MttiB 1922 MODEL NOW ON DISPLAY. AT THE SERVICE GARAGE SEVEN NEW FEATURES: CHEVROLET ' t i Improved Clutch Entirely New Differential Gears Timken Bearings in Front Wheels Hand Emergency Brake No Glare Headlight Lens Improved Ignition Switch New Model Zenith iburetor These Improvements together with much better Body Construction and Heavier Top Material makes the NEW CHEVROLET 490 MODEL the Finest Light Car of its Class on the Market Today. Come in and look it over. $775.00 f.oJ. Rosefcurg Glenn H. Taylor AROCJID TBX TOWS ' t W. H. Winder of Riddle spent the day in IhU city attending to busl- nen matters. ... ' Mr. and Mr Oscat K. Tblel ot Yoncalla w re la town yesterday Yla itlng and shopping. J. E. Froeberg of Oakland spent the day here attending to various business matters. W. C. Bullock of Salem la spend ing several daya In thla vicinity at tending to business matters. E D. Tongue of JIIMsboro Ulo m.Vter." ' shoppln'g. pendlng several days in this vicinity ,,n,,; vlola XrMk of Myrtle Creek, attending to business matters. Miss Leta Comstock of Sulherlln motored to this elty today to spend several hours attending to ms Iters of shopping, William Bkldmore of Eugene ar rived here last evening to spend sev eral days at the Dillard horn In Edenbower. Ira. Miles and family of Myrtle Creek contemplate moving here to make their home. Kenneth McKay of Sulherlln ar rived In the city last evening to spend several daya attending to var ious business matters. Dr. II. L. Toney, wife an. chil dren, apent several hours bere last evening visiting wl'h their friends. They are on their way borne to Mc Mlnnvllle from the south. Frank H nodes, prominent resident of Medfnrd, Is spending several day In this city attending to business matters. Mrs. Bessl 0. Harper, of Portland returned to her home this morning, after apendlng the past week here with friends. She was the house guest of Mrs. W. E. Brown and Mrs. D. :. Carr during her atay here. A group of about 40 young peo ple armed with tin cans, shot guns, auto horns, and other Instruments of torture, surrounded Joe Campbell's place In North Roseburg Thursday evening In honor of Daney Campbell and his bride who arrived from Port land recently. Candy and cigars ROLLED BARLEY 701b Sacks. $1.20 Douglas County Flour Mill LIBERTY TODAY SATURDAY Milne Kvery I My at, a: III. J. L. FROTHINGHAM Presents "The Other Woman" Proa Ik wove! by Normh Davia with aa all Mar cast intituling Jerome ratrk-k, Jaaw Novak. Helen Jerwoa. Eddy, Joseph Dow ling. . . A FKTl'RB WORTH HEEINO Also Co dy sat Tw Reais. PrlcM 15 a 25c were passed around to toe merry makers. Miss Tbelma Swearlngen of Drain spent the morning In this city at tending to matters of shopping. Loyal V. Emery of Umpqua was In town for several boms today at tending to business matters. Miss Susan Simpson of Sulherlln spent the afternoon In this tity at tending to matters of shopping. .Miss Helta Meredith of Dillard la In town tos a sort visit and shopping trip. Mrs. B. II. Jones, a prominent res ident of Myrtle Creek, spent the af ternoon bore shopping. Mrs Harry Winston, of Winston spent the afternoon In this city at- spent the day In this city attending to various mauers 01 Mrs. Lewis Towns of Canyonvllle spent the day here with friends to attend to matters of shopping. Rev. E W. Warrington and family returned this afternoon from a five days' camping trip on the North Umpqua. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fullerton re turned 'ils afternoon from San Francisco, where tboy spent the past week. Mrs. O. O. Sether of Glendale was a visitor to this city today spending several hours visiting and attending' to matters ot shop ping. Charles Clark and Phil Burgh left for Crater Lake this morning '" rpend several days In government photography work They expect to return here Monday. George W. Reynolds of Cleveland received a broken arti thla morning whiu rnnlilnr hi. Ford, tie came to thla city at once and had the In- lured member dressed at the omce of Dr. Belber and Stewart. a n J.II... . fin..,.,.,, on Southern Pacific, formerly of Rose burg, but now living In Portland, Is here for a few daya attending to business matters. Ills wife will go on to California for a vlalt with her mother, while be will return to Port land. THEATRE Sunday Monday Special Attraction "The Money Changers" A picture nf Sew York life. U money the nx4 of all evil? Mow dura gold warp and Iwlal lb. Minis of men and wumraT Do joa wwohlp live money gwl? lie yon prince or pauper, rich or poor, yutir heart will be touched, ymir mind fired by THK MON'VY illtNtlKIW" Adapted by Henj. II. Hampton from the novel by rptoa Kln clale. V Comedy and News Price 15 and 25c Dr. Brum field Hopelessfy In Debt (Continued from page one.) expenses. He evidently did not have the 13000 on his person at that time, as he knew ha would be forced to live as a tramp a portion of the tlma and would atand a good chanee of being robbed. The other money must have been sent north ahead of blm. He purchased new shirts and other clothing following bis arrival In Canada, in hia two suitcases were found many articles of brand new clothing. One of the suitcases, the black one, was probably taken with him on his flight from Roseburg. Home Life Not Happy. At the trial testimony will be In troduced showing that Dr. Brumfleld was not satisfied with his home life. lie waa not the happy man about the house that ha appeared to be to hla many friends. This added to hla worries, no doubt, and the "load of four men" which It was al leged he carried prior to the murder, compelled him to take some steps to shift the burden or to lighten his own load. If he can explain his lib flendsfln8"c',ll "landing nd what became ui t" Mimmj irjimwru UU IUI I 1 1 II It will aid greatly In clearing up the 1 deep mystery which shrouds the case. ssasssssssssaa 7 7 , AROUND THE TOWK 1 0 4) !v0004444404k4)4. i Mr. and Mra. J. G. Droome of San Francisco are In this city for severall '" vuunng who irienas. Mrs. Broome will be remembered as Miss ""'0 retains. Jack I.. Crarton returned here this morning after spending the past few days In I'orffltnd enjoying a pleasure trip. H. F. Gilbert, formerly the owner or the Went Side tlrocery, but now living In Medford. Is In Roseburg on a short vlalt. He aays he Is sure glad to get back to the old town. Harold Haskell, who has been vis iting In Chicago for the past two years, arrived here this morning. He Is the son ot II. C. Haskell ot this city. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Thlel returned today to Yoncalla. They have re cently sold their home in Yoncalla, and expect to locale in Roseburg In the near future. A marriRge license waa Issued this morning to Alfred T. Falrey and Tbelma Swearlngen. bolh prominent voting people of Kraln. Hurry Gordon, a Roseburg boy, appeared before city recorder Whip Pie this moning and paid a fine of New Books We are now Ukinir orders for delivery on Tuesday, August 30th, for the new book by Harold Bell Wri jtht Helen of the Old House The most talked about book of the year. I'rice. $2.00 TII Kit NKW HOOKS Jl sT INi The Flaming Forest, t'urwood, 12 00. Tartan the Terrible, Burroughs, !.. Alice Adams, Tarklngton, S1.T5 The Urtmiuing Cup, Canfleld, i:eo Wyndhatu'a Pil. Illndlos.. I1.7S. Mysterious Rider. Zane Croy, 12.00. Galusha the Magnificent, Lincoln. 