Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 22, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    miww rawMavnil Wove at, Aretsf u. int.
FAgh rom
It's time to think once
more of the problem of
Hosiery for theChildren
hose that will stand
the wear and tear of
CAKR'S Store is featur
ing Children's School
Hose, hose that will
wear and yet is inex
pensive 25c wili buy a
dar.dy, firm ribbed hose
for boys or girls, or a
lisle double foot fine rib
hose for girls. Don't
confuse these hose with
what you've been get
ting at 2oc. We guar
antee this hose to give
satisfactory wear. We
sell a lot of hosiery and
our customers commend
our values. If you
haven't tried a pair of
Larrs hose, we invite
you to try a few pairs,
Hosiery for Fall is much
cheaper as our prices
will show.
School Hose
A medium weight ! thread rut-
ton hose, ribbed, for bovs or
tirls, spliced 3 thread heel and
Iim. Just the hose for fall
school wear.
Girl's Fine Rib
Lisle School Hose
Pull seamleaa Mara Tarn In
fltvo rib alrls' arhool hose. Try
lew or tnese
Boys' or Girl's
School Hose
Milium ribb.d hoaa. If you
think your children ran wear
the cheaper how. thla la a big
value fur 15c.
Extra Heavy Boy's
Ribbed Hose.
Thla li a real heavy weljht
ration hne that will atand
n.urh wearing. For many
buys thla ia tint cheapest hose
you ran hoy
Misses Lisle
School Hose
This li the women's atvle fine
Hale, fashioned leg. double
aole hose, looks fine and meara
Other Styles as above
10c. 15c.25c,50c
a Pair
We rai r) a c.m.i.lete ln.e c.i.
ton l!le. nivrc. rlr. . noM
Wu ."l vain revelv.-d in
rery p,ir
Thread Silk
Wonifn'a lln.o
A pure thread silk boot hose.
la.nunieu Inc. h.i,. t,,,, y r
ear and (oliiMit try
W. h V m v ii.,r
Art Silk
Fine Hose
A little extra car In wajhii.j-
on an ana r,e wilt ,ni, ,,r
" pure .: u , ,,rr, ,
on line or l n a diessy hp..
Hemertiber nmhi, ... ....
use succeaa. and ao we Icvi-s.
you to become m
ooier in our ho-lcry depart
merit, we have too man.
laned customer ...
that you alao will profit
pa r
Buy Your
til N Jack sua.
"We ran aav too moeev
HT! I rut.i rirtlaiel
Kay Lar.ey of Portland arrived 1l
tbli city last evening tu spend it'
ral weeks isi 1 : n c nh hi. mother
Vuncalla Visitor
Hoy tndrews of Yoncalla spent
the week-end In tliii city attendiuK
to business mailer.
Ilrri"lu:ic Vtellor
K. Nadon of IUrr:urr spent the
week-end In tins city attending to
various business niatiers aud visiting
with fri nds.
Here on Ituslacaui
1. 8. Weaier of Myrtle Cre, k wan
In this riiy yesterday visiting with
friendj and attending lo various
business matters.
KHikalU I. KiMr-iiurir
C. II. Kl'ikald. ot the Mettopoli-
lan I.lfe Insurance office, la in Itus.
I ourg for a few davi on !uluess
j Kugene Gti-ird.
1 Merlin isitor
I .Mr. and Mra. C. J Eldon. Mr and
I Mrs W. T Joplin aere among thjse
I from Meilin spending the meek-end
'here with friends and relatives.
In Prom ('Mi'1
Shirley Clayton. resident of
Carnes. ta spending several d iys in
I this city attending to business mat
IWt I'or Itnlnler I'ark
James k. Saaycra and wife lefi
yesterday afternoon by auto for
llaliiier National park, where they
wlil enjoy a short outing.
In Mmmj(iii
Mrs. I. vie Mar-sters and twin Craig.
( of Happy Valley. sjieilt the morning
in this city attending lo matters of
Ijrwvea on Hunliiuf Trlk
I Kay penre and Joe N'ee are leav
ing this afternoon for Kali creek dis
trict where they will enjoy a few
I days hunting
Itrtuma fnnti it
I II. C. Parslow and family and Ku
aell Mnintt relumed yterday from
a thre weeks' outing apent at Sea
side and other roast resorts.
