ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEWI Issued tally U. W. Ilate. L. Wlmberly oUiloCKlKilON HATLtt Dally, per year, by mall Dally, six month, by mil Dally, by currier, per mouth Weekly b tuall, per year -. , J,l...,...uu'c.'.aaa mallei May bur. Oregon, under the Act of CHANGE OF VENUE IN BRUMFIELD CASE. The motion for change of venue in tiie Iirumfiold case, so as" to remove the trial from Douglas ccunty, naturally arouses re- , - C .1... triiu f.illlltv. senimenl on ine pari oi me - Following- tht claim made by ton is ureiuLiced, making necesxary the sending into tne county ion la (iicjuuiu, i..... , . of another judgt the motion fore-hanging the place or trial seema an unnecessary reflection upon people. The attorneys for the zens of every county in the state have read of the case. Yet they now hold out that there cannot be found twelve men in Douglas county who will decide according to the law and the evidence. What reason have they for thinking so? It is in Douglas county that the defendant hits lived for a dozen years. Whert else would a man naturally wish to be placed on trial than in the midst of his old neighbors and friends? Is there sincerity In the motion for the change, or io it simply an effort to muddy the waters and put the county of Douglas U all the expense possible? Most of the witnesses live here, and to transport them tt another county means a bigger burden for our taxpayers. But tht financial Hide is not the worst of it. The great objectjon is the reflection upon our citizenship, anc the implication that our people do not stand for justice. We have no desire to retain here in our midst the glamor of a sensational trial, which necessarily must exhibit much of the seamy side of human nature. Far otherwise. But we do protest against an effort to make captious and unjust use of the machinery of justice. Let every man have a fair trial, but let no man accused ol crime make a football of the law. Douglas county stands for justice; and her citizenship can be trusted. Therefore, there is no just and equitable reason that a change of venue should be granted. If Dr. K. M. Brumflcld has, or cat. assemble sullicient evidence to prove his innocense of the crime charged, all good and well. He can accomplish this in Douglas county better than in any oilier county. On the contrary, if he fails to prove beyond a doubt that his hands are stained with the blood of Dennis Russell that the ruthless murder of an Innocent victim was the well-laid plans of a murderous mind, the citizenship justice be doled out to the convicted man in accordance with the enormity of the crime committed.' . Let the law take its rightful, course. But do not let a barrage of technicalities defeat the ends of justice. Peeling that the comietitive spirit always makes it easier to get things done, civic workers in some towns have promoted wholesome rivalry in improvement work, both as between cities and towns, and as between individuals in the same community. They have developed a "Home Grounds Improvement score card," which enables a community to rate itself on the various factors that make up a clean and beautiful have gone into this competition, and are seeing which shall de velop the most beautiful and sanitary town. A similar scheme, arranged for individuals instead by an organization known ns the "Home Culture club." It pro vided coni)etitiol)8 in gardening and heaulification work on home grounds. Hundreds of families have made a very marked improvement in the npiicarance of the community. 