mmn wn.mnKn st(m.A, AtorsT M. mi. Him ftti 19212 MODEL EVRO. CI NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE SERVICE GARAGE LET SEVEN NEW FEATURES: Improved Clutch Entirely New Differential Gears Timken Bearings in Front Wheels Hand Emergency Brake No Glare Headlight Lens Improved Ignition Switch New Model Zenith Carburetor These Improvements together with much better Body Ccmtmct.c r rd Heavier Top Mateiial make ithe NEW CHEVROLET 490 MODEL the Finest Light Car of its Class on the. Market Today. Come in and look it over. $775.CO I.O.&. KoseDurg Glenn H. Taylor SERVICE GARAGE Roseburg, Qrcg0ll BIG SALE! Ladies' Fall Suits and Dresses and Skirts, We have made an exceptional good buy on this lot, and we are going to give the Public a chance to save money. Roseburg has not seen as fine a line of Suits and Dresses as we will show you on next Tuesday. Every woman in Roseburg wanting to get the best bargains come early. This sale will be conducted by Mrs. F. J. Helliwell. Sale starts promptly at 9 oclock Tuesday morning, August 23rd and will continue until this lot is sold. Everybody come. We will have some big Grocery Specials. Peoples Supply Co. visiting with her parent, here for'4,,vl SWIfE TO VVATEB COXSOIEKS. the past two wet-lea, returned to - .. Klamath Falls where she Is employ- IlKltK IS SOMKTHI.NO fiOOD. Water will be shut off on South id In a hank ! ' Main st- beginning at the corner of In Fnmi (feinas Vallt-' Jo Five room modern house, j Mosher and .Main and Including Or- Jack I'arrott and son of Camas completely furnished with good cutt. Wnite and Thompson and Valky are in town today purchasing furniture: i'aje.tlc ranee, hot .also Including all of Millers Addl- new farm machinery. ! and mid w.-n. r. New barn and I ti'. Sunday morning, Aug. In From Ixsakliig (.Iki chicken house and ards; milk Mrs K. Arnold of looking Glass ' cow; good garden: 2'i lots Is in town this afternoon visiting and 10gsl33. All for JlTO't.OO if shopping. I takvn at once. To .Marli field I SFE Mr. and .Mrs. Al Tompkins of Rid- . N ltlfK of : : AROUND TUB TOWN In From (illilc John Alexander, prominent resi dent of J tide, spent Ihe day In. the city attending to business mutters. Jswvlng For l"nrtlaiid II. M. Iloyd and family are plan ning to leave tomortow for Portland for a short vacation trip. Here On Huslncae K P. Wiley of the Sells Kioto cir cus. Is spend Ins several days In this city attending to business matters. Fllgene Visitor (J. II. Ktncald of Kugcnn Is a busi ness visitor to this city over the week-end. In Fugen Mr. and Mrs. George It. Miller of this city are spending several days visiting with friends In Ktigene. Itellirn From Newport II. I.. Kildy and family returned last evening from a two weeks' va ratlun spent at Newport. They re port a very enjoyable trip. Home to (tillage (Jrove Miss Veeda Plaster returned tills afternoon to Cottage drove after a short visit at the Itartnn llelllwell home. I.lttle Riihert llelllwell went In foliage Grove with her and will visit there some time. Montana lawyer I lore Warren K. Cnmsn, a lawer from Unite, Mont , Is here nn a short visit. Mr. f'omnu may eventuall) locate here. In From Caiiyonvlll Herbert and Cecil Meyers, promi nent residents of CBnyonvlllo, spe'.u the day In this city attending to busi ness matters. To Move House W. 8. Ilnmllton Is building a new Karaite at bis residence on Fast Cass street and will later move his house forward over the garage lit From