Ronstma itkwsjubtibw sattrdat. bkptembeb to, tv PAGH TITO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Dally Except Sunday. II. W. Hates- I WUu b-rly bUliSCKlPTlON BAILS PUr, per year, by mall - Dally, six tuoutha. by mail felly, by carrier, per month Weekly NwrKitlw; by mail, per year Itert G. liatee .14 00 . 1.00 . . . t.00 fcuteiea a set-outi-class mutter May IT. 1S2U. at the post oBite at Itose burs. Oregon, under Ibe Act ol March 2, 1S74. KOHKBl-KO; ORK tiON, KKFTKMUKIl 10. I"-'- NEW CLASS OF CRIMINALS. crul.ei long enough to declare ibat we are working our way out of All State Behind 1925 Exposition District Attorney George-. Neuter and Attorney O. P. Cosnow returned today from Portland where they rep resented OoUKlas county at the lSIti , welter of waste and prodigal apend Exposltlon conference. The confer-, D(. t a n.oat Impressive rate." So mce waa moat enthusiastic, tbey I impressed la he with aceoiiipllsh state and the enlbualaam- was fn' menu of congress thst he labels the work aa "monumental." There are all kinds of monument and- If the president la pleased with the kind, of a monument congress has erected It I J well somebody ia. for It Is certelaly conspicuous In the graveyard of national hopes, and not even the touting of Will liayea and other political propagandas can STATE PRESS COMMENT ... .,nint where .MO.N (.'MEN T A" tht it i aireauy ITn Presidetu H-rdlng Lis reaaed bis It la looking "", " '7,ron purault of golf baU.i ana pieasu w u.- - - - - ,(nrti!loni ,0 they item when eral on the part of all of lie . resentatives of the up state counties. Portland representatives had expect ed some oppoaitlon from (punlles outside of Multnomah, but there was absolutely no oppoaitlon to the fair or to the financial plan for raising Ibe capital stuck. The entire state Is behind the ex- He re -'".-b - mnrBi So fur lax scrutiny tiiat is given men ....... pleasure seekers In the year 192-'. there has been no revision. The Practically all of those to whom in- house hurriedly passed, under gag vltations were Issued were in attend-. ru ,, of ,jehaie and shut ante ai the conference. The Portland Jout amendments, a tux revision bill delegates gave the visitors a flue en-:tnat eliminated- thaexcess profits tertalnm.nt -and a bnnuut at the to benet.t the nrofi' er. and re- ' duced the surtax to profit the weal thv and threw the burden upon :he 0 little fellow, and the senate with the Rev. (Juv Flub Phelps of the, matter under, consideration adjourn- Multnomah hotel main feautres. was one Ue'.hodist Episcopal church, who bas'ed for vacation. been in Portland attending hia broth- Passed under similar conditions. er, who has been seriously 111, wlllltarlff bill that will put the flulKhiug ethhs or more true nobility can be arrive in Kosoburg tonight and will conduct regular church services to morrow. Ipruneflbichfn's St rt i Sites Did you cvt-r know a young luisliund to brag itlimit how intel litftMit his wife was? Neither did we. o Tlie man who says stylos are shocking is always willing to lit' a shock uhsorlier. Ileauty lined to be akin dee-now It is knee deep. 3 The woman -who always Hiicnils tier lime Talking; about her tfelirhbors Usually provides A irood topic for Her iielhborn to Talk about. The loveliest spt on earth la the fourth ace in a poker hand. f K- "President Keep Hie Keet on tlie (round," aays a liouUliue lu the Spokane HiKikeenuin. Warren ihuhI be the only one lit the I'. H. vtbo doesn't own a flivver. Kven if you don't take much stock In precedent!, you hate like hIii to have your coiniietllor establish them, don't you? A ItoMdmrfr. lady wrapped a bundle In the ItoHehursr Newa-lloview and aeiit It to a relullve who la n inls Nlonaiy In China. Eleven - weeks Inter she ujot