PAOM TORES T EXTBOOKS FOR USE IN ROSEBURG SCHOOLS HAND The following Is a complete list of i that none of tbaae books be pur- the text books to ha uaod in th.Ubatrd until the pupil has consulted mmm -T.Ta: SECOND 5'-l 1 Hake your tractor earn more money ' If vou can get more and better work from our tractor at less cost for fuel, oil and repairs, your profits will be larger. That's certain. We know that SUNOCO Motor Oil the new rientific lubricant insures- greater tractor power on less fuel and. oil. We have proof. , . SUNOCO is made in special types for tractors, where 6teody, cnielling service de inands oils of the highest lubricating value. No matter what the size or make of your ... ' " tracto', SUNOCO will lubricate it perfectly. Just tell us the make and model and we will tell you the type of SUNOCO to use. C. A. LOCKWOOD WILBUR C. S. Heuulngor SUTHUUL1N Allen Bros. McCreery Bros. YONCALLA Cowan's Gnrage OAKLAND Stearns it Chenowoth tJMPQUA H. P. Hebard CANYONVILLB , A. L. Millar MYRTLE CREEK W. C. Dement . Maddox & Abbott DIXONVILLE J. E. Hatfield MOTOR OIL a I SILK PARASOLS OF EXQUISITE BEAUTY OF DURABLE FABRICS : OF SUPERIOR QUALITY and REASONABLY PRICED ARE ON DISPLAY AT ABRAHAM "THE SILK STORE." . lit' 111, MM University of Oregon CONTAINS: The College of Literature, science and the Art. The School of Architecture and Aliied Arta. The School of Businesa Administration. The School of Education. The Extension Division. The Graduate School. The School of Journalism. The School of Law. The School of Medicine. The School of Music. The School of Physical Education. The School of Sociology. Fall Term Ooens SeDtember 26 SW-V A "' atandard of cultural and I... gTJ one ol the oulat.ndinsm.rka of th. Slaw,. For a catalogua. T-JKJ lotdr. on the various achoola. or for any information, writ THE REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Euame. Ore. CITY NEWS M. piano tune-, fton 189-L OoodTMr T, ' fj- aervice. ord 5' " oervise. Ford Tr,,... 3 k.&K "",d 10 ! CHICHESTER S PiLLS 20 RIVER BOTTOM RANCH. . $100 per acre buy a river bot tom ranch, stock, crop and equip ment, near Eugene, Oregon. Part cash, balance easy terms. L. R. Holibs, 960 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Goodrich Tire Service. A. Lock wood Motor Co. " Be OB. U W. V. Wilson and wife and Joe Wilson of Yoncalla were - business visitor In Rnaoburg today. The water main at the corner of Chadwirk and Washington streets ex ploded last night. The pipe made considerable noise In breaking ajid attracted the residents who were confronted with a veritable geyser Notice of the break was Immediate ly phoned In and the water shut off while repairs wore made. Reduction! H la Ua.'r' Ilne of woolens from the largest woolen ttm. 1 m B0W I" position to oiler a range of 100 ftsunhto eES '.2r5 to 148 f u't or overcoat rit and work- p Cutely guaranteed n J. F. DILLARD ROSRRTTRfl TI I7AMPTRQ f- 8ervIo First. . I with the teacher of bis or hur grade Roseburg schools this ytar.. City ' an(1 has been furnished a complete Superintended M. S. Haunu advises list or the materials needed: GRADE TEXT BOOKS First UnuU (Beginning Class) Beacon Primer Natural Method Primer Package Crayola . Industrial and Applied Art 1st book Unruled Pencil Tablet large sis Soft Lead . - . First Grade (1-A Class) Beacon First Roader Package Crayola) Industrial and Applied Art 1st book Unruled Peaoll Tablet large size Soft Lead Pencil Second Grade . ()-B Cass) Natural Method First Reader Writing Lessons for Primary Grade Package Crayolas Palmer - i Wide Ruled Pencil Tablet large Industrial and Applied Art 2nd site book Soft Lead Pencil . Second Crad (2-A Class) Natural Method Second Reader Writing Lessons for Primary Grades Package Crayolas Palmer Wide Ruled Penell Tablet large Industrial and Applied Art 2nd slge book Soft Lead Pencil Third Orade Natural Method Third Reader Essentials of Arithmetic Hamilton New World Speller 1st book 1st book Palmer Method of Business Writing Home Geography Fairbanks Progressive