1'he annual gathering when these prizes are awarded has been a very notable event. It was interesting to see how n great many hard working cople, who apparently had no leisure for garden tasks, would put a great deal of time into raising i lowers ami siiruidiery. Their looked very commonplace and uninteresting, became little bowers of beauty. Many of these little many dwellings owned by men of wealth. Hans like these prove a great incentive to civic improvement anywhere. No town likes to show less improvement spirit ple line io remain outsitle a general community movement. , o rast history shows that it is not good judgment to hold in abeyance matters that have no particular leiral hearimr mi mnr. der trial. New8pitsr reporters who are cajoled out of legitimate news items usually make a "home run" when their source of in- lormauon rails to rescind to kind You are having a pretty hard auvemsea nis irouoies and has bvon The most magnetic women these days seems to be those who tre able to attract the most money. ' ' u There aecmsto be a league of every kind except a "mind-your-otvn-business league." - "Drives" are no called tiecausc -o Take a day off Monday ml FOR BEGINNERS DUNNING SYSTEM or IMTItOVHI) SH SIC lTl IT The only rslem ft beginner,, isdmted by the world) most mowno naaicwna, GLADYS H. STRONG 8t.ds.; 4t 8. M.I. 8L PHonelll L. Escept Sunday. iter tt. Bates 14.00 a.vo to 1.00 li, at lr"l on" el Mnrch 1, - , . , i the demise that jUJjfe nanm- the sense of justice among our defense must know that the citi of this county will demand that i city. A number of the places of for towns, has been conducteu went into these contests', which little homes, which previously cottages shower more taste than than its neighlxirs, and few peo and gentlemanly overtures. time of it? So did Job, but Job famous ever since. thy drive busi ness men crazy. Me how you feel Tuesday. SELECTING JURY FOR CASE IS DISCUSSED RosebJrg, Or., Sept. 1. Editor News-Kevtew; . Defendant'! attorneys lay. In tbelr motion to quash the Indictment In the case, "That a Jury was turjmoned to appear on said 2:ii day of August, lt!l, and from a list of said Jurors the names of seven were colled by the clerk and these seven men were sworn as (rand Jurors wcuoul having been examiued by the court or anyone else as to whether or not they pos sess the qualifications of grand Jur ors." This Is a remarkable statement to co lie frtni one who formerly occu- 1 t,p ,ne nign pouuion ui county judg) of tnl. couny wno muM haYe ,; a jury mi iron, toe tax runs of Douglas county, Imagine an hon- reJ urM wno hM toe ueiirn rur wignteen years, nonorea and respected by all who come In contact with him as lealoualy guard ing the constitutional lights of person accused of crime and keeping hlmuelf In a position to avoid crltl - clam or from coming In contact wan the source of any Information that might reach his ears, asking the reputable and respected farmers or business men of this county and whom he hid known tor twenty rears or more whether or not he was 1 citizen of the United States or of the stale of Oregon or a taxpayer within the county within which he i-esided, when that fact was well mown not only to the presiding 'udgej and the district attorney but to both the attorneys for the defend nt as well. Furthermore, before nuking such an extraordinary state- lent, which uiigiit be taken as an aspersion or reflection upon the ludge Impaneling the Jury, would it not have been well for them to have consulted the records In the clerk's offlci which the taxpayers them telves provide as a source of infor mation to the public? Only a little extra effort would have disclosed the following facts: that W. J. Shupe Is a registered voter of East Hutlierlin iirei lnct in Douglas county. Oregon; that C. K. Keslerson Is a registered voter and resident of Kellogg voting nrecluct; that Miliar Applegate is a registered voter of Applegate pre cinct; that John Oarfleld Bacon Is a registers! voier of Coles Valley pre cinct; that 'Samuel Rufus Crltchlow Is a resident