Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 13, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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HfchoM cerdnv Ml
ToulSOt nJ W",,e-
A Hint to Advertisers
20,000 people read the
Newt-Rev hew dally.
a I
In Which is Included Die Evening New and The Roieburg Review
vou x. No. aia, ov the evening news.
"Chief" Balliet, Confined on Bad Check Charge, Gets Blame
For Attempted Jail Break Discovered By Deputy
Sheriff Hopkins This Morning
Evidence found this after-
t noon in a further search of the
jail leads the officers to believe
that Dr. Brumfleld hag planned
to escape from the time he was
first placed in the jail. When
put iu the jail Dr. Brumfleld
4 was given a ce:l upstairs. A
grating there is held In place
by several iron bars similar to
the one used last night in the
attempt to force the jail door.
In making an investigation this
afternoon It was found that
.. three of these bars have been
removed. As Dr. Brumfield is
4 the only one who haB occupied
the upstairs cell and ns there
4 are none bf these bars on the
lower floor, the officers are
confident that he took the ono
used last night when he was
transferred, evidently planning
In advance to use it in a jail
An Unsuccessful attempt to escape
from the Douglas county jail was
made last night by Dr. H. M. Drum
field or J. R. -Chief" Balliet. or
both. Balliet is being given credit
for the attempt which succeeded
only as far as springing the cage
door so that the sliding bar at the
upper corner fails to work properly,
necessitating the services of a black
imlth to make repairs. The officers
believe that Brumfleld prqbably as
sisted In the efforts to wreck the
door, hut blame the "Chief" for the
frealer part of the attempted jail
The door was forced with a small
Iron bar. and the handle of a case
knife, the implements later being
found where they were hidden by
tbe prisoners. A small bundle of
wire, suitable for picking a lock was
lso discovered on the careful Bearch
of the cell. Upon being questioned
Dr. Brumfleld maintained a strict
silence other than saying that he
knew nothing of the attempt to break
down the cell door. After making
that statement he refused to discuss
the matter further. Balliet denied
ny knowledge of the matter until
the search of the cell was in prog
ress. . "What di.i you use to pry this
Constitution Day Program
to be Combined With Band
Concert In Big Celebration
m Con8til"tln day program. , committee has been consld
winr. under the auspices of the local
nch and I ar, will be combined
"H the r.gular Thursday night
MM concert, according to the pres
et Plans of the committee. It will
big patriotic program and every
M in and tar Itoseburg should be
w the courthouse lwn that evening,
tb. r 31 Panned to havie the
bi!h " ,u""n ''"J' Program In the
bus 1 ' u'll,rluin. but as the
V" ,r""l,'n ,,r the occasion, it
tnJ. ,' d ,0 '"'"Ine the two pro
to hi ! 0i;' l"bration. and
A L. ?n ,h0 eourthouse square.
frtrvT """""on Is extended to
rily n'"c rKn'tion In the
lh. skn ', the nld veterans from
tWk. 1 " A,1'llary, G. A. K.
'Bv0f ,he A-e'ican nevoid
ree ,L ru"' Chamber of Com
Mli. , ,h" p,lblic "ehools, as
rr,Rram wl" b8 n"
talk onTh J"r twenty-minute
Tlw udl.n tp,eral Cons'ltutlon."
4 i ,''con'Inled by the
Wr" 'Th S""" SPonK'ed
Tait'eJ! d America."
r" this season, and wlU
door with," Deputy Sheriff Hopkins
asked him.
"A stick of wood," was Balllet's
only admission.
Door Was Dent.
The fact that the Jail door had
been tampered with was discovered
this morning by Deputy Sheriff
Frank Hopkins upon his arrival at
the jail with the breakfast for the
prisoners. Upon attempting to open
the door he found it so badly bent
that it was necessary for blm to use
a heavy block of wood to drive back
the bolt.
The door is constructed of strips
of steel about two inches wide and
a half Inch in thickness. These
strips are laid lengthwise and cross
wise and are riveted together. The
door is bound by a heavy steel strip.