Jefferson I. II. Knight of Ji ffMrson. Oregon, Is spending the week-end In this city att. ndlng to business matters and to visit wlili friends, ('tunas Valley Visitors Among those spending the day In the city from Camas were Mr. and Mrs p. N. Mnywr and Theodor. Stephenson. Arrive From Miirvhrlchl Pert (1. Hates will arrive here this evening from Marshfletd. after pending the past few days enjoylnc ttie Klks convention ItHiirn From Vneiillon l.yinon I,. Spi invr and wife re turned Thursday night fiom :t weeks iitrallon at Newport. Th.y report a wonderful lime and fine roads ex rept numerous detours between here nd Fugena To Tiller I Ir nnd Mrs. Fred Havnes daur.h ; ter. Teka. Mr. and Mrs It V. lute , Mr. and Mrs James Francis Milan! I lert for Tiller this afternoon where they will remain for the week-end. ' Isnve For h latum Ii Falls Ml" Itenl-ih Inrvis hn tins he.n LIBERTY THEATRE TODAY SATURDAY M iTIVFF AT S Hii. A virile drama of I be l.lrlol ot Wall Slrcel. a limn', (allli. a Humane (ru.l, ami a rr. elation, Martllng ami liert-iln lug "A Beggar in Purple" An Idger la-wls Production from the (,. Andrew ....iiur. And a loplrs of ihe l,. AI- roiiiol,, ".straight Crook." PHcgg 15 aiul 25c SUNDAY AND MONDAY ZANE GRAY'S opii.wi vmjtv. -i m: Ian of the Forest' A ma.slie tale of love and adventure, will. .,r , ,, ,,,. Robert McKim, Claire Adams, Carl Cantvoort naa waned long r..r vengeance and , .,,... Harvey lllggs, loitrr anil rhe.trr, come to the rid ..I 1,4, J wii m-m I. II, FKATl KK IXIIt 15 and 25 Cents die passed through here yesterday In their machine enroute to Marshlleld. where they will enjoy the Ilnal day of the big Klks convention. To Siui FronciMCO .Mrs. J. W. Ilowman left for San Francisco thi morning, where she well spend several weeks visiting with friends and relatives. Here From Wilbur Miss Kdith Ilrown of Wilbur ar rived here this morning to spend sev eral hours attending to matters of shopping lU-titnis To Onilfornla Mrs. O. K. live returned to her home In Richmond. Calif., yesterday after spending the last two weeks visiting In this city with her sister, Mrs. It 0. filbert. To ak:iiiil A team of Christian Workers Iland will go to Oakland tomorrow, cap tained by Walter Cook and assisted by James MeClintotk and Stanley Stevens. Special music and services iiave been arranged for the occasion. Will Knjoy till log Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gilbert KICK KICK. Students Must Register Sept. 5-9 (Continued From rage One ) writing II; cooking IV Scnic r. First semester English VII American history: Virsil I. (19-'l 22 : Spanish 111: physics I; sort hand III; typewriting 111: 1 !2 1, from 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. DOCGLAS COUNTY LIGHT A WATER CO. I1KAITY AMI HUM. MOVE. PAKLOlUt The Elite Beauty and Hemstitch ing parlors have moved from the Bell Sisters Illil tr. to the Roseburg Na tional Hank Illdg., rooms 9-10-11. Will be open for business Aug. 29. WAKNOCK AND DONAHUE. 1 Clias. E. Wilson, Dist. manager of the W. O. W. for southern Oregon, has located In Rosesburg and moved his family here. He is very much impressed with our city and thinks be will soon have a large class for the Woodmen of the World . W. O. W. NOTICE. There will be a special meeting of sewing Oak Camp No. 125. W. O. W., Mon day evening, August 22, at 8 o'clock III: method: practice teaching. Second semester English VIII: Odd Fellows hall, for the purpose Civics; Virgil II i 1921-22): Spanish, of meeting our Deputy Head Consul, CHECKING ACCOUNTS HOUSEHOLD & PERSONAL are cordially Invited by the Roseburg National Bank and given the prompt, courteous attention which makes it so pleasant In transacting business. Every facility to meet your requirements. 