and a registered voter of F.lkhead precinct; that Wiley Ed ward Milieu Is a registered voter of Looking Glass precinct: and that John Sutton Is a registered voter of nvs Creek oreclnct. This reglstra-i lion shows that all were duly sworn as lining citizens of the United I OI'lthSrH CHANGE OF VKNVK. Portland Telegram: How many Oregon citizens of lawful age would No competent to serve as turora at the trial of Dr. Drum field? This query Is made with reference to the application for a change of venue. In apply for such change, .wit nesses will he Introduced, it Is said, who will testify from their observa tions that there are not twelve men in Douglas county who have not read if the case, and who have not ex pressed an opinion concerning the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Conceding that this statement lays bare the mind of Douglas county, which is doubtful, In what . respect does the mind' of the five adjacent counties differ? Not In the least. Newspapers aie aa widely read, and opinion la formed quite as quickly in one county as in another. It is reas onable to believe that the defendant could have as fair a trial at Ilose hurg as he could have at Eugene, Klamath Kails. Jacksonville, Grants I'uss or Mitrshfield. STATE PRESS COMMENT True, rertain fiendish crimes ere- !'''a '""Busting in cars parked along ate an atmosphere so surcharged """'ry roads are being subiect wlth blood vengeance that tt nullifies I lo rKanlied warfare In viffious law and order for the time being. comn"lties. one rural village, ad- rew jurors are able to resist Its Influence. In the case of nrumflelil. no neea is apparent for protection against adverse atmoatihem mi ika trial. If Indeed an atmosphere of prejudice were to be combatled. It !,. mm,, oe ine same in j itnuu mm in snoiner. Dr. Ilrumfleld. Is not being tried by the newspapers. All ih Pn. land dallies have connne.l ihm. selves to unrolored nreeentatlon nf news aa It developed. What little uiM-uiKion inere was took academic form and was limited lo the psyclo- j r, ,,.,. , , crime. t he Ileslin. the priest of Colin. The Telegram ventures to answer the query propounded In the opening sentence of this artlrlw. Anv nnrm.l man who Is not connected directly or Indirectly with the prosecution or de fense. .r with the family of Dennis KUSM-ll. and Who Will lake an n. th that he will be governed by the Isw ana tne evidence Is rompetent to rre as a luror. Inlusiie. i. more to be feared In Houglas county than la Curry or Clatson. Wallo-I or M.lheur. Chang, of venue Is not likely lo Increase or derrvaa th. I chance, of conviction or acquittal. I INSTAL WKHillT Vim IlAniKfl. ikuipr me tbv is a new (.ranch of the Hlr.1 nnat .r.l.- , '-Tl'. V-. '? t .he roanailna lha xxmifi. ... - . " ' mJihrwbr.i.'h'e: jk!?z & weighed may .to. the nareel no-i wagon on It. rou.d ,k...k .i. - i - th. .eignoornnoa. The post man Is then . .,,,., IU prnl, , ,n -..Kr auri iniiivcnt. a menace In marked contrast with the pitiless those who Indulge In It and an af pers.utn bY ,h, Krsnclsco 'rt.nt upon the Mi-ectable folk who., nsilv nretr. nf Hifhtower. who Is I neighborhoods are sullied by It Ku rharretl with the nmr.W nf i-.,h., tene u.,i.,.. T . fcu- IIIIIIalM nr , h.. II .1 1 , . ' V 1. 