0 4TntlAT. gETTEMBEn . II M I . l ... - - : i : . Here is Good News for You! Thru a fortunate buy on our part we bought , 93 SUITS, comprising Hurd & Metcalf Worsteds, also Pure Virgin Wool Cassi mere's, Sizes from 36 to 46. Every Suit we are offering are ' Regular $35.00 Suits and for a quick turnover we are going to sell them for $27.50- Could you have a better chance to secure a Suit just . when the Fall Season is coming on? These Suits will not remain in our store long, so you will have to hurry Harth's Toggery rOR SALE. 3C The first ral modern Cali foraia bungow la Hoseburj is now finished and tor aale, lo cated on corner ot North Jacs aoa and Sttond "" Fal conlpleud and Tu7 for It new ownvr. Cement basement. furnace, fire-place, wooa mi. foment, walks, beautiful Ir- folk and every conceivable butlt-is convenience: iwo ehainbe.-a, bath, den. living room, dlulnf room, white enam- ailed kitchen, oreaaissi ru, and ciwied-ln porch. French panelled wlndowt and doors. a L'.xh ,,wm beautifully finished and tinted br an artist who knowa how. Thli beautiful j modern home to be aold at coat. i A. T. Lawrence, Commercial Agent, 12S Caaa Street Fhone 21. Monday. September the fifth. being labor ray and a legal holiday, the merchants hereby announce that they will clone all day. The banks will be cloaed and there will be no la- aue of the Roseburg Newe- Review. SECRETARY, Roaeburg and Douglaa County Mercbanta Association. SPECIAL .NOTICE. NO PAPER MONDAY. In order to etve the Drtnturg, preasea and pencil pushers wt.'U deserved rest, there will be no paper Issued on Monday, Sep- tflmher 5. Labor day. SUNDAY AT THIS CHCROHKS. First Ghardk or CbnU Scientist, Corner of Lane and Main Streets. Services are held Sunday morning at 11 o'olock and Wednesday evening at 8 o'oIock, this meeting lnoludcs testimonies of healing. Sunday achool convones each Sunday morning at 1:46; all up to tha age of 20 years are Invited to attend. Tha reading room In tha rear of tha church building la open dally except holi days and Sundays, from 1 to 4 p. m. The publlo la cordially invited to at tend these services and visit tha reading room. - 8ubject of Sunday's lesson la "Man." First Baptist Church, corner Rose and Lane streets. II. U Caldwell, minister. The church achools meets at :4S for Ita atudy of the word of Ood. O. P. Coahow, Supt. Classes are being reorganised In readiness for promotion day and a great fall campaign. It la planned for all de partmenls to be In step by the last Sunday of September. If this la ac complished all must begin now to do their part. Come tomorrow. 11:00 public message by tha pastor on the theme. ."Constancy." Good crowds . have been tearing the message this summer to their profit. Worship with jib. 7:00 Young People's meet las:, Leslie Dutner Is tha leader. All young people are Invited. 11:00 public worship. Tha pastor's theme will be "Something Lost." After the pleasant fellowship and worship of the union services for Ihe past two months It Is hoped that our regular Hunday evening aervlcea will be re sumed with renewed vigor. The pnhlls la cord tall Invited to all tha se.-vieea. LIBERTY THEATRE TODAY Matinee. Kvcry I toy at a :1ft. Keeping up with Lizzie featuring ENID BENNETT w llh a airong cast Including Edward llearn. Oils Harlan, Llla Leslie and J. Landera Htevens. nojr, you should nave seen Lisile beg pardon Elisabeth when aha came back home! Lorgnettes and llmouslnea and mora lugs than a government mule! And she set a pace that left the whole town gasping In their efforts to keep up with her. l'tilntvlew began to de velop a "400." A Mack Hennett Cntnedr, "She Sighed by tha Sea Side." 7TT lira local iik lull's oill bi shown sraln tonight 8unde. Hunday and Monday Startling Melodrama Cleaa aa a spring, thrilling aa a fire, fascinating aa women's ajea. Sweeping romance. heart piercing aa aa arrow aiTL-IMI J9 A menuier TBri,,.r An amatlng drama of tha strangest rhararter of the west. Ilia mind will surprise yoa. his running will stagger you. kla Intrigue will astonish yoa. A Path News and Comedy. 