MAKE your business and professional tails in an Oakland Sensible Six Roadster. It is rugged and active,' trim and business like, sparing of gasoline and tires. It will afford you the most efficient and eco nomical transportation to be had in a car of its type. Moderately priced, every dollar invested in it buys a dollar's worth of good. automobile. Jrwt.nmj09fJ BU M. - lav z AVcsssnVhaVctdda'i Remarry OAKLAND S EN SI B L E SIX Open Car $1375 Itoadster $1375 . Four Door Sedan $1975 Coupe $1975 J. F. BARKER & CO . ., , Iloeebur;, Oregoa. TEMCl'IIOXE 16. Movie Closeups All the Bacchanalian revelry and luiorr of the court of Emperor Coastantine has been faithfully re produced lu "Man - Woman Mar riage," Allen Holubar's , Associated first National Pictures, Inc., film sternal, starring Dorothy Phillips at the Antlers tonight. ' After week of research Holubar set bis technical experts to work to mike a replica of the famous court. They were given carte blanche to re produce It in every detail.' Motion picture critics who visited '.ha studio and saw the reproduc tion declared t one of the most lav ish and realistic reproductions of a historic landmark ever made. Jimea Kirkwood is seen as the Emperor Constantine, while Miss Phillips has the part of the little Christian slave who finally converts him to the path of Christianity. Statistics recently gathered by a motion picture Journal showed that the vast majority of screen patrons hen sounded as to their preference declared unanimously in favor of emotional dramas. Therefore the managemnt of the Majestic theater his secured as the next attraction, "Habit," for tonight. So popular In theme and so full of drama is "Habit" that it is bead and should ers above the ordinary screen drama written by some unknown scenario writer. It fairly snaps and sparkles J. iiiu tit-,ar lines ana tensv situsuuna. ly enacted by a well balanced east, including Mildred Harris. It tells of the evil of allowing bablt to en slave us. It deals with the forbid dan fruit of desire with swift, bold strokes that carry ' the spectator breathlessly to the conclusion, i Perhaps the scenes of most Inter est to women are those In the ateiiei of -a Fifth Avenue Importer and de signer, where models wearing a hun dred thousand dollars worta of run and furbelows parade. The extent and richness of the fashions shown will Interest all women In that these styles are alL actual ones that will be worn this winter by leaders of fashion. ' NOTICE TO THE PVBLJC. Notice Is hereby given that any person found dumping cans or rub bish of any kind on any of the high ways of this county wlU be prose cuted to the fullest extent of the law. Many of the roads through' out the county are becoming the dump ground for all kinds of refuse and this nuisance must be abated at once. GEO. K. QTJINE, County Judge Dated, Roeeburg, Or., Aug. 19, im. - PllOnsmRMVAIi CARDS aUBABACSH, Aaotloaeer, ( Mil I t N. Pine . SB r. 1 1. wan-cat Flesrste. rim a, est W. Oae. - wrini 1 1 III: a tUU IGUBD BH1MUUI1B. DSL. t It Is superbly mounted and splendid- Sin ! A. WICUI, DKMTIST. 1T Per il Bide Phone 113. Desert Water Bags Reduced in Price 1 Gallon Regular Closed Top.. ..'$1.35 2 " - " ............ 1.80 3i " " " " ....;........ 2.70 1 Gallon Sanitary Open Top $1.60 2 " v . .2.25 5 i t; 3.60 .'