ICe4iirn l.n Mar.hrU-l.l
Mr. and Mra. Fred Powell and
Mra. Woodier Stephenson returueii
yaterday In the foriuer'a tuahin.'
from Marsbfield afler enjoying the
Klks ronventlun.
i In Marliftc-I.l
Mr. and .Mrs. llarley- Falbe are en
Joying a two weeks' vacation in the
vicinity of Marxhfleld and Handnn
They are former residents of that
lUturn To Vl.l.lle
Mr. and Mrs. K.dwln Weaver and
Iave t'rostiy were among the Hiddie
ites who relumed to their home this
morning, after enjoying the conven
tion In Marshfleld.
Home to rottaure (inivr
Mr and Mra. 3 K. and
daughter returned on Saturday to
their home at Cottage ilrore, after
a delightful Malt here with Mrs
Smith Waller.
To (.nulla Vmm Hunting
Key. tiuy Fitch Phelpa and hU
nephew, tiuy Whitney, left tht
morning for liranta Pass, where they
will hunt for aeveral days In ihl
Itogue river district.
lUMuni Knm (Mintion
The special car loaded wllh Klks
relumed last nlglil from the Marsh
field convention. Mony ot the local
residents who made the tr.p by auto
also returned yesterday. They re
pomd the Coos Bay jon rosl la
ery ixid condition.
Vki Is Irntmui
Misa Blanche LaLy. daughter ot
Mra. Elvauor Lahty, lelt Friday for
Ta'-orf.a. where sh will TIs;; uuUl
Chni'.inai wltu her brottor .Veal,
a ho reiides a: that place.
lUftunu fruni Soutu
.Mrs. L. H. imith returned from
ijakUnl. t'jlir.. last tvenlng. aftr
p-iiding tha past aiv montba visiting
nh her daughter Beatrice, who la
attending Berkeley.
Fair Serle to !
Tne first of a series of commu
nity f.ilrs will open at I'anyonUII
on Wednesday of this week. The in
dustrial clubs of Ibat district bate
be-n working bard and a gooj ex-
t. la expected.
Ilelunia to IUeHurv
Miss Florence Siunott. who baa
i.e.n Hie guest of her slater, Miss
uldred Sinnott. of the Sluslaw lor-
en oflice. for several days, baa re
turned to her home at Koaeburg.
'ugene tluard
To Mr. and Mrs. funis Calkins.
at Mercy hospital this morning
baby toy. Their many friends wish
to congratulate them upon the new-
arrival. Hotn mother and eon are
doing nicely.
I hi t'aiiilitrue Trip
t'liarles Stanton, a member of the
reportor:al staff of the News-Ker'. a
In cotiipany with his wife, left thla
morning for While Kock, where they
will enjoy a two weeks' camping trip,
lot urn Till Wo-k
Mr and Mrs. Charle Heinllne,
who are enjoying an outing on the
north t'ni;"iua will return here the
middle of this week.
Oil Camping Trip
Kev. and Mrs. E. W. Warrington
and family reft this morning in their
machine for Wolf Creek, where they
will remain a week enjoying a camp
ing outing.
Here From S.iiitli
I. r. Powell, of Barstow. Calif., ia
pending several day in this vicinity
sttendn-r. to various business mat
ters. Mr. Powell owns a large prurre
orchard on the Curry tract of lan da.
Ml Hunting Trip I
JkRHQ&r. P. M.
Oentlimeo t9
Ladies to
Yon Can now hare onr rover-
alia, overalls, and Jumpers dry
cleaned Instead of washed. No
shrinkage, no acids used to eat
them out. Twice a week service.
Monday and Thursday. In to-
day. out tomonoa. j-onie aer-
vioe: Laundry pr.cea charged.
Lorea H.L-re. MfT.
Douglas Pioneer
Brum field In Rage
When Questioned
On Murder Case
(Continued From Page One )
quiet disposition lo or of a urrii'le
Ir. A. F. Setter Ait irney Itiet
appeared at the jail to n,ake an ex
amination of tlie p':s.iuer's puysica!
condition. Some -polled meat which
the prisoner bad cj-.en yes:erday had
upset his aton-.acfl. and Brunifield's
attorney had sumainued the d'M-tor.
