finn pot p Over lqlO Price 11 litW1 i. church In Prest-O-Lite Reduces Again! The Price: 24.85 The Saving: 13.60 For a genuine 'Prest-O-Lite Hattery, too mm 11 Hi HERE'S big news for the owners of Fords, Chevrolets,Overlands, certain models of Buick,and27othercarsandtrucks:Youcann6w' getagenui7iePrestO-LiteBaUeryfor$24.85 This is $13.60 lower than the 1920 price (more than 30 saving); and $5.55 lower than Prest-O-Lite's first reduction.-In September, 1920, the price of this battery was $38.45; in December it was revised downward to $30,40. 1 or trie rr"su n-i - thin oty. A j..-liciou diiw w irrd at DQ..n to the guwti and the day vat mos!'tnjoa0iy epent with tdi'-.K and vaiious eth'tir oru of aiuustm'iit. Uuiiu-is Visitor O S. Brown of Clendale u a business' visitor to this city yeter day. Here on r.nslness Crc!l Call, a resident of Brdge is spending a f' w day iu thin vlita itv attending to business rnattern. Here from Hraln C. II. Huiitinuton ana son o Iirain, are amending a tew nays nero on business. Vl-lting In Sullierlin Vr .1. C. Sherman ana moiuer. Mrs. I'hiups, of this city are eujoy ins a few days" visit at Sutherlln with friends. m In from Camas- Misses Olive and Marlon -Maims cr Camas Valley spent Wednesday here shopping. o IMCTIUK AHKAW. KODAK AS YOU iO then, if you want to make good re sults certain, bring your films to the professional kodak finishers, CLARK'S PHOTO STUDIO Roseburg National Bank Building. Now you can get this same powerful, long lived, quality Prest-O-Lite for $24.85, in ex change for your old battery, no matter what its make. This is back to pre-war prices yes, better than pre-war prices for a better battery, too. Drive around and get this best battery bargain on the market. Come today. Tell your friends.. Roseburg' Battery and Electric Station Phone 489 Roseburg, Oregon Pull up where you see this sign Othtr Prol O Lita in orrcl sift for rutty make of car MwM0&g BATTERY START Right with Ske&t-O-te! Fnnsrlranla Tire us. Ford Oarage. XKVVI.YVV KIS AltK SKUKXADKI. What on first sight looked like another big mystery occurred Tues day evening when several darkened automobiles coasted noiselessly down the hill and parked before a certain house in North Koseburg. l!ut the mvsterv was dispelled when from the cars broke the strains of "Hap Any- body Here Seen Kelly," played by the Douglas County Concert Hand, who were serenading one of the members, Dale Kelly, and his bride, formerly -Miss Virginia Johnson. When the eon pie appeared at the door the band boys marched in, and with due ceremony presented them with a handsome set of silverware. I NEW PRICES We ar pleased to anno,. following Pri p v" e m - - UU((U ve Now. Overland Light Fom louring and Roadster, $ 767oo Coupe, r- - 1,045 bedan, - . WillvsKnteht Touring i'tSS Roadster, 1,725.; COUDe. ?AQCaa Sedan, 2,705.00 If you are in the market for a Car these prices cannot help but in' terest you. We invite your closest inspection and are pleased to dem onstrate any time, any place ' C. O. THOMAS Distributor MONEY TO LOAN. THKATKIt M VNAtiKlt 15KTI 11XS. Clarence I. Hill, manager of the local Ulobe company meaie.s, -mined home last night after a two months visit in the middle west. Sir. Hill and his wife motored to Kansas City, where Mrs. inn nas mn. he remained there ana mt. nm turned- bv way of OKiannnia auu TeKas, stopping nt several points to sit. Because of tne nimcuiiiee u motoring, the ear is Doing snip . . I,;k from Kansas City. Mrs. Hill, will return to Roseburg in a few ek,;. Whllo on tne way enat Mr Hill was stoppea in held several hours under suspicion of lelng Dr. Brumfield. Service. Ask Violin Instruction AlUMtKHS l. V. IIIIOKH, IhnM-lmrg, Ore. Sea me at ltiweburg Cafulurla between 5:30 and S:30 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. CASE TRACTORS Threshing Machines Page Woven Wire Fence Stearns & Chcnowcth Oakums' an Yonoalla, Tooth Troubles II.MNERISAS.D.D.S. The caime of all tooth trouble la the fermentation that takes place