Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 07, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    tOfEfctTHJ WTWUlgVMW WMMfBSDA-T, iriUMBffl T, tHt.
: I."'
Denied By Jpde
(OouiUflsW from
I do not think that we are aaklng for
la IMireaSouabla IIMililD lll'lime.
P3o tirppkatiiekits Remarks.
Atmere? kic In supplementing
'& rwtntaks of Mr. Drcult stated 1
lit,. 1 ir.:ifv luiors would uiK )ubull
be summon' d who woYe engaged in
their uruue ha: est at this lime ut
1 " the year ar.d that their lorcod at-
Douglas county ollUtxii and tbey tendance- would work a groat bard-
w ki.t ! AMfJnuLfkjIl or IU .h .. and roaull in great III :vn -
IU.. -w " I"" ' . .... . ,,., ,1,..
' lence 10 mum. o.n.u
court set the trial data early lu Oc
tober for that reason. "The chaise
I .talnst tho defendant is a serious
uu," said Attorney HI''. "He will
b placed 011 trial for his me anu n
Is necessary lliat his attorney, be
allowed sufficient time to prepare
iheir mine. The defendant wan
forced to turn over all of bin real
ml personal property to a trustee
following lil return here, which left
him dertltute of funds. His defense
money Is being supplied by relatives
and irtenils. II we are iorcea u
b-ing witnesses here from Canadu
and the east without first si curing
Informal Ion concerning the value 01
trim pur obsoTTatlii I a in con
vinced that ma peopl of iiouglaa
ouniy ar imbued wltU the great
Ameilca idea sort principle of fair
d.mllng. It Is iiiy opinion, iaaed on
11. y cbiiervsiiona and the showing
niadeJrf!fore the court that the de
fendant will be accorded a fair and
impartial trial.
"It Is true that it may reuulre the
atteudauce of a large number of
laluaineu before the Jury is finally
elected, but this la not a valid rea
son why a change of veuue shoued
be granted. Some statements have
been printed In tne newspaper. ter teltlmony lt wm WOrk a groat
which probably should not have been
printed, and oral assertions nave
linen made which should have gone
unsaid. But these statements do not
reflect the general seutluent of the
Via every county you will And
some persons of radical tendencies,
but these men and women, regard
lea of their standing In the com
munity, do not bespeak the senti
ment of the cltixenshlp as a whole."
la conclusion. Judge Bingham
took occasion to address briefly the
spectators In the court room with
relation to their responsibility In the
case. Judge HIliKhain made It plain
that he would carefully guard the
records In the trial and warned the
people of Douglas county against
discussing the case with prospective
jurors. ' He declared that persons
who persisted In discussing the raw
with nion called for Jury service. If
reported to Mm, would be adjudged
guilty of contempt of court. This
offense, he said, carried both a fine
and Imprisonment in the county Jail.
"While I have every confidence In
the good Intentions of the people of
Douglas county, It Is not going too
far to say that some of them may
attempt to talk to Jurors and pros
pective Jurors with relation to the
ease. It la for the purpose of avoid
ing such a situation that I am Issu
ing this warning."
Triul Continuance A railed.
Following the disposal of the mo
tion for change of venue Judge Bing
ham announced thnt he was ready to
hear the arguments for a continu
ance of tho caso.
District Attorney Nenner. who has
heretofore announced that the slate
was ready to "shoot," reiterated his
statements this morning In court.
"The slate la ready to proceed with
the trial at the convenience of the
court and the defense," he ssld. He
stated that he could see no particu
lar reason for asking a delay In the
trial proceedings.
Allorney Orcutt then asked the
court-that they he. allowed three
weoka to- astamlifca their testimony
and that the trial not he called until
the first Monday In October. "The
Indictment wss Jnst returned Inst
Wednesday. " he sntd. "and we have
not had sufficient time to prepare
th" rase. We have a number of
witnesses In dlfferents parts of e)re
rnn and several outside the state.
We are trying to get In touch with
them by telegraph In order to ejpe
dlte the matter. Several of out wit
nesses are In Csnada. California and
Ohio. We therefore think that the
shortest time possible for lis to pre
pare our rase Is three weeks. If the
trlnl Is culled before thnt time, we
cannot he ready. We ran see no
hardship upon the defendant from a
financial standpoint.
Attorney Itlce stated that wlt-
imsaea would bo brought here from
Canada. California and Ohio. The
city physician of Calgary will prob
ulily 'be -brought bfie to testily for
the defense concerning the sanity of
Neuner Answers Argument.
