RmmrM mews-Bmrnew thi ksrv "Longies" the Latest Camp Costume Tbs hiking costume to quits m Important an accessory far camp ing oat this kuob as are too port able tent, tba cooking utensils and jtho food. Too latest word In blk lng costumes comes from the south I England and Wales where girls ar wearing a suit known as "longies r Agnes Ayres, newest 'Paramount star, who was leading woman for Thomas Helghaa In , "Capo Kicks," has had on of these mad and many happy boors ara spent In them betwseo pictures ta tba California moan tains. 1 Tba sketch In mannish mode shown was mada from this suit of Miss Ayres, and Is delightfully In formal and comfortable. It Is made of light weight flannel with vest of contrasting shads. . Tba sports eoetoms worn by lllss Ayres In the halftone Is worn on an ordinary tramp when a trip In town Is scheduled as well It la of tstr' colored tweed, with putch pockets In the lower and upper part of the coat. Giving breadth to the skirts srs Inverted pleats which tend to dlitract from Its severity. The srs found, too, In the back of the coat The hat Is of Jade green angora snd la trimmed with brown pheasant quills. Another staunch standby of MlM Ayres may be found In the heavy boots shown here, which have a sensible half Inch sole of felt and an. added reinforcement of the strap over the Instep. Them are used eaperlnlly for swampy lands or for fishing. The stockings are of heavy wool with a Scotch plaid design. ' The greatest' comfort In the world Is claimed for the soft bat sketched here. It Is a felt cloche nnd may be crumpled snd folded as much as necessary without alter ing Its pleasing Una. They are un usually becoming and are found In -Jade (green, tan, rose and old blue. can trade relations In Argentina ars tbs UAiatenaue of local omkos un der permanent American maaasw- mtmt aad the Investment or Aden- can capital in the eouatily. It Is pointed out that wniia ins n nri. of tha dollar la a disadvantage I sailing goods here, it Is a decided advantage lo making Investments i B.IXs"bECUED. (By Associated Press.) SAM TRANCISCO. Aug. SI. The dollar value of sales of thirty rsp- resentatlro department stores sou mall order houses in the Tweiiin Kedoral Reeerv district during July declined 1 J per cent, compared with July, J 820. according to Jonn Perrln, chairman of the board and federal reserve ssrnt. Mr. Perrln. said, however, that present retail prices were reported to average 20 ear cent lesa than In July of last year, and .the value of the average sale was reported by 11 stores as 1C.3 per cent less. Indicating inai the nhyalcal volume of trade con tinues to be greater than It was a Year ago. The amount of tbs average sale reported Jy 11 firms was IZ.3U in July, compared with 12.51 In June, and 12.75 In July, 1920. Collections were said by 11 firms to be good, but 1 1 others character ised them as only fair. gnpTKMBBH. i.rer ir'orlws, secretary ROYAL CLUB RESTAURANT Open Day and Night MRS. W. R. BOWMAN Proprietor Cor. Cass & Sheridan Sts. Big Union PICNIC AT CASE TRACTORS Threshing Machines Pag Wovm Wire Peace Stearns & Chenoweth s T RIDDLE, OREGON LABOR DAY Monday, September 5th, 1921 Wrestling Match. CedarstroimsSiegrist BaseballGame Canyonrille vs. Yoncalli DANCING 8pnLto2am Olt's Orchestra One Big Time all Day We have the following Used Cars For sale at prices that will In terest you. No Inflated prices, but real buys, everyone of them. We want to anil and will give you good terms oa the car you purchase, so slop In and figure with us. ltll Ford louring, good , sonillllon. 110 Ford touring, good ondltlon. 1IJ0 Ford Sedan, a dandy for lbs money, almost good as MW. It 10 Ford truck. pneu matics front, solids oa rear, ready for aervios. ltll Brlacos Inuring, a sasp. Is In good condition. ltll Oakland six la very ood condition. HIT Overland, Bewly Mint ed and la good condition, ltll Overland 10 In mod aoadltloa. HIT Overland la good send it ion. HIT Overlaad II model, a food bay. Aa almost rood as new three auarter toa Republla track, ready for hard service; a aew oa would cost youal- asost doable what ws ara ask ing for this. (frtrbcd-Stedcboier Giro a a TOMAs fYsss. Rice's Garage Cylinder Rc-Boring a Specialty. Only electric re-borlng machine la the county. Ktprrt machltiM. aaa noiitk mais. BLACKBERRIES WANTED CIUTKS ITRMStltm HUNK J. NOKTON, IUMIN, OKKUOV Roseburg, Myrtle Point, Coquille and Marshfield Stage 7-fosafer CsiiBst-l CiTS Leaves Hotel Cmpo.ua Us. dally. Far to Myrtle Point. 