mnrnHnrawr ttebdat. Arorar ao, itu. warn Wie development of Jlotor Transportation There have been many contributing fee- -tors in the development of motor transpor tation; the perfecting of, the motor car in comfort and dependability; the construction of smooth durable highways; the production of a motor fuel Red Crown gasoline which meets every test of power and mile age; and finally, the Standard Oil Service Stations at convenient' locations, making Red Crown gasoline readily available to motorists. . Look for Standard Oil Service Stations . and for the Red Crown sigrr at garages, service stations, and other dealers. There you ' will be able to get good service with Red Crown gasoline. , . . STANDARD OIL COMPANY ...... , 0" cv. Red Crown the Gasoline of Quality FOR BEGINNERS DUNNING SYSTEM OF IMPROVED MUSIC 8TCDI The only system for beginners. Indorsed by the world's most renowned musicians. -- GLADYS H. STRONG Studio: 42S S. Main St. Phone 311-L. to our store and hear the famous Ivers &Pond Pianos The best Piano on Earth for the price, and claimed by many owners and mu sicians to be as good or better than other makes selling for three or four hundred dollars more money. Come ' -in and see and hear this wonderful piano Ott's Music Store The place where pianos are cheaper. Expert Auto Mechanic We specialize on all makes of cars and trucks. We guarantee our work to stand up. A trial will con vince you. We have installed an up-to-date Radiator Repair De- -partment. (Moderate Prices) MOTOR EXCHANGE Cor. Oak and Pin. niriiimi - - rdlftpi j ' mmtm. m sa'f wisej SWEET JT)OtXIM44VB MUM la the good old summer time Utile Dan Cuptd,-Ks,ulre, Is In action 14 hours a day, and Bight. Whether It la In ths air. the environment, or the free spirit of vacation, we can't tell. But there Is "that something" which brings younc people together, la the mountains, on the farm, on the beach, or where chance may find them, man and maid find mutual attraction -Sweet nothings'" are talked over and pretty compliments are paid. With no thought of "spoofin" each other, the happy couples 'chirp'" merrily along. Al thourh said in all ear or the summer-love talk Is' quite humorous. - Even those Joked about Join In the hearty laughter with audiences everywhere, when summer love smiles are screened la "Topics of the Oay" films. Now. enjoy a few "am Uj. ...In,." m)( .Mil Cupid's target oractlre and ,caprteea iu vacaiion-iana: Apt Pnptl. Oeorge Do you think you could learn to love me. Maud? Maud (softly) 1 don't know. George. I might. I learned short hand once. Tit-Bits. London. Daddy! Ben (dramatically) All the world loves a lover. Gwen Ton are liable to change your mind when- you ask- father's consent.- Tennessee Mugwump. Not No flood. Sweet Yntinr "Thine- Tmm tt.. first J've never huarreA a. feit man before. Bashful Llizard I believe you. If Vfin 'H kill inff MiurionM Wn.t'J have kept that powder off my lapel. Town Topics, New York. - Repeat Performancre. Roberta Ton Interest me strange ly no man ever has before. Robert Tou sprang that on me last night Roberta Oh. was that Topics of the Day Films. youT SweU Chaster-! 8ultor I wonder If your father would consent to our marriage? Oirlle He might. Father's aw fully eccentric .Border ICtles Star. Am twin Boy. Maybelle (coquetlshly) Ton tickle me, Duke. The Duke My word, what a strange request Carnegl Technical ruppet. No WTally Rold. Dottle Do yuh love me, John? , . John Sure. Dottle Then why don't vour chest go up and down, like the man n the movies? Carolina Tar Baby. "Topics of the Day" Films AS PICTURE) ' AHEAD, KODAK TOO GO then, if you want to make good re sults certain, bring your films to the professional kodak finishers. CLARK'S PHOTO STUDIO Roseburg National Bank Building. raOTWeWWAI CARDS aADABACQH, Auctioneer, gU high I tnta, W.Ik swancut Flowers. Fkoa sot. vs w. vas. Vkvslclaa lit CBiropraeUt in w. Um at PR. 1. A. WKLU, UKITTST. SI? Per. ins uiag-. rnon sis. NOTICE OF SAI.B OF OOVKRNMKNT TIMBKR. Oenwal Land Office, Washington; D. C, August 11, Intl. Netlc U hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June t. Ill (31 Stat., lit), and the Instructions of the Secretary of the interior oi oeptemoer is, ivi7 t L. u. 44? , the timber oa lite fulwwlng lands rill be sold Oct. 1, 1121. at 1 o'clock A. M.. at Dubllc auction at the United State lend office at Roseburg. Ore gon to the highest bidder at not sees than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval or the secretary of the In' terlor. The purchase price, with al additional sum of one-firth of on per cent thereof, being commissions al lowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwls patent will Ibsu9 for 4he timber which must b re moved within ten years. Bid will be received from eUlaea of the United State, associations of such cltltten and corporations organised under the laws of the t'nlted State or anv State. ' Territory or Dis trict thereof onlv. Upon application of a qualinea purcnaser, in limner on anv l.sra.1 subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a Jarg-er unit. T. II a. It t W., 8ec. I. Lot t. fir 1IS4 M.. cedar (0 M., hemlock 25 M.. IWU NB'i. fir ! it.. HKu nbi. nr V. sSu wu fir (00 M. None of the flr to be eold for lees than II. per at, and none of the cedar or hemlock to be sold for leu than !. per M. W1LA4AM SPRT. Commission', General Load Office. State Fair Program Is Comprehensive - SALEM. Or . Aug. "! 