-,('..' Keep drinking water cool without ice by evaporation. '. Ideal for Home, Camp or with the Auto. CHURCHILL "HARDWARE CO. v rj liU.wtA.ia.V' mvr ia HlV Inst IWCftlTaA' Una i erwlana fraa tka tafSMSt Uls la the East. I am bow la a poeJUoa to etTer a rasuja at Pattern from f 21.10 to 141.00 for salt or overeeel Fit aad work eaihlp absolutely guaranteed i s " I aaaaaf'" 1. F. DILLARD ROSEBURG CLEANERS . - - Servst Flrat, OX THE EDCK OF THE ABYtta. When 1 rejoined Bab I found her almost frantic. divorce case la coming up to. morrow.' . ah. niin Muwmi.iv P'We mill have to be in town susrlv." 1 dont understand year excite ment Bab. Ton must have realised that It. would coma ub sometime un less yon withdraw It. I prompted, hoping my suggestion of "withdraw al" would win on the eleventh hour change at heart from Bab. Tea, yes I knew tut nevertheless it hurts me terribly. . I have felt like a person must standing on the edge of an abyss and knowing thai sooner or later a plunge mast come. De spite - anticipation when . the end cornea .there Ina great shock just the same. Strange Isn't It. Allx. that aether of us should have lived ith ear husbands very long." Bab lidded reflectively. "Death took Hal and I kaow now vlp. the shadow of our final separation, that I would rather see Duane dead than to know that he la divorced from me. ! would have the right to grieve at the separation. 'I wonder hew divorces effect other women," she continued, speak1- tng rather to herself than to - me. Tonight It aeems to mo as though shall not feel quite decent when I know that In the world there is i man who has been to me what Du ane has been, and who is not my husband. What shall I do tf some time In the future we come face to face? ! What shall I do If he marries some one else?" Oh, Bab. I did not think that you could be so morbid. I have al ways felt that yon had more than common sense but lately you have struck me as being the most Incon sistent woman I have ever known. Yon have even lout your sense of humor." I pulled her forward toward a long mirror. - "Look at yourself," com minded, "you are a sight." The sort skirt of her white sport suit was wet about the bottom and wrinkled and dirty. He blouse, open at the neck was all awry, while ber dark blue coat was all mussed as though she had alept In It. Oh. I don t care," she snapped with pretended Indifference, "why should I?" And then a tear rolled down her face. Why are' you crying, Bab?' uked solicitously. , "If you feel as badly why do you not make up with Duane? ltun t yet too late." Bab drew herself up in her most itubborn manner, and her eyes flash ed though not with the fire of a cru sader for lust cause. .But vehem ently she began: "I am not pitying myself .because J think that tomor row 1 am going to receive a divorce from the man I thought I loved. am merely thinking how. sad and Dltlf ul It is that I can sever again care what sort of garments I wear if ther are sufficient to cover me. I laughed. Bab wrs comedy in tne midst of tragedy. "Tel. I guess you are rirht. Bab. When a woman neg lects her wardrobe it tells the ssme story at when a man loses Interest in hla cook. Either fact will tell which way the wind of destiny Is bloaring. Wbwn the woman shows apparel costly as her purse may buy, aad the man comes to his dinner with a snilU.each is sailing along the coasts of joy. If the woman looks like you do today and the man can miss a meal without knowing it, then the Islands of disillusion and sorrow are In sight." "Oh. Allx, It Is all very well for you to smile, but surely you must have realised that lite Is a burden to be borne cheerfully or resignedly aa the case may be. You. more than most, should put aside any thoughts of future joy. You have shown me that you do not think that earthly felicity will be again yours. You know that the nfan you love is not for you." "All of which, Bab ,1s bosh. Earth ly felicity will be yours or mine again If we want them. Happiness, my dear, is an undiscovered country for those who do not look within themselves for it. True, 1 regret yea, I mourn the absence of my lover but ev.a Jeff Turner cannot make me always unhappy. I even hope and believe that time will en able me to truly say that I do not miss him at all." : Bab burst Into tears. "Oh. I know you think I am . self-centered and stubborn but I cannot thlrlk of any thing else except myself just now." i "I am sorry that you navont a child. Uab. - That would help." And I am so glad, Allx, that one bas not come to me. I do not think that I could endure matters as they are If I had a child." Because I could not sympathize with my sister as perhaps I should! do; and because I knew that she was supremely miserable I thought that the best thing for me to do was to leave her to her own thoughts, until we were obliged to go In town. Until today all through the sor rowful knowledge that Jeff Turner had sent mo In his last letter, a tiny hope bad rustled its . yet Incapable wings. It was small aa a just-bora thing and yet 1 realized now that it had lived. What Tom Latham had told me today had killed that hope and I felt that I would never see the man 1 lovod ngaln. . I felt that I must talk with Duane. I tried to call htm up and after long, nerve-wracking min utes 1 got the club and found bo was not there. Finally, when I had just settle myself down to woo sleep the telephone rang and I heard his voice: "Allx, Latham has just told me that you were In town today and that he told you I was leaving -tomorrow night. Have you told Bab?" No" , . "I wish you wouldn't tell her." "Oh, Puane, this Is Such a lament able affair. Can't something be done to ston it? I know that you love Tint and she loves you. "Yes. I lave her so much, that I would forgive her much more than I have asked ber to forgive me." Tomorrow The Day of Trial. HUHiK DIRECTORY. woodmen or THIS VVOnl.D Camp No. 111. moll in uo.a ruiowe ' -Roseburi every lit and Ird Monday evening!. Vleltlua nilabbors si way. ..loom.. SL St MIIX.BR. Clerk. County Representa tives Meet Sept.8 SALEM. Aug. 31. Oregon's 1J exposition wlil be given lu sttewlde significance, : when a conrerence oi representatives of every county in the state will be held In the Multno mah hotel ia Portland on September Governor Olcott has reverted back to the war days In the selec tion of the committee, believing that those leaders In each county who so successfully served to place Oregon to the forefront In all Liberty Loan and other war works, would be best adapted to devise waya and means for financing the great Oregon ex position In addition to calling forj the cooperation of the war leaders In each county, the governor has in creased the number ot counsellors at the meeting by requesting several state-wide organisations to send three delegates each. The representatives of the various counties, as appointed by the gov ernor, follow: T. O. Montgomery, Baker; A. J. Johnson. Benton; D. C. Latourette, Clackamas; O. W. Sanborn. Clatsop; S. C. Morton. Columbia: uorsey Krelter, Coos ;Harold Baldwin, Crook; W. A. Wood, Curry; C. 8. Hudson, Deschutes; Mark Tlsdale, Douglas; Judge Parker, uiiuam; Hanrv Kohl. Grant: James Donegan. Harney; Thnrman Butler, Hood Riv er; C. E. Gate, jacason; tiowara rmar Jefferson: George C. Sabln, TnanBhfna: Bert Hall. Kjamain. r. L: Miller, Lake; L. i uoouncn Edward Abbey, uncoin; r-u wsrdXusIck, unn; J. r. niacuuy, STaiheur; Frank Deckbach, Marion; W P Mahoney, Marlon; E. C. Kirk Patrick. Polk; W. H. Ragsdale, Sher man; Frank Rows. Tillamook; O. A. Hartman, Umatilla; Ai T. Hill. Union; George Hyatt, Wallowa: J. C. Hosteler, Wasco: A. C. Shute. n.