rnmtr. Air.rsT io. tnii. nan two O O ROSKBCnO KEWU-KETOTW Itallr K.rr. . UH U.l - l-fc'lf Uvrl ULJlaMa VI .H.-J.-PIITIOS ItATKh .11 Do... tin. ly mall fly Carrnrr. n-.n.onlh. " YhiAwu. -lalrd i'r." ! l.-lulily tulll.d In t' u.c '"' r.ui.liialloa o lot ..hlrwl.. tr.-.l.i.d in ihl. PP and alau u. In. al n. .jl.li.i.-a !.. In All riKl.l' lapul.li. atlon "I ml .1 ..p.. " """ ' !" " Knl.r.il ' -nd-.J.M ""' 17, l:ll. l ll. P"t ctnV. l H''";1' On g .n. umla. Il A l of Mr. 5JL' H,e-Iiirg. Oregi'. .UKlllJW, IJyi Aviation Fields Needed Says Flyer ki;:i:. auk. i if n I'a.iii. titles wile na progro.si.ne na K.ug' .. In providing lut.dii.ii 1.1 nii.ua for all 11 af 1 , . omiiii Trial pa .s.'t.g.T plan, a would .-mill. . I every iml.it on the coast al Ihi- pn.s.111 II...'., a.' cording 1.) II"' oi.Imiiiu or a parly or rcprca. i.ratlves of II." Weal Cast Avialinn company, who . In Ihe rl'.y yeslirday on a motor ll't. look lug over II..- p.isall.lllilcs Tor Ihe c:t tnl.llahin.nl "1 fillun- ruul. s alnn tho coast. I'.Kulur passenger routes are "till WTMrlll years In Hi future, says Thomas Hl.rli-lil-y. villi. : at the head of II... avhi'lnli party, lull the purpose, of II..' h.ii-h - il the coa.si are f.ir Hi- gatheiln.; "f flying data In reran! tu f .-a:l.l.- alt. r..r lan.l lug alHlli.li. l.ll'l ll cilinalic roii.il II. 11. a flurn. ur aili liiim of year The party I" covering th" roast from San lieio lo Seattle Fan! aerial pa aon?. r service In no long- r h 11 experiment. i.:iv.i 11..' visit li.r rl.i r. I. lit Hi- great lark of KroiiNil inclllll.s fur an atrplnii ro.il.. ihat could inaliilain regular schedule la ft I.Ik fac tor 111 prevent ing the csluhllahmciit of permanent romuicrciul plane a.-rvl. The possibility of a chain of land Inn fields on Hi" Pai'lfl.' rnaal from Canada lo ..Inn o within the next fev years is the pr.-dP lion of .Mr ik.'tihli-y, ho a... a woi.il. rful fu turf fur the atrial paaiiK'T plan. on the coaal. Eug, ene To Dedicate Aviation Field KIICKSK, Aus. 19.- Fiiirl.i pluma Hill taki- pari 111 III.' I.U a. 'rial clr.ua thai la plai.nr.l na II..' fatuiil .'Vi nt Tur tile tl.-ilualloil of tin. Kiik. ii. aWatio..' fi.-hl lui.or .lay. Ml.llilay. tii'pli lilln r a, ur. orillllK lo uflli lala t in. an ui raii.',ln;; tlm .1.' talla for what la int. ml. .! lo he on. of lh.' unal.-at n.-ro ililnonilialloli rv. r to l'l h. l.l In II... norlhw.al. A rnpliiriMl (iortiian fokk.-r plan.- no al Kim Fruu.'lHi'u will I"' linmishi lo thla illy I'Kp.i'lally for tho nlfall. Kil.l Cuplaln l.ow.'ll Sii.llh. loin nillliilur of tin' II I tit u.tii a..lailt oii. yi.al.'i'.lay Kfforta nr.' I. Iiik ii.ii.I.' hy tl..' ap. rial c.ill.llllll.'H III i hill K" of lilt' il.'ill lull. n .lav pr.oiiaiu to I.iIiik a. vrul riirnlval uitrartloua h.'ii- In mlilliloii tu Ihi' li iiKlhy lint nf i v. iila thai ai. plana. ..1 fur lh.' i'. r.....inv. H.roriliiiiA to -nrl II WiiBhhiiini', hia.l of the t'hlllllh.'r of ('oiiiiii..).'.. rolllllllll.'.' workltiK 111 voopt'ialion wllh lh.- -lt rouin ll ami lh. offl. ra of I '.ial a.ru iuaili..n on II..- program. I'lu hualn.'ba lio n of I h in . Ily art ...Hilly l.iliin.l lh.. udali iiii.I Mr naj.hiiriii. r.-poiia thai arraiiK. liit-nla will tn mail.' lo hiiu.llt' one of lh' lartf.