I UtftlM IKWB-KKrnrW TTKftTUr, bEPTEMBEK , lttl. HmoW-A-DAYS'' " say the Good Judge A man can get heap more satisfaction fromaimall chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big . chew.of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so ' much longer be doesn't need to b'i fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that.. Put ufi in two ttyUt WB CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco MX SILK PARASOLS I OF EXQUISITE BEAUTY . OF DURABLE FABRICS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY and REASONABLY PRICED ' ARE ON DISPLAY AT I. ABRAHAM THE "SILK STORE." P FEDERAL and GOODYEAR tires ud tubes, In all sizes, at Tbe Rose- barf Garage. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach Kidney s-Hzart-Llwr Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ' trd remedy for kidney, liver,, bladder and uric acid troubles GOLD MEDAL Tk National Remedy of Holland tor CMtgriM and endorsed by Queen Wilhei aaoa. At all druggists, thiM aba. WktiHM(MilltMMfta ABda HamnMrab AWcman Who Wouldn't Remtrry rtakk BAB'8 HKt'KEK. "H la tittle tn .11 In I hu h- . 1 J Tom Latham ai .ast. -Are you zo- bye?" nie" A"X' l bld Vutae 001 "Yea," I replied, shuddering, des pite myself, at (he thought of all that had happened. . ."W.h,t u tn matter? Are you faint?" demanded Tom with 'l think It mutt be the heat." "You are as pale as a ghost." noil, you Know. Tom It Knuk. my heart to say goodbye to Ouane. 1 uie to see Htm go away. " I have always been very fond of him.. 1 have really cared aa much for Duane uraion as i hare for my brother Again Tom DrOVed hln nnrluMtanrl lag, for we rode to the dock without wora. . We found Duane awaiting ... it "v. noa uaiMr I it n ii nail him, while his Hps were drawn al- o a snarl across his strong white teeth. hi 1 forrd silently and took dui ne gathered me up in wuia nuu DrpaAArt nm - he Mrs. M. H. Carswell of Yoncalla Is spending a few days in Roseburg visiting at the home of Mrs. Charles Wamsley. A community farr was held at Dil- lard today. On September 8 a big fair takes place at Smith River, to gether with s Jersey cattle show. Some of the best Jerseys In the state are raised in this section. On Sep tember 10 another community fair will be held at Glendale and prepara tions are well under way for a good county fair at Roseburg on October 20, 21, and 22. More exhibit needed for this county fair, especial, ly in fruits, graina and livestock. o ' 6PIRELLA CORSETS Made to measure. Belle Case. Phone 391-L. PROrscMIONAIj CARP "111. COnVUISlVelir Mar,- .1... as ne said brokenly: "You do care for me, don't you, Alr? You ", 'nnic tnat I am wholly bad? un, my dear Duane, I think you " oi me oeet men In all the world." Again he kissed me and I under stood, of course, that it was not I whom he was kissing It was Bab. the woman he bad loved; the woman who had leen hia wife, the woman he still loved, the woman he was leaving forever. "Men are like that. They close their eyes and Imagine that the woman in their arms is the woman in thoir hearts," commented Tom Latham as I told him afterward of the feeling that I had when Duane was bidding me goodbye. 1 shall never forget how Duane looked as he. stood at the rail as the boat put out to sea. It waa the figure of a man to whom ambition and hope were strangers. For a moment I felt that my sister had much fr.r which to answer and I almost hated her. Even my own life-story which Du ane was carrying to Judge Turner in a rar-orf land, seemed nothing be side the events that had ultimately led up to that tragic figure outlined against the darkening sky. "My God." murmered Tom Lath am under his breath and I knew by that sign that Duane's vanishing 'orm meant to him what it meant to me. Tom's hand stole over and caught mine and he whispered, though he foreVer. imam Lft.e suuuiea witnoui rear oi R.h. RADABATJOH, Auctioneer, gets high I US M. Pine 8h HA r. It. eWM-CU riowsra. rhoa. IM. Ml W. um, m. m. nnu cnnvnn WimHu t w. lane St. Safie JlUlIt for INFANTS & INVALIDS Ar ma ASK FOR Horlick's The Original Avoid Imitations riMOnginal Food-Drink For Ail Ages I No CWB-NoMntbig Pigortibis to our store and hear the famous Ivers &Pond Pianos