Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 23, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    bob pinna
ttbwpat, Avarm m, ittt.
txat nvw '
jSave Money"
gays uw ,
t. - - '
Ad et pore genuine chew
: Ksfaction, when you uH ,
This is because the full, rich,
S obacco taste lasts so
vou don't need fresh
SSlirly as often.
And a small chew gives more
Jf the ordinary kmd ever did.
iny man who uses the Real
ftbacco Chew will tell you
W ut "i too
or R TUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
- f
kind, of sheet meiai wm,
Lsnrnsce.. both pipe and
Oak Street.
Koseburg, Ore.
by '
ne oum of all tooth troubles
U the fermentation that takes
,Uct in the mouth.
Tie microbes that secrete the
wwerful . solvents that eat
Uroogh your tooth structure
cu not be successfully eom
btlled unless you seek the ad
Tlce of a dealiat.
Yos hive the benefit of my
bprrience, Efficiency and lie-
PDONK 4S8 Room 9
Automobile Tailor
Uuto tops and upholstering, mat-
trenes remade, touring cars al
tered to sleep In, dents removed
ii bodies and fenders by new
SI N. Jackson. Phone 838.
Myrtle Point,
Coquille and
Marshfield Stage
7-foseigtr Cddilbc-g Cars
Lmtm TJx.I T' -
Ijjjy uuiyque I u. m.
M to Myrtle Point, 16.41.
to Coquille. $7.00.
'r to Marshfield, $8.06.
liBliv . ....
5shing Machines
sajgEggWirt Ftace
ns I Chenoweth
48 Nations Will
Be Represented At
Geneva Assembly
TTnlri rrt.M Htaff Corresoondent.
rknrva. Aue. 23. The second
eeneral assembly of the league of
nations, which will begin a month's
seston here on September 6, will
constitute the nearest approach to a
world-wide congress that has ever
taken place.
Official advices received by the
secretariat from the forty-eight
states now members of tire league,
announce that all will have delega
tions present. Among the forty
eight delegations there will be rep
resentatives from at least two for
mer enemy states, namely, Austria
and Bulgaria. These were admitted
to membership during the closing
hours of the first assembly In De
cember of 'last year.
In addition It is practically . cer
tain that Hungary's application for
membership which has already been
received will be accepted In time to
permit of her participation in at
least a portion, of the - assembly's
work. , '
In the event Germany applies foi
membership there is little doubt but
she will also be admitted, although a
fight might possibly be put up to de
lay her admission until towards the
clos of the assembly - so that she
could not begin full active participa
tion In the league until the 1922 as
With the certain admission of
Hungary and the very probable ad
mission of Germany, only four great
states will then remain out of the
league, namely, the United States,
Russia, Mexico and Turkey.
This year there will be little If any
question of organization to be dis
posed of, as the league Is already
functioning fully, and there will be
very little new business.
Orre of the new Items that must
be passed upon, however, and which
promisee a sharp conflict la the re
quest or Bolivia to revise her treaty
of 1904 with ChllL under the terms
of which she. -is eft off from access
to tne sea.
The assembly will .also he called
upon to pass upon the report of the
work done by the council since the
last assembly and which wilt include
the tettlemeut of the Aalanda island
dispute between Finland and Swe
den; the- settlement of the Danzig
ad Polish controversy and the pro
gress made towards the final settle
ment of the Follsh-Lithuanlan-VUna
The assembly must also a-lv fi
ecision on the famous Argentine
aineudmeut which resulted In the
withdrawal of the Argentine dylega-
i.uu inn year, mis anierrninum
would entitle evenr state in rimi.
sion In the league except those who
do not wish to Join.
in addition, the assemblv will '
upon the progress made by Its vari
ous commissions for
the suppression of ontum and th
white slave traffic; the establish
ment of the league's economic hlnek.
ade; the establishment of an inter
national health organization: the
progress of the International labor
bureau and the establishment of the
league's International court of Jus-
i ine nague.
Open Day and Night
Cor. Cass & Sheridan Sts.
Our new Fall and
Winter Samples
Are here for
Your inspection.
Come in and
Be suited
Onr Aoto Will OalL
Pbone 87T .
