PAGE 1'HKKI n-r7l?"-M-Mau' '"" I . w Wetter coffee nat be -oroduced ft- erf. .:... JoU flfivni' anrl ' inc just uft' strength of HILLS BROS.' "RED CAN" COFFEF is sure to satisfy the taste of people who enjoy a cup of good coffee. CSfVx U;ii.'bI Si If I rWtN juiTai" l i I n " . IKKSI'ASSl MJT2CB. HI persons are Hereby warned not ,Wt or otherwise tres pass on my e,.t lUWT Valley and at 5wi Any person violating this Ntlce will be prosecuted to tno full tofthe Uw.a q MILLER. TKAt Hi lt WAXTKD. Tin teachers are wanted to teach t. Melrose school tor the ensuing eM year. Slate expel ionce and aBforder of the lwrard or directors. GKO. A. CKANK. Clerk, school Dist. No. 71. .Melrose, Oregon. BIVEIt BOTTOM RANCH, ton jr sore buys a river bot- m ranch, stock, crop and equip ment, near .Eugene, Oregon., run oil, balance easy terms. L. 11. Hiit'bs, 960 Willamette St., Eugene, Ortfoo. d SPIREI.LA COItSETS Made to aaiure. Belle Cast, l'hone 331 L. Hisses Cecilia and Aida Denn, of Cimas Valley, left this morning for M-dford where they will attend ikal at St. .Mary's academy duriiiK J coming winter. They are the dufhlers of Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. lm. pruuilueiit residents of the Land and Water Ship. The filipniotnmus is now rivaled by an amphibious tanU that travels equal ly well by land nnd water.- It Is a tnuk only in the sense that It origi nated in the fighting tanks of the war, for It Is, ns a mutter of fact, a pas senger vehicle. When nsltore, it trav els on endless treud wheels, nnd looks like a inotorbus; .when nllont, It Is propelled nnd nets like a launch... It Is the invention of a Frenchman, nnd was recently tested, carrying six pas sengers. In Marseilles, the great Medl torrniienn port. The French got around the difficulty of giving It an appropriate appellation by calling it a land unci wuter ship. Popular Mechanics. Japanese Judicial Regalia. .Speaking of robes, that .om by (lie llrst Judge of the Jnpnuce. Su preme court Is a work of art and as heavy with embroidery ns the vest ments of the padres of the little San German church In l'orto Kino. The color is black nnd tlte texture fine. Around the neck Is a collar, woven Into the gown Itself ami not worn srp. iimtfly, ns Is the collar of the chief Justice of England. The color of the embroidery of this collar Is royal pur ple, nnd Is called the "crest of the seven flower of poiilownln." The cap, something after the order of the very smart sport hats worn by t'r American women. Is also black, with n design of "clustered clouds" around thn ton in, I gMnr- - Vn.v y..ep T-tliono Mixing Bowls A Kitchen Necessity YELLOW with white band 7 inch $ .35 8 inch 50 9 inch 65 10 inch 80 11 inch 1.00 WHITE with blue band 7 inch $ .50 8 inch 75 9 inch 1.00 10 inch 1.15 11 inch 1.35 GLASS MIXING BOWLS In Sets of 5 bowls $1.50 per Set CHURCl ILL HARDWARE CO. SILK PARASOLsl OF EXQUISITE BEAUTY OF DURABLE FABRICS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY and REASONABLY PRICED ARE ON DISPLAY AT I. ABRAHAM LADY BLUEBEARD ON TRIAL TODAY Mrs. Southard Will Endeavor to Prove That She Did not Kill Five Husbands MARRIED FIVE TIMES IK-reiiiui Will Knd.Mivor to Prove That Mrs. Soul 'mid Is Natural Typhoid Carrier and Ild .Not Murder Husbands, By M. D. TRACY, (I'nltt'd Press Start Correepundont.) TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Sept. 12.