1 . sunoosed to weigh the hah. .k BRUMFIELD MURDER BY PRIVATE CITIZEN States and qualified electors over the age of- twenty-one years, and which registrations were ail made In 1916, or mora than five years ago. 1'hen one can cross the bail fiom the clerk's oBlce Into the office of the tax collector where the tax rolls of Douglas county are kept. There he will And each of the foregoing gen- trenstn listed as laxpayers of Doug las county, Oregon, lu volumes i. -S and 4 of the) tax rolls of this coun ty and state. What a the purpose of tactics of this kind? If It canie from a source where the attorney were not conversant with the records or bv soma lneiuerienred person. It might be excused, but it should not be In a case or this kind where the aiilo attorneys are well versed in the records and one or iKm wan a for mer county Judge, equally well ac quainted with the members of the grand Jury. The people of Douglas county are civilised and law abiding and oil I are concerned lu maintaining and ! upholding respect the judiciary and In safeguarding the coiistitution- al rights of every person and lu see ing that each and every person ac cused of crime, even If it be of mur der of the lowest type, has a fair and Impartial trial by Judge and Jury The citizens of the county demand this, and we know that our prosecut ing officers will ask fur nothing less But we cannot conioue petty police court tactics or allow the good name of our reputable citizens to be ques tioned. We trust that this Drum field matter will be brought to a speedy trial and disposed of and for gotten. We know that in the end JUBtice will prevail and that the news will go out to the world that the people of Douglas county stand unit ed for law and order. Irrespective of those who wish to oppose or block the course of Justice. In addition to all of this, such facts as the quibbling In open courts leads to disregard for law and brings courts into disrepute before the peo ple of the community in which held. Many times the ends of justice are defeated aa-cases are decided upon technicalities rather t Iran justice. The purpose of law is to preserve law and order, to promote justice and to do the greatest good to the moit people. This purpose is lightly regarded or Is Ignored altogether here by lawyers trying to win their case. Lai el v. In addresses before the bar association, Ellhu Hoot and Win. H. Taft condemned such legal tactics as have been used In the above men tioned case as unprofessional. CLAY DARBY. part of the equipment of every wag on. The plan has been tried In Oak land. California and many mothers have taken advantage of the oppor tunity to keen track of the welRht of their babies. The public health service and a host of other agencies have coop erated for years In oreachlnz the gospel of proper nourishment for names and of weight as the test. That the gospel has spread In every direction there can be no doubt when scores of mothers who have no means for weighing their babies at home flock to avail themselves of the par cel post wagon bc&vjs. Stopping to weigh all the babies In the block may not seem like the Ideal way for speeding up the parcel post service, but of the human ele ment there can be no doubt. Albany Democrat. AlTOMHISIl.K KltMlXKIW The automobile 'Ypooners" who make themselves rt.ll. jacent to a large citv. has . over-run by tese objectionable young visitors that a bonus of 0 cents er couple has been offered to l',e Puul'c for their arrest. The custom of taking on e's best sin ui tor a buggy rid la . 1 I aa chariots, and the occasional hand'""" ,","r,"1 Society's piilillcaltiHi holding which accompanied It In for-lU h'"''r v,ri""n at Jacksonville, mer years was,,.. ..i "re., lieceniher 17. mu hv K ll old faintly horse and onen sidebar' T"l"r l,lre (P'ne to his re. buggy which served as the means of .""!' T-H5,"r "M,,: "Hens may be transportation. Hut the luun... "'""lned here for about 2 a iwlr." automobile rnllh li. ' lawlessness has developed a tvpel "isnwajr love-making whl.h i. i LlttlX-.IWIIIP. The decline of representation gov- thm of the eiecutlve. which has been roundly dennone i " ' ,hf !i"'k of leadership In con- ?rT- wnk, has forced executive ,"-r,"aiK-s , accomplish- definite I'rogranis. The cause of this decline reata In ffc-t that .km. ' . !'