The New ' Coats, Suits and ' Dresses Mill appeal to you from every point of view Will you be one of the, first to see them? Burchard's OKKKliS TO M.UtKCT MtrXHH. . i.i-r li:u n received from John H. Faili-rxtui. broker of Se- ,-H, Wash.. ho- 11 endeavoring 10 rflli mill prune growers aud ..-i. who uWre a market for thelr pruJu.t. The letter fullowo tu lrt: 'I am having fonie inquiry for the wt pack Hums, ind especially for small i's l "l0 pound sacks, so I tm anxious to get In touch with onie of the growers or packers who nitglil be Interested in having an Ment in this territory. I work on t ..wlu nnlv. and have t wld acquaintance anions the trade and canj Klve the best of bank references, bo lielieve tliut 1 am ciual- .1 4w4 J'AGE mB Illinois Miners Are on Warpath ELIZABETIiTOWX, 111.. 8evi. 7. Five hundred armed m'jen art en-am ped on the headwaters of Uig creek, 12 milt's north of here, ac cords to word brought here. All telephone vires leading to the region were cut last night. Auto Wreck Causes Arrest OREGON' CITY. SenL 1 Dr J P Gardner of Portland Is seriously In . jured and J. L. Smith of Portland, chauffeur, Is under arrest as the the I result of an automobile accident . near here early today. Sheriff V'il- . sou Is seeking t'ue third man who . was In the automobile. Sheriff Wil son said that there were six sacks of whiskey in bottles found In the i wreck. Smith la charged with trans porting liquor. o MRS. E. M. WOODBURY If led to be of good service to the grower and packer. Kindly give me the names of any who you think misht desire a representative in this territory- Babe Ruth Gets Homer MOORE MUSIC STUDIO Kindetgarten and all other Dunning Classes start this week REGISTER NOW PHONE 502 Bell Sisters Building NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Babe Huth clouted out his fifty-second home run in the fourth inning of the second game wMh lloston today. There was no one on bases when ttie hit was made. Pcnnock, pitching for lloston, was the victim. British Cabinet Approves Reply (By Associated Press! IVEKXKSS, Scotland, Kept. 7. The British cabinet In session today, unanimously approved tho govern ment's reply to the last note from lieValera, Irlph republican leader. Tito reply was handvd to a Sinn Fein courier, who started for Dub lin with it. Lloyd George sent a courier to Moy Hall near here, where King George Is staying, to acquaint the King with the cabinet's decision which will be made public Thurpduy night. "The Busiest Woman In California' so they call Mrs. Elmer M. Wood bury, wife of the manager of the Hotel Richelieu, San Francisco. When not otherwise occupied she gives a unique and artistic touch to the hotel rooms by painting mural decorations, tamp onades, etc. "Otherwise occupied" means as playwright, newspaper cor respondent and singer. She has been queen of five carnivals. fits i feSjcal Light-Six Coupe Roadster 1 gfjffiT r.t jf"--""1 . I 112-inch whmmlhct m t."0 f. n. h. South I tend. THE LlGHT-SlX Coupe Roadster is the great est light weight two-passenger car of the enclosed type on the market -ideal for the doc tor, the salesman or any other man whose duties demand a sturdy, economically-operated car for all year-round use. .Studebaker s engineering genius, coupled with the Studebaker policy of building complete in one plant, have alone made it possible to produce a car of this unusual value at its remarkably low price. This is a Studebaker Year C O. THOMAS, Distributor NKW IMIH'KS OF KTI DKH tKKK CARS f. o. 1. I'm fnrle. effective heplcirher Hits. IWtl. T'M T-.1V; CARS AXD ItOAflSTKRS COITI S AXD SEDAN 1 ttllf si o...-M .,, - . , .,i I lnl,,..l f'tHM IhNtr SI.VpO ll.VI Malil-ftis; -win. lnn !"" .15111 MK-liilix 4-pa. olipe 8i'?' 10;W rprrijil-W .Vn. Selnn gryi ltlg-vl 4-pM. ( ou !4X. 1HJ lila-olT 7-fmm. r.ln " vM-all Tiinrii,. I st' L'lir . . , !wWer N-l;,Ui, 4-r..-. n. l oaring Car TUB SILK FROCK IS POPULAR oft, Washable Fabrte Among the Most Charming for Wear During the Summer. Anionx the moat charming of the warm weather frock shown this year may be mentioned those made of soft. washable allka. These silks come lu light colon, and mora often than not In gingham patterns. Checks and stripes of various widths are featured, the background usually being white The material launder beautifully and generally give excellent sen-Ice. The tendency la to .fashion the tub silk frock on somewhat tailored line. The regulation frock made of tub Ilk In the checked pattern and piped in cotur to mates me cnecs, or ir tm la a color, such as blue, green or red, a black piping may be used It pre ferred. The belt la of white kid trimmed In blight colored or black pat ent leather, and the shoes carry out the same color scheme. A little Testes, often of whiter knitted silk, orgaudie or other cotton materiel, la a part of the design. Tub silk makes an Ideal frock for '.'ear at home during the eu miner months, as it la so soft that It does not wrinkle at all and will stand a good deal of wear without retubblng. . WAY 70 LAUNDER SWEATERS Garment Should Be Cleansed by Squeeilng, Lifting Up and Down, and Not Stretched. FtJ'e the sweater from all loose dust, then! measure and write down the length and width of the frout aud back, length of shoulder and length of sleeves along the seam. Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of white soap flakes In a bait cupful of boiling water and stir Into a gallon of warm water (for colored garments tin! water should be cooler than for white). Put In the sweater aud wash by squeezing and lifting up and dowu In the soupy water, taking rare r.Df to stretch It. Do not rub. Itinse In sev eral waters of the same temperature as the wash water, and for white sweaters add a very little bluing to the last rinse water. Squeeze between the hands, roll In a Turkish towel aud squeeze again to remove as much wa ter as possible. Set a tuble. outdoors in the shade and cover It with a folded sheet. On this lay the sweater with the back next the sheet and draw the fronts together and the sleeves straight out. Verify all measurements and If ueces wry stretch nnd pin the sweater Into shape. When partly dry, turn the other side up. LACE IN BLACK AND WHITE Material Lends Conveniently ta Looped Effects Tendency to React From Dyed Laces. Panels, loops or draperies Hint banc below the skirt give an effect of full ness without actually widening the skirt, as they also give the upejir ance of greater length, although In many Instance the length of the skirt hns not been Increased. For fashion has quite definitely decided that skirts must be lengtliened, and has alxo lmide nn unsuccessful struggle to widen them. Laces lend themselves well to lootK'd effects, although they bring us to a slightly different sort of evening dress from the simple crepe de chine things. While the lines may be sim ilar and the draping done In much the same wuy, the effect cannot full to be dlsfimllar, because the fabrics are so unlike. There Is a tendency to react from the dyed luces, although this does lint menu that they are not used. Quan tities of them st IH nre seen, but they appear a bit garish beside the black-and-white combinations or the frocks In all white or entirely of jet black lace. Spanish blond laces still are In fre quent demand. ' They make pleasing send-ercnlng dresses for midsummer, to be worn with transparent brows beta Moving to 0rvalliH S. M. Dritt has sold his place near the end of Fullerton street and Is moving his family to Corvallls to morrow. Mr. Hrltt and. his oldest sons, Loren and Herbert, will prob ably remain in Koseburg throughout the winter. Ulen llrltt plans to study electrical uiglneerlng at the Oregon Agricultural College. . a ' XOTK'K TO CO.NTIlACTOrW. IT ROSEBURG, OREGON Housewives Wefcome Our Announcement of Blankets and Bedding at These Low Prices ! A NATIffS-WiPt. 11 I IN!ll',,"' liumm IsT IB ;!' sssMgsTaWssaT r"" lul Hncorponuta h 312 DEPARTMENT STORES It it fortunate that auch Blanket value as theao are available here at these low price when ihe Fall season opens. It is a matter of good economy to purchase now and in such quautitie a will be amply guflioiciit for the needs of the coming winter. Fine Bed Blankets Nashua Woolnap Blankets Gray, White, Tan " Bis 84x76 Slse 66x80 . .. Else 72x88 , '. .! Nashua Woolnap Blankets Fancy Plaids Solid Colors Blze 60x80 $3.49 Blze 60x80 $3.08 Slse 72x84 v. $4.98 ..$2.98 ..$3 49 $3.98 Cotton Blankets Gray, White, Tan Size 04x74 Blze 04x80 Bize TOxRO Blze 74xK0 ..$1.39 , .$2.49 ..$2.98 79 Esmond Crib Blanket Assorted sizes, pink and blue, bird and animal designs. 79?' Two In One Bed Blankets Fancy Tlaids or Solid Colors Blze 66x84 $3.98 ' Size 72x84 , $4.98 Esmond Comfortables Indinn and Floral Put terns and Designs Rlzo 04x78 $2.98 Size 74x84 -. $3.98 Blzo 72x84 $4.98 1 (Heavy Weight) Bed Comforts, $1.98, $2.49 to $6.90 Well filled and in varied colors and attractive design. At 12.49, Silkoline covered. At (6.90, Sateen in assorted colors. - Bedspreads ' $1.49 . $1.08 Croched boney comb Bed spreads in assorted designs, the desirable weight and made In full double bed size. Sheeting, 43o Yd. Full bleacheu, 81-inch stand ard quality bed sheeting. Scalloped Bedspreads $1.98 - $2.49 $2.98 Attractive scalloped Bed spreads In rich Marseilles pat tern, full double bed size. Pillow Tubing, 33o. Good quality of Pillow Tub ing, 4 2 -Inch size. Satin Bedspreads $3.49 . $3.98 . $4.98 Handsome satin Spreads, scalloped at the corners and In full double bed size. Seamless Sheeting, $1.19 Heady - mado double bed sheetluf, standard weight, size 81x1)0. "the largest chain department Setose organization in the world: Sealed