Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 30, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Those Entitled to Oregon Bonus be at
.w,-- r-'
Airmoiry Ttairsdlay Eve., 8 p. m
September 1st, 1921.
to our receiving teller's window and
make a deposit, you step blguur up
the ladder to financial achievement.
Beilu today come lu and open an
account. ' ' '
4X latcrcat Paid m
TheRosebuigNdUonal Bank
Roseburg, On?.
Hare oa Ilualiieaa
David W. llasen or tba Portland
Telegram la spending a few daya In
this city attending to business mat
Klktoa Visitors
Archie llurd and Alex II. Sawyers
of Klkton are attending a few days In
this city attending to business mat
ure. iMns for QarvaJUs
Mrs. J. L. Hoggs snd son. Bobble,
and Mrs. Sturgeon left tor Corvallla
this morning, where they will visit
with friends for several days.
May Have fCyealgtote
Deputy forester, Oaorge A .Bone
brake, who received severe Injury to
bis eye while fighting firs soma time
ago, was operated on In a Portland
hospital Isst Wednesday. The doc
tors now ssy tbst thers Is some hope
of saving tba slgbt of bis eya.
Have ItetunMsl to Koaeburg
Mr. and Mrs. John Mats, who
have been making their home In the
Daya Crook section of tha county for
tha past several years, are again
permanent residents of this city, hav
ing dlepoaed of their fine farm. They
will occupy one of their houses oa
Lane street,
Itrtura May Be I'sed
Tha picture of Crater I.ske will
probably appear oa tha new postage
stamp, according Ho tha following
dispatch from Washington: "Post
master General Hays will be asked
In tha neit day or two to outline the
views of tha postorrira department
with reference to slse, design and
lettering of postage stamps com
memoratlve of Portland's exposition-!
la U1G. Senator McNsry has re-
We have the following
Used Cars
'or sale at prices thst will In
terest you. No Inflated prices,
but real buys, everyone of
them. Wa want to sell and
will give you good terms on
the car you purchase, so step
In and figure with us.
111 Ford touring, good
110 Ford touring, good
110 Ford Sedan, a dandy
for the money, almost good as
110 Ford truck. pneu
matics front, solids oa rear,
ready for service.
lilt Briscoe touring;
snsp. Is In good condition.
111 Oakland six In very
good condition.
MIT Overlsnd. newly paint
ed and In good condition.
It II Overland 00 la food
1 1 7 Overland In good
117 Overland II model, a
good buy.
Aa almost good as new
three quarter ton Republic
truck, resdy for hard service:
a aaw oa would coat you al-
most double what we are ask
ing for this,
a O. THOMAS, Prep.
Savings AccounU
celved photographs of Mount Hood
and Crater Lake from Julius L.
Meier of the exposition committee
snd sdvlalblllty of their use will be
Community Fair Today
A community fair Is being held at
Fair Oaks today. An excellent lot
of Industrial club exhibits are on
Leaves for Ourtio
Mrs. Wllllsi.i Skldtuore left this
ufternnon for Curtlu , where she will
vlst for several daya before return
ing to her home In Eugene,
Confined to llimpltal
Mrs. V. R. Duncan, a resident or
this city, was taken to Merry hos
pital yesterday and Is said to be
quite ill.
lint lira from Camping Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Al Kent returned
this morning from their summer's
camping outing which was spent on
the North l'mpqua .near Sunshine
Iteturna to Home
Miss Kcho Oaddls returned lo her
horns near Hosklns, Ore., this after
noon after spending the past few
days here attending lo business mat
ters. Leave for lowa
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Epperly will
leave for lelts. Iowa tomorrow
morning to spend several weks' vis
iting with old friends.
Poultry DetmMiNt ml Ion-
Two poultry culling deiuonntra-
tlnna sre being held today, one st
John Alexander's place, near (Hide,
and ths other this afternoon at Suth
Art Onb TV hi narrow
The Itoaeburg Art Embroidery
iluli will hold their regular meeting
tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Den Palm on SOS
V. Jarkkon. All members are urged
to be present.
Sustains HnaVea IJmh
Joseph Jacques of Glendale was
brought to thla city last evening
from his home In Olendale. suffering
from a broken limb, sustained In an
accident, lie wss tsken to Mercy
hospital upon arriving here.
Muttne-e t-Tfi-y liny ml M:liV
VI hat you will sew In au
"Partners of the Tide"
A full rigged schooner go
crashing on the rocks sad Its
subsequent sinking.