At the center there is a large lock
which can be reached only from the
outside. In addition there is a hasp
and padlock. At both the bottom
and the top there are heavy sliding
bolts the handles on the outside. It
Is possible by springing the upper
portion of the door for a small man
to slip through without breaking the
lock at the center. -
Metal Was Used.
On account of the strength of the
door, however, it requires a great
effort to bend the door and a very
heavy piece of steel and a good lev
erage must be used. The attempt to
break down the door, doubtless fail
ed last night, only because of the in
adequacy of the . Implements used.
As it was tbe door was bent back
for at least two Inches at the upper
It was plain to be seen upon ex
amination, that a metal "Jimmy" of
some sort had been used. There
were deep marks in the strips bind
ing the door, which could not have
been made by wood as claimed by
Balliet. The forcing of the door re
quired much more pressure than 8
wooden bar would be able to with
stand and consequently the officer?
were aware that the prisoners bad
obtained possession of some more
efficient implement.
Cage Searched.
In order to remove such tools from
their possession, a careful search of
the cell was made this morning. In
a dark corner, hidden on top of the
cage. Deputy Sheriff Percy Webb
found the iron bar and the knife
handle. The latter has evidently
been In or near the cage for a con-
be the largest and best so far, ac
cording to the band manager. In
speaking of the prospects for con
certs next year, Mr. Lawrence made
the following statement: "If the
public appreciates these band con
certs, we will open up next season
with something real In the shape of
a program, and it won't be with a
band stand that look like hang
man's scaffold.
Tax Dodgers Are
Causing Trouble
(By United Press).
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Tax
dodgers are getting away with a bil
lion dollars annually because of the
tax exempt securities and cause
other citizens to be more heavily
taxed, according to the federal treas
ury officials. Should these rich peo
ple be taxed on many other articles
It would mean a lower cost In the
living for a great mass of people.
The government, however, cannot
touch these securities of which about
fourteen to thirty billion are now
outstanding, because of constitution
al limitations.
alderaV'e length of time as-lt had
no freah marks ;i show that it had
been recently removed from the
The time the attempt was made
Is not known. Charles Hadley was
on guard all night, as the county Is
maintaining a guard over tbe Jail at
all times. Mr. Hadley heard noth
ing unusual and did not hear any of
the sounds which must have accom
panied the attempt to break down
the door.
On the Iron bar were found marks
to show that It had been recently
used and the officers are confident
that It was the tool used In forcing
the door. Had the prisoner or pris
oners been able 'to move the door.
sufficiently to enable them to crawl
through, it would have been a very
simple matter to have gone Into the
corridor of the Jail building and
from there upstairs. From the sec
ond floor of the pall It would be very
easy to reach the ground as the bars
there are very Insecure and could be
easily rhoved.
Oak Club Found. .
On top of the cage and near the
back of the cell, a heavy oak club
was found. It was about two Inches
in diameter with a big knot on the
end, rormlug an Ideal bludgeon am
making a good weapon for use In au
attack upon an officer If such an at
tack had been planned.
Think BninifieM Helped.
Although the officers are confident
that the attempt to break Jail was'
fostered by Balliet, tuey are of the
opinion that Dr. Brumfleld assisted.
Whether or not he would have es
caped had the door been broken!
down causes a division in opinion.!
Some of the officers maintain that
he would attemtp an escape, while
others hold the opinion that he
would remain in the cage and would
endeavor to use this in his defense
at the trial.
While the surmising goes on Dr.
Brumfield remains silent and refuses
to discuss the matter from any angle. I
When two representatives of the
Yews-Review went Into the cell with
the officers, while the search was on,
Dr. Brumfleld spoke to them and
talked freely regarding his health',
which he says Is Improving. He told
'he reporters that he had not been
'eellng well for several days, but
that he Is now much better. He is
heavily bearded and Is beginning to
mow the effects of his Incarceration
and lack, of exercise. He reads or
plays cards constantly.
Chief in Solitary Confinement.
As a result of the attempt to es
cape Balliet Is to be kept In solitary
confinement. Deputy Sheriff Hop
kins announces. He will be moved
from the main cage Into one of the
imall cells which can be locked at
night, keeping blm separate from Dr.