a letter from the rela- tlie asking If there waa any chance of getting, a pair of No. 6 shoe that nail lieeu advertised In a local aton. The moral is obvious. THK I.ATKST. Mory hud a little half, Khe keit pink powder In It Site also had a little rag. To dab her none each niiiinle. Hut now that Mary "nHa her own," That hug iiiuM Lnritrr lie. For her short akirt by the wind la blown Ko khe powder tw-h liinplel knee. Times 1'nloa. We run acnNn H4ine nilahly alow leople In a day's time. This gets on our nerve aa we work fast all the time. Tlie ItiM-kefrller fortune Is said to lie two billion, four hundred million dollars. If we had that much plunder we would at least ult wurklna; on week iIhii. JiiKt think of a Ntmk of maviiina like that. A innii with tact 1m one who ran drop a nh klc In the contribution boi and make II Hound like It was a I qiuuier. ' crimp In our foreign trade and in crease the cost of Uvini; to the con sumer, also reposes In tlie senate, where a new bill is being written to nlacate special interests. No l-gi!-latlon has been enacted on cltlier of ihese "paramount Issues." Capital Journal. POLITICAL loo im:k t-:nt. Announcement Is made that anpll cauts for the nostinastirnhip will lie graded 20 per cent on educution and training and 80 per cent upon busi ness experience and general fitness. So much for the grading bul we have a hunch that the final choice will he at least 100 per cent political. As toria Budget. Th iiiitomohik'. uroduct of American genius, of whose miirhtv development we all feel SO proud, has become through the position mnveiaeut and every county 'make It a popular shrine. effect of what might U called the. psychology or speeu. ui ixuav r - - , t-. dangerous single piece ol maclunery in uie wonu. If the hold-up men, for instance, or the anarchists were kill ing each the number of persons who fall victims to automobiles in Chicago, Cleveland, New -York nnd our other big cities, these cities would be placed under martial law and every citizen would be carrvine a nistol for his own protection. Yet reckless automo bile driving goes on, day after day, killing and maiming. The automobile seems to turn Jekylls into Hydes. The ordin ary quiet, law-abiding citizen, when placed at the wheel of a high powered car, seems to undergo a psychic transformation. His identity changes; his nature craves speed and more Secd. All classes seem to receive the fatal inoculation, . An old colored woman in Atlanta was taking her first auto ride at the invitation of a white woman for whom she was work ing as laundress. As they sped along the old lady's black husband started across the street, "Aw, run over "im," cried the old lady. Of course she did not mean this, but she had become inoculated with the fatal germ of speed. It is a favorite remark of drivers (when the victim comes to), "Didn't you hear the horn?" This inference is that if the driver sounds the horn he has the right to run over the pedestrian. o What possible relation cun there be between the disappear ance of pickpockets and modern business courtesy? says Fred Kelly in The Nation's Business. Police authtiilies know that pocket-picking is practically an extinct form of endeavor. A crude worker may still occasionally try to lift a watch at a county fair, but, generally speaking, this brand of thieving is no more. It has gone the way of the buiralo lap robes, pug dogs, Sunday buggy rides, beefsteak for breakfast, and torchlight processions. Why? Because pocket-picking is no longer a gainful occupation. What has brought about tho change? The attitude of the banks. They cater more than ever before to the small depositor. If a man wishes to open an account and start off with $2.r0 or even less, he received the same courteou