It waa found that tue man was f.el
Ing better today and not suffering
from the effects of the food he had
consumed. Ilr. S-ther made an in
spection of the quarters on the up
per and lower floors of the jail, in
an interview this afternoou he staled
that ttrere was absolutely jj choice
of quarters, that Is. the o-lls oa th
t'pper floor wer rA one bit better
ttar those on tje lower floor
A. N. Orcur. one of's
Carl ilia, k ri,.H c,v. v-.i.v . attorneys, in a atatemeat today said
Wr'ght and Royal Carter left this ' ta'' nl ,nlr'rl'-'u 'Is prisoner
Ne have the following l( .1
cars, all In flrM rU condi
tio, hi which we van save )ou
a-Vi to svjoo:
1IN I or.1 touring a.ti xi
ll 1 7 tor.1 roaiMer ... .ta.N
IW.1l Matwall touting . . T.-V
IKI Mml.-lMkrr louring lix
1WIII ISxlKe tomliig . . .LVI
HIT IhxUe lourtn .. T7."
1WIM Oakland six touring ksMni
ltllVK To st If.
Service Garage
I.I I NN H. HUt, IWt.urg
atternoon by maihine for Illack's
nnmestead aiove Peel, where they
win enjoy a rew days hunting.
Here Fneil (jut Angele
Krnest Arundel, formerly of
hurg. hut now unployed at m An-
gei.-s. is home for a summer visit
itn his parents He will probably
remain a couple of months.
Pnys Fine
Jean Kenny appeared before Jjs-
.ice of th IVa -e (leorge Jones Sat
urday afi-rnoon and paid a fine of
i ... ana costs for burning slashings
without a permit, lie was arrested
on the complaint of a fire wardu.
Irlt For Fugeno
Veima Anderson, who has for the
i""' '" visiting at the Pierce
home on lVer creek, returned ye
verday to her home in Engene. She
was accompanied by Helen Pierce
uo win remain In Eugene
week or ten days
'"eve For tYater Iatke
T J Medley and family. C 1.
i h-noweth and fauulv. and O Sblr
! v and family, all of Oakland, left
I is morning for I'ra-er Uke and
Kian.ath Falls. Thev are making
..e ir.p i,y auto and will be
a -out t. n days.
In Kans iity
A'.'onling to word
'ri-nil, here Mr
for a
Hill, of the
reeeired Dv
and Mrs. Clarence
Antb-rs theater, are si'H
"ing In Kansas City and will re
II there three or f.ntr w-eks long
i.. fore returning to ttooh.... u.
d I .11 he was anvlr... tr.
. i. a to i, c.ts lountry"
(1.n,lilH.n I ii-tiaiige.l
AMh'ir lUvward. ag.-,l
'eri..inl, n a. ! ,,,,
-H- on Mil' stre. t T
louay were aiojg nnaiicial iines
ttrvmneJd Is i.ixius to conve:i h:s
holdings into rail; in order to satisfy
his creditors. I'ntil this is done. At
torney fjreutt said, the man wcuM
not talk concerning the case.
Dr. Brumfirld appears to be just
as rrucn at home in the cell of the
jail as he eld in n s dental oHiC- i:
the Perkins building. He is dressed
very neatly, wvlks In the same erect
manner, and is courteous to those
roout blm. Tin? n ly persons he has
taken a violent to tre news
paper reporters, and wbvn they are
acounu mm ce u rry irritable and
tut rose.
When quAstto" ed further todrvy.
uiuioin-iu situ rei'jsecj to discuss '.ne
The following r.lreet quemlon was
aaea or mm; too claim to hav
a lapse ut memory sine :lic
sunaay prece.llij the crime. Can
you explain why It is you appeared
perfectly norm.vl in vour dt,tai of
fice oa the day ..f July UtU. the .lay
of ihe murder?"
