Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 23, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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tmiut, Atom mi.:
. - . & A A
w :
Time to Prepare Si:..
S School Shoes
" 4.
va : w -
K i You can now have your cover-
4 i alia, overall, and Jumpers dry
I cleaned Instead of washed. No
A I shrinkage, no aclda ud to eat
& I them out. Twice a week serrlce.
"a at Unndiv and Thuradar.- In In-
Goodyear welt sole keep the feet dry,
keep the feet In shape, wear long a won
derful new Stock tor this schot year now
in Lowest Prices and the Best Shoes
Fitting School Children
Our Specialty
for real
Bhoea that are made right give
you comfort and real aervice.
rtriv, out tomorrow. Some ear
rice! Laundry price charged.
Loren Hurvey, Afrr.
$3.50 $4-00 $4.50
A big aaaortment adapted eapecially
for school wear, real mahogany cair.
$2.50 $2-35 $3.50 $4.00
Agency for John Kelly fine shoes for Women
Shoe Dept. In Basement
la on Buaiaeaa-
Edwin Weaver of Myrtle Creek
spent the day In thla city attending
to varloua hualneaa mattera.
In Fnan Cnnyonvllle
Clyde Fullerton and Ralph Knight
of Canyonvllle apcnt several boura
here thla niorfijng attending tc var
loua hualneaa mattera.
kth ai'poixtmknt
Clarence K. Holcbklia of Port-
land waa nominated by the
president today to be United
Htstea marahal for Oregon.
Babe Ruth knocked hla 47(h
and 48th home rune in the flrat
and third lnntnga of the Yan-
kee-lndlnn game today, acorlug
Actors Attract Attention
The filming of the local talent . 011e .he,Q of nlm eacn tlme
luaay, mm uiuereni parta were laaen
about the streets.
In From IH.onvllle
ir. uu ira. u. v. vaugnn oi
uixonviiie motored to Id la city thla
morning, apendlng aeveral houra
with friends.
Itetnni from Medfn
Mr. and Mrs. J K. Dent and fam
ily returned thla afternoon from
M ixl ford after apendlng the paat
week on a vacation. Mr. Dent la In
the employ of the Weill Kargo Ei
preaa company.
aide of Mr. Gllea, but no aerloua In
juria were auatained. None of the
other member of the fire fighting
force were Injured, although it waa
overheard that one of them waa ao
badly frightened that he thought he
had been abut, Inatead of Mr. tllle.
Arrive From Ilrno
' Mra. William Fllagerald and little
daughter Wllma arrived bere from
Reno, Nevada thla afternoon to at
tend the funeral of Mra. Danlela, the
mother of Mra. Fitzgerald and of
Myrick Danlela.
Visit Hon
Mr. and Mra. B. A. Pert n,t
Roy left thla morning by automobile Leave for PiN-tUnd
for Halfway, Oregon, where they will
apend the next two weeka vUltlng
with their aon Ilruce, who la realding
Return Prom Trip
Mr. and Mr. W. D. Hell. Glenn II.
Taylor and Mini Stella llrvant re.
turned laat night from Crater I.ake
and aouthern Oregon polnte where
mey spent me paat few daya enjoy
ing vacation. The trip wa made
a iue formers machine.
A Mistaken Injury-
nue watching a arana fire near
mcir oomea laat evening M. K. Rice,
H. L. Ulle and J. O. Newland re-
quue a arare. a bullet waa
evidently In the graaa and when com
ing In contact with the fire waa dla-
cnargea it waa thrown up by the
Taextay & Wednesday
Blanche Sweet
in her greatest
screen creation
"That Girl
A Tom-Boy girl,
fighting her life
in the raw and '
rugged days of
the early West
A Dramatic Gem
A Western Classic
Comedy "Donkrv In
the Lion' Skin."