-Hl rrowila lhal h.iv.' rVi'l aaai'iul . al I. ii- mui.l. lpal rl.'l.l ami pxpiM-tal loi.a aii or n h.'avy nlli'inl anre frum nrarhy i-IIiim lo api-n.l lh.' holt. lay ami p.'rl.apa ilu wri-k-i-ml In F.uavni'. Officer Needed At Band Concert 1..int nic; ht nt tlx baial min t rt Itirri' wer tti lin-n we intiiml i-iiiwUti nth f.ill ibtiu nil-in. n Hlai ni tv tt a i IIuk tu in , w bt ar riv.il rather late and with aw inii.h luiifuNbiii un poMHiMe mid look hhiIn on the Kmuiid. nm In a fboe where they lull; hi disturb hi many i i . I m (.tiKfibb Kidntl thev deiln-il t.t I...L.. If l...... . from a ' i Ily" all. I t... llleillia uf pri aeiitlliK au. I. an aii.llt.le .Un. u kIi.ii ..f tl of the l.aml i their l.l. m-. II la li ue I Hi I Ii,,-. l,.;. k a han.l Iv not ..rl .-.-t II in it i. not ci.inpar.. Willi limn, liit; t ril k lit! I, .11. .is. Iitlt It ia a luii'.hty k I I. an. I nl lhal anil It. .act. in it I- pri.ti.l ut It ami an an I'll . h.i. .1 i rill, lam "in h ita w.i-, priMtlleil liv III.' Iwo "w Ise.t, res" uiHk.ti a t,.il.l,i s,i.itf,l riiuiu auie ,'...t ...iitent with ih.lr am I. Me Inl'i . lll'll. li-v tin., t.f ttie In. ii whos . hi' 'I a, ' I 'is! lit ..iiii. , to t.c til- ..Mittv l.i ihi.,n out a vtl. iiml off. ti-l..' "ttn.k, rc tt front an cl.ntiv ru-.ir. ,,ti,. nim , , M.n. a et tal.alla an. I ..I '..nn .- t,..,.itVa ill It-I tiiwiii.t tt,c : n.l it lue.iil.ciw atul ilnclur liiii. lv. ,;s n.i aneu II. 'II was i hi 1 Mm ! . ,t cp m l Walkeil MW.lt A I ne iin ;it .,t . men. nta. Ic If Hie .lit w..i.M oftl-.r lit t-.ttr..! ttt." . a.mate .l.iniu a .uii,-... onler amuiix ttie f. w i . lake care if tu.. h - i 1 ". tl if t. .1 ' II: II ii i ' . m. i hnv. n't . umi.u.n ,1 en t keep it.t.'lit If I. f,o:ii, run l.l ft. hi I. ur! !.. an, I I. .N.p I t If h t, 1:111- tii.irt like. Il.-r.- ah. .nl.) ... Te: "nl III a. e tliat Ih.'t "Ml a pla. e w h re tti.-v t i!t mt thi.ie ft ho are h, :. r. :e, I'll t: .a' ti r riiTi 1:1 till tl. k..iK As M1 ... then. If r..:i W:tl,l I,, n.alte rood te ul a rer'a'n. '.rl.ir tour film. ,i ,, iriif.-l,,nal Ve.lak enlsh,.,. CLACK'S I'll' ITO STI DUV Kustburg National Hank IJulhllug PORTLAND PAINTtR SAYS IU COULD HARDLY HOLD GUI LOSfAY m HIS JOB "I give Tun lac ib crtdll for k-p-iug uie on lh Job, for I a about Tvmly to fcie up wl.vn 1 ban tnk iuk it." Shtd I W. VMitn, well koown iuiiit'-r of ;'HtJ Norib Kijfb-let-nlti Si, I'oi J. Oie. ' M trouble Hi ted with l'ttl pathliiir, wb bh -iiMd lo throw my ttbolf H.vuh'jn i.ut ( f n ar, ami foi luu -aiH 1 wmk In it'icbMl htmlib. My tAouiui lt huh bmlly out of oidir 1 lout in) uppftlti- uixl ai tinittt thf very Hibt of food hi:i'Im in hlt k Mv nerve got all upi t, 1 didn't f t no ii b Hit t p tit iil'ht. aiid In Lift? inotiiitiK f l t wi)u (ban wbfii 1 wi'iil lo btd. I bud mil b ifii Iblt-bt-adurb''H lit tlintti tbt y would ilr.v hit' aiini.-4t wllil. I biiitiiiti it-f ion dfiit, uh II Ht'iim'd to uie I w;is about on toy I Hat h-KH. "Titiili.c look liol I ( f mr at nun and il Wiin't loux ",tuiv I v-m ftrl itiK likn a dirTt rt'ht man. I tut any IliihK I waul, hIim j h mid al nlKbi and bi'ti I do k I ii) I fft-l rinc. I can do a blk't-''.' d.iv's woik than In i-ai rt. In tart U juh! jrivut lo f ' as I 'lo now." Tanlac U hoIiJ In Ito t burg by W F. rtiapinafrs I'hnruiary arid by k-ad In K druKlH'a every where. WILL (, K 1'H'MC. The Woiuen'tt Auxiliary and tb Aiiifil'aii I-KlKti will vive a limb I at tlo- folks of tint liver Tue.stla ' viiih?. Auk. 2.J. All UMinbiTH wiveii and Hwet lb-arln are cortlmlh lnvli". Ii.' ut the armory at t o'rbek. All ihoHM with ran are re ipnMtt , to hrliiK tb. -in and trannpor tat Ion will be provided for all. Paris Is Gay Says Wrihr (Wrlll.iu for tiio CnlleJ I'ruaa I I'AIIIH. Illy Mull ' I'aila It. Kay uKa.ii; yi-a, iiioiiki.iii ." aal.l ihi wil.1 or lh.. llniil. val J il. a llallnih hunkrr. Tin' rrowila flork lo I lie mo.lla li.a. a ml jew.'liy aliopa of III.' Uim ill la I'i.U urn mil lh" ai laioumlc ail aiM-ii ihi'it a f'W y.