He suill.-d anj ah.M.k hi t. . i
No-" J' 'o ay. "It's note of your
Hilt si,-
years. I
When Sheriff Starmer reatp,;rJ
in Brumfi-ld's. cstli following tae d
panure of the Xews-Review r. nr
entatne. Brumtiild was in a r-ght-
... ne roia tee ta-r.'f m
bested tones ,,f tho inrervirw, a .d
'1 11 never talk t- that man ag- n
l-ng a. I r... Nl. ,- Bot ll!K'"
see him. he mikes me mid '
,. Tao vj .cass. the pro.iT-v p.
M P'-niflell. arrive he- hy .j.
of his par-! tv.: . r?l " al -'0'. Canada
e rh M Is I. . ----- . am 'lis l-rsc .,1
n rr"m ""i"--H-. which has re- man .; . . c of ""r '
e.i from a fall .: h he s astained Ty", t ' "V '
r! wV. .ilV The lv has' Bran-' "7;Vjr oft! h j hro-K-n
In a cri.i.-al condition for the o. J f Uck ,0 ""5
( d..-,.,r reUrta oV.,- ".V L"- '
condition un.hang.-d w.r . . by Brurrff:.'
Week-end Trf - ' f!,T M'.vw,,,.
l-van. v. ,..rt ,Uv.
re-. ,ne-. , .Ab,vit rr.i.l- S'.ipl, Co -Taei- P-"P.-
' ' - isrtv- left hy a.J(! ,
omo't; rrt" -.rT fund.. TTwTXTwTw'w . . .
...ei, J-'-' ---"i relative, ..,!
a . . . . i.
Died Sunday
William GUlaspie Burney Dixon, I j
who passed away at Roaeburf, Ore, K
August :i, 1S21, was born near
Canton' In Fulton county, Illinois.
August' ?2. H4, and bad be lived
one more day would have been 7
years of age.
He was the sun of Hiram ana
Elizabeth Dixon, early pioneer resi
dents of Lwuglaa touuty, and crossed
the plains lo Oregon by ox team in
the year liiii. aud U one of tha last
of the few remaining pioneers who
migrated into Oregon wben the
country was new.
His father. Hiram Dixon, first set
tled in Marion county, where he re
sided for about a year, when b re
moved to Douglas county, where be
purchased a large ranch about two
miles north of Roseburg, and became
one of the Urgent land owners In
Douglas county.
In later years BVnuy Dixon, by
inheritance, became the owner of tbe
original farm home formerly owned
by bis father, and by thrift and pros
perity he erected thereon a fine
home, and by careful cultivation of
the soil made It one of the beauty
spots of Douglas county, and one
of the finest homes to be fonnd In
Oregon in those days.
He was married to Cynthia Jane
Bradley October II. 187S. who died
IVc-ember 1S83. and two chil
dren were born to their union, they
being Mrs. 3. B. Crouch of Kos, burg.
and Volney Illxon of Med ford, both
of whom survive him, and be also
leaves surviving him Mrs. G. W
Jones, a sister of Roseburg. and
James Harvey Dixon, a brother of
Eugene, besides four grandchildren
During the later years ot his life
Mr. Dixon made his home In and
about Roseburg, where he has a host
of friends.
For many years he has been a de
vout niemlier of the Baptist church
of Roseburg
He was a man of strict honesty
and Integrity and of exemplary
habits, and this fact together with
his sunny disposition, endeared him
to all who knew him, and in his
"assing this community has lost one
of Its best and most upright and
respected dtiicns. who always had
'he community welfare at heart.
The funeral will be held at the1
Roseburg t'ndertaVing Parlors on 1
Tuesday. August S3, at 10 a. m..l
with burial at the Jones' cemetery
west of Edenbower.
Time to Prepare
Goodyear welt soles-keep the feet d
keep the feet in shape, wear longa w2'
derful new stock tor this school yearns
in-Lowest Prices and the Best Shoes
Fitting School Children
Our Specialty
for real
snap and
wear only
All sixes.
w earing
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50
Shoe. "Wrennw,
ou comfort .,, 1
$3-00 $3
$4.00 4JMi
A big assortment adapted espeWally
for school wear, real uiahogany calf.
