- Rosretrno imtimw Atctidat, Arorsr so, uwi. . , . , DO YOU KNOW That Roseburg has some the finest music studios in the state, and as good music teacher as can be found anywhere, and that tte have as fine a music storeas can be found be tween Portland and Fris co and H good Pianos as money can buy. with prices far below Portland Tl. ; . la on nnruir unity that you should not neglect for your children's educa tion. If yu haven't a piano let us talk it over with you. A vor? small pavment will put a piano in your home, and your children can start in with the other students the 1st of Sep tember We handle pianos of all grades from the cheapest to the best. Also 2nd hand pianos .and organs. OTT'S MUSIC STORE Tbe Hfteo where PIbikm Cowl Lew, FOR BEGINNERS DUNNING SYSTEM OF EMPKOVED MUSIC The only system fur beginners, indorsed by tbe world's most renowned musicians. GLADYS H. STRONG Studio: 426 S. Main St. Phone 311-L. .fiifluwwwwviir'i """ !...!.!.,.! VrylVlYirYyy pROrbwaiONAli CARDB lUiMBAi ". Auctioneer, gats high f. 1 imbA cut iriuw.tr. fuuum tH M W. Caw. C. M. JONES Automobile Tailor Aulo tops and upholstering, mat tresses remade, touring cars al tered lo sleep in, dents removed In bodies and lenders by new process. 708 N. Jackson. Phone 338. KLKTOX NEWS. SPECIAL PRICES ON TIRES ! FOIt A LIMITED TIME. HEXDKKSOX CORD GUARANTEED 0O0 MILES, FABRIC 6000. SOtS Fabric 9.73 8l Fabric $12.73 8UiS!4 Cord 18.50 Six Fabric SID.73 8.1x4 Fabric .$20.73 1 84x4 Fabric ; ... .921.73 i 82x4 Cord 929.23! 83x4 Cord M0.73 34x4 Cord (131.50 1 8H4Uj Portaite Cord .940.001 87x3 Portage Cord 949.001 TUBES. 80vS Vltalic 9 1.75 80x84 Vltalic .'9 1.90 Stall orders given prompt attention. Roseburg Tire Company 134 W. Cass st. Phone 613-R. Everybody seems to be busy threshing now days. Prince Dluley and family and Olle Macalem and wife have gone to Portland,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cheaver and son Arnold and Mrs. W. H. Levins went to Albany last week by auto. Mr. Luse will soon tales charge of the telephone office. Wall Freyer (s threshing In Kel logg at present. - Elkton has two doctors here now. No chance for a sick man. P. M. ' to . o . Announcements have been re ceived here of the arrival of a baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoskins at Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins are former resi dents or this city. Mid have many friends here to congratulate thein upon the new arrival. HUNTERS AND CAMPERS. Pack horses and guides for that trip up the North Umpqua. Address or phone N. U. Packers and -Guides Assn.. Hoaglin. Ore. Larkin Kiw, Sec. Phone 36-F21. CHICHESTER S Pi LIS lS"fcw THE DIAMOND BKANtX A V k lktm-U Wam7B ru dA Fills in U4 ud fcM netalllAVx tnitet. teiied with Kilt Rlix. V Tmk ottWr. Bur w Tr v lMAJlUND II HA Ml FILIAftx A ye n known M Vm. Saint. A tiny RelhM SOLD BY DRIX-CISTS EVERYWHEJtE 'am, h9 a ROYAL CLUB RESTAURANT Open Day and Night MRS. W. R. BOWMAN Proprietor Cor. Cass & Sheridan Sts. 1 Prepare for School Now is the time to get the Kiddies School apparel in shape for next year. This store is prepared to show you new goods at very satisfactory prices. Yours for service. I. ABRAHAM COLL "SUCKER" IN FLOCK Poultry Meti-.cds Greatly Im proved by Campaicjns in Com munities in Idaho and Iowa. FARMERS' WIVES GET5177.22 Many New Poultry Houses Have Bun Constructed and Othtrs Ropalrod and Cleaned Brooding Elim inates Nonlayers. (Prepared by tli. I'ntted States txpirt m.uc of Agriculture.) Culling eaini.nina In Iowa aud Idaho have greatly Improved poultry methods In 1 lie communities where they were carried on. The borne dem onstration agent, co-operatively em ployed in Marshall county. Iowa, by tbe State Agricultural college and the United States Department of Agricul ture, states that many new poultry houses bave been built and many oth ers repaired and cleaned. In one month, with the assistance of a spe cialist from the State Agricultural col lege, 60 demonstrations of culling were given, 0.V) persons attended and 7,320 birds were handled from which there were 8,003 culled out. Tuberculosis was found In 43 flocks and cholera In 17. Rteords Wore Kept Thirteen egg records were kept for two weeks before and after the dem onstration. The owners