-ara uno. hut an lh houiK.ola of l.yoii. Maiai'lll.-a ami oIIht plar'a In lit., proviiirn. new rit'h. who mailt. ti-mtiituiia lonuui'h III ill" war." Anil y. l io lh" vilflne Ani. rl.aii I'aifa la lh" aaii..' ol.l phiyKrolll..! ol Ihi. w.nl. I lhal It was In lh" ol.l .I..JH NothliiK la p.'imlllnl ofrlrlallv 1. 1 Jar on.. a". Iiik I'iiiIm oh paraili. Kv.'il lh" h.'Kf'liI' la l.al....l fiiiln lh. hotll.'vai.la. tiul on Ihv IIoIh In Ilu. aflirnoon lh" I. -a placi'a ari- ctow.l.'il 111 ii.'V.'i h..rot". Ami'ili'ali 1UII..H anil AiiktI "an lian.la, ami vvifKlliic, Iwlallnii ami t tu ii Iiik Ihat u.iiHt have coin, via lh" Anion 1 1 n. A roiiplt; riarh.. a apol on lh.. rim.r ami tlv" uilliuli'i I il.-r Ih.-y havi- not pi ..f.'r. aHi..l iniui. Ihau It'll l.'i-l, Th" woin..i ui. won .l.irnlly tli.aa.'.l, wllh Ilu. Hiiiarl.at of tin I . l.iar.'l.lM nlioul I li.-ir ankli-a. .nil ili.fa.a whlrh wolil.l niak" Zl"i,' r.l.l w.i'p wllh invy. Many of Ihi. in.' ii ilamhiK in. KlK.'lola pn.ri'H ili.nal lal.Ko llzal.l: with apala. aluti ply ("iimi.. in. u ii a. ioh.i"il walal.oma ami I ' 1 -1 1 1 1 1 111 'OK ro.ila Thi.y nr.. lh" pin l.'.aii.i.al l.aiiK. r... on A Ik lot up pn.i. h.a lh.. wllii (lr nil Am. iiran whin ah" nklpa a ilallf". ami aaka II h" run haw. ih.. mxt . A Ita llnlsh hi. "Mi-i iM H f,.w fun,,.,, A ftw im.nl ha iiko n alnrv was piluliMl In Am. H. un paper Ihat a French Kov.-iiiiiient t.ltli'lal hail lie rr.".l lhal women In Frenrh n vuia "h.iiil.l wviir m. .re I'lothen I'ri.liahll he la on a inn l ton. hri-anm. in iwo fevuea M lit Ire apparel of the ho. ua r.inl.l he plar.-.l In i,n p.H k. II.,-. k Thla a..rt ..r llilntr nui.-kly palla on I he American. In I he nil" of rev Ilea. . .,. .,. all I'.ula ia nile.l wllh lillaalan nrlora llil-nan ilanc.ia. Hi..B. 1K,., It'iialan m. 1. 1, nu n anil K ii h n ii ra.ll 'ala The IIimiIiu Viiml. vllle hI.ow at lh" F.-niiiia th. al. r la the heal un Mi" rontlin'iit , (,., ,.,),,. ai.iiin. II... r,.,i hit l..nK rnari-li ..r f.... .-vt- ..... tl." -.-.'UUITH II "..mini: lo lli.t.i.lwny n. l aeaaon F -up I h .l. aleia or pcl.tleta. ,ull r v.iut .ii,,,,, wuin , ch.ap Hav Flt.iil Market i M,.,.i. i. I M. t. tl. l.l l!M IN si: u U ; Ml A I I lilt II (Mill Kent VANVOI VI It. II ( . Aug. in The I ... ,11 l ist,. r.,r hamhuiK"! at-eina to l. (.... .ii. r than lltvir aup pl of in.. it win. which to make 11 A: ii'.t rat... . .,.,t ,,f whale melt ri.mi this p,.,t to I., in,.,,, v at,, rap!. I ly lilccaainir It w.ii sal.l Ihat whale ' ' In the imiuu ' Lmn.i- In It.rinsnv ami that In niai.v raaca il waa a" -'' p.. f.-ire,! to ii, ,,n,,.r ,1(;r,, client. . . , I In l.itot H t,, ,,,., ' ft h.-te r clt ., '.,.'.! m. it. mi '.v,L. i of w little nieiit oir.l the Hoi r No,.r.leilk hortlv n.'i 1 Will foil,,,, N.illi'K li P and ; ,r M li, Dr 'h,i, r:.ctlc ri,v I, i.,,. T,-o tear, 'n practice C..ns:tn frr Suite '- I'.rkn.a It,-,.i,,, n leeiV ii. r in un; t ..iMi i!s v., Mao. ni I.. ' "T en South ' the corner uf 1 Including Or M.'-l r am) v.,. H. rntt. W .tie and "''1,., .Is, i In, ImVnc all . ' ' Su.i.l.tv !,,, , , ITI f.otn i .., ,.. pnrci t-t t'.tt WATLU CO. na. Si, I l Millet'. ,,, II g Aug tl. tin m N'TY 1J.JI1T a Oregon Croivers Set Opening Crop oj Opeuli.K pricea on th 1921 crop of OieKou ptuiiea m-ru aniiounceti thla nioriili.f hy Hit? Oregon Orowwa (.'o-operaiiw aaaociatlon. The Or.