- (LnlWd l'ress). Mrs. Lydia South ard started today to prove to the world that alie is not the modern successor of Bluebeard. faho faced a court on a specific cnarge of having poisoned Edwin F. Meyers and attempting to collect his lite insurance when Ire died. . In addition, officers of Twin Falls county alleged this mild-mannered little woman of less than 30 years, killed by the same method three other husbands and a brother-in-law. Six months ago she was known only as a yulet Unto lady who Berved salads In a Los Angeles cafeteria louuy Bhe was the center of one of the most remarkable of criminal cases. Mrs. Southard was arrested In Honolulu after being traced from Los Angeles. Iter husband, Paul Vincent Southard, who is standing strongly by her in the trial here was a chief petty officer on board the U. S. S. Monterey, stationed at Honolulu. . Mrs. Southard will be represented in court by a large staff of attor neys. Hor defense, it Is- understood, s being financed jointly by her hus band and her parents who reside on a farm near here. The county prosecutor will charge that Mrs. Southard, urged on by a desire for luxuries, conceived the dea of doing away with her hus bands as rapidly as she married them. In the case of Meyers, the prosecutor will attempt to show that he secured arsenic by extracting it from fly paper and placed this lu his food, coffee and medicine. Sh1? will be painted as a cruel murderess, who killed while she caressed. Tm- exact plan of the defense has not I con made public. Mrs. South ard, while in custody at Honolulu. xpressed In an exclusive statement to the United Press a belief that she was a natural typhoid carrier and that each of her husbands died fro,. ypholo fever, contracted from her. Phynicians, on the other hand, were said to have examined her and re ported she was not a typhoid carrier. I mn not worried." Mrs. Southard l as maintained since her arrest. 'Why should I worry? My con- .oience Is clear." Mrs. Southard has had five hus bands. Four of them, and one brotler-ln-law, died under alleged mysterious circumstances. Here, according- to official J, is Mrs. Southard's record of marriage and death: In 1912, as Lydia Truoblood, she. nairled Robert C. Dooley at Kejtes- llle, Missouri. He died at Twin Fal's. October 1, 1915. Kdward Dooley, Robert Dooley a brother, died ir. Twin Falls In Aug-u-.t. 1915. Th" two Dooleys held a iclnt Insurance policy In favor of Lydia. . In June. 1917. she married Win. O. Mellaffie, restaurant owner of Twin Falls. He died in Hardin, Mont., October 22, 1918. In 1919, she married Hnrlar C. Lewis In Denver, Colo. He died July 6, 1919. August 10, 19 20, she marKed Ed win F. Meyers, a rancher of Twin Falls. He died September 7, 19 20. She married her fifth husband, Paul Vincent Southard, chief petty officer, I'. S. N., In Los Angeles In 1921. He Is standing by her during the trial. TIMKEN and HYATT roller bear ings for cars and trucks at The loseburg Oarage. o SOME FISH LAl tJH-I.IXES. America has plenty of fish, accord ing to the fish stories heard nowa tlmes. The vacation "l.nak Wal tons" are as numerous this season as ever. They are Just as good yarn spinners as they claim to be fisher men. Likewise, fish Jokes are al most as plentiful ns the tales of great catches. And. the newspapers have caught a fine haul of fish jokes. Some of the best fish fun is shown "THE SILK STORE." Reduction! Hills ii- l- "ne 01 woolens from the) largest woolen l'-rni f, . m new 'n a position to otter a range of 600 uuhin .v,. . " 10 ""0 for suit or overcoat. Fit and work- Hit, j ust rere guaranteed J. F. DILLARD ROSEBURG CLEANERS 8errlc First VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL Tbs world's standard remedy for thM disorder, will often ward off these due. end etreniftfien tne ooay eirainai 9n further attacks. Three sins, sll druggists. , fc, m, CU MM Un mmt on the screen In "Topics of the Day 111ms. It Is a sure bait to lure laughter. Can we "catch" you wit foine scaly huiuot ? Well, these laugh lines ought to book a few smiles. Ever Thusly. Man starts at morn to catch the