4 Interest Paid on havings Accounts The Rosebuig National Bank R Uosemir,Ore. ( daughters, Carrie and Maldie, and Miss Lillian Chrlstopberson, will leave tomorrrow for Myrtle Creek, where they will spend the next two weeks camping, la'nve For Kliimalli Mrs. I. mils Kohlhagen and three daughters, Vernlta, llerlha and Ellin Frances, accompanied by Claytie Hack, (irant Osliorn and Fred I'or ;t. left this noon for Crater Lake, where they will enjoy a summer va cation. Ite-dgns I'oslt ion Miss Doris Prlee, who has been enp!oed at lliinhard's store, has been forced to resign her position on account of a severe attaik of bronchitis. Mrs. Itadabnugh has bjeii Hiking Miss Price's place this week ii n 1 1 1 It was determined whether or not she wouhl be able to return. Ijchvcs For llerkeley Mrs. Alma Lynch left for flerke lev Ibis morning, where she m visit with friends and relatives for scleral weeks. Mrs. I.yn. h was the guest of Mrs. Ilelle Case during her s'ay here he Is a dlsiliirulsh' d worker in the Woniens' ltell.-f Corps. Mr. lilllH-rl I nteil;!!,,, Mrs. Charles Cill.ert was a charm lug hosl.s:-, yesterday afternoon at a delightful I o'clock luncheon n' her home. The affair was given In lonor of her sister. Vlss Kdlth Moar. who Is ylslllng hire from Seattle The Cilliert home was pretty with cut flowers and the Inn- heon table ' most artl!lca!y arranged Cov r were laid for the follow lug uest: vr,. Kinny. Mrs. Karl Hiirch. Mrs J I'onsler. Mls Fdnb Moar. guest of honor, and Mrs Charles Cilhert, hostess IV: physics II; ghorthand IV; type writing IV: sewing IV; reviews; practice teaching. lteUlrement4 For firadiiatfon. Itegluning wiih the class of 1923, students eligible for diplomas must and have completed with passing marks, who will bo with us that night. All members are urged to be present. H. CAKRICK, C. C. Used Cars We lime the following used cars, nil In llrM In., condi tion, on which we ran se )ou M in .'im: HUM Ford touring Hum I1M7 Fonl ri'xKlrr ti"i ttrjo Xavwrll louring . . flT.'V 1 " Mudelker touring aooo I'Mtl l.Mlgr louring . . . (U1.VI lot? mnlge louring . ...977.1 Inift Oakland lv touring ajM) TFIIMS T SFIT. Service Garage t.l.tW . TA1I.OII, Itowbarg three years of work In at bast two major department or subjects and two years of work In two other de partments or subjects. Possible Ma lor Subjects English. Latin, history (including civics), iclenco ( physics biology-physiology, and general science), mathematics f algebra-geometry.) Possible minor subjects History, science. Latin, Spanish, mathematics, shorthand. typewriting Industrial irts, sewing, cooking; social science (occupations, commercial geography, social problems and economics I'.ookke, ping (Including commercial law I IIIMSTITCIIIMi NOTICE. The hemstitching department of the Hollows store will be in charge of Miss Noiine Gipson. an experienced operator, during Ihe absence of Mrs F. F. Jones. All work will be given prompt attention. AllOl'NII TIIF. TOWN 4 In shopping Mrs, c. F. Krogel and son Law rence spent several hours In the eity today attending to matters of busi nes and to shop. Celiiriis I'nsii Portland J. M. Judd and wife returned last evening from Portland, where they ha.e i,.., ,1 for the past week l-iiin; ind a'tendlng to business affaiis. Men From KLiniatli Full Mr. and Mrs. lilen Wimberly ar rived h- re this afternoon from Klamath Kalis to spend a week is I'ing with friends and relatives, lietums From Ka.t Jaims Campbell of this city re ' 'iitod here last evening from New Yoik. and other interesting eastern 'ities. lie attended the ofi.