Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 09, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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run mm
1922 MODEL
Price reduction of $100.00. Effective September 3rd. This is a toal of S318 00 reduc ion m Pnce since Jmylt, The new
Model with Spiral Bevel Gears, Timken Bearings in Front Wheels new Zenilh Carburetor and Hand Eraerg ency Brake ; now has
no competitors in the Light Car field. NOTE This is only $88.00 more than the Universal Car. Come in and look this new
model over and ask tor a demonstration. .
Here is Good News for You!
Thru a fortunate buy on our part we
bought 93 Suits, comprising Hurd &
Metcalf worsteds, also pure virgin .
wool cassimere's, sizes from 36 to 46
Every suit we are offering are
Regular $35.00 Suits
and for a quick turnover we are
going to sell them for
Could you have a better chance to tecum a ult Juat when the
Fall Season I coming on? These nuiu will nut remain In our
tore lug, no you will hare to hurry.
Harth's Toggery
If Plans to
1 triAM la mnv
Sell RrOCCOti to cinse any material
oe iyf wfcvwtt u ,j very ev)il(,nt that witl
I moisture and noil conditions are
I i -, i .1 i , . ..T-ir aplHrMTi that
1 . . .
weainer ui
B aBaaaaBBBBBBBaaB....... .
(Continued from page 1)
International lllblo Hlndenta As
sociation Moobo Hall, corner Jack
on and Washington streets Sub
ject for Study Sunday at i p. ui.,
"The Hope nf the Jews," Do we tee
evidence of their return to Palestine?
What wonder part are they soon to
play In the establishment of (lod e
Klntdom throughout the earth. This
ta an Intensely Interesting subject
at the present time. Opportunity la
given nil to auk questions. The
public la cordially Invited.
Clirlatlnn, corner I'luo. and Wood
ward streets. Iter. C. H. Hilton, Min
ister. l)ti Sunday
church will observe.
Sundsy." The minister will give a
aerial sermon to atudenta, the aun
ject being. "Some Secrets of Suc
ceaa." All students are Invited, and
espcclslly those who are going away
to school. In the evening the paator
will spcnkngatn and the aubject for
the evening aurinon will be. "Drift
ing." There will be baptismal aor
vlcea at the clone of the evening aor
nion. Stirring music. A cordial In
vltatlnn la extended the public to at
tend theee services. ..
First Itnptlnt Cliurrh, corner I.ane
and Koae streets, II I,. Caldwell niln'
later, Church ei-hnol at 9:t'i, Sup
erintendent O. P. Coshow urges all
who hnve been Interested In the
achool to remember that the fall pro
gram la now being made and that
Prices, 15 and 25c
David Butler
"Smiling all
.should a rich girl marry a
poor man?
The atory La a pleasing; ro-
tnanra of I lie "glad" t)pe and
la pleasantly lokl. The entire
production la alnMwpherlrally
Comedy anil Movie Chart ami
Path Review.
both ne wand old pupil ahould be
finding their place for the coming
luontha. Strangera are made to feel
at home. 11 o'clock, morning wor
ship. Thla aervlce will be especially
for rancher. All ranch era and their
famlllna are cordially invited. If
the harveat time ailra emotions of
gratitude and adoration In your
heart you will enjoy thla aervlce.
The paator will have a harveat-tlme
moasage. Htrangera and vlsltora are
welcome.. 7 o'clock, Young I'eople'a
Meeting. A place for aoelal and
Christian fellowship for all young
people. The meetlnga are growing
In lntnreat and In nurthers lllith
achool atudenta both of Roaeburg
morning the ami those wno nave come nere to go
tlo to School i to achool are eepeclally Invited. It
la a good place to get acquainted
with aonie of the beat young people.
The aubject for discussion la. "How
to Make the Moat of Our lliblea."
t o'clock, evening worship. M,s
sage by the paator. Tho aervlce la
abort each Sunday evening. There
la no bettor way of closing the Lord's
diiy than to be In Ilia house of wor
ship. The pastor la glad to announce
that his wife and baby have arrived.
I'l-twhYts-ruut ttiunn, Jackson and
Lane, K. W. Warrington,
minister. The church wants to help
you live op 10 your hlgheat Ideals.
She Beck a to strengthen your pur
pose to give your children a aound.
rellglnua foundation. Won't you
come to church and Sunday School'
:S a. m.. the lllble atudy hour. We
are looking forward to October 2. It
will be Holly day. All those who
have been out of Sunday School dur
lug the summer ahould try to get
hack as early In September a poa
Bible. 1 1 a nr. the morning wor
ship. We an- glad to welcome all
strangers to the services of th
church. W hop that those mem
tiers of the church and congregation
who have been absent for a few Sun
daya will aoon be In their pla
again. 7 p. m the Christian En
deavor. The auhject la "How to
Make the Most oi Our lliblea." Thl
ahould be an Interesting and help
ful aubject. Mlas Edna I'errln la the
leader II p. m , ihe evening preach
In aervlce. We endeavor to make
thla service evanaeltstic. preaentlng
the claltna of t hrlst In aong and
atory. rromlse your Master that you
will attend the evening aervlce nf
the church regularly during thla fall
ana winter.