consideration that would be ac corded the customer depositing thousands. Only a few years ago a person with small savings looked upon bankers as a crusty lot and kept away from such institutions for fear of being insulted: Today even the majority of the safety-deposit boxes are held by persons of comparatively modest means. Banks have simply fol lowed the changed attitude of business in general. All business has been growing more courteous every year. And this spread of courtosy is the basic reason why pickpockets are now rarely heard of. o Formerly about the only interest that many business men took in education was to see how the school appropriation could be cut down.' Then the war came on, and these business men were startled to learn that one service man out of four could not read simple Knglish. Radical agitators began to work all through tlie country and the people they reached Were the fellows who had no education. The man who could not afford to pity taxes to have foreign born taught to read, frequently hml his business all tied up by strikes caused by radical propaganda. Not so many busi ness men now will howl down proM)sitions to give teachers a decent wage. At the meeting some time ago of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Stales, education was given a prominent place, rather a novel subject for a business men's convention. It was the sense of the meeting that "only comment and well trained teachers in hearty accord with American ideals shall be employed in any public school." o Some people remind us of postage stamps.- When they get stuck on themselves they lose their value. o i. mtttnri uiiiui-B nu a...illi.r. Hence it la to weateru r ,v,u thv will come Ol csuii "" , .. . they decide to seel: new fields. i-u gene Iteglsler. tHAHAlTKIl Tt-T FOIl MW VKKS. a rinlil lest of moral character r..r everv applicant for admission to the bar was urged by Daniel Iddlngs. m f i l.e oli In State bar as- soclatlou. in an address before that body. "The greatest trouble with the in- ing nieuibeia of our uar is me character." amd Mr. iuuings. touched upon a vital spot. There would be fewer miscar riages of Justice, fewer criminals, fewer poor dupe preyed upon by shvfter lawyers. If the moral char-hi-'ut of everv prospective practi- iinnor were curefully. canvassed be fore he waa admitted to His practice of law. There la no profession In the world In which higher morals, finer 8 - -gg i THERE IS GENIUS AND POWER In determination It give confi dence and turns obstacles Into op portunities. Determine to make weekly deposita to your credit wltb the Roaeburg Na tional Bank. 4 i Interest Paid on Savings Accounts TheRoseburNdlionaJ Bank Rosebur,,Ore SI found. There Is also no profession In which more miserable turltuae exiats. For the protection of a great pro fession which la being gradually de based by tho clever unfit, as well as for the protection of society, Mr. ladings' pica should have a wide hearing. Albany lieuiocrat. UKXKKITS OK THE IUTK UKCI SION. Entrance Into Portland of a com bination of two large Ciiicugo gruin buying firms In the concrete result of Portland's victory in tho Colum bia basin railroad rate case. Thut decision established this port as the grain-ahlpping center of the Pacific CALIFORNIA AMI (.ItlKiON. uonnwesi so " I.W i-nr. u.l, li,r,n I.1Q ' U SnaKeU. UUU H cai.CU i" an looked to the east and the middle -t grum dealers till over the west for the new population needed country fo the fact. Portland al io fill up IU vacant apacea and brine ready led all other porta in grain Its Idle acres Into production, and It shipments when rules were on a has not looked In vain. Speaking I Parity, but since the differential was approximately, two persons out of put In effect