Ths thrilling rescue, fsr be
low ths surface of the sea of
aa imprisoned diver.
The destruction by fire of
lb sturdy Utile "Diving
Bella. "
The raising of a sunken
crsft from Old Ocean's sandy
The methods emnloved bv
divers In their work beneath
the wave.
Also 1 arts of vaudeville.
Change of program.
A full S hoars enow.
PtIcm 15 and 40c
Annexation of
Diamond Lake
(Continued From Page Una.)
happen to Roseburg Is tha proposed
road up tha North Umpqua to Dia
mond Lake, said J. E. McCUntock.
But making this lake a part ot tha
national park, would kill this project
It would be a death blow to Rosa
burg hotM companies and park as
sociations are trying to commercial
ize the lkke.
Would more people be attracted to
Diamond Lake It It were a part of
the national park, asked Hon. O. P.
t'oshow. They can com to tha lake
now just tha same as If It were In
cluded In the national park. I can
find no reason for annexing It to the
park, except for the benefit of hotels
snd park associations," he said.
The question of a road up the
North Umpqua to Diamond Lake was
considered. "Is such a road possi
ble?" someone asked. "It is not only
possible, but It Is feasible," answered
A. C. Marsters, who haa recently
been In that country. "There are
no worse obstacles on this route than
had to be overcome In cutting the
highway through to Myrtle Creek.
Excluding the Columbia the North
Umpqua river la the biggest source
of natural power In Oregon, It was
stated. Many big engineering ex
perts hsve their eyes fixed on the
North Umpqua as a ground for fu
ture operations. Hut the utilisation
of this power will only be possible
by first building a road to the power.
In' summing up the arguments
against the bill now before congress,
a copy of a letter written by C. J.
Green, chief engineer ot the Public
Service commission of Oregon, to
Senator McNary and Congressman
llawley, was read to the members of
the Climber of Commerce: The
text of the letter follows In part:
"It Is not generally known that.
with a possible exception of the Des
chutes river, future large water pow
er development of thla state will
probably occur on the North Fork
of the Umpqua river. Peculiar
mctcrnloglcal conditions effecting
the headwaters of the river give an
e.Herlally large run-off and a special
report has been written by the Geo
logical Survey on the great possibili
ties of water power development on
this river. All of this development
Is to a considerable extent dependent
upon the storage of water In Dia
mond ljke. No objection could be
raised to the Inrlnston of this Lake
In a park If proper provisions were
made so that there would be no re
strictions on Its use for water stor
age purposes. .
"However, we have as a recent
example the popular outcry raised
especially In the east, against the
construction ot a storage reservoir
in Yellowstone park for (he purpose
of reclaiming lands outside of the
park srea. It Is reasonable to pre
sume thst should the proposed park
extension be made .that the same
outcry would be raised If a public
service utility planned to develop
the North L'mpqua for power pur
poses. Few people understsnd thst
such enterprises are under regula
Hon. In this Instance, of both the
Public . Service commlsalon or Ore
gon and the Federal Power commls
alon snd the rights Incident to the
use of thla water for storage would
consequently accrue to the benefit of
the Hunt and power users and not to
the utility making thla development
"Being a resident myself of the
North Umpqua Valley. I have made
a preliminary study of the power
possibilities and know that tha use
of Diamond lke for storage pur
nou s Is a primary requisite for the
development of water power on the
ortn rnipqua river. Its position
between the slopes of Ml. Bailer and
Vr. Thlelsen makes It of far more
Importance than the area of Its
watershed should Indicate. The In
clusion of another lake of ordinary
characteristics In Crater Lake park
would probably add but little to thf
distinction and fame now borne by
Crater I-ake Itself, and such Inclu
sion In a national park would be a
great detriment to the majority of
the people In the state If Its use
for wster storage for water power Is
to be in any manner curtailed there
hv. Within a few years the proposed
Interconnection of electrical svrtetns
would make the development of the
streams of almost stale-wide Impor
tance." Upon a motion from the floor
Judge Hamilton was authnrited to
awpolnt a committee, himself acting
aa chairman, to personally visit Aea
ator McNsry when ha Is In Salem.
sad Senstor Rtsnficld when he la Is
Portland, and state the argameats
against the measure and renoest
their suport In defeating It. Thai
commute haa Sot yet hewa appointed.
Tomatoes (Oe per bushel. Patch
run. Bring your box. T. S. Evans
Sob, DUlard, Oregon, .....