fl That always gets away, But he brings back the same old lie To end his fishing day. Houston Chronicle, (iem'eiiien'a Agreement. Father (meeting his son at a fish ing ponai i wonuer wnat your mother would say If sue knew you were playing nookey to fish?" Sonny "She'll never know, dad if we don t give each other away. New York Dnlly News. FUli Kent Problem. Jonah was much perturbed "You can't even try to live in a whale without being evicted lu three days, Ira mourned. Paterson Press Uuar lan. Wilful Worm. Marine "Look at all the fish I've caught and you haven't got one bite." Gob "Aw, this worm I have ain't even half trying; he s stalling for raw decision." Our Navy Magazine. Flfty-Fifty. Wanted Gentleman who can fur nish one-half dozen bottles of the old bait to my tackle. Object, fishing trip. "Topics of the Day" Films. True Enough. Man What are you fishing for, little boy? Boy Sharks! Man But there are no sharks In that little pond. Boy No nor nothing else so 1 might Just as well fish for sharks. Boston Globe. Man of Actions. Able How did Izzy hurt his arm? Jakle He Just returned from a fishing tnp and dislocated It telling fish stories. Yonkers Statesman. (mmI Picker. Parson and which of the par ables do you like best, my child? Johnny The one where some body loafs and fishes. N. Y. Uulv. Alumnus. Worth Waiting For? Percy Have you any wild fish? Dealer We have none ready. But If you'll wait. I'll provoke one. Elmlra Advertiser. "Topics of tho Day" Films. AS PICTtRK AHEAD, KODAK YOU GO then, If you want to make good re sults certain, bring your films to the professional kodak finishers. CLARK'S PHOTO STUDIO Roseburg National Bank Building. WAR OFFICE FEARSOME PLACE According to Captain Bairnsfather, British Institution Is Designed to Be an Annoyance. I I have not been to the British war office very often, writes dipt. Bruce Bairnsfather in "From Mud to Mufti," but I have never lust the odd sensa tion that it gives rise to. You enter the building and fill lit a form. In time a Boer war veteran tells you bois terously to "follow the girl." The girl. guide of sorts lu an engineer's durk brown overall, sets off sullenly down a cement pnssuge, with a group of as sorted officers pursuing. She. I fancy, revels In the Intricacies of those cata combs. Having apparently described a com plete parallelogram In a forbidding looking corridor, you suddenly come upon a lift. It is always disappearing upward when you arrive. It comes down suddenly nnd disgorges an as sorted crowd; headed by the girl guide, you enter and are taken up. We all repeat the corridcir-and-parallelo-gram business. Nothing but the girl guide can save you now. Lost In the war otllcel How awful that would be I I can lmnglno how visitor who had lagged behind the guide would stop, suddenly realizing that he was lost ; how he would vainly beat on those stnnc walls and scream for help; how a typist would find his skeleton weeks Inter In tin attitude that evidently showed that he hnd suc cumbed wlille endeavoring to gnaw his way through n (h or. I followed the cui'le nnd, after being handed to seernl officials,, at last came up with the official whose duty It was to prevent. If possible, anyone from seeing the officer who hud sum moned me by Idler. Youth's Companion. TREASURE TROVE IN LONDON Chance Discovery Has Led Antlqusr. ians to Believe They Are on Eve of Rare Find. A chance discovery of a piece of blue enamel, curiously marked, by II. S. tlordon, a London mining engineer, bos turned a vacant plot, where gur den truck wns grown, into a treasure trove. Today diggers are busy dig ging and sifting every bit of the earth, believing that It Is on the erlge of an old Itoinnn cemetery, used cen turies sgo. Digging Into