12 00. Red Masquerade. Vance, $l.7S. Sunny Dnrrow, Cooper. It. The Nest Corner. Kat. Jordan. II 00. Th. Next War. Irwin. 1 SO Seed of the Sun. Irwin. 1 ea In Chanrerv. tialawnrth 14 na llo-js. of Haltasar. Locke, ft Arrow of Gold. Cnnr-ol tl '.a In the Wilderness. Ilk-hens. II.5S 1 00 Vol. New Popular Fiction. 1 1.0. Per Copy.- Roseburg Book Store M. J. , 1. HHOFMAKKR. SERVICE GARAGE - UOOD JAZZY DANCE TUESDAY NIGHT AUG. 30 .. ARMORY. . ADMISSION: - 0 Gentlemen . 90c Ladies lc . SUNSET ORCHESTRA. $5 for speeding with his motorcycle The community fair held at Look ing Glass yesterday was attended b) a good crowd The exhibits were ex cellent, especially the work of the sewing club. Mr. and Mrs. J H. English and family of Marjhtlold spent last even ing In thla city. They were regis tered at the Hotel Grand. W. B. McMuUIn, a prominent resi dent of Hoaglln, spent the day here with friends to attend to some busi ness matters of Importance. Mr. Elbert Grady of Fisher's shoe department, has just returned from Portland, where he has been trans acting business for the store. Another ot the series of commu nity fairs It being held at Yoncalla today. A poultry culling demonstra tion It also Pelng held In connection with It. County Agent "Haslett, Mr. and Mra. H. C Seymour, or O. A. C. and A. B. Street, are In attendance. Mrs. A. D. Jackson returned to Oregon City this afternoon, after at tending to buslnesa matters here for the past few days. Mrs. Jackson Is a former resident of this city. Mr. and Mrt. It. W. Maddox. who have been spending the past summer in Marsnrield ' will return here to morrow. Mrs. Maddox states that they are much Improved In health and will be glad to be coming home after so long a vacation. Andrew Portler of Tiller la spend ing a few days in Roseburg visiting and attending to business. Mr. Por tler Is the owner of a large ranch near Tiller, where he haa lived for the past 20 years. Roy Bellows and Mrs. C. E Jones, his mother-in-law, left last night for Winchester Day, where they will en loy a few days outing. Mrs. Bel lows Is already at the summer resort ind will return with them. Bert Bryant and family are visit ing here from San Jose with Mr Bryant's mother. Mra. Nettle Bryant They mrired to thla city and will remain about two weeks. Mr Bry snt formerly resided In Roseburg and attended school here. Dr. U A. Wells, who haa recently come here from Portland, opened his office In I he Perkins building for business today. His family will ar rive In. Roseburg the latter part of next week. Mr. Wells bat had 14 years experience In the dentistry business. For the last few years he has been practicing at E&tacada, 30 miles from Portland. It Is hard to beliov. that a printer snows . anytblng about cultivating fruit, but we take our hat otr to Fred Renner of the mechanical end -of the News-Review office. Fred hat been peddling a whole lot of stuff around the office, which would make fine fertiliser, for a long time. He has been telling hia follow printers and others In the office what a wonder ful success he haa made of the fruit Industry, hut hat been a, tittle slim In producing the proof. Yeaterday he delivered the goods In the wsy or s choice lot of F.lberta peaches. They were certainly beauties the finest ever brought to the office. In fact It Is seldom yon find fruit more besutlfully colored, large and Jul.