paob ma &L" 'rL1 -Barns t -ssnTM"""--- a m m m mi mm Dresses Will appeal to you from every point of view Will you be one of the first to see them? - . . .... Burchartfs OBITI'AKV. .traors Patterson, wife of i i Patterson, of Gardiner, .Jtans years of suffering L7W August 31. The de ft a woman of lovely dispo foj character; respected and F h larnre circle of ing Course civ lYKKKS t umCM. Accountant (r. !' IMCfpt a limited number of Uculi for a practical six Liu study of double entry fcUHping. Students must ap pjitiinlay, Sept. 10th, at Room LI, Koblnagen Bldg. Terms, L; 25 cash in advance, $25 L ot 1st naif. tlon opportunity to gel me itowntala of double entry kkB. lTpfrlpnce rovers 20 yenrs. JR. L. A. WELLS DENTIST Mint Bldg. I'hone 31:1. relatives and friends. A very large gathering of friends' at tbe burial attested the high esteem In which she was -held. The abundance of flowers which obscured the ' grave were the expression of those who loved her in life. Besides a sorrow ing husband there are left one child, one brother and six sisters. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. C. Dix of Elkton and Interment made in Scottslmrg cemetery on Friday after noon, Sept. 8. : o Mra. Archie Taylor and Mrs. James Goodman, left Sunday morn ing by auto stage for Marshfield and other coast points, where they will spend a week or ten days enjoying an outing. DAILY W15ATHKR REPORT. n D. 9. Weather BurtAO. local offioa .toMborav ureson, aours .naina: a. m.: ererlplMMaa la Ineaae mm HanSreStk. HiitheHt temperature yesterdny .. 76 lou'ertt temperuture last night . 4k Precipitation laat 24 hours 0 Total pre:tp. since first of mo.... 0 Normal preclp. for this month... 1.01 Total preclp. from Sejt. 1,( 1921, to date 0 Av.M-aa-e preclp. from Kept. 1, 1877 .10 Totul UeOclency from Sept. 1. 1921 .09 Average precipitation for 44 wet eaHons. (Sept. to May, Inc.) .. .31. 38 forecast to I p. m. tor southwestern Oraon: Tonight and Tuesday fair. WILLIAM BELL. Obseiver. toasted TO seal in the delicious Burley flavor Once you've enjoyed the toasted flavor you will al ways want it MAIL SERVICE INCREASED. WASHINGTON,;, Sept. 5. Postof fice department announced an in crease in rural mall service. Effec tive Septeauev 16, route No. 1 out of Knappa will be increased from tri-weekly to daily, affording 97 families Improved facilities. Route .No. 2 out of Dayton was Increased 16 miles to accommodate 60 fam ilies. - Mr. Edwin A. Johnson and Miss Pearl A. Hatty,' both of Glendale, were united in marriage at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The ceremony took place at the parsonage of the Christian church. Rev. C. H. Hilton reading the service and using a ring ceremony. The young people were accompanied by one friend only, and the wedding was a very quiet one. They will make their home at Glen dale. TEN DAVS ONLY. Tomatoes 50c per bushel. Patch run. Bring your box. T. B. Evans ft Son, Dillard, Oregon. c SECOND MMw We have some unusual bargains in second hand trucks to offer for quick disposal. Here is a partial list and each one is a genuine bargain: 1 One VA Ton Federal Truck, 1920 Model, practically new ' - - One half ton Dodge Bros, business car, model 1921, good as new, price-One Delivery Truck, Price - One 1-Ton . Ford, Worm - Drive iruck, Model 1920, fine condition, excellent body, Price, - - - - $2,160.00 $950.00 $700.00 $475.00 J.O. Mewlaii & S ge Bros. Cars. Cass and Stephens Sts. Pleads ; Bryon Removal Due to Economy (Nnra-Rovlew WanUngtoa Bureau.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 6. Into th. department ot Justlc and through offices of th. of th. Ore gon congressional delegation are flowing many telecrama ot nrokat against the proposed removal of W. H. bryon, cbief of th. bureau of In vestigation of the department ot jus tlc fur th. Pacific Northwest wHh headquarters at Portland, whose im mediate resignation was demanded early in th. week by W. J. Burns, the new head. of th. bureau... During a vary brief stay in Wash ington, th. first In a week, Mr. Burns told Senator McNary's office that th. call for bis resignation Im plied no reflection whatever upon the excellence of Mr. Bryan's ser vice, but was Incident to the orders issued by Attorney General Daugh erty to reduce th. personnel of the service because 0t reduced, appro priations. .. May Give Him Place. Mr. Burns said that Mr. Bryon's place was leu necessary than some others snd was to be