one part of It the men t.ny they can trine I-ondon's history l.y strata to thou-:mds of years ago. It Is estimated that London's level In creased st the rale f one foot a cen tury. Things api"iir to have been thrown Into the (lace, which must iiave been a queer pit, ns though It hn'l been n place for refuses. Its rare treasures nre ni'Mly broken bits of Jeweliy, china. gl.i-are, etc. tine ex-piMti-ly carved oniniueM of pure gold, evidently part of a golden col lar, was found, nnd Is eMiinnted to have been made liween ) and f"0 B. C, Some of the ni"t lnleretlng on. Jecis nre broken pllx'S. whole series ssceiidlng through nearly four feel of soil. Illustrating the P'oe's evolution (ram the Iajs of J'in Elisabeth. BRAND ONE ONE ' QUALIiy One Size Package All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the' finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette CAMEL. Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality. Nothing is toe ood for Camels. They are as good as it's possible to make a cigarette. Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same mellow-mild refreshing smoothness the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos and entire freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this! Camels come in one size package only 20 cigarettes just the right size to make the greatest saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. Here s another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No "extra wrappers!" Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. One thing, and only, one, is responsible for Camels great and growing popularity that is CAMEL QUALITY. H.J.REYNOLDSTOBACCOCOWInton.Slem,N.C --. :- FRED C. STERLING f V Cl 5-r 4--4 ! Fred C. Sterling, lieutenant govr. or of Illinois, who was indicted, to gether with Governor Small, on charges of fraud and embezzlement of public funds when he was stats tress- rer. NUTICK. Dr. It. P. and Pearl M. Bradford. Chiropractic Physicians. Ten years practice. Consultation Suite 24. Perkins Bldg., Roseburg, Ore 1000. We own nearly one billion feet of Douglus fir, pine and cedar In Dong as county. Oregon, that wo are of fering very cheap for Immediate sale. Interested see or address Gorman -.merson, our sales manager, ni me Uinpuua Hotel, Itosebuig, Oregon. Ncenuh Oregon Lnnd Co. VOTK'K Or SAI.n n I' OOVKHN.MENT Tl.!lii:R. liimiiul Land Offl'o. WnnOliiston. IV c. AurUHt 11. V'-'l. lit Is litreby given llotl auljt l to lie conditions and lltnltntlon qf Ui uf June S, t'Jli Mat.. 211, biiu he liti'tru. l!i,t,n of lli'i e i .-' in y or tin- ntmlor of H. i.ninhrr l,., l : l . M I- , (lie tlmt'er on inc ro H,wiri mini" will ! "lt 't. 3. 1-'I. l l o.-lo.K M.. nt r-uMO- aio Mon nl in i.iim--i Clnlrn In li '1 offh-e at lt"-loiric. r-- li liir li i n n e v t niudi-r in ion i'-" twin the sppisliod vriluc ai almwn hy hlN nnllie. ante to t.n mt.i.t to the ,, uf til.- fl .lory of lh In terior. Th piir'-luie I'll, with an :ilf)lll'inal antii of one-llflh of one. i.-r -elit thereof. lielnK coin mli-fl'-IIH Hi- oweft ron-t lie te.mll,-(l lit lime of isle, money to t-e r.-tilrneil If wl.- I not approved, ollierwl.e pnlenl w-lll ipu- for the tlmlier wlilrh most lie re noveil wllhin ten venrs. Jll,la wilt he ra-elV"fl from citleem if IIm- I Tn If fl llntei. a.p-fi tfttlnrip of ao -li r:l.,-i l mo rorpolsltona oric'i -i Ik-it li'uh-r iha !nw of th I ml' I Kliitf r aiiv flfiiie. T-rrlt.irv -r I'in trlrt iiiiTf-of only, rpon iippll' atlon of l qim:i'i.'d piif l-a-e;-. tl.e lltiilo-r on wiy P mil anli'llyl'lon w ill h- off. red .epamtelV I'efore tielm lii' l'i'ti-'l In M .ffer of a lnrser unit. T. i'l H . It. t V s.