District Attorney Neuner lu an
swwring the argument of the di-fensi
for a coutinuauce stated that Kice
Jt Orcutt were both lamillar with
the case and the circumstances con
uucted with the alleged murder anu
that the two tiilorneya repnw-pieil
Mrs. Uruiiitleld since July 14th, th
day following tho ulliged crime.
Neuner ulso sraled that tho stutt
was required to bring witnesses from
distant points, such as Calgary and
lirlltsn Columbia. The district at
torney declared that he believed ten
days or two weeks would no a suffi
cient length of time to contlniio the
Triul Ktiirts Oct. S.
Judge liingham ruled that the
Douglas county court would convene
on October 6, Wednesday, to hear
the llrumfleld case. The Judgo will
open his own court In Salem on Oi l
3 and then come to Hoseburg to
start the llrumfleld trial.
Hjieclul Venire Drawn.
The Judgo ordered a special ven
ire of Jurors drawn for October 6.
The circuit court panel of .11 names,
out of which the grand Jury of seven
men were drawn will be called for
October t and the Bpeclal venire will
report the next day,, making 4V
CNinfcreiire Is llchl.
Following the court's adjournment
this morning the defense attorneys
held a long conference with llrum
fleld. The conference was held In
the Judge's room and the two doors
were guarded by the sheriff and his
deputies. The large crowds In the
court room rushed from the build
Ing following the adjournment anil
walled anxiously at the Jail entrance
for the appearance of the prisoner
When Sheriff aStatuier and "Two
(inn" Hopkins Oil appear with
llrumfleld. tho crowds surged to
wards the aldewulk to get a glimpse
of the notorious man. ' Itruiufti-ltl
looked the crowd over as though he
was searching for some famlllur fare.
Only once did he smile and nod to
one of the spectators, but when hi'
received no response the muscles In
hl face set and he probably realln -d
that he was not on speaking term
with his townspeople. IJe entered
the Jail briskly and when he readied
his cell he started whistling nlrias
from grnhd operas, lie inlcd 111
nev. stating that h had "forgotten
to tell him something" ' 1
When Brutnfield entered his awl
,t I,, oniine he must have known
that the BJn would greet hlnf no
more until October I.
.Neiuier Argues Motion,
Dittrict Attorney Neuner started
.f. ..riMiment KKjlnst the motlot for
haiiKe of wnue late yesteruay su-
,.n in his talk he followed out
very closely the affidavits contained
In the counter-motion, ne minim
the court that the prosecution was
uIbo anxious for the ueienaam, ur.
It. M. llrumfleld. to secure a lair anc
impartial trial and stated tnai me
slaty was sincere In their belief that
eh a trial could be aecurea as wen
in Douglas county as in any otner
county In the state. He said that tne
newspaper articles quoiea in me De
fense motion were not sufficient
1,. cmise a change of venue, uepuiy
litstiicl Attorney Hammersley read
several cases from the Oregon laws
which were almost parallel tp the
present case. His arguments against
9 ehnnee of venue were logical. nd
although brief were to the point.
Attorney Orcutt Julks.
"And the county court had to
send to Portland to get a special
nrnaeeutor to take charge of this
case," remarked Attorney Orcutt
shortly after he had started to talk.
"You're a liar." retorted District
Mtorney Neuner.
Judge Bingham rapped vigorously
fur order and warned the state to
make no further Interruptions dur
ing the argument of th attorney for
the defense.
Your honor. I would rather not
be called a liar In onen court," snld
Attorney Orcutt. "Well, if It will
suit the slate better, I will change
that statement to mean that they
sent to Portland to get an attorney
to assist In the prosecution."
That's not true, persisted the
district attorney.
At one time during the district
;ittornev's argument one of the spec
tators started to applaud his re
marks. Judge Ilingham called for
order and announced that any fur
ther disturbances would cause a fine
for contempt of court.
The little tilt between Orcutt and
euner provided the thrill of the
al.'ernnon, howover, and lt was some
Mm' before the attorneys could calm
themselves and get back 'on the case.
At the conclusion of the afternoon
session ycMtorday, the courtrooinwas
cleared of spectators and then Dr.
Ilnm field was placed between the
sheriff and a deputy and started
hack to his cell. As he left the
court room he turned to Sheriff
Starmer and said: "I wish I had a
mile to walk. This Is great." He
smiled on his way down the stairs
iintl appeared to be In a Jovial mood.