-..hinrton: L. L. Btelwer. Whetler. and E. C. Apperson. Yamhill. i The apopintees. during tne recent war were chairman of the Liberty loan committees of their respective ! addition to the above list nf detente will be three representa tives of the Oregon State Chamber rommerce. the Farmers' Union, .v. .t.i. a-rance. the taxpayers' lea gue aad the County Judges' asso ciation. ! Julius L. Meier, general chairman .v. MBoaltloa aad the acting Governor Olcott to preside at the sea slons of the ' state-wide committee. Mr. Meier and his associates will en tertain the delegates at a luncheon for which over two hnndred covers will be laid. ' , AS B. P. O. BILKS, IMoelwra So. IM Holm regular biiiui.u the Silks' Temple on eaoa Thuridir ot every month. All member, re quested to attend reaulirly, knd all visiting brotners are eordlauy la vtud to attend BWAJiw. R R U W BeeV PICTURE AHEAD, KODAK YOU GO than. If you want to make gbod re sults certain, bring your films to the professional kodak finishers, . CLARK'S PHOTQ, STUDIO Roseburg National Bank Building. Change of Styles Worked Hardship NEW YORK, Aug. St. Short skirts and bobbed hair have worked a hardship on aeaiers in souvenir picture post cards the variety that floods the mall at this time of the year from summer resorts along the Atlantlo coast. - Previous to the , adven t ot the aforenamed styles, stocks ot . these cards showing beaches and cool walks were ordered la advance In lot numbering In tens of thousands. Aa the beaches did ont change, and as a. crowd a crowd regardless of whether It was this year'a crowd or last the cards could be sold just the same. Now. however, all Is changed. Dlctnre showing a beach or a board walk of a summer playground with women strolling about clad In dress es that brushed their shoe tops can be put down at a glance as ancient stuff. The toarist want evidence to send home Indicating that he or 'she Is there now sod that he or abe Is trail- Inr an an -to-date crowd. Hence It is thumbs aown lor me picn card of yesteryear, to the distress and financial lus of the dealer who laid In large stocks at pre-war price Ask Pennsylvania Tire Service, ua Ford Oarage. TRESPASS mTlCt All persons sr bereb' warned not to heat or otherwise treepasa en my saaehea at Hippy Valley and at Oraea. Any aeraoa violating this aotice will be prosecuted to the full extent at the law 1 I. 0. MILLER tMJCll We have some unusual bargains in second hand trucks to offer for quick disposal. Here is a partial list and each one is a genuine bargain: One VA Ton Federal Truck, 1920 Model, practically new - - 1;t $2,160.00 1 ' t t t i a,,-- One half ton Dodge Bros, business CQO ftfl car, model 1921, good as new, price piOU.lW One practically new, light Chevrolet fc 7 A A A A ; Delivery Truck, Price - - P V UU V;. One 1-Ton Ford, Worm - Drive Truck, Model 1920, fine condition, , excellent body, Price, - - :0 .$475.00: v. t -, : . . v i !.-., '. -.. ' ' - ;.. . ' '. I ' Dodge Bros. Cars, Cass and Stephens Sts. a B. a, Semiil, Wftrr Boioa meir revjuwr ----lit aad Ird Thursday! in each monia ar. respectfully Invited to teniv ere wmmvv RTLH BKTMKBS. WJL FRKB JOHN HON. Beer. O. O. r. rwttarlu LaelB a, meets la Odd FeUowr- Tempi, ev.ry Friday evening at 7;l o'elockVlsil Ina brethren ar Jilwiy. welcome. A. RHDBARN. N. O. A. J. UBDDKS. Bee. Bee J. BAILKT. Fla Ben. bkiohhvk or Circle WO. , meal' Monday evlns. Vluuaa neighbors invited to attend. PRUnlB HIDTNOFn. O. N. l TILXJB L JOHNKON. Clerk. NOTICR OP 8AI.B OP GOVERNMENT TIMBER. Oeneral Land . Olflce. Washlnston. D. C, August 11, ml. Nutloe te hereby riven that mbject to the condition! and limitations of the Act of June It. lilt (31 McL. 11), and the liiHtructlons of the Secretary of the Interior ut B. plelnbor 15, 11 7 4 U 1). 