15 and 25c
Mr. and Mra. Roy McOee left for
Portland thla afternoon to aiiend
week shopping and vlxlllug with
In From Myrtle -ek
Mini llachael Wixon of Myrtle
Creek aiient the afternoon In thla
city attending to mattera of shop-
Mhimliig Kxclualve llct
The Columbia theater In Portland
la allowing riclualve picture of lr
It. M. Itrumflfld. taken during hi
aiay in mat city.
I'mleripi Operation
Thnae undergoing none and throat
operation at Merry hospital thla
morning were Mra. V T. Jackson
Josephine Tnnley, and Dorla MrOII
vary. Dr. A. C. Heely waa In attendance.
Kruwat Arundel mill accept
glnnera' claaa In violin atudy.
a be-
A 1 4
Tne funeral sertlres of the late
William (illlnsple llurney Dlion were
neld at Jour cemetery In Kdenhow
er thl mornlna. Uev. Caldwell of
the Firet llaptut church
Many beautiful floral otferlna .reio
Ready for bunlma no. In annet
to IVoplea Supply Store, ill South
Jarkaon SI. Shower and tub bath
will be ready aoon. Win. V. Keller
TO t't STmirn.s
W are ellll In bu.lnrr.t a lib a
larger garden than eter Heady to
accommodate all with tomato.
watermelon, aweet corn. Lo can-
telonpee and caaabaa In Kain at
market pri.f
Dlllard. Oregon.
HA I.I TAX. N. R Theda Para
movie star. Wills honovmonn.i.a in
I Kvangellna Land with her huhnJ.
R. J. Rrahant. Induced him to pur
chase 1000 acre fronting on An-
aapolla Baain. They are eomlna- back
neit year to build bone, and will
1 1 probably spend eom time In It each
Deputy Webb Re- -
Mains On Case
A rather atoriny aeaalon took place
laat night In the aherlff'a office when
Deputy Sheriff Webb threw hi jail
key on Sheriff Slariner'i deak and
walked from the room, eviuenuy
with the intention of resigning. Ac
cording to the atory told by Sheriff
. I . .. ( tl'a.l. n ..,4 u, lh
aherlff a office yeaterday avenlngT
and the ahsrlft requeated him to
serve eome papers on a party about
to n.ile dlatant from thla city.
Deputy Webb reached Into hla pocket
pulled forth the jail keya aud threw
them on Starmer'a deak with the re
mark, "I won't do it." The sheriff
saya he then waiaea irom uie room
without eaylng anytning lurtner.
Sheriff Starmer today refused to
comment on the occurrence further
than to atate tbat he waa too busy
with the lirumfleld caae to discus
Webb's resignation.
Mr. Webb waa interviewed also
this morning but he would made no
statements regarding his resignation
as chief deputy. He said tbat Dis
trict Attorney Neuner had requeated
that be be transferred to bla office
to work on tbe lirumfleld caae and
assist In assembling evidence for the
trial. He started on these new du
ties today. Mr. Webb I still wear
ing the atar of deputy and haa made
no official resignation, but he de
clared that he ia no longer aervlng
in that capacity. He will remain on
tbe Drumfleld caae until the caae
goea to the Jury.
In speaking of hla resignation as
chief deputy. Mr. Webb thla after
noon aald that a misunderatandlng
between the sheriff, the district at
torney and himself had caused the
trouble. Webb waa of the opinion
that he waa working under tbe or
der of the district attorney, that
official having requested hli- aervlcea
from the sheriff several diiys ago.
Webb supposed that Staruer had
consented to the change and aa a
reault he reported for duty to Neu
ner. Iite yeaterday evening, how
ever, Webb appeared at the sheriff's
office and was requeated to aerve
some paper. He Informed the sher
iff that he waa under the impression
that he waa working exclusively on
the lirumfleld case for the district
attorney Starmer told him that he
waa allll under hla ordera and the
result was that Webb aurrendered
bla keya
Mr. Webb, during his short time
a deputy sheriff, haa made a very
efficient official and hla many
friends throughout the county re
gret very much to see hi in resign
st this time. Mr. Webb has been
on the Krumfiold raso since the
start and waa one of those moat In
strumental In bringing about tbe
capture of the fugitive In Calgary.