The best Piano on Earth for the price, and claimed by many owners and mu sicians to be as good or better than other makes selling for three or four hundred dollars more money. Come in and see and hear this wonderful piano Ott's Music Store The place where piano are cheaper. as possible and draw for Rh the vivid picture of Duane a picture 1 'hall never forget. hen I arrived I went directly to Bab's room. I found her auha aa uagic a ngure as the one that had sailed away from me a few hours earlier. Yet I could not be verr avmna- thetic aUhough her face was swollen from weeping and her hands trem bled as she held out to me a for midable, forbidding looking docu ment with red seals on It. 'There ft Is, Alix. Look at it Oh, 1 never thougnt Duane would treat me like this." expert it waa Because I waa so wrought up myself that I was hys terical, i sat down and laughed isusnea until I cried. Bab turned to me in perfect fury "I have heard of heartless women, but I never thought one could be as heartless as you, my own sister, are at to is moment. Go away from me. Leave me alone. Everyone In the world is against me. My husband on i nave no nusband. He wanted me to separate from htm." Again ahe held out to me the legal document and then her mood sud denly changed. She fell on her knees beside me. "Oh. Alix, Oh, Alix, I uian i tning ne would do It. "Didn't think he would do what? "Give me thle" And she thrust We decree of divorce into my hand nnowing wnai i did the paper iainy nurnea my ringers and almost unconsciously I dropped It to the floor. "There Is no understanding you Bab. Yon wanted a divorce. You insisted upon a divorce, and now that you have it you are n.it satis fied. . "But don't you see, Alix. that did not really want a divorce. wanted Duane to say that he loved me so much that he would not give me a divorce." "I never thought he would do it,1 she wailed again. "And so to please your own pretty. vanity, you ' held out. Bali, I am afraid you will make me dislike you in the end. It is women like you, women who pretend to be good wom en, who make men believe all women are either fools or vampires. - "Oh. Alix, I want him back! 1 want him back!" I realized that she had not heard a word that I had been saying but I answered roughly: "Well, you will have hard work getting til in back. He sailed three hours ago for the other end of the world and no one knows when he will come back. I think he Is saying In his own heart that he will remain away Big Prices I Cut in All Makes Ford Cars. . EFFECTIVE AT ONCE We have been notified by the Factory of the followinglmpor tant reduction in the prices of Ford Touring Cars and other style cars produced by our Company. . ' NOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS: Chassis-Regular, -Chassis-Starter, - -Chassis-Starter, . Dem. Rim, Runabout. Regular, -Runabout-Starter, - Runabout-Starter, D.R. Touring-Regular, - - Touring-Starter, $418.59 490.32 515.94 456.95 529.84 555.87 488-19 561.08 Touring-Starter, Dem. Rim,' 587.11 Sedan, . Coupe,. Truck, Tractor, 805.77 738.09 572.30 - 725 35 eyes opened wide. She seemed to have lost the power to his words reaching Duane: "I wish your sister uab were here. - . Fnr . monla. i thought ahe My only answer was to press the waa rlvine in.1 then aha rirnnnerl in hand which covered mine. 1 deter- s nath'etlc little heap at my feet. mined to go hack to shore as quickly Tomorrow Itab Send a Mewiase FARMERS STUDY DHHYDIUTION A good many Oregon farmers In erested In economy and standardi sation of dehydrated fruits and veg etables are getting copies of blue- nrints of the Oregon tunnel dryer with Improvements by E. H. Wle tand, head of the agricultural col lege experiment station hort prod ucts work. Some of the Weigand Improvements that make possible the 400 to 4S0 lineal feet per minute of air circulation In the prune dryer tre shortening the tunnel to 20 to 12 feet, furnace chamber 12 to 14 feet deep, fresh air Intake as large ts furnace chamber, opening from furnace chamber to tunnel width it tunnel and at least 4 feet long, rtack opening to sum of areas be tween trays, low enough stack not to cause condensation of moisture In lr, large radiating surface