M. K. ttinrrh lr I.oula Albert
Pana will -lave chara, nf iha aer.
TIT-.J I ' morning and evening, during
II IV ne ataen.e of th regular oaator
. eo haa hen called to the bedside
or b.b brother, who Is III at Tort
lanii The rer'itsr aervlce will he
nei.i. Sunday School at :45 a. m
and Kpaorth leaaue at 7 p. in
opei'iai music i givea at the
regular mornlr.g and evening aw v tee
1 a great Jump from the time when
"Grandpa" Wlnaton sold hi "freak
cauliflower" on the Koaeburg mar
ket. 1-Held for Kxpanaloti.
Still, however, broccoli la In the
experimental stage. Out of the hun
dreds of acres of broccoli land In
Dougla county, only 300 acre will
be devoted to that crop next year.
Vet thoae 300 acre will return fully
(100,000 to the grower If the price
1 up to thl year standard, and
present Indications are that It will
be much better than this year.
The coming crop Is to be the big
gest ever produced In Dougla coun
ty. One season Douglas county ship
ped out 88 carloads. Last year
there were (4 carload forwarded to
the eastern market. This year It la
estimated there will be approximate
ly 200 carloads.
Several New Growers,
Last year there were 30 growers
lnt--sJited In the Industry. This
year there are 40 growers, represent
Ing 300 acres. For the first time
Individual growers are taking up big
tract. Formerly ten acres composed
a big tract for one man. Thla year.
I however, grower are making a ma
jor proposition and are going into
ih'e bualneaa on a much bigger scale.
Harry Winston haa what 1 believed
to be the largest broccoH tract In
the state. He haa put SO acres of
the Frank Landera place Into this
crop. Foater llutner, one of the
pioneer growers, haa til) acres In
broccoli. This shows that the Indus
try la being looked upon aa a better
commercial Investment and if theae
men are successful In their work,
next year will undoubtedly see a
wonderful Increase.
Market Ixiok Good.
The market looks good. Broccoli
Is yet too new a vegetable to he a
drone on the market. The demand
In the' east is so great that the price
Is bound to remain good. Suitable
lnnd and climate for trowlne broc
coli Is limited and consequently
there la HUM opportunity for the
market to become overcrowded. New
York restaurants particularly make
a epeclnlty of broccoli In. season and
the entire crop of thla state can be
eaally sold In New York without low
ering the price or lessening the de
mand. The heat price ever received
by the growers waa $2.!f,. which was
paid aeveral year ago for the old
aire cratea which were somewhat
larger than those now In use. $1.2:,
waa the average price paid this year,
and It la expected that next year's
price will be better than that paid
thla spring.
Some Urn whack a.
Th broccoli Industry, however. Is
not all a bed of roses. There are
some drawbacks. Daicd on a per
centage of 100 per rent, the coming
crop Is at the present time only about
SO per cent perfect, accordin to the
estimates of expert. This la caused
largely l.v aphis, which are doing
considerable damage. No satisfac
tory method has yet been found to
combat the aphla. (Irowers have
managed to control them to a cer
tain degree by dipping the plants
before planting and bv frequent
prayings with Black Leaf 40. sta
tistics on the rapidity with which
aphla multiply look like tabulated
data on the distance to Orion, and
growers have found it Impossible to
completely check the aphis. There la
a great nee4, for some frprar, or
other aphlaclde which will hold this
poet In check and when thla la dis
covered there will he a decided re
duction In the amount of loss to the
arowera. There la alwava a H.n-.r
of toes because of weather condl-
very evident mat wiinm a
few year Douglas county will be
come the national center for the pro
duction of broccoli. In spite of all
effort to win this distinction away.
It now liecomes the task to establish
Dougla county as the national mar-,
ket for broccoli and there 1 no
doubt but thst this will be satisfac
torily accomplished.
tlrwwers OrKanlninu.
The growers . are now working
upon plan for organization. Thla
will be a great forward step and
will result In much growth In the
business. The need for organization
I apparent, when one is conversant
with the problems which confront
the broccoli growers. The principal
topic now before the growers Is that j
of marketing and cash or commls- j
Ion selling, but there are soon to i
be other problems and beyond all j
doubt the organization will form It-,
self Into an association to promote ,
the broccoli Industry In Douglas)
county and to make it one or the i
big profit returning products of this
lection of the Btate.