found that 2,219 birds laid B.4U2 eggs before pull ing and that after cuUlng 1,527 birds laid 6,370 eggs, which meant that 092 were not producing. The "slackers" wera sold for '25 cents er pound, and netted $177.22 for the farmers' wives. In another county In Iowa during one month 62 demonstrations wore held In the culling of home poultry flocks by the home ' demonstration ageut In which 6,833 birds wera handled und 2.000 culled out. at a snv- lit "THE 8ILK STORE." Home Demonstration Agent Culling "Slacker" Hans. Ing of $3,322 on feed. About $1,200 was realized from the sale of these nonproiluclng birds. Big Saving In Idaho. Six home demonstration agents In Idaho counties report poultry culling with the result of saving $51,3tM. In teresting reports from the counties in clude the building of 25 tandard-type poultry houses, a tuberculosis eradica tion campaign, two poultry excursions with an attendance of 170 Interested people, and a community breeding circle to demonstrate that systematic breeding tends to eliminate nnulaylng hens. Two counties conducted full culling campaigns followed by co-o-eratlve marketing In carload lots. Defi nite poultry records are being kept by demonstrators In each of the six counties. CAPS ADVANTAGEOUS IN PROTECTING HAY Would Obviate Much Difficulty With Alfalfa Crop. 20 Reduction! Uls ll"-"r,l,d ,ln of x'ei 'rota tbe largest woolen Patterns fVh . m Jow ,n PO"H' to offer a range of 100 w-ft ..u't.lVguir.nJJea0 t F" "' J. F. DILLARD ROSEBURG CLEANERS Service) First PRODUCE MUTTON FOR TABLE There Are Many Artas When Few Sheep Could Be Kept at Advan tageThrive on Brush. Slieep sre not very generally kept on fsrnis for supplying the family with meat. There are many areas, espe cially in hilly or mountainoua regions, United States Department or Agricul ture specialists point out. where near It every farm could keep a few mut ton sheep to advantnge. Boys' and riria' rinhs in some pans of the coun try hsve done much to foster home production of mutton. Sheeo naturally graze over rather ii an and Mek a variety ' of plants. Tills habit adapts them to being kept In large nambers on lands of t parte vegetation or which furnish a variety of grase or other plants. They do better on short and fine grass than ou coarse or high feed. They ill eat much brush and, if confined to small areas, will do a fair J of .inin nn land. When nsed tn this asy or on Isnd producing brash only they cannot be experted to prove very satisfactory in producing god lamb or fnod wel. Useful Information for . nnititaklna the raising of .kn sill he found In Farmers' Bui i., 1. urn mhlle slsuxbtertng and methods of cooking and curing tbe meat are discussed la Fanners' aiuuetw 1172. Old Methods Used In Curing Mixed Timothy and Clover Not Always Adequate for Good Grade of Alfalfa Hay. (Prepared br the United 9tats Daparfe meat of Agriculture.) Hay cap can be used to advantage on many farms in the eastern half of the United States, to keep rain from a-ettlng hay In cocks. It is pointed out In Farmers' Bulletin 977 of the United States Department of Agriculture. In the corn belt, where thousands of farmers are growing small acreages of Si: Alfalfa Hay, Showing Cocks Covered With Canvas. alfalfa, and beginning to realize the great value of tills crop, the use of buy caps would largely obviate the diffi culty now experienced In curing tbe first and the last cuttings. The old methods used In curing mixed tlmothy- and-elover hay are not always ade quate for alfulfa, and In many In stances a good grade of alfalfa bay might he assured by tbe use of bay raps. Iu tbe South, where tbe weather Is rainy a large part of the time during tbe long baying season, tbe buy chp Is an especially valuable addition to hay making equipment Alfalfa, also alfalfa and Johnson grass uiIxik! buy are rut from three V Ave times a year in tbe South, and a great deal of hay of Inferior quality Is made as a result if trying to cure by ordinary method. In this section hay caps bave been used to good advantage, especially with legume hay grown for market. ESTIMATE OF LUMBER WASTE By Careful Cutting Much Can Be Saved and Short Pieces Can Be Used In Odd Places. Don't forget to estimate the waste In buying your lumber for building a poultry