and
he does it in such a plain, simple, pointed way that everybody
understands and enjoys his work.
Each day "Sap and Salt" will contain a remark on the side
by Hez Heck, a ficticious pen character, originated by Bert Bates.
Mr. Moses has Hez Heck saying many wise, witty things that may
be a little rough on the edges, but which closely approach the
"Sap and Salt" is being, published daily throughout all sec
tions of the country. Several New York dailies are publishing the
work of Mr. Moses and Mr. Bates.
There will be many things in "Sap and Salt" that you will
want to remember and say yourself on the proper occasions, so we
advise every reader to clip the items each day as they appear and
paste them in'a scrap book for future reference. A complete file
of "Sap and Salt" will be well worth having.
Band to Play
At Coast Fair
The Douglas County Concert band
baa accepted an invitation to piny
(or the Coos and Curry county fair,
which will ue held In liyrtlo Point
on Friday and Huturduy or this week.
Between twenty and twenty-five or
the band boys are going tu make tin:
trip. They will leave the lniiiiu
botol at 5 o'clock Friday morniiiK,
making the trip by auto stuge, uud
will return some time Sunday.
The band boys are delighted over
the prospect or the trip to tho coast
cities, and tho niannxenient of the
band Is greatly pleased over the
honor which the Invitation confers
upon the local musical oi'Kiinlzatinn.
The manager is also pleased with
the businesH-IIke and "livc-wiro" at
titude taken by Taylor Dement, a
Myrtle I'olnt man. In making ar
rangements ror securing tho hand.
The deal was made over lung dis
tance telophono, and when Mr. Law
rence, the manager natiM'd the price
Tor which he could nfford to hrlriK
the band over, which, althoiiKh It
was very reasonable, considering the
expenses Involved, amounting to
qultn a Inrge sum; the voice came
back over the wire: "You're on.
The cash will be walling when you
get here."
Pennsylvania Tire Service. Ask
us. Ford Oarage. I
O. C. Bother, a prominent .resident
ot Olcndnle, Is spending u few days
In this vicinity nllendlng to Impo'r
tnnt hunlness matter
the advanced
lines of this
roomy car
I provide the
for its beauty
and character
I comfort is
found at its
X One Kver Tiro Hilling. In
feature of this
BM'biirK, Oivkkii.
Mitchell Oakland
most popular
ol all Mitchell
3 inch. . .
. 3J inch .
4 inch ...
4$ inch
5 inch ...
64 in"...
Marco i. iota.
Students Have
Farewell Program
The Christian Band, at
its regular meeting yesterduy even
ing, devoted a portion of its hour to
the young people who ure leaving
within the next few weeks for higher
Institutions of learning. A large
number of these future students
were present, and un excellent pro
gruta wnB enjoyed.
After a ong by the students, the
subject, "What the Christian Work
ers Hand Has Meant to Me," was
ills usred hy Claire (leddes, Islic
lu tier iii.d Virgil Cameron. C.eorge
llmick and Lois Ceddes, both of
whom have already spent one or
more years nt college, talked on
"Croatest Temptations or the Young
College student." "Mow Are We
Colng to Face These Dancers," was
the subject or a short talk by Lois
Colih. and "Letting an Kxample" was
(llifunsed by Harold i;arion. Leroy
Wall er then made a short address
on "Taking Advantage of Opportu
nities." The service was closrd hv a solo.
"Till We .Meet Again," 'by Miss
S'a.imi 1'helps. Following this, the
students were treated to a delightful
surprise In th" shape of dainty re
freshments served In tho basement
'if the church.
Itev. C. II. Hilton of t:.o Chrlstlnn
church will leave for Portland this
evening to spend several days at
tending to business matters.
-o - .
and tubes, In all sizes, at The Kose
burg Cnrnge.
lends itself
fc. I f V".
lliTj4 stability
30x3. J
3Lx4 ..
34x4 . .
.. '2.23
.. 2.50
.. 2.75
a. no
Do you know
you can roll
cigarettes for
lOcts from
one bag of
Wa want you to have the
best paper lor "BULL."
So now you can receive
with each package book .
ot 24 leaves ol K1U.
tho very finest cloarert
paper In tho world.
Bt sn e sstu
If the female liliiebearil laid away
live of her hubbies, we'd hate tu be
her present boon companion.
" 'Mr. Zero" will strip Idle women
tit waist at bilmr auction In new
York." save a headline In the Med
ford Tribune. It looks to us like
most of 'em are that way now.