Just as he entered the Jail he started
to whistle, "Pack your troubles In an
old kit bag am; smile, soiiln. smile."
As the sheriff banged the steel
lor lo the lock, the whistling of
Brunifleld could be heard.
irrest reason for nny haute and we sheriff to bring In one of his attor-
Phone 95
No.l Mill Kun, 80 lb. Sacks vj) I .L U
227 North Jackson St
Liberty Theafre
Wednesday, Sept. 7
Price. 25 and 50c
The Northwest
Mounted Police
(Vyr A MuMXO I'ltTl UK)
TIIK MsT tr: SATIo.W.. T llltlt.l l; ami lAdl lM; I'l l;.
raiuuU's fanmiu Mounted IVIIre hste the repute ion ,,f l.Ml! ,,c
m.-t i..hunt.TS In the ...rl.l. Tl7 .,, .. , c,im,-,
rll until he U caught. The, gUe Hp the rhw. Il.eir
heroic enure- p u,, frtK, Arctic circle l.a.e tilled U.
lorya pace The" re kno. r,,, ,,., . ,,
snort fe.rlr,, fighters on earth. tw Own, )u, ,r ,llrvr
,,rr;,;;,r;M,, lu "r -
Introducing the Ulrl mm, st.wic ,,, ,trinr
. mj hsiw oi iu iibo IB las sislil. l,r V.rllm,.
l..ll . i.i , . .
, . . s" ' give y..n j.-nr ni .er, . ,
yonr money bark.
Schools to Open
Next Monday
The scliiNil Ihildlngs are being
given their final cleaning before the
livers open next Monday. J. W
tniK is the Janitor at the Kullerton
-i.h'M,; .. I,. Matthews at the Ben
son: lt. W. Hitter at the Hose and
K. V. lMuls and J. C. lioyce at the
lllt:h srhnnl.
Mr. e. A King, athletic coach has
arrived and football practice will
start this w-eck.
Misses Kastir, Kenlston, C. Olson
ind Thorensen from the east have
also made their uppeurance and ere
inisily en:ai:.'d In finding rooming
and l.nariling places.
ltiglstralion Is going on at th
hi nil school. 4,- seniors chose their
nibjifia .Monday ami rl Juniors reg
islered yesterday. The other mem-
I'er of these two classes are urged
to pick out their studies before next
M;m,lay. Today Is Rophomore day
ami tomorrow and Krlday the fresh
ii', -n register.
The revised rules and regulations
cif the lm-al schools have been mailed
to all pannts. These should be
carefully examined as the Informs
Hon contained is most useful for i
good understanding of the workings
ot ttie schools.
Noted Lecturer
Delivers Address
nh or
The Spenders"
!. ! '"T1 bo e,T roast see thl.
disrtlofi. A Ule ot the third g.oer.U nym,, ,,'7h" ! T
Mrs. l.lnnle Carl, a nationally
Known listur.r of the social morality
iieiMrinicni or me National Woman s
Christian Temperance fnlon. spoke
tn the mini I'eople's Christian
Workers Hand at the Methodist
church l,ist evening ller lecture was
intensely Interesting and she Is also
a ta!.r;t.M Impersonator and reader.
"e is a woman of pleasing person
aim- nn.l on. of the finest sneakers
en the platform Mrs. Carl
a so saie a short lecture this after
noon at tee meeting of thV C T
t t ttns afternoon which met at the
' I arlsh house ller address wss
, loth Instructive sed Inspiring She
socnVs at Snthrrl'n st 7: Jft this eve
jning st the Presi.r' church, and
I tomorrow- afternoon at J. at Wlihur.
j Mrs furl has received the highest
Praise fr-in those .who hsve heard
n,r in e'.-r cities throiirhnnt th
rn'-cl States snd the people of Rose-
"r are forvmn'e In having an op
I'l'nun-.'v in near h.-r.
Attempt to Revive Bridge Fig
ht Fails When Mayor Makes
Flat Declaration
Appropriation fur Baud Will tie In
cluded In Annual Budget Which
Is to lie Made I'p lu the
Xear Future.
A long drawn out session of the
city council was held last night and
a number ot important matters dis
posed of. Mr. Taylc-r of I'niji'jua
park appeared with an attempt to
Interest the council In the Alexander
bridge site, stating that the county
court will start work on the road
around the base of Mt. Nebo, follow
ing the term which starts today. He,
was Informed by Mayor Hamilton
that the city does not Intend to an
tagonize the railroad company and
that instead of building the bridge
and acquiring the park donation, 'l e
city will buy the park outright. It
waa decided to ask the Public Serv
ice commission for a decision on the
crossing matter and the city attor
ney was Instructed to request thai
this decision he rendered at once.