Smokeless Summer
Almost A Reality
Effort towarda the "Smokeless
Summer" hare been more nearly auc
ceasful thla aeaaon to date than over
before 111 wentern Oregon, according
to report of state and federal fire
protection headquarter. Thl mean
that the tourist and the homeaeeker
hare reilly hern able to aee aome
llilng o! Hie stale's, reaourcea Instead
of riding tIiriM:t' n .letisr blanket of
smoke a:id carrying ay an opinion
of illsacreenbte unm, r condition.
Douglas co'infy Int had a ' l.- uilld !
summer In this rf npe. t n sr-li. of
the fact that the i-n ha been ;
unusually dry. tin ifce rmuqua tor-J
eat the best record In ninny years Is'
being hulls; up, though tbe mngrrsi
realize that there la atlll plenty ofi
time for had fire and they all i
knock mood" when speaking of the
present figure. A total of but 11
flrea have occurred on the National
forest, four of them being one-fourth
acre or smaller In alte and seren be
tween one-fourth and ten acre In
site. The total fire fUbtlng ;osfti.
asnie rrnm tbe expenses of the resel
ler protection force have been 9191
and thla Include an Item of 110
ior emergency ratlona.
Thla good record show the In
creased rare with fire taken hv the
nubile. 7S per cent of all flree In
(he pat have been man-made. Flaht-
tnc fire eot money and the neonle
of the Tnlled State are determined
1 V . . . . . ... . .
niai mresi lire snail not born on
ne remaining timber atinnlv. Ai
thl time when every effort la being
ni.ue in reuuee lavea. mere I no
more simple or effective war than
to continue the present splendid nub
ile rnnoeratlon In catting out the
nelee hevr expense of the averar
rear for fighting foret fire. Right
now a plea I made n the hundred
of Mr tie entering the forest on
hunting trip to obeerve the forwt
ervl.-e alngan. "Leave a cVan camp
and a dead lire."
Ride will be received nntll noon.
Aug Jflth. by the clerk of school dis
trict No. 7S. for the remodeling and
repairing of Rellrlew school
Specifications for thl ear e.n k
"ntaine. rrnm the office of County !
Sun! of School o r nn
from tbe clerk of d I trie! N'n ' i
'Signed) I .or u. K.t.r r-i-.w I
M.t. No. ?. "
It's time to think once
more of the problem of
Hosiery for the Children
hose that will stand
the wear and tear of
CARR'S Store is featur
ing Children's School
Hose, hose that will
wear and yet is inex-
Se'nsive 25c will buy a
andy, firm ribbed hose
for boys or girls, or a
lisle double foot fine rib
hose for girls. Don't
confuse these hose with
what you've been get
ting at 25c. We guar
antee this hose to give
satisfactory wear. We
sell a lot of hosiery and
our customers commend
our values. If you
haven't tried a pair of
Carr's hose, we invite
you to try a few pairs.
Hosiery for Fall is much
cheaper as our prices
will show.
School Hose
A medium weight 2 thread cot
ton hose, ribbed, for boys or
girls, spliced S thread heel and
toe. Just the hose for fall
school wear.
Girl's Fine Rib
Lisle School Hose
Full aeamieea Maco yarn In a
fin rib girls' school hose. Try
a few of these.
Boys' or Girl's
School Hose
Medium ribbed hose. If you
think your children can wear
the cheaper hose, this la a big
value for lSe.
Extra Heavy Boy's
Ribbed Hose.
This Is a real heavy weight
cotton hose that . will stand
rough wearing. For many
boys this Is the cheapest hose
you can buy.