Fatty Arbuckle's stepmother says
"Fatty Is a kind little boy." .vieou
so, but ho got a little roiwb t'other
Prune Plckln's received an awful
nwsliiiir at tho hands of a writer
voMterilav. The corn-siioiident oIh
je- ted to our way of linking up Doc's
name with that ol rally ArourKic,
staling that it was a slur against
tho Kruiiifielil man. We'll admit
that Fatly is sort of a piker.
Yhy don't you leave the poor
slackers alone," objected one of
Prune Plckln's readers. We will
leave 'em alone, don't you worry, for
we have no luinkerhr to associate
with any of 'cm.
Parson Anderson, the Mnrshfleld
sky-pilot who flew the roop and was
iiahlH'il In West Virginia, lias prob
ably wshn1 tho collection plate for
the last timet.
The popular irnme of "Illng around
the rosle" has been revived hy Hnn-
illt t.nnlner and Warden Mnloncy
both of McNeils Island.
i a
The "Hot Stove Ieague" of the
Pearce hames shop is getting
wanned up for Its winter sessions.
No wonder they tried to break
down the jail door. With no gal'
Ions of lognnlMrry Juice with i
wholesome kick, rcitosing In the cor
ridor of the linsllle, we can hardly
blame thiun for their timely action.
The silent watches of the night lire
the ones we forget to wind before
The frost withered the watermelon
vines but didn't even fuze the dear
young things with short skirts anil
rolled down socks.
Yt e will never get hack to nor
malcy ns long as munlcr stories oc
cupy the heaillnes on the front page.
Files rannot stand extreme cold.
Hv gathering them up each niuht and
wrapping tliein III cracked ice, you
will soon get tliem so rheumatic they
cannot fly nlmut and lnither you.
One of the main discoveries since
t lt4 Is that two cannot live as
cheaply na one.
The man with Hie hair tonic Jag
may have synitoiiis of a fur-lined
tts of shimmy dancers are so sel
fish they wouldn't ralso a shoulder
to help amlMtdy.
TOO Tltl'K!
There was a Utile girl
Ami she had a little curl
High! In Hie ml. bile of her forehead.
Ami when she was goml,
She was very, very good.
Hut when she was bad
She w as pop-n-lnr.
The parking oiillnnncn Is all right.
It gives a fellow a chance to get out
of the office everv half hour and run
ilils flivver around the block.
Sinking of the nerve of llov
tlanlner, we think It takes a lot of
nerve to crawl out of bed these cold
I After a man carves on his chin for
a half hour with a snfetv raior he
: can't see why they nicknamed 'em
I "safety" nuora.
(irlnglng out a rolvuni of alleged
, Innghs every dnv whether yon fwl
i like it or nol, Is some little Job It
self. 1.AFK PKHKINH SK7.:
"Thee tlitarrR with greasy hair
slicked down, who dance around the
hall with their eyes closed, are any
thing but human beings."
. ii 11 I It l
AH da Hmmerx!j'
A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry
By Uah McjCIm CiUcm
Toia Latham Inflated that we
ehould ord-r luncheon and diatulas
Duane and Bab ar a topic of convei
satlou until Duane should Join uj.
"I suppose that you knew that
Allen Henderson had accepted a
placo on t trade commission which
is sending him to China ror a year's
stay?" he said.
"I had not heard or It," I replied,
"that's news. Indeed."
"He la JUot the man ror the place.
Old enough for maturity or thought
and young enough uot to be to con
servative, unmirried and unattached.
It will be great ror him."
I was glad to hear this and de
termined to write Mr. Henderson a
little note congratulating him as
soon as I got back home.
With that thought r closed the
door on another friendship! Larry
Vt'heaton! Itoland liarly! Allen Hen
derson! In the rutiire ibese names
would fhean nothing but memories.
Larry Wheaton will mean to me
always my "music boy," the music of
laughter and poetry and song. The
joyous feeling of the springtime
breeze, the fragrance of woodland
flowers with only the sighs of the
balmy wind anion," the treetops.
To Roland Early, whatever I have
come to think or him since, I must
give the credit of bringing to the
fire any latent talent that I may
have ror atorv writing. He quick
ened my appreciation or life and
taught me to exnrcss it. Through
him, I round myself.
Allen Henderson, kindly, stable
staunch, true! A man that I wish I
could have loved, but nevertheless a
man I never could have loved.
Tom Latham's voice broke In my
reveries with the question with
which I -started my life story: "Why
have you never married again.
And I answered truly, with a
laugh to cover the confusion into
which his curiosity had thrown me.
"sT'erhaps it Is because the man f
might have married as never asked
me and the men who-have asked me
I could not accept."
"And so you couldn't accept me,
I knew the time I had been putting
ofr so long had come.