Motorbua licenses were Issued to
J. T. Lloyd, A. B. Taylor and F. II.
The marshal reported that he has
allowed the contract for changing
the location of the sewer at the D. J.
Stewart property to L. W. Metzger.
Considerable comment was h&d
over the water and light bill which
amounted to (731.65. It was shown
that this Is Interest at the rate or f.
per cent on (145.000. and that If
the same rate applies throughout the
year, lt will amount to practically
one-thlrd of the city's income. A
committee composed of B.-S. Nichols.
O. O. Jennings and J. E. McCllntock
was appointed to endearor to ar
range for a flat rate on drlnUlnp
The residents of the nnnnmiut
street lying between Madrone avenue
and Military avenue presented a pe
nnon ior me paving of that Btreet.
The petition was allowed and the
section, which Is really a continuance
of Madrone avenue was given that
The council voted to nAV the Knnit
$160 still remaining In the original
appropriation. A proposal was made
tnsi me nana be paid $50 for month
ounng tne winter, and this will
probably be done If the council can
una a runa from which the money
.u ne eppropnaipa. It was prac
tically decided to Include an appro-
puitiion ior tne band in the yearly
budget which Is to be msde tin aenn
The council expressed Itself as being
wen pieasea with the hand's work
nu it was reu mat a liberal appro-
prmuou was justified by the natron
age given the hand concerts and the
Interest displayed In the work of the
The following bills were allowed:
J. B. Plaisted. wood sawing
street cleaning $ 195
Douglas County Light &
Water Co., Light, and
. 'er 731.6T,
tra b. Riddle, Co. Clerk.
Kecordlng, Mis 1 00
service Uarage, gas. fire and
water j 45,
economy (irocery supplies,
street cleaning
Commercial Abst. Co., ser
vices city Improvements..
U. K. Davis, wood, miscel
laneous 33 oc
1,. . .Metzger, constructing
sewer outlet, health an I
ponce ; ;3.oo
Hamilton Drug Co., supplies
neaiin and police 27. On
my treasurer, refund, misc. 7.r,(,
i r.aay. services, city
improvements .' 40.00
1 . Hughes, supplies, city
improvements 1.00
can tieneuict, repair lights
ngnts 12 40
nesier j. Main, hay, street
"eaning 1S7.S0
aiau:s- tiros supplies, street
cleaning . 2T, f.O
.osn. blacksmlthlng
street rlasanlng . v 17 2:,
narry t-earre, supplies,
street cleaning 4 1
noaeourg HOOg Shire. ,up.
pnee. printing, stationery . . j .fi
. a. t'owall. supplies.
sir eei cleaning I! o
lainany Hros. blacksmlthlng
street cleaning 27.00
J. r. uarter ft Co, auppt'ea
str.Ht cleaning 4 70
.ews-Keview Co.. printing
and stationery 4 cn
n. 1- Mcnols. services 3S.04
inirn-nTement Knnii.
News Review Co.. advertising
Iorelwood sewer
I llhum street
Riverside drive ', '
e in aouition 10 tue uieuKin
W. C. T. U. at Greens Friday e
evening, they will sell the Ham-
ilion Ice cream. Come and help w
a worthy cause.
Memorial Services
ner to the Island until every foot had
been searched. Although prison of-
Jnrrlnnfl J-Inlfle j ficlals believe that Gardner' escaped
LUglUHU IIKiUO from Mc,-eii'S they will exhaust
every chance of his being In hiding
there. They expect, however, that
the fugitive will be apprehended by
V. V. ..-Iff,, n n V. n mainland II 1
(By CiUted lrc88.) . . fc b ' ,h
T.OVlXlN' Sent 7. Ininresslve ...n
simplicity marked the memorial box- I v Suspect Is Seen.
vices for the American and British TACOMA, Sept 7. A woman re
dead from the ZR-2 disaster in the 1 ported that she saw a man answer-
esinuniaier ADiiey. King ueorge ine Rov Gardner's descrlotlon. nick-
and Queen Mary attended the Ber-'in. nnles In an orchard. Gardner
vires, i napiain wener, ot tne noyai
Air forces, referred to the dead as
martyrs to science." The cruiser
Dauntless is expected to arrive in
the United States with the bodiea of
the American dead shortly and mem
orial services will be held on tha
Brooklyn piers September 17. IUkqi
naval officers will participate in the
MTIO: Tl Kr Uiesl lU ltO
W 1 1 1 It ttixi Mi ll".