eliminated. He Intimated that If congress con solidates all of the secret service agencies of th. government as pro posed in the general reorganization scheme. Into the one department of justice bureau, a place probably will be found for Mr. Byron. Consolidation Remote. - The fact is, however, that this con solidation la remote and is rendered more ti.tflcult by the appointment of Mr. Burns, against whose establish ment at the head of tbe bureau of in vestigation vigorous protest bas been made by New York and other power ful-Influences, some of which were behind the attempt which was made in New York a few months ago to ob tain the revocation ot private detec tive license ot the Burns private de tective agency on the grounds of un ethical conduct In a number of cases, notably In tbe cases arising at tbe time the Burns agency was doing de tective work for German steamship and other Interests In the period be tween 1914 and 1917. Mr. Burns has been given a free hand by At torney General Daugherty to reor ganize the personnel of the bureau. Other Protests Coras. Mr. Burns spent the past week In the middle west and Is In New York effecting changes. Prom other cities where he has eliminated officials, protests of the same character that are coining from Portland are flow ing to Washington. . Attorney General Daugherty has been out of the city since Sunday and is not expected to return until after Labor day when these protests will be brought to bis attention. o ' r Reedsport Mill To Be Rebuilt REEDSPORT. Sent. 3. The Reedsport planing mill, destroyed by fire some few months ago, is being rebuilt. A crew of men started to work laat Friday morning removing the debris of the fire and laying of the mud sills upon which the found ation will be started. The loss or the nlant was a serious blow to the community as It employed about 25 men and had sufficient oraers tor steady running over a period of a years time, but tne inaoiunauie spirit of Reedsport ousiness men. and others, and those heretofore em ployed in the Reedsport planing mill and other financial assistance re ceived from the outside, has made It a possibility to build a better ana larger plant than heretofore. The building of the plant will be much larger and convenient to rail road facilities, and a great deal bet ter to waterway.. It Is expected with tne lorce on hand which will be Increased mis week, that the foundations of the building will be so placed that the machinery for engines and boilers and planing equipment will be able to start operations within the next fortnight as all machinery has been . It is expecl'd as soon as some of the present machinery is installed so ss to get tne piani unuer "v"-""". nthoe machinerv -which has been or dered, will be Installed, so ss to make It a complete factory as be- fWben this plant was burned down a few months ago. the company had large Incompleted contracts with Chicago and other eastern firms which have been held up on account r ah rl ASltrltr linn of the plant which hav. not been abrogaiea ana firms mentioned have been willing to wait until the new plant has been htill and have further signified their Intentions of taams iarar u. i ih. future than heretofore, This mill Is s purely Reedsport concern backed and financed prsc- .i n i.. Rearinnort people "ui.u will prove s prsctlcsl concern to the interests of tne peopiw m ""'r" Well Known Couple Married WnaV is iwmvnaxt svrnu VVal m vmnrnmmMMS i School Days are Here! School Shoes are Now Necessary ! The J. C. PENNEY CO. Stores If iff Sell This Year Approximately Nine Million Dollars Worth of Good Shoes You Can Realize Why We BUY FOR LESS Then Why We SELL FOR LESS For Your Boys WE STAND BACK Or EVIRY PAIR For Your Girls BOYS' HIGH CVT BOOTS All boys delight In owning a pair of these tor bad weatber. We ar. showing wonderful boots at splendid values. - Sties 8 to 13.' Price 92.49 Co 9.1.00 Sizes 13H to 1. Price 93.7a to SUI.OH Sizes 2H to 5Vi. Price 98.9 to $.9H ENGLISH LASTS Made like Dad's. Tans snd blacks. A great num ber of styles. Prices .93.40 to 93.40 . ' ORTHOPKDIO LASTS -That broad toe the kiddles Ilk. so well. They come In brown, tans and black. Sizes 5 to 8. Prices $1.49 to $I.T Sizes 8 to 11. Price 93.05 MIHSKS' AMD CHIIJMtK.VS Service-giving Shoes. Mahogany or black. Sixes 3 to SH. Price .