Misses Lisle
School Hose
This Is the women's style fine
lisle, fashioned leg, double
sole hose, looks fine and wears
Other Styles as above
10c, 15c, 25c, 50c
a Pair
We carry a complete line, cot
ton lltlx. nrorcerUed ltsle hose.
You will n-i value received lii
every pair.
Thread Silk
Women's Hose
A pure thread silk boot hose,
fashioned leg, lisle top. For
wear and comfort try a pair.
Why pay more?
Art Silk
Fine Hose
A little extra care In washing
and art silk hose will out-wear
the pure ailk. .We carry a
full line of thla dressy hose.
Remember nothing aucceede
like eucceas, and so we Invitw
you to become a regular cus
tomer In our hosiery depart
ment We have too many sat
lsfled customers not to know
thst yon also will profit If you
Buy Your
til N. Jackson.
"We can ear To a money " .
w . . .?! A
- ARMORY. P- M. .-
Ladies J
. --Hi
BigaBlow-Oat" Is
Planned By Local
Band Thursday
The Roseburg band Is planning a
real blowout" for next Thursday
nirht according to A T. Lawrence,
a blowout that's going to make all
nrevlous concerts sound Ilk ten-dol
lar phonographs playing ten cent
The program Includes several new
features that have not been' pulled
at the other concerts. For one thing
tbe band Is going to clean the botch
er shops out of their supply of
wetners and feed them to the kids
of Roseburg at a free-for-all welner
roast, .
Then there'a to be a apeclal con
cert by the Umpqua Jubilee singers,
male chorus of twenty voice, also
number by Roseburg' Royal quar
The big feature of the evening will
be the community sing the first
real one of the season. It . is an
nounced, led hv a chorus of at leaat
fifty volcea and It will surpass each
and every community slnt that ha
ever been held in Roseburg.
Finally, there Is to be a fifteen
minute speech by some prominent
Roseburg man, the man and the sub-
lect to be announced later. "But
there'll be a speech by a prominent
man." Mr. Lawrence modestly guar
antee, "even If I have to make It
This will be by far the beat con
cert and program the band has held
this summer and a crowd Is expected
that will fill the court yard and the
nearby streets as well.
Marshfield Man
Declared Missing
Information was received here
from Portland this afternoon to the
effect that Rev. J. T. Anderson, a
Baptist minister from MarshfKeld, Is
reported to be missing and was last
seen In Portland on Saturday night.
A. C. Maraters of this city is a rela
tive of the missing man and the offi
cials were attempting to get In touch
with him this afternoon, but he was
on s trip to the country. From the
report made to the News-Review.
Rev. Anderson arrived In Portland
Friday from Marshfield and regis
tered at a hotel In that city. He was
due back in Marshfield on Sunday
to take charge of a funeral, but
failed to arrive, and his relatives Im
mediately wired the Portland offi
cials to make a search for him. It
was found that he had left the hotel
on Saturday night, leaving all of hi
baggage In his room. It la believed
that the man may be suffering from
a lapse of memory and officer thru-
out the atate have been asked to
watch for him.
htlFt RKNT 6 room furnUhed house.
InqiHr 131 N. Kllnt Bt.
WANTED All kinds of odd! JobX
K)tluhlld. Miller' Addition.
FOR SAI.K (lood econd band fruit
lTm. 84 Parrott St.
nut SALE Hurley-Davidson motor
cycl. cheap for cash. 10 So. Main.
Wilt" KAL.B 1!0 Kord aedan, wire
wheel, ahock absorbers, etc Good
eondltlnn.J I'hone 1S0-Y.
KOH KENT Three room apartment.
nicely furnished. 707 W. Mosher.
I'hone SS5-U
F)rt SALE One Wilton velvet rua.
xl2, and s three burner Clark Jewel
oil stnye. I'hone or call at
1137 N. Jackson St.
EOR 8AI.K Hudson speednter. Runs
ana look like new. A real snap If
tkn at once. Roseburg Tire Co..
i't lass 91.