FUNGI-BOUDO for peach blight
and anthracnoae. We have stock
on hand. Don't delay spraying for
blight now. Churchill Hardware Co.
Here's Opening
'. News of Coming
Sells-Floto Circus
Loans and Discounts J $531,844 31
United States Bonds and Certificates... lO'd'suG.OO
Other Bonds and Securities ' ; lO.GOS 39
' Banking House . 24.!o0o!oo
Furniture and Fixtures j qq
' Other Real Estate 16,733 79
Cash on hand and in banks : i. 235.92L39
Capital Stock 1 .-..; 1.".. $100,000.00
7p-;- 30,000.00
Undivided Profits . ; 1354753
National Currency ...1:jZ" " 2460000
Deposits . . 858;8440
' ' " $1,026,991.88
The Oldest Bank in Southern Oregon. Established here
thirty-eight years ago. We have taken our part in promoting the
growth and upbuilding of Douglas County.
A ntamge It. cne was Issued thla
morning in Fr.,n R Madison or
Kellogg and Kdlih Ruden of Roe
borg. Mr. B ft RVWr nf Cani.a V.I.
l ' today transacting
'inna. nrorcnii growa during the
summer, fall and winter months and
rlpena In February and March. A
aeverely cold winter will cause a
great deal of damage and the amount
of molature also haa a derided bear
IVniglns rv.onfv Favored.
Aa a result of theae neciillarule.
Douglaa rountv la one of the very
few place where broccoli can be
grown to advantage. The evtrem
colli winter of I9I I0 proved thla
fact hevond all doHM. The Wlll.m.
ette Vallov lost Its crop completely.
Because or the extreme cold. Doug.
eounufa crop, althonrh hadtr
damaged, tlll brought ronslderaMe
profit. Other sections of the state
can produce broccoli and In manv
aeaaona will be able to compete with
i fugles county, but over a Dertod of
time Douglas countv will be out-
Only paper In cities played by j
Sella-Floto clrcua during the Inst two 1
years will print this yarn, friendly
readers. . I( takes a city editor and
a copy desk that ' have seen
"Poodles" Hanneford. the ridinp
Hannefords and the Sells-Floto per
rormance since the big western cir
cus started It annual spring open
ings in the Chicago Coliseum to
Btand for this frankness on the part
of the show's press department.
Of course, here and there will be
a chap who will risk it. knowing, a
all city editors know, thnt the sec
ond largest show on earth 1ms long
since gotten over amateurish exag
geration. But It goes back does this yarn
to the time that Sells-Floto. com
ing to Itoseburg on Friday. Septem
ber 23, waa founded hy combination
or the old Sells circus and he great
Otto Floto shows, the greatest two
car (roups that ever claimed to have
They tacked Otto's two cars onto
the famous Sells trains and ex
claimed: "Hore's a circus of the
west, by the wost and for the west."
They held onto this policy for ten
years, but the show got too big for
'em. It had to take in the continent
to progress, to get Its brealh. Then
came the Chicago openlnga and per
formance that made clrcua hlstorv.
And what a clrcua! With the re
nowned acts on Its three ring-two
stage roster headed by the famous
Poodle Hanneford and the Hanne
ford family of riders the features
of the program literally lifted audi
ences to their feet. Kncores were
common and encores were hitherto
unheard of In the circus business.
And thla Is the show that was built
for the west. Dut the east, the north
and the south demanded that the
weat share with them. Sella-Floto
had become a national Institution
It will remain ao. Three year ago
newspaper rrankly referred to It at
"the coming how." It came. It has
And Sells-Floto is coming to tou
It comes with exactly the program
It presented at Chicago and this will
be true to the last atunrf r v.,...,-.
her In Dixie. With over twelve
hundred people, wlih the greatest
arenlc program ever seen in Amer
ica, with Its famous horses In
creased by numbers to seven hund
red. with four hundred performers
of note and txty bllet girls on the
big show pay rolls, with one hundred
and fifty animal actors and snimal
comics, with fifty-five clowns of nation-wide
reputation with all thce
attractions, a well as the hand
omist parade that ever covered
twenty-two city blocks. Sells-Floto
Clreu. "second largest ,hw on
earth with a performance second to
none " comes to you.
Special ranchers
First Baptist church next Sun-
l XUKIKD IX MS FllWtlsot.
Morton Hadler. son of Mr a i
Vrs Charles Hadler of thla rl'v was
married last Sundav ln San Frm
rUeo. Th bride I th damhW of
prominent 9an Francisco nk..
tandlnily In tb. lead a. the climatic thl, tlty "
service at
day morning, 11:00 o'clock. All
a i
w A XTKl Second hand
liarlea A. Hi and.
apple press.