.'"' reU ln t men f mediocre abilliy the ureTl dencv haa i- ... ,re1: comm.ndmg evecutlv. ablhtv V, me larger portion of the past jo ..I. J . niie Koose- ...e. in' wb,VhnV",.r VZ7 hdhi ki. ... .... . vior ana en- 'n man made no for It --..-.v:sa-,h..e IT'.S!'!' h- thoughta of the .. 7 lte llou n - .'.i s the moat . l the history of the nation. Cap ital Journal. THE DEVIL'S DAY. Even In toe day. of It is not necessary to turn back the n u uui hi.mrv to glimpse ??f ", 7h. Dari Age.. A glance .i. i ,,. .vents at accounts oi cerium ...-. - . carried In the newspapers " "V"Y will quickly carry the reader back to the barbaric ay. ot Atilla and Genhis Kban. In West Virginia there Is recur r ,n which meau are shot - i m hind the feud, .mold er as of old and lives are snuffed out of slghl. The rule is the rule nf the cun. In Portland a girl is suojected to s vicious attack by ,three men. Just . . elrls were mutilated In a San Francisco shack by a ring of gang sters. Hussla Is ruled by a reign of ter ror. The prisons are full. The barges against prisoners are vague ind trials are a mochery. If the reigning forces decide that a man must go to prison, he goes to prison charge, evidence and trials are of econdary consideration. Oregon Journal. o- The funeral of Mrs. C. J. Tollah on who died Thursday, will be held at the Kuen cnurcu a t'iIUDC Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Kdmon, officiating. Interment will tal:e place in the Eden cemetery. TEN' DAYS ONLY. Tomatoes 50c per bushel. . , n, r Patch Evans run. urtng your oo. i. u. k Son, Dlllard, Oregon. Goodyear Tire Bervlse. Ford Oarage, flbruneflbichln's St IX rt 1 Sates We would be nlml to irlve some lieople a free subscript Ion if they'd only quit sneuking ill our office to get llielr copy when no one is look ing. 9 9V A curbstone convenialloiiLst told us today tluit Dr. Ilrumfleld wanted . "change f menu more tnau a clmuKc of venue." 9 All varieties of di-er, does, bucks and fauus are hereby warned' to keep under cover tomorrow and Monilii) ami It iiiIkIiI be safe lor some ol the hunters to don hi eel armor. 9 9 9 DAILY HKAl'TY II I XT. It would be well for girls wearing bobbed linir to wash tlu-lr necks oc caHionully. 9 9 9 ('buries Venus Stanton, the rl.ani peen Spanish nthlete on. the Xews Itevicw staff. Is back in the city lim its following a two wks. vacation in the sticks above Myrtle Creek. Charles Venus has almost forgot the keyboard of his rusty typewriter but will soon lie back In trim. He Is iMwsliiii; today of kllllnu a deer bill bays he forgot lu bring in the horns. 9 9 9 SomelNHly made a mistake night mid left a beer check on the Ncws-lteview counter Instead of s nlrkle. We wouldn't kick If we could cash it. 9 9 9 Some people laugh out loud and then look around quick to see II unylxHly'a Hutching 'em. 9 9 9 The reason some newspaper re u1cra are fat and some nre skinny Is iM-cnuse some get nioro to cat than others. 9 SOMKTHINti TO WOltltY AHOVT. The Jcuolun caves of Australia arc lighted by electricity. 9 9 9 We know of one dentist who Isn't priiciiriiig but Is still "looking down in ine moiiiii." 9 ft Dave llnu-n, Tot-tlmid war cor respondent, who Is maneuvering In the lioschurg sector, has forgotten how a street car looks and sounds ami when he returns to his home village will have to be tied to a telephone post until he becomes ac customed to the white lights. 9 9 9 In the summer number of the Ore- llnn it rnala llie nrira. .. ... fur coat and a ticket " "" io noiain one. ine rlty council Is considering i j. ma a niirniiig post In front of a , harmvet shop on Jiirkmin ilit.1 TkL would provide a convenient place to He tip the bull Ijthor Hay will pn.hnhlv be Just that for the man who has to put In his winter's wood. W. A. lvttlt. the (leaf-antl-tlnmh reir..iilan ct.rreanondent. la working mil the .letall. fr . nrw v.n,an's "'r "The link wklrt lamp.. .h.