9 (Special.) The- entertainment program to be furnished state fair patrons this year will be much more cdnmprehen sive and elaborate than heretofore, according to officials, and will In clude everything from new and novel' stunts along the midway to special auto speed "events for the first three days of the fair. The largest crowds in years is pre dicted, and It Is for this reason that particular atress is to be laid upon the program of amusement. Concee sionslres and those seeking special privileges are In excess of any here tofore recorded, and tboae who know, state that this is always a cer tain sign of a big attendance, these people) through years or experience sensing the popular inclination. Aside from the horse racing, auto mobile races will be among the stel lar attractions. J. R. Lynn of Sa lem, a member of. the state fair board, has charge of this special feature. Ho announces that fifteen hundred dollars In prlxes will be dis tributed, with the list of entrants open to both professional and non professional drivers. Specially con structed ears, driven by the fastest men in the Pacific northwest, will compete, with the result that state fair audiences should be furnished thrills a-plenty during the first nart of the week. The night horse show, as durlnr previous years, will again come In for general notice. Names are dally being added to the list of those who win take pa.-t. and these include the splendid McCleave string from Van couver, a. C which carried off hon ors af last year's horse show in Sal tern ana later at the Pacific Live stock Exposition In Portland. Showing for the first time on the western circuit will be the San Fran cisco Exposition Carnival company, one of the largest amusement con cerns, which will bring to the Ore gon state fair a new and novel line of attractions, and which will be es- lanusnea along the midway. An other large amusement company will ' aiso rurnisn entertainment for old and young, and in the erenlns? there will be special programs of unusual merit in the new pavilion. Band concerts will be dailv attrac tions, with H. N. Stoudenmeyer's or ganization, of Portland, and smaller ones from various parts of the state contributing. Band music will also be In order each afternoon at tha racea. The capHal city is planning to ex tend the glad 'hand to all visitors during the state fair week, and la already formulating plans whereby no detail will be overlooked to In sure the comfort and enjoyment of out-of-town folk. The commercial club, co-operating with Individuals is to list the names of all homes where board or rooms may be secured, and It Is expected that a much more sys tematic scheme may be worked out than heretofore,' thus relieving strangers of all worry and incon venience. ' v Tuesday of the week. September 2(-October 1, has been set aside as Boosters' Day. with the Salem Cher riana acting as official hosts. An in vitation will be Issued to all civic organizations of the state to attend the state fair that day, and for their pleasure a special program la being worked out. All organizations In uniform will be asked to appear in their regulation garb, and marches, booster yells and songs will be In order throughout the day. All visit ing women will be met and enter tained by wives and feminine mem bers of Cherrlan households. Police regulation c . the fair grounds will be strict, giving those who camp or send exhibits, the as surance that everything and every body will be adequately looked af ter. Boy Scouts of the Salem chap ter. In accordance with an annual euatom, will again establish head quarters on the grounds, where first aid may be secured In ease of sick ness or accident, and where lost and found articles may be reported, and general information accrued. The various rest rooms about the grounds have been renovated, and a new one added. - This is nearing completion, and will be known as the G. A. K. Memorial building. The ground was donated by the stats fair board,- and the effort to establish funds for the structure was made by local Sedgwick post of the Women Relief Corps. The building will replace the tent which has been In service during tire past eight years. The type of architect ure is bungalow, with many service able and attractlrs details featured. o 20 Reduction! . . reelred a line of woolens from ths largest woolen " ,,' Eat I am now la position to offer range of 10 mll' ,rom I 00 for suit or ovarsoat Fit and work ""sfcip absolutely guaranteed. . , rmg gaj J. F. DILLARD " ROSEBURG CLEaANERS Servieo First Our new Fall and Winter Samples Are here for Your inspection. Come in and Be suited. oc am ra ona. art U. S. Official Ooaes Continent In Hi-Yer Old Car Wttfcn Maa Already Traveled Over 100,000 Miles). His car was six years old and had rolled up 102.000 miles of travel but that did not deter the city attorney of Mermoaa Beach, Calif., when be had occasion to make a trip to wasn lngton, D. C not long ago. It's aoOO miles," he said, "and part of the way Is rough going, but 11 drive It. Just the same. The centleman referred to was none other than George R. Wlckham, who. In making the trip to Washing ton, was responding to the call of the Koverntnent. for the senate had Just confirmed his appointment as aalst- ant U. S. commissioner of lands, wltn headquarters at the national capital. As Mr. Wlckham drove up to the Qreen. salesrooms of the Albertson Motor notice Co. XOTICK TO roiTnToit. HIGHWAY t oKTHKTKH DO! G I. IS (111 ITT, ORKUOS. Sealed bids will be received by the county unurt or imunai uoumy, lire. ron. at tne courinouse in rtoseourg. Oregon, at I o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of AeDtember. 