tVMPJIUHQ wrvr,vrD.T, ACOVST M. Iw8. r- 9 How Far Will Your Dollar Go Today What you get for a dollar determines its value. And the secret of economical buying is information. The man or woman who is best informed is the one who buys to best advantage. Every day this newspaper contains information that you should have in order to increase your buying power. The advertisements are intimate little lessons in econo my. They are notices of how where when and for what your dollar will go farthest. This advertising awaits your pleasure. It does not force itself upon you. At your convenience you can study it to learn where to go for the product or service you require to discover where and how you can buy most easily and to best advantage. It's a fascinating and worth-while practice to see just how you can make your dollar do its best for you. The Advertisements will tell you a State Capital News In Brief (Newt-Review Salem Bureau.) SALEM, Or., Aug. 23. (Special ) Dr. R. E. L. Stelner, auperlntend- nt of the state hospital Cor the Id- - erans' state aid commission, and Ly eane, will place before the state' man O. Rice of Pendleton, also a ment of Walter H. Evans, of Port land to fill tbe vacancy on the cir cuit court bencb In Multnomah county and of Stanley Myera to take Mr. Evana' place aa dlalrlct attorney will aland aa first announced. George A. Willie, adjutant general and member of the world war vet- board of control abortly a propoxai to conatruct a ward for criminally Iniaoe at the tuts penitentiary. J. 8. Landers, well known western educator, who hai held Important positions In Oregon, baa been chosen member of the commission, are vis iting American Legion posts through the state. Members of the civilian rifle team that will repreaent Oregon at the na tional ahoot at Camp Perry. Ohio. by the board of regenla of the atata S"'n Aufu,t V" been T VJ uwiriuvr U1V.UU 1UI I Iowa: normal school at Monmouth ai preal dent of the school to succeed the late J. 11. Ackerman. The board previously had elected Dr. Fred C. Ayer of Seattle, but ha declined. Oovernor Olcott baa appointed Judge John MoCourt of Portland aa a member of the state supreme court to succeed Judge Charlea A. Johna. Judge Robert 8 Tucker, who waa flrat appolnti-d to fill the vacancy, baa declined to accept The appotnt- J. A. Churchill, atate superintendent of schools. Proceedings have been filed with the aupreuie court by the grievance committee of the Lane County Bar association of Leon R. Edmunson of Eugene. Ills whereabouts la un known to l.ane county authorltlea, who want him on a charge of violat ing tha prohibition law. Construction of the new state training school for boys will be de ferred until spring, so that weather will not Interfere with the building work after it haa been started Attorney Chrla Schuebel of Ore gon City, haa filed with the supreme court a bill of coata relative to tbe 1'nwley divorce auit of Oregon City. The cost of the appeal was $1483.80. Alicia Haunmermly A Wcman Who Wouldn't Remarry IbMsMi MR. LAKRABBEE, ATTORENT a. nnn. r tha maids wera In tha town apartment, 1 opened the door myself. . . . "I am Mr. Larrabkee. Is this Mrs. Benton?" said a very kindly looking middle-aged gentleman. ' No, I am Mra. namuicmj, Benton'a slater." "I would like very mucu w Mrs. Benton." Without waiting for me, Bao mata hr aDoearance. I am aira. Benton. Mr. Larrabbee. You have business with me? "Yea madame. Mr. Demon sem i." "Ob, it la something that be wants." . . "No, Mrs. Benton, i gauie from your busband'a conversation that It la not ne out you " a divorce." .... "Isn't it rather strange, mr. ir rabbte, that Mr. Benton should send his lawyer to met" "Not strange at an airs, oemuu. Vnur hn.h.nii asked ma to see you and attempt to make a reconcilia tion.. He la perfectly willing to cry 'percavi.' " "Oh, be ta willing to say, have alnner," la heT" 'Ver. Mrs. Benton, and being win ing to malm atonement ,ls forgive ness for him not to be found In your heart?" ' No, I am verv sorry but I ex pect that I am harder than most women. I di not think that Mr. Benton would forgive me under the aame circumstances." "Oh, I am quite sure that he would, Mra. Benton. The errand upon which be has sent ' me bere shows that." "Well, you may go to him and tell htm that you have been