house, barn or other structure. In figuring on Common sheathing add one-tenth for waste, and one-fourth for matched flooring and all kinds of siding. By careful .cutting you can save much of the waste"; and there are many places in s building where the short pieces can be used. Don't buy too many nails. If you do they are almost certain to be scat tered around the place, especially If there are children. Some specialists In the United States Department of Agriculture prefer wire nails as they a. re easier to use than cut nails, al though the latter kind have greater binding power. Use 10 to 20 d nails for framing: 8 to 10-d for sheathing; fl-d finish or casing nails for chip boarding, and H-il for siding. Four penny nails are 1H inches long, A-d are 2 Inches, and 8 d nails are 2M inches. It tnkes about four pounds of 3-d nails to 1,0ia shingles; 18 pounds of 0-d for 1.000 square feet, board measure, of beveled siding; 20 pounds of 8-d. and 2.' pounds of 10-d for 1,000 square feet of sheathing; 30 pounds of 8-d for 1,000 square feet of floor ing and IS pounds of 10-d, or 25 pounds of 20 d for 1,000 feet of stud FEEDING CATTLE IN SUMMER Animals Have Seldom Been Marked Down When Marketed Because There la a Surplus. The Increase of chores In summer ill operate against great Increase of cattle feeding during the season of field work, fur the average farmer does not care to feed cattle night and morning In summer when tired out with the long dny's work on the lend. But If one cares 10 Investigate, be will find that summer fed cattle seldom have to be marked down when mar keted because thrre Is a surplus of stuff In the terminal markets. The Ideal ratlnn Is made op of rich, lender grass and grain. Tbe feeding period la shorh-ncd and the gain per hundred pounds nf grain la enhanced as compared with dry-lot feeding In winter. Counting sll the rectors In tbe game, the risk In summer feeding for marker Is far J'-ss than in winter. MINERAL MIXTURE FOR HOGS Charcoal or Slack Coal, Wood Ashes, Alr-Sisked Lime and Coppess Are of Importance. Keep s mineral mixture of charcoal or slack coal one bushel, wood sshes one bushel, sir slsked lime fonr pounds, salt fnnr pounds, copperas one and one fourth pounds, before your hoc at all times. The copperas Is dissolved lo s quart of wster end poured ifver the other Inrredlents aft er they are mixed. This mixture hejua to keep down worms and make the bog have better sppetlt. Young Men and Women Who Seek Success Should Read This Letter Cttcumt orriccs Rt-natngtoa Typewriter Company BuiBio Bvaiewe are onqaowav. ncw yok Juae )0, mi acctnucT txttm Mr. t. 1. talker, elaike-awlkar Baalseee Collage, Port lead, Oregon. &&rffc I Winners Pear . fatten -..- thle letter confirms ay telegnai ef Tuee 4ay la ebloh I e4vleed yea that glee Martaa PAoedee . -and Mies Ac aba Us Veils had qualified la the Accu- . .. reay Ceatest held la our Portland OTfloe on June 16, Br. Kattlee'e report does aet tell ehstlatr Bias khoadee and aUas Walls are at the prss eat tlaw etadeate la your school. Pleaee advise us en thle point. la any event . your eobeol eon noe elala the east successful shoeing ef kevlog sede tbe , best test ef any eohool la the United states. Pour ef your students, all graduates, have noe teea slnnere. It te needlass for aa te tell yea, Br. fatter, boe proud we are ef thle reoerd. fe congratulate you, Mr. flaae and each ef these elnaare. Whan our eeeurao ap le ravleed showing four Behnke-f otter fan as la Oresoa It le (olag to look mighty good to ue, and, we know, it le going te look evea better te yea. will vou Biases be food enough t i hare 1 ttioadee and Mlae Welle eand en a brief bletraphy of their training and experience. If any: else photo (raphe which nay be uead la revlalng our Bap? With very beat wishes and anticipating a line rrea you at aa early sate, 1 Tory trulv Why Behnke-Walker makes the best showing nf any business college in the United States BECAUSE IT HAS developed one of the finest teaching staffs in the country, and has built up PROVED methods of instruction that make for high-grade, efficient graduates. Because it is thoroughly equipped with every modern device that will assist students in the mastery of their studies and make them SUCCESSES in actual business