"You never have asked me in so
many word," I challenged.
"I am not going to do it now, .Mix.
because, like the dear kind woman
you are, you have answered me be
fore I can speak. You know that 1
have loved you and you know as I do
that I am not good enouch for you."
"Oh, Tom, Tom," I remonstrated
"Yes, dear, this Is the time ir ever,
to be honest. I am not good enough
for you. I am Just an average kind
of a man, with average virtues and
average vices, in fact the only thing
that 1 have had in my life that was
about the commonplace was my love
Crawford Given
Court Appointment
SALEM, Or.. Sept. 14. .lames W.
Crawford, deputy state treasurer,
was this morning named court re
porter for the Oregon supreme court
to rill the vacancy caused by the
death or Frank A. Turner.
The opiiolntment which was an
nounced hy Chlc-r Justice Burnett,
followed the regular Tuesday morn
ing conference of tho court, will nec
es.slt.ite Crawford's resignation as
deputy state treasurer, to which po
sition he was appointed hv State
Treasurer Hnff a year ago, following
the resignation of Joseph O. Itl-h-anlsnn.
Crawford refused to discuss his
resleatinn this morning declaring
that he preferred to await the re
turn of tSate Treasurer Hoff, who
Is out of the rlty nt this time, lie
however, declared that he would
probably accept the appointment.
Compensation for the court re
porter Is based on the number of
volumes of reports . compiled, the
rate nr compensation being It-no per
volume. The position is said to be
good ror $21000 a year and permits
the reporter to engage in other work
on the side.
The position Is especially desirable
as a stepping stone to a belter posi
tion In the legal profession of the
state. Chle.f ,.Tijstlce Burnett and
nohert C. Morrow, circuit judge for
Multnomah county, have both occu
pied the position of reporter with the
Oregon supreme court.
Arundel, piano tunes, rhons 1S9-L
Tire Service.
Pennsylvania Tire
us. Kord Uarage.
Service. Ask
Tire Bervlse. Ford
CARS for bin.
;:i N. Jackson St.
witiiout drtvpis.
mature. Hellc Case, t'hons 391 L.
I'alnloM rurartlon or tmlh !
room , Ussonle t em pis. Dr. Nnrbnn j
FRESH EVSTERN oysters at tho!
Roaeburf Cnfctoria.
SOt-in TRI CK TIUE9 pruned o
also GOODYEAR solids la stock s'
Th Rossburg Garaf.
for you."
"That Is not true, Tom. You are
not at all commoplace and I am
quite unlike the Ideal wonan that
you nave placed upon win rou
or your love. But I am tona or you
linn rond of the very human quali
ties that you Insist upon calling com
monplace. You rest me wnen i am
with you. You make no great call
upon my mind or my emotions. You
are a comfortable sort of man and I
do not find them otten."
I think that Tom was going to
say more, hut Duane came rushing
"Where's Bab? Where's Bab
he almost shouted, without stopping
to even salute me. "Hannah said she
was with you."
"Sit down, old man. Everyone in
the dining room la looking at you.
urged Tam blandly.
"I don't care lr they are. Where
Is she? Where Is she?"
"She Is over buying a hat, Duane,
said Tom Latham, with an irrepres
sible grin.
"Listen. Duane," I aald, placing
my hand over his as It rested on the
table. "Bab found that you return
ed, to town In answer to a wireless
she sent you on the boat. She was
po nervous that I persuaded her to
go to luncheon with Mr. Larrabbee
and afterward to do some shopping,
hoping by that time to have cleared
up the matter or your disappearance.
"Then she really sent me a wire
less?" "Yes, dld't Tom tell you?"
"He also told me she tore up the
divorce decree, but I thought he was
trying some misplaced joke."
"Bab told you that hy wire, too."
"Bless her heart!"
I dropped my eyea quickly. I did
not dare to glance at Tom.
"Dont you suppose you can find
her, Allx," asked Duane nervously.
"I cannot wait much longer. I
haven't been myseir since we sep
arated, and I did not sleep a minute
last night. I might have known from
the first that 1 hadn't strength or
mind to give her a divorce, however
much she may have wanted one."
"Tom, we are going to leave you
here. I think that I can rind Bab.
Get a taxi, Duane, and I will Join
"Alix. said Tom, as Duane went to
get a taxi, "I am leaving tomorrow
for South America.
"So soon, Tom?"
les. I had Intended to go any
way by the boat after this one but
now I shall try and get passage for
tomorrow. I have no Incentive to
stav on and I am sure that Duane
will not go out with me now."
"Oh, Tom, I truly am sorry."
I know It, dear. Tom wrung
mv hand and tnrned away as Duane
came to the door and beckoned.