1141. Fare to Coqallla, I T O. Fare to Marshfield, II I. COAST AUTO LINES American Business Is Being Battered (Ur Associated Press.) ni'ENOS AIRES, Aug. 21. (By i Mail, ) American business In Ar gentina is. at present being battered I by a drum tire of German com pot I , lion, according to Edward F. Feely, American Commercial Attache In Uuinos Alros. In ninny lines." he said "we are losing business and from the present oiiiiouk it appears that this condi tion Mil rol.tbly contluue for some lime a-i the (iermans are able to of for lower prices In a number of cases when the hlKh rate of tha American noiinr la taken Into consideration. 'However, It may be accepted as a certainty that In the one run Americans needs have no sreat fear ot uirnian or other competition Dure a normal balance has been es tablished In International trade, so that the American trader will not be handicapped by the high quotation of the dollar. I am confident that American manufacturers will be able I to hold their own with anv country in sucn items as machinery, tools, small hardware of all kinds, paper, wlrv, etc., competition Is particularly seen, ana ine American manurac- hirer has small chance of getting oruers when pries Is the principal ronsinerancn Iliils recently received by the Div ision of Naviguton and Porta or ih. , ministry ot rubllc oWrks Illustrate j the comparison - between lliitlsh. " ruan ana liorman prices. Out ;Of ten Hems bid on, the Hermans were able lo undersell their com i lemurs in nine casea and got the uusiueiB. j hi jjverm lusiamrs the low (ier- .man UU Wka tar beluw the levol of i the competing bids, Indicating that the firms offerlns the aooils wr. willing to sacrifice profits la order (o get business. Oue such rase, says Air. Freely, showed sUr ovldenca of uumping, me firm making the big reduction quoting a price equivalent to about tl.Ouv below the factory pries in Germany and not taking imo account insurance, freight and other costs of delivery. M any firms that before tha war profiled trout atrong Herman con nections have been making efforts io. win Di' men- places in the mar ket. Some of these have gone so far ss to help re-finale ths German iseioriea so as to be able to set oulck deliveries, la one such case a sew-J mg matnine agency helped the fae tory to compels with American sew ing machines. W hile Germany, however . Is able to undersell Amrriran merchants la ths Argentine market oa many Items in at least two ways Ameriraa manu facturers have a considerable adtaa te. Theaa are la tbs matters of oulek delivery and credits. At tha I'resent time. German manufacturars In moit rases ars demanding either eonurmed credit before acceptance or oraer or payment la advance. tmunff oiner eountnes last are maklna sa effort to Increase their nastnew la Argentina Is Helglnm, whll. h la offering steel products In particular at attrac'tlvs rates, bat which, like Germany, aremlagly Is not able to offer adeaaate credit t acllltlea. Among the recommend atloa that PHICE8 SrnSTAXTIAIXT LOWElt in. A ..ivl, t PnM 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 31. Wholesale trade during July was less in vslue snd probably In volume than It was In July a year ago. it was said by John Perrln, chairman of the board of the Twelfth reaerai Reserve district Reports from -185 representative wholesale firms In ten lines of business in the district, he said, showed decreases of from 17.1 per cent to 50.1 per cent In the value of net sales In July, this year, com pared with July 1920. In all linei except automobile tires, in which an increase of 8.1 per oent was re corded. Compared with June. 1921, the net value of July sales of reporting stores was less In all lines except automobile tires, automobile equip ment and arocerles Aeriemtural Implements registered the largest de crease, 40 per cent. Present prices compared with those of one year ago are sulistan tlally lower In all' reporting lines of business. It Is Indicated that the physical volume of merchandise be ing sold at wholesale Is somewhat less that It was a year ago. In July, however, prlcea .were reported as steadier than they had been hitherto for a year. Some further reductions In prices were reported In hardware snd furniture, but previous declines In these lines had not been so lnrge as other goods. o- 1 HINXOTT WINS PRAISE. !T .....Uia tha .. . ... !.,'. r.fci,'-0. . 