121. for construe lion wora on a aecunn oi man oeiween Roseburg and Kenton, known fc the lAfitrmr fi h 11 neriion. ins wora Involvno approximately I4SS feet of srsdlna knd graveling.. limits be In more particularly described al rrom Kngineer s fisiion s-- in Wtt. Bee. 27 R, R. W, W. M., to nMri maiinn Aim foe construction work oa a Bee. tlon of road between R'eburg and Cole Valley, known as the Fenn Cul vert election. Tne wora involve in construction of a !'' reinforced con crete rulvert J"t west of in ral' den-- of R. R- Fenn. Hep rate bids win ne recoived oi irh of the b"V section No bid wtll be considered unlet ac eomnenled bv cash, bidder1 bond O- certified check for an amount equal to t isut flv. c.i per cent oi me louu f the hid. A eufflclent nona win ce reouirea fne th. f.ithftit Derfnrmanc of the contract In a sum equal to on-hJf tb total amount or tn nia. Plan. peeincaiion. rorme or eon imh . utamimI blank and full Infor mation tor hid 'era mv b obtained at the orrlee or in rosnir riera or im mmii, eftdmter. courthouse. Rose bora. Oregon, upon th deposit of flv dollar. Th rlaM Is reserved to reject any m -I. -.MfwiMi.. or to accent the pro- aoaal or proposal deemed bet for th iountyV ntA B RIDDLE. County Clark of Douglas Coaaty, Ore goa. SEC MD mm mucKs. We have some unusual bargains in second hand trucks to offer for quick disposal. Here is a partial list and each one is a genuine bargain: ' One VA Ton Federal Truck, 1920 $01 fifl flft Model, practicaUy new - - ;$,luy.Vll . ' " . - - . One half ton Dodge Bros, business Q C A A A ; car, model 1921, good as new, price y tl VAIll One practically new, light Chevrolet $ 7ft ft flfl Delivery Truck, Price - - $UU.UU y ' One 1-Ton Ford, Worm -Drive ; , Truck, Model 1920, fine condition, CM HC A A excellent body, Price, - - - - - -tptltl.yv 10. Newlaii fSoii Dodge Bros. Cars. Cass and Stephens Sts. FAITH IN CAR IS Jl'STIFIKD have yet to be towed or have any serious trouble." - Mr. Wlckham made the trip with his wife and two children. That their faith In the old car was fully justified Is attested by the fact that the Journey was made In goo4 time and without the slightest accident. . -o- MOTICK. Dr. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford. Chlropractlo Physicians. Ten years In practice. Consultation free. Suite 114. Perkins Bldg., Roseburg, Ore 100. SPIRELLA CORSETS Made to measure. Belle Case. Phone 391-L. TRESPASS MOTIOIU ' All persons are hereby warned not to hunt or otherwise trespass on my ranches at Happy Valley and at Any person violating this 111 be proseauted to tha full Dodge Brothers dealers in Ios extent of the law. J. H. SINNIGER All kinds of sheet metal work, warm air furnaces, both pips and plpeless. lit Oak Street. Phone 411. - Roseburg, Ore. VIOLIN InttrucLion Class starts Hept. 1st. I'upllj wlahUig seasons writs P. F. HIRHCH, nivonvll', Ore. Angeles, to say goodbye." says the Los Angeles Express its account of his departure, "his early Dodge Brothers car. built in ltlB, belled Its age. The original finish was still there, a little scratched, but still there." I understand that the field ser vice deimrtment of the general land office has standardized on Dodge Brothers cars, so I will be right in style when I arrive to take up my new duties." said Mr. Wlckham, And after the strenuous mountain trips that I have made I can readily understand why the land office has decided on Dodge Brotbera cars for for the use of their surveyors, slstants and supply men. I bought mv car which, by the way, was one of the first In Los Angeles, early In 1 1 S and have piloted It over nearly every foot of California, Nevada ana Oregon. 'I have driven In every conceiv able sort of weather and on every known variety or roads and sicuses for rosds And In all my travels 1 SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in orlnating, ofivn mean serious disorder. Tb world's standard remedy for kidney, Bver, bladder and uric add trouble GOLD MEDAL 8. C. MILLER. BLACKBERRIES WANTED CRATES FURNISHED . FRANK t. NORTON, -DRAIN, ORIOGON. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS i Douglas County Light and Water Co. SILK PARASOLS brine? crjfck deadly dl . Known the aanasnel B remedy of Holland for nor then MS E years. AD druggist, la three al. K 0T EXQUISITL BEAUTY OF DURABLE FAB RICS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY and REASONABLY PRICED ARE ON DISPLAY AT I. ABRAHAM THI SILK STORI" 2