Brumfleld who occupies the same
age. - Balliet Is awaiting trial on a
charge of passing a bad check.
Further Search Made.
A further and more careful search
was made of the Jail this afternoon
while the prisoners were undo?
guard during the time the black
smith made repairs to the cell door
The officers very carefully went over
all parts of the cell and of the outei
corridors removing everything which
might be used In future attempts to
break down the doors.
Bed Hulls Used.
It was found that the bed rails of
the bed occupied by "Chief" Balliet
had been removed from the bed and
put together to form a long lever
with which the pressure used to
spring the door was doubtless exert
ed. Marks found on the rails In
dicated the manner of their use and
cleared up the mystery regarding the
implements used. The bed rails were
illghtly bent, showing that they had
been put under a tremendous strain.
The officers believe that the iron bar
was used first to spring the doors
slightly until the larger rails could
he inserted and the bar was then
used as a wedga.
Hliier' lollies Help.
Balliet confessed to the officers
that he attempted to escape. He
claimed that he had no help and de
nied that Brumfield had given him
any assistance.
"If he'd a helped me I'd got
loose." the "chief" told the officers.
Itnr Is Traced.
That Brumfleld did help at least
by furnishing one of the most Impor
tant tools used. Is the belief of the
A couple of years ago two boys
were con'Ined In the upstairs portion
of the pall. The boys managed to
secure a hacksaw from a girl friend
and sawed out two of the bars at
the window. They bont the bars
bark and by means of a rope Impro
vised from their bedding kept rland
Istine meetings with a couple of girls
for almost three weeks before (heir
avenue of escape was discovered. In
making repairs the offl.ers secured
a large grating which was fastened
to the wall with Iron bars driven Into
the wall and bent over to hold the
grate In n'ace.
flrl 1nn.ened finite.
Recently a girl traveling with an
alleged white slaver was confined In
this cell. She worked for a couple
of days and removed several of the
j Gardner Believed
Deady at Any Rate
He Is Missing
TAC01IA, Sept. 13. (U.P.)
Roy Gardner, the escaped
convict, may be dead, Dr. Jento,
the McNeil prison physician, to-
day ordered a careful search
through the bruBh within five
hundred yards of tha prison
walls. In an attempt to find
Gardners body. Failure to
find the bandit, the fact that
witnesses saw him fall once
when he fled for liberty over a
week ago, and lack of contact
with him on the small Island.
give. rise to the theory that ho
may have died. The guards
round a piece of bloody cloth.
-trri Hiirlit of Man.
(A. P.) A long distance
view of a man on the beach at
Winter's Point was obtained
this morning by two special
guards In a patrol boat. The
guards reported that they believ-
ed the man was Roy Gardner. :
A '1 V. ...1 kank ! .. 1 . 1 1 ,u A. I
v uuauiju urn,, illvu W1C VI UCjil.
DALLAS, Texas, Sept. 13.
The death toll la growing. Con-
servative estimates place the
final total, when all shall be
cleaVed up. at 2r.O. The known
dead is already 175. with San
Ant)o reporting 49. Tavlor,
35; Tho.-ndale. 45: mostly Mex-
leans; and Lake Port. 23.
Livestock Rates
Are Lowered Today
By -vortate3 trs.?
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Re
duction by the western railroads In
rates on cattle, hogs and sheep, ef
fective September 20, amounting to
20 per cent in cases where the pres
ent rates are higher than CO cents
per hundred pounds, has been au
thorized, the interstate commerce
commission announced today. The
commission, said the reduction will
prove of material benefit to the
western livestock raisers, who have
been heavily effected by the rapid
decline of livestock prices.
Practically all of the rates from
points west of J!e Missouri river to
Chicago and from all points west of
the Rocky mountains will be reduced
from one to twenty-five cents per
hundred pounds.