-i T w: 1 he siut off Tkurs.lsv
111.1n.en. sn.nt j l!:i. from I p
m unMI 4 p m , l-ichnling all of Vet
-- .
ralnlc-. rttranlon of teeth .1
room , Kasonlc temple. Dr. Xercsks.
rrirnns art deep rr grieved fo
learn of the death of little Florence
i.urne thamherlaln. the -vear-olrl
naugnter or Mr. and Mrs. r. A
namortain. ii7r w. nra .treat
The little, girl died this morning after
a snort uinewi of anlnsl tneninrlil.
me funeral will be held the latter
ran or the week, nrohahlr lM
a tenia v. Lmii Ixstle .
heaaufil ehfld. aid Iter wlnnlnr
wars fevad her Oraar friends ehnu
keartt art saddeaed br her golag.
For Men, Women aud Children
A fine assortment, made up of picked stock .for the
Display room. . They are better and cheaper a pair -for
every member of the family.' .'"
Roy Gardner
Still At Large
(Continued From Pag One.)
On first mortgage
rarm loans a iMdalH
two and three year loii
make 20 year rural crts)
w loans at a low rate of
See M. F. Rice of
- - R1CB k RICE.
Labor Picnic
At Riddle Fine
The Labor day picnic at Riddle
was a huge sucueaB and largely at
tended by residents from all parts of
of the county. The picnic was held
the large grove and during the
afternoon and evening dancing waa
enjoyed In the open air pavilion. In
the afternoon a baseball game was
staged between the Roseburg All
Stars and the Southern Pacific. The
All Star were victorious. The game
was a series or freak bits but waa ex
citing at all stages and provided
some good thrills for the spectators.
In the evening a wrestling match
tool: place In the pavilion between
Cedarstrom and Slegrlst. ' Cedar-
strom was successful In getting the
first two falls. The picnic will be
an annual event hereafter, and the
union men plan to make lt bigger
and better each year.
waa also reported In Seattle artd as
traveling south t'.irougu Castle Rock
in an automobile. '
o "
Auxiliary Holds
First Fall Meeting
Tomatoes 50c per bushel,
run. Bring your box. T. B.
Son, Dlllard, Oregon.
The Woman's Auxiliary of the
American Legion held their first fall
meeting at the Armory last night.
Attendance was small owing to the
fact that no announcement had been
made of the meeting, bull several im
portant business matter were trans
acted. It was decided to meet in the
Parish house hereafter and the next
meeting will be In the form ot a
social time at that place. Mrs. Grant
Wilcox, delegate to the state conven
tion at Eugene, gave a detailed re
port of the convention which con- Notice la hereby given
tamed many points of Interest to person found dumping tat
i ne niemuer. u was also aecmea at bish of any kind on any ot
that .me to hold a social the first ( ways of this county will b(
. ... n. ... wiuuci, iv . ii n u in., cuieo
i-egion .win be Invited. At the next
meeting, to be held at the Parish
house the last Tuesday in September,
all members are requested to bring
small scraps of cloth, gingham, silk
or any material being acceptable.
until within a feet of
ht dropped dead. Thev
the hide which shows thl
. - a
nave Deen an enormous
At Greens A
The W. C. T. U. is plum!
terestlng meeting Friday el
the Greens school home.
time all will enjoy a fine
and social hour. Mrs. Lid
noted lecturer will dfdlTeri
auuress at tnal time. Tat
program has been arraaiN
Piano Solo Mrs: Edythd
Devotions Led by linl
Song Audience.
Convention Echoes Kri
Marsters and Mrs. Margarej
Duet Mrs. Rush, Miu
Address .Mrs. Linnls Cai
Vocal Solo C. L. Searlai
WANTEIl TO ! limine.
ll-x :t.'f. i'Iiv.
CO.MPETKVT young lady steh.igFopher
,1.1 r.. - .t fitn ;i,s.t.
WANTED Live tock for shipment.
I.irm liuresu Kxchajagr I'liene s
rOn SALE nartlett parar6cbu
Hrlng nur l.e. Mrs. A. M. I.nn.
l'l-- .-laiiit. t ireic m.