Say Aatavicaa High Commit.
tioaer. CoogrMa Is Told of
Croat Accomplishment
Washington. The annual report
of the activities of the Near East Re
lief organisation, filed with Congress
by Charles V. Vlckrey, General Sec
retary, constitutes the modest history
of one of the greatest pieces of phil
anthropic work ever undertaken and
carried through by American' men
and women, according to well In
formed persons la the capital. Ad-
Radio Controlled
Auto Being Deve
loped By The Army
(United frvss tmrr Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Auk. 23 Next
on the program of Twentieth Cen
tury progress la til radio controlled
The air service engineers at Mo-
Cook Field, Dayton, Ohio, have in
uieir possession an invention which
makes it possible for them to drive
three-wheeled automobile from
the oflce. They can make the ma-
hine dart about the field, make It
stop suddenly with a screeching of
brakes; cause It to turn to the right
or left and make It do everything
that the driver at the wheel may call
This automobile Is about eight
feet long, runs on three pneumatti
tired wheels and has a speed ranging
from four to ten miles an hour. It
has no serial or antenna system visi
The "selector" does the work
The "selector" Is the heart of the
mass of machinery under the hood,
and receives and distributes the Im
pulses wirelessed by the men at the
radio controls. The "selector" op
erates 12 controls and can put one
into action within less than a second
after the pusb-button at the trans
mitter In the radio station Is pressed.
The car can be controlled from the
ground and from airplane, the test
showed. Aside from the value of
he radio controlled car In times of
peace the contrivance will be Inval
uable In time of war, It was pointed
out. -
Great tanks, filled with high ex
plosive could be launched against the
enemy without endangering mem
bers, of the attackng force. Shps
laden with TNT could be directed
against battleships. Even airplanes
could be loaded with explosives and
dropped at a given point within the
enemy lines.
The engineers are hard at work
with the exception of Improving the
mlral .Mark L. Bristol, United
States High Commissioner to Turkey,
tor example, declare:
"I have been closely associated
with the work of the Near East
Relief committee for about 22
months. On the whole the work
of th)s relief committee has been
such that Americana should be
proud of this great humane ef
. tort. The Near East Relief here
In Constantinople la run more
like a business organisation
than any relief organization
with which I have ever come
Into contact."
Charles V. Vlckrey'a summary of
the activities of the Near East Relief
hows the disbursement of over
160,000,000.00 in cash and supplies,
contributed by the American people
to the salvaging of the Christian pop
ulations ot the Near East. 711
American and Canadian men and
women relief workers have been en
gaged in this huge task on little
more than a volunteer basis. 68
hospitals, with 6,522 beds, and 123
clinics; 11 rescue homes, where
young girls rescued from Uvea of
shame In Turkish harems are taught
to forget their sufferings, and to be
gin life anew, self-supporting and
independent, are maintained. t
110,000 Little Children
The most remarkable feature of
the work of the Near East Relief is,
however, the salvation of tens of
thousands of children who have lost
parents and relatives during the past
tlx years. For these little ones Amer
ican v hu, nmvtflAft. throuirh
apparatus to tbe point where Its op- j the Near East Relief, SI It 9 homes
eration will be simple and practlca-' one. In Alexandropol, Armenia, houe-
Pack horses and guides for that
trip up the North Umpqua. Address
or phone N. U. Packers and Ouldes
Assn., Hoaglln, Ore. Larkln Rice,
Sec. Phone 36-F21.
A special meeting of the Oak
Camp Lodge No. 125, W. O. W., was
held last night, at which time deputy
head council E. T. Marten and dis
trict manager Charles Wilson were
present. Among other business that
was taken up It was decided to put
on a special campaign ror new mem
bers, and each member securing a
new member between now and the
first of the year Is to be awarded a
ten-pound turkey. At least fifty new
members are expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slocnm and
two children Rex and Margaret, ar
rived in this city last evening. The
trip was made In their machine. Mr.
and Mrs Slocum recently sold their
place of business and are now on
their way to Portland, where they
will locate permanently. They are
glad to get back to Rosebufg to visit
wun toeir tunny iiimuo.
Goodrich Tire Service.
A. Lockwood Motor Co.
AIAI'OB, Aactloaeer, gets high 1
MS N. Pine tn.
A r. t. ewes cut riowera. pneae
see. 401 W. case.
OS. M. m. pi.ti.sui cnirepraetM
fhyslelse. Ill V
Cylinder Re-Boring
Oaly sis sills n tniea; m
a taw cowty. fa pert sue
aa a owns. MAia.
Twrnty years errperirace. Addnws
V. F. HHWH. THTonTlll. fhr.
Claae starts Sept- Paatle
wariians. hmmHm write
P. V. HlrWCH. Wsoiivira, On.
A Simple and Striking Evening
- Gown of Flowered Chiffon
A Marion Davie Model
A Pretty Evening Gown, Original and
Inexpensive; -
". '.' By MARION DAVIES . '
ma Siw at "The Rettbes See,1 "BarieS Twee-.' M.