unsuccess ful." "I am very sorry, Mrs. Benton." Bab was silent "This la your unalterable deci sion?" "Yea." "Then Mr. Benton haa empowered me to make you another proposition. He will not In any way conteat your divorce and he wishes me to say to you that he bas made, or will make Immediately upon my return, an ali mony allowance to you of a hundred dollars a week." I looked at Bab to see what she waa going to do. It seemed to me that ahe must waver under such generosity aa this. From her face I saw that she waa not going to yield. Her Indignation had resolved itself Into a mere case of stubbornness. For a moment, I confess I bad no patience for her, and then, thinking of the long years ahead, the long years of loneliness loneliness that would have always a sting of gossip and scandal about It Instead of the kindly condolence or friends I made on mora effort to make ber change her mind. "Oh, Bab, won't you wait until to morrow? Remember this Is Irrev ocable after you have filed your papers. You know you have prom ised me to wait until tomorrow." "I promised you to wait until to morrow before I filed my papers, but I want Mr. Larrabbee and Mr. Benton also, to understand that I am only waiting because I have made that promise. You can tell Mr. Ben ton for me that I will accept the money which he bas tendered ma be cause I feel that It Is due me and you can also say to him that I will send my attorney to him tomorrow." "That will be unnecessary, Mra. Benton. Mr. Benton wished me to prepare your case for you, provided you desired It" "Thank you very much, Mr. Lar rabbee. That will be satisfactory to me." "Then I will bid you goodbye." Thoroughly disheartened, I left Bab without a word. I knew that she did not understand In any way the great importance of the step she was taking. For the first time I realized that she had always been a girl who had stubbornly carried out ber own ldeaa to the end. sne nau wanted to marry Duane Benton, and she had married him. And now she had said ahe was going to divorce Duane Benton, and she was going to do so. In a few minutes ahe came to the door of the nursery, where I had fled, and said: "Do you not think, Allx, that we had better go back to the shore? There is nothing to eat hera in the apartment and I do not feel like showing myself In any of the restaurants." "I guess that will be best," I ac quiesced. Silently we went down to where the motor had been standing all the day In front of the apartment. For tunately, we saw no one. And again we hardly spoke as we returned to our shore cottage. The sun waa setting In unwonted splendor. The whole earth was bathed in crimson and gold. But after the eventa of the afternoon It seemed to me that everything should be dull and gray. Again I had that awful feeling that has come over me every time I have passed through a great crisis the feeling of the Implacability of nature. I have never been able to gain sympathy from tie great moth er. Poets have sung of her great compassion for the woes of human ity, but to me, while ahe Is not mer ciless, she Is utterly Indifferent to either the woes or joys of man. Tomorrow Alicia's Love. 1 New Suits Vary Hieirg f a sr- I 11. W. McMrlde, Portland, captain: Edwin D. Whlteney of Portland, team coach. Team members R. 1). Archer. W. W. Phtlllns. James D. Fall, A. Flavins West and A. D.I George C. Winter, Southern Pa- 8chmldt, all of Portland; Harry Bnw-cl"c clerk and II. A. Tlbbltts, South- SB An ideal home fuel for oil cooks tor ea, oil beaters and oil lamp. Get It at your eeler'a. I 1.1 '5HI INTRODUCING MASON CORDS For a Limited Time We Will AUow You $5.00 On Your Old Casing In Exchange On a New Ma son Cord. Sixes 30x3) to 34x4 Making Cords Cost Same as Ordinary Fabric Tires. ers of COrvallls. O. Royce of Seaside, William F. Jones of Seaside and from Monitor, M O. White. Onmer naatle, Carl Jenaen and William Marts. The Associated Oil company of California has remitted to Secretary or Slate Koier 120.041.07, covering the tax on Its sales of gasoline In Oregon for the month of July. The company sold during the month .V475 gallons of gasoline and 65 4 HI gallona of distillate. From the Umatilla county farm bureau the sec retary has received $807.7 8 In taxes covering the aale of 40,13 gallon or gasoline. The stale board of rontml haa