417), the tlmher on the fo'lowlns land! will be lold CX-t. 3, it 10 o'clock A. M., at publia auction at the Unltod tttMfM. land office at Roaeburff.- Ore- aon, to the hlKhent bidder at not lees than tn. apprlisca value as inuwn or thle notice. Mile to be suhjec to, the approval of the Becretirjr ot th. In terior. The purchuse price with an additional aum of one-fifth of on. per cent thoreof, belna conimlAlipis al lowed, muet b. deimmted at time of nont.y to be returned If sale I" not approved, otherwlee patent will leeua for the timber which muet be re moved within ten years. Hlda will be received from cltllena of the' United Slates, isioclutliini of such cltUens n n.l rf.rixirntlitna DrKnilllC.-d Ullder th. laws of the tinned Btutee nr anv Htate. Territory or - IJI1 trlct thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purctiaeer, the timber on any aubillvlnlon will be offered separately before being Included In any ... 1 1. run nnli T. SI fl . R. i W.. Si-o. J. I. fir 11 N) M., ceifar to M., hemlo'k l M., BWti HUM. fir fJ nr Sftff M . ne,w b to n. eoio AUTO TOPS ITHOLSTEIUNQ . C. M. JOXES 708 X. Jackson t-' s : Phone 8S. ' , J- A. r. A. W t-m e. bm Regular communication! Ina ana Wedneadays each month at Mesonlt Temple Rouburc, Ore. Visitors w.l oome. W F. HARRIS, fecv JOHW B. RUN TAN. WJS. HoseDutr neoeae a Loi No. 41. I. O. O. F. BKHKHAHS - Meets In Odd Kel . mrm Mil en Tuesday evenlo. Vlittlni. member, la aod taodlna ar. Invited to attena, taosina M'l.JTta TRP.KRRN. N. t. nKLIJC ftTFPHBNWN. Bee BTRHL BAIUKT. Fin. Ber asAUIJta hoMDora a.m "dmu Moose ball on Jackson at. on ina ano 4ib Monday .venlnr. et eech montn at I o'olork. Vlaiiins brethren la good atandlna always welcome VICTOR MICEU.1. W. P. P ' - a. t wui-r, w. r. B. F. oooum. Hecretary. Roeebura first' aad .venln'as of eack M.. HKU KKU. fir 800 M of the Violin Instniction ADDRESS ii P. F. HIItrM'H, KowburK, tn. 8ee me at Roseburg Cafeteria between 5:30 and 6:30 p. m. Tueudaya, Thursdays and Satur- dnya. ''' ' for leaa than II. to par M, and noii. ot ' lb. celar -or hemleik rto Jia sold for lees than- .100 per M. . '.WILLIAM SPKY. Cominliiloner, Oen.ral Land Office j - Painless exovtetloa of teetk at room 9, Masonic tempi. Dr. Nerba. SILK PAR ASOESi i .-.-' t ' A IVOTAL OBJJKB tosr MOOSI Lodae No. 10IT meets third Toeada da. 1 A T n.ul. V ,1. . a B-aWk la tn. Mooa. hall All vlsltlaa brothers ar. Invited tc attend. CM)At Wetmtor. fi. O. PAIKIKTEH. Secretary OF . EXQUISITE BEAUTY OF DURABLE FABRICS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY and REASONABLY PRICED ARE ON DISPLAY AT I. ABRAHAM THE SILK aTORK I. O. O. -, UBSew BMe..l . Meets i. una r ... every Wednesday evenln. Visiting bL.thr.a aiwaya weJcoene OKO RADABACOH. C. P. V. T JAWaiK. B. P. OLIVER JOHNllON, B . JAMES SWART, V. a. W . A . T. M. Rebur Revi.w. No 11 'hold resular aMwtlnaa op mmn- In.lted to aetenii revtewe. MacoabM h.ii Pine and Ceee stre! 23Wla) RAJPP. CoL KkionT. or pvthia! Aipa Loe Me 4T. meets eery Wennwr irv."- Ina la Deocia. Abstraot Hail, earner Jackson Wahintoa ma. eva always Welcome ' VALTKH CLfAKB. C. C. y-i..e w nris-tclNil M P. IV K. WtMBEKLV. K. R a. WE SFXL . , Edison ! MAZDA UMPS Douglas County light and Water Co. S 1 It V. ! li ! i wmrd at directors baa reqaesled