WANTED Two teams la hsul cord
wood, none ! it.
FOR SALE Fir cord wood. Writs for
pries. L a. Coff, Butherlln.
years or over.
Oregon Bakery.
FOR Rg.TT Furnished house for two
families, phone Ol-K.
KOK 0ALK Kir cord wood. Phone
M-FU. Borer Pro.
WANTBD Olrl or' woman for aeneral
housework. Mrs. (.'has. Watson,
Dlxonville, Ore. Phone l-FII.
make them look like new. csii 47.
Koeeburg cleaners.
471 and we will do the rest. Rose-
Durg Cleaners.
HAVJS you seen ' that Overland for
I22T Belter drop around and look
WAMTKD 1 horsepower sas engine.
BeeMatt at Ford Uarage, or write
SALESMAN wanted for tea and coffee
routs. Call 11. O. Parkhurst, Smith
Koomlng House. 31 V. Lne t
FOR BALE-Oood i pass, touring car
in good repair, stake me an offer.
room house on North Side before Oo
5 tober 1. Address ft. jv. ak,
FOIt SALIC Fine prune trers, by
Oeorgs Besch, licensed nurseryman,
Woodburn, Oresvn. . S to- I ft. -trees.
12V.C; 4 to I ft. trees, lite; 3 to 4 ft.
trees, 7c
HOW ABOUT your Indian robt-s you
took out csmplng? I.rt us clean
them for you. Call 472. itoseburg
KOR SALE A line house. Will take
a flns car as part payment, balance
easy terma. ' Eight houses, easy
terms. I cut prices. C. Merrill, SIM
Mill Street.
KOR HA LB Two good pack horses,
will also work In harness. Inquire
!J Bo. Main. B. F. Hktnner.
LOST One black celluloid bicycle
mm pump, rnwne ui ,v,u,ai
to 1 S. Main,
FOR HALK ilartletl pears (0 cents per
bu. st orchard 1 miles east o( Rose
burg. Brlns; your boxes and pick
them yourseif. B, K. Pargeter.
Phone I8-K4.
KOR SAI.K U acre ranch. H mile
from city limits. loo acrea tillable
soil. Balance good grating laud and
.timber. Nix room nouns and barn.
Oood condition. Cheap for cash. Ap
ply R. T. Sullivan, Peoples Supply Co.
write Insurance on your house,
barns, hay or automobile. Don't take
the chance. J'bone 21 and you are
protected at once. A. T. Lawrence
Agency, te llaaa wtreet. ,
KOR SAI.K Have s regular lurmln
the city limits. Oood 10 room houee.
7 lots and good soil. Fruits, berries.
chUken yard. Kverythlns- suitable
for a regular home. Apply R. T.
ftulllvan. Peoples 8upply.
1 did not tske the Ford sgency at
Myrtle Crek. I am selling used cars
at the same old place, in Cass St.
Phone 144.
PRt'NK OKOWKIIS Protect lours. If
from loss by firs. If jrou hire your
drying done, insure your fruit until
you market It. if you need any
form nf Insurance, -see (L W. Young
- Jhl?' Phone 417.
FOR SALK IS acrea creek bottom on
Roberta Creek. 7(fc ml. from Hftee
buis: s r. house, runnlns water;
nearly alt In cultivation. $iS0 down.
llaL plenty of time at per cent. M.
K. Johnson, Tillamook, Oregon.
KKKP H1I1I.INO You will alwaysfe7l
like smiling If you ride n I'nl.
Tire Filler, fur you'll be sure cf
never having tire trouble. Its a
morions feeling. Cart Ohman. J:
W. Cass.
FOR SAI.K I room modern house,
large screened In porch, house In
Kood condition. About 1H lots flne
arden soli; some fruit trees, straw
erry patch; good barn, can be made
into Rood house for a small sum. All
for I27SO; t?0S down, rest easy psv
tner.ts. See owner at SM Fowler !t.
AM) HTCIKSTS Cltliens deslrlna
to provide rooms or board for s, ho.,1
teachers or students or who wish to
aecurs etudents to help with home
work, are requested to 'phone or
writs the superintendent, mentlonlna
the nsturs of the accommodations
andjrlcea. Rupt. M. a. Tlamm.
young- people -plannlna to attend
Roseburg lllah School the coming
Vesr are requested to register at the
prlnctpsl'a offlre aa follows- Post-
radoalea. Spec-la la . and Senior-..