VOR S AI.E-Ln t e pru nr s for"cami! ne,
t-ie,h,.ne s;u.,. ;. u He.eina e
l.iialaSt. tl.V per l.n
WAXTEn Middle" aged lady to .!,
h.Mi-ework rail at 111 ''aM st
I'.-irln s Shni. allure.
W A NT F.n Tom nv-oek nn ra nc h7l u V-
Iha h.iriesi time. Aildres. '.-ii.,k."
New s-H. vii w.
f'l ilt "s tl.'M't,, llcloiy new KeTrfn:
ln Ne In tvpewrll.-r tT.00. In
quire S..u Pa.-. Krt. liffli..
VVNTI-l-A nio-e milk and ei-ir
r.Liomi-rs. R H. Mover. 73J
Burr Brothers
Kill Big Bear
Fred and Harry Burr, who have
Just returned from an extended hunt
ing trip above Tiller, were success
ful In killing a large black bear
while on their trip. The boys were
each carrying out a 'buck when Har
ry noticed a large bear Just -ahead
of th.-in. He fired asd the wounded
animal camo towards him. His
brother too opened fire . and both
emptied their guns. The" bear, mor
lally wounded continued his rush
to the fullest extant
law. Many of the roads
out the county are beeoml
dump ground for all kinds
and this nuisance must be
. GEO. K. Ql'INE, Count
Dated, Roseburg, Ur.,
1921. .
O. ft Weatnar "areas, nee
loaeburg. Oragou, It Doom
Preelsttallea to larkaa sag laf
tflKhest tempersture yeIMO
Ijoweat temperature ia ms
u i..i.u.i..n la.i 24 hOUrt -
. TTte i-. of mi
Normal preirip. for this awstl
Total precip. from Hejt.
to data .
Average precip. from JWPt.
Total deficiency fn,m Sjpt.
Average precipitation f.t
ia.nt to Mar. w
i-flMpui u a a Mr sssiat
r'"" .... f.r.
. Tonlgni ana Jfi nl
!.1.E t room cnttnire
t. np.-ir tn Prl. Ii.t
terma. Oias. Kyea. 1JJ N.
I hi: M.vjaa rtrv ,! ,,,. , K.,j : 4
lire, milk cnw. ion Tsncred strain
Jhl krns. r,-,vrn.trln applea. L H 1 B
li.-raenl. Voneall.t. ' . V
EOtt KfMISKSS- or pln7er7n"u'll"i. t f
th m...t i.f your ,. )f tt i, ! 5
l.'ei-.. -,th l'w.r.,1 Tire 1MU, V.
sre aiiiran;eed f.,r 1ft ftd.l .a
J. I W i a., ,s:r....t
EOtl I:;ntj; ,.r,.
chard ,rre, of 'a-, anfl
nnrr i
ATi:i M.,n
"i tei'k cws and itn
i i-m wera Anply In p.
.lep.ea. 5 nil Wl nl k
SALE H..,,.,d wltriafrw
a, es. ef cre.k bettnei land
mad. good ttmn.r. and nnt-ane -jt-v
k. Lorain fo, iso TtTt.
Kr.-a. 1M N 1'tne 8 .
I. I "ciriERTS r.ED
I hae several roe Ford.. wn tl
, r. .m.i-. r,i on I nevrn M car Atl
tantia. 114 W. caaa ft
: - - - - - - -, le.r nnnnm
land, bordera on river; balance psa. .
t'ire and tlmr: 15 serea fne yenna
Kriine: medern hnme big te.-k
arn. elh-r kutMia. tea he.D 4
g-la. roara. tea rklckena. 11 tur
keva and voung TMi place must ha
seen to ba arp-claTd. Priced at
ore. j
;B to.MKI'V- J
The henrt-aUrring tala of a couple of crook
treated them square. A Paramount Picture,
; j "S.NOOKY'a mi.ll OAT" CHKsTI
I 'A
rM rrj n'fJnJ
.rr en., i..,ti,,r, ; m m 1 m . i 1 I 1 K aWfaw.
car bar:
The Fourteenth Ma
with' '
Robert Warwick and Bebe Daniels
j A alullng t.le of a soldier of torrasm who played ,hr""
j 'ery and won. Who waa the foorMawitll saaaT
5 The cmat Include-: Walter Hkera. 8ytrta A ah ion, tT" aytJ
K'd MrToy and l.nclea UtUefleM. f.mownt Arlrrgl-,
0 Also Paramount Mack InaasW Soaaedy and Iniwrwatloaal