Music 1st book Industrial and Applied Art 3rd Pencil and Pencil Tablet book '" ' Pen and Ink Bradley's Paints Composition Book Fourth Orade Natural Method Fourth Reader New World SiieUer 2nd book Oral and Written English 1st book Palmer Method of Business Writing Bradley's Paints Composition Book Pen and Ink Spelling Tablet Essentials of Arithmetic Hamilton 1st book Tarr McMurray Wcrld Geography Book I Progressive Music 2nd book Industrial and ' Applied Art 4th book Pencil and Tablet (Gill or Palmer) Fifth Undo Essentials of Arithmetic Hamilton l3t book Oral and Written English 1st book Healthy Living 1st book Palmer Method of Business Writing Industrial and Applied Art 6th book Composition "Book Webster's Elementary School Dic tionary - : . i Natural Method Fifth Reader New World Speller .Stories of American History Gordy Tarr 4 McMurray World Geography Book I Progressive MubIc 2nd book Bradley's Paints Pencil and Tablet (Gill or Palmer) Pen and Ink Spelling Tablet Sixth Grade ... Everyday Classics Sixth Reader Essentials of Arithmetic Hamilton New World Speller 2nd book - 2nd book . , i American Beginnings In Europe Oral and Written English 1st book Gordy Healthy Living 2nd book Tarr & McMurray World Geography Progressive Muslo 3rd book Book II Palmer Method of Business Writing Industrial and Applied Art 6th, Spelling Tablet book Pencil and Tablet Bradley's Paints Ink Tablet Composition Book Pen and Ink Seventh Grade Everyday Classics Seventh Reader New World Speller 3rd book Essentials of Arithmetic Hamilton 2nd book Oral and Written English 2nd book Progressive Music Srd book Palmer Method of Business Writing Mace's School History (1919 edition) Industrial and Applied Art 7th book Tarr & McMurray World Geography Bradley's Paints Book II Composition Book Spelling Tablet Pencil, Pen and Ink Pencil and Ink Tablets Eighth Grade Everyday Classics Eighth Reader New World Speller 3rd book Mace's School History (1919 edition) Progressive Music 4th book Spelling Tablet Pencil, Pen ond Ink Composition Book Bradley's Paints Essentials of Arithmetic Hamilton 2nd book Oral and Written English 2nd book Community Clvioa (with Oregon Supplement) Industrial and Applied Art 8th book Pencil and Tak Tablets HIGH SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS Freshman English I II Ward Scott, Foresman A Co. Tayne Rand, McNally ft Co. Occupations Gowln ft Whoatlcy (Boys) OInn ft Co. Laselle ft Wiley (Gi'rls) .Houghton-Mifflin ft Co. General Science I ...Sn-dr Allyn ft Bacon Algebra I II ..Wells ar ' Hart D. C. Heath ft Co. Latin I II Smlin Allyn ft Bacon Ancient History I II . .Breasted dm ft Co. Spelling Chew f Allyn ft Bacon Commercial Arithmetic Moore ft Miner a Oinn ft Co. Sophomore English IIMV Long 7. OInn ft Co. Cllpplnger Silver. Burdett ft Co. Plane Geometry MI. . Durell ft Arnold Chaa. H. Merrill ft Co. Caesar MI .Kelsey Allyn ft Bacon Mediaeval and Modern History. .Robinson OInn ft Co. Physiology Conn-Buddlngton.. Silver, Burdett ft Co. Commercial Geography Robinson Kaud, McNally ft Co. Bookkeeping I II Miner ft Elwell Introductory OInn ft Co. Junior English V-VI Freshman ft Sophomore Texts Solid Geometry Durell ft Arnold .Chas. E. Merrill ft Co. Algebra III Wells ft Hart D. C. Heath ft Co. Cicero Gunnison ft Harlcy Silver, Burdett ft Co. Spanish MI Do Vltls Allyn ft Bacon Social Problems. Towne The McMillan Co. Economics Ely ft Wicker The McMillan Co. Biology Hunter American Book Co. Bookkeeping III Miner ft Elwell Intermediate OInn ft Co. Commercial Law Huffcut i OInn ft Co. Shorthand MI Gregg Cregg Pub. Co. Typewriting MS Rational .Oregg Pub. Co. Senior English VII-VIII ' Freshman ft Sophomore Texts American History Fits Henry Holt ft Co. CTfi Reed World Book Co. Virgil.... Farrclough ft Brown.. BenJ. H. Sanborn ft Co. Spanish IIMV Bloomball Allyn ft Bacon Physics .