its lead has greatly In every three In Eucene are fairly re- creased. From July 1 to September cent newcomers from these reeiom.l7 grain receipts at and of the new farm population 111 the Willamette valley it is safe to say that three out of four are from ;be Mississippi valley. Tiie states east of the Hockies have iieen stable and dependable sources of new im migration for us, and we have dir ected the greater purl of our efforts and our advertising toward them In the past. Hut in the future there is reason to believe that new population, new money for Investment and new fac tors In Industrial development will come to us from a new' quarter. This new quarter is California. Califor nia has developed so much more rap Idly thRn any other far western state ortland wore 7154 carloads, at Seattle 1116 car loads, at Tacoma liliei carloads, or 3347 carloads at the two Puset Sound ports combined. In spite of determined efforts of the sound ports to d.-lay application of the different ial. It Is already in etfeit as to the areat bti'k of the grain production south of Snake river. The 5 per cent reduction in rates at Portland and the 5 per cent Increase in rates lo the sound are In effect except Iron: points south of Snake river In Washington to the ottnd i" i r the Northern Pa;i'!. cn which the advame has been lio!d c-o by the ton ' commissi. in - Or ponian was spent with sewlny an(J satlon and delytou, refreshments were served. The cluh will ,vL. axnln oil the second Thursday In 0-t oher at the home of Mrs. c. E Ha.I" Mr. and Mrs. Kkldmore Heiune- Mr. and Mrs. William Sktdmor, have returned here from Roseburt where they spent the summer win relatives of Mrs. Skldniore. Mr. Skid- Pnl. n.,.l... y-v . ui..-iniLj ui uregon and Mrs. Skid more will teach In the local school, on the opening of tlie school year Eugene Guard. AROUND THK TOWN Hero on llusiness Fred Fisher of Glcndule spent several hours here yesterday on busi ness. In from ffeium era. hours In here" today looking 'or " -udle. th. after business matters. Here from lleedsMUt F. II. Hrown of Heedfport arrived here lust evening to spend a few days with friends. In from Cnnyonvllle Mark Elliott of Cnnyonvllle, spent the day here attending to business in utters. Voncnllu ViMltor - Ueorge 1.. Edes, a prominent citi zen of Voncallu. spent t';e day here attending to various business mat ters. lu from (,!ldit- Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Ream, promi nent residents or the (Hide section, are spending a few days here with friends. They are registered at the (rand hotel. Kellview i'lub Meets The Rellvlew Neighbors club met Thursday afternoon at "the home of V rs. Pitzer Iteckley. The afternoon Oregon's Higher Inuitutioa ol TECHNOLOGY Eitht Schooh; Sevtnty Dcparlmcsu FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 19.1 Fuf infotmuioa wrilc to ih Rrttutw Oregon Agricultural College CLASSIFIED COLUMN 4XL IV BW C2SIF!KD ADVICRTlSUaf ICNTs) WII. BK FOUND OK Uf PAOa fJNUICH BlUDINa "HBW TODAY." A backward ninn ha ft hard timo iroiiiK" forward. Mrs. Heinline Enter- I Break In Forces tains at Studio Mrs. Charles II. -Inline, director of the llelulliie Music conservatory, en tertained a number of ladles venter- Is Alleged (njr I'll 1 1 t I'rr.. l.O.S ANtiKl.Ed. Sept. M.Ar iliur Hutch and Madnlynn Oben chain. !..ld for the murder of Helton Kennedy. have apparently split forren. Mrs. llbenchsln ti.lil the I'nltvd Preen today that Arthui must paddle his own canoe." TKACHKR WASTIK. To teacher sre wanted to teach the Mvlrnse school for the ensuing m ImhiI year. State experience and salary. day afternoon at her studio, lit which lime Miss Ellse ltoblnnoii. Dunning Piano Instructor, was lutioduced Miss Robinson will assist Mrs. Ilvln line lu her work throughout the win ter, and a most succesful year, la ahead of them. The liiinnlnr svstein or Improved Music Study has been Indorsed by the world's moel re nowned artists and guarnntees a thorough knowbilK of the founda- "' order of the board of directum Hon of music. The euiiinuieni of KO. A. CRANK. Clerk the Dunning rl work ss thor- -H'h"ol DIM. No. 71. Melrose, Oregen oughly explsin.