$1.19 Sizes 5H to 8. Price 91.49' Sizes 8Vs to 11. Price 91.99 Sizes 11 to 2. Price 93.49 BOYS' BLITHER OK LACK SHOES GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Made ot Calf Skin. Made to wear. Sizes 2 to 6. With low flat heels. A big tea Sizes 8 to 13. Price 43.19 ture In our Shoe Department. All heathers lu tans. Sizes 13tt to :. Price 93.49 browns and blacks. Sites ZV, to 6. Price ' 93.98 Prices V. .93.2S to 94.00 BOX'S' HEAVY OIL TAN SHOES BOYS' AND GIRLS' Rl'BBKR FOOTWEAR They wear like Iron. Made with double soles. ! Buy early and have them for the first storm. It Sizes 13 to 2. Price 93.79 may save them from a slek spell. Sizes 2H to BH. Price 93.98 Prices ,..,v, . v . .'. . .09c, 89c . YOUR BOYS VOI R GIRLS Demand good serviceable shoes that will stand the Shoes must wear, but they must also bave that knocks. Particular car. Is given to' selection of distinctive style snd class so. dear to the feminine our Boys' Shoes. They must be msde to stand heart. These features you will find lu all our what the sturdy boy will give them. Misses' Shoes. ROSEBURG. OREGON THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORK ORGANIZATION IN THE WOULD. Both are very well known in Rose burg and both are actlv. members of the Christian church. They will make their home in Roseburg. o To Plan Opening of Local Cannery Prank Norton, the Sutberltn pack er, who has leased the Roseburg cannery from the Oregon canning company Is expected to come to itose burg the early part of this week to' formulate plans for running th. can nery this fall. It was formerly planned to open the cannery about October 1, and so far as la known, no change has been made In this plan. Mr. Norton ex nects to work extensively with ap ples this year. He has Deen running the cannery at Drain full blast, wnrklna largely In pears. A large quantity of old stock put up by A. Rupert company nas oeen stored in the cannery building and this Is now being removed and ship ped or stored elsewhere, and a crew of men are at work putting the can nery In shape for rail operation. The opening of the cannery will mean work for a large orew of both men and women until late in the season. Starting late, however, after the opening of school, the cannery will not employ as many young peo ple as it bas in former years. The wage scale for employes this year has not yet been announced. o 31st by Mra. A. Beckley. H. Beckley., A. HV Lettorts bave been sent out to var ious men Inviting them to join th. Unipqua Jubilee Singers. This Is a. new musical organization which has just started In Roseburg. and whtib will put on concert throughout the winter. It is not made up of prof fesslonal singers1, but anyone who. can carry a tune Is eligible for mem-' hershlp. Mrs. Heinline has offered the use of her studio for rehearsnW, I am not responsible for any bills and bas even offered to Instruct th. run on and after this date, August singers without cost. t occurred ' MM MPttttv wedding last night at o'clock at ths bom. of Mr. snd Mrs. ""VrS.,,: B. Douglas street. hen. " .Jl" "V Melva Cannon became tlr""e ,ri Cornelius M. Kolkema. Jo. wed-, ding service was performed by Rev. C H Hilton, minister of th. Chris tian church, who ssed th. ring cere mony. Th. house was aecoti with ssters and at the clou, of th. J..m. "a wedding dinner was served to the bride and groom by T. . .. - Un Cannon Mr. ana sir. "" , -. , , Has neesi ror n"""" ' . H the snrvemr's office ss steaoarapeeT Mr. Koikes, as vsatsr. ft W.R. BROWN Electric Service I4M Deko and Remy This establishment believes In preparedness therefor It car ries a really comprehensive stock of parts for most Auto Electric Systems. This means genuinely prompt service for YOU when your car's system develops trouble. A good stock of parts, ade quate facilities and equipment and skilled auto electricians more can't be said. Auto Electric Station Phones 138 and 138-R. Corner Pin. and Oak Bts. NEW PRICES! We are pleased to announce the following Prices Effective Now: Overland Light Four Touring and Roadster, $ 767.00 Coupe, - - 1,045.00 Sedan, - - 1,100.00 Willys Knight Touring, 1,780.00 Roadster, 1,725.00 Coupe, 2,485,00 Sedan, 2,705.00 If you are in the market for a Car, these prices cannot help but in terest you. We invite your closest inspection and are pleased to dem onstrate any time, any place C. O. THOMAS Distributor M M FOR BEGINNERS DUNNING SYSTEM Of? IMPROVED MVHIO HTl'DT Th. only aystem for beginners. Indorsed by tb. world' moat renowned musicians. . , IG-XOrS H. STRONG Btadlo: 418 8. Mala St. Pbon. Ill-L.