-Koit piune clop as eall mated In the Auxuat report of Hie ili'partment of aKriculture, la nearly ; J.UOV.WUU poumla. anil or thla amount Liuuglna county will produce,0.11) pouii.il, uccorUlIlK tu the icpori. The Oit-Kon Oiowt-ra Co-o;a-raiive aaaociatlon will handle ahoul 6u per cent of this tonnaKe. r.alliualna place the California, prune crop at over 2UU.UUU.UUU poumla, M pti cent of which U con tt oiled hy the California Frune and Apricot aaaociaiioii. The Waahlng ton dowers Packing corptration will handle mi per cent of the prune ....... crop in Clark county, w usrungioii, the only prime drying district In that slate. l ite i it 1 1 re slock of 1 1 2 prunea lu the lunula of the Oregon tiiowtra on this coaat waa cleaned up last week when pearly three quartets of a million pounds were sold. However. Oregon Growers Association Ml Apricot Ah.'1i .at. Flanciaco. Selling Hulk Selling Ilufk Selling Hulk Price ilaal Price IJas'j I'ric" liasts :iu in U h Kj 11 1" 'i x In 5ti 9i 7' 94 8 h 7 jti tit) 7V4 6 7i 6 '-v 10 7t f S IV, 6 6 S' 7UJU S i 64 6 vtl fin t 5 5 4 6 V '-i nil Hit) 4 "i! 6 4 6 4 4, Tit"::" prices are about Gc lower year and about O low. r than the last than the i-penlng prifes iiuotetl hy ! year'a opening pries of the Calif. r the Oretfoii (Irowera aaaociatlon Inst ' nia naarclation. Presbyterians Are Winners of Series At a inettluK or the TwIIUbt I -eaKiie di ret lorn lant niht all th bUHineHM htr the year WU.1 Mettled up. lh tt fmlelted Kan if of Hie laMt day ai4 thrown out and Ibu maudiliK now In: V. I,. P. I'rt-Hbyterlan 12 ti tltifi Huptlai 11 6 C46 The deelHlon to eliuiinatu the for .. it tl paine wum unaninnniB. Ar I'm. k. nit i are now under way and io aio btlii k made: for a new ciU-H of Kaiue next Heuson. o ritlNK ,M KKTINCt. Hpeelal railed meeting of all prune -,'rowern, Auk- liotli, ut 2 o'clock, at bo city hall. LOYAL EMKHY. President AltOl ND TIIK TOWN I'i.i Throuu!. - Mrn. A. N. Mu Hi ii and thil.Uen of Honolulu, passed thn.iiKh thin eity inoute north on an auto t. in lo 1'onlaot, Mrn J. K. Hlalr left for rortland .asl evt niiiK to apt nd nt-ternl weeks visitiiiK wllh In r dauKhlt r, who In io.-M.-d In that rlty. Ill I'ioiii Mi.h4ii I. toon Skintorof IumIoii. dheut ,l r,,i, 1,1 " att. ndiiiK t" important huslii.-iw mall r. rrUeti Kpimii lt.ribtn.l Mm t'laude Webb und mm Hilly. med hibt eeuliik; from Ptirlland. i ue win vi-tn ai uie nonie oi ner mother Mrn V. N. I'iuhford. To Atteiitl l-'iinernl Mr. J. t. KM In and four Kiund rhlMien oft this noon for KoseburK !o att nd the funeral of ihe grand i hildri ii'h motluT. Albany leino -rat. Itellinm rnm feetiiiK tJuy 1'lti h I'belpti returned this morning from Cottage Crnw, after ..Milidint; the Methodist fatllp Ilieot- inic, whitb bus been In nt-Msion dur Iiik the pant ten day. Miiitliine i lub le'tn Ihe orh Side Sunshine Club t eterday nfiemoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Stunner on Winchester eet A tfood erow.l was in t-t t. iolance The afternoon ai spt nt I with tuning ami fancv wmk. after b h h ilmtity ref i eshnieu.H wtre terved llabv Ibtrn to Hmier ebleiif Mr mi l M r- Tti om I ; rb t if ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND 11T MI(H. KI iJtlll in t Dalit t.lumn ot Vacation, and ... era Con.luctctl by a Woniaa Who Kiinvta. Aihlrraa y.mr Ulten. to Mra. Kilsburj faro lUmrborg Nrwa-ltrvlrw, Dear Mra, V:llabtiry- ly ntlkl.