U .XTi;i Apple -Re r7 Mrs. J. E.
.Nnsli. t.anlen Valley. Phone 31-K13.
i'MU ItKNT Housekeeping or bed-
roomn. :'Ji Sheridan jft.
W ant 1:1 1 .T dv. o.d. U "It. chamber
Phone 354-Y.
' ' i"u SA '" white I .. l-,oi 11 millets.
.-nii iyif nnarK,ltoeDurg. Ore.
''I'll SAI.K 5u bead 01
mi'vllli each. Lindbluei, li.
Mrs. -Cray Is showing beautiful
pattern hats at from $10 to $12.
Tama and sport hats for school girls
are also being featured. At the Mil
linery Department, Bellow Store.
ation of the war he lul
winters' seeing ' service
Tney are coming to Rtj
San Francisco, where thi
residing since v'tily.
Albert E. Wade, C. T.. of the U. S.
Navy, and hi bride whom ho
brought back with him from over
seas, arrived ln Roseburg today to
visit for a time with Mr. Wade'
rarents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. S. Wade
.f Camas Valley. Mr. Wade waa
overseas all during the World war,
overseas all during the World war, 1 1 1,. K. lnAFli
on the V. 8. 3. Albany, which sorved I PHONEtMj
as a convoy ship. Since the tuimin- 1
General H
s-tos TRrq
w T SMI . M
Knit SA1.K 1'ut flowers.
uanila. Itiinytin'a Liahlia
J3vr.Tmp(iua Ave.
WANT 1:1 1 Kxpei icnceii apple
and K'.rters. i'''itne , lvi
I'hcne 31 -Fi'.
vaxti:i ride
stands of 1,1-1.1
Hi. Ml,
nilll and
Phone 37-F11
J. F.
apple sorters
111 oreKon (in
pa- her npplv
V J J"' s plain. ir
l i'll S.M.K Al.out ;oo acre.; too acres 2
.1 ...,.l.,l,..n. a eleare.l ,,
! , . 11" t n1''"'1 ar'd '"'' PH- d i 4
eivll e R' re- Lind'dom. 1)1x1
Vf.r , ' """'ond cuttlnir al-
' entrul Point Kee, St. .re. .less U
ljJchar.lon.Central Point. Oregon.
Ki'K s-AI.K )li(77t pears bn"
tilllan prunes Sue. Bt orchard
miles east f ,,wn llrln I
It. K Parpeter. lti,in
T -Well, and llnrl .ll.,. ....
mil 1. em een Kmplre fee( A
L .. . ' .rt, C S"lt(l
hiriiler lilease t-i ..rn ... v M
A Paramount Art Craft
Mighty Moit
The "Copperhead!"
Preatdent Uncota.
His secret Intrigues
of the Vnlon.
His fight in the clash
OThMoV and "14
His false
The Inspiring.
It. view office " "
V WTni. i--f7...t n TTT.
i.V, , , , , 1,. Jount rnan n ant
'tb. In Ponclas' connivT" t"'n
l''iR..V "-Ta a"es: cfeor. Jiist-Jr-folS
,'i.i V"w JVnr "?m R,,""r'' A''d'
.J" " ,'t nr.ehiira ami next t
tnVt-1 dlvl,, u'-15 nd
4"-on 1 acre tract
pos..,t, oct. 1st. rr.r o
. ftrssr' '. 1-
' .-'':: iii;f."ttAlt;'.lxsr:
V,l ,V,"r? '""'In. che,n.
11 1 nulmers tru.k $t-
C-,-;. ,. ,,1..r ,
"a I....K-.. t.,rre. ,,k, .-w
"r n"; Vn;'' '"""""-I Ford
ti r t. T T ft' !" rnnil inn
V T. i vws vivroR. v r
" ' -Its'"! St Phone ji
4,,N TH..F4xi,-rvu-.Ans 1.-a 'T7r
n-'-.-h cors'-leriny
f..r It n.1 et
csn cet n in ,vflt
i- a.--. . ,.f B ,rt ,
'vatlcn pirt . -e. V
Tn rood
TuiiH.rrow: "SenUnicat. Tommy HpecijUt
-,t .., ,
c'nl'- !,..
en t'rr.e y
IS s re
' 1
.,1 i
t.'p en-
7- '"""-"' r. .
a .vrret.
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f.-n. v:
e- ",rl
f-l .t
'W t.-v..l.
hi k.- s-.l
(MMUiipni.rrtw moDnmo.NS PUESESTS
I World and His W
, feaviarinc
Af nt.
She was young and beautiful. lie waa chiefly I
was reedy to goswrp. - '
Acrtmsoa romanea o Spanleh ' Frnioinj-.
t f