I thought long and worked long over this cunning evening
gown until I (truck just the note I wanted. When yon try it for
yoorself you will be a delighted as I with the result. Youthful,
mart and dainty, it is also durable and can be worn many tune.
An evening gown, above all other dresses, must have individ
uality. That was my aim in designing this model, and I feel very
satisfied with my labors, -
It it of flowered and beaded chiffon with a bias banding at the
bottom of the skirt forming a scallop. . The girdle I made of silver
brocade and then I took a narrow beaded girdle that I had on
another drees of jade green to form the shoulder straps. I was very
proud of that invention and doubtless you have something of the'
same kind which will save you the expense of buying something new.
It u caught in a V shape at the center back of the bodice and also'
tacked at the waistline to detract from the weight of the beads. The,
body of the bodice and the foundation skirt 1 made of silver doth.;
Gold cloth or heavy satin can be used as well. This dress takes four
yards, thirty-six inches wide, of the chiffon and two and three-fourths
yi-ds of the silver cloth. It ought not to cost more than $15 or $20, '
and by careful buying it can be made even more cheaply.
This pattern is drawn on a one-sixteenth reduction scale for a
sixe 36. I will be glad to answer any. questions about anything ia
the directions that is not perfectly clear. Address me at CosmopoM
rUn Prc actions, 127th Street, New York City.
ing 18,000 children where, last
year, 64.600 children were housed,
clothed, fed and taught, while an ad
ditional 66,038, outside the Near
East Relief orphanages, were saved
from starvation and death by food
and clothing sent them from the
United States.
Mr. Vlckrey's report states that
approximately 2,790,490 Armenians
are still living in too Near East, out
of a pre-war population of over
6,000,000 and estimates that had it
not been for the aid given by the
American people through the Near
East Relief, fully halt ot tnose now
living would have perished. Food
was furnished to &61.97U nomeiess
refugees during a large part ot 1920,
while (00,000 garments, comprising
1.600.000 pounds of clothing sent
out from the United States were dis
tributed to barefoot and rag-clad
wanderers, all the way from tbe
Mediterranean to the Caucasus
f . Work Must Continue
Commenting on these figures Mr.
Vlckrey stated that " this distinctive
ly humanitarian relief work, as an
expression of brotherhood, should
help to mark tne Beginning oi a new
era of peace and Inter-racial good
will In the Near fcaeu
The tremendous task undertaken
by the American people in saving the
children of the Near Kast Is one
which cannot be left unfinished. We
have an Investment of over 160.000-
000 In human life, that America Das
saved. If we falter or pause now,
that Investment Is imperiled, or may
even be lost altogether. Moat of the
children we have saved from death
are still too little to take care or
themselves, and conditions through
out the Near East are still too
uncertain to let them shift for them
selves. It Is morally sure that for at
least five years, and until these little
ones that we have snatched from a
terrible fate are able to support
themselves and enjoy an even chance
of life as useful citizens, tne Amer
ican people who have rescued them
must see them through.
"It Is the purpose of the Near East
Relief to do just this, snd we appeal
to the generosity of the American
eaonle to eee this noble work to rar-
rled out In tbe spirit of mutual help
fulness and Christian charity whlch(
Is so essentisny cnaracivrBuc oi me
American Meal
Contributions to the work ef the
Near East Relief msy ne sent to
rievelsad H. Dodge. Treasurer
kadlson Ave.. New York City.
TIM KEN and HYATT roller bear-
Is ga far ears aaa trucks at The
Agee Murder Case
Being Investigated
PORTLAND, Aug. 23. A second
Investigation ot the murder of Harry
Agee began today when Mrs. Louise
Agee will appear before the Mult
nomah county grand jury as a re
sult ot her recent offer to do every
thing she can to aid In the arrest of
the murderer ot her husband.
Mrs. Agee, who was Indicted for
drat degree murder and acquitted,
visited District Attorney Hammersly
in company with her father yester
day morning. J. H. Klecker, Mrs.
Agee's reputed admirer at the time
of the killing, also appeared before
the district attorney.
Mr. Hammersly said that this
Investigation had no definite signifi
cance. He said It was a duty to the
public that thvs Inquiry Into the mur
der of Agee be pursued so long at
there was a possible chance of solv
ing the mystery.