I"ndev. Hrpleanhar th;- Junior
Tuesday. September 4th; Sophomores
ywdnesdsy. September ,th. and
Freshmen. Thursday ar Wrlday. Sep
tember S-Hh between the hours ot
-tl snd l-l. acanr classes wilt con
tain only a limited number. The
Bml to rotae Will be fti Scat served.
A. 8. Taylor. Principal.
A Jlt'NTKR S LOrE You ran afford
to o n this one; 2S a-e in trar-t
eve acres of the best ysuns bearlns
prune orchard In the eeunty. some
famllr orchard, flns a-ardea. borders
'h. Irrigattna system, some al
Tairs. good barn, machine shed
moke Kose. Wood four room house
fully furnished, trout gshlns fifty
fe-t from door; biers, deer ten min
utes walk front the loda-e: sheep
cows, one horse, on hog, turkeys
-..- .(n.-aene. loo,. u you are
-con -roving ranaee tnis should
pesi in Taa. i-rie A.
' - 1 ---i.e. vomwerrisi Agent.
: "ree-. SO OS jis.
'""R SAI.K The flrst real modern
fa i r.r a bungalow In Roeeberg as
aiw galshe and for sale. Vacate-i en
corner ef North Jsekso sad Second
avenue. . Fully eampleted and readr
for Its new owner. Cement kas--rt
runt, ares-lee, wood It ft
cement wara. beautiful pergola, an 4
every coavelrabt . kattt-la mtn.
Roseburg Man
Died Suddenly
4 A fit of coughing resalt-
Ing in a bunted blood vessel,
4 caused the almost Instant
death of Charles Heskett. on
4 tha Dlxonville road about I
o'clock last evening. "
4 Charles Heskett, In company
4 with his cousin, O. J. Heskett,
of Oregon City, where return- 4
lng from the North Umpqua
where they bad spent the day
fishing. They stopped at tha
Dlxonville store and drank- a
4 bottle of soda pop, after which
they resumed the journey, O. J.
Heskett driving the car. They
had gone but a short distance
when Charley Heskett com-
4 menced a coughing spell. Blood
spurred from his mouth, cover-
Ing his clothes and car, and by
the time the driver could stop
the car and get him to the
ground, he waa dead.
Sheriff Starmer and coroner
Rltter were immediately notl- 4
fled and rushed to tha scene.
Excited by the large amount
of blood, they made a thor-
ougta examination of tha body,
but finally attributed it to nat-
ural causes, as Mr. Heskitt 4
had been la ill health for the
past two years.
The deceased was 46 years
old. He had lived In Roseburg
for the past fifteen years, with 4
the exception of one year spent
In the east He is survived by
his wife, who was greatly
shocked by hi sudden death.
The body will bs shipped for
4 burial to his old home in Mar-
shal, Missouri.
Dexter Rice, of the firm of
Rice A Orcutt. who will defend
Dr. R. M. Brumfleld la the cir
cuit court trial, today made no
dnial when asked if a change
of venue would be petitioned
for. The attorneys for the de
fense are allowed twenty-four
hours to examine the Indict
ment returned by the grand
jury and It la very probable
that they will take the time
limit. In tbat event the trial
may not be started until Thurs
day or Friday. Attorney Rice
commented on the task of se
curing jurors and said it would
undoubtedly be difficult to ob- 4
tain twelve men who are ndt
conversunt with the case.
. Al tglrls who Intend to enter Rose
burg high school are requested to
wear the following regulation uni
form dress during school hours, be
ginning Sept. 12, 121.
Navy blue or white middy, with
navy blue or white collar; blue or
black tie; white, black or navy blue
skirt (cotton or wool); shoes with
low or military heels.
Those falling to comply with these'
rules are subject to tha penalties
sdopted by tha Olrls' . Club of the
Roseburg high school.
U Addis of Log Angeles, the prof
essional danca violinist, will manage
the public dance at the armory to
night. The popular 8unset orches
tra will furnish the music and Mr
Addis ststes that he will give away
several A large crowd la ex
pected. A fine tlma la assured o
I lost somewhere la Roseburg a
dark Morocco folder, containing
typewritten papers, a rata book, and
other things. If fl,;der will return
same to me. he or she will receive a
reward of five dollars. Alden Har
ness. Klctlon Library.
The diurnl n B AM a. m. a t. 1
CltDP lit ths V .
- ... "vrr uuunet at win-
i . " eawvrus, a miDUlM
uldb.m.V " 0U,CT nWn
.rfl? ' . 0tlmm. Sr.. returned lat
evening from a six week,' . .