awarded contracts for the Installa tion of a new electric paeaenger ele vator in the state rapltol and a new electric freight elevator In the su preme court building. T. B. Ilandley, stale corporation commissioner, has announced that unpaid llcanae fees of corporations operating in Oregon are now delln quent and that Interest will be charged at ( per cent. Frank P. Ilramwell. state aunerln- tendent of banks, has completed liq uidation of the Yonralla State bank, which was closed In February, 1115. Douglas County Taioavera' leagne Is making an effort to eliminate the county educational board and the em Paciric agent at Myrtle Creek, have placed before Oovernor Olojitt their claim to a portion of the re ward offered for tbe rapture of Dr. R. M. Brumfleld of Roseburg, sus pected of the murder of Dennis Rus sell. They gave Information con cerning a package that was shipped to nrumfleld from Myrtle Creek to Seattle on July IS. O. R. Hoff. state treasurer, haa de livered to the I'nlted State National bank In Portland state highway bonds aggregating $2,000,000. They were aold at a recent meeting of the state hoard of rontrol, bringing S,-007.828. According to a report of T A. Raf fety, chief state truffle Inspector, representativea pf the department during Jtilv traveled 10.847 miles, visited 16) towns snd cities and were responsible In returning to the department license and other fees se gregating II 17.1. Fines during the month resulting from their aetlvi 'les totalled l7.1St.8fl. Movie Closeups Real gowna from the skilled banda of Parisian costumers display ed by a dozen mannlkins are an Im portant feature in "Sheltered Daugh ters," the Realart production with Justine Johnstone, which will show at the Antlers tonight. Theae gowna, 1921 summer and 'all models, are described as tbe very latest word In faablonable feminine attire. A special set was constructed to represent tbe establishment of a Fifth Avenue modlate, where much of Importanct action of the picture takea place. It la in this smart set ling that the heroine, played by Miaa Jobnatone, la transformed from an unattractive, poorly clad girl to a beautltul young woman, stylish, and captivating. Such a display of fash ionable garments as thia haa aeldom been presented In pictures. It la de clared. , time when gold see X ers flocked to that beautiful country. The Shell Oil company of Califor nia has remitted to the aeeretary of Vale ."47 .81, covering the tag on he company's sales of gasoline and IlK'lllste during July A rherk for 177.71 1.78. rnverlng a similar tax has been received from the Standard Oil company. Because of the lack of available Irplanea. the state forestry depart- nooi supervisory system, areordtngment Is considering abandoning the i.nwMn.nMi.w rernmg me omce ornlrnlnne forestry patrol In Oregon The elite of Slnna Ferry had fore gathered In honor of tbe "day-out" of Montana Rivera "That Girl Mon tana." It waa the bappleat moment of Tana'a life It meant that she waa recognised aa respectable. Then came the thunderbolt! "Whal're you doing among decent people? Main street'a the dead line for women like you! You traveled around dressed as a boy, with a lowdown crook .and now you aim to horn In with respectable folks!" This Is one of the gripping, tense snd dramatic moments in "That Girl Montana." Blanche Sweet's newest Jes D. Hampton-Pathe feature, showing at tha Liberty theater to night. It la a ptcturltation of Marah Kills Ryan's novel of the same name and relates tha terrific struggle of a girl to overcome the stigma of sins of which ahe waa Innocent. The ac tion of tha story takea place In Mon tana, along the Kootenai river at the Llla Lee, the charming Paramount film actress. Is becoming more pop ular with each new screen appear ance. She has an exceptionally fine role in support of Thomas Melghan In "The Easy Road," which comes to the Majestic theater tonight., and ner performance stamps her as an ac tress of exceptional power and ability. Mr. Melghan haa the role of a sallor-novellst who marries a rich woman and finding himself on easy street, neglects his work and be comes a drone. Llla Lee, as Ella Klotx, is saved by the novelist when she tries to commit suicide and this meeting results In his regeneration ana reunion wltb his estranged wife There are numerous