Mrs. Agee so far never has ap
peared before a grand jury, he said.
and following her offer of about ten
ays ago to assist In any way she
could In solving the mystery of her
husband s death, the district attor
ney's office has decided to avail Itself
of whatever Information might be
forthcoming from a second Investi
'We know nothing further now,'
Mr. Hammersly said, "than we did at
the end of the trial, nor do we know
whether the second Investigation will
rtfveal any new facts. We are merely
accepting Mrs. Agee's offer In the
ope that something may come out
which will aid us in discovering the
murderer. Mrs. Agee appeared be
fore me yesterday morning and will
appear before the grand jury today.
in connection with
fair at Canyonvllle.
Eugene Visitor
A. J. Daniels of Eugene Is spend
Ing several days In this vicinity st-
tendlng to various business matters.
the community
On Vacation '
Rev. J. C. Jones left today tor the
lclnlty of Gllu, wuere he will spend
a few days hunting. In company with
John and Burley Wright. The offt-
ial board of his church very kindly
voted him a vacation at this time.
Here Front Klamath '
Mrs. D. N. Gilmore, former resi
dent ot this city, Is spendng a week
or ten days' visit here with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore and family
have been making their home In the
Falls for the past year.
Receives Pay Cliecks
Captain Stoddard this morning re
ceived the first Installment of pay
hocks for the local company.
amounting to $1180. The total
amount pf pay for six month s ser
vice will amount to $3000
iti turn From Cmp
C. S. Helnllne and wife returned
esterday from Camp Illdeway above
he Wolf creek ranger station, where
hey have spent the past two weeks.
The camp Is now occupied by ltev.
3 W. Warrington and wife, who
vill remain there until the last of
tbe week.
eeda New Postmaster
Peel is likely to be without mall
service this winter unless the far
mers agree to raise enough money
o pay his salary. Lafe Kngels, who
nas occupied the pouiliuii of poj.
master for the past ten yearn, is anx
ious lo give up his job and uiilesa
another postmaster can be secured
within a short time reel resiueiun
will have to go xo Glide ror their
Local Couple v
' Wed Today
A pretty wedding took place this
morning wlien Mabel R. Saunders
became the bride ot Robert L.
Urockley. The marriage took place '
at the home ot the bride's parents In
this city.
The bride has been employed as .
operator at the telephone office and
Mr. ltrockley has nlsu been employed
by the sume company throughout the
punt winter. The wedding comes as a .
lonipletp surprlHO to their many
friends hero, who join in wishing .
thorn every happinexs during their
wedded life. They will be at some ,
to tholr friends In this city following
a two weeks' vacation trip
o "
Umpqua Post To
Picnic Tonight
The Umpqua I'cst, American l.J
glon and Auxiliary will join in a big
picnic and swimming parly this even
ing at the forks o; the river. All
members are to be at the armory
promptly at 6 o'clock. Transporta
tion will he furnished those not hav
ing cars at their disposal.
This is a final get-to-gother fur
both orgunizatnns, and a large crowd
is expected. Plenty of eats and var
ious amusements have been provided
by the committee lu charge.
Goodrich Tire Service, Bee us. tj. '
A. Lockwood Motor Co.
nvoniMire. Ilelln Case. Phono 391-1.. ,
Here From C Ye" well
Miss Jessie E. May of Creswell Is
spending several days In this city
visiting with friends.
In From Dlllard
Miss Alvlra Lewis spent the day
In this city from her home near Dll
lard to attend to matters of shop
Ping ,
Here From Coquille
M. R. Royd, prominent resident of
Coquille, Is spending several days in
this city attending to matters oi
business Importance.
Onrvallls Visitor
Paul Marls, a prominent business
man of Corvallls. arrived In the rlty
yesterday to spend several days In
this vicinity looking arter business
Iurrluww New Home-
Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Lllhurn, re
cently purchased a fine home In
Laurelwood addition. They will
make their home there In the near
Wrx-fc-rnri at Crania Pans-
Mrs. Rot MrOee. In compsny with
her mother, Mrs. I O. Newell, en
loved the week-end at Grants Psss.
They were also accompanied by Miss
Olive Courtney and Leo uevaney.
Attending Demon t ml Ion
County Agent H. E. Haslett left
this morning for Elkton to attend
the poultry culling demonstration.
This afternoon a second aesaonstra-
tloa was held at Kellogg. Another
aessealrslloai win he acta teeaorrew
Douglas County Light and Water Co.
Reduced Prices on Fruit Jars.
E.Z. Seal Half Pints, per doz $1.25
" " Pints, per doz 1.30
" " Quarts, " 1.C0
" J gals. " 41 2.00
DREY MASON Pints, per doz 1.15
Quarts, " " 1.35
ECONOMY Pints, per doz 1.35
" .Quarts, " " 1.55
J Gals. " 1.90
Also a full stock of JELLY GLASSES, CAPS
and RUBBERS. ,