$2.50" $2.85 $3.50 $4.00
Agency for John Kelly fine shoes for Women
Shoe Dept. in Basement '
Ready for business now. In annex
to Peoples Supply Store, ill South
Jackson St. Shower and tub baths
will be ready soon. Wm. V. Keller,
I.eVern Addis, proprietor of a Los
Angers dance hall, will sponsor a
big public dance at the armory to
morrow night. The dance wUl he
one of the best ever held here. Mr.
Addis, who Is an experienced violin
ist, will assist the Sunsel orchestra
furnishing the music. Howard
weitzman of New York, who is with
Mr ddis. will assist In handllne Ihe
loor at Ihe dance. Both of these
voung nun are intent upon furnlsh-
r.g the Roseburg people with a good
tomorrow night
Don't forget the big sale on ladies'
suits and coats. Tuesday. Peonies
upply Co.
The people of Wakailml v
Guinea, dance In tbelr rannei
f'.e 1.
IV. Hire- IVf
V h.
; inda
vies-llng at
' t . 1.1 a m
l.aVe distr
Hi to d
t : :.i ' ;.n
u-r.r, j
11 Vi
olatives an.!
and return.!
v evenina
A-h (a
"eiinc it l,M,
: ' la.. W.J., " V"U" Tew
us. c.ub work I. f, rinton atd fr..i:
f s a .vols H'. .v --t ror white Rock
feat. ,. " r w-k.
v left
i- l i
.1 vrd
' a-a-us
villi, TDK
iN'i-i i r.
Man of the Forest'
aiv , (,, sn. ,j
Robert McKim. Claire Adams. Carl nni.o..
nsnrl lvuca. M4ler an. I - . .. '
v.- e-. i,i lns rno or nl n sw
HIi. "I'lllll IF. lTl UK XR
15 and 25 Cents
venture, with aa all ar a inria.l-
'-g oil -r Tl.- i, .
- .e. it jo,n t"e , -li-
n'v party, who
,v.i! ..clnlty.
vt.MTVJ T-Uy
" ; ' I -ldln l.-v .
r-a aron t,, r., ' '",
Mice I.Tons of rrra.n v...
- w- or Jaies w s.-.,., .
ly the minister's fa-.t'r
1 w i rriendv wer ...e-i
P' 11 malre their i -'-,.
- w-r Mr s.-ot. I, ...
'' i ith
.J'c."..!i',,!, ' -r a r .
, ' ,K'eh'"'g lodge. I. .,.
-k V . her-. Ij. , .
) ' " ir veteran V- a
: . ! and aa
' - a is ts o:j
' '.' 'I He sj;-d -e
" -a h t grsl.
, ' ' 'h bar
" .. :s a -a. i
-s-veral aTood
UHr.l HuDvour
SALK Sf. ri-'pihirt ram. K. M
swm by talhiic
e r.J jjinr fr ad,
'T A
1 thi
e255QasSTU D I O Vaac-3
Orun Slate Certlttcale with hmh ratIM eXH.m,mll "
PnoUHKMMVK SKKIRH. Holds Graduate Certlfl. nt- .
Harmony, und ilarmonic Analv la. J'unll or Thu iiuVi. . . I.
i 'u '.. " f",1'" Petrle. William itulilnson
lani nuin i 1 1 ll ClHTOia lit.
Hoot... u,j
leobel Tune. J.OS Angeles. Instruction Muscular hand tralaS."
Carrie Taylor, also maJe exhaiisllve atudy Alchli ,H ,, ,, W. "
Dl.N.M.NU SI MUM FOR IIRCI N P.R s, 4 to It years f a -e !.
taming work for adulte. HOLDS UCNNlMl 'KHTii?ioto
ftructlng llrst hand, nol thru hired Instructors-ti",
better Teachers. Mra. Chaa. Stanton, twho has been cia -tZ.