-". "":kl"" " to know where In heck ,he,n war cwresr-n- .nn ILsnklns. "ever owne.1 two EE r " .la,-. d lilt . 1 1 '" ,h '"-" KM nan to have aiimthln' to sav tt j Slse In ' ,0 " Its - .J" "' wa h,n . .. "cegtm. Saturday Special Ladies' Embroidery Scissors - 55c Four Sizes AH good values A handy Winchester Pocket Knife Ston will be given frw with each Pocket Tfnif! sold SATURDAY and NEXT WEEK? UAtch our Windows for these . ! : SATURDAY SPECIAL SALES CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. LOCAL NEWS IT KM. GoodrlcbVTlr. Service. Bee us. . C A. Loekwood Motuf Co. J. B. Cawlfield of Idaho is in this city for several weeks to visit with his aunt, iin. 1. J. Cawlfield. Painless extract loo of teeth at room 8, Masonic temple. Dr. Nerbaa. Pennsylvania Tire Service. Ask- us. Jord Garage. WKSTINOHOliSE Batteries for all cars, also battery repairing and recharging at The Koaeburg Garage. Prof, and Mrs. Homer Gustin. who have been attending summer school at the University of Oregon returned to Roseburg last night. . Prof. Gustin has been reappointed as superin tendent of the llenson school and Is resuming his duties there. Tbey spent a very pleasant summer at Eugene. TIM KEN and HYATT roller bear ings for cars and truck! at The Roseburg Garage. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Perry and sons. CLASSIFIED COLUMN A1X NBW VLASstPIUO ADVBR-riSBBIICMT WI1.I, MB FOUtJD Ufl FAGB DMDSB BRAtllNO IIW TODAY. WANTED. WANTED TurKeys .large or Phone 14-K-lt. Boyer Bros. TAILORING and dreasmaxlna of all kinds, flume ItT-lt. Mrs. UulhrldKje. WAKTUD or 10 tier of bluck oak wood. IS Int-hes lung. 114 N. Flint St. WANTHl.Hevrs!bl' disc plow. 8. Kppt'rly lloneburg-, Ht. . 2. WANTKI Two teams to haul cord wood. Phone 14-F14. WA.NTF.K To rent L. C. Smith type writer for few weeks. Address C. 1-1., eare News-Huvlew. VVA.NTMJ To hear from pa nig ev.e sheep for sale. j A. Stew art. Kint-lmrg. Phone 4-F14. WANTKU TO X.KASK 4-s or room modern house, by responsible couple. Address "N." Newe-ltcview. WA.NTKU Middle aged woman as huiiM-keeoer on farm for short time. A-idreHS Housekeeper, News-Kevlew. WANTKt) tllrl or woman for general housework. Mrs. I'has. Watson. i.,aoh me, ore, fnone i-rn. WANTF.II Man and woman for farm wora. Man mum be -luanrster. steady work. Address "Farm Work," cure News-Review. WANTF.ii A single man with some cai'ital to take half Interest in sheep bu.Hiiifes on lCu-acre farm. For full Information call or writo to Andrew Potbr. Tiller. Oregon. OltCIIAHU HE1.1' WAMKU. PRUNB PII KKH.-) WANTED-Wffl. P Weaver, llyrtle Creek, Ore. WANTKIi-I-Prune- pickers." Wrlte or ea II Bond m-oa.. Qllde, Ore. WANTKli Prune pickers. Fred Hat" 4 ''fii'' "' U N' ' ,'UTCl,ur'- Phone Pltl'NK I'lCKKKS WANTKli Apply to rred Weaver, Myrtle Creek, i'icklna eolKlllen.'.-s Mnnil.iy. MISCKLLAA KOU8. PRPNK UKOWFRH Protect yourself from loss by fire. If you hire your diyrng dune. Insure your fruit until m market It. If you need any form of in5uranee, see 3. W. Young H..n Phone 417. NOTICK is hereby riven that on th. .e,unu aionuay or September, 1921, the Hoard of Kouallsatlon will at tend, at the courthouse. In the Asses sor (ilflce. and publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all er rors In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lot., or' other prop erly assessed by the Assessor; and It shall be l he duty of perons Inter ested to appear at the time and plac. at.polnt.-d. Signed. Frank I l-.lkm. Asst-ssor. LOST AJVD FOUSD. ymuJr"k ot Owner off.'r. h "" by calng at this otfice and paying for adv. L,'vT"i"',""''," R"seburg and Myrtle v"'k -'mneh of keys. Leave at es-ltevl.w. Reward. K"sJ!.l7.a!i kOJ' ro,t- mar my sn.t n! ?' b.y c"'"ng at this office and paying for sdv. i?t trTrr0 apartrnsnts. - ' " -""7 uL Phon 127-T. F"it iu:nt f" keeiii,s room r turnlshial hous. 404 N. Jackson St. FOR ItKNT 1 I ranch i--.. ,rom town. Hires year r..n v.ry cheap; partly under r" Improvements. Here aiwrencs Phone Il. enn - fXlR SALK .