strong situa tions in the story. Gladys George la leaaing woman. Tom Forman dir ected the picture. Bids will be received until noon. Aug. sum, oy the clerk of school dis trict No. 75. for the remodeling and repairing of Rellview vhMi i Specifications for this work can be oDiainea rrom the office of County Supt. of Schoola O. C. Brown, or from the clerk of district No. 75 (Signed) Lora M. Kester, Clerk DUt. No. 75. XOTJCE TO Ol'STOMERS AXD I'l'HLIO. We are atlll In k..t ..... . u u u n. u nun a larger garden than ever. Ready to accomtnnrintA all i v. . . . .uu luuiaioes. watermelons, sweet corn, also can- ....u, nu casaoaa in season, at niarket prices. T. B. EVAN3 SON, Dlllard, Oregon. TIM KEN anil TTVitt .,, ... i unci urar ings for cars and trucka at The nnrg- itsrae. THB new suits for tall have arrived In force and in variety and now It remains to be seen just which of the new styles will be so cordially received that they will develop into fashions. Apparently manufacturers have made a valiant effort to please everyone and the salient features of their offerings are these: the introduction of several type of suits and tbe variation of these types. An Inspection of the new modela shows tbat skirts remain practical and plain. The much heralded longer skirt la really here, but It la only slightly longer than conservative skirts of the passing season. The length of coata shows the greatest variation, be cause of the different types of suits which designers have UBed as a start ing point, but tbe general tendency, so far, Is In favor c those from finger tip to knee-length. The straight line silhouette has the confidence of de signers and the new models are uni formly smart. In sleeves and In col lars we are presented with a variety of developments; some of tat ttrf are quite large and are often a natural fur. They may be won J or fastened up high so that n I snuggles into them. Then ut i sleeves and bell sleeves, planjg trimming some fringes, sod M i broidery of silk and braid, lutm Include for the less elabonti gjla trlcotine serge, polret twill, dressier models, soft Snlalud toosi very rich looking fabrics of initl lab. A suit of trlcotine Is shorn fc picture. Its lines are excrilesi Ingeniously arranged and tholoitl both the skirt and coat mij be tut as authoritative. The coat li mi terestlng by Inset plaits imn back and by the new type of am) lble collar. Embroidery snd silk Inj combined make the decorttloat TRESPASS NOTICE. All persona are hereby warned not to hunt or otherwise treepasa on my ranches at Happy Valley and at Green. Any person violating this notice will be prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. 8. C. MILLER. NOTICE. Dr. R. P. and Pearl M. Chiropractic- Physicians. Tat In practice. Consultation fret. M 224, Perkins Bldg., BoselmaM 1000. . BrUM TatjW Bay Front Market Co., Marshfleld, Ore., ships Chinook salmon, pre paid, parcel post, for 16c per ponnd in first three xones. MR, XKUXKR COMKS TO THE FROXT rolls Hia Friends and Neighbors of His Experience. Ever? Rosehllrr real riant annnlil read What Mr. Netmer anva InH fol low his example. He has used Doan's n.iuney riua and apeaks from experl- ruve. is mere anv nee1 tn ernarl- Oient With imltationa nr tinlrlail bM. aey medicines? Geo. Knnner 7QA irn.. e (tosebarg. says: "I can recommend Doan's Kldnev Pllla a. a roii.M. remedy. I used them when mv kid neys troubled me and they promptly relieved me. My kidneys were out Of Order and I had anranaaa .! dull aching across mv hacv that made It hard for me to stoop. My kidneys acted lrreffnlarl im r heard Of Doan'a Km.m Dili, twin ing others and used them as directed. They relieved me of the achea and pains." Price SOc. at all n Imply ask for a kidney remedy rat u. .. t. i . ..... ... v. iviuney riua the same that Mr. Nenner ha4 r..i.un. rn .-o.. Mfm.. Buffalo V T Used Cars We have the following; awi care, aU In first class aa tlon, on which we can asw 1 $30 to $200: 1018 Ford touring 1017 Ford roadster 1020 Maxwell touring 1015 Studobaker touring H 1916 Dodge touring 1017 Podge touring 1018 Oakland six touring I" TERMS TO SITT. , Service Garage GLEXX a TAYLOR, Bo-1 - " - -- aasa1aa11.iMIitlt The v vi'v FlT-?- r0M'rc n v, Clancy Kids , ( ('""""v , i P , m $IRi , vfS Roseburg Tire Company Suva. I. -v- 1 1 ir -U(M tKW'