Football Team
Has First Workout
The Roseburg high school fiiothall
squad had Us first actual workout
yesterday evening under the direc
tion of Coach Charles A. "Dad" King
There were fifteen boys out for the
first practice but this number will
be greatly augmented. They were
put through formation work. and ac
cording to the roach showed up well
"We can expect a great team,"
"Dad" King says, "but from all Indi
cation It will be a team that will he
a credit to the high school. We can
not expect to go out with a hunch
of inexperienced players and win
easily over teams that have had
years of football experience. Our
team Is not as heavy as Eugene and
Medford but the boys will average
up well In weight. They are all
husky and fast and Roseburg has the
makings of a fine team. We cannot
bars, but did not hare the strength
to move the heavy grate. Later the
bars were driven back Into place and
Dr. Brumfield was placed In this
cell. Upon searching the cell today
it was found that three of the bars
had been pulled out again. Only
one has been found and the officers
fear that he still hss two hidden
where he can reach them. As these
bars were used only upstairs the of
ficers are confident that the one
used last night was brought down by
the dentist when he was transferred.
1n Guard to he Kept.
In the future a close guard will be
kept on the Jail and the movements
of the prisoners to see that no fur
ther attempts to break out are msde
The officers fire confident that Bal
liet Is an old hand at the game and
Is wanted for other crimes than the
one with which he Is charged, while
Dr. Brumfleld, facing the most ser
ious chart of the criminal code. Is
doubtless desperate. In tha future
no chances will be taken, the officers
expect too much, but If the people
of Itoseburg will support tholr team
as do other cities of the s.ale they
will have just cause to be proud of
their players.
"We have games In sight with
Medford, Grants Pass and Eugene.
The first games will probably be
played In about three weeks so that
we have only a very short space of
time for malting preparations and
whipping a hard playing team Into
"One thing that will be demanded
of the Roseburg team will be clean
playing. In all of our athletics we
are going to be clean and soortsman-
Hue. We will live strictly up to the
rules of the State High School Ath
letic association."
Coach King Is arranging to put the
West Roseburg field in shape for
practice. Considerable work Is nec
essary to get the ground In condi
tion and there will be some expense
in this connection. It Is also nec
essary to purchase tackling dummies
and other apparatus.
The Roseburg Cleaners, under the
proprietorship of J. F. Dillard, today
received a fine new American steam
press. The machine Is tho latest
model of the American press and
came hore direct from their factory
at Seattle, Men were busy today In
stalling the machine, which will be
ready for use at once.
Bankers Assist
Wheat Growers
(rty Associated Press).
SPOKANK, Sept. 16. The bank
ers of Spokane, Seattle and Portland
raised 1,300.000 to finance the im
mediate needs of the Northwest
Wheat Growers, Incorporated, Gen
eral Manager Jewell of tire associa
tion announced today.
Portland Will
Vote on Tax Levy
Uy Associated Press.) '
PORTLAND, Sept. 13. The coun
cil decided ou a special election In
Novfcinhur for a vote on Portland's
tax levy of two million dollars, the
city's share of the six million dollars
lor tho l'J25 exposition.
Here from Oakland
W. B. McClay was over from Oak
land thisaiiiorniiig for Several hourt
attending to business affairs.
In on iliisliicKg .
I'cnry Conn, rrmilnent resident
of Melrose, spent the afternoon hers
attending to business matters.
Salem Man Visit.
Horace Marstors, a former resi
dent of this city, was a visitor here
over Sunday from his home In Salem.
Autoe Arrive
A carload of Bulck Fours arrived
this morning and will be unloaded
tomorrow by the Motor Shop, agents
for tho county.
Cnnyomilln Visitor
L. K Ilennlnger of Canyonvllle
was a Itoseburg visitor today look
ing after business matters anct vis
iting with friends.
Undergo ( erat ion
Mrs. M. 8. Harnni, wifo of the sup
erintendent of schools, underwent an
operation at Mercy hospital thfe
Inves for Portland
.Miss Kleanor Lovoll left for Porl
Ifiid this afternoon where sho will
spend six w-e'is TMtlng with hrr
slsler .Mrs. C. F. Swander.