life. Because every , facility of this splendid college is for one purpose and only one purpose the proper training of young men and women for achievements of high marks in whatever careers they may select. Over 4000 Behnke-Walker Graduates Hold Positions in Portland Alone. We Have a Place for You Also When You Ctaduate. COURSES INCLUDE STENOGRAPHY, BANKING, BOOKKEEPING, CALCULATOR, SECRETARIAL, TEACHERS, COMMERCIAL Enroll Now for Day or Night School 1 SUCCESS CATALOGUE Mailed Free on Request One ofJltnericas aveatesfc usiness (blleqes KOIKTII, JiKAK MlKIllH. Portland. reun. Local Boy Weds In Corvallis Pennsylvania Tire Service, us. Ford Oarage. Ask The announcement of tbe mar-j riaae of Carl W. Schloeman 01 mis city to Miss tditb lielle Warflvld of Corvallis baa reached their many frif-nds in this ilty. The wedding took place at Corvallis Wednesday. Auaust 17. at the bon e of the bride's psrents Mrs. Srblocmsn Is the daughter of 3. M. Warfleld, sheriff of Itenton county and Is very popular among the younger set or mat city. Mr. Schloeman Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Schloeman of this city, and has many friends at (Hide, where be attendpd high achool. He baa been attending tbe Oregon Ag ricultural College for the past two years, and Is now In the city engl neerlt'n department of Corvallis. Tbelr many frlijids both here snd In Corvallis wish th-m every happiness during tbelr wedded life. e) UHXJE II!tKOTORT. wonrtMRw or this vaohi.is -Camp No. 126. meeia In (Mid frellwa' liall it lloet,urt every lat and Ird Monday evanlriaa. Visiting nelgnboro a. waye welcome, H OA Pi PICK, C. C. U. M M1U.KR. Clerk PEACHES. Vm r.rkt4 where? One) mile south of Winston bridge, The price Is right. The poaches are ripe. And a lot on a tree. So come and see. C. H. HOFFMEISTER, Rosebavg, Ore oa. a. P. l. r.l.KS. Roaeaarc laOaa Ha. KM Hol1a regular communuatlona at the KIR a Temple oa each Thuraday of every montli. All marabare re quested to attend rteiularly, and all vlaltlng brothers are coedlally In eltad to attend. ROT IIFl.tW(t, B. R H I. WHieei.ll "- O. IC S Haareere t aeplrr Ha. a H0M1 tr.eir raguisr meeting on tne 1st and Ird Thursdays In ea-h month tfully milled to attend are rasper MTI1T1.K HKYMKKK W.I KHK.K JIH'IHIiN w L O. O. tT Phlletarlaa iMse S). s, meet a a O'ld Kallowe' Teniiiia every Krldar evening at 1 II o'elork. Vlalt Ing brothren ar slwara waicone. A. RKIIHAKS. K O. A. J. OKIitiK.-t, Rac. nee, I. B BAII.KT rta. Stafl. SUiihhii'I or annul aiarT ui- (Mrcla Mo. 4t. meets na itta mnn lin Monday evenlnas. Vlaltlng Balghbors lavltad to attend. VltUTilB Hininrri. . n. II.I.IK I. JOHN-WIN. Clr XTr.'al A. at-. Marel ldae "J a. IS Reeular tommunlratlAns Ind and 4te Wadneadars aarb month at MeeonW Temple. Hoeeburg, Ore Via I tors wel- w r rfARRte. ac - . JOHN aV RUM TAN. WJS. RienKKjiHS rtosnaurr Reoeaaa J"?a no. ai. y'- r v'1 - Iowa' Teanple every week on fuaadar evening. Visiting members In good standing are Invited to attend. MTKTLB TRKKRKN, N. O. BKt.I.B HTF.I'llhiNSON. Sa.,. KTHE1. BAIUCT. Fin. Beer. Sim sua naMlinri ana m"eeta la Mooae hall en Jackena HI. on ind and 4th Monday evenlnae of each month t I o clack. Vlaltlng brain. ea la stood standlne alav welcome. VICTOR MICE1XI. W. P. P. A. J. Vt'tTLK. W P. B. F. OOODMAN. Sacretarr I'OTAlTOROKR Oa- MimeB Riaaeu7 lAUse No. toil meets flrai and tniru Tuesday evanlnss et ec ' eaonth at o'clock la tna Muoae balu . Ail vlaltlng brothere are lavltad to attend. C. W. CLOAK B. Dictator. H. O. PARHKiuH, aH.-if. 'I . o. ., tales i eaaeaaeal Ua ft. Maeta In ixt Sallows' Tiol a-rerr Wadnaday evening. Visiting aeeUiren aiaya ai. ...... OEO. RADABAt'Olf. C. P. V. T. JACKS. IN. II. P OUVKH JOHNSON, R- S. jivr rw"T tavT"?!.' A. O. T. SI K..eet.u. n..e-. Ke 11 bold regular meetings oa sec ond Yhursdajr at 9 p. m. and fourth ' Thuredav at I p m Visiting sletera Invlteal to attend reviews, auct-abee 1 Hall, Pine and "aa streets ' Utt'lfFi IXK ltK, Cora. 1 F..V I R RAPP. Col. .KtYrtlT or riTHi-Aitna Lodge 1 No. 47. meets every Wednesday even ing tn Poualss At'rs-t HelU cor see Jadaaon A Washington aV. Vjti re always welcome WALTER rfkT. r C, C1IA8 F HOFKINi M J. a gv K- WlaBEKLT, K.. R. I. t o (cr1cb lire Service. Be us. C ae Lckweed Motor Co.