As I went torward 1 closed, for
ever another door.
Tomorrow Together.
SludclMikers Itcccivcd
C. O. Thomas, local Sludebaker
agent, this morning received a car
load of new model autos.
Ileturning to School
Donald C.ilibs and Edward Smith
are preparing to leave soon for Port
land, where they will resume their
studies at the dental college.
Cennervotory of Munle and Art.
Classes in Art, Voice. Violin. Piano,
Hurmony, Kindergarten and Dun
ning. It Is Important that all children
of ihe KiiuleiffHrten and Dunning
C1H.H.C.S an. rendy to betcln with
l.u clsaa Monday, Septamlxr 12th.
m:v cataloq upon request.
rnnnc 3. Knhlhnem Blrtir.
The cause ot all tooth troubles
Is the fermentation that takes
place In the mouth.
The microbes that secrete the
powerful solvents that eat
through your tooth structure
cm not be successfully com
batted unless you seek the ad
vice of a dentist
Yn have tbr booorit of mr
KMH-rlonc. KUIclrncj and Be
Man. lit j.
WTONk 4 Room 9
The New
Will appeal to you from
every point of view
Will you be one of the
first to see them?
Francis Aaron Killey was born In
Ohio January 5 1859 and died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hav
ailand, near Sutherlln, Oregon, Sept.
8, 1921, from injuries received while
working at his sawmill near his
home. Mr. Filley was injured about
5 o'clock Thursday evening, and
death followed about three hours
later. He regained consciousness
about one-hatf hour after the acci
dent and conversed with his family.
Dr. De Vere was hastily summoned,
but all efforts to save him were In
vain. Mr. Filley and Miss Eva Ran
som were married In Michigan in
March, 1879. To them were born
three sons and seven daughters. Be
side his family, Mr. Filley is sur
vived by one brother, residing In
TIM KEN and HYATT rofer bear
ings for cars and trucks at The
Rosehnrst Oarage.
WANTED Turiteys ,mrce or imall.
Pi.01. 14-F-14. Boyar Bros.
TAILORING nnd dressmaKlog of all
kind. Phone 187-R. Mra. Outbrtdge.
WANTED Ltv atock for
Farm Bureau Exchange.
Phone 9.
WANTED Second hand apple box
"press. Charlei A. Brand.
Box 181,
-To rent 4 or S room house.
Sutherlln, Oregon.
WANTED Woman cook on ranch during-
harvest time. Addreas "Cook."
WANTED A personal bond
Will pay surety Co. price,
references. Box 11182.
for 1500.
Best of
MAN WANTED To chop wood on
shares, or will sell at 2&o a tier.
Phone 38-F2. Box 1124
W A N T ED Man to cut grub oak poles.
Good timber, good ground, good
price, batch or board; 2 miles from
Koseburg. Address A. H., News-
WANTED Capable young man wants
permanent delivery or store work, or
both. In Douglas county, town or
count rq. Address 126 Rose St.,
Klinmth Falls, Oregon.
WANTED Experienced apple packers
and sorters.
Puon Pete Sinclair.
1'hnne 31-F2.
STRAYED" Bay mare. Rothschild.
miners Addition.
IF YOU want to buy a 1-ton truck at a
bargain see Motor Shop Oarage at
lost akd rotno.
LOST Tjiro-A onv.a VinA
t phone 20U-L.
STKAYKD From my place, one bay
niaie Kotnecniia, Miners Addition.
LOST Gold locket and chain,
U R M. Kinder leave at
Keview o f t Ice.
roll KBNT Furnlnhed apartment.
clean and newly palnlea. Clone in.
I'lione Z1Z-J.
LOST Waterman Ideal fountain pen
without cap. Finder pleas return
u ewn-Hevlew office.
of addresses. Owner
may have same by oalllns at
of'lce and paylnr for adv.
FOUND Child's black coat. Owner
may have same by calling at this
uiiiee ana paying for sdv.
tOUND Small boy's coat. Owner may
have name by oalllnnj at this effloe
r payins; lor sot.
LOST Orange Persian cat from horns
on r.asi 1,'rss street. Anawera to
name "Fluffy." Suitable reward.
r none 1US-I.
lont ladla' hand arlp between
orantn Paaa and Koaeburg-. Contains
two watrhee, ramlly allver, and
wearing apparel. Finder leave at
r.pww-Kvif w orrice.
RENT Housekeeping
or ked-
zno nneriaan ait.