15e-tSe AROUND TUB TOWS Hiioppliig Hero Mrs. Frank Spaur of Winston and daughter spent the day In this city attending to mattera ot shopping. I'aiiyonvllle Visitor , V. A. llogard, a well known L'an yonville resident spent the day here attending to mattera of business Im portance. Arrives Here from Oakland Miss- Iilrdie Easloy ot Oakland arrived here this morning to spend the day attending to matters of shop ping. Enjoy ill(liway Trip Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spaur, son Oeorge, and daughter, Kutle, resi dents of Winston, have Just returned from an automobile trip up the Col umbia highway. They also visited several days with relatives In Port land. Return to Otniua Mr. -and Mra. Wilfred Itrown re turned to their home In Camas Val ley thla afternoon, after spending the past two days In this city at tending to business matters. Home on Visit Hubert Armstrong, who has been working with the highway engineer at t'anyonvlllo during his school va cation, Is visiting with his parents today. He will leave tonight for Ncwberg. where he attends I'aciftr college. Receive Shipment Cars i. O. Newland and Son received another carload of Dodge Drainers csrs this week, which have been de livered to the following: W. I Thomas. W. W. Honcbruko. It. W. Hales. O. 1). McAllister, Jonncs Moore, Glendale. IJeutentuit Kluiiinon to ,cnve Lieutenant Hhannon of the Salva tion Army eorpa In !hls city will clve his farewell address tomorrow at the hall. He plans to leave next Thurs day for Klamath Falls, where he will organise an army corns. Captnin Ford and wife are enjoying a trip north and will return here the mid dle of next week to resume their dutlea. Itoad MiiM In lleiiutnil A new supply or road maps were received by the Chamber of Com merce this morning. These maps are in great demand and many of the tourists are pleasantly surprised when told that they are free. I Visits In ItiKM-tMinr Miss Itetta Meredith of Dlllard spent several days at Looking. (Mass visiting with friends snd relatives, reluming to Itoschurg vesii-rdsr af ternoon to spend a short time visit ing with friends before returning to ner noiue. In Isul Angrier According to word received In this city rrom Mr sn.l Mm. Wlnibrrlv they ar nicely lr.ti.it In Los An geles at 40.1 iii,l!on Ave., and ev pect to epeni the winter at that place. Miss rtoi.-n.-e Wimjo.rlv will attend the Manual Arn l.ldi s.-hool. one of Ihe l.-t sn.l Ursv.t ;n l-os Angeles. The. r -p.f i a so-d trip I south, with r - i I roiuh di tours I rr California. Grazing Examiner Making Appraisal (Continued From Page On.) are brought up from the eastern aide of the mountains and are kept there during the summer and returned to lower leads during the winter. The summit section of the Santlam forest carries 18.000 head of abeep, the Cascade forest 15,000. the Umpqua forest 6400. the Deschutes forest 20, 000 and the Crater forest 1,000. This is only a small section. In compari son with the other range available In the national forests 1n Oregon. Thousnnds of head of cattle are ranging In the forests, In addition to many more thousands of bead of sheep, liy far more sheep are al lowed to range on the forest lands than cattle, aa the range la more adapted for this class of stock. Mr. Morton expects to complete nis preliminary examinations here today and will probably leave torn or row or crater forest and will go bark to Eastern Oregon by way of Crater Lake. LOCAL NEWS Hera from Glendale i Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Dwlght, prom inent residents of Glendale. spent the day here attending to business matters. Visiting Here Mrs. John Hagen, a resident of Glendale, spent the day In this city attondlng to business and visiting with friends. . Lnavea For Portland ' Mra. Fred Sehwarti left for Port land on the Shasta this afternoon to spend several days visiting with friends and relatives. Marriage license A marriage license was Issued to Edwin A. Johnson and Batty of Glendale today. Have Ilaby Girl Word has been received here by Mrs. E. II. Lahey to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. Nell Lahey have a new baby girl,' born on Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lahey are making their home In Tacoma. LAUNDRY NOTICE. There will be no laundry picked up Monday, Sept. 6th. Our auto