bids will be received by the comity court of Douglas" County Oregon, at th court house In Kose burg, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 15th day of September, 1921, for the con struction ol culvert on a section of road between Canyonville and Tiller, knoirn as the Sam I'erdue Culvert Section. The work Involve, the construction of an 8'xlM' con crete culvert, near the residence ol Sam I'erdue In Section 23, T. 30 8., R. 4 W., W. M. Sealed bids will also be received st the same time and place for con struction work on the following sec tions of road: Construction work on a section of toad between Canyonville and Tiller, known as the Kenn Hill Section. The work involves approximately 420 feet of gradng and graveling, the limits being more particularly de- I scribed as from Engineer station I 25 00 to Engineer Station (7-f (0. In Section 26, T. 30 8 . E. 8 W. W IM. I Construction work on a section of road bvxween Canyoavllto and Tiller, of grading and graveling, the limits being more particularly described as from Engineer's Stution 0 00 to Engineer's Station 6087.1. In Sec- Inns 25 and 26, T. 30 S , it. 3 W.. W. M. Constt uction work on a section of road lietween Myrtle Creek and Nuggetl, known aa the Pete Weaver Section. The work Involves approxi mately 1560 feet of grading and graveling, the limits being more particularly described as from En glneer's Station 0 00 to Engineer's Station 15 60, In Section 21, T. 2S S.. K. 4 W., W. M. Construction work on a sertlrrn of road between Glendale and the Pa cific Highway, known as the Wlthy conib Section. The work Involves approximately 2 H miles of gravel ing, the limits being mora particu larly described as being located in Sections 2, 3 and 4. T. 33 S., it. 6 W. Construction work on a section of road between Rochester Bridge and Elkton, known as Dodge Canyon Section. The work Involves ap proximately, 1 5-K miles of grading and graveling, the limits being more particularly described as from en gineer's Station 69-1-35 to Engineer's Station 153 32.2, In 8ecllons 28, 33. 34 and 2, In T. 24 and 25 S., It. W. Construction work on a section of road between Yoncalla and R. It. Booth's Ranfh, known as I'ederson Section. The work Involves approxi mately 1 V4 miles of grading and graveling, the limits' being more particularly described as Iroin r.ngi neer'fStation 0 00 to Engineer's Station K6 82.8, In Sections 30 and 31. T. 22 S.. It. 4 W. Construction work on a section or road between Oakland and Ward Cocrreran's Ranch, known as Young Section. This work Involves ap proximately 2 miles of graveling, the limits being more particularly de scribed aa from nnglneer s Station 0 00 to Engineer' Station 98 54 6. in Sections 20, 2$ and 30, T. 24 8.. R. 4 W. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond or certified check tor an amount equal to at least five IS) per cent of Ihe total amount of the hid. A sufficient bond will be required for the faithful performance of the "outran In a sum equal to one-half of the total amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of U O0Wt Safe VWJL Jit, Far Infants HVtlp InrabSa Nocoocarto contract, proposal blanks, and full information for bidders may be ob tained at the office of the county clerk or the roadmaster, upon the deposit of Ave dollars for each sec tion of road. Separate bids will be received on each of the above sections. The right Is rese'rved to reject any or all proposals, or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for the county. IRA li. RIDDLE, County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon. For Sale High Class Nursery Stock at reasonable prices. Get my prices before placing your order. I'll see that you get what you buy. R. L. ELLIS Itoflehurg, Oregon. Mrs. J. D. Yoakum and son Charles left this morning for Grants I'aas to attend to business matters for a short time. 16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking; COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for Udnsy, liver, bladder and uric .cid troabln. Holland's national rowdy sine. I6V0. All druggists, thr. ilm auarantMd. U far U mm UU MmJml mm avarr aaaj -. p tr irt i-r rr T rf-1l V-m v, t- THERE IS GENIUS AND POWER In determination It gives confi dence and turns obstacles Into op portunities. Determine to make weekly deposits to your credit with the Koseburg Na tional Hank. C3 4X Inttrcst Paid oo Savings Accounts The Roseburg National Bank Roseiur,Ore. TwTood. Drink" tat AU Ages. Quack Ltaocb .Home, Office, rtiwlskil AJtf-HQKLKX-X FOR BEGINNERS DUNNING SYSTEM OK IMPROVED Ml SIC STt'DT The only svtem for beginners, tndotsed by the world'l most renowned musicians. GLADYS H. STRONG Btudm: 42 a. sum st. Pbon ill U All MnoVhakrr Can Are Equipped V Hh Cord Tim. ft! . work lavotvea apycoxJaaalery 1 nU) knowa aa the Fain 8ection. The