-'. J. 11 1. fir 11 5 M ee.fir M l-.'iilo.k 25 M, PV Nl!';. Or 'S ! pv.yi sr.i. nr n'n M. Ki.'i t-W'i fir "0 M None of the llr to he aolil for nea than II r. per M , and none of (he cediir or hemlork tn be e"ld for le.. Ihan It per M WM.t.tAV HI'ItT, Commuulooar, OaaaraJ Utad Off Ics. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. llelliwoll of Portland, spent Sunday in lioscliurg visiting with the lli'lllwell brolheri of this city. They are enrouto to Crater Lake for a vacation, traveling by automobile. LOIMJK DIKKtTOIir. noonsKii ok thk ivohi.ii ramp Nu. 12b. meeta In cdi Fellowk hall Ir Itoaeburg every lal and 3rd Monday evenlnas. Vlaltlng netithbura si ways welcome, . H. CAItrtlCK, C. C. U. M. Mli.i.KH. Clerk. MOORE MUSIC Kindetgartcn and all other Dunning Classes start this week REGISTER NOW PHONE 502' Bell Sisters Uullding O. P. O. ELKS. RoaeauraT I,o0a So. SS Holds regular conimunh-at lolta at ths Elks' Temple on earh Thuiauwy of every month. All memhera re quested to attend regularly. Had all vialtlng brothers am cordially In vited to attend. nor nrct.ivwfl, U. U WHll'I'I.K. K. R Hery O. B. liof-eniir rftfi" "hi. h - Holda their reKular meetins on ll' lat and 3rd Thurailnya in eS'-h month. re raapeetf I Sy Invited lo, attend MYKTLK HKVMKItH W M KltKh! Joli.'istlN. Heey. I. O. U. Pblletarlnai IMP N". X, meeta In Odd t'cilowa' Temple every Friday evening at 7:30 otloi k. Vlalt Ins; brof.bren are Always welcuiue. A. RICDHAHN. ti. a. A. J. OIODDKH, Hoc. Fee. J. B RAII.KT. Kin. Wen. MCltlllMUH!! K OOI HAKT I.llaC Circle fio. 49, meeta on Sod and 4tti Monday evening-. Viait;ng nelKhhori Invited to attend. PltlimL, HIHlNOFlt. O. N. T1LI.II-; I. jcjHNshN. Clera. 1. K. A. , l.anrel l.oilae No. 1S Itennlar communtt nltnna 2nd and 4tp Wednesdays earn, month at Muaonli Temple, Hoaebulg, Ore. Vlaltors wel eonie. W F. nAnitlS. Pery. JOHN K. Ut'N'YAN. WM HKMKK IIS ltoi,:tiui Iti-tieBtlS IjO'lK No. 41. t. . C I-'.. -M-eta In inld hul lowe" Temple vaiy week on Tueaday veninsr- Vlaltlnic nieuibeta tn sood etandllia nre Invlli-d tn Btlend, MYKTI.K Tltni llKN, N. CJ. IlKI.I.B Ti:l'H I..NX IN, Met. liTHftU MAILI-.V. t in. S..eT icACf l..h ntiaeuui s Aerla 'lieeta tn alnose hall on Jackaon bt. on nd and 4th Monday evcmiiri of ew-h month t 8 o'cloek. Vlfllins brethren In good Handing alwna welcome. VICTOR MIl.'Kl.I.I, W. P. P. A J. WIU.K. W. P. Si. F. UfMII'MAN. Maciaiaiy. IUIII. OHIIK.n He Mllfisr. Hoaehura lxnl No. IV37 me.t flrai and third Tueadiy evenlnna of ea h month at t o'cloek In tun Mooea hall All visiting brotbrra era Invited to attend. C. W niAKr: Dlriator. ' K O. I'AltttKTI.K. hecielaiy 1. II. O. t mtn RBrinipmriil Siw. S Meeta In hid fellini' Tempi very Wadneadiiy evinlng. Vlhlllng brethren always wanome. ClKf). KAKAHAInlt. O. F. V. T J,i'l-.r"'f. II. 1 . OI.IVKIl 1 1 1 1 1 S l."V. It J AM KM KW.UtT, V, S. 8. W. H. A, CI. T. M. Roset'urg Review. No. II held renular mef tliie on aee otid Thumday at 2 p. 111. and fourth Thtimdey at I p ni Vl-ltin t alet-ra Invited to attend rel-w..'-ahaft Hail, l ine :id C a-. mn-.H. I.ot'iHK i.' ft -ic i-:, Com J!4fIU RAIT. I'ol. tfiltCillTS Or l'THIA Alps 1a).1s No. 41, meeta every Wednesday even ing In IfouKHa Ahatra, t Hall, corner Jarkann Waahlnslon H'J. V.llt ors alwsya wel-oitie. ( lAKB. . C CTIIAH '. HOI K rNa, M K. K. at WUIUKHLY. K. K. . ROYAL CLUB RESTAURANT Open Day and Night MRS. W. R. BOWMAN Proprietor Cor. Cass & Sheridan Sts. For Sale High Class Nursery Stock at r'ftRonatlt ..rices. Grt my prltOH tM-foru 1uclii(5 your order. TI! hoc that you t what you buy. R. L. ELLIS Elite Beauty Parlor Wo liuve movotl our I'.cauty rarlor and Jlenistitc hitiK 1'e liai'tmt'iit to liirorcr 1 over liosebtiri? Nalionnl Hank. We are now open for Imsines-J. Your patronage is solicited. Warnock &Donahu3 Tail, a M.J