-, rs 'ra.ning camp at Virginia. His re turn trip was made by way c.f smith- rti r.eit, stopping over at Long '".I h. I .os Angeles and San isc ii,. reports a most enjoyable No trespassing allowed on the Mrs. G. W. Jones ranch. T. E. Ware. NEW TOUAI. 4) Counter girl for Uoseburg Kxiicrienco not necessary. VATltl- ' iiciciiii. i-.perieiico not necessary, l-Ml: SALK Pure bred Hampshire rams. F U CiilKmaIloseburg. Ore. ii l l.l Man to cut fence posts and wood on snares. Pine, tlr and oak. I'l .oie 3S-F;. PX Hex 1124. HCNTKIt.-t lirutnn'a Taxidermy, Tan iiiiig nnd Fur Co. Is ready to mount "in deer beads and tan your buckskin ANTKH c or S prune plckera: aUo "lie ii ik ii c ilryer man snd 3 shakers. p"l jY- i Vr Ti r,1 1 - a i for camping. Ful! S.M.K i "uTl "pears. Sll at 6f Kiu Crowera plant on Washington WANTKIi-ijoed girl for general i iN.-, i,Tk. Writ., or apply to Mrs. I lias I-. llagnr, It. F. u. 1, Box 3) i; u.. M or'A.inian w a nt.alTValai-y $a6 fuTl Uni'' n hour spare time, selling K'l uiiit,...u hosiery to wearer. F. II utui.r.-ssnry. International Mills. N'orrl.stown. Pa l:t-.. Kl.ltS. scars, wrinkles, pox-pits usly noses and all facial defects i .iri ... t, u l.y Woodbury system. Dr. JUi .v. . uee Specialist. 2:4 Empire I- nl.lmir. li.-nier. Coorado. IKMSTI Ti'lllNirand'plcV.IIng atrarh-in-iits. works on all sewlna ma- li l'ri,.,. l personal ehecks 10c '-""'Is Mall Order House, Uox 1- .. ItlnniiiHh.uii, Ala. 1'lt l-ll KS. Al.rl. ols AnttbiT niatoes. prim.- fruit In larife quali i s. at rleht pri.-.-s. f,u to 1 00 hoses rroni .viarKet Co., Marsh- . i .-Ken. 1.1 REOPENING OF MOORE MUSIC AlTHIiniTV TO GRAUT HIGH HCIIOOI. KFDITS, Mr, Moor Va Oregon State Certlncate with high rating on exainlniiuin: PROunKStilvtS SKHIKS. Holds Graduate Certificate covering idntmi nml ll.rninnin in.kai. U.ihii r oti .. n College. Lillian Jeffrys Petrle. William Robinson Hooni UtM I auipbell. Class work with Harold Henry, Special Technic c4 Isobel Tone, Los Angeles, Instruction Muscular hand tratnlni Ins Carrie Taylor, also made exhaustive study Alcbln Harmony, rm4 nlsed latest and best. Few Teachers on the Coast held Certillaui of any system. DltVMIMl avs i-NM fob BF.tJItV.N BH, 4 to 14 years of ace. iIm c talnlng work for adults. HOLDS bt'NMNO C'KHTlPtOATK, a tructing lirst hand, not thru hired Instructors this system nuts oettor Teachers. Mrs. Chas. Stanton, (who has been coacbior na Mrs Moore.) will assist In class work. Insuring two constliu tried and competent teachers, real mothers knowledge of chliim prices for class work as uaual. I.KSl HKT1..KY .TKCILMUt K AMI FAKLTO Pit I MMM.KS OF Cot KM RATIOi will take class of six adults, making tecnnuiw terestlng, lot me explain this to you in person .?Mr.rS.,'fi,.e",,'"r ,,t- ln B"n Sisters Building. PhoM if. BKFOHK THAT DATE PHONE 3'.'1-I PRli CROP GOOD. "The pear crop Is much heavier than we anticipated," says F. B. Outhrle, field manager of the Ore gon Growers Association, In speak ing of the crops of this-year. They are shipping pears ln great quanti ties to California and a car of Or: as rnstlne apples lert this week also for the south. By Saturday of next week the growers will have finished their second ploklng. u CAMP AXD DAXCB at Idleyld Parte, Saturday. Aug. 20th. DAJIjT WKATrtKB BD0B U. S. Weather frureao. ttcsl ftW .tossburg. Orsgon. It count isOil a. m.: I PradpltalUa la larhsa aai temperature yesltoltr . 