4 Tbs urn stop Ti. h.TbsL 3 tj. .n . Minnutwlls. Helena, i m 3rvkaes. SsatUe. Taeoma and Port-A pad. ftr wucb b. will o W 8 5 Franusco ano W hen tha aew plans ar In op eration the work of. the bureau which has bereiofors oeen ised here In Waiblngton will be largely distributed ov ths country through the various olflces. Mandates Hard Problem Before Nation's League WASHINGTON, Aug. SI. Chalr- man SInnott of the public lands com mitteo of the house has been receiv ing congratulations on .he part of his committee played In tha work of congress up to the time or recess. In all, sixty-fire measures became law snd of these twelve came out of the public lands committee. Of the 130 measures which passed the house, but as yet hsve not passed the sen ate, thirty were passed upon by pub lie lands committee. U MHEILMKN' FILE ltltlEFS. WASHINGTON. AuxT. 31. Meth ods of encouraging the lumber Indus try employed In British Columbia and the necessity of Inducing refor estation by creating a bright future for the lumber trade In the North west were made basic arguments for tariff on lumber and wood products In briefs filed with the senate fi nance committee by tha Columbia tiver Loggers Information bureau and VS. D..B. Dodson, general man ager of the Portland Chamber of commerce. HCXTKIW AND CAMPERS. Pack horses and sruldes for that trip up the North Umoaua. Address or phone N. U. Packers and Guides Assn., Hoaglln. Ore. Larkln Rico, Sec Pbooa 3I-F11. FAVORS VOCATIONAL TRAINING. WASHINGTON. Ana- Slflni Forbes called at the While linn yesterday and left with the president report containing detailed recom mendations for the utilisation by the federal government of some one of the shandoned irmv eaninntnonta a renaDintation center for the voca tional tralninr of ex-aolrilera nia report was nrenarerf tar h. Ifreaioent at Mr. Hardtnr'a ri.u following a thorough canvass of the matter, at several mnaiinn n it.. cabinet. The orealdent la mn,h i terested In the matter mnA kn.... '' win rve possible to work n..i - lor me use or armv esntnn. "l work. The president 'ne Forties report his I meaiaie consideration and may be "ay to make a definite announce ment of the plan later la the week Bureau Director Coming West (News-Revle-T Waahln WASHINGTOV Am si i.Li Charlea R rorb director of the JJV tmns' bureau, who leaves vtsshlngtoa tomorrow to a trin rj in spection, expects to reach Portland about September la. Ills trip is to reontanlie the a tlre.war veteraa arttvltea on a aew baala of several rational offices aad mora thaa a ksadrwd brsnch offices ono of whKh wUI a lixated at sTlPTilaaaia. By HENRY WOOD (VnltriJ Press Staff -OENEVA. (By Mall.) The thorny question of mandates over Ger many's former colonies will In ail "l i.... H.flniielv settled dur- ing the second general assembly of the league of nations, which con venes here on September S. ' Unless unforseen obstacIs ' arise, the council of ths league will be able to submit to the assembly the final terms of the mandates under which England will administer Palestine and Mesopotamia and France, Syria and Lebanon. Mandates will similar ly be approved and handed over to England. France and Belgium for the administration of the former German colonies in Africa. In the meantime. German West Africa and all of the former German Islands in the Pacific, both north and south of the Equator are already being administered under the terms of the mandates approved by the council snd assembly last December by Ihe Union of South Africa, Aus tralia, New