On limiting Trip . '
Tom Wharton, W. E. Ott and Dave
Lenox are enjoying a hunting trip
in the vicinity of Diamond Lako
They expect to be away for several
Hoard Meet inn; Tomorrow
A meeting of the bonrd of direc
tors of the Chamber of Commerce
will bo held tomorrow evening at
7:30. Several matters of Importance
will be taken up.
llmne Denifinilrntliin Today
Miss Kslher B. Cooley, home dem
onstration specialist of Oregon Agri
cultural college. Is holding a meet
ing at Olalla today for the house
wives of that vicinity.
Seniors Wake I'll
The senior class of the Tloseburg
high school woke up from Its sum
mer nap last night, and this morn
ing Mt. N'ebo shouted forth the glor
ies ef the elans of '22.
Return from South
Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Itavnes and
Mr. and Mrs. Story lies returned last
evening from a motor trip as far
south al tho California lino. They
b'ft R'ind.iv and visited the plnrlpal
cities enrouto.
Sprrlnl Moving Called
Mr. W. L. Cobb has called a spe
cial meeting of cer'aln members of
the Chamber of Commerce for this
evening. Sp."lnl letters were sent
out to these m s. and they have
made a good response, go a success
ful meeting Is expected.
District Attorney Declares That One Witness Changed Testi
monyAnother Witness Has Disappeared Grand
Jury Awaits More Evidence 'Fatty' Still In Jail
The Arbuckle defense scored
twice In the coroner's Inquest
this afternoon when Mrs. Bam-
ulna Delmonl recounted the
aftalr at the party where Ar-
buckle is suspected of having
caused Mias Kappe's death. She
told the corouer that Miss
Rappn went into a room and
Arbuckle followed her in and
that after a considerable length
of time she kicked at the door
and then summoned the man-
ager of the hotel. Fatty opened
the door and was In hit pa-
Jamas and wringing wet. He
was wearing Miss Kappe's hat.
Miss Rappe was lying on the
bed, tearing at the clothing,
saying she was dying.
Arbuckle was plainly ner-
vous during the testimony. He
kepi his eyes on Mrs. Delmont
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. Dis
trict , Attorney Matthew Brady
charged today that one of the slate's
star witnesses had changed testi
mony and another had disappeared,
The grand Jury, in refusing to in
dict Itoscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle on tbe
strength of the evidence Brady pre
sontcd, allowed him further time to
collect evidence. Brady dispatched a
corps of detectives today to clear up
certain disputed details and attempt
to find the San Francisco show girl
reported disappeared from her home
In Berkeley.
Miss Zey Pyvron changed nor tes
tlmony, and Miss Alice Blake Is th(
woman "supposed to have dlijap
pea rea.
Despite the failure of the grand
jury to return an indictment against
Arbuckle, the complaint of Mrs
Bambino Belmont, who swore to tin
murder warrant, will be sufficient to
try Itoscoe on a murder charge,
Brady announced today.
Arbuckle appeared before the
grand Jury only two minute last
night and said nothing.
His attorneys regard the granc
Jury's refusal to return an Indict
mont strongly In tbe comedian's fa
vor. Witness ('banted Perjury.
SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 23. A
chargo of perjury In the testimony
before the grand Jury Investigation
last night Into lite death of Virginia
Rappe, for whoso alleged murder
Fatly Arbuckle Is under arrest, was
made today by District Attorney
He declared that Miss Zey Pro
vost, also known as Zoy Pyvron,
changed her testimony before the
grand Jury from that she had given
previously to the police and dlBtrlet
attorney that Miss Rappe told her
that Arbuckle had caused her In
juries. "Whether or not we shall arrest
her and charge her with perjury will
depend on developments," said the
district attorney. "I am convinced
that undue Influence and pressure ol
sinister character has been brought
to besr on her and other witnesses,
ono of whom, Alice Blake, has mys
teriously disappeared from her home
In Berkeley."
The grand Jury recessed early this
morning, de.ldlng to await further
Information before returning an In
dictmenL Arbuckle was the last wit
ness, being In the grand Jury room
three minutes. The witnesses told
of the party In Arburkle's room.