Oood Overland rhsi with alx
cylinder Continental motor. Cord
urea w ould make One Hunt truck or
lu I'hone 513-R.
H'K SPECIALIZE In ladle' delicate
v.- -e. men' llk shirts and neck-"
l We make them look like new.
fur w.-:ci . r reasonable. Hoaeburg
r'K SALV -Carr.p wagon, complete
ith rn:'!rcia( built- in cupboard:
.mw i-minut- utfniiiM- tent. team.
v-m thlN- needful Will soil a'.l to
'' ;"''. r separate';-, limit Creek
why scKvt-.R Tsj. pvPirtE5r ?
nrn. insurance un oir hoowe, fur
ntt'ire, bn-.'n hay .,c au'omr.blle
Don't take !,, l'.)",., t'l.)Tf ft
:"d vu iiar rre. i, 4 M a t
Lawrer.ce ttn -. l. i srrer;
Flllt I1KNT-A .e.Vl'l'.rr !. fi-ch
elahl mile from inr-f j-.-ai
l-e rent Try cher J-"'! tu;.. 1
Irricatlf.n: aood lll.r-rMTTteni! H.-r
la your chance to act stan'.-- If ten
act qu4ck. S A. T. Ij'irrr e
. Aaencv. l:j"a Street. Pr,, ju.
I N I'll K AS E I CA HI NO " M I I.E AC. E-f Vl '
-rl Tire Filler I. n affn-ird b
hat or cold, therefore the trmn-rn-lurr
of the ca.ln la kept lower
worn dolna road work than when air
i ued. aivtna more mlleaa than
air SM W. Caaa.
'V,A't?llnf:nTS, fWtt CARBAI"
11:2 toorlnsr. Ilk a.w.
t't lord tourjne.
t's Kord tourina.
It art-Overland
.eb"1- tcomehtle bus:
All in coo.1 condition. A bara-aln In
ea-n ear. oCJod term Snot ca.h f..r
your car. er will sell It for nil 124
. si Phone III '
'S acre, of . f,Ui, Un4. ,,
mile, from tew a. nw Pacific Utah
he.Vie'. '"ZT pr- ace. f
III M'1"' p,h "er: over
eunaalow harn: chicken
l''e an lmpry.m.van n.',",
eno..b rrutt on the Xo pay for
inia oTmr. it wlll-ha VIMh
Tour ,,m. w 'priei !,Vt .ZSrX
are cordially invited by the Roseburg 1
National Bank and given the prompt,
courteous attention which makes It
so pleasant In transacting business.
Every facility to meet your requirements.
AX Interest raid on MYingg Accounts
TheRosebuift National BanK
Roseburg, Ore.
Local Talent
Featured In Films
The Addis film company started
filming the local talent play today
at 12:55, the first scene taking place
at the 'Southern Pacific depot. The
title of the picture is "A Wealthy
Financier from New York," and the
following leading characters were
chosen in the contest: Miss Lorriene
Conlee. leading lady, and Sam Camp
bell, leading man. Many others lo
cally will take part. Including boltr
boys and girls and merchants of this
The film will be shown at the
Liberty theater September 1 and 2.
The Addis company Is making a tour
this summer, vlBltlng various cities
and towns on the Pacflc coast and
takng 1000 feet ot film with local
actors and scenery. The contest de
ciding the leading lady and man
closed last evening. One vote was
allowed with each ticket to the thea
ter. A Charlie Chaplin contest was held
Saturday and another will be held
the last of this week. First, second
and third prises will be given the
best characterizations, and each boy
competing will be given a free ticket
to the show the nfeht the pictures
are shown. Mr. Addis states' that
It will take about four days to com
plete the filming ot the story.
SALEM, Or. Aug. 23. Thousands
of new homes and new farms In Ore
gon are going to be the outstanding
result of the state bonus ani loan
law voted by the people In June, ac
cording to George A. White, adjutant-general
and member of the Ore
gon bonus and loan commission. Mr.