In the mouth. The uilrrobes that secrete the powerful solvents thai eat through your tooth atrneture can not be snrcesMtiilly oosa batted unlaw you seek the ae rlce of a deatlal I tsh PAIM.KHH MFrl lKiDS ItUUI'I.ATK TKKTH RKI'IJH TKKTH AMK DAT 1 t'l KK I'YOUHHKA. Kto. Klc. Toe) have the besrflt of ni, Kiprtirnrci Iwfflrienry and lle laabUHr. DR. NERBAS THE DENTIST PHONE m Koom 9 hasojiio nLDUu. T'ie regular meeting of the W. C. T, V. was held Wednesday after iuioii at me J'Hrlsb house, at which lime reports from tho delegates to the National convention were given. FKOrMMO ALi GAIUMI HAStARAlUU, AuctlODwr, ( high . M N. Pine 8k A r. m owes-cut ruwira rnont let. 40t W on. at. H. cniropraetK hkralolu. Ill w. Uu at. . CITY NEWS Arundel, piano tuoev rhone 18S-L Tire aervice. Ford Goodyear Oarage. Qoodyear Oarage, Tire BerTlee. Ford SOLID TUUCK T1RK8 pressed on, also tiOOHYKAU solids In stock at The Hoeeburg Carsgw. AUTO TOPS l Tllnl.STKKIM) C. M. JOM-S 7.W X. Jarkson IMione 3;w. AKOUNl) THE TOWIt lOnterit HMit4il II. .1. rennell, a prominent resi dent of the Tiller section, entered Mercy hospital Wednesday, hraln Visitor Miss Anette Whipple of Iraln spent Wednesday morning here shop ping and visiting with friends. Moved to Portland Henry Kni' le of Winchester left Tuesday for l'orUund. where he will make his home in the future. To VUII In llfiniln. Mrs. K. Long and son Arthur left yesterday for Oakland, where they will visit for some tune with Mrs Long's daughter, l-'ormer ltilcnt Here Mrs. N'imI liilmore and duughter, formerly of Itoseburg. but now resid ing at Ashland, arrived In Koseburs Tuesday night for a few days' visit l4nvliig fkr ldn Angelm Mrs. C. S. McMullen left yesterda) for l.os Angeles, where she will un dergo an operation In one of the large hospitals. She is accompanied by her son Virgil and his wife. Here from North Ifcikma BLACKBERRIES WANTED CHATKM I I ItMSMKI) r'KAXK J. MMiroV, ' iwtAiN. oi:kjiv ' Roseburg, Myrtle Point, Coquille and Marshfield Stage 7-fisner Will-! Cirs tare H.itel rmpua tig, dally. Fare to llyrUe FVInt. M 4t. Tare to CcgaU'. 17 CO. Tare to atar-hflelJ, f I 0. COAST AUTO LINES where they have purchased a small furm. Mrs. Huntley leaves for her new home today and her husband will follow when he concludes his work lu Ihe llootll orchard. Ti )rvallis Hoy Patrick left for Corvallis yes terday afternoon, where he will enter Ihe Oregon Agricultural college. This is Mr. ai'lrlcks second year at that institution. CiHlrrKoeti Operation Hazel and liayinond llunsaker and Myron Hull of this city underwent operations at Mercy hospital Tues day morning, ur. A. C. Seely was In attendance. Soldier I'jijoy Trip K. W. Sm'th. comrade at the Sol diers Home has Just returned from a long trip of four months, lie vis ited with his daughter Llla llrown. while In Portland Rnd from there visited with other relatives In Den vet Colorado, Missouri and Oklahoma. Itelurn mm "rater like Mr. and Mrs. Henry llarth and Miss Agnes Fltchford returned from x motor trip to Crater Lake Tues day evening. The trip proved to be most enjoyable. They left here Sun lay and took plenty of time for the Tip visiting all of the chief ponts of Interest. Kl-4i Market Opens A fiaK ni.,b.,l 1. V, , ,.. y.r. and Mrs. Alfred J. Moore of I n.(ll T. ' i ampni'U ft Craig, located at 107 Sheridan street. They will dec in sea food, oysters, clams, crabs, and poultry'. Mr. Campbell was form, rlv located In Kugene. where he con ducted a prosperous Imsiness. l eft for Smith Itlver Mr. and Mrs. O. C. rtrown, Mr and Mrs. II. C. Seymour and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Street. Mr. II. 1'aslett and Mr. C.srrett of Clendale left yes terday for Smith River io attend the community fair which Is beins held there today. They will return l"rl day. islt at Tin it llrnc Mr. and Mrs.-Ronald McLean and Mr. Mclean's mother, who are on a return motor trln from the m' I pent Tuesday evening In this city nt the Hurr home. Tney left v. .ter day morning for Pan Franivo where they will ship their ma.