will call Tuesday morning for all laun dry. KOSEIIL'HO STEAM LAUNDRY. NOTICE TO WATER CONSVMEH8. Water will be shut off Sunday morning Sept. 4th, 1921, from 8 a. m. until 10 a. ni Including all of 'J Jackson St. lying north of Douglas St. and Including all of North Rose burg. ' DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT WATER CO. NOTICE. The Sanitary Beauty Parlor In the Kohlhagen Uldg. will be open every day and Wednesday and Saturday evenings hereafter. Other evenings by appointment. Phone 392. MISS CEI.IA BIECK. SI STAINS I Xt NI AL INJURY. Miss Virginia Rings, an emplovo of the Roaeburg National Hank, sus tained an unusual bin nevirtli-iess painful Injury last night. Virginia was evidently sleeping too near the edge of Ihe hrd, or prhaps she ale too much mince pie before retiring. In an) event she woke up suddenly to llnd herself t-nroute to the floor. She struck on her shoulder, break ing her left collar bone. Although Ihe Injury was very painful, ihe was back on Ihe Job at the hank today. Some beautiful sewing work, and some fine thoroughbred poultry are on display at the community fair which la being held In the high school this afternoon. Exhibits are on display from Rose, Hen son and ruuerton acnooi clubs, as well as from Edenbower and" Melrose. Prizes had not yet been awarded at a late hour thla afternoon. A abort pro gram waa held thla afternoon. In eluding an address by H. C. Seymour state club leader. ANNOUNCING CHANGE IN MAN- AGKMENT. I have taken over the management of the New Oregon rooming house. It will be thoroughly renovated and cleaned and under my personal su pervision on and after Sept. 1. MISS E STELLA BE LIEU. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Water will be shut off Sunday morning 8ept. 4th. 1S21. from 8 a m. until 10 a. m., Including all of Jackson St. lying north of Douglas St. and Including all of North Rose burg. DOTJOLA9 COUNTY LIGHT WATER Clf JOK IUKT Or anyone knoohg his where abouts, pleas not-ft c. u Churchill, Cottage Grove, Or-n n dw NOTICE TO WATl ll OOil'MERH. Water will be hnt off Sundav mornlnr Sept. 4th. 1!1. from 8 a m until 10 a m.. Incline- t all of Jackson St. lying north n( Dondas St. and Including all of N.-rth Rose burg POrr.I A3 COUNTY LIGHT A WATER CO. LOOK AND LISTEN ! EAT YOUR DINNER TONIGHT AT THE ROSEBURG CAFETERIA and Restaurant Special Musical program from 6 to 7 p. m. by Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch. Make appointments for violin lessons at Heinline Studio. Thone 390. Special Short Order Menu and Cafeteria Dinner. The Best Service in Town W. R. WARNER, Prop w w.g. wriimE.K.rrop a Big Cut im Prices' All Makes torn Cars. EFFECTIVE AT ONCE; t We have been notified by the Factory of the following impor. tant reduction in the prices of Ford Tearing Cars and other style cars produced by our Company. NOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS: H18.59 490.32; Chassis-Regular, -Chassis-Starter - - Chassis-Starter, Dein Rim, 515.94 Runabeut, Regular, - 456.95 Runabout-Starter, - - -529.84 Runabout-Starter, D.R. 555.87 Touring-Regular, - - 488-19 Touring-Starter, - -; 561.08 Touring-Starter, Dem. Rim; 587.11 Sedan, Coupe, Truck, Tractor, - - - Now is the Time We have a complete stock and can deliver you a car at a mo ments notice. No waits no delays. C.A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. Distributor for Ford Cars and Fordson Tractors. 805.77 738.09 572.30 725.35 to 1M 9 XJlbW IWAI. V LO-HT Auto license plate No, 4997. lx)-kwoo4 Motor Co. KOU SALE OH liXCHANSli-Httrley-iMVidBon inolorcyt-'le ffl'h'tar. Lock wood Motor Co. 1 1 tliler, WANTKD Experienced warehouse help. Apply Growers Aran. also Oregon I'ltKKAKK fur the rainy season. Have your car g,utpped with Universal Tire t'UUT. (Jtul Ohman, 324 W. CliSH. a WANTED Auto tent about also folding bed spring. Ttioue or write K. K. lang, Ullhtid, Oregon. b'olt KENT Sleeping room for gentle man. Steam heat. 230 No. Stephens St. Thone HS-lt. FOK SALE 6 room cottage, .with or without furniture, cheap; teims; must be aold at once. 72V South Pine St. KOR SA1JS CHEAP Hurley Oavldiion motorcycle. lUn mix thou s.ind miles. Write or phone Charles Krlend PUlla, OregonJ WANTED Prune pickers Good pU king. Will pay high liHuds. lor pickers. for picking. All like new, at one-half price. Also have tool boxes, spot lighta storm curtains, and tubes; some slightly used, some brand new. . . 