RKNT Rar.t.
aeposu Ciose
Roaeourg National Ran
FOR RUNT Furnlahed aleeplng room,
hot water all of th time. Ill Mo.
rM.. nena.
roil RKNT Furnished housekeeping
rooma. Alao unfurnlabed rooms for
rent III Parrolt St.
FOR RENT A real live stock ranch
eisnt miles from town, three year
lease, rent very cheap; partly vnder
Irrigation: good Improvements. Her
la your chance to get started If you
act quick. Re A. T. Uwrn;
. Ag.ncv. 1? Cans street. Phone tl
FOR SALK Fir cord wood. Writ for
price. I. o. Ooff. Jjutharllrt
FOR 9UT6R TRADE) Exceptional
value In used oai a at terras to salt
Mntor Evehang. F. L. MoOr. 401-1
Went Oa St,
There will be a i,i I
the ladles' Auxl .w."""0!
F.ftE.. Friday n ght. sZZnC,1
In Mnnonhoa ' "i
Koseburg Cafeteria. 1
Oregon' t Higher Instituttoa ol
Eight Schocli; Sevtnt; Depi:lmnh
For information write lo Itw lefiMnr
Oregon Agricultural College
Phone 37-F13.
Sharpies leptrttorj
FOR 8AL.K, Old growth flr And pta
t udu, aa-r ii.
FOR SALE About 20 Her oak bloc,
wood. Call 24-F21.
iiiquiiq m toy dmi iane.
FOR SALE Oak wood. Addreu U
E. Marat era, R, F. D. 1. Phone l'-f-FOR
SALE 90 white Leghorn puU.t
John Bueenbark, Roaeburg, Ort,
FOR SALE C head of plffi, flr.i
shape, f 5 to f 8 each. Llndblom, bli
FOR SALE Cut flowers. Aiten
dahlias. Runyan'i Dahlia OardtnJ
1385 Umpaua Ave.
FOR SALE Pure bred Del aim
high grade Rumbouillet rams. J.
Barnes, Ten Mile, uregoo.
FOH KAt.E Aillimlabla dresi for:
Address Norlne Glpson, RoMburf,
FOR SALS 250 dr. shake!, 1 f
large milk cow, 100 Tancred ttrta
chickens, Oravensteln apples, i
Bergold. Olall
FOR DALE Angora gnats, mill ul
female. Registered, nrna irom
bred stock. J. L Chapman, wuon-'
VLrirni fcvm sir V A row tlpr of
flr and pine left: will deliver In Ru-
h.. . .I- lat of It nr tier If o-
dered at once. Mux 11:9. Rowtef
FOR 8 ALB About !00 acrea: IM H
In cultivation; mo cieareo
.... ii i..i . r,A ml nr. Prl
to sell. 1(0 per sera Llndblom. u
lv.ii an v Hav.nnnrt. inro.
2 ruga, oil ntov'e, 6 chairs. J wjw
household articles, rnon.
Inquire 0 Phort street.
FOR SALE Oood second "'"f.,!;
falfa hay (car lets!. Per '".
Richardson. CentralPoJnLOr!l.
lin rora t'
1911 Blllck !
8K Overland
Ford delivery
121 N. Jackson.
-d. J5T
FOR SALE vetcn ". ; ,rli
grans. I
SUc lh
run anoi't -rT ...
nave i"u mu.
mett Hall. Wilbur,
27-FI2. Oakland.
IM00.00: ISOO.on down ana " ,
easy term.. buva5 room fr
house. Lot loxiun. - ,
buslneaa, eee this one. 0.
ft Pon. Phone II ; r
l-ROOM house with .""''"J'"' frtl
0kI00. oarsre rVf
trees: on psvn ""T tifW pf
n.on aa Ifiofioo down nfl
month; '". Interest. O.
ft Ron. Thone .17.
10 ACRF.S of land J'i. rK'
acre, tillable: ai"
plenty of outside range .
in lien fro mconnty rea. i ,,
ment patent perf' '"', R
per acre. If intereeieu
. rare Mewa-Keview.
2c: rye grass h
Rtem and Nlnetv n? ' wei ,
bu.: threshing n'rVnrrrer-s. '"V
R. kcClav. f.K.':1,..rlTtM,
miles west nsaiana. .
r. pTiiaAn rsr
IK WALK f' " Vk. .n!d. "".I
for sale that mint bj p alr. V
f.r.d for one thousano lt i
than coat. Cment f
naved street, four "'' ),. M"
eaav term
only those wno .ri
a good home .i i ,' Arit. ''
lawrence. Commercisi
ho are in "T ii
Pass StrearJJ!!LJ?---
FA CTORT repre. ,, sui"fr.
have much m" , BuJ
r:i: a mo co
V - tntm
way, Portland. Or