Zealand. England and Janan with but one exception. This one exception Is the Japanese mandate over the Island of Yap. against which the United States has protested. As a matter or fact, practically all of the delay In the approving ot the perms of the mandates has been due to the American protest against the Yap mandate and the Franco-British oil agreement In Syria and . Meso potamia. As a consequence, while waiting for the mandates to be actually given them, all of the allied powers who are to administer mandated terri tories are being obliged to hold down the latter by what Is virtually a military regime and dictatorship. This has resulted In several revolu tions and near-revolutions of the native populations, who are clamor ing the mandate administrations promised them under the treatres or Versailles and Severs instead of the French and English troops now governing tYiem. The result has been to make the question of mandates one of ' the most urgent Importance. Owing to the refusal of the Unit ed States to accept the approval of any mandates which do not provide for equal commercial rights In the mandated territories for all of the I allies and of the Anglo-French agree ment to split up the oil production of Mesopotamia and Syria between them, the final drawing np of the 5 s fen Opening ' T Bell Millinery , Friday and Saturday . i, v September 2d 3d New Fall 1921 hats fVm the leading MODEt, Maker Every hat a popular atyla, In Lyons (American) Vsl Panna( Velvet. Duvetyn t French Felta, trimmed with 'rw trich,-Coque, Burnt. Olycerlned Fancies, ribbons and besA shown In all the new colors, black, black and cherry vu-J and Jade, black and burnt orange, tine grey, and phsuaat New Coats, Suits and Waists. - ; ' BELL MILLINERY terms of the mandates by the league council has been delayed. 1 The council last June notified all ot the allies and the United States that the mandates could not be ap proved until the allies should get together with the United States on the details As a result, direct nego tiations we're immediately entered into between England, France and the United States. It Is expected that a full agreement will be reached by them so that when the league council meeta at Geneva on Septem ber 1. five days preceding the open ing of the league's second general assembly, it will then be possible to approve -the terms ot the mandates. These -will then be submitted to the assembly and finally riven am. to the mandate powers, so that they I can begin at once the administration ot me territories under the man date system. Each country holding a mandate will be required to report yearly to a commission on - the manner in which it Is carrying out its man dates,' and this commlssoln In turn will advise the league on the manner In which the territories are being administered. '' ' AOTICaV Dr. R. P. and w..-i Chlronrauaa In nrartlrA n....!.... ran 224. Perk-In. U1A A Wtl 1000. "' 0s J.H.SINNIGER AU kinds ot sheet metal ZT warm air furnaces, both Dlnaaas plpeleas. 119 Oak 8treet. Phone 421. Rosebarg, Om a .i.ii Jill Atmmm a nssssi Ma Fsiksaa hit IvOCOOKSja tdsj rooa urmk sot AH Asm yfuMm liSDH sn, nasDsuQaXLes! Fountains, Ask for HOBLKXX M-AVwid lauUtioalaSsJsflUi I MOTOR SHOP GAR ACT BLOW OUT BOOTS WIRE WOVE 3 inch.. 40 3 inch 50 4 inch 65 4 inch 75 5 inch 90 5ip:h...:......... $1.10 INNER LINERS ' ' ' ALL SIZES 30X3.J $1.50 2.25 31x4.. ... 2.60 32x4' 2.76 33x4 3.00 34x4 3.60 WESTIWCHOUSE BA.TTCR.IES ur Long, representing ths pabllcl health, iiium cki.t i f- ar. mads lor elMagtaeaia. Art- ol Us vatsrtaY bami sia CjloVsl The APPEARANCE of your printed stationery reflects the character of your business Fhst impressions are usually lasting, ana you should no more think of representing your busi- . ness with ill-arranged, poorly printed stationery than with an uncouth, inexperienced sales man. The psychological effetf would be the same. , The Snap&nd vitality of our ."distinctive Drintinff registers instant approval. Ask a User. Shift your printing troubles over to our shouldersthey are a burden to you a pleasure to us. If IN AN OFFICE, WE HAVE IT" News-Review OfE ce. Phone 135