In fur nace chamber, maximum of our tun nels to each chamber. Although the nrint commercially would be expen sive, only a nominal sum 75 cents ts charged farmers by the station deoartment. Send to O. A. C. Ex neriment station, Corvallls. for Salem, where he will attend Wil lamette University. The young peo- le of the Medford church presented him with a handsome gift upon his departure. nrsrr moor timotht fouxd. V)DOB DISJSOTOBY. ' rvooDMKX or thk "tV "l No. u. meats in wm ' T""" Ko.tbura every lat and trd Monday r"oto' VUltlng nalghbors al ways wsloome. H. CABRICK. C C. M. H- M1I.L8R. Cltirk T. J. McKean of Stockton. Calif., who is on his way to Hood River stopped over tn Roseburg for a few days' visit with his brother, John McKean of South Deer creek. Mr. T. J. McKean formerly resided In this county on Elk creek near Tiller for a number of years. j. p. o. Bijca. imhii iasss H. aas Holds regular om0n'c!."o,n",,,I the Elks' Tarople on aaoh TbursdaJ it .vary month. All numbers questad to ateno rulerly. and all vlaltlng brvtnars are cordially in vited to attend. ROT BBUOWS. K. R R. U WHIPPI'IL Ho Goodrich Tins Service. See us. C. A. Lockwood Motor Oo. of aasaaygBBjaBjaaffjBMBfHBfafHBBMBtBBji 20 Reduction! im .,u rwl a line of woolens from the largest woolen ais la tbe East. I aa bow in a position to offer a raaga of JMterns from jl.6 to 141.00 for suit or overeoat. Fit eaa work asi absolutely guaranteed J. F. DILLARD ROSEBURG CLEANERS U Sortie rirtt The search for rust-resistant tlm othy, vigorous and productive enough to put Oregon and the north west hack on the map as a timothy growing section has been rewarded at the O A. C. experiment station In early days thousands of tons were grown to where one Is now produced. The -decay of the crop waa due chiefly to mat, which com pletely wiped out large areas. The farmers wanted timothy for forage purposes and the college station has been working many years for a strain that would stand the attack. Better quality and higher yield were also sought. Iu! best strains from the world-wide nurkete were ot tslned and bred by election In hills. rows, plots, and entire fields. This strain la profitable In grass mixtures snd with red clover. , Tuese rust resistant strains are expect.-d to prove valuable as seed crop, as ilm othy la a free seeder. Horn . To Mr. and Mrs. Lee L. Covert 604 E. Douglas street, a 8H pound boy on September S, at the hospital o JSOTICK. Dr. R. P. and Varl M. Bradford. Chiropractic Physicians. Ten years In praotlce. Consultation free. Suite 224, Perkins Bldg., Roseburg, Ore 1000. e TRESPASS AUT2CIU All persons are hereby warned not to hunt or otherwise treepaas on my ranches at Happy Valley and at Oreen. Any person violating this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of tbe law. 8. C. MILLER Goodrich Tire Bemeo. A. Loekwood Motor Co. Bee us. O. IJQIOR RIXG BROKKX. t) A mmrvi . t wt vraa I CHICAGO. 9Dt. 3. Csrl M. Tleh- rens, vice-president of the Lincoln Trn.i and Savinxs Bank. Police Lieutenant James Vsnnstta and five other men were Indicted today oy the Federal grand Jury. In connec tion with an alleged nation-wide liquor ring. Bebrens Is chsrged with loaning JiO.000 to the bootleggers. LeRoy Walker, who has Wn ..i-hm at Jscksonvllle and Gold Hill this summer. Is borne on short Buy! Now is the Time to We have a complete stock and can deliver you a car at a mo ments notice. No waits no delays. . C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. Distributor for Ford Cars and Fordson Tractors. , , . ; Harry vVluatou, a resident of Win ston, spent Saturday afternoon in this city attending to business mat ters. Mrs. Ethea Hogan of Oakland pent 8aturlay Here attending to matters of shopping. Mr. and Mrs.. Meyer of Winston spent Saturday afternoon here shop ping. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Agee, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hurtb, Mr. and Mra. Earl Kenny and Miss Agnes men , K. S twnn vaaotev e. s Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and srd Thursdays in each month, are reipectfully invited to attend. MTRTLB HKTMERB. W.M. FRED JOHHBON. Becy. rMrrtaSTlM o'c.?. Vt.lt tag brethren are always welcome. A. REDBAHN. N. O. A j, OHDDK8, Rac. Bee. i B. BAXLBT. Kin, gep. NRiGHHous or wooocatarr ij im Monday evenlnga. Vluuag nelahbors ttTM" Km HimNnwit. o. n. TILLIB t JOHNHTIN. Clera. . p. A. at. uewel Let "a. Regular eommonleatlons Snd and t r i - - - J . - - u,ih nnnlh at HaSODI Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wel- ford made up a party of motorists, that vicinity. leaving Sunday- morning for a trip over the 8Iskiyous. They will be away for about four days. - , Mrs'Charlea Fields and daughter Margaret have returued from Port land aftor spending the past six weeks visiting with friends. Among those leaving for Tiller Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McAllster, Harry Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bates and Pearl Frltch. They spent the week-end In w p. JOHN ). HATtnig. sy. RUNVAM. w 1 aucHtmj HS ttosnourr Reoesas. LJa Mil 41. L O. O. Meete in tn r il J nr..n'. , Mk on Tuesday evening. Vlaltlng members In gw standing ff SSi. A BTHKL RAJUer. Fin.. Beer Wlslt wrta hi parenU befora leaving cttieo. NOTICB OP 0A1.B Or OOVERNMRNT TIM BAR. Oeneral Land Office, WMhlnilon, O. C, Aaa-uat It. 1111. Netlce la hcrty Klven that aubject to the conditlona ana llmitatlone of th Act of June I. ISIS (IS met.. Ill, and the Inatroctlona or cne Hecretary or Uie Interior at avptefnber II, 117 (41 U L 4471. the timber on Uie ro'lowlns lnc will be eold ?, jzi, tt is o ciook A. M.. st puLllo suction St the united rfLatee land otrive at Hoeebura. Ore Son. to the nigneat biauer at nm leee than tne appraiaea . Bt ua u movi nj this notice, eale to be aubj-t to the approval of the ecrelarr wf the In tartar The Durc-hase DrlL with ai additional aura of one-flfth of one per cent thereof. Doing rommiaaiona I lowed. inuMt be atpoatea at time aale. atuny te be returna-d If aale la not approved, otherwlee patent will leaue for the timber which muet be re aiivNl wit hia ten rears. Illda will be ree1vd froot oltl84Ma of the United Statee. aaaw.-latlona of such cltl.iia and corpormtloae orgDlStfd under the laws of the llnitd Blal.e or any Btate. Territory or I Me tric! thereof only. Lpwn application of a qualified purchaser, the timber oh any level euhdlvWIon will be offere4 eeparmtely before belna; lacluded la any offer of a larger unit. T. II . fv I W. Bee. I. Ixt I. Br I1SS M. ce-f.r II M. hemtork It M. WU HK'l. gr 111 M, feu SK. Br SIS M. BKU HW'i fir ! W None ef the Br to be sold f a leee than II IS per If, and none of the cedar or hemlock to be sold for Uie than lite per M. WHXIAM ilfRT, CoainUaaloBer, Oeaeral La a-d ueua Roeeourg jiene -neeta Mooae ball oa Jackson Bt. en zna ana 4th Monday evemnra of e'h month st o'clock. .Visiting brethren la good standing always welcome. " VICTOR MICBLO-I. W. P. P. A. J. WULF. W. P. B. r. OOODMAIt. Secretary. oAl ordbb o nooaav Roeeborg Lodge No. 1SI7 meets rirat ana third Tueaday evenings of eacB month at I o'clock In tne Mooae hell. All rl.ltlna broth era are Invited te attend. C W. CUPMCB, Dictator. K O. PAf IBTEH. fteoretary f Me. B. Temple Vlalllag Moots la Odd Fwtlowr every Wednesday evening. brethren always welooree. OkX. RADABAUOH. a P V. T. JACKBON. H. P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R B JAMBS EWART, F. B. ar m. a o. r. BL Roeeburg Review w 1 1 kni, .eitler mecUnll on SeC- m Ti...TmAmv el 1 ej. m and fourth Thureday at p. m. Vlelllng alette Invited to attend revlewa. Maocabee Hell rina and Caaa streets. LOtriKB orKL Cobs jijsin rapp. col HKIttBTB or rtTBlAB Alpaa Lodge Met 4T, meets every Wednesday eves tna la Douglas Abstract Hall, corner Jeckaon Washington ft. V.slt- era slwsye welcome- MAKE your business and prof essional calls in an Oakland Sensible Six Roadster. It is rugged and active, "trim and business like, sparing of gasoline and tires. It will afford you the most efficient and eco nomical transportation to be had in a car of its type. Moderately priced, every dollar invested In it buys a dollar's worth of good automobile. A tXV KIP lfa. WALTKR CLTArti. C. C. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX Open Car $1375 Roadster $1375 Four Door Sedan $1975 Coupe $1975 , J. F. BARKER & CO TKLKI'IIOXK IH. Iloeeburg. Orccoa. I I i