White returned home .today from a
tour of eastern and central Oregon
with Captain Lyman O. Rice of Pen
dleton, also a member ot the com
mission. eLadlng towns In Hood
River, Wasco, Sherman, Jefferson ,
and Deschutes counties were visited.
"At AVAf-V nolflt rt-n ltl..
- - - - " BUI I'VJOl 1 1
assurance of the rnnneentlnn In km.
venting any abuses of the law," said !
voionei wnite. . "I believe the ex
service men themselves will be the
strongest factor In uwlnr In t
there Is no boorttns; of nrorjertv
values In land appraisals. They rea
lise that should communities set oi't
to get loan funds for their own de
velopment and without too strict a
regard for property values the state
'atcr would suffer heavy losses and
In such an event thp loan plan
would be a palpable failure.
"One particularly hopeful fact
that we found was that hundreds of
men wno cannot take the loan this
year, or possibly next, hanZj
to wait nntll the. ... .ZT ."f
the terms of a state loan ratkiS
take the Dltlan ft,
There are men, of course?
had such a hard time ot it ,imZ
return from the aervice ikt?Z
will feel comuelled 1. 1.1..T.
"The ex-se'rvlce man j .. J
seemed satisfied with thTsroo
made hv the eni..,." P?W
' n. .11 . o.iun. it w
explained to thom th.. .v. . T".
, l Urj l a l
came effective June 7, that th, bj
w.c. iu us ampinie by nu
and regulations, that admlaiiuJ
machinery had to be cret,7J
arrangements then made for 1
sale. No time has been wutJT
the commission In thl. .7,
bids on the first $"..000,000 la ,
i" vvj upeuea October 10. ft
win mane me money avallibU a:
In November. In the meutu.
waB expiainea, me commlisini
putting the forms of applluUos
the hands of elipihtoa mn .l
sands of claims can be gotten
reaainess for Immediate pari
when the cash la received froa
bond sale."
Mr. and Mrs. Frank ttKirru
Mrs. Emma Sturrl of alem .tj
in Roseburg Monday and rliltai M
a short time with Willard Rtmnuil
family. They are enroute to Glnl
dale where they will camp and imi
for several weeks. They art saiao
the trip In their machine.
O. 9. Weatner cmraaa. weal Mat
Aoaeoura, urisun, a. noura sasiaj
. BB.1
Prerlltatta ! leeke ItnlaM
lllerheat temperature yesterday .,
Ijoweat temperature last night ..
Precipitation last 24 hours
Total Drecip. sine first of nntl
Normal preclp. for this mooui..., AI
Total Drclo. from SeoL L 1111
to date B
Averaae preclp from Sept. 1. II" It.-!
iotal aenclency rrom cpi. 1. irn
Averaa-a DreclD. for wit tmiu
(September to Mai. Inc.) Its
Forecast to S p. m. tor MBtkVfllurt
Tonla-ht and Wednesday unttM
Representative in Roseburf
for large Corporation. Pre
vious experience not nec
sary if hard worker. Call
Hotel Umpqua
1 1 1
, 25c
"The Easy"Road"
WITH I. II. 4 l.r I.. AMI lll.AIIVa .KIllti;K.
A R.Miutnce of the Itiggeat, Finest Thingn You'll Ever Know.
r. An. a..u- .. . . . eaat f
m ' " .vnrn apuuetz wy nnaDania w ie v - - - pa.
2 '"'y come to be too wrar, too wasteful, goo IoshI of P
tk Here' a drama that eererw. the very Iteort of WHwl-e" msrr-t:
jj FI RPLK KIDUU SO. 8, AI lOMtvDY "sheltered Itaught era," wilh Juatlne JohntoneL
.. lWiriii io
Too Wise Wives
I t "
rasa ill.
t -