-a nre vetv latK'' I Ihlnk this ia ,utse, l,v wearing low oho. whl.h I woic thta Inat aiimmcr. What will make litem amall and altiaclive' , ..... ...,.i ,..tt ten t.i now nt pin t wavv in inv natr tnat wtu tas: thr tr four d.ivs? I am atartinr to lt:gh at-htatl tin. winter and will have three or four new dnsse. How shall I have them ntule' am Ft feel ! S inches t ill and 14 . .ira old How much should 1 weigh I'leaae l-rtnt aiiawera to these quest lot; as soon a. rat..i!,l... C.U ATLKl l. RlliL. Oakland tn. na rp young ami Kate mat fully ilflel,irtl ., wltl. h may -ctoiil Ii.r llir iir of your aiikh-w . J.Hi grow nKler Ihet will hhh .)nuitelrltal. ,,u mlaltt near ankle ItNittla, bin I her are ripcnaltr ami I t.tvtil,l n... ailtlar you In wear I Item, ls.tr .ho-, n.tultl n,4 hate any great rrfnl oa )oar anklra. If yttar Association Price on 1921 Oregon Primes there are neatly l.OuO.000 pounds of the atMocluliou'a ptun-a now 1,1 torags lu the iii awaiting aale. Iul it la ekliected that theae will le aol.l by tha middle of Citioi.er ut the lal est. The luhle given l.tlow allows I he net aellltiK price, leas the coat ol boxing, together with the hulk basis price on the various fIzcb. It Kiv" " comparison of ihe prices iii..i.-.i hy the Oregon Ctowera on Italian prunea wllh me ou-ulnr pries on Petite iirunes Just aiinoun.eil hy Ihi California prune ami Apricot asso elation, and with the prices that arc beiug qunlcd hy K i"iihiii t. litoth. ts. an Indeuend.i't linn of S:in Fran Cisco, which owns ihe liragor Fru.i I ...... nn.l u..llj tl.U r.l.l. 1.-1 lllllllfUl , ......r...j anu - by them California prunea have f. r several years sola for fiom -" 2'ir liich er than the Oregon Iialiati prunes This differential is reduced to 'jf per pound In tti" opening piios Just announced. California Prune Huaenhiitg liros llutchlnsou, Kansaf, arH the proud parents or tt Utile daiJKUt.'r, born al Ihe HI. Elizabeth hospital on AuKU.it H, according to anuouin uients re ceived here by their friends. Mra Url'-e wuii foruierly Mrs. Kred M--t;rew and liv a . it Ko.-aebuiB for a number of years. The mother and baby ure doii.K nicely. I lu On ltiiMlnst Mr. and Mr Sam Kelly of Cal- dera Hpent the morning in tins nty uttenditiK tu inatleiG of bu .dm us and shopping. INnilnnfl VlNltorN L. C. .ldno of the On-Run Journal ntHff, und lavid W. liazt-n of the I'ortlund Teleyiam, arrived in Ihe city lust evening to attend to liu liorlunt bUHliuMH it.attor.s. Hen Fitmi INutliind Mrs. Hobort Wood of rortland ar rived In thlH Vity last evening from Portland, to hi it ml u week visiting with frieiiU-s and relaiivi-B. M r Wood Ih a niece oT Chaiies Klehls and .1. O. Now land of this Hty, and hIia will also visit at the homo ol Mies A iiea Pltthfttrd. Sister PavHs Away Word wuh roeed from Mrn. Mary Welch of tlm dt'ath of her his- iter M in. Klizubeth Harrington of ('ru:c- 'allf- ,r9- Harriutiton 1v' a busbund. H. II. Harrington, , anJ ,)n'' ifr. Mrs. Mary eh h I Wn' fnrnierly lived near this t ity. ""vliis. to Ciilifomiu only a few '(ara ano. Q lHctttiiinkii.K mniiiMra(ion I iisH Knther H. Tob y, fee. ntly en- Killed us . xtenslon H. t iali. t In ,ine demonstration w.rk at Ih. (tretin Atrl ultural Ctdlee. will be If,, ,t,W muntv September VI to 11 (to plan home" deinonstratloiirtl work i(iulin-t tireHHinakiim demon j Ntraiitin wuh the ludien at M.dmse , na n n. imv nt i.