-Mllllkan ft Gals OInn ft Co. 8horthand III IV Gregg Oregg Pub. Co. Methods Strsyer ft Nirthsworthy The McMillan Co. Business English . . .Hotchklss A Drew American Book Co. We have some unusual bargains in second hand trucks to offer for quick disposal. Here is a partial list and each one is a genuine bargain: One VA Ton Federal Truck, 1920 $0 1 f?A Aft Model, practically new - $,1UIUJU j One half ton Dodge Bros, business (CQtft ftft car, model 1921, good as new, price One practically new, light Chevrolet 7 0 fl ft ft Delivery Truck, Price - UU.UU J.O. Newland & Son Dodge Bros. Cars. Cass and Stephens Sts. L4IDGB DIRECTORY. fVOODME Or TBK WORLD Camp No. us. meats In Odil Fllowr hall lr Roaeburg .very 1st and 3rd Monday .v.nlnga. Vialtlng n.lsbbor ai waye walcoraj. H. CARRICK, C. & M. H MILLHR. Clerk B. P. O, ElJtS. ROMfc.rar LoOK. Ho. S2S Holds regular communication m the Elka' Tempi, on acltT'huru of .very month. All member! re quested to a'tend regularly, and all vialtlng brotnera at. cordially In vited to attend. ROT BELLyW8, B. R H U WHII'PIJt. rWT O. B. S ftMae.aral captor Ho. B Hold, their regular meeting on th. lit and trd Thursday, in each month ar. respectfully Invited to attend i MYRTLE RETMKHH W.M. KKUlfi JOHNHUN. HKf. I. U. O. F PhUetarena l.odjce No. ft. meet In Odd Fellow.' Tetnul. every Friday evening at T:0 o'clock. Vialt ' Ins brothr.n ar. alwaya welcome. - - A. RBDBAItN. N. O. A. I. ORUDII1I, R. See. 1 B BAII.KV. Fin o khiiiiihci"i r woonraarr i.m Circle AO. 40, meet, nn 3T.4 and 4th Monday evenlnga Vleiting nelxhbora Invited to attend. pntTDiw. nmrNaER, o. m. TIIvLIU) L JOHNMIN. Clerk A. p. at a. ler1 MK Ho. IS Kefrular communication, and and 4t Wedneaday. earn month at Mn.onlc Tempi., flo.ebuTC, Ore. Vlaltor. wel oomab W T". HARRTS. Secy JOHN K. RtrNVAN. W.M. imoooor.i ciitowiaw. There will ba a meetlnc of broc coli growers Thurso., Kept 8 at 2:90 p. m. at the city ball, to com pleta oreanliatlon and (et estimate on crates. 8. D. COOLEY, Secy. TIMKEN and HYATT roller bear ings for ears and trucks at Tbe Ronphtirff Oarara. " Willi DELIVER LUMBER. Maynard and Jenks ef Olendale will deliver rongh or 4"9ssel lumber for $20 per 1000. o HUTICE. Dr. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford. Chlrepractlo Physicians. Tea years In practice. Consnltatlen free. Suite 224, Perkins Bldg., Rosebura;, Ore-1000. rtKBhllvAIll noaooura; rten.aas No. 41. L O. CK lV Moats In Odd Fel lows' T.mplnvery wek on Tu.artay venlnc Vlfftlnit mnnbpni In (ond standing are Irrtjred to attend. aTTHEB BAlLrtr. Fin. Warr Msni w uiLiiiiuig Aevr. naeta in Mooaa hall on Jaokaon 8t. on Ind and 4m Monday evenmr. or enh month at I o'clprk. Viaiting Drethraa In good stamllng alwav walcoma. A. J. WUUT. W. P. O. F. arUSUMAn, Sairalaif. frOVAL OflUBII Ma luOIC Roaeburg Lodg. Mo. H'I7 meet, flr.t and third Tueaday avenlngl ot .ar month at t .'clock In tne Mooaa hall. All vialtlng brother, ar. Invited to attend. C. W. CIIAKB, Dictator. H. O. PAROKTEK. bMrntary I. it. O. P, talari BBraaa.aaeal Hat. . MMt. In Orlrl Pellowa' Tempi, vary W.dn.iday ..nlag. Vialtlng brathreo aiwara waiaoraa. OBO. RArtAHAUOH, C. P. V. T JACK HON IL P. OI.ITKK JOHTliWN, n. s. JAMKi KWAKT. K. H. W. B. A. O. T. M. IVraehurg Review. No 11 bolA regular maetlnga on arj ond Thursday at 1 p. rn, aud fourth Thursday at m. Vialtlng aleters Inrlled to attend ravlaw.. Macoabaa Hall. Ploa and Oa : tre-tj. Ioisa IXH-KB, Cera. itHlal RAP P. Col. ikMihUT op rtTtiiaa Aiaaa lxg. No. 4T, aieet. .v.ry WadneaOay av.a lag la Douglaa Akatraat Hall, corner Jaok.oa Wasblngt.n St a V.tlt ora alwaya waim. WALT Kit CjrAKtC. C C. CoUa .F. HOt-RNH, M P. B. It. WtMUKItLV. at. II 8. MAKE your business and professional calls in an Oakland Sensible Six Roadster. It is rugged and active, trim and business like, sparing of gasoline and tires. It will afford you the most efficient and eco nomical transportation to be had in a car of its type. Moderately priced, every dollar invested in it buys a dollar's worth of good automobile. A OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Open Car $1375 Roadster $1375 Four Door Sedan $1975 Coupe $1975 J. F. BARKER & CO Tkl.KI'HO.VE 10. RoscburK, ivgon.