Fiance Talks of Affair.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Henry
Lohrman, motion picture director,
and fiance of Miss Virginia Rappe,
made the following statement today
concerlng the alleged murder of his
sweetheart by Itoscoe Arbuckle:
That's what comes or taking vul
garians from the gutter and giving
them enormous salaries and making
Idols of them. Arbuckle came Into
the pictures nine years ago. He was
s bar boy In a Ssn Francisco saloon.
Not a bartender, a bar boy: one of
those who wash glasses and clean
Such people don't know how to get
a kick nut of life, except In a beastly
wsv. They ar a disgrace to the
film bunlness. They are th ones)
who resort to cocaine and the opium
needle and who participate In orgies
that surpass the orgies of degenerate
Rome. They should be swept out of
the picture business.
I'm no saint, but I have never at
tended one of those parties. Virginia
wouldn't associate with anyone sho
knew was vile like that.- Her friends
were people like Charlie Chaplin and
other decent people.
Despite his weight, Arbuckle was
a powerful man. 1 remember a few
years ago. when we were making a
picture at Tijuana, Mexico, he
weighed S10 pounds.
He entered a hundred-yard dash
against Mexican athletes. Some of
them were bull Ashlers. They
laughed at his eutry. But he beat
them all.
Mrs. Delmont, who accompanied
Miss Rappe to Arbuckle's suite in
I ho St. Francis hotel, has had several
long-distance telephone talks with
me. She said:
"Mr. Arbuckle telephoned Miss
Rappe to come to see him on busi
ness. She distrusted him and had
me come along.
"We had a few drinks, when he
leaped up and seised her, carried her
into another room and 1 ocked the
door. I pounded on the door and I
could hear her struggle and scream.
"After a quarter of an hour, she
gave a terrible scream. I threatened
to telephone to the office of the hotel
and Arbuckle opened the door. Every
bit of Miss Rappe's clothes had been
torn to shreds. She was uncon
scious." She told the same story to her
nurse, Mrs. Jameson, and to Mrs.
Spreckels. All the talk that there
were half a dozen others In the room
md that Arbuckle was not alono
with hor are lies.
It Is a silly lie to say that Virginia
Hod of pneumonia. I have here a
elegram from Dr. Rumwell of the
Wakefield Sanitarium, San
clsco, that her bladder was ruptured,
ind that this led to peritonitis, caus
ing her death.
Since I got that telegram I have
talked to some of the best doctors In
"Jew York. They tell mo that only
'ho most crushing exterior force
uld cause rupture of the bladder.
Virginia always had a violent phv
ilcal aversion for Arbuckle. When
we three worked together I wanted
werythlng to be like a happy fam
ily. One time when he attended a
party her aversion sort of dampened
things. I took her aside and said:
"Cheer up. Treat hlra pleasantly.
He's a good fellow."
She repllod:
"He's coarse and vulgar. Ho
nauseates me. He is cheap and
fhlnks he's funny."
I can see now. In my mind's eye,
how she must have fought him like
i tiger, even If she had had a couple
of drinks.
I remember once when there was
terrible assault case In the news
papers. She said to me, quietly:
"Henry, if anyono tried to do n
thing like (hat to me, he'd have to
kill me."
Woll, she's dead.
She had a beautiful home. She
had money of her own. Besides she
made a large salary . She lived with
her aunt In a magnificent bungalow.
Students1 Program
Will be Tonight
The Christian Workers Hand Is
turning over its program this evening
:o college students and to those ho
ire planning to enter colleges for the
first time this fall. A special pro
gram has been arranged In which
"ollege students have been asked to
lake part.
The evening will open by a few
songs, sung by the student chorus,
followed by an Introduction of the
various students together with their
tchools and courses. A male quar
tette will sing a number, and then
will be short talks hy Claire Ged l.'s.
Virgil Cameron. Leslie Butner, 1 ols
Geilileg, George llonrk, Lol Cobb,
Harold Barton, and Leroy Walker.
The program will close with a solo
hy Naomi Phelps.
The meeting will be held In the
Baptist church at 7:30 this evening.
A special Invitation Is extended to
all college students, and those who
ars planning to enter college later