"is old home in MoiitreU. Canada.
eTl2A7r 'n VrVnchn.
Investigate Motive
. of Ku Klux Klan
CHICAGO. Aug. SO. (A.P.)
Assistant United Statea Dig-
trict Attorney Cllnnin has be- 4)
gan an investigation of the mo-
fives ot the Ku Kl ix Klan, and
4 said he would Investigate tha
charge that the Klaa was "an
absolute monarchy" and. op-
4 posed the public policies, and
4 that it collects 110 yearly from 4
4 each member with apparently; 4
4 no accounting and that a charge
of Io.r.0 Is made' for regalia's)
coating leas than $2, thus being
4 a corporation - operatint ' f or 4
profit, and that numerous law-,4
4 less acta bad bcn secrliesd .to 4)
4 persons acting under the gulaa 4
of the Klaa. , . -
Wilbur Visitor - .
R. C. Salton of Wilbur Is spending
a few days here on business. - y
Here from Drain'
Mrs. Roscoe Miller of Drain, spent
the day here attending to business
matters. ' . .. .
Here from Myrtle Orccfc ,,'' ' !
Among those spending the day in
thla city from Myrtle Creek, were
Mrs. R. E. Strong and J. M. Martin.
Return to GlendaOe -
Alice and Gertrude Nebej returned
to their home, in Olendale last even-,
ing after spending the day here
Arrived This Afternoon
ill as Emma Henkle of Portland
arrived In Roseburg thla afternoon
to visit for a short time with Mr.
and Mrs. T. O. Dixon.
Leaving for ScoUsburg
' Fred Miller, local barber, and wife
are leaving' this afternoon forScofts-
ourg tor a wee is vacation.
Cndergoea 0eraUon .
Mrs. Ike Mathews, a well known
resident of Glide, underwent a very
serious operation at Mercy hospital
yesieraay morning.
Prom Oakland
Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller of Oak
land arrived here last evening to
spend a few days attending to mat
ters of business and to visit with
Attends Wedding-.
Lieutenant Shannon, of the local
Salvation Army, returned this morn
ing from Portland, after attending
the wedding of Captain Ford last
Go to Crater Lake
E. L. Parrott, Mrs. B. Casey, Mr.
and Mrs. Prescott Gately, Mrs. Ben
Moore, Miss Rosa Parrott and Miss
Elizabeth Parrott made up a party
which motored to Crater Lake Sun
day, returning last evening. They
report a most enjoyable trip wit
many vlaltors at the Lake.
When dues a worn an want tore moat at - seventeen er awir
E . . awvaa?,. Sc
. , ' . aeveat.. See the vivacious
f "M Doled Up"
J A perperj story of a city sparrow whose borrowed
r. nrought adveatore. - .
I ft rs fiJ
WA ssaas.
m ine atfary of a grrl who feU aaaarag UUevws, the retr-riuw-
J7, she lived through fc. their Mrsusgo coswpaay. and "
f hT a lively cab rrpnrter. . , . 7 . "
Sf toB-bb. .. n ... . .r. L a:A U
I OOOD Jrn :
t OenUelT:3?10
- Ladles . .
" SITM9FT M.'n-'" 'H
- . ... vnwium.
. -Albany Shrlners' Ch, writs, J
thev Will anl..,.i. "
wui au th .J
Cluba of Western Orego, ,t!1
T. . ' 'ai to reu
Ufa -tNUMIrnns l.i.... 7
Albanvi- ""'luos
B Qjr Black, Pres.
. D. Jg. Waatner trtirsaa, Saai aJ
-.. "'awon. i Sean i
geaSs4Cataa ta I.ekM asd --1
ft!5."?t.,,',npra,ure yesteroiT
leniperature ast tlrki
Precipitation last 14 houri "'
Total precip. ,lnc. , -j-
Normal precip. for this mo5T
Total precip. from Sest l Sei
se aate J
Av.rr.a nru.ln , ...
t.i.1 Hiff;.'.r..;.
AvrB prxlp. for 44 wet
orsrt iolp.rn.Uri
as vv Plllirgajj r
iy air.
Home Grows
25c each .
' 5c each
' 75c bushel '
. APPLES, 3c Ik
PEARS, 3c lb.
Ripe Petite Pranct
3c. lb.
J. w. voss
tx s
MTU VJ - T-ei-kW
at UC lUOlC lUy