-r nutu mi,. that desire to hold demonstrations Mtire IkeiiiiHitlratloiiM Annount-etl Two more poultry culling dotnnn stratiitns have bN-n aunouncetl b the county agricultural agenr One will be .Tt Myrtle Creek on commit ni'v fair dav, AuRtlst .". at the J C I'bler ranch, ooe-half mile nortbfast of town The other will be at tb Mirk Haniui ranch near Wilbur oi September 1 The Canyonvllb d.-m onsfration s. h"dnled for AuciMt 21. will be held at the Cornelius MuM hill ranch Just north of Camon1. ill. . ami ihe I train demonstration will le at the ranch of L. S. Compto,, or. ugutt L'7 Word has be. n rec. ivi d that Prof. Hvr Itlnxbouse, a potiltrv Mpert. will be preent nt the Ki 1 I ok K ami Klkton dcmonsiration Ooudrlrh Tlr arrTce. K LockwiviHl Motor Co ?ee na t. OTHERS n little bit natiirnllr liirce iioit,:,... ".ai i ki,,,,, , IM llmt e .,' In youi ' aniail. Il.tvlnu a Ih'.-iiiiv I tatlsi luu M itmre.. t.. Imlr I. M -rt aat to get a Mate Hi nil i viiii i.i.i ,, time. lli.tt rt ei u .. i. ' rui una- litt.l of )imr own Von ,,,' " your hair Mt that It nill u-1 w.it) fir several tbtta. ..n .1 ,i i tell me more almm ihe miertal onr ,lre.., befon. I mil git,. , any .K ia. I. m. lit hn they aliitnl.l !. ...n.ie. v..,, ,,t VK, nH11 lii I A s.iiia. I I Iv. r should die, I. Mi Kllabury. If a :.arrv an l id soldier woman and h. o thaw a fund ife car- "id ahe be entitled a widow . in tv. c, n p. nalon la l her1 f at a anltl.vr a . . n.s penaion la not en. .nil, rr their .u;,,.ort. Wnh l,,, oU. AltW. .h m.viiI.1 k. , t a tm.titn. met w an Male fun, I for this purpw. lucsn STRIKE, ITSTOASTtD Cigarette No cigarette has (he same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike isth toasted cigarette. Wants His money Back 1 can Ihaiik Mr. O llrien. a neigli hor. lot mv lec.iv.i) from severe colic attacks ami si. .math trouble lhal n.-arlv loic. tl li.e to cross the riv.r Jul. Ian. 1 s'nt Ihousands ol dollars in th" past nine years for doctors ami lne.il. ill" ami would hav-i died bin for ni neighbor- ad vice lo u." Mayr's Wonderful Rem edy. I wish 1 ha 1 the money hack 1 apt lit l..r oilier medicine." It Is a simple. Iiaiii.l. is preparation that re moves Ihe caan:ial mucus fiom the iniertinal tract atul allays the in flammation which causes practically ail stoma, h. liv. r and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One do" will convince or money tvfund ed. Druggists everywhere. The ladies of Si. Joseph's parish will hold a sale of home cooked foods at J. V. Casey's office, Satur day. August 201 li. O. a. Itrowti of Cleiiilale is spetid itm several days here atii-ndint; to t.usiness mailers. pi.aciii:s. Ves Peaches whete? One mllu south of Winston bridge Tho price is right, Tito peaches lire rip.;, And a lot on a tree. So come ami Ree. C. II. HOFKMKISTEK, llosehurg, Oregon. Mr. and Mis. K. I,. Curry niitl lr. and Mrs. ( W. l'ayite spent last "venint; lure from l.ttkeview, en rout., to lUlheni Califuinla. SOLID TIU'CK T1RKS pressed on, also COODYKAIt solids In stock at The iU::churt; (laratrn. r, nn.-ylvania Tire Kord Oarage. Service. Ask DAILY VPATnf:R rtErORT. tt. S. Weather Rnrean. fnc.r nrrtca tmet.urit. iir.(n, 21 hour. n.tlna I i. m : I'rvHpl.aflnn In Inch.. an4 Ilna4rerftb. ,,t , st.l.irlv . -I .. ili.il :... , at n ... I.i.t ,p. sin. .. ' I:is tliu'tlt .. - llolU M fust of in, tilth I..I..I l.i .01 Norm. it T,.t ,l l, la ,1 ,te IP nits month. 1,. fr,tm Sept. I, ju SJ.f.H t.'i.ii. i,, rioiii s. ji i. -ti ' o . t - o n. ii. .m .s. j.t t. l-.o .