-d to the mothers, and t " most enjoyable afternoon ks ItH.IMI I'AIUXKT HKSIi.Ns spent getting with llie( (Hy Awooiaieo rr..i. many newcomers. Mrs lb-Inline cn. WARSAW. Sept. 10. - Ths Polish terlains the moihers of her student,, '"bluet headed by Vincent .Vllos. and many others Interested In her I n,,ignd today. i, work, anaitjilly. and It proven to be 0 . . . an affair which Is much looked for Mr snd Mrs. Hubert Petrul.h "Yi.'1. a , lw0 'Mldren left for points Delirious li-ee with cake and punch . north this afternoon where thev will were served l,r daintily dress-d gli Is. I tall with friends and relatives for to the ladles during the afternoon. (a few days. The difference Inwivn Kve and the niodern woinnii is: Kve never made any pretense of Ileitis; all dressed up. O At nny ratp, we Imve It on rthkI authority that she wax all ilmml up, until the leave licKHn to fall. J The lianlnt blow yon ran rive your enemy I to Ignore bbn. Kven the tail who hntra arlllimelir can tell you exactly how mnny hour It Is before mrim ? Hfnrt. " If a man wears I'AIhiiui, do-e a woman wear MAJaninT s Itmrodl jiiNt rdurated raiill Parent hIioiiIiI make their ilnugh A X NOl'XCKM EXT. Mr. Edael B. Ford, presideut of the Ford Motor Company, makes the fol lowing announcement: "We are makine another reduc tion In the prices of Ford cars and I the Ford truck, effective today. The new prices average $70.00 under the former prices, and are the lowest at which Ford cars and trucks have ever been sold. List prices, F. O. B. Detroit, are now as follows: Amount of New Price Old Price Rediic. Chassis . . j:''5 0ll $345.00 S 60.00 Runabout 325.00 370.00 45.00 four Car 355.00 416.00 60.00 Truck . .. 145.00 490.00 60.00 Coupe , . . 595.00 696.00 100.00 Seda 660.110 760.00 100.00 This Is the third pMce cut dur ing the past twelve months. On Sep tember 22, 1920, tlie price of the Ford touring car was reduced from $575 t-i $440: June 7th to $416, and , Mrs. Archie Taylor and Mrs. Jaines Goodman returned by auto stage this afternoon from Maish- rield and other coast points where they have been enjoying a week's outing. Mrs. James Hunch of Oakland, spent the morning here attending to matters of shopping. plow to $355, making total reductions In this type of $220. or 38 per cent. The same proportionate reductions have been made in all other types. One year npo the price of the Ford Sedau was $975; todny It lists at $tib0.00 with the suiue equipment. "We are taking advantage of every known economy In the manu facture of our products In order I hat we may give them to the public at the lowest possible price, and by do ing that, we feel that we are doing the one big thing that will help this country Into more prosperous times. People are Interested lu prices, and : are buying when prices are right. "The production of Ford cars and trucks for August again broke ull previous high records with the total reaching 1 17.696. This t the fourth consecutive month lu which our out put has gone over the hundred thou-; HEINLINE t'onaervnlorr of VtnNlr and Art. Ctasnes in Art. Voice, Violin. Piano. Harmony, Klmleruarten and Dun iituit. H I" Important that att children of Hie KiiMb-rKarteii nnd lninnlnK t'lasses in-,, r.