324 W. Cass Street. Phone 144. ' WANTED Woman for general house work for about four hour a day. Phone 44S-J, Monday 10-18 a. ro. KOK LATE PUUNES for canning, tele phone 2 70-Ls. C La. Searing, E. L)oug las SL FOR SALE 9 houses, smalt payment down, balance same as rent. Small 1 farm to trade for nous. Six farms. 12 lots In Eugene City to trade for house. Overhead expense light. I cut prices. Ail know it. C. Merrill, .04 Mill St. I am not responsible for any bills run on and after thla date, August 31st by Mra. A. H. Beck ley. A. H. Beck ley. LKMON' CMXG PEACHES. Th famous Lemon Cling peaches Fred nd drier Hunk houses wages lirosxio. Phone Curtis are now ready, extra fine quality. P!aco your orders at once. F. M. phone 9-F13. Scientific Investii Our Service Fro Let- us explain our i method of investing whktt assure you more profit ft money. Write ua for cci information about the (u Texas Oil Fields. W art eon ually collecting accurst and we are able to furnuh Information about tht w fields, and al.no about cosipi or concerning any psru phnse of the oil industry. We have a limited mppl? highly colored geological maps of Texas for free dut: tlon. - These maps show all duclnp- Melds; producing w ildcat wells, and drilling They give valuable Iniors Write today for your sup. for any Informatlos jros without obligating yours are at your service. Oil Field Broken Dtpt. A-l. Krl r. tof Hide, fort FOR 8AI.K Oil THADE iood moiiTrn hum. nar .schuol snd church. Will take rood car part payment, balance rent, or will connidcr desirable acre ac near town. It Interested see owner at T33 Cobb St. TMK U 1SK MKN OF TUB WOULD CARRY l.NSUKANl'E! We write In- nurance'on your houne. furniture. Darns, nay or automoniie. Don t take the chance, phon. Zly and You are protected at once. A. T. Lawrence wcn y. i - u t'HMH Blreet. TWO Dol.l.Al'.S KOK ONE I have a piece of city property that will double its present price In one year, well located and hiichly valuable. If .u are lookktiK for a sure thinay ib Mii.ii'm ami once con ftd-ntlHl. A. T. I.awrence. Comtner- cial Agent, 12i I'aaa street. I'hone ur..r acre ranch. acrea oearina orcnara, s ot applen. snd 2 of peaches. Itest all In cultivation: anme river bottom land; i mllen out of town. S t"He from rudfic Hish wty. Some fnrm niachinerv sci with place. Other snd etH-k will sell ld billdlnea. Addre.i llanrh. News-rtevlew. IltM ANO IMtltn FOR TEAt'HKUS A.M STfIF.NTS Vitisens dwlrln to provide rooms or board for school teachers or students or who wth to secure students to help with home work, are requested to 'phone or writ, the superintendent, mentioning the nature tf the accommodations .n,Lt,,irM- "upt. M. S. Hamnv iimh st-Hooi. iiwiirnXTio.NAti youna; people plsnnlng to sttend Hoseburg lllsh Rhool the coming year are requested to reelster at the principal's office follows: Post g'rtiates Sectl. and Seniors. Monday. September Sth: Junior Tierdav. September th: Sophomore.' vve.tnes.lay. September 7th and Freshmen. Thursday or Frldav Sep tember .th between the hours of - I ard 1-1 Many classes will ecn. tain only a limited numbe- The flr.t to com. will be th. tlr.t wrved. A. S. Taylor. Trlnclpal. U I. ItonKUTS ISEO ig ' prtc it -Te. The best car values llehlrf 1!T Ford touring. red:iced ll Ford tourl-g. reduce.) i'is r ord fadter. redtice.1 -i a t.Vm? aJitloa. Sxd on eaay Hav. tw.ntr et. Weei tlr. ehalns. CAIl HAilT reduction .ffecttv. this ver ered In I T5 M Toalht 15c 39 Aa adventure tale of two ages, pooplrd bjr Uie ssnie s Buried Treasur 5 WITH MARION DAVIES ' The romance of a girl that aUppetl out of modern S the thrills of the old Spanish Mala. tlsil i'liMi-'liv AM Vll-A-Vlli MOV IK. Tomorrow: Lionel Ilartrmore in "JIM THE l- 15o TODAT OHLV TONIGHT Man-Woman-Marif Dorothy PhillipsJ The arreen'a neweat marTel. wonderful romance Thooaamla of pUrera, horse, wild animal m 9 C FUltU KTT ABLK BEH--" ' ll II ll M n . siiilc LOT: ,s - A Fit" Katlotiftl "a sKippera r iinauon Tooni