-..v ,,,r ,t w,.t B.a8uii! tJ-.-Pteinher to Mat. Inc.) Jl.j? r.,,. .i to . p. m. tor outhws.tttr. "rt-iron- f..t.i,t - I S:i Ml ty f:l uli.l wrtrnie WILLIAM' IIKI.L. oi.serv. r Ooodrlch line Sen-Ice. A. Lockwood Motor Co. See us. C CITY NF.VVS 0 Moore Music Studio opens Sept. 1. Arundel, piano tunw. rbone 189-L l'ulnli-.a rxtrnrtlon of teeth at room 9, Masoulc temple. Dr. .Nerluu. I.nnsyWanla Tire Service. Ask us. 1-ord Garage. flttndypar Tire Serlte. Ford t.arage. J-i'lr.-ila Corsets titade to ineaatire. ' a.'i i.. can f.ji Templio St. WLSTINCIIiu k natterl.'a for repairinc in,, I a'l cars, also hatter r.-t liarging al Th. Uosebuig Oarage n.m.ly, larage. r Tin- Service. Ford I-'LI'KRAf, and GOODY!' Ml tire, and tul.es. tti all .1,... . V- ,r,! I burg i; t i ue it.:9e a rate. JIM.. yM has 1 chanced to M """ K. .Mentlnger. ' -EOB 1 H)f her InstnuiKHl TECHNOLOGY 1 ihi Vh.vlv Se.,n,, IVp.n.a.a,, I Ml Tl RM DPISS SH'T l 10s, Orcn.n Airricrliural ci', t.vat Mils IBB of ! I Horses and Mules ' Just In from Highway work, will be sold to the hlfhest t.,A the S. P. STOCK YARDS at nosebuig. Oregon, Saturday, Aug. 20, 1921 Thla bunch of horses eonaistg of marea n,i ...i... In weight from 1200 lbs. to 1U00 llw. Ages from 6 t0 1 ! ""t well broke, gentle and In good work order. Sevwal mateh.a " sombe well broke single horses, two good saddle horse. , teams mules, four head of colts uubroke that will mak '.. j lu horses. sale. price. TKHMS )!' SAI.K Simla uniler fao, cash. Sums over $.') a. v.x.littltl tllllA flit ItAltkHltlM lllllM ' A. MILLER, Owner CAL.EATON,Auct BLOW OUT BOOTS WIRE WOVE 3 inch 40 3J inch 50 4 inch 65 4.5 inch 75 5 inch 90 5Air:h $1.10 Till lli:i: LANDS StlOX T 1 110 KXt llAXt; A party of crulseis under the dir e.tion of tit-orge .M. Mcltrldo ure now at work in the l iiipiiua forest muppiitt; and crulsiUK the state land remaiinim; within tin: national forest. This work Is for the purpose of ef fecting an exchange between Ihe I'nlted Slate forest service and the state of Oregon, of Ihe scattered state tinnier lan.l tor Roiin iiiockh or noseniirg I, n race. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVKRTISRMKNTfl WILL HB FOUND 01 Uf. ! WANTED. VANTKI Kuril. shed huuiM by Rent. 1. .N i rliihlrt-ri. 1'hime inurniitKu. WANTKIi WOinati ur Kir! to do Bciv- t-ral lnni?a-f wirk. lJhune ' i I I - w niitH litiuitf oi k. rite Itux n.i;. Ktf i.ui k. MAN WANTKll lu drlvu tt-atn III Hit lulp Willi l-lltll8. 1'llUllH l-tti, VAN'TKl TurKejf ,iarK- or amall, I'liont 14-K-14. Buyer liros. WANTKH AT N'K ftaUrea. Ho.st-liurK Cufeturia. Apply TAll.oitlN'i and dressmaKlnif of all Kin.iti. i-iuintj 1M7-K. Mra. JuthrlUB 'I'ANTKD-Mnn to make fence posts or M.if w. ..... Near town. 1'hone .i-K-J. i: O. Itux 11:4. Kusebui K V A NT K 1 A Kood. modern 6-rooin lum-vf, (d(.e In. I nrurniithtiil. One wild KrtK pifferred. Inquire Bow- Miiin'w lt.--naurnnt. phone 366. W A N I'M 1 1- .Man w ishei in or i. .ok keeping. Nt ws-H. view. ptiMitlon clerk Addreaa Clerk, V a NT Kl To KKNT Farm near Rose 1'uik of -'in- hundred utTea or more, "'Hi pi.niy water, fair buildings. " ill puy t;if.h or crtp rent. Addiesa W H. M. Nary, Iebunon, Oregon. Mar re.ite. OH II ltl KI. WAMKD. UANl Kli To hear from pear and ap ple pa,, kern, experienced. Uood fruit, I'tng fr.iun. Addreaa K O, Box 7, Ku.-tttiurg. 1:1 .m: in ki:i:s wantkd m. p u ' Miitk- Treek. Ore. UAN'JKn- M.in w itirTamily to work 1'. rii. fi.t!f.l. i, M. Aiontaconierv. Oregon. . ri . fev nmip prune p'ekern. - fepi. iu. r Tee wood, KriMiim. riione 41 wiite Ioyal Kmeiy, Mlst'iOXAMiOUS. Warnot k Apartments. 