-udy to t.eKln with Ci4 I;ibs Monday, Hi ptcmlier lth. NKW OATA1AMI l l'ON HI-XJUKST. I'hon- 3H0. K.dilliiimn HI .1 B. iniiiiif. ihii io wiMiKe unlit tneyi sand mark, the total for the four " months being 463.074. which has iii. way ,u making possible JiiiIkIiik 'mm the ireem npnear-l the present reduction. June this mice. Hie courtyard I coins; to yield i year, with an output of 117,247 was a bumper crop of wsternielon next the previous record month, waiwin. "One noteworthy feature of our We'd l,.c t., he , rellin.te to . !T in"- """""I r..n.. wi... u ..J. . ' .. k .. orrt ,r,,c d cars from salesmen. if M llll. IHH III ... .... ...... J . o The automobile that I sold on eav term" le usually the hanleit kln-l to iay for. fe. KlUhurv sent n a little Hiilh loday which he says Is loo mnk for her rolvion. We wiMidcr what klml of a nilm she think we are running? The twi main hy-nmdnrt of pnmii. are: Home brew and wlnr-. it (ir.Animar I all right hut what if you ran'l make yonreelf unilenlooil with If T e I.AFR PKItKIN SKI: We alwy enjoy a Joy ri.le when we doa't hare to btiy the g. cttnnierclHl busliiiia lias been gradually increasing the I past sixty days and we Interpret It ; as a very good sign of Improvement ' in general Dullness. "No reduction has been made in the price of the Fordson tractor tnd I none Is contemplated." Oo over these new prices! See i how littl- It costs to beronre the I owner ot a rnrd car or a Ford truck Can you really afford to do without oae any longer? Let us tell you more abont It. and advise you regarding the deliver of the particular t;pe of car In which you are Interested 0. A. I.OOKWOon MOTOR CO.. Rosvburg. Oregon. SPIRE1.I.A CORSETS Made to measure, belle Case. Phone Jl W .R. BROWN Electric Service Dclco and Remy This establishment believes In preparedness therefor it car ries a really ' comprehensive stock of prts for most Auto Electric Systems, !, mMns genuinely prompt service for YOU when your car's system develops trouble. A good atork of parts, ade quate fatilltl,-, and equipment and skilled auto elcctriciaus more can't be said. Anty Electric Station Phones 136 and 13$-H. Corner Pine and Oak Sts. WANTED. WANTED Turkeys ,irge or Phono H-K-14. Buyer Bros. FI'HNISIIED housekeeping rooms. Ill Winchester street. TAIIXIHINO and dressmaking- of all kinds. Phone 187-K. Mra Oulhrldge. WANTKH Cord wood. Phone 304-y. i- U. Chambers. WA.NTKIJ Posiliou Ptume IS. 1-4. us stenoift-apher. nhiprnenl. Phone 9S. WANTEIi Live stock for l-aim Hui-ean Exchange. wamed llluh school girl wants pla-e lo work for board and room. Amelia XaUa.Hosehurg. Star R t . WA.N'IKI (Jirl or woniuu for general housework in country. Call at 125 N. Ksne St. W A N T E 1CI dTr ml 1 1 and a f eiv stands of bees. Phone 37-F11. J. F. Kloth. im itsnr Kattiy Roseburg National avposn Sank. FOU KENT Furnished sleeping rwm, hot water all of the time. 321 So. Stephens. l-'Oll RENT Steeping room for gnule. man. Steam heat. 230 .No. titeuhejil St. Phone H8-R. "ieni FOK RENT A real live stork ranob eight miles from town, thre yur lease, rent very cheap: partly under Irrigation: good Improvements. Iters Is your chance to get started if oa act ouick. See A. T. Uwrenct Ag-cney. lit Cass Htmt, Phone Ilk EXPERIENCED packers Hpplv pat-klngplaiit. apple sorters and at Oregon Growers WANTED Woman cook on ranch dur ing harvest time. Address Cook,'' New s-lieview. VOl'Nll niuii would like evemiiir meal In refined,' Itelerenres. Address J. Neus-lteview. room und quiet home. E. P., care WAN I Mi CapnMe young man wants perniiiueiit delivery or store work, or I'lith. In UoiiKlas county, town or collntl.l. Address 92,", Rose St., khi ninth Falls, Oregon. vt A.N 1 Eli Man t work on a farm who can milk cows and do other enerut farm work. Apply In person. Jacob ". Jones. 