-.IV-.i .71-- : Servlc. Oarage. Full si.K. Vere. Fred and Vance- n, Mra, Pete, K.d.baugh. Ver and Mr. and Mrs. Charles V w who have been spending ttnZ tlon near Castle Rock. NllusJ Loseburg yesterday alters w were successful in Uagilnri? fine bucks and had , JL ' vacation. Jr leut Oregoa's Higher Irmiiwwt i TECHNOLOGY Eigl't Schools; Sevcsty Dtainanti FALL TERM OPENS SEPT.,a Ff ufurautiM wrilt tt u loses Oregon Agricultural CoUcr COKVALL1S rOR 8AI.F. 2 room house fnnutkt bolt HAI.K Pure bred Dclilaa ui high grade Kmnbouillet rsjai. la Dames, Attn sine, Oregon. OK SALB-r-uood s pass, tourist or In good repair, slake us as (fa. dpi rowier ai. FOK SAI.K Two good pack kottn will also work In harness. lsqlSv o-j o. main. a. r. sainner. rOR !Al.h-3ool sewing machisi lirop -head. Cheap. lufi& .Wlnvbee ler Ht. FOR HALE 118 Harler-DlTHlm wun new rsi sidecar, m West Uouglas St. UOUOE CAR tor sate cheap. Ms nu onable esah otfur refused, iiqsuv Service Oarsge. FOR HAL.K Tomatoes la aar qiu tity delivered. Roseburg Protect Co. phone 219. FOR HAI.K C11KAP Young tua, . wagon and harness. 121 fterlfe Huphens. Ft)R HAL.U Duroc Jersey sow, MC Isteied, and nine pigs cligll.le u, rtf Istry. Alo cockeiels. Pliou t-FU. Fred A. Ooff. FOR !ALE Good large Hartit fttn for canning. At the Faran K ehangv on Winchester at, Varf cheup. See theln. FOR MM,K A few choice full-blood Lincoln, one year old rams. PrKt I0. F. J. Ulatlner, !) Crwl, Oregon. SALK or trade for wood, a rpet bv In good condition, and other secuM . hand goods that a farinet seede SM uses. 1U47 W. First St. FOR 8ALK OR TRADE EieenSrss values in used cars at terms to tea. Motor Kxclmnge, F. U UcUrew, MM West Oak St. FOR HAL,K Wheeler sod Wlltos K tng machine No.s; aUo a lot of Ml lleh magazines bound io tssiks. Cwl at 816 So. Hose. . TRUCK FOR SALK OR TKAUE-T livestock or wood. Alsj liae w for sale. See U .yd Cbaaibers it " plant or phono II. FOR 8ALB Angora geats. malt tsl female. Registered. Bred 'rem hit bred stock. J. L Cbapmsa, Wlttm. Oregon. FOR SALE Buff Orplngtos lUrr.,1 ItiM'k nullets. 3c. PH" IS lbs. Phone JH-H1. Sprague. Tenmile. tslllt FOR SALE Household fa"", Z Sroom house. coinpK'ie. w III sw f" together or any article aeperaieu. 4l'S Kast Douglas. FOR SALK 10 acre ranch. H jjj from city limits. 1 acres ll""" soli. Ito lance good graiing las" li as Br"sa IW m l.. r. 1s room house i,,."T" Itlon. Cheap for ulllvsn. Peoples gupplfj timber.' fcl Uood condl ply R. T. S FOR SALK Havs a reguhlf the city llmlis. l-d i r 7 lots and good soil. I1 r" iinwe for a resrulsr heme. Apply B. Sullivan. Peoples Suprly FDR PALE IS scree "''(mr Roberts Creek. Tw ml. '"J.T; burg; t r. house, ''i""10. Yea. nearly all in culilsilos. t" HaL plenty of time ' 'J! E. Johnson. Tlllsniw.kjjOres . vrtti sil.u Flo. prune Gwse Beach, license- -W oodburn, Oregon J ', 7, ft. unerj"-7 1JS-; 4 to ft. trees. trees, 7c . . : kjanx roil SAI.& 9 . aasse large .wnel In Prch. tee rocm rnoa tr" aarde. soil fruit trees be Rerrr pstch: gocHt m.ta' u Into good house for s par- no goo. noiise - - - M sw- enls. 8.. owner 'LilLI- ttt j c.t t.- I-..- oiii.kiale I ""i ror FOR 8AI.K- 8AI.K For qui' a " , -r nearly new ' "'.Ji, i? my tube. tlr.. large steering Aniens here wi aa -aroorl as "Inc. the time of Andrew Jss-kaon , . .... 2 rr . Trs Wllso. h7d . 7.. U "J- rZ.HMSH 'J good blcyclT. CailTM "nre., trW Adores. W r nr. T se . i fully, npoa the sjcalea, whit are a Ja ks. once. 5. Le"f ts StM.ti.rsr- Ad i t.'ir::"rr'" nr- b- FOK mat). Halbarlle, or-. a.Bua . , .main a fferw.