4 Lowest temperature last night .. 4 Preclpltstloti Inst 24 noun J Total preelp. since first of Mtt J Normal preelp. for tnls moaU.... a Total preelp. rrom Sept. 1. 1M J to date Averaae pro ip from Sept. 1. 11- M Total deficiency irom Hept 1. l"l 1 Average preelp. r.r 44 wet ! 'J (.September to Msl. Int.). ...... W Forecast lo I p. m. tor toouKwi Oregon: Tonight and Sum! iv f r. WILLIAM 18EI.L, QfVj ".u S Al.K Itestaurant; wTTl take f.V. .... 1 rayment. i: tots in . . i 'IV; will trade for house , ' h,""e. easy terms, to farms ! I "an sal.. u.t la nee ,.,., ,. and alve easy terms. C. Merrill. ! I Mill '! I onk dinluie tali!., an.t I section ; I leattier arm chair- 1 maple dresser; 1 electric . anil oiher hous.-linl.i Mr ;ill lilt) Winchester, or SWIM AT AI.FX.WKI KS. t-wim it tire Alexander swimmifc bol ( I an water, not too deep. No l.iis nsks or treacherous holes. to... rut and diving board Op.ei -5iirs.i l B from 10 a. m. rntll p m t'Wn w.-. k days from I p m. to 9 p in I r. slng rooms and tow-e's fur lioata may he taken directly opi' .s t from the swimming bole. I'linc .ur own swimming suit. Cars may ent. r bv wav of river road at the foot f Xt. NVbo. ilfl lltTI V ITI L-"j I L . . . ir clian.e. that are worth .r time to Investigate. The l,.-,. n snd nature ,.f business win be. i.., .iiiim" WHO tnun 1..... sity seekers neeil nnt ap . twiwrenee. 1'oiiimercial ass Street. Phone SIS r-M.r. 7i re ir In. k' .ei ' r. e I I'liri.. A '. 1 -' AWiiNIt , plastered house. ' bet and rold teuns. Also -se on pavement Terms. -r..m terms. Also nnd ti i. in est.. h.i j I'llle St. Iritis- to lease'or purchase ...m....,, ia..ri,nie t.rins. or th M itil,',. f Plir,.h. ' . i- lli.i.n In. v; farms t J.I P irt Ih. d i-l.-niv ol ' ' tl I'.IKhw a 'l ftct e an "f Koo.t toil, . water ther..,.,, only few hllle, 'I Non- - n - - M'TU i: TO W ATI K FONMMt ;s. N'.i'.'r will he shut off on c. ...... t t-eginnlng at the corner of r and Vain and Including Or- M.iin Mo-li, "' "atte and Thompson Sts.. anl s'so Ireluding all of Miller s Addi tion. Sunday morning. Aug Jl U-M f-om a m. lo II a m rtVV.IAS roi'XTY LIGHT a WATER CO ' .re S,. Tit i i: -... .; :,; ,,-- .mil prune, n hearing- ,11 '".t acre, timber. .. J tar,,,, ebl.k.n' ..CVi' f.-.'n I '"'-''Ide , lain Implements and h.y ;f ."I In lu.L.t b,lt .,,, "'''' I 'I' Price -i! ,! wnl handle Will ,,..i. h. W. y,. ri.. r 1 1:. i ' eo :-.n. . Snd .ii' Tt..n "n. I' i I at .. f .' ; ''m....r l;i ''.' " iil at i" t'e A,,.-. I -lamine Ihe "r- 1 er. ..r id I l-v e 4.....' "''' I of Ir.ter. I OMe.1 J t S-e As.,Uor. U Ca.k n. , 1 tr .1 itv ir at th- 1 eiffteP4 15c I Jijl I 25c A8 COOL AS THE SEASHORE. DOROTHYDALT0N "The Idol of the North' look all and gave nothing! 1111 he baffled, maddened forced her lo marry the worst man ln camp! And that onlr K I " -"ry mat fairly tingles. "HOT S,.MH AMI t:i.Q KFF.T," COMFJy. VOD-A-VUX MOVIE. 15o TODAY OKLtatto SOMCTHIXO TO TALK ABOt'T, SOMtrTHINa TO THINK A11, UNSEEN FORCES .'bl.rr ,Urr " Itulite your life and h? J J hrkUt the gap of n.lsurMerstlln rWween mea aad Toa ma enjoy every moneat of thi, great Uy. -s...aj aaalu.N LM "M.IGHBOKs." , !