1:1 m; I i hi, i'i;vi:i;.We I i r lniiratit e "1 I.. bv fire. I'lK'fie 417. are writing Protrrt your W. 'W. lOUIIg Vnlir cur rr -n-.tr orina: them to me. ru:iranteed. 8e Hay Km hange, corner Oak l'"lt I I M TKI.KI.IIA-! un. or new man tttement ! illiTV ;;t iie lit "' Pt mo. Ixal 1111. I'httne 41S-U A N I i-Aititi-iiKTi'iiisT" rr .tule.l ,y rtpert nic- Matvli. Motor Kt- a an.i fine. Work AD PorSD. ' ,t'.""..0' rrlnta. Owner , '' ratling at thla -I,, ! 't -ng fr , . FORREST. ,' . -"aragecalj ' ' -let lag,.. 210 ' -'I-T; Kaat lano . 1 I : N T F t i'r n I .T.T" ,r Phone JJT.T ' National B..L .l M1W F'.l; 1 Ntr.ly :Jh'n f.irnl.bt rtKiroV Phona tt.j Public Auction Sail Car Load of Work SAI.K STARTS AT 1:00 O'CUKK bit Alt , 0"V1 Ikd If you are golnK to need a good horse or team com. . . This stock will be sold to tho highest bid.ier r.!J? "r regard) MOTOR SHOP GARACR INNER LINERS ALL SIZES 30x3.$ ?l50 31x3$ 2! 31x4 9tf 32x4 oj 33x4 X4. 3.50 WESTINGHQUSE BATTERIES timln r lan.l. There are al 10,240 acres of state land, n through tho l itipqua natlomlitiM :i u . WIItL DKI.IVKIt 1.L.H11EE. Maynard and Jcnks of Otafcl will deliver rough or 4smn (mi, tor fju per luuu. TJMKEN and HYATT rolHrto lugs for cars and truck, it tJ PAGH DNDRR BKADINU iJIRW TODAY." HOUSE Foil Itf'N T roomi J. i Ittiyite, :tlj K. I'hm itrnL IVi-l .In-L, KOU SAMC wagon, j, 'i Inch OneubtfHrl M. J iithl I'Ull KAUK Itia. kh. rrlfi, nr tlty. itoaelmi g t'loJiite Co. Tl : Ft "It SAI.K lot n innln tnj U-l Hunxhlne itaiuh. l'htne 41-Kt HAV FOlt S5AI.K 111 Jer ton. r'armei a' K ha n KyL uf phuat U-t . KOH 8ALK CHKAP 191S FordWil car. Inquire Servtce Uarate. FOR SALK 300(J feet of 1 lM ond hand pipe. Kyi burg fiuaul and lleuting Co. fr'OK HAIaK Kt.rtl tielivery car. tl r camp grtniml.t, uet enJ. CiJ -'' I live evening. HVIA KOK SAI-K Yearling ro.1 ic I ham bull. PiKelOv. WfiBiil 'bUO lbs. A.ltIi.- ii. V. VauKBLW I onville. thegmi. V(U'lt VALVKS nn-und and a? I cleaned. lteoiiahle raltta. r1,, rulii.u.l ami ii.liiivl.-il Sf Kir iw- Motor Kxt-hatiMi-. enrntr Qa ti fi tit MALI- 1 rniiiht Coll Old. boulette. an.l U. lame. UK. 01 or phone 14-F34. .vtif a a i.i. 1 1 An ini vi a ri Ilr.vl.l-..,, .,.t..r. vcie in f td CM tl..., !!..... '.. II or call at W I Main St. aft r ti p. m. UOIMlh: CAU for aale chMp. "fj! (i nul. l a. iHili iiflr riua. I Service Uarago. KOIt HAlyK 10U tuna vt flrt ci- I a ihi cneai nay. a. ,L ltimeburg. Ore. It F. VAJZ HOi:S your radiator Irak er J" end lieetl H.l.oi-iina. ' - - I ttiern to me. Hay llafb. "" chango. corner tiak aridl. 1 l.lue aeige, si- . '"',,.,. I ted. aire ::v I".'P once. Hi. ..I, urg I'lcnnarJ. - koii SAi.f: oit T'",-:-rt',;'i"1a vitluea in uat'U car. ai- I Motor Ha. limit'.'. K. 1 I Weat link St. Kult SAl.K-n r .:i l'l";d,.';,T. ram nn Yt.ir "I'l " ' 1.1ft I tho plaie. K. J- . : mtw I KOIt HAL.K Anil'ira p- - & female. Ilegtuier-fl. J; BJ bred anoca. j. - - ' Orearon. run rrtir. ' -i limit sound and in tr l; .t. 2:00. will f.. ii f-r " ; V. Whit. OUhi.iU'i. f rorn ttiwn. etiilty In lif b t n. lUIaiK intt ret ft"" iu to"1 t p1 be had If 733 fobb St. . ..h fk)aV It 11. M. r" KANt'ii nm lira. I- I'." !' , ,..m act Mlaa ', aouth or acres bottom ar (3.n1 7-rnm n i.e. " r irtty '!. outbulldlnsta. tlon. Trite f 1ox Fra" ,, Al" , Iflt; KOIt HAI.K-N-" In perfect cemli'i""; A1H -J plow, mi, - . r kur for pt.me. ne. o. coat Apply t" .at .a