-y. with aurh a delicious flavor. : The printer-farmer ays he haa' a good crop and Is now ready to supply cus tomers, but If you want to get in on the ground floor you will have to hurry, fur there ia only, a limited fupply nd they are going like the proverbial tiot cake. Mr. Renner has a fine little fruit farm In the Hspny Valley district, wher. the oil Is )u.t right to produce luscious fruit and all kinds ot small vege tables. Big Sacrifice Sale Monday and Toeedsy only September 29th & 30th Phonographs atlea than fae tory price. Tom. In and get our terms. Clarence Perkins Mala St. Rear of old Review Pulldjng BigDance ARMORY 1 To-Nlght . ' That PEPPY Sunset Orchestra LOCAL NEWS. r Dr. L. A. Dillard ot Canby, Ore., expects to locate in Roseburg about September 1. Mr.- Dillard is a brother-in-law of W. L. Cobb of this city. His first visit to Roseburg impressed him with the future business pros pects of the city, and above all. the living conditions to such an extent that he has decided to make Rose burg his home. He haa been prac ticing for four years in Canby. Harry Wilcox, who bat been en Joying a two weeks' vacation with his parents here, returned thla morn ing to Albany, where be Is employed In one of the hotels. H. S. French and wife will leave tomorrow morning for Tillamook, where they will spend several weeks enjoying an outing at Rockaway beach. The trip will be made in their machine.- - stem tooft, )) FOR HA1.K 2 room house. luriiUhed, with 2 lots. Apply 12 Kant Lane. WANTED To rent a four or five room house on North Side. Inquire H. K. ewa-Kevlew. yuK SAL.K Blberta peaches, ripe be twven 1st and 6th of Kept. W. W. Chambers. Winstons. Oregon. WANTED TO KENT Pack saddle for two weekii. Lieave name ana sdureas at News-Review office. amT.EAVT.NU (or Portland. Will take load of freight. Anything up to 4 ton, fall O. K. Barber Hhop. FOR RENT S-room furnished house. Phone !3t-L or call at 1137 N. Jack son St. WE I'l.KAN EVERYTHING from silk uhlrts to ovrralla. Call 472. Rose burg Cleaners. HiU SALE I'urf bred Delaine and high Kruile Rambouillet rams. J. O. Karnes. Ten Mile, Oregon. TO RENT Bungalow and one acre of RTuiind, acroaK the street from my residence. . Tollman ileal Estate. Riverside. ' SALE or trade for wood, a carpet loum. in good condition, and other second hand goods that a farmer needs and uses. 10t7 W. First St. WOMAN or girl about seventeen to care Tor children couple of hours, about four times a week. Hours from 6:31) to 7:30 p. m. Answer at once. F. P., care Newa-Revew. KOR SALE housea.'i farms. 12 lots at Eugene city. Trade for house Here, overhead expense light. 1 cut S rices and sell on easy terms. C lerrlll. Got Mill St. A single man with some capital to take half Interest in sheep business on ISO-acre farm. For full iniormstion call or write to Andrew Potler, Tiller. Oregon. WK HAVE a- going established bnsf. ness for sale. - Will bear close In vestigation. If you mean business see us at once. a. W. Young ft Son. mil SALE New light Ottawa bun Haw rig. cheap If taken at once. Also ten or twenty acres of timber land for sale within one mile of Rose burg. J 1. Rraughton, Miller's Ad dition. Rosetiurg NO EXTRAS, no punxp. no Inner tubes, no valves or valve stems, no patches, no cement, no vulcanlser no tire tools you don't have to buy any of these If you bave your car equipped with. I'niversal Tire- Filler. tt B. Bill HArim-lOE SAUi Monday only. Sept. Sth and I lit nnrra rh at. a s.- m. and 10th factory Prices. Cnma In an.l as I . ii ... tti uur irrmt ,JT.'"'I "kin. Main St. Rear of oldHev1ew Hldg. Kelt SALE Several houses, near In ery teasonahle. Terms also. One i -mom furnished bouse and 4 lota on pement. to trade for farm. Cash value t,HM). lhas. Kyes, J2 N. Pine Mr .! We write Insurance on your i-r-. ;rnu or automobile. "'"'" chance. phone !l and you are prelected at once. A. T. tjiwrenre Ae-.