2 mi. west of Kdenbower. WANT Eli A slnirle inaVi wlth'some eal'itul to take half Interest in sheep lniin.fl on 160-aern fiirin l.v,r foil Information call or write to Andrew I liter. OreiEim FOR RENT 95 acre ranch. I seres bearing orchard. ( of m-pli-i. and I of peaches. Rest all In cultivation some river bottom land: 7 miles out ot town, mile from Pacific Hla way. Home farm machinery sues with place. Other and stock will Mil. Guild buildings. Address Ranch, News-Review. FOB BALK. FOR 8 ALE Fir cord wood. Writ for pi le. 1. u. Gutf, Hutherlln. Folt SALE A good Ford coupe cheap. Phone 19K-U Deer Creek FOR SALE Jersey cow. B.irn. l-'Oll KALE Oak wood. Address Lyle E. Marsters, H. K. D. 1. Phone 1J-K!. Kolt SALE So white Leghorn pullets, Inhn Rusenhark. Roseburg, Ore. I'Olt KALE ill head shape. $5 to $8 each. Otivllle. Foil of pigs, tin Lindblviu, Dil- P. Oltl IIAHU HKI.p WAKTKD. WAXTEII Apple nickers. lr J K N.h, (iarilell Valley. Plmim 31-F13. WANTKU -Experienced nnnle nneker. "!:'''! Phone Pete Sinclair. Phone SI-1'2. WANTKll I'rune ulekem nr! rtple amis tiod .,. king. Hunk houses 'I lilckeis. Will p:iy l.lKll Wages !,'r ;!' king. Fred Rrosilo. Plione MISCKIXNKOTJS. .. . , M ,-'llh- p.-issenger car In terred. Address Car. N..'-..u. SALE Cut flowers Asters aral ilahlfas. Runynn's J lulilla Uarden, lilsli Cmpojiia Ave. ' I-OR "SALE Pure bred Uelalns " high grade Hnmboulllet rams. J. u. Harro-s, Ten Mile. Oregon. FOR SALE Prunes " for cannlM Tel. phone 270-U C. L Searing, 8. IiouKfKB St. 1.25 per h. FOR SALE Hegistere,: Khorlhora hull, also one Ansora buck. Curry Ranch. Phone 2H-K2. , KOIl SALE Hurt lett pears, Mc Itring your boxes. Mrs. A M. wns. Clevelainil. Oreg-in. in view NOTICE in I " hereby given that on th .Vlllllfll. nf i.nrt ,k '.'inanaation will at io? ', , he """house. In th Asaes ae.H ,,."' J";? Pub'l"y xxamlns th Joe! r,"""- ni correct all er rors in valunt i,n H...nnii.,. 5 ' " -'ind., lota, or other prop- ft y.,. n'l'"":i 7 Aa-eaaor and est!.. ,11. ." ,h dl"' ' Perons Inter- annolni J"P"r "'. na "lace appointed. Signed. Frank I. o.iU.n. ssor. - 'in K'lln.w .i. -l liT Nev 1 "ay 3 llltl.-K I'l LOST AND POTJKO. Hutu ti ur b.... 'lew or post office. "1'ilrrel cape on hlghwalf oi Aivrile l're,.lc to J'n-i-k Flii'Mi '"'n to A. K. tugel, n-itnn , k Myrtle , . "i uiiK. i rsatn, Ownar i (" c. IZ rm br. cm" t th'I oincs and paying for adv. FOR SALE 250 dry shakes. I ro4 large milk cow. 10ft liiticred sir.i. chickens, Oravenstein apples. HiTko 1 d, Olalla. FOR SALE CHEAP IS20 Harler Davidson motorcycle. Itn six tDoia sund miles. Write or phons Casrwa Friend Olalla, Oregon. FOR SALE A few choice ful'" Lincoln, one year old runil. Price 110. F. J. Blattner, uaya Oregon. Craes. SALE or trade for wood, a eerp BJ In good condition, and other hand goods that a fanim a uses. 1047 W. First Li 'ST Si, twe-n Ml, lllll, Fill Ni. Mi therlln and Ed.nbower, l .1 ,, Sutherlin m hiin" i,i-.,i. -" r nii ii, mil. owner " ! -inl , ..!"" ''y raliln, i ' "- ndv n at this ntric FOR POR RR!T. tl BMT t . it; nrockw.v 3 n'T,: '""" KKNf ZYt-.-.:Jr'!-'V- , . ""m. 235 SherWan Sll " "U" FOR SALE About 20 aers: "7 In cultivation: in cl.sren i-v.- j free soil, level snd filing ' to sell. K0 per acre. Lii'dl'lora. fi onyll te. . FOR SALE llood se.-er.-1 cutllt falfa lisv (ear lots I. Ir Central Point Feed Stnrs. Je", " fllrhaiHson. Central l-.dreljOreaLlU- FOK SALE Harllett p' r Itnltan prunes sec. nt or- i - Jf miles east of town. l'rln" M'rl bote. It. E Psrgeii r.Ui---j FOR SALE OR TRAPE KlJ'iJt value In used cr t ''rJ ,.!$ Motor Es. F. U Kcdra. " neat 0k SU female. Rearlalereu. p' .ii.uf, i . .. , i i -I m.. Wo"" . II ,IUI. a. . j:0i .. --zTZi FOR SALE 1r will h",,hh-a oi young to a. one "- - tM Holsleln bull. !H - "VTii. ' Corviilll. stale rarin. handle. Also one goed 'pi harness wllh colW- r-,, ri. 'WUbur. Oregon.