Mrs Moure.) will assist In class woVk. Insuring two "nsctsii
tried and competent leoch.ra, real mother, knowledge ? ch "dr
excel, theoretical Phyoology. AUTO WILU CAM. for baby p ,?
prices for class work an u;;til. . luPl
been visiting for the past few lan
Dr. Harry E. .Morgan sad tai
returned yesterday from EstKk.
where they have been canaping Ir
me past month
Captain It. C. Wygant, lotitw
the fish hatchery, spent the
this city attending to various iaar
rn bat. on M.r-hfield road
rin-ler return to Hall
rent n.e or six ro..m
ease call at l.'i
i-- t er t'hone
a... 'r, 1 .e.lvery. Roiirl.ura
TAl-vKN l l-li:..k l.ore.VnxuTT:
r; !''". -'"'' m' have horse hv
.m-p!?"'.nJ Mrlnc lll'e
. - nK. 1.
Mrs. Corrine C. Alley la substitut
ing In the office of county clerk' dur
ing the absence of Mr. and Mrs.
James Sawyers.
Vere Chase, a rancher from Eden
bower. spent the afternoon In thl.
city attending to various business! tant business matters.
matters. Mrs. R. D. Williams, lecrftirri
J. W. Curtis, a ,ei,i rthe office of Dr Stewart and Safe
this citv. arrived he tn. resumed her pos
from Comstock tio .i?.la'te'' enjoying a two weeks' i
vislrlnsr vlth MJ. a ... j.' tlon.
r. ...... I...I.U3, auu Hllt'UU HE
to various business matter. 1 Mrs
Mrs. Krank Stevenson was om. of
the many Myrtle Creek visitors lo
this city today, spending several
hours shopping.
Attorney O. P. Cosh ow retnrnat
last evening from Porftnnrt oe.H
Fthodendron Inn. after vuirin .hi.
his wife. Mrs. Coshow is much im
proved in health.
Mrs R
Arthur Oraham of till
I received word this morning to
(effect that her brother-in-lin, F
! Miracal of Oakland, Calif.. waikE
I in an automobile accident lutf
Ing. Her sister who Is al rtto
in southern f'alifornls. Is ttttav
; U. Mrs. Graham will lesvs sues
Oakland to be with her motnef.
riiin'l forget Ihe ble sale OS
D. Williams returned last suits and coats. Tuesday. PH
... . . . ......... 11..- L buiis a 1 1 . 1 v
night from Portland, where she has Sunpl, Co.
. l.-i
.1 car .,r i,...t
rj woo.1. some or o
i.r measure, f. o
J per e..r.
': 0 Addtwss Skidmore
n- lr.'g in.
t: MI.K
h..s:erv ni.i. h..
. i.-ai ai.pearing h
-- ..crstrator SV.J1
- - e v
V V . .T
, l.e,
I "I- ,
' V..;'
vtt 1
use to
T1 t'ort tin 1 1 V for
.-. ;' ?"" "7v Man-
Z-'i "ip-Jca Hotel.
. ' 0" f ro n t lie W es'rTV
..V'.V. ' 'V'"" t-r-nii. '
.' san-e ai).uin,-nt. ,.n I
IIJ.U a. we .to en . t
' 1 arl iihman. 3'l TV- I
. 'A
in. ir.d. , ,,., I f
T." '"" ''-e firn.Wr.. d
I'l one r-, ', j..,. r
T la,.!al
4 ToaUrht I
5 In, I
i ! I
Too Wise Wives
" ' ' e
t-. t.. ,.,
t t
Are .American women spoiled by liti.liamls who are n easy
I', -eh
I er
1 a". Stre. t.
' ne-nair acre of
ercr-.rd .-.
''" Pall on. re;..
r.nira w,t.r op r ( r
'..J -,T '''- Addre..
" l.. w
1 11 1 :
v. r I
t P ,'.rm -'d -
w a ,"' t
cv t
N I.i-
W:e ago s.isTair.
1 a a a.-e'4.?.r
rUvVir".' V,M""'"'- WS -
' test
r. Hr.l"".
r. r . . -
t.u f.m.i of nleasnre sal
" llr""ia that warrhesi the verv lieart of nn-lern msrrlate.
1.1 1. . .
i r. IUIH-.HS M. M,
AND (llMUlV.
THK KV Wy-".
IllSiii "Don't Call Me Little Girl"
H.! c.." Set ."VV ;" 4 -
ra t '-j-aad
Surjly r
t klg sale on lad eV
s Taese Pe,-p;