-nrv I ... a. . VSEIi KVlltn RAKQAlNeG: rorn touring. MI7 Kord touring. Ford touring. 1'U ford bug. fenders: new. Tnp and eitra wheel and lira, foot "rent condition : ."r 1 'en true cheap rST PAYMENT Pt.Ay MATHEWS stOTOR-X-CTlAVrtB. h.i -,7."r' srrald netmg on tine stream. Tl screw .. cottaV. L-1 'r: "'br small j - .mlTi"tiim. "cellent geld l.nn Implement ,'eoTT Prlc. tll.KM "AT0rT tlrT: - . - . MIXI-STKR STILL MISSING. - , PORTLAND, Or., Aug. Hi Rev. Jesse T. Anderson, the missing Marshtivld ? minister, bag not yet been lbcatcd after 4 a search of almoat . a week. Though the police bave made a determined ef ort to- locate " tho pastor they have been unable to tbia date to- get the lean trace of him and it la fiared he may have met with foul play. - . 4 NO DECISION DEBS CASE. . WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. Prealdent Harding will make no decision regarding Eugene V. Debt and other political prison era until after final ratification of the German treaty, Secretary Daugherty announced today,, following a White House con ferennce. RELIEF SHIPS SAIL FOR itrssiA. . LONDON, Aug. 27. Amerl- can relief ships sailed for Oils- tia today carrying eight thou- sand tons of foodstaffs. One ship will go to Reval and an- other to Petrograd. Ten thon- sand- more tons are being bought In America through New York headquarters and 4 will be tipped Immediately, ac- 4 cording to Lyman Mrown, bead- tag the relief work. ATTENTION NOBLES. Albany Shrlners' Club writes that they will entertain all the Shrine Clube of Western Oregon at a picnic Sept. 6th. Don't fail to respond to this generous invi tation from the, Al bany Nobles. ELIM SHRINE . Br Guy Black. pre,. JACKIE COOGAN IN (The Kid Himself) PECK. J? BAD BOY 2 WMEDY AND VOD-A-.TL a 4 J 15c TODAY OITfcT . - NORMA TALMADGE S A. the SnanUh nn. ., ha Tssssts 4 A. the Spanish Beauty for wboae r DenaYente '. vivid pUy, j The Passion Flower 5 , OB 11 mi, vrlth her smllea sob J lth her hate. 4 . . "THK WHIZBIlrn n nnn Roseburg, Orego Mra. J L. Boggt and a- and mother. Itfrs. SturgsaT here this afternoon from .Tui gele. to spend a sort whlto with friends n " tl mother are fnm.,.. Jvf??. city. - uaU u n, TEN AV8"oXLF I Tomatoes 60c per busbsl -a.,, run... Bring your box. T B sir Son, Dillard, Oregon. J I" Pisae rt.nk .. -vuw.wa ianu asassMf Service, are held Sunday nSE. - - - .'w-s, mis meeuog tettlmoniea of healing. SujdajarkZ eonvonet each Sunday BornisT, .9:46: all np to the age of is fj, are invited to attend. Ths rssZ room in th. rear of Usj. JI2 building la open dally exeat lT day. and Sundays, from I tol.T TKa n.iKllM I- ...... . .w 7 S S . w 10 umny untea It s- tend these services and vis tki reading room. Subject ot 8iaiirt leason It: "Christ Jesus " Used Gars We have the following Met cars, all In firs class ens tlon, on which we can save yea $50 to $900: 1918 1017 1020 1015 1016 1917 1018 Ford, touring tM Ford roadster . . .'. .SX Maxwell touring . ..$471 Studebaker touring M Dodge touring ....fgM Dodge touring . ...tTTO Oakland six touring UN TERMS TO 81TT. Service Garage GLENN H. TAXOIt, fWtsnf iwtMi. Bein' bad don't hurt you. I" what comet afterwards that causes all the grief. Cesnerally It', yonr Ma that afterwards; and the sure does wars a wicked wand. Folk, say I'm wicked and will fs where all bad boys go. Won't they be pleased whea oVf learn I'm In the movies! - 1 ' But I'm in good company. If S. Cobb 1. down here, too. He wrMJ my subtitles. Maybe you've aem of my friend Inr. He sometimes l pieces in the papers mostly wset the regular editors are twsy oa s cation. That', all. Gotta smash aaotast window now. . MOVIK. smllea am fonght, hi with her sob ve with -rrnrn am. rvMCDT.