-Mne. snd take a steamer for their kome In Hnnoluln. Imw for North Judge n. O. nineham left t. ter dar for Salem, where he will rem-rn until the start of the rtrmnfi. Id tiivr-' der trial on October Tr.,iv C,rand lrrlct Attorney Josrph 11 ' r left on the afternoon triin '.-r tnferenre Purrim i. p.n.i. t,ntit k !...V.' U. r", b J E F1"rrT starts. David Hrei of the J. le. j I Wednesday for Portland, where ther mm nH u- i r.Hf ,., r... I I will attend the conference of the gonlan left last night for the metr '.p ; South Vetho,!lt rhnrch to be tield.nli. , there this week. They go as dele-1 l!.vrr at llenlr : gates from the loeal ehurrh. Ter Rev. and Mrs Quick w e riie and Mrs J C. Jon are also attcnu- of honooat a dellsh-fnl pi,-ni,. r . Ing the conference 'dsr. given at the home of Mr a- i'w .'iKitiva vrl j m. ptnkerton Rer Hi nun lluntler and family w,o Mrs Quick were touring throutk hare been making their home at P'l- here and stopped over for several lard will move to Bear Medford. davs with Mends, tie was form, rlr Mlnot, N. Iak., are speeding month In this county harvesting their apple and prune crops at their orchard in flnrden vll ( In slumping Mr. and Mrs. Charles llagar and Yrs. William Agnew motored to this city Wednesday afternoon from their homes on North Doer creek to spend a few hours shopping. Old Teacher Here J. M. Hackett of Salem Is spending several davs in town visiting with friends. ")aV)... shatnbroo'; says he remembers some forty or fifty vears ago when he learned his letters from Mr. llarkett at the Coles Valley school. Return front Vacntlon Mr. and Mrs K. Prlnren and chil dren have returned jom Cleveland, where they have been spending their vacation with friends. Mr. Print Is employe) at the Saliman Jeweir s ore. Il.-re on Huslnc P, K. Taylor of the Carmen Mini. . nracturlng enmpanr of Tortland l spending several days In this city attending to birdnesa matters. Mr ; Taylor Is reglterel at the hotel I Vllen mf , W.S. M. Says: "I pass, when it comes to telling car owT.ers why batteries don't worl;. I'm here to show you a battery that does work the Willard Battery. The Threaded Rubber In sulation between 'its plates lr.sts as long as the phtes. Threaded RuL-bcr Insulation doesn't Lave to be renewed." Our Willard Service Man is on the job to take care of your battery and keep it in tip-top shape. Come inl Auto I Electric Station I K AMI pim: STIH IT. I piiom: i;!.. '""- kjbM lottery. on first mortgage security. Farm loans a specialty. One, two and three year loans. Also make 20 year rural credit farm loans at a low rate of Interest, See M. F. Rice of RICE & RICE. In addition to the Glengary W. C. T. U. at Greens Friday evening, they will sell the Ham ilton ice cream and home made cake. Come and help a worthy cause. HOME COOKIXG SALE. A sale of delirious home cooking will be held at Kldd's grocery Sat urday, Sept. 10, by the Women's Missionary Society of the M. E. church, south. J. H. SINNIGER All kinds of. sheet metal work, warm air furnaces, both pipe and plpoleas. 119 Oak Street. Phone 428. Roseburg, Ore, W.R.BR0ri Electric Service Our new Fall and Winter Samples Are here for Your inspection. Come in and Be suited. ' Our Auto Will CWL Phone 977 Delco and M This establishment belies preparedness therefor It t rles a really comsrehtd stock of parts for Bog J Electric Systems. TJiiis genuinely prom,ii artta YOU when your ear'i r develops trouble. , A good stock of MTU. J quale facilities and euM and skilled auto electricity more can't be said. Auto Electric Stair Phones 13( and lil t Corner Pine and Oik 111 ROYAL Gil RESTAUR Open Day and Ni MRS.1V. R.B0W Proprietor Cor. Cass & Sheridan 1 Tl-T'l mj3 r-vfTft? : fit WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and WaterW MOTOR SHOP GARAQL INNER LIXP ALL WW . a " - , J 31x31 ?a BLOW OUT BOOTS . WIRE WOVE 3 inch 40 31 inch 50 i'nch 65 nch 75 o inch 90 5J 8nA.." 31x4.. 32x4'.. 33x4.. 34x4. WCST1HCMOUU BATTtM" "I3